Bunin's mastery of depicting the world of human feelings. Reason and feelings in the works of Bunin and Kuprin - essay

People tend not only to perceive the world around them, but to influence it in some way, experiencing joy, sadness, grief, happiness or inspiration. It is common for many to express in works talented artists different times and peoples. It seems that the words themselves - “painting”, “painting” - are conducive to this.

Human feelings

Everything we perceive evokes certain feelings in us to one degree or another. For example, watching a beautiful sunset in nature or a calm, gentle sea, each of us probably experiences peace. Or admiration for the hero’s action, or surprise at something never seen before! These emotions that we show are called feelings. Usually, when talking about someone being insensitive, they mean his complete lack of emotion, apathy to the events happening around him. Feelings are highest manifestation emotions. The most powerful are joy, surprise, fear, compassion, anger and many others.

Feelings in painting

Creative people are the most susceptible to emotions. Some artists prefer to live “walking wide” with “eyes and souls wide open.” And some successfully sublimate them in works of art. Let us take an example of one of these paintings that describes similar emotions.

Example 1. V. Vasnetsov, “Alyonushka”

This Russian fairy tale is familiar to many children from childhood. The disobedient Ivanushka drank some water from a puddle and became a little goat. His sister Alyonushka warns of what could happen, but his brother does not heed her. When this happens to Ivan, the sister experiences feelings of grief, hopelessness, despair, grief and sadness. In the painting she is depicted near a pond on a “flammable” stone. Hiding from human eyes, the girl experiences a complex range of emotions, skillfully shown by the artist.

Example 2. K. Bryullov, “Horsewoman”

Human feelings in works of art can be expressed in different ways. depicts a young beauty riding up on a horse to the veranda of a house. She is greeted by dogs and a little girl. The whole picture is imbued with emotions: a feeling of joy of meeting, admiration for the festive diversity and adoration of life in its brightest manifestations of beauty and grace.

Example 3. I. Aivazovsky, “The Ninth Wave”

Human feelings in works of art can be expressed through the depiction of natural phenomena. So, in we see a feeling of strength, power and might of nature. At the same time, the awareness of the insignificance of everything human before the elements comes to mind. The artist embodies such a complex storm of feelings in this work.

Mastery of depicting the world human feelings in the works of Bunin and Kuprin

I. A. Bunin and A. I. Kuprin in their works touch on and reveal many topics, but one of the most important is the theme of love. Of course, the authors describe this bright feeling in different ways, find its new facets and manifestations, but we can also find common features. Both authors have an all-consuming, deep and pure love, and love is weak, which cannot withstand the twists of fate and social inequality.

For example, in the story by I. A. Bunin “ Dark alleys“We read about faithful, ardent love for life - the love of Nadezhda. But her love is unrequited. She loved Nikolai Alekseevich all her life; Because of this love, she didn’t get married and didn’t forgive him for leaving her (“I could never forgive you”). And Nikolai Alekseevich also had love, but it was the love of oblivion. He forgot Nadezhda and her pure deep feeling. He says: “Isn’t it true that she gave me the best moments of my life?” But then he thinks: “What if I hadn’t left her? What nonsense! This same Nadezhda is not the innkeeper, but my wife, the mistress of my St. Petersburg house, the mother of my children?” The heroes broke up not only because social conflict, there is also a psychological difference: Nadezhda a strong character, a warm heart, but Nikolai Alekseevich’s character is soft, weak, and indecisive. This episode is where the tragedy of the story lies.

We are faced with a completely different situation in the work of A. I. Kuprin “Garnet Bracelet”. In it, General Anosov asks Vera: “Where is the love? Is love unselfish, selfless, not waiting for reward? The one about whom it is said “strong as death”? The kind of love for which to accomplish any feat, to give one’s life, to suffer torment is not work at all, but pure joy.” For the hero, his own question is rhetorical. But Vera encountered such love. “She realized that the love that every woman dreams of had passed her by.” In this work, love is tragic; it is continuously connected with death. In his confession, Zheltkov writes: “Only one thing remains - death.” A premonition of this tragedy visited Vera when she examined the gift from Zheltkov. Garnet bracelet. “Definitely blood!” - she thought.

