Pencil portrait of a 12 year old boy. How to draw a boy step by step with a pencil

In this lesson we will look at how to draw a boy in full height with the dog in pencil step by step, and then color it with colored pencils.

You will need: a state of calm confidence, readiness for new creative successes.
Materials: pencils, eraser, black pen, if desired - gouache, brush.

1. We start by “outlining” our small character on a piece of paper. Let's designate his height as approximately three heads, average vertical line torso and face, eye line. Let's outline the cheek and hairstyle. The midline of the torso is sometimes drawn as an axis in the center of the body, and sometimes as a stripe glued to the back, this can depend both on the author's preferences and on the character's pose and/or its dynamism. (Note: I later made his head a little smaller).

2. Dressing the child). We remember that under the clothes there is a body and that the clothes themselves also have a certain weight. Therefore, the top of the sweater’s outline (at the boy’s outstretched arm) will approximately follow the outline of the arm. While the lower part of the contour sags unobtrusively). It is also useful to remember that clothes are thick and also tend to change slightly during wear - the knees may sag slightly, etc. More thick fabrics usually form larger folds. The right pant leg in the knee area sags less than the left one, since the fabric at the bottom is gathered into a tighter fold, which partially supports the weight of the pant leg. The left leg sags more and the leg line is straighter. This difference is not very noticeable compared to them, but still the lines are curved slightly differently.

3. We outline the hair strands and facial features. Let's designate the shape of the eyes, eyebrows, and the line of the nose. We draw a mouth, I usually put a small dot in its corner and draw a line for the bottom of the lower lip. Let's clarify the remaining lines (for example, I made the head smaller).

4. Erase the extra lines so that they don’t interfere, continue to refine the outline, and work out the folds. Add livestock, such as a rabbit). Although in fact it would be better to remember about it earlier.

5. We begin to paint the drawing. Using a blue pencil, lightly color in the shaded parts of the boy (except for the face). We do this really lightly (in the photo, for clarity, the toning is shown in more contrast than it actually was).

6. Again, lightly begin to apply color. We first tint the carrots orange the middle, then from the middle to the edges - we tint it yellow. Draw dark brown hair at the crown and ends of the hair. A stroke with strong pressure at the beginning, and almost no pressure at the end - similar to how we put commas, only very, very slightly curved strokes. We put more pressure on the pencil at the top of the head, reducing the pressure towards the highlight. Using the same principle, we tint the ends of the hair, reducing the pressure towards the top.

7. Then add a lighter color to the hair Brown color(it can be with a slightly reddish tint). Then we work on the hair using the same principle. yellow pencil, reducing the pressure on the highlight.

8. We continue to color clothes using different shades green, light green, blue, blue, yellow. For the overalls, a light purple pencil was also used (on the shadow side.)

9. We tighten the shading, with the exception of the more illuminated, protruding areas (shoulder, stomach, shoe toes). We begin to tint the skin of the face with a flesh-colored pencil. Then lightly add blush on top of the nude color using a red pencil. Then we tint it closely again - then the red will fade a little and look more natural.

10. We begin to outline the outline with a black pen. It is advisable that it does not flow). Just in case, keep a piece of paper nearby on which you can wipe it. Also lightly work through the hair with a pen, changing the pressure in the same way as you previously changed the pressure of a pencil.

11. Again we work through the hair, leaving a very small area of ​​highlight that is not painted over, or you can use an eraser as you wish). We draw the pupils with a pen, not forgetting about the glare. For some reason the glare on my slippers went in the wrong direction, but... anyway, at the final stage I’ll add highlights with gouache - it doesn’t really matter.

