Ammon, St. Message three

A person with the gift of supernatural insight

The first letter is "I"

Second letter "s"

Third letter "n"

The last letter of the letter is "th"

Answer for the question "A person with the gift of supernatural insight", 11 letters:

Alternative crossword questions for the word clairvoyant

A person capable of receiving information beyond the channels of perception known to science

Capable of predicting the future

Definition of the word clairvoyant in dictionaries

Wikipedia Meaning of the word in the Wikipedia dictionary
Clairvoyant: A clairvoyant is a person who has clairvoyance. “Clairvoyant” is one of the titles of S. King’s novel “The Shining” in the Russian translation. “Clairvoyant” is one of the titles of S. Kubrick’s film “The Shining” in Russian box office. "Clairvoyant" - a film directed by Armand...

New explanatory dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova. The meaning of the word in the dictionary New explanatory dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.
m. One who has the gift of clairvoyance; clairvoyant. adj. Correlative in meaning with noun: clairvoyance, associated with it. Possessing the gift of clairvoyance.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov The meaning of the word in the dictionary Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language. D.N. Ushakov
clairvoyant, clairvoyant. Possessing the gift of clairvoyance, perspicacious... Lenin was not afraid to take risks, because he knew, saw with his clairvoyant gaze that the uprising was inevitable, that the uprising would win... Stalin. in meaning noun clairvoyant, clairvoyant, m., clairvoyant,...

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I.Ozhegov, N.Yu.Shvedova. The meaning of the word in the dictionary Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language. S.I.Ozhegov, N.Yu.Shvedova.
-him, .k. Same as clairvoyant. And, well. clairvoyant, -ey.

Examples of the use of the word clairvoyant in literature.

Believe me,” said Mr. Franklin, “the Indians are convinced that we left the diamond here and brought our own with us.” clairvoyant boy to show them the way to him as soon as they get into the house.

Yoga and clairvoyants have well-developed dream lucidity skills during sleep.

Thus died the illustrious saint of Lourdes clairvoyant, Bernadette Soubirous, Sister Marie-Bernard from the Community of Sisters of Charity in Nevers.

Critical Reason clairvoyant seemed too thin-layered to the professor, the mind of the telepath could not resist the pressure of his hypertrophied subconscious sphere.

It is also completely unacceptable for Russian authorities to enter into any interaction with any kind of dubious representatives of parapsychology, ufology, and especially astrologers, clairvoyant etc.

The 11th Siddhi brings a new spiritual vision for our future. Currently, at the time of writing this book, another generation of such people is being born into the world, but with different tasks. The idealists of the future will bring more frequency of siddhi, laying the foundation for a new great, but no longer technological revolution. The coming revolution will be a transformation of the human spirit itself.

The great task of the modern world is to bring clarity to the cosmic problem of good and evil. Mass consciousness, based on the left hemisphere of the brain, gives preference to light over everything else. The dark feminine principle of the right hemisphere was opposed to the light. That is why the surging waves of darkness always precede the appearance of true light breaking through them. And this is very different from our projected image of light. The pure light of the 11th Siddhi has nothing to do with good and evil. It represents going beyond duality. You can see how tightly the 11th Gene Key is woven into spiritual and religious concepts. You can also see how powerful the Christian myth of Eden and its Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil is. As long as we view things in terms of good and evil, we accept the Fall. In the future, when the great mutation initiated by the 55th Gene Key comes to humanity, the 11th Siddhi will destroy our perception of the world, symbolically uprooting the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. From now on, we will eat fruit directly from the Tree of Life, which emits light. Light will become our food, feeding our subtle bodies and gradually dissolving us into the very heart of the universe.

The 12th Gene Key, with its shadow and siddhis, is one of the most extraordinary and significant archetypes in the human genetic matrix. Each of the 64 Gene Keys corresponds to a chemical family known as a codon - a unit of genetic code. To decipher the genetic code, scientists must find chemical markers called start codons and stop codons throughout this amount of DNA code. Such punctuation marks play a special role in the genetic code. The 12th Gene Key, along with the 56th and 33rd, in scientific terminology refer to stop codons or terminators. On a purely archetypal level, these three stop codons, known as the Ring of Tests, can be seen as the three great mythical tests of man on the path to self-realization. The 12th Shadow of Vanity represents the pinnacle of the Ring of Trials as the third and final aspect in this trilogy.

sh prevents your heart from opening. Vanity fears that by living from the heart you will lose “1 all your strength.

