My attitude to Pechorin’s action. My attitude towards Pechorin (based on the novel by M

Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov’s novel “Hero of Our Time”, in my opinion, unusual phenomenon literature as such and, in particular, literature of the 19th century century. This work, like no other, makes the reader think, reason, delve into the thoughts and feelings of the characters, try to understand and explain their actions. The story told by Lermontov is fascinating, as interesting game because almost all people love riddles...

And the main mystery in the work, of course, remains the image of Pechorin. This is undoubtedly a multifaceted, voluminous, ambiguous character, and the author’s goal is to reveal it as fully as possible in all possible manifestations. It’s remarkable how the writer implements his idea: it’s as if he analyzes Pechorin, puts his actions, thoughts, and feelings on the scales. The reader gets acquainted with both the impressions of the people surrounding the hero, with the events that actually happened, and with his state of mind, by the course of reasoning, inside, the reverse side of his life. This helps to understand who the hero of our time is.

Even in the preface, Lermontov says that the hero of our time is “... a portrait made up of the vices of the entire... generation, in their full development.” Therefore, from the very beginning, the image of Pechorin is perceived as entirely negative, which is subsequently confirmed by his actions and views. But, in my opinion, one should not have an unambiguously negative attitude towards this hero, because it is no coincidence that the author ends the preface like this: “It will also be that the disease is indicated, but God knows how to cure it!” I think this is precisely why Pechorin cannot be condemned categorically: one should feel sympathy rather than hostility towards people suffering from any illness. And in in this case the hero was indeed struck by a disease, but not a physical one, but a spiritual one, common in modern writer society, a disease whose echoes have not disappeared to this day.

So what is this amazing, incomprehensible disease? And why society so easily succumbed to his influence: Obviously, this is disappointment in ideals, boredom, aimlessness of existence, inability to find the meaning of one’s life, coldness of feelings, selfishness, indifference. Yes, perhaps these are the causes, symptoms, and results of a disease that consists entirely of defects.

Pechorin seems to be an extraordinary, albeit negative, personality, although he is only typical representative, collectively society. And he personally evokes in me sympathy, compassion and even some sympathy. At first incomprehensible and intriguing, the image of Pechorin is revealed, exposed, all his many shortcomings and undoubted advantages become obvious, such as: a sharp analytical mind, determination, insight, deep knowledge human soul. Thanks to a detailed acquaintance with the character of the hero, we get the opportunity not only to more objectively evaluate, but also to understand his actions, once we understand, then at times to justify, even forgive. And sometimes - just agree.

My more positive than negative assessment of this image is most likely due to the fact that Pechorin is written by the author not as a cold-blooded, calculating villain who deliberately destroys people's destinies, but as a person gifted by fate with many talents and virtues, but due to the illness that struck him, he was unable to realize them, develop in the direction called good. It is quite obvious that his soul is spoiled, that he is often the voluntary or involuntary cause of the suffering of others, but it cannot be said with certainty that the hero himself does not experience torment: Pechorin often talks about himself, about his life, his internal dialogues are conversations judge and criminal, he strictly examines his feelings and passions, indifferently passing sentences. However, this person also knows how to suffer.

But I also cannot disagree with the fact that Pechorin is the personification of cruelty: he feeds on the feelings that others have for him, but he himself does not know how to truly disinterestedly love or wish for good. This, apparently, is also a consequence of selfishness and indifference. In some situations, Pechorin's behavior causes condemnation, misunderstanding, fear, in others - admiration and empathy. You can’t help but think about what would have happened if the hero had used his abilities for good, if he had found a real goal... Most likely, he would not have broken down spiritually, which is especially clearly reflected by the author in the chapter “Maksim Maksimych”, he would not have died like that early, could definitely become positive character, a man of action, capable of achieving happiness...

Thus, my attitude towards Pechorin is ambiguous. This image is very interesting, multifaceted, it can be evaluated, it can be argued about ad infinitum. Pechorin is interesting to unravel, to weigh his actions; he fascinates with his complexity, behind which there is emptiness. On the one hand, he makes a repulsive impression, he is poisonous, evil, on the other hand, even this evil is attractive in its own way, especially if you understand that you will not happen to meet just such a person in reality. And it pleases.

With a deeper assessment, Pechorin evokes compassion, empathy, and sadness because it would be simply impossible to correct his fate, just as it is impossible to save a dying person from an incurable disease.

