One Piece character prototypes. Characters of "One Piece": the main personalities of the pirate anime Characters from the anime one piece

Today, the most popular manga in Japan is One Piece by Eiichiro Oda. And the One Piece anime takes first place in the largest number of episodes among all titles that have been released or continue to be released since the beginning of the 21st century.



This anime scares off many with its not the most advanced art, and this is not surprising, because One Piece began appearing in 1999, but, as you know, art is not the main thing. Therefore, those who still choose anime based on drawing, come to your senses and give up this bad habit.

Of course, One Piece’s art also improves over time, but you shouldn’t immediately hope for any drastic changes.

Superpowers are everywhere, where would we be without them?

In the world of Wap Pis there is no magic, no chakra, no spiritual power. The only way to gain any special powers is to eat a devil fruit.

Devil fruits are mysterious fruits whose origin is unknown, but by eating one, a person will gain some kind of power, depending on the type of fruit. However, you will have to pay a price for this - you will lose your ability to swim. Sea water instantly takes away all the strength from the “fruitman” and he goes to the bottom with an axe. For a pirate, not being able to swim is a very big risk, but if you are strong, no one will throw you into the water.

Also, there is such a force as “Will”. All living beings have this power, but most do not know about its existence, and some cannot awaken it. But once you master it, you can become very strong without the devil fruit. The stronger the person himself, the stronger his Will.

About the structure of the world and the prerequisites for the main plot

The entire Earth in the world of One Piece is almost completely covered with water, so navigation is especially developed there. And where there are many ships, there are many pirates. The large land called the Red Line and the great ocean current, the Grand Line, which crosses the Red Line directly perpendicularly, divide the world into 4 seas: East Blue, West Blue, South Blue and North Blue. These seas are where most of the weaker pirates live. The strongest and bravest, who want fame and fortune, go to the Grand Line, where the nature is harsher and the opponents are much stronger. Even getting to the Grand Line is quite difficult and not everyone manages to get there alive. The Grand Line is divided into two parts by the mainland, and those who have visited the second half of the Grand Line, called the New World, consider the first half to be simply Paradise, because the New World is an incredibly dangerous place where every second you can be threatened with death from absolutely everywhere. 22 years before the events of the manga and anime began, the only person who was able to conquer the Grand Line completely appeared - Gol D. Roger, whom everyone called the Pirate King.

On the other hand, at the head of the world order is the World Government - the strongest political structure that includes many different countries. The main force of the government is the Marines, which were created to fight crime, and, most importantly, to fight pirates.

After Gol D. Roger became the Pirate King, the government was afraid of rampant piracy and decided to nip this matter in the bud - to catch and execute Roger! And they did it. But before his execution he was asked where he got his treasures, to which he said a phrase that changed the whole world:

My treasures? Look for them if you can, I left them all there!

And instead of everyone understanding once and for all that even the strongest will face punishment at the hands of the Marines, thousands of people rushed to look for the treasures of the Pirate King. Thus began the Great Era of Pirates.

About the plot and such different members of the team of our ocean conquerors

The events of the main plot, as mentioned above, begin 22 years after Roger’s execution. The main character is Monkey D. Luffy, a 17-year-old aspiring pirate who sets sail to become the Pirate King. In his adventures, he finds new nakama - friends who join his crew of the Straw Hat Pirates, or simply the Straw Hat Pirates.

Everyone who joins his team pursues their own personal goal, but they also become a member of their friendly team. And when one needs help, others will always help. Together they experience a lot of problems, joys and bitterness of losses on their way to their cherished goal.

Monkey D. Luffy is the main character of the anime and manga. Strong beyond his years, stupid and careless. However, in battle he always shows ingenuity and is able to come up with a way to defeat a strong enemy. Loves meat, a lot of meat. He loves everything unusual and always tries to bring it onto the ship. Ready to go against the whole world if his nakama is offended. Because of his naivety and stupidity, many do not believe that he is the captain of the ship. The first of the Straw Hats team's fighting trio. He was inspired to become a piracy by a pirate who gave him his straw hat - Shanks. He ate the Gomu Gomu fruit and became a rubber man. A kind of Mister Fantastic, only even stronger.

Roronoa Zoro is 19 years old, a swordsman with his own three-sword style. Joined Luffy as payment for his rescue from the clutches of the Marines. Dreams of becoming the strongest swordsman in the world. The second of the Straw Hats team's fighting trio. Given his seriousness and strength, many consider him a captain. He is a heavy drinker and suffers from topographic cretinism - absolutely unable to navigate the terrain.