The great secret of the 12th Shadow is language. It is believed that in the Garden of Eden, Adam swallowed an apple, which got stuck in his throat and remains there to this day in the form of a man's Adam's apple. The Adam's apple represents the masculine side of the mind, which is identified with your words, thoughts and actions, and therefore the larynx gives you the illusion of the power of the tongue. The 12th Shadow is about love for

Sometimes it's hidden in what you don't talk about. It hides in your thoughts and feelings. Wherever there is self-identification, there is vanity. It is precisely because vanity goes beyond the ego that it becomes such a difficult test for a person. You may be wondering what can be done about this? How to transform this shadow state? Well, since this shadow is incredibly illusory, it is better not to think about it at all. Even the thought that you can overcome your own vanity leads to even greater vanity! All you have to know is that as long as you feel separate from life, as long as you feel the strength and admiration of your own individuality, vanity will be there. Only at a later stage of your development, when you approach the highest frequencies of siddhi, will it finally be forced to let you go.

There are two types of vanity - gross and refined. The repressed nature of the 12th Shadow is a subtle variant that manifests itself in some individuals as a sense of elitism. Elitism is secret vanity. Such natures may outwardly agree with you, but inside they feel something completely different from what they declare. Often they refrain from commenting altogether, preferring to remain on the sidelines. This is an area for the spiritually advanced - those few who have done a lot of work on themselves. These people internally feel purer than the majority around them. They may take great pride in being different from others or being outside of any world view or system. Vanity reliably keeps a person from the transition to a higher level of consciousness that is so necessary for his inner essence. This will happen only when the moment of realizing your own vanity comes.

12th Gene Key, you will see its great power. Seeing the differences means knowing what and who is good for you. The energy of vanity is self-destructive until it is properly used. This is where the Gift of Insight lies. You turn your vanity as the desire to be better or higher than others into art, and the 12th Gift is deeply connected with art - with music, speech, dance, drama and, above all, with Love. The love of the 12th Gift is not universal love (as in the 25th Gene Key) - it is falling in love. This is human love with all its drama, obsession, beauty and danger. Vanity is love only for oneself, while discernment is primarily love for things and people that make one feel good.

J±j partner of the 12th Gift is the 11th Gift of Idealism, so these people are also idealists, but they “1 understand that idealism requires a balance of pragmatism and insight; otherwise the ideal remains just an inflated dream. The Gift of Insight sets you apart from the crowd - there is no choice, and because it naturally seeks a higher frequency. It represents the aspect of DNA that constantly strives for something higher and purer, and therefore openly challenges everything that is influenced by compromise. Insight gives humanity a taste of the higher order X operating from behind the scenes of life. That is why it manifests itself so often *" in true art. The 12th Gift is not shy about the truth, no matter how dirty it may seem. These people are well versed in food, music and language. They can become great artists, virtuoso musicians, poets, actors and mentors of humanity.Their gift is fearless immersion in the drama of life with the ability to pass it through their veins and express it in feelings.

Associated with the thyroid gland, the 12th Gift contains great teaching about transformation and death. All high art contains the same codes as the 12th Gift - that life is transformation, and death is a symbolic movement of consciousness from one state to another. These truths have been encoded in great tragedies and comedies for centuries, and thanks to the emotional nature of man, they have been perceived and passed on. It is the thyroid system that controls our metabolism and has a huge impact on our overall energy, mood and breathing. Through laughter or crying, you enter the sacred realm of transformation. It is through laughter and tears that the transcendental enters the body, changing its chemistry and breathing patterns.

Vanity and purity mirror opposite ends of the spectrum of human consciousness. In vanity, your lower self falls in love with itself, and in purity, your Higher Self falls in love with itself. We can say that purity is when God falls in love with you. And this can only happen when you enter the sphere of Divine love. Your behavior, thoughts, feelings, the very air you breathe should respond to one goal - what the Sufis call falling in love with the Beloved. The lover is not something out there - it is the essence of your true nature, and you fall in love with your depth because everything is there.

Those who have jumped over this abyss and entered the sphere of the 12th Siddhi become like children. With their heart they can feel the Divine beyond desires, concepts, and yet it is a deeply human heart with a voice beyond words. Those around them perceive them as if they are not of this world, although they most naturally express what it means to be human. In this state nothing can tarnish their purity. The bodies of these people may be decrepit, even ugly, but their hearts sing the Truth of their nature. Those in whom this siddhi manifests itself often lead the most humble, inconspicuous lives. They quietly walk through the world, sometimes living completely ordinary lives, and yet reminding everyone who meets them on their way that purity can indeed exist in human form.

Sherry Dillard

The gift of intuition, or How to develop the sixth sense

Discover Your Psychic Type. Developing and Using Your Natural Intuition

* * *

To my husband Kenny and my children Aiden and Maria for their patience, love and support.


Scott loves numbers. He is a software developer and spends his free time in numerology. He is very attentive to the systems and coincidences of certain numbers that appear in his personal and work affairs. Scott's interest in numerology began when he began to notice that the number four repeated three times caught his eye throughout the day, including in telephone numbers, on the speedometer of his car and in registration numbers. He often wakes up early in the morning and sees the same sequence - 4:44 - on his digital clock. Looking at these numbers, Scott feels like someone is guiding him and that he is on the right path.

