How to learn to joke well. How to develop a sense of humor: exercises, books, practical advice

Have a great mood everyone!

It is important for any girl to be the center of attention. Firstly, it increases her self-esteem, and secondly, it helps her meet more people. Well, who knows, her future husband might also be among her new acquaintances.

Girls get what they want different ways. Some people want to look bright compared to their friends. Bright clothes and makeup make her stand out from the crowd. But this approach will not make it central figure a team.

Others chatter incessantly, telling everyone about everything. Such girls quickly become boring. Well, think for yourself, you came to talk, but instead you are waiting for an hour-long monologue about how a girl had chickenpox as a child. Boring.

Who I would prefer is a girl with a sense of humor. And that doesn't mean she has to tell jokes around the clock. It is important that she is able to joke or even laugh at the situation or her shortcomings in any situation. It is with such girls that I, as a man, feel very easy and comfortable.

Often I met girls who were completely devoid of a sense of humor or carefully hid it. Honestly, you feel tense and uncomfortable with them. Every second you think about what to say or do so as not to offend her.

Surely girls are already wondering what a sense of humor is and what to do if they don’t have it. I answer. A sense of humor is an acquired property. Do you think that all comedians and KVN-ki are born joking? Not at all. They learned this. And if they learned it, then you can do it too. So go ahead!

Before you start learning to joke in any situation, you need to analyze what set of qualities you need to have. I will state my point of view.

  1. Girls who know how to joke about themselves and about the current situation are, first of all, smart. Yes, yes, smart. Can't see the connection? Well, the silly ones have appropriate jokes. Forgive me, please.
  2. Girls should be sincere. Why? Yes, because their thinking is not clouded by any prejudices and this helps them joke kindly.
  3. A girl with a sense of humor is independent and amazes with the courage of her statements. Well, how could it be otherwise? If a girl is afraid to say something unnecessary and depends on the opinions of others, then there is no time for jokes. It is impossible to relax in such an environment. For words with humor for men, see the link.
  4. The fair sex is all right with self-esteem. She will not be offended by a joke in her direction, moreover, she will respond in kind.

Like I said, you need to be able to joke. This can be learned based on certain rules:

  • dear girls, do not make people’s feelings the subject of your jokes;
  • do not joke about death, illness, etc., even if we're talking about about the death of a guy's beloved hamster. Believe me, during his lifetime he was his friend. Personally verified;
  • your jokes can be based on real life situations;
  • You don’t always need to joke, it gets boring;
  • do not allow vulgarity in jokes;
  • joke in a way that makes sense to everyone, not just you;
  • It doesn’t matter if your joke was not understood, this is not a reason to repeat it several times and try to explain what you meant;
  • If you are not confident in your successful joke, don’t joke, otherwise you will spoil the mood for yourself and others.

The most important stage is the beginning. So in wit, the main thing is to start with yourself. Learn to laugh at yourself, then others will appreciate your wit.

Laugh at yourself

Girls, no matter how sad it may sound, but no. ideal people. This means that shortcomings are a reason to joke about yourself. It's even useful. Firstly, you will learn to accept yourself as you are and will not fall into prolonged depression when someone points them out to you. Secondly, if you accept this joke and appreciate it, then this is the first step towards success.

Don't know where to start? Start simple. Compare yourself, for example, with any item or furniture in the apartment. Imagine that you are soul mates, find a flaw and describe it in a humorous way. And do it until you succeed. Don't be discouraged if it takes a while.

Is it annoying to take the subway to work, but don’t want to visit someone in the rain? Very in vain. This can be put to good use. Think about what makes you happy on your commute to work. There may be music in the subway and bus, or a cheerful driver or fellow traveler. What is the color of your umbrella? It is bright and rich. You walk under it and imagine that it’s like the sun is above you.

Learn to draw parallels between events and look for some associations in what is happening. This will stick firmly in your memory. And if suddenly a situation occurs that is associated with something pleasant, then the girl will be able to joke without hesitation.

Thought must be quick

For girls to make a joke successful and appropriate, they need to learn to think quickly. Agree, joking about the situation ten minutes later will be at least strange and inappropriate. With such an approach, you are unlikely to earn the reputation of a girl with a sense of humor.

Develop yourself

You will learn more about how to become smart here.

Jokes shouldn't be monotonous. I am not calling for making the ability to joke in any situation an end in itself and attending trainings and seminars on this topic. Surprised they exist? Yes, such events are held and quite successfully.