12. We work on the overalls with a blue pencil, shading it along the edges. You can also add shadows on clothes, shoes and carrots using diagonal shading with a simple pencil(I use a mechanical one, because I’m always too lazy to sharpen pencils). Color and trace the rabbit. We use a blue and light purple pencil, and a simple one for the shaded areas, the tips of the ears and tail and drawing the toes. I could make my teeth stand out more, otherwise I have a kind of dog-like rabbit)

13. At the thirteenth stage, the boy looks somehow strange, he is probably superstitious). We add greenery to the carrot and lightly color the child’s lower lip with a pale pink pencil. We outline the eyes with a pen, do not forget about the fold of the upper eyelid, you can use dots to indicate eyelashes. Using a simple pencil we draw a shadow in the ear. Red and simple - paint the sole of the shoe. Lettuce - paint the patch. We remember that the boy casts a shadow). Just like a little animal in general.

14. Using a sharp pencil, draw the iris. Using a simple pencil we draw a chest pocket, we also use it to draw a stool, add a blue color to the left, and outline the furniture with a pen.

15. If desired, add to the drawing white gouache, arranging highlights and reflexes.
Here's an additional photo - so you can better see where I drew the lines with a gouache brush.

That's all). Enjoy your inspired creativity!
These “titles” with larger fragments may be useful to you.

Click on image to enlarge

P.S. I’m not a pro, and I think (or rather, I know) that I’m not describing everything here correctly and competently, I just absolutely love drawing and I want to pass on at least a little of this love to you. With the help of a lesson) And may creativity always bring you happiness!)

We draw a portrait of a boy step by step with STABILO aquacolor watercolor pencils.

Ideal for drawing as a classic colored pencil thanks to rich colors and a soft lead that ensures ease of application and excellent color mixing.

Take a simple pencil and a sheet of thick white A4 paper. We will draw a portrait of a 4-year-old boy. Our first task is to harmoniously arrange the image on the sheet. Let's outline with light lines general forms head, neck and shoulder girdle. Despite the fact that we will focus on the face, it is important to at least set the main lines of the neck and shoulder girdle, otherwise it will not be clear how the head is located in space and the portrait will look unnatural.

We designate a vertical line of facial symmetry, taking into account the tilt of the head. The boy's head is tilted to the left and back, while the center of symmetry of the face is shifted to the right. Divide the head in half horizontally. We remember that the head is not flat, but rounded, so these lines will not be strictly straight, it is better to follow their shape.

Now we need to clarify the proportions of the face and outline the location of the main parts. The head of a child differs from the head of an adult in its larger and rounded frontal region. The horizontal axial line we have drawn will go along the brow ridges, the forehead and parietal region will occupy the entire upper half of the head. We divide the lower half horizontally into two parts and each half in half. We get the following landmarks: a) cheekbones, b) tip of the nose, c) section of the mouth. Just above the cheekbone height line, you can add an axis for the location of the eyes (d). Add a hairline at the top of the head.

Let's finely outline the cheekbones and clarify the contours of the boy's face, hair and ears. Taking into account the tilt and rotation of the head, we will see more of the boy - the left side of the face. Compared to the face of an adult, children's facial contours are more rounded and soft. The chin is shorter, weaker. The cheeks are fuller, so the relief of the cheekbones and chin will be smoothed out. Next, for now, let's roughly outline the eyebrows, eyes, nose and mouth. Children will have larger eyes, a shorter nose, and wider nostrils, relative to an adult's face. The bridge of the nose does not protrude so much and its contours are lighter. While drawing, we monitor symmetry and take into account the rotation of the head. The distance between the eyes will approximately correspond to the length of the eye section and can be easily compared with the width of the wings of the nose (the tubercles that cover the nostrils).

Now let's move on to more precise drawing of the parts of the face. Let's start with the eyes and eyebrows. Let's easily outline the bridge of the nose and eyebrows. The eyebrows have an arched shape, slightly widening towards the bridge of the nose and narrowing towards the outer edges. It is better to build the eyes in parallel in order to maintain symmetry relative to the bridge of the nose. The eye shape is almond-shaped and is called the palpebral fissure. The inner edges of the palpebral fissure will be located slightly lower than the outer ones. And it is important to ensure that the outer and inner edges of both eyes correspond in level (b). When depicting the eyes, we need to remember that they are spherical in shape and located in the orbital sockets under the protruding brow ridges (a). We see only the part of the eye limited by the almond-shaped palpebral fissure (eye section). The upper and lower eyelids open like the edges of a broken fruit shell and follow the round shape of the eye. Around the eyes we usually see slight folds of the upper and lower eyelids. The fold of the upper eyelid hangs slightly over the eye, and its edge extends just below the border of the lower eyelid. Eyelashes grow along the outer edge of the eyelids, so you should not draw them immediately from the border of the palpebral fissure. In the inner corner of the eye there is a small reddish nodule - the lacrimal sac.