When Scott makes plans for an upcoming family reunion, he looks for the same sequence of fours. He analyzes dates suitable for this event, studies places on the map, possible addresses of hotels and parks, and then looks for the number four. Having found this number, Scott makes a note. As soon as a sequence of three fours appears, he closes his eyes and imagines the place associated with these numbers. If his feelings from the visualization are full of positive energy, and the picture turns out to be bright enough, he understands that he has built the right plan.

Scott knows that the number four symbolizes practicality. “Excellent,” he thinks, “I’m a practical person.”

Lisa folds her T-shirts and panties and carefully hides them in her suitcase. She hasn't been to a family reunion in years and is now thinking about seeing her brother's recently born daughter and meeting other, more distant relatives who are coming this year. She will miss the head of the family, Grandma Eleanor, who died last fall. Grandmother Eleanor maintained peace in the family for many years. The two aunts could not find a common language with each other in financial matters, because of this, tension grew in the family, quarrels occurred more often, and only grandmother Eleanor was able to reconcile the “warring parties.” Now that she is no longer alive, Lisa wonders whether the fragile peace established between the two women will be broken during a family reunion.

Lisa closes her eyes, thinking about her aunts and the potential conflict between the two of them, and imagines them standing in front of each other. Both women are internally tense, they quarrel. Lisa takes a deep breath and focuses on her love for both of them. She clearly imagines sending this love to her aunts, and a feeling of warmth, affection and peace arises around them. Lisa found that when she was worried about her children or her husband, this kind of loving meditation calmed her nerves and helped ease the burden of problems that had fallen on her family. She is determined to set aside a few minutes every day until the family reunion to send her love and a sense of harmony to her aunts.

Bill wakes up at dawn every morning. He likes to start working early in the morning while it's still cool. Having driven his car through a grove of cedars and pines, he enters the gates of the park and looks around it. The weather is beautiful and the park is more crowded than usual at this time of year. Bill knows that he will soon hear the laughter of children splashing in the clear river and playing on green lawns, and feel the aroma of steaks baking on the grill filling the quiet morning. Bill represents his ancestors, the proud Cherokee Indians who once lived on this land, enjoying happiness. That's why Bill chose to work in the park. He feels closer to his people and their heritage, simply knowing that the spirits of his ancestors still live here and are not disturbed by the bulldozers and construction that have taken over much of the surrounding area.

Bill walks slowly towards the river and notices a hawk sitting in a tree near the water's edge. As Bill turns, he looks toward each of the four directions—north, south, east, and west—and asks for the blessing of the Great Spirit. He takes time to thank the Great Spirit for his life of joy and contentment. He then heads to the park ranger's hut to get a lawn mower and pruning shears. On the way there is a large picnic pavilion. As Bill passes by, he remembers that it will soon be full of relatives who have come to meet each other. He thinks about his own family, children - young people making their way in this world, and elders proud of their achievements and the love they share with others. Bill feels love for his family and belonging to each of its members.

Bill puts his hand into a leather pocket filled with cedar needles and tobacco leaves. He carries them with him wherever he goes: the needles and leaves will be very useful whenever the opportunity arises to pray and ask for blessings from the Great Spirit. Now seems like just the right time! Bill turns again and looks in each of the four directions - north, south, east and west. He offers prayer and tobacco to the ancestors and spirits of the hills, asking for peace, harmony and love for the family that will soon enter the pavilion.

Katie touches the cool water with her big toe. She sees the reflection of the sun and clouds in the water and imagines herself high in the sky, floating above the trees and people. Her cousins ​​invite her to play hide and seek. She runs to hide. She is only six years old and small enough to easily crawl under some bushes and hide properly. But before she can hide, she hears her mother calling her to eat.

Katie is excited; her grandfather, cousins, aunts and uncles are all here. She barely remembers some of them from last year. Katie has seen melon, pies and hot dogs on colorful plates and can't wait to start eating. But instead of immediately starting to eat, the family first stands in a circle and everyone takes each other's hands. They say that the time has come to say a prayer of gratitude for each of those gathered and for the abundance in life. Tears well up in the eyes of some of the adults as they say a prayer for their great-grandmother Eleanor, who died last fall. But Katie doesn't cry. She sees great-grandmother Eleanor! She stands next to her great-grandfather, looks lovely, smiles, and there is light around her. Katie quietly waves to her great-grandmother Eleanor, who winks back at her.

Is Scott lucky in choosing the place and time for the annual family reunion? Is it just a coincidence that since he took on this, there have been fewer arguments and conflicts at the meeting? Or maybe his interest in numbers is just a strange hobby? Is Scott really capable of obtaining unknown information hidden in numbers and number systems?