Pechorin, with his existence on the pages of the novel by Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov, reminds us that even today, perhaps, such characters can be found, albeit under a different mask, but no less dangerous. The author wisely did not indicate a cure, and therefore, apparently, everyone should independently think about this problem and try to save... at least themselves!

Contents of the essay:

My attitude towards Pechorin.
Why is he a hero of his and our time?
For more than a century and a half, M. Yu. Lermontov’s novel “A Hero of Our Time” has been living in Russian literature. Isn't it outdated for our time? How can it be useful for the generation of people at the beginning of the 21st century? Lermontov named his novel very well; the reader is already, as it were, warned in advance about the modernity of his hero. What is the secret of this novel's longevity? The very longevity of the work already indicates that it is a great work. It has outgrown the boundaries of its time due to the fact that it great artist Lermontov showed the most important laws human life, which operate in our lives. In the novel, the characters ask the most important questions, solve not immediate, but eternal problems, which people have thought about in the past, are thinking about now and will think about in the future.
What are these questions? First of all, about the meaning of life. How differently the characters in “A Hero of Our Time” treat them: they either think about them or don’t know them at all.
But first of all, I want to understand what the writer means by the concept of “hero”, which meaning is used in the novel? Because central place in the novel is assigned to Pechorin, then this word refers primarily to him. Is it possible to say about Pechorin that he is “a man outstanding for his courage and valor, selflessly performing feats”? His courage is confirmed in the novel by Maxim Maksimych, who witnessed how Pechorin alone “went to kill a wild boar.” But “dedication” and “feats” - these concepts clearly have nothing to do with his life. He himself in his journal, which is like a confession to himself, says that he never sacrificed anything for anyone. Even in love. He loved only himself, or someone for his own sake, or his own pleasures. And his incredibly brave actions: the abduction of Bela, duels, romance novels— you can’t call them feats, because they brought death or extreme suffering to people. And he himself notices this and says: “How many times have I played the role of an ax in the hands of fate, like an instrument of execution I have fallen on the heads of the doomed: often without malice, always without regret...” “Without malice” means not accidentally, not under the influence passion, but cold and calculating. “Always without regret” is especially scary about him, that is, he is completely indifferent to human grief, and moreover, this is the constant state of his soul: an icy desert that has covered all living things under a layer of permafrost.
He realized that he was the cause of many, many troubles and even tragedies for all those who came into contact with him. As if his main occupation is to make people unhappy: Bela and Grushnitsky die, Princess Mary suffers seriously, Bela’s father, who is killed by Kazbich, becomes a victim of Pechorin’s treachery, Maxim Maksimych is deeply offended in his friendly feelings for Pechorin, life is disrupted “ honest smugglers“, and the blind boy is left completely alone, and this also turns into a tragedy for him. What was the purpose of all these actions? Why did he interfere in someone else's life and destroy it? Out of boredom and for your own pleasure! All this makes this person extremely unattractive and dangerous to society, because in order to get pleasure, he transgresses not only moral laws, not only goes against his conscience, but also commits criminal offenses. And although no one punishes him, the crimes are committed! And the most unpleasant thing is that he does not feel any guilt, but justifies himself by the bad morals in society, which allegedly spoiled him. But just as a disease does not affect a strong body, so external influences will not have a bad influence on a strong soul with high morality. This means that his soul turned out to be weak, not rooted in goodness! Self-justification has a terrible result: he has nothing against being an instrument of execution for others. He likes power over people, he likes to torture people - all this is a consequence of terrible pride, which torments him, because he also does not experience happiness. The boredom of life haunts him, torments him, pushes him into senseless adventures at the risk of his life, and in the end he dies, because he has nothing to live for, all the strength of his soul has been exhausted for empty entertainment. He never found the high meaning of his life, which he suspected and for the sake of which he was given intelligence, health and mental strength. Life was wasted in vain, did not bear good fruits, did not leave behind good memory. And this is the hero?
There is also the meaning of the word “hero” - “a person who embodies character traits era or environment." Pechorin stands out among the characters in the novel; he seems strange to both the kind Maxim Maksimych and the traveling officer on whose behalf the story about Pechorin is told. What makes him stand out? Everyone around him lives and enjoys life, without thinking about its meaning. Pechorin thinks about this and analyzes his actions, unlike others. This speaks of him as a person of a deeper nature than the people around him, of a more high level development of his consciousness. It’s not enough for him to just live, like animals live, he needs to live for something. But he could not grow to answer the question about the meaning of life. He followed the path of “living for pleasure”, which was suggested to him by modern society, and he walked along this path the farthest and discovered at the end of the path - a dead end. And the only way out of the dead end is up! But he has not grown up to God. Life without God is life without meaning; it is not life, but suicide. So, can Pechorin be called a “hero” in the sense of “ characteristic representative society? Unlikely. He is the only one in the novel. But perhaps there are more and more people like this in life? Pechorin is an image-symbol. He convincingly shows that life for pleasure is devoid of meaning, happiness, leads to crime and, ultimately, to death.
There are two more meanings in the word “hero”, and it seems to me that they explain the meaning of Pechorin’s image: he is “the main thing actor"in the novel and "a person who attracted attention", in this case Lermontov, with his originality and outstanding abilities, or "a person who is the subject of admiration and imitation." Lermontov clearly likes his hero, he admires his courage, his knowledge of people, his intelligence. He sympathizes and justifies his hero, and yet shows the inevitability of his death, because secular pleasures dried up his heart, making him incapable not only of love, but also of friendship. He completely lost interest in the service. He is indifferent to everything and everyone, he is dead in soul.
Pechorin is a hero not only of his time, but also of our time. Since then, little has changed in people's lives. Just as then Pechorin was one of the few who thought about the meaning of life and the purpose of man, so now there are few such people. And now people who live by the principle “Live for the good of your neighbor!” - seem strange to the bulk of people who live their lives who live by their own principle: “Live to the fullest!” Just as in the time of Lermontov, the ideals of society were wealth, career and fame, so now people live mainly to acquire material wealth, achieve ranks and awards by all means, and are quite happy with this. And few among them are happy, because only service high goals and ideals, self-sacrifice for them, love for people, a sense of fulfilled duty give a feeling of happiness and fullness of life!