Charisma comes first

Probably everyone has seen a scene where a girl made a seemingly relevant and funny joke, but the audience turned a deaf ear to her joke. What's the matter? The problem is that the girl is not confident in herself and is not perceived as an individual. Often, female leaders can joke at the wrong time, but the joke is accepted and this relaxes the atmosphere. Develop as a person and you will succeed too.

Make jokes in a pleasant atmosphere

In order to learn how to joke in any environment, first learn to joke in a friendly company. These could be classmates, department employees, or close friends. With them, the girl feels relaxed, and therefore the jokes come out more original and funnier.

Smart magazines and websites on psychology advise finding yourself a role model and trying to copy him. I'm skeptical about this. Every person is an individual. What a comedian does funny is not a fact that he can convey it to another person. And if this does not work, then the joke will look like an antics and a parody.

When constructing a joke, I would advise girls to use comparisons that no one expects. For example, she is so similar to the Venus de Milo: old, without arms and without teeth. Be ironic. A colleague received a promotion. Everyone around is congratulating. And a girl can come up, sympathetically put her hand on her shoulder and look devotedly into her eyes and quietly ask: “Well, did you jump?” Believe me, it will be simply impossible not to smile.

Wit is actually an art. But if the ability to sing or draw is not accessible to everyone, then there are no barriers to jokes. There are no girls who don’t know how to joke, they’re just embarrassed to do it. And wit develops. And this is exactly what you need to be the center of attention in any society and company.

In order to properly develop your sense of humor, you must first understand what this humor is and “what it is eaten with.”

Human most spends his time in one circle of people. These could be either relatives, friends, or colleagues. The purpose of communicating with different categories is different. Each of these layers has different interests and terminology. It would not be appropriate to joke with a philologist on a purely medical topics, and also using the characteristic black humor of doctors. They simply will not understand you and may even mistake you for a rude and callous person.

First, analyze what interests your constant companions and try to develop your wit in this area.

And to become interesting for all people, think about what jokes would be universal for both a miner and a teacher.

And also be interested not only in generally accepted ones, but also expand your knowledge about certain specific ones that are understandable only to specific group people, jokes. Then you can easily find a reason to joke with any person.

Play with words.

The simplest and easy method Bringing a smile to your interlocutor's face is a play on words.

You just need to practice rearranging the letters in words to make them sound funny.

You can add a dose of modernity to already established sayings,

for example, “no matter how much you feed the wolf, everything hangs on the internet.”

Also adding to the comedy is the discrepancy between thoughts and words.

More than one housewife has had to say: “I just have to wash the borscht and cook the things.”

Don't be afraid to experiment with words and their meanings. Play with them like a child plays with cubes, add them, rearrange them, change them.

Be ironic.

Irony will help you become sharp-tongued.

It is best if you learn to use it first on yourself, otherwise inappropriate use of it may offend another person.

Irony appears where there is a collapse between a person's expectations and the actual state of affairs.

Appreciate the ability to use irony. It will often help not only to become more witty person, and also to survive difficult moments of life.

Make fun of yourself.

If you don’t know a person well and need to keep the conversation going, then make fun of yourself.

Don’t be afraid to seem funny; it’s not at all scary to show some of your little failures to people and laugh at it yourself.

It will be much worse if you hide this failure within yourself and spin it to a universal scale.

Make fun of yourself; others will happily laugh at such a joke and, as a rule, will not take it seriously. So your reputation will not collapse.

Look for commonality in the opposite and talk about it.

When you want to talk fun, long, witty and most importantly - about nothing, then try to find common features in vodka and man.

Carol never answered the question in the book about what the crow and the table have in common, but it did provide food for many humorists and curious minds.

Develop in yourself alternative view look at things, look at the familiar from a different angle, give things interesting characteristics.

The main thing is to make a joke on time.

The timeliness of a joke is already 50 percent of its success.

If you miss even a few seconds, then the situation will lose its relevance, and your wit will seem inappropriate.

React instantly while the situation is only at its zenith. Don’t be upset if you miss a good moment and a good “sharp” answer appears in your head. Remember it, this will happen again, and many different humorous situations await you.

Also, the concept of “making a joke on time” should be understood about the appropriateness of humor. You may feel funny in any situation, but this does not mean that the other person is also having fun. There is no need to try to cheer up a person at a funeral with some “sharp” phrases. Jokes on religious theme also very thin and by different people are perceived differently. This also applies to politics.