And Lisa? Does she really feel what her aunts feel thousands of kilometers away? Why is she so sure that conflict will arise between them during a family meeting? Or Lisa is just a pessimist, so it seems to her that everything will be worse than it could actually be. Or is she really capable of sending love and harmony to her aunts and thus influencing their feelings and relationships?

Can Bill feel the presence of his ancestors on the very hills where their tribe once lived? Or is he just a generous person who thinks about others? Could his offerings of tobacco to the Great Spirit really benefit a family he had never met?

Is little Katie simply imaginative - or does she actually have the ability to see and communicate with her late great-grandmother? And if so, will she retain the ability to contact the dead over the years?

What appears to be a random coincidence may instead be a carefully planned set of meaningful events and influences. Many of these influences come from non-physical realms, which I call spiritual. Spiritual (subtle) and physical realities constantly communicate with each other and influence one another.

We are interested in other people and help each other in a huge number of ways. Even when it seems to us that there is no real opportunity to provide such help, we still do it. There is an intelligent, loving energy—I call it Spirit, God, and the Divine Spirit—that we can trust and work in unison with.

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I wish you good health to my beloved brothers in Christ!

1. You know that I write to you as my beloved children, as “children of the promise” (Gal. 4:28) and children of the kingdom, and therefore I remember you night and day, so that God will keep you from all evil and that you asked [in prayers] and constantly cared for the granting of you [the ability of spiritual] discernment and vision, in order to learn to clearly see and distinguish good from evil in everything 20 . For it is written: “Solid food is for those who are perfect, whose senses are trained by skill to discern between good and evil” (Heb. 5:14). Those became sons of the Kingdom and are considered [children of] adoption 21 to whom God gave such [spiritual] vision 22 in all their affairs, so that no one could lead them astray. After all, a person is caught [by the evil one] under the pretext of good, and many are deceived in this way, because they have not yet received such a [spiritual] vision from God. Therefore, blessed Paul, knowing that it is the great wealth of believers, says this: “For this purpose I bow my knees day and night for you before our Lord Jesus Christ, so that He may give you revelation in the knowledge of Him, having the eyes of your heart enlightened, so that you may comprehend the breadth and length, depth and height, and to understand the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge." (Eph.3:14-19) 23 and so on. Since Paul loved them with all his heart, he wanted the great wealth that he knew about and which is a [spiritual] vision in Christ to be given to his beloved children. After all, he knew that if it was given to them, then they would no longer be bothered by anything and would not be afraid of any fear, but the joy of God would be with them night and day, and the work of God would delight them “more than honey and honeycomb.” (Ps. 18:11). And God will always be with them and will give them revelations and great mysteries that cannot be expressed by [human] language.

2. So, beloved [brothers], since you are considered my sons, earnestly ask [God] night and day, with faith and with tears, so that you may receive this gift of spiritual insight 24, which you, having entered the path of asceticism, have not yet acquired . And I, insignificant one, pray for you that you may achieve such prosperity and [spiritual] age that many monks do not achieve, with the exception of a few souls dear to God in [different] places. If you want to achieve such a measure of [spiritual growth], do not accustom yourself to visiting [any] monk who is reputed to be careless, but move away from them, since they will not allow you to achieve success according to God, but, on the contrary, will cool your warmth . After all, the most careless [monks] do not have warmth [in themselves], but follow their own

New desires 25 and when they meet with you, they talk about [things] of this century. With such conversation they extinguish your warmth and deprive you of it, not allowing you to succeed. It is written: “Do not quench the Spirit” (1 Tim. 5:19). It is extinguished by vain speeches and entertainment. When you see such [monks], do them a favor and run away from them without entering into communication with them. For they are those that do not allow a person to succeed during this life.

Be strong in the Lord, beloved [brethren], in a spirit of meekness.


20 St. Ammon speaks here of the gift of “spiritual discernment” (διάκρισισ, discretio); this concept is sometimes translated as "discretion." Usually it denotes virtue, which is “an essential and important moment of “sobriety” or, more specifically, attention. According to St. Macarius of Egypt, “a lover of virtue should take care of prudence (τῆς διακρίσεως ), so as not to be deceived in distinguishing between good and evil." "Of all the virtues, the greatest is prudence." According to Abba Pimen, "storage, attention to oneself and reasoning are the three actions of the soul." Zarin S. Asceticism according to Orthodox Christian teaching, vol. 1, book 2. St. Petersburg, 1907, p. 585.