Let's move on to the nose. Let us determine the axis of its inclination and general location. The nose “starts” from the lower edge of the frontal region, where we see smooth transition from the eyebrows to the most “concave” part - the bridge of the nose. It is located just above the lacrimal sacs of the eyes (a). The middle part of the nose gradually widens towards the tip. A child's nose has a very soft, streamlined shape, so in the portrait we will see mainly the outlines of the tip and wings of the nose, as well as light shadows around the middle part of the nose. bridge of the nose and middle part do not protrude as much as in an adult, so you can only very easily outline the contours. The most protruding part is the tip of the nose. In the drawing, this is not the very bottom edge of the outline. If we look at the face not from above, but slightly from below (as in the portrait of a boy), the nostrils and the membrane between them will be slightly visible to us. It is worth making sure that it is in the center of the face, and pay attention to the location of the wings of the nose.

From the center of the base of the nose to the lip there is a small groove that rests on a nodule that divides the upper lip in half. Each lip consists of two symmetrical parts of complex shape. Therefore, the mouth will never look like two stripes separated by a straight line. The upper lip resembles a stretched letter “M”, the lower, plumper, has two fused tubercles. In the center of the lower lip, its shape narrows slightly. When drawing, it is important to highlight the lower edges of the upper and lower lips with a line, since these are the most prominent parts. Closer to the edges of the mouth, it is better to make the lines opposite - lighter. Facial folds run from the edges of the mouth to the nose, especially noticeable when a person smiles. In the case of a child's portrait, you can mark them lightly near the mouth. The chin of children is shorter and not as prominent as that of an adult. However, it will be important for us to remember to use a shadow to mark the dimple separating the mouth and the protruding part of the chin.

Let's compare everything we got. Using light lines we clarify the details of the hairstyle, add the contours of the neck and clothes. In the case of a boy, it is important not to forget to draw the visible parts of the ears.

At this stage we remove everything auxiliary lines and least noticeable contours. In particular, only light lines in the shadow part can be left near the bridge of the nose. Facial folds near the mouth are weakened as much as possible. In order to show a smile, you need to make small accents in the corners of the mouth and leave fold lines under the eyes. Don’t forget to leave highlights on the iris of your eyes, this will make your look expressive. Next we will work with colored pencils, so it is better to weaken all the main lines with a soft eraser without erasing them completely.

Let's determine which side the light is coming from. The boy's right side of his face is more illuminated. It is important to leave light areas in those places where we see the brightest glare of light: this is the nose, especially the tip, the protruding parts of the illuminated cheek, the chin. Our first task is to distribute the primary colors of the entire image. We start with very light shading, general spots, from light to darker tones. We have already understood very well the shape of what is being depicted, and when using colored pencils it is important not to lose this. Therefore, it is better to draw strokes according to shape, enhance the color in the most “convex” areas closest to us and outline the shadows with darker colors. For light areas of the skin we use ocher, pink, red-brown pencils, in the penumbra - shades of brown. For a boy's hairstyle - more dark shades brown. Please note that the hair is also unevenly lit, with lighter and darker areas. Next, let's outline the colors of the clothes. We can easily mix shades by layering one tone on top of another.