In his work entitled “Hero of Our Time,” M. Yu. Lermontov demonstrates the features society XIX century using the example of a collective character - Pechorin. He is the main character in the novel. His talent, as well as his vices, are strikingly evident to the reader.

How is the attitude towards the hero formed?

In the introduction to the essay “My attitude towards Pechorin,” a student can emphasize an important point. In order to express one or another attitude towards a person (or literary character), it is necessary to analyze his actions and words. This helps to understand the motivation that controls the behavior of this person, the desires and impulses of the soul, the general attitude towards the surrounding reality. When his sphere of interests and worldview coincides with ours, a positive attitude is formed.

If this is not the case, then we have a negative attitude towards the person being analyzed. If this literary hero, then he gets the label “negative”. However, such a scale assumes the presence of only two polar opinions. It's difficult to evaluate yourself based on it. To write an essay “My attitude towards Pechorin” means, at some point, to turn into a real psychologist. A person does not consider himself good or bad. In people in different proportions There are both noble qualities and those that should be ashamed. Each of us is a kind of focus of good and evil. People can be strong and weak, compassionate and hateful, generous and capricious. This is one of the main characteristics of every person. It cannot be put into one strictly defined scheme.

Emotions that the hero evokes

The soul of this hero is heterogeneous and full of contradictions. On the one hand, he constantly commits actions that can be called petty, thus showing the superficiality of his nature. On the other hand, the whole world is suffering because of Pechorin. For this reason, in the essay “My attitude towards Pechorin,” a student can write that it is difficult for him to form an unambiguous opinion about this hero. After all, sometimes he evokes a feeling of admiration and sympathy; at other moments - disgust, fear. Lermontov wrote that his hero is not a prototype of any particular person. Pechorin is a generalized portrait that brings together the main personal tendencies of the representatives younger generation Lermontov era.

In his essay “My attitude towards Pechorin,” a student can also emphasize the paradox of this hero: for all his depravity, he has attractive force. For example, in the story “Taman” one can only admire the courage of the hero. And when he tries to steal the attractive Bela, you involuntarily become infected with his passion. When Bela died, the main character evokes compassion. But on the contrary, one can only laugh at the braggart Grushnitsky. If Lermontov’s work caused a resonance in the student, then in the essay “My attitude towards Pechorin” the student can write about it. Reading “A Hero of Our Time,” a student can feel that he practically lived in the spirit of his main character and was able to understand the reason for his attractiveness.

Versatility of the image

It lies in the authenticity of this image. The character is so alive and flexible that many critics during Lermontov’s time were convinced that Pechorin should have real prototype. Isn't this the true pinnacle of a writer's skill, when the hero begins to be perceived as if he were a living person? Mikhail Yuryevich gives a description of his hero in three different guises. The first point is that his story is told by Maxim Maksimych. Secondly, Pechorin himself speaks about himself. The third important aspect is Lermontov’s own comments about the character and actions of his hero.