21 Wed. Rom.8:15. St. Gregory the Dvoeslov notes on this matter: the Creator of [everything] visible and invisible, the Only Begotten Son of the Father, came to save the human race (ad humani generis redemptionem) and sent the Holy Spirit into our hearts. Animated(vivificati) With them, we have comprehended by faith what we still cannot know experimentally.(scire experimento). And to the extent that we have “received the Spirit of adoption as sons” (Rom. 8:15), we no longer doubt that [the world of] invisible creatures exists(de vita invisibilem). Ν e. Gregoire le Grand. Dialogues, volume III. Ed. par Vogue et P.Antin // Sources chretiennes, no. 265. Paris, 1980, p.21.

22 To denote such a vision, St. Ammon uses the term ἀνάβλεψις (lit., “a look directed at grief”). It is noteworthy that St. Macarius, speaking about the spiritual rebirth of a person associated with the “renewal of the mind,” also speaks of “health and vision of thought”(ὑ γιότητα καὶ ἀ νάβλεψιν διανοίας ). Cm . Makarios/Symeon. Reden und Briefen, Bd.II, S.121.

23 St. Ammon quotes very freely, probably from memory; we translate as he quotes. Words "latitude", etc. “the essence is a figurative designation not of the breadth and comprehensiveness of knowledge, but of the eternity and immeasurability of the cognizable object,” i.e. “The immeasurable object of Christian knowledge is the love of Christ, revealed on the cross, and, consequently, the love of God, who sent His Son to save the world.” See: Bogdashevsky D. Epistle of the Holy Apostle Paul to the Ephesians. Isagogical-exegetical research. Kyiv, 1904, p.479-481.

24 To denote the spiritual vision, St. Ammon this time uses the expression τό διορατικόν τοῠτο χάρισμα , which here probably has the meaning of "spiritual insight." For example, St. Pachomius the Great possessed it. According to Archimandrite Palladius, “in the great task of spiritual leadership in a large brotherhood scattered across nine monasteries, Pachomius was able to succeed precisely because the Lord gave him special insight. He developed this gift more and more in himself. He knew how to recognize a person from the first meeting ". Archimandrite Palladius. Saint Pachomius the Great and the first monastic community according to newly discovered Coptic documents. Kazan, 1899, p. 137.

25 Expression: τοἶς θελήμασιν ἑαυτᾧν ἀκολοῠθουσιν presupposes self-love (egoism), which Orthodox ascetics considered the root and basis of all sin, for “the selfish elevation of one’s “I” to the goal of one’s life” resulted in “the dissolution of world harmony, the breaking of the union with God and people and the constant struggle for existence. This is the essence sinful life. It is very clear that life according to God, a truly human and Christian life, must be the opposite of sinful. If there, in sin, we place our “I” as a life principle, above all and our will as the world law, the only obligatory one for us , then here, in the life of strength and spirit, we must make it a life principle to renounce our “I” and our will, from both renunciations-

Get down and take on the yoke of Christ, accept His will as the law of your life. In our sinful life, we fought with people because of our “I”, animated by mutual hatred; here, in spiritual Christian life, we must strive to unite with people, guided not by hatred, but by love for them. So, here are the two principles from which spiritual life is composed: renunciation of one’s “I” and one’s will is a negative principle, love for God and one’s neighbors is a positive, creative principle.” Sokolov L. The psychological element in ascetic works and its significance for the pastors of the Church. Vologda, 1898, p.45-46.

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pure heart
Siddhi: Purity
Gift: Insight
Shadow: Vanity
Program partner: 11th Gene Key, codon ring: Ring of Secrets (Ring of Tests - 12, 33, 56)
Physiology: Thyroid gland, amino acid: Absent (stop codon)

12th Shadow – Vanity

The last test
The 12th Gene Key, together with its Shadow and Siddhi, is one of the most prominent and significant archetypes in the human genetic matrix. Each of the 64 Keys corresponds to a specific codon - a chemical component of the genetic code. To decipher the genetic code, scientists must find chemical markers called “start codons” and “stop codons” throughout the mass of information encoded in DNA. Such chemical punctuation marks play a special role in the genetic code. The 12th Gene Key, along with the 56th and 33rd, in scientific terminology refer to “termination” or “stop codons”. Initially, the three stop codons that form the Ring of Trials can be seen as the three great mythical tests that a person undergoes on the path to self-realization. The 12th Shadow of Vanity represents the core of the Ring of Trials, representing the third and final aspect in this trilogy of human tests.

The 12th Gene Key is special. In the mystery of the 21 Codon Rings, he presents his own Ring of Secrets within the Ring of Trials. However, these secrets will not be revealed until you activate its highest frequency in the 12th Siddhi.

Vanity, like pride (26th Shadow), pursues us to the very heights of consciousness. This is an unpleasant word for most of us, and in our vanity we usually do not like to associate ourselves with it. Unlike the pride that flaunts in public, the Shadow of Vanity lurks deep inside. It is like a lichen clinging to the rocks of the highest mountain range. No matter how far your awareness has advanced, on a subtle level vanity will cling to you even at the highest vibrational frequency. In a sense, vanity is the very first human flaw, but it is also the very last Shadow that will let you go.

