Memorable places of my city. Central City Library

Turaeva Angelina

For every person, the most dear and dear place on Earth is his homeland, where he was born, grew up, where people close to him live. For us, this is our city of Saransk.



Municipal educational institution "Secondary school No. 3"


"Monuments of our city"

Completed by: Turaeva Angelina,

Student of class 4A

Head: Elena Anatolyevna Isaeva,

primary school teacher

Saransk 2014


For every person, the most dear and dear place on Earth is his homeland, where he was born, grew up, where people close to him live. For us, this is our city of Saransk.

Every day we walk along the familiar streets of our city, we are in a hurry to run errands. We often do not notice things that seem ordinary to us, but in fact are fraught with enormous cultural and historical value.We can learn about the historical past of our people from history books, films, stories from elders and teachers. And the monuments that exist in our city can tell us a lot about the historical past.

We exchanged opinions with our classmates, but it turned out that many of us do not know the monuments of our city. We conducted a survey among students in grades 2–4. (Annex 1)

There are many monuments in our city, but people know little about their history; not all monuments are known to the residents of our city, and even less do they know about the events in honor of which these monuments were erected. Why?

But monuments, like people, have their own destiny. Popular rumor says: “Without knowing the past, you cannot live in the present.” Love for the Motherland begins precisely with love for one’s hometown.Our city is associated with many great events and interesting people.That is why it was important for us to study the history of the creation of monuments,which preserve the memory of events and people, it is important that people remember history.

This is how the idea of ​​the research project “Monuments of the City of Saransk” arose.

Objective of the project : Expand the idea that the hometown is famous for its history, traditions, and attractions.

Object of study: monuments of the city of Saransk.

Subject of study: history of the creation of monuments in the city of Saransk.

Project product:booklet and presentation "Monuments of the city of Saransk"


1. Visit the archive, local history museum, library and collect material about the history of the creation of monuments in our city.

2. Conduct a survey and survey of students.

3. Prepare a booklet and presentation “Monuments of the city of Saransk”.

Hypothesis: The history of the creation of monuments is connected with the history of our country, with the development of our city.


1. Collection and processing of information on the topic (articles from magazines, newspapers, reference books, archival materials).

2. Survey, questioning.

3. Interview.

4. Classification.

What is a monument? A monument is, first of all, a memory of a person, a place, or an event. They give us the opportunity to meet the people who are depicted, see them and even touch them, recognize the heroes of war and labor, whose names are inscribed on memorial plaques. Monuments help us get closer to the era in which these people lived and accomplished their feats. After all, we are citizens of Russia, and it is our duty to know and honor the history of our country and our small homeland.

Through acquaintance with the monuments, you can trace the history of the development of the city and the whole country.

What monuments are there in our city?

Every city has places and buildings dedicated to the memory of a person or event. There are many such places in Saransk. These include monuments to famous people and buildings built in memory of some event. Each such place or building has its own interesting history.

I traveled around the city, photographed monuments, and read literary sources.

1. Monuments built to commemorate historical events.

a) Monuments related to the history of the founding of the city.

Foundation of the Saransk fortress

At this place in 1641 the SARANSK fortress was founded as an important OUTPOST in the southeastern outskirts of the Russian State.

In 1982, a sculptural composition dedicated to the founders of the Saransk fortress was installed in the center of the capital of Mordovia. In the seventeenth century, on the site of the modern Fountain Descent (formerly Moscow Descent), a defensive watchtower rose, which later served as the border of the Saransk rampart. The author of the monument dedicated to the builders of the city is sculptor V.P. Kozin.

The military fortress, built in 1641, was the southeastern guard point of the Russian state. One of the oldest cities in the Middle Volga region, Saransk, formed on a hill between wetlands (“sara” in Finno-Ugric languages ​​means “swampy”), remained an important outpost holding back the raids of nomads until the eighteenth century.

The approximate location of the defensive fortress in the modern city is the territory of Soviet Square and Pushkin Park, once surrounded by earthen ramparts and deep ditches. Since 1651, Saransk became a district city and at different times belonged to the Kazan, Azov, Simbirsk and Penza provinces. During the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, the city repeatedly changed its appearance (it burned to the ground three times and was rebuilt). Neither the watchtower nor the fortress has survived to this day. A historical reminder is a monument stone dedicated to the builders of the city of Saransk.Saransk is one of the oldest cities in the Middle Volga region. It arose in 1641 as a military fortress on the south-eastern outpost of the Moscow state, founded at the intersection of large horse-drawn roads that connected Astrakhan with Moscow, Crimea with Kazan.

Mordovian scientist I.K. Inzhevatov, in his works on the toponymy of Mordovia, talks about the origin of the name Saransk. If you look closely at the map of Mordovia, you will involuntarily notice that it is replete with names with the same basis - sar : Saransk, Insar, Sanaksara, Sarga, Insarovka, Bolshaya Sarka, Malaya Sarka, etc. This word is also found on maps of the regions neighboring Mordovia.

In the censuses of Mordovian settlements carried out in the 17th and 18th centuries, the words are also foundsara, sanaksara, sarley, sarguzha, sarpomra.

Word Sarah in Finnish, Karelian, Estonian and other Finno-Ugric languages ​​it was and is now used to designate swampy, soggy places.

Saransk really arose on the shore, surrounded by large sars. The Saranka River, called Sarley in the 17th century, formed a huge swampy area near the city. Further, behind the line of the current railway, another sara began, very extensive, which is why it received the name Insar (in other words, big). The Insar River created a wide swampy floodplain.

Initially the city was called Saranesk.

The Saransk fortress had an almost square shape. The Saranka River flowed through the territory of the fortress. The fortress was surrounded on all sides by an earthen rampart with corner wooden towers and a high palisade. On the outside of the rampart there were deep ditches. On the inside there were also wooden walls with devices for defense.

The first settlers of the Saransk fortress were Cossacks and archers, who carried out guard duty here. Until the 18th century, the city was divided into settlements, which were initially fortified.

Since 1651, Saransk has been a district town. When the provinces were formed in 1708, it was classified as Azov, then Kazan, Simbirsk, and from 1801 to Penza.

Over more than three centuries of history, the city has witnessed many events. In 1670, the Saransk fortress was besieged and taken by the troops of Stepan Razin, after which Saransk became one of the strongholds of the Razins. In 1774, E. I. Pugachev entered the city with his army, and was greeted by the population with great honors.

Monument to E. Pugachev.

At the fork of Korolenko and Volgogradskaya streets, where from June 27 to July 3, 1774, the headquarters of the Pugachev troops passing through Saransk were located. This place is immortalized by a monumental structure in the form of a fortress wall with cast iron cannons and a granite block.

Building on the street Soviet No. 49-a(in the courtyard of the Central Hotel). In it, on July 28, 1774, Archimandrite Alexander received E.I. Pugachev with the cross and the gospel. A memorial plaque was installed on the building in 1974.

A memorial place at the intersection of Kommunisticheskaya and Rabochaya streets, near house No. 9,that at the bridge over the river. Insar. Memorial plaque with the inscription: “Here on July 27, 1774, residents of the city of Saransk solemnly welcomed the leader of the peasant war, E. I. Pugachev.”