Nami is 18 years old, a thief and a talented navigator. One of the smartest characters in the world of One Piece. Luffy immediately wanted to take her on the team because neither he nor Zoro understood anything about navigating. Dreams of drawing a map of the whole world. Loves money and jewelry. After Luffy helped her solve a problem on her home island, she changed her negative attitude towards pirates. In addition to the role of navigator and navigator, he is essentially the treasurer of the team. Initially, she does not take part in battles due to a lack of combat skills, but over time, Usopp makes a special weapon for her and she becomes a more dangerous person.

Sanji - 19 years old, excellent cook. Has a childhood dream of finding the legendary All Blue Sea, which is home to all kinds of fish from all four seas. A womanizer, he runs after all the pretty girls, including Nami and Robin, and always cooks something tasty for them. The third of the Straw Hats team's fighting trio. In battle he always uses only his legs, because for a cook the hands with which he cooks are very important. He learned this wisdom, as well as his cooking skills, from his mentor, Chef Zeff. It is noteworthy that Oda initially planned to name him Naruto, but changed his mind due to the manga of the same name.

Usopp is 17 years old, a liar and a coward. He always lies about how he is very strong and is the King of Snipers and has 8000 followers so that no one touches him. In fact, he is very cowardly and always tries to avoid danger. His father, Yasopp, is also a pirate and a very accurate shooter. Usopp inherited this talent from his father, only in battle he uses a slingshot and is able to hit targets from a very long distance. Capable of shooting accurately from other types of weapons. The weakest member of the team. Joined Luffy to overcome his cowardice and become strong.

Tony Tony Chopper is a reindeer who ate the Hito Hito fruit and became a humanoid deer. Because of his unusual appearance, he was expelled from his herd. People were afraid of him because they considered him a monster. He was sheltered by a quack doctor, and later he became the assistant of a real, very skillful doctor. He also became a doctor and joined Luffy to see the world and gain more experience in healing.

Nico Robin - 28 years old, a pirate and archaeologist in the Straw Hats. Since childhood, a reward was announced for her as a dangerous criminal and she was always hiding and joining various criminal organizations, which then mysteriously ceased to exist. She herself joined the Straw Hats team, no one invited her, but she explained this by saying that since Luffy saved her from death, for which she was ready, then let her now be responsible for her life. Having spent his childhood surrounded by archaeologists and historians, he knows an ancient language that probably no one understands now. He dreams of finding the Rio Poneglyph - a stone block on which the true history of the world is written, but in order to read it you must first read all the other poneglyphs in the world. She is always calm and shows almost no emotions. He likes to joke that they will all die when the team is in danger, which frightens Usopp even more.

When watching adventure anime that do not take place in Japan, the viewer often has a question: what is the nationality of the heroes? In most cases, the authors of the work do not give a clear answer, so sometimes debates even flare up on anime forums over the nationality of a particular character. Fans of the famous anime “One Piece” (“Snatch”) are very lucky in this regard - the author of the manga recently revealed the secret of the nationalities of all the main characters, so there will no longer be any need to break spears in Internet disputes, trying to find out where Luffy comes from.

Oda told where the heroes of “Snatch” come from

“One Piece” manga author Eiichiro Oda has created a special corner for answers to frequently asked questions called “Shitsumon wo Boshu Suru” (“Question Subscription”). In it, he responds to letters sent by fans of “Big Snatch.” For a long time, no one dared to ask directly such a burning question about the nationality of the heroes of the work. And finally, in the 56th issue, Oda responded to a letter sent to him about the nationalities of the heroes who were part of Luffy’s crew. "If the Straw Hat Pirates lived in the real world, what would their nationality be?" asked a fan. Judging by the wording of the answer, Eiichiro Oda had never thought about such a topic before and had not thought out in advance which countries the heroes of his super-famous work were born in. "Well, judging by their appearance, Luffy is Brazilian, Zoro is Japanese, Nami is Swedish, Usopp is African, Sanji is French, Chopper is Canadian, Robin is Russian, Franky is American and Brook is Austrian." The omission of the author, who did not invent the nationality of his heroes in advance, is immediately noticeable. If he had originally planned to portray Sanji as French and Nami as Swedish, he clearly would not have given them Japanese names! The Japanese Zoro's name is not at all Japanese. Of all of them, only one Frankie has a name that matches his nationality.