The 12th Shadow is the love of one's own uniqueness. And learning to love yourself is the true definition of vanity. However, vanity will only cease to be vanity when you understand that loving yourself means actually loving everyone else - a discovery that requires taking a quantum leap out of your self. Therefore, the 12th Shadow is closely associated with issues of personal power, as well as the human desire to express the purest hidden qualities of the soul. It allows you to increasingly improve your intellect and skill, but at the same time it prevents your heart from expanding. Vanity is afraid that, coming from the heart, you will lose your strength.

Suggesting an expression of the soul or heart, this Gene Key is closely related to the ability to harness the power of one's breath and emotions. It affects the thyroid and parathyroid glands and, in particular, the most important organ of speech - the larynx. It is the vertical larynx that distinguishes humans from animals. In traditional esoteric teachings it is said that animals with a horizontal larynx act in obedience to the herd instinct, while the development of a vertical larynx made the emergence of the ego possible. Indeed, it is the 12th Gene Key that allows you to transform thoughts into sound vibrations of speech, creating the illusion of the independent power of words. From this independence emerged two characteristic human traits - vanity and ego. Ancient yoga systems see a deep connection between the larynx, represented by the throat chakra, and the gonads, representing the sexual center. This is also evidenced by the rapid growth of the larynx during puberty. The ancients said that once these two centers were actually one, but over time they separated and the larynx gradually closed. The very name “thyroid gland” suggests that the larynx is a protective mechanism hiding a great secret. Interestingly, the English name for this gland, “thyroid,” also comes from the Greek word for shield.

The great secret of the 12th Shadow is speech. It is said that in the Garden of Eden, Adam swallowed an apple that got stuck in his throat, and remains there to this day in the form of Adam's apple (Adam's apple) for all men. The Adam's apple represents the masculine principle of the mind, identified with words, thoughts and actions, and the larynx creates the illusion of the power of the tongue. The 12th Shadow is the love of the sound of one's own voice, which is essentially the essence of speech. However, as we will see at higher levels, it is not what you say that matters, but the frequency behind your voice. Vanity can choose the most beautiful words, but it can never hide the frequency of its tone.

It is important to remember that none of the 64 Shadows are inherently bad. By declaring something bad or evil, you miss the hidden gift in it. Vanity is simply the lower frequency of the 12th Gene Key, ultimately creating the basis of the Siddhi of Purity.

Vanity can also hide in silence. Sometimes it is hidden not in words, but in your thoughts and feelings. Wherever there is self-identification, there is vanity. It is precisely because vanity goes beyond the ego that it becomes such a difficult test for a person. You may be wondering what you can do with it? How to transform this shadow state? Well, because this shadow is so resourceful, it’s better not to think about it at all. Even the thought that you can overcome your own vanity leads to more vanity! All you need to know is that as long as you feel separate from life, as long as you feel the strength and admiration of your own individuality, vanity will go with you. Only at a later stage of your development, when you approach the highest frequencies of Siddhi, will vanity finally let you go.

Vanity, however, has a sworn enemy - love. By maintaining isolation, vanity prevents you from truly loving another. Even if you are beautiful, smart and virtuous, you will protect yourself from others because of vanity. The more your consciousness develops, the subtler, and therefore stronger, vanity becomes. Vanity, along with its program partner, the 11th Shadow of Obscuration, hides the truth from you. For anyone reading this, vanity is one of the biggest problems. As your frequency increases, you naturally fall into the illusion that you are somehow different from others and purer than the rest of the world. You begin to identify more with your Higher Self, which the lower self gets great pleasure from! This is the most insidious stage in spiritual development because it is so easy to stay here at a relatively high frequency. You feel powerful, unique, wise and well-intentioned. However, you must still take the greatest leap into true purity - the leap into your own death.

Repressive character - elitist
There are two types of vanity - gross and refined. The repressive nature of the 12th Shadow is a subtle variant that manifests itself in some individuals as elitism. This is vanity operating in secret. Such people may outwardly agree with you, but inside they feel completely different from what they say. Often they refrain from commenting altogether, preferring to remain “above the fray.” This is the field of activity of the “spiritually developed” - those few who have “done a lot of work on themselves.” These people internally feel purer than the majority around them. They may take pride in being different from others or being outside of any world view or system. Such vanity reliably keeps a person from the transition to a higher level of consciousness, so desired for his inner essence. It will happen only when we finally realize our own vanity.