Pugachev tent(Moskovskaya St., 48). This ancient stone tent belonged to the widow of the Saransk governor Kamenitsky. It is covered in legends telling about the terrible events of 1774. Here, according to legend, E. I. Pugachev organized feasts, here, from the high porch of the tent, his “royal manifestos” were read, here, on the complaint of the poultry woman and on the orders of the leader of the uprising was executed - hanged on the gate - and she herself war widow.

Monument "Forever with Russia"

In honor of the centuries-old friendship of the Mordovian people with the Russians and other peoples of the country. Authors: sculptor I. D. Brodsky, architect I. A. Pokrovsky. Opened November 6, 1986

The monument is located on the Alley of Friendship.

Alley of Friendship. Laid out in honor of the 500th anniversary of the voluntary entry of the Mordsky people into the Russian state. 1985

b) Monuments builtin honor of the historical major victories of the Soviet Army and the feat of the Russian people in the Great Patriotic War.

Monument to the soldiers of Mordovia who died in the Great Patriotic War.

Opened on May 9, 1970. The composition of the monument is simple and solemnly strict. Mother Mordovia hands a sword to her son-soldier.On the 18-meter granite pylon standing near the monument there is an inscription: “Eternal glory to the soldiers who fell in battles for the freedom and independence of the Soviet Motherland in the Great Patriotic War of 1941 - 1945.” You took your own life to save a life. Your feat, your names are forever in the hearts of a grateful people.” The Eternal Flame burns next to the monument.Sculptor N.V. Tomsky, architect A.N. Dushkin.

In 2004-2005, a memorial wall was installed on the southern side of the monument (architects V. A. Brodovsky and I. V. Solovyov) - an archedlength of the structure54 meters with two rows of columns, between which there are 10 pylons, lined with black polished stone, with the names of soldiers - natives of Saransk, who died during the Great Patriotic War.

On May 6, 1995, the Museum of Military and Labor Feats of 1941 - 1945, built next to the monument, was opened. (architects R. G. Kananin, A. V. Kostin). Next to the museum there is an open-air exhibition of combat armored and artillery equipment.

Memorial Cemetery

Prominent figures of science, culture and art are buried in the cemetery: writer P. S. Kirillov, sculptor S. D. Erzya, artists F. V. Sychkov, V. D. Khrymov, composer L. P. Kiryukov, singer I. M. Yaushev, scientist M. N. Kolyadenkov.

Located on the western outskirts of the city. Here are the mass graves of participants in the Great Patriotic War who died from severe wounds in evacuation hospitals in Saransk. On a pedestal near the Eternal Flame stands the Grieving Mother. The authors of the monument are sculptor N.I. Kondratyev and architect P.P. Danelenko.

Every year on Victory Day, May 9, thousands of citizens come to the cemetery and lay wreaths and flowers on the graves. The banners are lowered, the youth take an oath to be worthy of the memory of their fathers

Monument "Airplane"

Located in the city center at the intersection of Sovetskaya-Proletarskaya streets, not far from the State Russian Drama Theater of Mordovia.

Built in memory of the military exploits of fellow aviators who bravely defended our Motherland from fascist invaders during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. Installed on the day of the XXX anniversary of the Victory on May 9, 1975.

Monument "Escape from Hell"»

Escape from hell... Every resident of Mordovia knows about the legendary feat of the Hero of the Soviet Union, our fellow countryman Mikhail Devyatayev, who managed to escape from hopeless fascist captivity on an enemy plane. The name of the pilot is immortalized in books and films, in the name of one of the warships of the Russian fleet... The initiator of the installation of the monument is the author of the All-Russian Walk of Fame project, Sergei Serdyukov, the nephew of one of the nine concentration camp prisoners who helped Mikhail Devyatayev. Completely disinterestedly, Sergei and his brother Mikhail decided to erect ten monuments to the participants of “Escape from Hell” - one each in the small homeland of the heroes... On the granite monument there is an image of the bomber on which the prisoners flew away from the concentration camp, the inscription: “Escape from Hell” and the names of all participants escape: Mikhail Devyatayev, Trofim Serdyukov, Ivan Krivonogov, Vladimir Sokolov, Vladimir Nemchenko, Fyodor Adamov, Ivan Oleynik, Mikhail Yemets, Pyotr Kutergin, Nikolai Urbanovich. The words underneath are like a low bow to the heroes from all those living today: “The descendants are grateful to you, dear ones, for the fact that you persevered and won”...

Monument "Tank T-34"

It was erected in the year of the 40th anniversary of the Victory in honor of the workers of Mordovia who collected funds during the Great Patriotic War for the construction of the tank column “Mordovian Collective Farmer”. Located in the northwestern area of ​​the city.

Named by a decision of the City Council on November 15, 1983 in honor of Hero of the Soviet Union P. A. Tsaplin (1906-1937).

Tsaplina Boulevard is located on the northern side of Svetotekhniki next to the street. A. Luss, connects st. Veselovsky and Pushkin. On the eve of the 40th anniversary of the victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, a T-34 tank was installed on the boulevard. The memorial sign was erected in honor of the home front workers of the republic, who collected more than 36 million rubles for the construction of the “Mordovian Collective Farmer” tank column.

Monument to Podolsk cadets

It was erected in the year of the 40th anniversary of the Victory in honor of the cadets of the Podolsk military schools who underwent military training in the 10th reserve regiment in Saransk, who showed massive heroism, courage and bravery in October 1941 while defending the capital of our homeland - Moscow.

It was formed at the junction of Gagarin, Komarov, etc. streets "50 years of October". It was created on a vacant lot in the southwestern part. In the early 70s, the contours of the green zone and pedestrian paths were determined. Trees and shrubs were planted, and a metal fence was erected.

In 1985, the country widely celebrated the 40th anniversary of the victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War over Nazi Germany. In honor of this significant event, on May 6, 1985, a memorial sign was erected in the park in honor of the military feat of the cadets of Podolsk schools - the defenders of Moscow in 1941.

The feat of Podolsk cadets who took on an unequal battle with selected motorized units of the Nazis near Moscow in October 1941 is covered in legends. For two weeks they held back the enemy in the Maloyaroslavl direction, gaining time to strengthen the defense of the capital of the Soviet Motherland. Young men sent to schools from the Saransk recruiting station fought among the cadets. This point was then located in the area of ​​​​the present South-West.

In memory of the heroic feat of the military cadets, a 75-mm cannon is installed on a massive concrete pedestal in the park named after them. On a plate attached to the foreground of the pedestal. marked with the Order of the Patriotic War and the inscription: “The memorial sign was erected in the year of the 40th anniversary of the Victory in honor of the cadets of the Podolsk military schools who underwent military training in the 10th reserve regiment in the city of Saransk, who showed massive heroism, courage and bravery in October 1941 at defense of the capital of our Motherland, Moscow." Grateful townspeople lay flowers in front of the memorial sign.

Students who studied at Moscow State University named after N.P. Ogarev and those who died during the Second World War of 1941-1945.

c) Monuments that reflect the history of our country.

Monument to those killed during the Civil War of 1918.