Different descriptions of Pechorin

IN short essay“My attitude towards Pechorin” the student can add: if the author had limited himself to just a story from the lips of Maxim Maksimych, many of Pechorin’s actions would have remained incomprehensible. For example, why did he laugh at the death of Bela (after all, laughter when another person goes to another world is completely inappropriate). It would also be unclear for what reasons Pechorin refuses to talk to Maxim Maksimych, because he was his bosom friend. What the narrator is talking about gradually prepares readers for the revelations of Pechorin himself, sometimes bearing an immoral connotation. On the pages of the stories “Bela” and “Maksim Maksimych” Pechorin appears as a living person who both hurts others and suffers himself.

Objective characteristics

On the pages of the second part, Lermontov uses an unusual literary device. The author decides to “publish” entries from the diary of a man who has already found himself beyond the bounds of life. Lermontov justifies this act by the fact that he “saw” his hero only once in his life, he was never his best friend. And therefore, there was no way he could harbor hatred for this man. So the author of the work takes an absolutely detached position and allows the hero to talk about himself. And in this case, the reader has the opportunity to look at the world through the eyes of this character, to try on all the feelings that overwhelm him. Thus, the view of Pechorin becomes more and more objective. Both the author and the writer move away from characterization within the framework of the “good - bad” dichotomy.

What repels Pechorin?

One can understand that Pechorin is a “hero” of his time. However, there are many people who do not submit to the spirit of their era. These people, on the one hand, do not reconcile with her; but on the other hand, they do not oppose themselves to humanity. In his essay “My attitude towards Pechorin,” a student can point out that Lermontov himself served as an excellent example of this. The student can also write that it is impossible to forgive this hero for his weakness. After all, he, trying to protect himself, his own personality from complacent external interference, failed to preserve the brightest in himself. His soul was unable to resist the evil and cold forces that devastated it, crowding out everything living and beautiful.

For many years now, students have been asked to write in school. And this is no coincidence. The novel by M.Yu. has been living in Russian literature for more than a century and a half. Lermontov entitled "Hero of Our Time". Why is it still not outdated? How can this work be useful for people at the beginning of the 21st century?

What are the features of the essay “My attitude towards Pechorin”? First of all, it should be based not only on personal feelings, but also on analysis of the text and factual material. Good job is an analysis of the causes and consequences of the actions of the main character. It is on this basis that the work “My Attitude towards Pechorin” should be built. An essay with examples, quotes, and text analysis is rated significantly higher.

Relevance of the work today

Lermontov named his work very well, so the reader seems to have already been warned in advance that the main character of the work is modern. The longevity of the novel testifies that this is truly Lermontov's great creation. It has already outgrown the framework of its era thanks to the fact that Mikhail Yuryevich showed in it the main laws of human life that apply at all times. The characters in the work ask the most important questions, solve not immediate, but eternal problems, which humanity will reflect on in the future. All this can be written in the introduction to the work on the topic “My attitude towards Pechorin.” The essay must be presented in general outline the work being described.

Is heroic selflessness inherent in the main character of the work?

First of all, to eternal questions relates to the question of the meaning of life. Having analyzed the work, we can say that its heroes respond to it very differently. However, who can be considered the real hero of the work? Since the central place in the novel belongs, it is safe to say that this word primarily refers to it. Can we consider him a person distinguished by valor and courage, performing selfless feats? In the novel there is evidence of his bravery - the story of Maxim Maksimych, who saw how he “went to the wild boar” alone. However, “feats” and “dedication” are concepts that have nothing to do with his life. The essay “My attitude towards Pechorin” should also include evidence of this thesis. For example, Pechorin himself in a journal, which can be considered his confession to himself, says that he did not sacrifice anything for anyone. This even applies to this hero exclusively for himself, and if he was carried away by another person, then again for his own sake, for his own pleasure. And actions that can be called insanely brave: duels, the abduction of Bela, love affairs - cannot in any way be called feats, since they brought severe suffering or death to people.

An ax in the hands of fate

Pechorin himself notices this and says that he acts as a kind of ax in the hands of fate. He acts “always without regret,” “often without malice.” “Without malice” here means not under the influence of passion, not accidentally, but calculatedly and coldly. “Without regret” - this is especially scary in it, since it indicates indifference to human grief. In addition, this is his usual icy desert, which, under a layer of permafrost, shelters all living things.