Reactive nature - malicious
Anger is a result of fear-based anger. The reactive nature of vanity can use the Gift of this Gene Key, Discrimination, to the detriment of others. While the elitist character withdraws into silence for fear of being seen as weak, these people have no qualms about using the power of their speech to hurt others. As with all classic victim behavior patterns, such people usually feel deceived in some way and react maliciously, without thinking about the harm their words or actions may be causing. The 12th Gene Key has real emotional power and a God-given talent for speech and communication. These people really know how to put pressure on the weak points of their interlocutor with the power of their voice, and like no one else they are capable of causing pain. Their anger may be unintentional, but it is usually cruel and brings misfortune to themselves.

12th Gift – Insight

Secrets of High Art
Discernment may not seem like a gift at all, but once you truly understand the 12th Gene Key, you will see how much power it has. Discernment means knowing what and who is useful to you in life. The energy of vanity easily becomes self-destructive unless it is put to proper use. This is the purpose of discernment. It turns your vanity into art - the desire to be better or somehow purer than others. The 12th Gift is strongly associated with the arts - music, speech, dance, drama and, above all, Love. The love of the 12th Gift is not universal love (as in the 25th Gene Key) - it is falling in love. This is human love with all its drama, obsession, beauty and danger. The essence of vanity is self-love, while discrimination is, first of all, love for people and things that bring you pleasure.

The essence of the 12th Gift is feelings. If this Gift is emphasized in the hologenetic profile, your entire life will be influenced by feelings and emotions. Your Gift is to share these feelings, and you can do this in many ways. With the full power of this Gift, you recognize the beauty of true expression and can also recognize when something or someone is not expressing the true soul. This can make you an excellent critic. However, this Gift is not associated with criticizing the shortcomings and characteristics of others (which belongs to the lower frequency of the 18th Gene Key) - its purpose is to reveal untruth. Discernment tunes you into a higher frequency, which means it can metaphorically see through walls. Whenever someone is pretending or harboring a hidden agenda, a person with the Gift of Discernment will immediately feel it as a deep discomfort. He doesn't trust anything he doesn't fall in love with, including the people in his life. For such a person, authenticity is everything.

Holders of the 12th Gift cannot be deceived by sorcerers or idealists. They have a deep respect for cleanliness, based on natural prudence. The program partner of the 12th Gift is the 11th Gift of Idealism, so these people are also idealists, but they understand that idealism requires a balance of pragmatism and discernment; otherwise it remains just a pipe dream. The Gift of Discrimination truly makes you stand out from the crowd - yet it has no choice as it naturally seeks a higher frequency. It represents the aspect of DNA that constantly strives for something higher and purer, and therefore openly challenges everything that is influenced by compromise. Discrimination gives humanity a taste of the higher order that operates behind the scenes of life. That is why it so often manifests itself in genuine art, and the owners of this Gift are its true connoisseurs. The 12th Gift does not give up anything true, no matter how immoral it may be. These people are well versed in food, music and language. They can become great artists, virtuoso musicians, poets, actors and teachers of humanity. Their Gift is to fearlessly enter into the drama of life, passing it through their veins and expressing it in their feelings.

The depth of feeling evoked by this Gift tells us something very important about the direction of development of the human race. We are here to learn to express the deepest desires and feelings of our souls. This is why we must master speech and the arts, which represent the realm of transformation through which we can go beyond emotions and reach higher levels. The 12th Gift produces great teachers of humanity, rare people who are able to bring art into their hearts and at the same time convey its essence to others through the expressiveness of their speech. All manifestations of true passion are caused by the 12th Gift. This passion is all-encompassing and all-consuming, but at the same time extremely subtle. Ultimately, these people are driven by the myth of true love - it is what they strive for deep down in their souls, and that is why their actions and words, in their highest manifestation, reflect all the beauty and pain of this passionate human desire.

Associated with the thyroid system, the 12th Gift contains great teaching about transformation and death. All high art contains the same codes as the 12th Gift - that life is associated with transformation, and death is a symbolic movement from one stage of consciousness to another. These truths have been encoded in great tragedies and comedies for centuries, and they are learned and transmitted thanks to the emotional nature of man. It is the thyroid system that controls metabolism and has a huge impact on energy, mood and breathing. Whether you laugh or cry, you enter the sacred realm of transformation. It is through laughter and tears that the transcendental enters the body, changing its chemistry and breathing patterns. Of all the Gene Keys, the 12th Gift represents the mythical transition from one state to another, higher state, in which a stop codon breaks identification with the past and forever transforms you into something completely different.

12th Siddhi – Purity

Consumed by the Void
Human longing for true love is actually a low-frequency manifestation of a state inherent in a high level of consciousness. This state is known by different names in many cultures and is essentially your pure nature, untainted by human desire and beyond the dualistic mechanism of the mind. Only the higher mind - another expression of our heart - can comprehend the true Purity of the 12th Siddhi.