It appeared in 1951 on the corner of the street. Moscow and Republican on the basis of the resolution of the Council of Ministers of the MASSR dated April 28 and the decision of the City Council of May 22, 1951. Here, to the walls of the Mordovian Republican Museum of Local Lore, the remains of fighters for the cause of the revolution were transferred from Sovetskaya Square and reburied with honors in a mass grave. A small obelisk topped with a five-pointed star was erected on an earthen mound. Below the obelisk lay a metal plate with the names of food commissar P. S. Semenov, employee of the Izvestia of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee, agitator A. Ya. Luss, pro-army members P. N. Lukin, D. I. Zotov, N. A. Krupnov, I. V. Sazonov , P. E. Trushina, I. S. Maksimova. The foot of the monument was bordered by a massive metal chain stretched on posts. The construction of the monument and crypt to the "Fighters of the Revolution" was completed by September 1951. The old Bolshevik M.I. Spiridonov, the Red Guards P.I. Mishin and A.D. Spiridonov took part in its construction.

For the 60th anniversary of the Great October Revolution, the square was completely rebuilt. In the center, on a large earthen hill, is a monument to “Fighters for Soviet Power.” The authors of the monument are Leningrad sculptor G. D. Glikman, architect Professor V. S. Vasilkovsky

Monument to the "Heroes-Stratonauts"

If you come to Saransk by train, then on the station square you will see a monument to the stratonaut heroes. On a high round pedestal stands a bronze figure of a young man looking up. No matter from which side you look at this figure, the impression is the same, his hands will now become wings, and he will fly far to the stars. This monument is a symbol of courage, romance, thirst for achievement. He, as it were, welcomes our guests and calls everyone to heroic deeds in the name of the prosperity of our Motherland.

Who are the heroes of the stratonauts? On the pedestal there are bas-relief portraits of the conquerors of the stratosphere Pavel Fedoseenko, Andrey Vasenko and Ilya Usyskin and the inscription “To the Stratonaut Heroes.” It was they who began to pave the way into space.

In January 1934, they rose on a stratospheric balloon to a height of 22 km. The flight was carried out on the Osoaviakhim-1 stratospheric balloon, developed by A. Vasenko. During its descent, the stratospheric balloon suffered an accident and fell on the territory of Mordovia. One of the stratonauts, Ilya Usyskin, is a native of Mordovia. The heroes are buried on Red Square in Moscow. The townspeople honor the memory of the brave stratonauts. Streets are named after their names.

Monument to "Heroes of Firefighters"

Installed in honor of the heroic firefighters who died in the line of duty:

Tenyakshev M.A. - 1967
Kemaev G.A. - 1974
Shapkin V.V. - 1982
Bezrukov A.S. 1983
Akmaikin O.B. 1996

Monument to Internationalist Soldierswas installed on Victory Square in 2005. The authors of the monument are architect V.A. Brodovsky and sculptor N.M. Filatov.

2. Monuments associated with the names of famous people (writers, scientists, public figures, heroes)

a) Monuments to famous people whose names are associated with the history of the Mordovian region.

Monument to S.D. Erze

The monument was opened on November 4, 1996 on the 120th anniversary of the birth of S. D. Erzya. Sculptor N. M. Filatov, architect V. V. Godunov.

One of the attractions of the Republic of Mordovia is the Mordovia Republican Museum of Fine Arts named after S.D. Erzi. The history of its formation goes back to pre-war times. On March 14, 1941, the Council of People's Commissars of the Mordovian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic adopted a Resolution on the opening of an art gallery in Saransk, but the war delayed the formation of the museum for a long time. It was opened on January 10, 1960 and named the Mordovian Republican Art Gallery named after F.V. Sychkova.

Monument to M.E. Evseviev.

Monument to A.I. Polezhaev

In 1967, at the intersection of Proletarskaya and Polezhaev streets, a monument to the poet and revolutionary democrat Alexander Ivanovich Polezhaev was unveiled. The author of the monument is sculptor M.I. Kozhina. The poet is depicted full-length with an overcoat thrown over his shoulder. The figure is cast from non-ferrous metal.

A.I. Polezhaev (1804-1838) spent his early childhood years in Saransk. He was born in the village. Ruzaevka, Ruzaevsky district, on the estate of the Struisky landowners. The poet had a difficult fate. For his freedom-loving poetry, he was exiled by Nicholas I to the Caucasus.

Residents of Mordovia highly honor the memory of A.I. Polezhaev. One of the central streets is named after him. The Mordovian book publishing house has published collections of Polezhaev's poems; studies and books are devoted to his work.

Polezhaev (Alexander Ivanovich, 1805 - 1838) - an outstanding poet. His father is a landowner of the Penza province, Struisky, his mother is a serf of this landowner, who was later married to the Saransk tradesman Polezhaev, from whom the poet received his name.

Monument to N.P. Ogarev

Installed at the entrance to the main building of Mordovian State University.

Ogarev Nikolai Platonovich, Russian revolutionary, publicist, poet. Born in St. Petersburg. From the nobles. From 1830 he studied at Moscow University, where a student circle with a pronounced political orientation arose around Ogarev and his friend A.I. Herzen. In the summer of 1834, O., together with some other members of the circle, was arrested, and in April 1835 he was exiled to the Penza province. In 1839 he received permission to live in Moscow. From 1840 he published poems, which were sympathetically received by V.G. Belinsky. 1841-46 spent mostly in Germany, Italy, France; attended a course of lectures on philosophy and natural sciences at the University of Berlin, and attended medical school in Paris. From the end of 1846 he lived on the Penza estate. In 1850 he was arrested again, but was soon released. In 1856 he emigrated to Great Britain.

N.P. Ogarev entered Russian literature as a continuer of the traditions of Decembrist poetry. His work reflects the history of the soul of the best people in Russia in the 30s and 40s.

Ogarev was born in St. Petersburg, in the family of a wealthy Penza landowner. As a child (in the mid-20s) he met Herzen and became his friend and companion forever. Friends dreamed of devoting their lives to the liberation of the people, to continue the feat of the Decembrists, which they once swore on the Sparrow Hills.

Ogarev is an outstanding figure in the Russian liberation movement, a remarkable thinker, publicist and poet.

Monument to Admiral F.F. Ushakov

Total monuments to Admiral F.F. Ushakov is three in Saransk. The first - a stele on the Walk of Fame is dedicated to the native of Mordovia, Fleet Admiral F.F. Ushakov. It attracts the eyes of the townspeople and guests of Saransk with the sailboat crowning it.

The second monument, the work of sculptor N.M. Filatova, located on Bolshevistskaya Street.
The third monument is located near our school No. 3.

Outstanding Russian naval commander, admiral. Graduated from the Naval Cadet Corps (1766). He served in the Baltic Fleet, from 1769 in the Don (Azov) Flotilla, and participated in the Russian-Turkish War of 1768 - 1774.
In 1944, the USSR established the Ushakov Military Order of two degrees and the Ushakov Medal. A bay in the Bering Sea and a cape in the Sea of ​​Okhotsk are named after him.

. The name of the outstanding Russian naval commander, Admiral Fedor Fedorovich Ushakov, is closely connected with Mordovia. The famous admiral, who won all his military battles and did not lose a single ship, did not surrender a single sailor to the enemy, gave his entire life to serving the fleet. He spent the last years of his life in Mordovia; During the Patriotic War of 1812, a hospital for wounded soldiers, a hospital and a church were built here at his expense. Canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church, Saint Theodore is revered as the patron saint of Mordovia. His relics rest in the Sanaksar monastery in the Temnikovsky district of the republic. In the center of Saransk, near the northern side of the St. Feodorovsky Cathedral, a monument to the legendary admiral was erected. The monument embodies the idea of ​​preserving the memory of the heroic past of the Russian people. The bronze sculpture is installed on a high pedestal lined with granite. The admiral is depicted without a headdress, in his right hand he holds a telescope, his left hand is lowered to the sword.