Do One Piece fans agree with the author's opinion?

One Piece fans immediately wrote that Frankie is a real American, given his considerable weight: this is exactly what many representatives of this nationality look like. With the fact that Luffy looks like a Latino, most also agreed that being Brazilian suits him. But why the bright red-haired Nami suddenly became a Swede, and the brunette Robin with a completely non-Russian name - a Russian woman, most fans did not understand this. Many people think that Nami does not have a Scandinavian appearance, and Robin does not look like a Russian girl. Of all, only one Usopp was left without a specific country of birth: the author said that the hero is African, but where exactly in Africa was he born? Maybe in South Africa, One Piece fans speculated. Many anime fans disagreed with this point of view: some consider Usopp to be Indian, others - Italian. Many also doubted that Zoro was Japanese. A little earlier in the month, there was a lively discussion on 2channel regarding Luffy's nationality, and then fans agreed that the hero could be half Japanese, half Brazilian - Brazil has the largest Japanese diaspora compared to other countries in the world.
Do you agree with the nationalities of the characters in “Big Snatch” assigned to them by the author?

One of the cult anime that almost everyone has watched is undoubtedly One Piece. The drawing may be irritating at first, but over time you get used to it, and the cartoon becomes addictive. The interesting plot and characters of “One Piece” come to the fore, and you pay little attention to the rest. Yes, this is not a super beautiful anime with heroes of ideal appearance, but the humor and adventures of a crew of pirates are much more attractive than the usual stereotypes and clichés of modern Japanese cartoons.

Straw Hat Pirates

The main characters of One Piece are, of course, the team led by Monkey D. Luffy. Despite their small numbers and varied composition, they are serious opponents who should not be easily dismissed.

Due to the fact that the captain of the team has his own idea about the crew members, a very original audience has gathered on board his ship: people with superpowers, a cyborg, a skeleton musician. But they are united by friendship and mutual assistance. In the world of One Piece, the biographies of the characters are very interesting and unusual. Each has its own story and character.


Monkey D. Luffy in the world of One Piece is better known by his nickname in honor of the hat he received as a child as a gift from a famous pirate. The captain dreams of becoming the king of all pirates. At the age of 17, he set out on a journey to make his dream come true. Known for his recklessness and courage. There is a 500 million bounty on his head.


The red-haired and brown-eyed young beauty is a navigator on the Straw Hat team. She joined Luffy after his victory at Arlong.

Nami is well versed in weather conditions, noticing the slightest changes. Loves tangerines and money. Her dream is to draw the most accurate map of the whole world. In addition to her navigational abilities, she is famous for her thieving skills, for which she even received the nickname Thief Cat. Her capture is estimated at 66 million.

Roronoa Zoro

The green-haired and muscular first mate. Monkey D. Luffy was the first to join. If you choose who is the strongest character in the One Piece world, then Zoro is the second most powerful and capable character in the Straw Hat team.

Since childhood, he has dreamed of becoming a famous swordsman, and therefore constantly practices with weapons. He fights with three swords at once, even holding one in his teeth. Differs They offer 320 million for his capture.


Sometimes in One Piece, character names have different interpretations. Thus, Usopp is sometimes also called Usoppa. Also known by the nickname Sogeking. In the world of pirates since childhood, since his father took up this type of activity after the death of his wife.

Calls himself vice-captain, an excellent shooter and an unsurpassed liar. His preferred weapons are slingshots and bombs. A good inventor.

Joined Luffy in hopes of fulfilling his dream of becoming the greatest warrior of the sea.

His capture is estimated at 200 million.


The One Piece characters on Luffy's crew are not only human. Brooke, for example, is a living skeleton. Before his death, he was a musician in another pirate crew. After his resurrection, Luffy joined the crew, dreaming of having his own musician on board. Not a bad swordsman. For his capture, the Marines offered a reward of 83 million.

Nico Robin

Combines pirate activities with archaeological ones. Since childhood, he has been interested in history and dreams of finding the Rio Poneglyph. After the girl ate the hana-khana fruit, she gained the ability to grow any parts of her body. Robin's capture is estimated at 130 million.


Team cook. In battle, he uses only his legs, as he is afraid of damaging his hands, which are necessary for cooking. Because of this, he received the nickname Black Leg. Heavy smoker and macho. He doesn’t let a single pretty girl pass by and in their company he goes crazy in the literal sense of the word.