Now we need to make the portrait more voluminous, add details and accents. In the shadows we add cool shades: dark brown, gray, blue, purple, black. Blue and black pencils should be used very sparingly: only for main accents. In our portraits, the most contrasting shadows are in the hair around the face. In a lighter, cooler tone, apply shadows near the eyes, bridge of the nose, under the nose, cheeks and chin. We draw the eyes very carefully: they should be bright and expressive, but unnecessary strokes can greatly change the direction of gaze and even the expression of the face as a whole. We left a highlight on the tip of the nose; it should be “supported” with a shadow from below and a light tone from above. Having assessed the drawing as a whole, you can enhance the color on the protruding areas of the cheeks and chin, lower lip, and highlight the edge of the face with a dark line. Shadows on the neck should be done in a weaker tone so that it does not become brighter faces and did not “climb” to the fore. At the very end, we accentuate the shadow under the lips, the folds around the mouth and under the eyes - this will emphasize the smile. Shadows and folds of clothing can be slightly enhanced, but so that it does not distract attention from the face. The drawing is ready!

→ Draw a boy

What you will need

In order to draw a boy we may need:

  • Paper. It is better to take medium-grain special paper: beginning artists will find it much more pleasant to draw on this kind of paper.
  • Sharpened pencils. I advise you to take several degrees of hardness, each should be used for different purposes.
  • Eraser.
  • Stick for rubbing hatching. You can use plain paper rolled into a cone. It will be easy for her to rub the shading, turning it into a monotonous color.
  • A little patience.
  • Good mood.

Step by step lesson

All people are united by many anatomical properties: two arms, two legs, one head, etc. But every person is unique. Some have more developed muscles, some have deeper-set eyes, and some wear a creative hairstyle. To draw a boy as correctly as possible, you need nature. Well, or many different photographs that you can study.

By the way, in addition to this lesson, I advise you to pay attention to the lesson “”. It will help improve your skill or just give you a little fun.

Tip: create a sketch with as thin strokes as possible. The thicker the sketch strokes are, the more difficult it will be to erase them later.

The first step, or rather the zero step, is always to mark a sheet of paper. This will let you know where exactly the drawing will be located. If you place the drawing on half of the sheet, you can use the other half for another drawing. Here is an example of marking a sheet in the center:

Step one.

Draw a circle in the center of the sheet and the shape of the neck and shoulders.

Step two.

On the head we will make the shape of the hairstyle and ear, and also show with lines where the nose will be located.

Step three.

Now let's add the elements: eyes, nose and mouth. But this is just a sketch, we will detail it later.

Step four.

Let's add eyebrows to him and correct the contours of his eyes, nose and lips. We will also add . Don't forget about clothing items. Our boy is wearing a shirt. If you want to draw, then watch the lesson on drawing women's clothing.

Step five.

Let's add a few touches to give the shirt realistic look. Don't forget to erase the auxiliary lines and add shadows later! I get it like this:

I sincerely hope that you enjoyed the lesson on how to draw a boy. If you put in the effort, I believe you will achieve everything you set your mind to. Now you can pay attention to the lesson “” - it is just as interesting and exciting. Well, the buttons social networks It's not just like that =)

We all want to be able to draw very, very beautifully. But, unfortunately, not everyone succeeds. Usually in absolutely any team there is a person who can, without any manuals or templates, display a wonderful plot on paper in a matter of minutes. But can't you do that? Do you think not? You are very much mistaken. Do you want to learn how to draw beautiful mini-pictures? You just need to finish reading this article to end. In it we will tell you how to draw a boy.

Let us tell you a couple of secrets that will allow you to quickly reproduce the desired plots on paper. In fact, there is nothing scary here, much less complicated. The most important thing is to have a reserve of patience, a piece of paper and regular pencil(it is advisable, of course, to have several of them: one with a soft core and the other with a hard one, then your masterpieces will be more realistic).

Don't worry if you don't succeed right away. You're just learning.

How to draw a boy: First step

So, let's start the drawing process. You should always start from the head. On clean slate draw paper big circle and neck. At this stage, it is not very important how beautiful your parts turn out, because now we are only making blanks. Now take an eraser in your hands and use it to start turning the circle into an oval. At the very bottom of it draw small circle- this will be the chin. Then smoothly connect the parts and erase the extra lines.