The legendary naval commander has an indirect relationship with Saransk - he spent the last years of his life on his Alekseevka estate on the territory of the republic. After his recent canonization, Ushakov became the patron saint of military sailors and almost as much a hero of Saransk as the sculptor Erzya.

b) Monuments dedicated to famous Russian writers, public and church figures.
Monument to A.S. Pushkin

Installed in the park of culture and recreation named after. A.S. Pushkin, as well as on Fountain Descent leading to the park.

In 1899, to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the poet’s birth, the city garden was given the name “Pushkinsky” and a monument-bust to A.S. Pushkin was erected. This monument is kept in the Republican Museum of Local Lore. In 1977, a new monument to Pushkin was erected in its place, sculptor E. F. Belashova and architect V. Voskresensky.

Pushkin entered Russian culture not only as a Poet, but also as a brilliant master of life, a man who was given the unheard-of gift of being happy even in the most tragic circumstances. A. Blok said: “Our memory keeps from childhood a cheerful name: Pushkin.”

Monument to Patriarch Nikon

The monument in honor of Nikon, the sixth Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus', was opened in 2006. Alexy II consecrated it on the opening day. The authors of the monument are sculptor N.M. Filatov and architect S.P. Khodnev.

The most important church and political events in the life of the Russian state are associated with the name of Patriarch Nikon. On the territory of Russia, only in Saransk there is a monument dedicated to Nikon. The authorities of Mordovia decided in this monument to perpetuate the memory of a church leader who played a crucial role in the Christianization of the Mordovian people.

The installation of the monument was timed to coincide with the 400th anniversary of the birth of the Russian saint. Although Patriarch Nikon was born in the village of Veldemanovo in the neighboring Nizhny Novgorod region, in Saransk he is considered the son of the Mordovian people. For his anniversary, a worship cross made of black marble with the inscription “To His Holiness the Patriarch of All Rus' Nikon from the Mordovian people” was installed on the site of the patriarch’s parental home.

Monument to V. Vysotsky.

Installed in the park named after A.S. Pushkin.

After October 1917, monuments dedicated to the leaders of the ruling Communist Party appeared in the cities and villages of the Russian Republic, and then in the USSR. Especially many monuments were erected in honor of V.I. Lenin.

Monument to V.I. Lenin

In 1960, a monument to V.I. Lenin was unveiled on Sovetskaya Square. Its authors are People's Artist of the USSR, academician, sculptor N.V. Tomsky, architect A.N. Dushkin.

The main religious building is a monument to the leader of the world proletariat. The Christmas trees planted thirty years ago have grown and greatly influenced the loss of the greatness of the formidable figure.

The majestic figure of the leader is cast from bronze, the pedestal is made of dark red polished granite. Near the monument there is a picturesque square and flower beds. Citizens and guests of our city come here.

3. Monuments related to the development of science and technology, culture and life,memorable places associated with the modern development of our city.

These are new monuments that have become favorite vacation spots for city residents, symbolizing human values: goodness, faith, love. The construction of these monuments is also associated with the emergence of new traditions among the residents of our city.

Monument to the fox.

The fox is a symbol of the Republic of Mordovia. It is present both on the coat of arms of the republic and on the coat of arms of Saransk, the capital of Mordovia.

The red fox first appeared on the coat of arms of the city of Saransk in the 18th century, and then it symbolized the wealth of the surrounding forests with valuable fur animals and hunting. For the modern city and its inhabitants, the fox has become a symbol of intelligence, wealth and enterprise.

In June 2011, the city celebrated its 370th anniversary.

On this occasion, MordovSpirt OJSC (the largest producer of high-quality alcohol and alcoholic products) presented the city with a bronze chanterelle.

The monument is located on the embankment of the Saranka River, near the building of the Ryabov Art School.

There are also especially emotional monuments, or rather, romantic ones. It was opened in August 2009 Fox bridge. It is located in the recreation area in front of the Mordovian Museum of Fine Arts. In the center, on a pedestal of 3 arrows, is the symbol of Saransk - the fox. Fortune telling balls are also attached here. With their help you can look into the future. And if you stroke the tail of a fox, you will get rich, and if you stroke the nose, you will meet good luck. The author of the project is V. Kuznetsov.

Monument to the family.

In 2008, monuments dedicated to the family appeared in many Russian cities. This year was officially recognized as the year of the family in our country.

In Saransk, a monument to a happy large family was erected next to the Temple of Fyodor Ushakov, at the intersection of Sovetskaya and Democratic streets.

Monument to hospitality “Make yourself at home!”, which is located nearcentral hotel "Saransk" of the capital of Mordovia, entered the top tenunusual in Russia. Its author is the Erzya sculptor Gregory Filatov.

In the center of Saransk, opposite the park named after. A. S. Pushkin, the symbolic “grew”"Tree of Love and Harmony."The new art object was donated to the city by the Megafon company, which celebrated the 12th anniversary of its work in Mordovia in such an unusual way. The sculpture is more than two meters high and represents a forged oak tree with green leaves and acorns. This is a difficult tree: if the newlyweds hang a lock on its branches and throw the key into a nearby river, nothing can destroy their union.

A monument was erected near the maternity hospital building" New life". A bronze boy in cabbage promises fulfillment of wishes.

Monument to the janitor.

On May 4, 2010, a monument to a janitor was erected behind the city administration building in Saransk.

The creator of the bronze wiper is the famous sculptor Grigory Filatov in the republic, who called his creation “Uncle Fedor” and worked on it for about a year.

Already an elderly man, in a hat with earflaps, high boots, an apron and with the usual tool in his hands, removes garbage from the city streets - this is how this monument is presented in Saransk.

For those who have never been to the capital of Mordovia, I can say that this is the cleanest and most comfortable city in Russia. Therefore, the monument to the janitor is not only an interesting tourist attraction, but also a tribute to the people involved in cleaning and landscaping on the city streets.

Monument to a plumber.

A monument to an ordinary plumber has been erected in many cities and countries. Two years ago he appeared in Saransk. The monument is located on Communist Square next to the chamomile fountain. A good-natured plumber with a wrench in his hand, adjusting his hat, cheerfully looks at all passers-by. Local residents admit that the monument makes them smile. Some people even throw coins into the “hatch.” And several times someone put a bouquet of flowers nearby.

Many new monuments appeared in the park named after. A.S. Pushkin. The park displays the works of sculptor Filatov. INThe sculptures embody the heroes of Pushkin’s fairy tales: “The scientist cat on a chain”, “The old man and the old woman at the very blue sea”

Monument to the scientist cat from Lukomorye. The cat is made in a cartoon-fairy-tale style style.

"Old Woman Shapoklyak"

Composition "Kiss"

In 2012, in August, Millennium Square was built to celebrate the millennium of the unity of Russians and Mordovians. There are memorial stones in the square near the library. They will remind city residents about the holiday.

Flowers for the 1000th anniversary. (Were installed for the holiday of the unity of the Mordovians with the peoples of Russia)

Another building. This is the Mordovian National Theater.

There are six columns in front of the theater. There are four figures between the columns. They are allegorical.

An old man leaning on a staff is a connection with the past, with the roots of his people.

A young man releasing a bird is a symbol of aspiration to the future.