Collect jokes, witticisms and anecdotes.

To facilitate the process of generating new ones in your head humorous phrases and comments, try to remember funny quotes from books, films, from other people.

And also learn to retrieve them from your memory in time.

Watch humorous programs, read jokes, observe those around you.

The ability to joke makes a person attractive and interesting. 7 are described here simple steps, helping you learn to joke and be cheerful in any company and situation.

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Either you have the personal and natural wit to make people laugh, or you are just one person in the crowd laughing at other people's natural wit.

Nothing can look more pathetic than a person trying to joke and be funny, but clearly failing at it.

His jokes are not entirely successful. He says something inappropriate in the hope that he will hear laughter. The joke comes at the wrong time because he can't read the audience correctly.

For those who have not learned to joke “naturally”, the fear of being this pathetic buffoon is enough to always keep oneself in the role of a straight person in any situation. You can be an appreciative audience without the risk of looking ridiculous.

But the point is that we all have a sense of humor inside. Even the most shy and introverted people have the ability to entertain other people with their wit.

You don't have to make jokes and make a funny face all the time. in the world of comedy, he knows how to joke and be cheerful, but more subtle humorists express their humor practically without using facial expressions.

There are so many ways to learn how to joke and make others laugh. Whether you were born with a natural sense of humor or not, you can develop and improve your ability to use your humor to entertain others, become more outgoing, and increase your self-confidence.

So, how to learn to joke:

  1. Be true to yourself

  2. There are different types humor: sharp, eccentric, subtle, etc. To learn how to joke and entertain people, start expanding your types of humor in the direction that feels best for you.

    If you're more introverted or quiet, start with more subtle forms of humor, such as crazy wit or hilarious game process. If something funny happened during your day, tell the story to other people their in your own words, creating a funny moment and anticipation from the audience.

    Sometimes those who are quieter can surprise their listeners with their unexpected wit and humorous observations.

  3. Understand your audience

  4. There's nothing worse than wasting a great joke on the wrong audience. What one person finds funny may be deeply offensive to another.

    Telling a dirty joke in church is not the best best idea. Being sarcastic with someone who takes things literally or is simply insecure can be harmful or drive you apart.

    Before you try to joke and entertain the audience funny story, learn to feel like the person or people you communicate with. If you're just dating these people or don't know them well, stick to safer, more subtle humor until you're sure they appreciate your real edgy humor.

  5. Timing is everything

  6. A funny story told at a funeral becomes ridiculous. If you want to learn how to joke, you must understand that interesting humor at the wrong time becomes a missed opportunity for a good laugh. A joke told in a noisy bar dissolves in noise and music.

    The right timing isn't just about choosing the right time and place for a particular joke, it's also about the right moment. There are nuances of timing that can make a funny situation or story downright funny.

    “You can increase laughter by using a pause to emphasize the delivery of a joke,” says writer John Kande in an article recommended for toastmasters. “For example, you can raise your eyebrows. Sometimes a pause can be used to “take the joke”—a physical response to a situation. Some comedians stop to express laughter, doing a slow, wide one with the audience from one side of the room to the other."

    So, to learn how to make witty jokes, you must remember that choice best moment when you share your humor, and the use of facial expressions in right time, can make the difference between an uncomfortable joke and one filled with stomach-aching laughs.

  7. Be a careful observer

  8. Start paying more attention humor and absurdity of life. Notice how people interact and talk. pay attention to crazy stories happenings in news and world affairs. This will help you learn how to joke correctly about everyday topics.

    Look for humorous, painful truths, or general pitfalls in the areas of life where you find them most often: money, sex, politics, marriage, family and the human condition.

    Some famous comedians have a knack for making jokes about some of the most mundane aspects of life, they find the commonality we all experience and point out the obvious yet absurd aspects of it. They then deliver the joke with a deadpan tone of voice and facial expression that somehow makes it even funnier.

    If you find something strange, insensitive, or funny, chances are others will find it too. Learn to notice some of these humorous subtitles of life and share them with an appreciative audience.

    If you want to learn something, study those who are already successful at it - and that includes learning how to joke. You can easily follow many comedians on YouTube. in social networks and television. Pay attention to what makes you laugh and analyze why it was funny.

    Was it the theme, the context, the presentation, the style of humor? Why did it become funny to you, and how can you make this joke your own?

    Look for comedians whose style and demeanor reflect your personality and sense of humor. This will teach you to be true with your personal wit. Then combine what you observed and develop your own style.