In Bunin's story "Mr. from San Francisco" we again encounter the theme of love, although it is not the main one in this work. The author shows some more sides of it. We will encounter this bright feeling on the pages that tell about the feelings of the protagonist’s daughter for a foreign prince. But love has other, repulsive sides: “...there was an elegant couple in love, whom everyone watched with curiosity and who did not hide their happiness...only one commander knew that this couple was hired by Lloyd to play at love for good money...”. But this is a mockery of the greatest and pure feeling person! But it turns out that there is such a thing in our lives.

Very beautifully A.I. Kuprin describes the love of two young people in the story “Olesya”. To create a bright picture the love of the Polesie witch Olesya and the Russian intellectual Ivan Timofeevich, the author surrounds the heroes with the mystery of the Polesie forest and nature in general. Olesya is a representative of Kuprin’s favorite “natural people”, “children of nature”, not spoiled by civilization, capable of fullness of feelings. The girl grew up in the forest, she loves and understands nature, she has sensitive heart, sharp mind, kind soul. But the most important thing about her is that she loves with all her heart, sincerely, deeply, tenderly and caringly. In the name of love, she is capable of great sacrifices. The girl went to physical and moral torment, fulfilled the absurd desire of her beloved, although she imagined how it would end.

Not only superstition and lack of education of the villagers interfered with the love of two young people. Their love was doomed, because there is a huge difference between the characters' characters: Olesya has a sensitive, warm heart, capable of feats in the name of love. But Ivan Timofeevich has a lazy, cold heart, deaf to everything around him. He “did not listen to the vague desire of his heart”, did not stop his beloved, and everything ended tragically.

In each work we find more and more new sides of the most beautiful of human feelings - the feeling of love. The works of I. A. Bunin and A. I. Kuprin discovered new facets of this incomprehensible, but at the same time beautiful feeling. They both write about unhappy love, collapsing due to the unexpected fate, social inequality or the characters of the characters themselves.

    In the work of I.S. Turgenev rises one of the most important problems modernity: reason and feeling. What is more important: a person guided by the mind or a person living by feelings? Using the example of Bazarov, Turgenev shows us the flowering of reason. Bazarov recognizes everything that can be touched or scientifically proven. He is a theorist, for him the main thing is experience and scientific knowledge. This is what he says: A decent chemist is twenty times more useful than a poet. And he does not notice the beauty of nature. For him, she is only an object for experimentation. Bazarov also rejects feelings, love, and romance. He rejects it until he himself understands what it is.

    After meeting with Odintsova, Bazarov changes. This is no longer the cold skeptic we saw him as at the beginning of the novel. This is a man in love who knows that besides reason, there is something that cannot be explained. And this is love. It's difficult to describe in words. But when she comes, all reasonable arguments seem ridiculous. At the end of the novel, Bazarov, having received a mortal wound, realizes that his life is running out. He starts talking poetic language: Blow on a dying lamp and it will go out. Feelings prevail.

    It seems to me that Turgenev wanted to show us that a person incapable of feelings, or guided only by reason, is very vulnerable.

    Using the example of Bazarov, Turgenev showed us the conflict of reason and feeling. On the one hand, Bazarov rejected poetry, beauty, love, and on the other hand, he could not resist true love.

    Reason and Feeling in the work Fathers and Sons can be considered using the example of the main character Bazarov.

    At the beginning of the work, we see how confident Bazarov is that we need to live by reason, weigh everything and put it on shelves.

    But to young man Feeling comes and everything changes, he cannot understand this transformation with his mind and loses his dogmas.

    It really seems like it’s easier to live with Reason, more correct or something.

    But it’s really boring and life becomes completely worthless, since the mind calculates our whole life in advance. Boredom.

    But when emotions and feelings appear, then you understand how good life is, how valuable it is and how you want to live on.