Mokshanka holds a bratina (chalice) in her hands - a symbol of the hospitality of the Mordovian people.

An Erzyan woman holds in her hand a branch of a blossoming apple tree - a symbol of the heyday of Mordovian art.

Total, according to Ministry of Culture, there were 112 monuments in Saransk.


Having become acquainted with the monuments of my city, I divided them into groups:

1. Monuments built in memory of historical events;

2. Monuments associated with the names of famous people (writers, scientists, public figures, heroes);

3. Monuments related to the development of science and technology, culture and life,memorable places associated with the modern development of our city.

In the course of the work, it was established that all the monuments are of great value and reflect the history of our republic and country. They are the keepers of the memory of those events that took place at different times, about the people who made history.

It is necessary to know the history of the creation of monuments so that this knowledge is passed on from generation to generation. Recently, the city has builtnew monuments that have become favorite vacation spots for city residents, symbolizing human values: goodness, faith, love. The construction of these monuments is also associated with the emergence of new traditions among the residents of our city.


Make a presentation of your work for students of our school in order to popularize knowledge about the history of the monuments of our city.


Passing by this or that monument, you think, remember, and are surprised. It turns out that many historical events did not pass our city by. The cultural heritage that we have inherited must be kept in order and we must ensure that monuments are not destroyed. After all, you cannot build the future without knowing your past.

Our task is not only to maintain monuments in order, but to know the history of our people, city, region and pass this knowledge on to descendants.

They are a reminder of our rich history and are a link with our ancestors. After all, human wisdom says: “Only the country in which people remember their past is worthy of the future.”

“Until a person touches history, he remains in infancy, for he exists in the present day. Each generation leaves the fruits of its labor and mental activity, but how much does this legacy mean if the connection of times is interrupted, and we are unable to convey historical memory to our descendants? " - these are lines from S. Bakhmustov's book "The Torn Necklace."


1. Voronin I.D. Sights of Mordovia.- Saransk: Mordov. book publishing house, 2004.

2. Meet Saransk. Guide - reference book. - Saransk: Mordov. book publishing house, 1986.

3. Kuklin V.N. Biographies of Saransk streets. - Saransk: Mordov. book publishing house, 1990.

4. Kosenkov A. I’m walking through my hometown. - Saransk: Mordov. book publishing house, 1979.

5. Saransk is the capital of Mordovia. Stories about the capital of our republic for young readers. - Saransk: Publishing Center of the Historical and Sociological Institute of Moscow State University. N.P. Ogareva, 2007.

6. Saransk lights up. - Saransk: Mordov. book publishing house, 1981.


1 Class hour: Extracurricular activity. Teacher Smelova V.N. Memorable places of our city Goal: formation of patriotic and aesthetic education of students Teacher reads: Lesson progress: You know the region. Where everything breathes abundantly, Where the Dnieper flows purer than silver, Where the wind blows the gold of the grain, This is Rechitsa - the birthplace of May. Teacher: Today our class hour is dedicated to the day of the liberation of the city of Rechitsa from the Nazi invaders. Few of you know that in our city there are a lot of monuments to the soldiers who liberated and died during the Great Patriotic War. Therefore, I suggest you take a correspondence tour of the memorable places of our city. The verse sounds: (student) If lightning flashes hot in the clouds, And the huge sky becomes deaf from thunder, If all the people of the globe shout, Not one of the dead will even flinch. I know that the sun in the desert will not splash into your eyes. I know that the song will not open heavy graves, But on behalf of the heart, on behalf of life, I repeat “Eternal glory to the heroes!” (student) And immortal hymns run majestically over the sleepless planet. Let not all heroes be those who died. Eternal glory to the fallen, eternal glory! (student) Let's remember everyone by name, Let's remember with our grief... It's not the dead who need this. The living need this. In the park of Sovetskaya Street there was a monument, which now stands in Victory Park, but there are still tombstones in the park. Sovetskaya Street will tell us about the history of this grave. Square. Monument Tank. (Student)

2 In the park of Sovetskaya Street there is a mass grave where 54 Soviet soldiers and partisans who died between 1943 and 1944 in battles with the German invaders are buried. Among those buried are the heroes of the Soviet Union Dvodnenko, Krasikov, Trifonov. In 1943, a tank monument was erected at the grave. In 1981, tombstones were installed with the names of those buried. History of the tank monument. (Student) The history of this tank is as follows: on November 18, 1943, an active platoon of three T-34 tanks was given the task to leave the forest and cruise across the field so that the Nazis would open fire, and our artillery would detect enemy firing points and destroy . Their task was completed and they were given a new order: “Break into occupied Rechitsa and fight.” During the battles, one tank was hit and the crew, consisting of tank commander Rusanov, driver and crew members Smirnov and Klenkov, were forced to abandon the burning tank. By order of the command, on November 19, 1943, this tank was driven to the city square, where the dead soldiers were buried. Years passed and the tank was moved to Victory Park. (student) There is a tombstone along Soviet Street in Victory Park. About the history of this Sovetskaya Street. Victory Park. Tombstone. (Student) In the park of Sovetskaya Street there is a grave of underground workers, where 18 participants of the Rechitsa underground are buried. Among them is the head of the Vyshemir village council, Ivan Sergeevich Gursky, whom the Nazis shot in 1941. The underground fighters Ozerov, Gerasimovich, Brovko and other members of the underground are also buried there. As well as members of their families who were shot on August 15, 1942. In 1968, a tombstone was installed. (Student) There is a cannon installed in the park on Sovetskaya Street. Sovetskaya Street will tell us about the history of this monument. Victory Park. A gun. (Student) In the park of Sovetskaya Street there is a monument to a 45-millimeter combat cannon, which was in service with the military unit that liberated our city from the Nazis. It is installed next to the grave of the artillery commander-in-chief, Colonel Lavrov, and symbolizes the memory of him. (student)

3 There is a monument on Sovetskaya Street in the park of the Rechitsa sanatorium. About the history of this Sovetskaya Street. Park of the Rechitsa sanatorium. Monument. (Student) Along Sovetskaya Street in the park of the Rechitsa sanatorium there is a mass grave of Soviet soldiers. 187 soldiers and partisans who died in the Great Patriotic War are buried there. In 1947, an obelisk was erected on the grave and the Eternal Flame was lit. (student) Listen, we are dead talking! The verse sounds: (Student) We have forgotten how flowers smell, how poplars rustle, We have forgotten the earth - What has the earth become? How do the birds sing on earth without us? How cherries bloom on earth without us. (Student) How does the river brighten? And the clouds fly above us without us. We forgot the grass. We forgot the trees a long time ago We were not given to walk on the ground. Never given! (student) Let's remember the dead! The dead don't need this, the living need this! In addition to Sovetskaya Street, there are other streets, and there are monuments on them too. There is a monument on Vokzalnaya Street in the courtyard of the hospital. About the history of this Station Street. Hospital yard 1. Monument. (Student) On Vokzalnaya Street in the courtyard of City Hospital 1, 306 soldiers and 2 partisans who died of wounds in the hospital during the Great Patriotic War are buried. The hero of the Soviet Union, Kandrat Ivanovich Naumov, is buried among them. In 1947, an obelisk and plaques with the names of who was buried were installed on the grave. (Student)