Since childhood, he has been interested in the art of cooking. Dreams of finding a sea where fish of all kinds live.

In terms of strength, he is the third fighter on the team. His capture is estimated at 177 million. For some mysterious reasons, it is very important for the Marines, even on the wanted leaflet there is a note: “Take only alive.”


He is one of the so-called weaklings of the team. At first he opposed the Straw Hat Pirates, but then switched to their side. Cyborg and ship carpenter. Estimated by the Marines at 94 million. Also known as Frankie the Pervert due to his distinctive clothing style: swimming trunks, an open Hawaiian shirt, sunglasses and a massive gold chain.

Tony Tony Chopper

Reindeer. After eating it, he gained the ability to turn into a human, although it looks more like a gorilla. In its transitional form it looks like a tanuki. Ship's doctor. Due to his unusual appearance, he is often mistaken for a ship's pet rather than a crew member, so the reward for him is minimal - only 100 units.

All the main characters of One Piece are interesting and diverse personalities, whose fate and development are interesting to watch throughout the series.

Surely everyone has known and remembered this terrible slaughterhouse for a long time... But it’s so interesting for me every time to remember the real prototypes of my favorite Anpisovites that I can’t resist!!!

As you know, Oda “stitched” a huge number of references to real historical figures, legends and characters into One Piece. Let's begin!

Usopp is the main liar on Luffy's team, whose name means "liar" in Japanese. We bet that you have already guessed that the presence of a long nose is clearly not for nothing... Surely Oda borrowed the “liar’s nose” from the famous Italian fairy tale by Carlo Collodi - Pinocchio!

Luffy's characteristic spiky hair, Hawaiian shirt and mischievous nature as a carpenter can't help but remind Jim Carrey's character in the 1994 film Ace Ventura of the same name.

The similarities between Van Auger's costume, gun, and Adolphus from Terry Gilliam's 1988 film The Adventures of Baron Munchausen are obvious.

Aokiji's prototype is Japanese actor Yusaku Matsuda, who died in 1989; The image of the detective from the Tantei Monogatari series most influenced the appearance of the admiral;

Kizaru - Kunie Tanaka and his role as Borsalino from the movie "Trakk Yaro"

And Akainu is Bunta Sugawara; The admiral received his name from the trilogy "Soshiki boryoku: kyodai sakazuki" (1968-1971);

In Japan, there are 2 legends about little heroic boys who are dedicated to the spring holidays. One of them, Kintaro (golden boy - Japanese) is a copy of Sentomaru's appearance, and the other, Momotaro (peach boy - Japanese) gave him the hieroglyph "peach" in his name (). Three admirals are also taken from the legend of Momotaro - on his way to the evil demon, the main character of the legend met a monkey, a pheasant and a dog.

Many fans believe that the image of Django was inspired by Ode by singers Michael Jackson (the famous moonwalk) and Steven Tyler

And declarations of love for the work of rapper Eminem in one of the interviews gave rise to rumors about his features in the image of the god Enel.

And the name Enel may have been taken from one of the great gods of Sumerian-Akkadian mythology, Enlil. Some of his poses and the halo of rings are reminiscent of Buddha statues. His golden staff may have been borrowed from Sun Wukong, the Monkey King from Wu Cheng'en's Journey to the West. And his ability to control lightning is reminiscent of the Japanese god Raijin.

Trafalgar Law is very similar to the stereotype of a modern rocker boy and is reminiscent of one of the Mtv presenters - Mystery.

Basil Hawkins, with his makeup and transformation into a straw man, is very reminiscent of Slipknot drummer Joey Jordison.

Whether it's cruel irony or Oda's love for crunchy breakfasts, Foxy is the spitting image of Count Chocola from a box of chocolate cereal.

Snakes in the Amazon Lily - snakes from Walt Disney cartoons.

Emporio Ivankov - Tim Curry as Dr. Frank-en-Furter from Rocky Horror Picture Show.

The prototype of Pell, the head of the guard from Arabasta, was the ancient Egyptian god Horus, often depicted with the head of a falcon.

The prototype of Chak, the head of the guard from Arabasta, was the ancient Egyptian god Set, often depicted with the head of a dog.

The prototype of Crocodile was probably the famous Captain Hook from the story about Peter Pan. They both have a hook instead of a hand, and as you know, Captain Hook was very afraid of crocodiles, as one of them bit off his hand, perhaps that is why Crocodile in One Piece p