Vanity and purity are reflections of opposite ends of the spectrum of human consciousness. In vanity, your lower self falls in love with itself, and in purity, your higher self falls in love with itself. You could say that purity is when the Divine falls in love with you. This can only happen when you enter the sphere of Divine love. Your behavior, thoughts, feelings, the very air you breathe should respond to one goal - what the Sufis call “Love for the Beloved.” The Beloved is not something "out there" - it is the essence of your true nature, and you are literally drowning in your own depths.

As we have seen, vanity follows you until the very end of the journey. Even at the higher frequency of the Gift, vanity is still with you. Only when you reach the highest peak of consciousness does a mystical event occur - you let go of everything you have achieved. You must achieve the complete destruction of everything achieved. This is the final test of the Ring of Trials. Then the opening above and below occurs simultaneously, and you enter the sanctuary of the inner codon ring - the Ring of Secrets. But in order for this miracle to happen, your vessel must be absolutely clean and spotless. The word "purity" is often misinterpreted. In human language it can be applied as an adjective to almost any word, but at its highest frequency it only refers to “heart.” Only when your heart finally remembers its pristine purity will you finally and voluntarily renounce your existence.

Everything in the Universe is based on primordial purity - we are all fragments of the Divine crystal, and as the edges are polished, our consciousness begins to awaken. The deepest essence of even the most evil being in the world is a shining pure heart, therefore, in fact, there is no evil. There are only increasing levels of density. This is the great secret that you must uncover in the Ring of Secrets. In ancient alchemical systems, the throat center was considered the greatest of initiations. In the Hindu system, the throat chakra, or "Vishuddha", is the governing center of higher consciousness. The energy of all lower chakras, including the heart, is synthesized and purified in the throat. In this respect it is the boundary between the known and the unknown. Likewise, in the Jewish Kabbalah, the throat is symbolized by the invisible sephira called "Daath", the Abyss. For the dawn of higher consciousness it is necessary to cross this abyss, and the passage through death is a symbolic renunciation of all hard-earned knowledge. This is the final purification in which you meet your own death and are reborn into a higher realm.

Those who have passed through this abyss and entered the sphere of the 12th Siddhi again become like children. With their hearts they can feel the Divine - beyond desires, concepts, and yet deeply human, speaking with a voice without words. Those around them perceive them as people “not of this world,” although they most naturally express what it means to be human. In this state nothing can pollute their purity. The bodies of these people may be decrepit, even ugly, but their hearts sing the Truth of their true nature. Those in whom this Siddhi manifests often lead the most humble, inconspicuous lives. They walk quietly through the world, living simply, and yet reminding everyone who meets them that purity can truly exist in a person.

If you want to play with the frequency of the 12th Siddhi, you just have to constantly remember your own heart. We must remember the purity of the great universal Heart, beating under the layers of karma, ancestral fear and inevitable conditioning in childhood. Its color is whiter than white, for it is the eternal child within you. This is your Self, which it is impossible not to fall in love with. Looking at the world from the 12th Siddhi means looking through this crystal clear vessel, and only this can you see in everyone you meet. But if you just forget about your heart for a moment and look unkindly, this presence inside you will instantly disappear.

In speech, purity becomes poetry. In thought, purity becomes the essence. By combining language and thought, we obtain the main codes for rising above the mental level. The words themselves, denoting each of the 64 Siddhis, are not words in the generally accepted sense - they are doors to the realm of higher frequencies. The word "purity" is essentially a sound expression of a certain level of vibration. In other words, by repeating the word “Purity” again and again in your heart and mind, you will truly experience the purity of your own heart. It's not like affirmations. It's not enough to just perform techniques to feel it. You must be ready in your heart—you must love the word and all that it means—to experience this miracle. Words used poetically and vibrating in the heart have the power to penetrate the layers of fear that envelop the hearts of others.

Purified thought has an even more powerful effect. Spoken language uses sound, which limits its impact to our solar system (sound waves eventually dissipate), but thought travels almost instantly and literally bounces off the boundaries of our Universe (only pure love can break through the walls of the Universe - see 25th Gene Key). Therefore, pure thought almost instantly affects all levels and all beings of the universe. Pure thought is like a lump of sugar thrown into a cup of tea. Very quickly it permeates everything. Over time, purity of thoughts will lead you to the edge of hyperspace. By allowing your thoughts to be filled with divine essence, you achieve a kind of “release speed.” At a certain frequency level you just disappear into a big “cup of tea”! You transcend the mind by becoming one with it. The paradox is that when you become a mind, the mind ceases to exist. This is the true symbolism of the stop codon - it ends a divided existence, dispelling the illusion of separateness created by vanity. You are so pure that you can only live in unity with everything that exists. As you cross the great cosmic throat center, you become absorbed in life itself.