4 On Lunacharsky Street there is an obelisk monument. About the history of this Lunacharsky Street. Obelisk. (Student) On Lunacharsky Street there is a mass grave of Soviet soldiers and partisans. 225 soldiers and partisans who died between 1941 and 1944 in battle with the Nazi invaders are buried there. (student) In the Ozershchina, in a forested area, there is a monument. Ozershchina will tell us about this monument. Monument. (Student) In the 83rd quarter of the Ozershchinsky forestry there is a mass grave of underground workers who were shot in the fall of 1942. These were members of an underground group and a printing house. They were engaged in political work, printing and distributing leaflets among the civilian population. During punitive measures, as a result of mass raids and arrests, many members of the underground group were captured and shot. A monument was erected at the site of the death. (Student) The war has passed, but the remains of unknown dead warriors are still found in the ground. In the spring of 1998, the remains of dead soldiers were found in Rechitsa. The Dnieper River will tell us about them, May 1998. (Student) On the right bank of the Dnieper, 150 meters from the railway bridge, in the spring of 1998 in the city of Rechitsa, the remains of 17 soldiers were found who died defending this important strategic facility across the Dnieper. During the search work, the remains of 9 more people were found. Upon examination of the remains, it was certain that one of them was a woman. On the eve of the holiday of May 9, the remains of the soldiers were reburied and a monument was erected at the burial site. Poems sound: No one will be awakened by the sad copper orchestra Only the most terrible thing, Even more terrible than death To know that the birds sing on earth without us. (student) Life goes on and the day begins again. The time of rain is approaching, The growing wind sways the bread. This is our destiny, this is our common destiny: Cherries bloom on earth without us.

5 They loved life very much, They knew how to dream. They gave their lives so that we could dream today! Live and dream! Let's remember everyone who died. This is not necessary for the dead, it is necessary for the living! Teacher: So our correspondence journey through the memorable places of our city has ended. And in conclusion I want to say: “No one is forgotten, Nothing is forgotten...” Secondary school 6, Rechitsa

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“I don’t need foamy distances,
I'm not looking for any other beauty.
Dear land,
My land is Penza,
You are my Russia. (A.A. Sazonov.)

Target: nurturing a sense of love and pride for one’s small Motherland.


  • expand the knowledge of schoolchildren about the history of their native city, its monuments and museums;
  • develop the ability to work with a book, map, plan;
  • cultivate respect for the rich cultural traditions of the Penza region.

Form: virtual tour.

Equipment and materials: computer, multimedia projector, presentation “Unique memorable places of the city of Penza”, excursion route diagram, Dictionary of the Russian language by S.I. Ozhegova.


Stage I "Introductory"

1. Organizational moment

2. Setting a classroom goal

Teacher: In the city of Penza there are 236 monuments, of which 166 are objects of historical and cultural heritage. They are the link between the past and the present. Each of them has its own story, its own heroes.
The goal of our class hour is to find out: “What unique memorable places are located in our city. After all, they can become the calling card of the city, making it popular not only in our country, but also abroad.

Stage II “Basic”

Teacher: Each city has its own calling card. We say Moscow, but in our imagination the Kremlin or Red Square, the Cathedral of Christ the Savior or the monument to Yuri Dolgoruky appear. Our imagination paints us images. They shape our impression. What memorial sign is the symbol of our city?
How do the residents of our city answer this question? We contacted them with a question.

(View video)

Teacher: Guys, what monuments do you think can be called unique? (Students’ answers: unique, unusual.)

– Archivist, what do you think?

Archivist: In the dictionary of S.I. Ozhegov we read: “Unique are one of a kind, inimitable.”

Teacher: What can be attributed to them in our city?


Among the monuments and memorable places are:
– Cuckoo clock, which is located on Moskovskaya Street. They were installed in 1974. “The mechanism was made at the Serdobsky Watch Factory, the metal frame was made at the Diesel Factory, the crystal columns were made at the Nikolsky Factory.”
Engineers from the Serdobsk Watch Factory - Valentin Mizhev, Vladimir Panin and Oleg Rozanov - worked on the unique mechanism. The workers of the experimental workshop V. Alakin, B. Lushnikov, A. Komarov and others put a lot of work into the manufacture of the clock into the design - sculptors I. Seredkin (diesel plant) and V. Aleksyuk (Penza art and production workshops of the Art Fund of the RSFSR).
Did you know that this is the largest cuckoo clock in the world?
– Monument “Box “Russian Folk Proverbs””. It appeared on the city map in 2010 and is located in the park named after A.S. Pushkin, on Moskovskaya street. The box was cast from bronze by the sculptor, Honored Artist of Russia Valery Kuznetsov. This is the first and only casket monument in Russia. “The sculptural composition was donated to the city by Megafon... Penza has become the eighth city in Russia in which Megafon opens such art objects. Each sculptural composition emphasizes the historical and cultural uniqueness of a particular city.
– Monument to V. O. Klyuchevsky. It was opened on October 11, 2008 at the intersection of Bakunin and Plekhanov streets in front of the College of Culture and Arts - in the historical center of the city. The competition to create the monument was won by Valery Kuznetsov. Bronze Klyuchevsky weighs more than a ton. It was cast by Belarusian craftsmen. According to the author of the monument, the work of the foundry workers is impeccable. According to Doctor of Historical Sciences Viktor Kondrashin, the monument to Klyuchevsky is the only monument to a historian in the world.
– Another unique place is the monument to Penza policemen, which was opened on November 10, 2007 on Nekrasova Street. This is the only monument in Russia dedicated to a local police officer. The prototype of the immortalized policeman was the legendary Penza district police officer of the 1950s-1960s, police captain Grigory Aleksandrovich Shelkov, widely known in Penza to this day. The monument was erected on Nekrasova Street, in the area where the buildings of the Penza riot police, the traffic police and the police department building under construction are located. The authors of the monument: sculptor - Alexander Khachaturyan, People's Artist of Kalmykia; architect - Dmitry Dimakov.
– Driving past the Globe monument, we see an original engineering design in the shape of a globe, but we don’t even suspect that it is unique. Our monument was erected in 1972 at the intersection of Suvorov and Bekeshskaya streets. There is a similar model in New York, but it is smaller in diameter and does not create any semblance of the movement of our planet around its axis, and even at the same speed. Guys, do you know the name of its creator? No? This is the Penza inventor - Vladimir Bobikov!

Teacher: Guys, do you know what a museum is? What kinds of museums are there?
(Student answers: places where antiques are stored; museums include local history, art, etc.)
– Archivist, won’t you help us?

Archivist:“Museum (from the Latin museum, from the Greek “museoin” - “temple of the muses”)
A research institution that stores, studies, displays and popularizes historical monuments, material and spiritual culture. Types of museums: natural science, local history, memorial, art and others.”

Teacher: Each museum is unique in its own way. Everyone preserves and passes on to future generations captured moments of the past.

The flower is dried up, scentless,
I see forgotten in the book;
And now with a strange dream
My soul was filled.
Where did it bloom? When? What spring?
And how long did it bloom? And torn by someone
A stranger, or a familiar hand?
And why was it put here?..

Following A.S. Pushkin, when studying each subject, we ask the questions: “What? Where? When? Who?" It is in the museum that we try to get answers to all these questions.

There are 15 museums in the Penza region, including the state Lermontov Museum-Reserve “Tarkhany” of federal significance. There are eight in the city of Penza, including three unique ones that have no analogues in the world.