Now let's start working on the face. Take a ruler and pencil. Place a dot in the very center of the future boy's head. Draw 1 vertical and 1 horizontal line through it (in the end you should get something like a coordinate system). These will be your auxiliary lines.

Second step

Now we draw the eyes, they should be level horizontal line. If you are a beginner and have never drawn faces before, then take a ruler in your hand and measure the same distance in both directions from the center point along a horizontal line. This way you can draw the eyes symmetrically. There is one little trick: in order for a boy to have a cute look, the iris needs to be slightly covered with the upper eyelid. Also, you should not draw the pupil in the form of a circle; it should not be strictly proportional. Yes, make it a little smudged. There is no need for the shell to touch the lower eyelid, it will not. Do as much highlight as possible, then the eye will appear moisturized, natural. As you can see, the question “how to draw a boy with a pencil” is not so difficult. Let's continue.

Now we draw the nose. Step back on both sides of the vertical line by about a few millimeters and draw two smooth, slightly curved thin stripes - this will be the base. Draw small arcs from below. Connect them with barely noticeable strokes to the lines of the base of the nose. Draw the nostrils. They should be thin and oblong.

Third step

Now draw the eyebrows (they should be slightly raised with a slight curve), lips and ears. Then the hair. If you want to portray an anime character, pay attention to bangs. It should be long and fall over the eyes, as if covering them a little. It’s better to draw individual strands, so everything will look more beautiful.

Don't forget to detail the ear; to do this, just draw an oblong arc - it will be something like a shell.

Fourth step

All that remains is to remove all unnecessary lines, and the drawing is ready! At the very end, outline the contours with a simple pencil with a soft core.

So we looked at how to draw a boy step by step. However, we want to warn you: if you have never drawn people, you are unlikely to be able to create a masterpiece right away. Don't despair, practice. To maintain proportions, go to the mirror and carefully examine your face: where and how the eyes, nose, lips, ears are located. How hair grows. Yes, these are little things, but they are what make the drawing realistic. Yes, you will have to spend some time and use a couple of dozen sheets of paper, but as a result you will get a positive result.

And in the future you will be able to tell yourself how to draw a boy or a girl (the principle is the same), and, quite likely, you will teach others. Good luck!

Not all beginning artists know how to draw a boy. However, there is nothing overly difficult about this task. Even a child can draw a boy with a pencil. The main thing is that proportions should be observed during the work process. Once you understand how to draw a boy, you can easily draw other people.
To draw a boy with a pencil and then color the sketch, of course, you will need some stationery which are best prepared in advance:
1). Paper;
2). Liner;
3). An ordinary pencil;
4). Eraser;
5). Multi-colored pencils.

If all the items that are on the list have already been prepared, you can move on to learning how to draw a boy step by step:
1. Draw a vertical line. On it, mark a segment indicating the head, and also mark the line of the shoulders;
2. Draw the boy's head. Draw hair, nose, eyes, mouth and ears on it;
3. Draw the neck. Using rectangles, outline the upper and lower parts of the boy's body. Label the boy's legs thin lines;
4. Draw the T-shirt. Draw the boy's hands. Draw top part shorts;
5. Draw the child’s legs. Draw the grass he is standing on;
6. Using a liner, carefully trace the preliminary sketch;
7. Using an eraser, carefully remove absolutely all pencil lines;
8. Use brown pencils to color the child’s hair. Shade the child's body, arms, legs and face with a flesh-colored pencil. Paint your cheeks a little pink. Lightly shade those areas of the body where the shadow falls with a brown pencil;
9. Paint the T-shirt with yellow and red tones. Color the shorts using yellow and green shades;
10. Use a blue pencil to color the socks. Shade the shoes with a deep blue pencil. Paint the grass with a light green tint.
Now the drawing is completely ready! Now you already know how to draw a boy step by step with a pencil, which means you can teach your child this too. In order to learn how to portray people better and faster, it is most useful to make quick sketches, so-called sketches, from life. The most convenient place to draw people from life is in a cafe, in public transport, or in a park. The main thing is that you should always carry with you a small notebook and a well-sharpened pencil or pen.