How Pechorin destroyed the destinies of others

Main character realized that he was the cause of many troubles and often even tragedies for the people whose lives he came into contact with. The main occupation of this person is to make others unhappy: Grushnitsky and Bela die, Princess Mary suffers seriously, is a victim of treachery of this hero Bela's father, who was struck down by the hand of Kazbich. Even Maxim Maksimych, who shows friendly feelings towards him like no other, is deeply offended by them. The life familiar to “honest smugglers” is destroyed, leaving a blind boy all alone, which also turns into a tragedy for him.

Why did Pechorin make people unhappy?

A natural question arises: “What was the purpose of these actions? Why did he interfere in the lives of others and destroy them?” For my own pleasure, out of boredom. In the essay, you can mention that this statement makes Pechorin extremely unattractive and also dangerous to society. Only in order to get rid of boredom, he transgresses moral laws, goes against his conscience, even commits criminal offenses. At the same time, Pechorin does not feel guilty, justifying his behavior by the bad morals prevailing in society, which allegedly spoiled him.

Pechorin's weakness and pride

However, just as the disease does not infect a strong organism, so will the external influences not have a destructive effect on a soul with high morality and inner strength. From this we can conclude that Pechorin’s soul turned out to be weak, not rooted in goodness. This can also be noted in the work “My attitude towards Pechorin”. It is very interesting to write an essay on the work “A Hero of Our Time” - the author reveals the psychology of the heroes very deeply. The terrible result is self-justifying: Pechorin does not at all object to playing the role of an instrument of execution for people. This hero likes power over them; he loves to torture people. All these features are a consequence of terrible pride, which still does not give his soul peace, since Pechorin also does not experience happiness. He is haunted by the boredom of life, which torments him, prompts him to senseless adventures, and in the end Pechorin dies. He deserved it. This conclusion can be drawn in the work “My attitude towards Pechorin”. It is no coincidence that Lermontov’s work ends early death hero. His life ends because this man has nothing to live for; all the strength of his weak soul has been spent on empty entertainment. He never found the high meaning in his existence, which, by his own admission, he suspected in himself and said that for this purpose he was given mental strength, health, and intelligence. Life was wasted in vain, without bearing fruit, without leaving a good memory of itself. AND

In what sense is Pechorin still a hero?

However, let us not rush to conclusions and deny him this definition. “My attitude towards Pechorin” is an essay that should not be one-sided. Let's consider another meaning of this word. "Hero" also means a person who embodies characteristics environment or era. This meaning also does not apply to Pechorin - he is sharply different from others. In the novel he is lonely. Only the following two meanings are suitable for this character: the hero as the main character and for himself. Lermontov himself clearly sympathizes with Pechorin. He admires his intelligence, knowledge of people, courage. It will only be a plus in your work if you note Lermontov’s attitude towards Pechorin. The author was pleased with the composition of this image. The resulting hero has outstanding abilities. However, his death is inevitable - he

Pechorin is a hero of our time. Little has changed in people's lives since then. Just as there were few people who thought about why we exist then, the situation has not changed now. The ideals of Lermontov's time (fame, career, wealth) remain relevant today. The main character saw human shortcomings, which can also be indicated in the work “My attitude towards Pechorin.” The essay can be concluded with the fact that now many people follow the principle: “Live to the fullest!” However, few among them are happy, since only service high ideals and goals, love for people, self-sacrifice for them, a sense of duty bring a feeling of fullness of life and happiness.

These are just basic recommendations on how to write a paper on the topic “My attitude towards Pechorin” (essay). In the novel "A Hero of Our Time", however, there are no unambiguous assessments. So you can argue with some opinions, imagine own point vision. “My attitude towards Pechorin” (essay according to plan) - interesting topic, which can take a long time to develop.


“My attitude towards Pechorin”

Grigory Alexandrovich Pechorin

aristocrat Pechorin

Grigory Alexandrovich Pechorin - main character novel by M.Yu. Lermontov "Hero of Our Time".

Since Lermontov wrote the novel after the uprising Senate Square, then he portrayed in him a man of his era, who was instilled with selfishness and indifference. Therefore, Pechorin rushes between his natural, natural beginning and instilled egocentrism. Lermontov portrayed him, trying to point out to society the problems of people of that time. Pechorin became beautiful illustration to the main shortcomings of the youth of the Nicholas era, although there were few people like him.