  9. Learn to laugh at yourself

  10. We all love a good laugh. And if a person in a group is able to say something funny or embarrassing about themselves, it will allow other people in your group to treat embarrassing situations as funny stories.

    The ability to confidently joke about one's own shortcomings is extremely attractive quality. Just because you said something humorous about yourself doesn't mean you're pathetic or untrustworthy. This means sharing the human condition with humor, which is inherently flawed and absurd.

  11. Practice and improve

  12. Humor, like everything else, improves with practice. When you're learning to tell jokes, pay attention to which jokes work and which ones don't. Start with a “safe” audience of family or close friends with whom you can joke around without losing your dignity.

    Practice enough to tell stories funny stories or jokes became second nature.

    Improve humorous stories or comments by changing the timing and style of conveying information, as well as using facial expressions and creating intriguing anticipation among people.

    With practice you will master your own style of humor and its delivery, which will unique only for you.

There are many good reasons to learn how to joke. Using humor and jokes makes you more interesting and attractive. This enhances your powers of observation and creativity. This makes you more confident in groups and in one-on-one interactions. It also reduces stress and improves mental well-being.

Learning to joke is about inviting other people to participate in yours safely and happily. inner world. This is creating contact with other people, uniting you and uniting you.

“I love people who make me laugh,” says actress Audrey Hepburn. “I honestly think that’s what I enjoy most, laughing. It cures many diseases. This is probably the most important thing in a person.”

3 Jokes That Will Make People Adore You

Nadya Zima

Copywriter and journalist. Interests - fiction, culture and psychology.

From joy and euphoria to gloating and bitterness, laughter can express the entire spectrum of human emotions. If we try to control manifestations of anger consciously, then a sincere smile usually does not meet psychological barriers and, appearing spontaneously on the face, becomes a clue to the personality.

The cheerfulness of a person is the most outstanding feature of a person, with legs and arms. It takes a long time to figure out a different character, but the person will laugh very sincerely, and his whole character will suddenly appear in full view. Only with the highest and happiest development can a person know how to have fun sociably, that is, irresistibly and good-naturedly.

F. M. Dostoevsky, “Teenager”

How quiet people and ambitious people laugh

To correlate the manner of laughing with a person’s inherent character traits, you don’t have to be a psychologist. Observe people from your close circle, and you will notice that the smile of each of them corresponds to the image already formed in your imagination. ABOUT personal qualities the accompanying laughter and facial expressions speak volumes.

  • Covering your mouth with your palm indicates that the person is not too confident in himself and is trying not to attract undue attention. Most likely, he is sensitive to, prone to reflection and soul-searching.
  • Throwing back the head indicates that the person laughing is open to new things, easily gets involved in what is happening and enjoys life. He is not offended by trifles and tends to see the world in a rosy light, often possessing leadership qualities.
  • Theatrical grimaces and emotional body movements indicate that this is an ambitious person. He knows how to infect with fun, but craves full feedback from the audience in the form of everyone's attention and compliments. Despite his apparent openness, he can be distrustful and cautious.
  • Capricious and childish people laugh, wrinkling their nose. They have seven Fridays a week. They tend to change their views, hobbies and priorities.
  • If a person suppresses a smile, this indicates that he controls emotions, is as collected as possible, and this prevents him from enjoying the moment. Such people know how to achieve their goals, but nevertheless need the support of loved ones.

Humor and its targets

A developed sense of humor is one of the most desirable qualities modern man. Our ability to respond to the funny and make jokes is tested at every step - during employment, joining new team, communicating with friends and starting relationships with the opposite sex. Stock up on a couple of jokes for different contexts, and you can fill an awkward pause in an original way and make a favorable impression.

How to develop a sense of humor

A good sense of humor can be considered a form of giftedness, but, like any other talent, it can be developed. Even if you need a sign that says "Sarcasm", make inappropriate jokes and take other people's witticisms literally, you have a chance to become the life of the party.

The means of comedy available to everyone were described by teacher and inventor Yuri Tamberg in the book “How to Develop a Sense of Humor.” Here are some universal tips, following which you can learn not only to make sparkling jokes, but also to simply enjoy life.

1. Learn to see the comic

Witness presupposes the ability to distinguish good from bad - to know the norms of behavior and recognize deviations from them. You can joke about stupidity, laziness, careerism, greed, immaturity and others human vices. But when making fun of shortcomings, do not get personal - humor should remain kind.