(The story is accompanied by a show Presentations)

This is a museum of one painting named after Georgy Vasilyevich Myasnikov. It was opened on February 12, 1983 at the address - Kirova Street, building 11. This year it celebrates its 30th anniversary. The only museum of its kind in Russia and the world that does not have a permanent exhibition. Did you know that in the Forbes list our museum is listed alongside the Italian Museum of the Shroud of Turin, the Liberty Bell Museum from the USA, the French Museum of Marshal Foch's Staff Car and several other original art repositories.
Museum-Theater named after Vsevolod Emilievich Meyerhold. The museum was opened in a memorial house on Volodarsky Street, restored in 1984. The concept of the exhibition has three components: the life of the Meyerhold family in Penza (1874-1895); "Masquerade" M.Yu. Lermontov directed by V.E. Meyerhold; author's theaters of our time, concepts of the theatrical avant-garde. It is located on the territory of a former city estate, in a wooden house (1881). Nearby is the building of the former Meyerhold factory. Both buildings are part of the "Corner of Old Penza" complex. The uniqueness is that it is both a museum and a theater at the same time.
“House of Russian History” - this is how we can proudly call this memorial, located on Klyuchevskogo Street. This is the only museum of this historian in the country. Agree, not many people know that since 1991, all-Russian and international scientific conferences have been held here.

Cartographer: Guys, today we took a virtual tour of the unique memorable places of our hometown. The length of our excursion is 6.67 km. The route is ahead of you.

Stage III “Final”

Teacher: Guys, what new did you learn in class today?
– What unique memorable places are located in our hometown?
– What conclusions did you draw from what you saw and heard?

(Students' answers)

The student reads:

And above Penza the sky is so blue!
The sun rose from the crimson dawn.
Take your heart out of your chest and into your palms
And give it to all people with kindness.
I don’t regret neither the colors nor the words,
To convey my feelings more fully.
There are many beautiful cities in the world,
You just can’t find anything better than our Penza.
The Russian soul always lives here,
Settled since time immemorial.
And therefore our Penza people
Gifted with kindness and talent.
Saltykov-Shchedrin and Lobachevsky...
Razin and Pugachev were here,
Meyerhold, Belinsky and Klyuchevsky,
Lermontov, Kuprin and Ogarev...
The birthplace of the Russian circus,
You are the forge of sports victories,
You are a generous piggy bank of talents,
The city that is dressed in green!
World Museum of One Painting,
City cathedrals domes...
Penza, hymns have been sung about you
The gentle ringing of their bells.
The banks bent over the Sura River,
Framing the waters with the greenery of gardens.
You, Penza, are like a dear mother to me.
You are the pearl of Russian cities.

V. Gvozdev

Teacher: With this poem we end our class hour dedicated to our beloved city on the eve of its glorious anniversary - the 350th anniversary, which will be solemnly celebrated in September 2013.


1. S.I.Ozhegov, N.Yu.Shvedova Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. Moscow, 1997
2. Dmitrieva Anna“The rebirth of “Cuckoo”. // “Penzenskaya Pravda” – 2012 – June 19 – No. 45, p.82.
3. Sursky V.“What time is it, cuckoo?” // “Penzenskaya Pravda” – 1974 – October 18 (No. 245) – p.4
4. Malyshev Evgeniy“Megafon opened the “Box” // “Moskovskaya Street” - 2010 - November 19 (No. 43) - p.4

Informational resources:

    Taking this into account, search tasks for classes within the project were developed, and a program was drawn up.

    Explanatory note

    The project is carried out throughout the second half of the year and includes training sessions as part of the extracurricular activities “I am a researcher”. Work on the project involves the joint activities of students, parents and teachers.

    Goals:Raising a citizen of Russia, a patriot of his small homeland, who knows and loves his city , through the study of historical monuments.

  • Educational:
  • Developmental:
  • Educational:


1. Contribute to the formation of interest in the history of the Fatherland, your city, expanding ideas about the history of the small Motherland;

2. Foster a caring attitude towards the historical and cultural heritage of the Fatherland;

3. Develop students’ independent cognitive activity skills and their creative abilities;

4.Create conditions for self-expression and self-realization of each member of the class team;

5. Promote team unity for joint creative activities.

6.Development of communication and speech skills.

7. Get acquainted with the historical events associated with the emergence of monuments in the city of Sharypovo.

8.Teach to summarize and process information using information and communication technologies;

9.Enriching parent-child relationships with the experience of joint activities through the formation of ideas about their hometown.

Predicted result.

2.Increasing parental competence on the presented problem. Participation of students' families in the educational process.

3.Photos, drawings, release of the album (presentation) “Monuments of my city”

Project update.

Research materials can be used in literature, history, local history classes, as well as in extracurricular activities. The material will help make classes bright and memorable. The emotional tone of such lessons is very high. The study of monuments opens up great opportunities for the education of moral and value orientations of schoolchildren, the formation of their citizenship, and the formation of high patriotic convictions.

Foundation of the project.

This project is focused on the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of NEO, namely, it is aimed at creating a common culture for students, at their spiritual, moral, social, personal and intellectual development, at creating the basis for independent implementation of educational activities that ensure social success, the development of creative abilities, and self-development. (Culture, development, basis, implementation, success).

Participants, project partners:

teachers, students, parents of students;

employees of the Museum of Local Lore

Planning the content of the educational project and the stages of its implementation.

Questions guiding the project

Fundamental Question

Should monuments be preserved?

What are monuments?

Research methods.

  • search and processing of information;
  • excursion and study of historical materials;
  • analysis of studied materials;
  • generalization of the obtained data;
  • synthesis as an independent part of the study.

Purpose of the study: What sights of the city of Sharypovo do you know?

Take a tour of the city, find out what monuments there are in Sharypovo, in memory of what they were installed? Collect photographic materials and information about the city’s attractions, collaborating with the city’s Local History Museum.

Didactic goals of the project:

Formation of competence in the field of independent cognitive activity, skills of independent work with large volumes of information,

The student’s understanding of historical information about the city, city monuments.

Learn to briefly express your thoughts orally and in writing.

Methodological tasks:

Find historical information about the city, monuments. Create an album (presentation) about the city’s monuments.

Selection of topics for individual student research: city monuments, memorial plaques.

Proposing hypotheses for solving problems:

We conducted a survey and saw that the guys knew little about their city, its monuments, and attractions.

Leading activity.

Creative, searching, research.

Expected results:

For students:

Development of initiative, activity, independence in children;


For teachers:

Increased professionalism;

For parents:

The project is focused on studying issues related to expanding knowledge about their hometown Sharypovo. In particular, younger schoolchildren search for information from various sources (documents of the local history museum, books) about the memorable sights of the city. As a result of their search activities, students present the materials they have prepared in the form of a message on an A4 sheet for further stitching into a common album.

Project implementation principles:

In the process of work, you must be guided by the following principles:

1) Development principle- reflects a clear focus on personal development.

2) The principle of differentiation and individualization- involves creating conditions for the full manifestation of the abilities of each child and his family.

3) The principle of dialogic communication- reflects openness, sincerity, mutual understanding of all subjects of the creative project.

4) Accessibility principle- provides for the organization of work taking into account age characteristics, preparedness, as well as individual characteristics of family relationships.

Educational activities, excursions, meetings;

Productive activity;

Project plan.

The project was implemented in 6 stages.