At the beginning of the story, his colleague and friend, Staff Captain Maxim Maksimych, tells about Pechorin, namely the story with Bela, which he himself witnessed.

And in the next chapter the reader meets Grigory Alexandrovich himself, about whom the kind staff captain spoke so warmly.

He is described as a handsome young man of aristocratic appearance, but with features that highlight his exclusivity. For example, he also has a strong physique, capable of withstanding the difficulties of nomadic life, with fair complexions. curly hair black eyebrows and mustache: “a sign of a person’s breed.”

To reveal the image of Grigory Aleksandrovich, Lermontov uses other characters, next to whom Pechorin’s difference from them clearly stands out: his undoubted superiority, and at the same time inferiority. He is characterized by the contradictions of people of his generation: a thirst for activity and forced inaction, the need for love, participation and selfish isolation, distrust of people, a strong-willed character.

Absence life goal gives his image a tragic quality, since he wastes his remarkable abilities on small and unworthy enterprises, which in the end do not give him anything.

Pechorin is a man of contradictions. It combines incompatible things: “volcanic” ardor with inactivity, outbursts of good feelings with inclinations towards cruelty, high spirit of thoughts with the baseness of unworthy actions.

He has a discord between feeling and thought, thought and deed. “I have an innate passion for contradiction; “My whole life has been nothing but a chain of sad and unsuccessful contradictions to my heart or reason,” he writes.

In the “Journal” Pechorin sets out a kind of confession, telling the story of his lost soul.

He speaks fearlessly about his perfect impulses, O dark sides souls and the inconsistency of one’s consciousness. “There are two people in me: one lives in in every sense of this word, another thinks and judges it...” he says.

Pechorin is an extraordinary personality. He is smart, strong-willed, well educated. Grigory Alexandrovich knows how to quickly and accurately judge people, as well as life in general. “Immense powers” ​​lurk in his soul, but there is a lot of evil on his conscience. From inaction, Pechorin is forced to spend his abilities on satisfying his curiosity and boredom. He voluntarily and unwittingly plays with the destinies of people, but this does not bring him either happiness or joy.

Everywhere Grigory Alexandrovich appears, he brings grief to people: smugglers leave their home, Grushnitsky is killed, Princess Mary’s heart is broken, Vera does not know happiness, Bela dies, Maxim Maksimych is disappointed in friendship. “How many times have I already played the role of an ax in the hands of fate! Like an instrument of execution, I fell on the heads of the doomed victims... My love did not bring happiness to anyone, because I did not sacrifice anything for the sake of those I loved..." he writes.

There were many women in Pechorin’s life, but only his love for Vera was more than intrigue. When he received it last letter then “like a madman, he jumped onto the porch, jumped on his horse and set off at full speed to catch up with her.”

He did not catch up with Vera, he only drove his horse to death. Then he fell on the grass and cried. Vera was the only woman whom Pechorin truly loved, but he realized this only when he lost her.

And Vera, in turn, knew and loved not the fictional one, but the real one with all his advantages and disadvantages. “I should hate you, you gave me nothing but suffering,” she says to Pechorin. But this is the lot of many people whom Grigory Alexandrovich met along the way.

He writes in his diary that he looks at the suffering and joy of people as food that supports his strength. Here, boundless egoism and indifference to people are revealed, which are manifested in all his actions. This is Pechorin’s enormous guilt before those to whom he caused harm and suffering, as well as before himself for his aimlessly lived life.

But despite all the shortcomings and vices of Pechorin, I think he is worth admiring. People like Grigory Alexandrovich are very rare and therefore arouse interest for their exclusivity. It is very complex and interesting character. If at the beginning of the story there was bewilderment, then later the background to many of his actions becomes clear. And although Pechorin can be considered an anti-hero, he still attracts people. It not only contains outer beauty, but also some kind of devilish charm.

I admire, albeit not without horror, Grigory Alexandrovich’s ability to understand people and control them: their feelings, desires, play with them like puppets, directing their every step.

I was also delighted and touched by their love with Vera. Let it turn out to be tragic for each of them. It is imbued with the pain of long separation and happiness brief meetings, and therefore their love is sincere and cannot leave anyone indifferent.

I agree with the words of Vissarion Grigorievich Belinsky about Pechorin: “... in Pechorin’s very vices something great flashes, like lightning in black clouds, and he is beautiful, full of poetry even in those moments when human feeling rises up against him."


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