2. Use associations

Learn to find commonality between dissimilar phenomena. The ability to draw paradoxical analogies will help you make witty jokes and look at the world from a different angle.

Remember school curriculum. Trails and stylistic figures(metaphors, metonymies, hyperboles, personifications, rhetorical questions) is an excellent basis for a witty remark.

3. Don't be afraid of the absurd

“Irresistible stupidity” uttered at the right moment can defuse the situation. People with a sense of humor will definitely notice logical fallacy and will appreciate your ingenuity.

4. Try rhyming

Jokes in poetic form are remembered for a long time and speak about the versatility of the author. Few people know that the master of this genre was A.S. Pushkin (“I am captivated, I am enchanted, in a word, I am enchanted!”).

For those who are not amenable to classical rhyme, there are the genres of Internet folklore “pie” and “powder” (lazy, fat and cheerful / the seal is lying on the shore / I’m not a seal, but in the same way / I can).

5. Expand your horizons

Wide erudition contributes to the development of a sense of humor - communicate with smart people, replenish lexicon.

6. Fight the enemies of humor

Do not allow yourself to become discouraged, give up the idea that negativity prevails in the world, and find time to relax, because mental and physical fatigue discolors life.

Having learned to joke witty and aptly, you can win over any audience, save yourself and those around you from the autumn blues and survive any life's troubles. Remember that many doors open for those who go through life laughing.

Do you think that a sense of humor and the ability to joke is given to a person from birth and cannot be developed? This opinion is not entirely correct - several tips, exercises and instructions that allow you to develop wit can be cited as evidence.

I note that many of the tips are not immediately implemented, but require quite a long time to apply.

How to develop resourcefulness and wit. Be positive

Look at life with positive side- To some extent, this worldview can be learned from children. You should be able to laugh at yourself and try to completely get rid of complexes. A cheerful person will subconsciously radiate a positive mood, which will certainly be passed on to others.

How to develop resourcefulness and wit. Enrich your vocabulary

  • Enrich your own vocabulary - many jokes are based on wordplay, so it’s worth developing your own speech, reading as much as possible more books, pronounce various tongue twisters.
  • Be sure to follow the news latest events, scientific discoveries- all this will broaden your horizons, allowing you to apply the information received in a playful and humorous form.

How to develop resourcefulness and wit. Think associatively

  • Develop associative thinking - you can train anywhere and in any environment - choose an object or phenomenon and try to come up with as many ideas as possible more words associated with this thing or event.
  • Daily training in just a couple of weeks will allow you to make comparisons and clever puns almost instantly, without much thought.

How to develop resourcefulness and wit. Work on your serve

Learn to present a joke correctly - half the success depends not so much on the content of the remark, but on the person’s facial expression, intonation, and style of presentation.

  • Even the most funny joke narrated in a dull and boring voice will not make the audience laugh.
  • At the same time, if you laugh and cackle during the story or gasp, the listeners simply may not understand what you are talking about.
  • Work on your diction - speech should be clear, without hesitation or stuttering.
  • Read aloud more, pay attention to the timbre of the voice and the manner of telling the jokes of famous comedians.
  • Learn to speak loudly, clearly and measuredly, without threatening intonation.
  • Those with a soft and melodious voice endear themselves to the people around them thanks to the pleasant notes of their voice.

How to develop resourcefulness and wit. Be relevant

Try to show humor appropriately - the success of a joke depends on the place and time.

  • It is extremely important to be able to assess the situation in a matter of seconds and find a few necessary words. The same phrase, but said a minute later, may seem completely unfunny. This skill is mastered in the process of communication, if you have shortcomings with this, then look at the material: improving sociability.
  • Don't repeat the same joke twice - if the audience didn't laugh sincerely the first time, they will smile after telling it again. best case scenario out of pity for the comedian.

How to develop resourcefulness and wit. Be brave

Don’t be afraid to be funny - moderate your own pride, try on your own or with the help of loved ones to find something funny in your character and behavior.

  • Perhaps it will be some kind of ridiculous habit or manner - the main thing is that it looks fun and unusual.
  • These may be atypical eating habits (for example, the ability to eat a few slices of lemon and not wince), or habits (walking without an umbrella even in the heaviest rainfall).

Don’t be afraid to improvise - even if a certain part of the jokes are unsuccessful, you will learn from your own experience to understand the correctness and appropriateness of humor. Try to avoid jokes about people's religious, national or racial characteristics, especially if they concern those present.