Istage - Preparatory, includes: diagnosing children in order to identify the level of formation of knowledge and ideas about the history and culture of their hometown. Analysis of the results obtained in order to identify the relevance and demand for knowledge and ideas about the hometown.

Stage II - Immersion in the project

Entering the topic, defining the goal and guessing the result, getting to know the issues of the project. The teacher prepares a presentation for parents. Presentation of a starting presentation by a teacher to schoolchildren in order to identify interests and level of knowledge on the proposed topic. Formation of interest groups, distribution of roles in groups for conducting research and determination of the form for presenting the results. Division into groups Preliminary joint planning of project progress.

IIIstage - Basic(project implementation) includes:

Proposing hypotheses for solving the problem. Organize and conduct a city tour, visit the Local History Museum. Collecting information on the Internet, accumulating and discussing it in a group, preliminary self-assessment of the group’s work. Independent or group work to complete the research (differentiated: strong students - making presentations, weak students - adding additions to it.) Reflection, teacher checking the activity of group members, completing progress on the project.

Registration of the results of project activities. Independent work of groups. Students prepare a presentation on the report on the work done in the form of a message on an A4 sheet for further stitching into a common album. The guys also supplemented their messages with photographs and illustrations.

Stage IV. Final(Presentation of work results)

Defense of your works (lesson - presentation). Evaluation of the project results by schoolchildren, parents and teachers. Filling out an assessment sheet based on the criteria chosen by the children. Stitching all materials into one album “Monuments of our city”. At the end, the teacher may offer a quiz. For example: the teacher shows students objects on the screen and asks them to answer questions.

V stage.- Summing up, rewarding children.

Stage VI. Reflection.

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"Monuments of my city"

« Monuments of my city »

Abstract of the project.

One of the urgent tasks facing the teacher is the preparation of a responsible citizen who is able to think independently, evaluate what is happening, and build his life in accordance not only with his own interests, but taking into account the interests and demands of the people around him. The solution to this problem is closely related to the formation of moral qualities of the individual. This is facilitated by the spiritual and moral development and education of younger schoolchildren. One of these tasks is the education of citizenship and patriotism. It is out of love for one’s small Motherland that love for Russia as a whole is brought up.

The theme of the project “Monuments of my city” is relevant and interesting. The study of monuments reveals to students the connections between their hometown and the Motherland, and forms an educational interest in the history of the city.

Project work is based on search and interest in the past.

  • This project is universal and can be implemented in most school settings. The project does not require significant material costs; parents are actively involved in its implementation. Information about the city is accessible and interesting not only for children, but also for adults.
  • The project takes into account the specifics of primary school age (grades 1-2), therefore work on the module chosen by the children is built according to a simplified scheme, because pursue the following goals:
  • - to interest the child, to captivate him with the history of his native city,
  • -contribute to strengthening family ties, communication between the older and younger generations.

  • Before starting work on the project, we tried to find out what the students knew about the history of the city in which they live. For this purpose, a survey was conducted. It showed the following:
  • know about the history of the city - ___14_%
  • know the monuments of Sharypovo, the history of their creation - __23__%
  • would like to expand and deepen their knowledge of the history of their city - __87___%

  • Goals: Raising a citizen of Russia, a patriot of his small homeland, who knows and loves his city, through the study of historical monuments.
  • Educational: to form students’ basic knowledge about project activities. Update your knowledge about the Windows program (purpose, capabilities). Get acquainted with the history of our city by studying the sights (monuments). Find out how many monuments there are in the city.
  • Developmental: promote the development of oral and written speech, creative abilities of students, cognitive interest in subjects, skills in working in the Windows program, as well as develop the ability to present a finished product.
  • Educational: Formation of moral foundations and education of a patriotic worldview, respectful attitude towards one’s city and its inhabitants through studying the sights of Sharypovo. To cultivate tolerance, the ability to work in a group, and respect for the historical past of your city and cultural monuments.

  • Tasks:
  • Contribute to the formation of interest in the history of the Fatherland, your city, expanding ideas about the history of the small Motherland;
  • Foster a caring attitude towards the historical and cultural heritage of the Fatherland;
  • Develop the skills of independent cognitive activity of students, their creative abilities;
  • Create conditions for self-expression and self-realization of each member of the class team;
  • Promote team unity for joint creative activities.
  • Development of communication and speech skills.
  • Get acquainted with the historical events associated with the emergence of monuments in the city of Sharypovo.
  • Learn to summarize and process information using information and communication technologies;
  • Enriching parent-child relationships with the experience of joint activities through the formation of ideas about their hometown.

  • Predicted result.
  • Enriched and systematized knowledge of children about the history of the city and cultural values.
  • Increasing parental competence on the presented problem. Participation of students' families in the educational process.
  • Photos, drawings, release of the album (presentation) “Monuments of my city”

  • Personal computers;
  • Multimedia projector;
  • Digital camera;
  • Standard Windows program
  • Album (A4 format)
  • Printer, scanner
  • projection system.
  • Internet
  • Materials from the Museum of Local Lore

Is the past reflected in the present?

  • Do the city and people need monuments?
  • How are the monuments of the city of Sharypovo related to the history of Russia?
  • Monument decoration or landmark?
  • What is the connecting thread between generations?
  • Should monuments be preserved?
  • How can people preserve what was created before?

  • What are monuments?
  • What monuments in our city do you know?
  • In honor of what events were they installed?
  • How many monuments are there in our city?

Research progress

In order to find out what the city was like in the past, we:

  • We visited the city museum
  • Went on excursions
  • We talked with city residents of different ages
  • Summarized and made conclusions

  • Expected results:
  • For students:
  • - responsible attitude towards socially significant tasks;
  • - development of initiative in children,

activity, independence;

  • - self-realization.
  • For the teacher:
  • - increasing professionalism;
  • - introduction of new methods in working with children and parents;
  • - personal and professional growth;
  • For parents.
  • - increasing the level of personal consciousness; strengthening relationships between children and parents, self-realization.

  • - Educational classes, excursions, meetings;
  • - Productive activity;
  • - creation of the album “Monuments of my city”, exhibition of photographs and drawings.

Activities of project participants at various stages





Student and parent activities

identifying the level of formation of knowledge and ideas about the history and culture of the native city.

Activities of a teacher

Carrying out diagnostics of children (questionnaires of parents)

Conducting surveys, analyzing questionnaires

Immersion in the project(Organizational and orientation)

Entering the topic, defining the goal and guessing the result, getting to know the issues of the project.

Formation of interest groups, distribution of roles in groups for conducting research and determination of the form for presenting the results.

Division into groups

Presentation of the starting presentation of the teacher for schoolchildren and parents in order to identify interests and level of knowledge on the proposed topic.


(project implementation)

Carrying out work that reveals the ideas of the project.

Registration of the results of project activities.

Gathering information: visiting a museum. Studying conversations with adults, the Internet, excursion activities. Execution of work; decor,

Independent work of groups

Photo competition ,

Conducting thematic classes, individual conversations: about the city. Organization of excursions around the city, to the local history museum.


(Presentation of work results).

Enriched and systematized knowledge of children about the history of the city and cultural values.

Presentation and defense of your works. Stitching all materials into one album “Monuments of our city”.

The teacher observes and advises.


Final discussion of the project with guests and parents.

Gratitude for work in the project


To identify the level of final diagnosis of children and

parent survey.

Discussion of the prospects for the development of the project (creation of an album, presentation for further use.

Identification of leaders,