    Feeling and reason are constantly in conflict with each other. Sometimes there are moments when sensuality takes precedence over rationality. In this case, the mind whispers one thing, and the feelings are completely different. This conflict situation was well described by I. S. Turgenev in his work Fathers and Sons. Main character In this work, Evgeny Bazarov was a nihilist and denied music, poetry, and love. But after meeting Anna Sergeevna Odintsova, he suddenly developed feelings that came into conflict with the mind of a nihilist. Unexpectedly for himself, he realized that there is love, poetry, music, and beauty in the world. For him, this discovery turned out to be a painful ordeal. The mind said one thing, but the feelings were completely different. He rushes about, everything falls out of his hands and life seems unbearable to him. And all this happened because his mind was at odds with his feelings and the harmony necessary for happiness was disrupted.

    The most striking argument in the essay Reason and Feelings based on the novel Fathers and Sons is hidden love Bazarov, who denied everything in the world (with his mind), to Odintsova. Bazarov is a man who lived all his life at the behest of his own mind, who called subordination to feelings nonsense, but when a conflict occurred between his own feelings and mind, the winner was clearly the first, emotional side.

    So no matter how a person concludes with his mind that feelings are weakness, sooner or later this weakness can overpower even the most strong-willed, thinking man, which Bazarov considered himself to be.

    Of course, what was written is not enough for an essay, but you understand the argument. Good luck!

    When writing an essay based on the work of Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev Fathers and Sons on the topic of Reason and Feeling, it is worth carefully considering the work and understanding the opposition of these driving forces.

    They can be called driving forces person. These forces can work together and also oppose each other.

    In Turgenev's novel Fathers and Sons, the main character is Evgeny Vasilyevich Bazarov, who by his nature denies and refutes everything, including love. For him, love is nonsense, unforgivable nonsense.

    But all his views change when he meets Anna Odintsova. His mind tries to prevail over his feelings. It is difficult for him to accept feelings, since previously he was guided by reason and cold reason.

    But as a result, feelings overcome reason, gaining the upper hand.

    It's visual shining example that we and our lives are guided by two forces, magicana. Most often deep and sincere feelings are stronger than reason.

(information and creative project.)

Yakupova Anastasia,

Kuznetsova Vera,

student 4 "A" class MBOU "Secondary School No. 3

them. Hero of the Russian Federation A.N. Epaneshnikov" Elabuga

municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan.

Scientific supervisor: Guryeva O. D.

In our Everyday life(whether we communicate with family or friends, answer in class, read books or listen to music), we always experience different feelings: joy or sadness, inspiration or disappointment, pride or resentment. This means that when perceiving the world around them, people express their definite attitude towards phenomena and objects. Talented people can express their feelings in art: music, poetry, painting.

Exists ancient legend, which tells how the Greek artist Appelles painted a bunch of grapes in a painting. He left the painting on the terrace, and suddenly birds began to flock to it and peck at the painted grapes.

The legend says that an artist, with the help of paints, can very vividly convey the world that we see around us. The word itself "painting" Means write "life".

The problem with the project is

In the study and analysis of paintings by painters of the 19th and 20th centuries, in which various feelings are depicted in the rich language of painting,

In the ability to connect the subject of study with one’s own ideas,

In search of your position (ability to evaluate, empathize).

The goal of the project is

In stimulating the imagination,

In the ability to define human feelings depicted by artists in painting,

The ability to detect and formulate the reasons that prompted these feelings.

To achieve the set goals, tasks:

Studying theoretical material about a person's feelings

Selection of paintings by famous Russian painters for research work,

Revealing characteristic features works in which the feelings of children are depicted in the language of painting.


Is it possible to depict human feelings on paintings?

Do works of art give an idea of ​​human feelings?

Working methods:

Studying literature.

A selection of paintings dedicated to the feelings of children.

Analysis of paintings by artists.

Summarizing the information found.

Project structure:

The project consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, and a list of references. To solve the problems, various sources were used.

Human feelings. Classification of feelings.

First you need to understand the feelings themselves.

There are events in our lives due to which we experience joy, admiration, surprise; at this moment we laugh, clap our hands, raise our eyebrows. And it happens that for some reason we are upset, sad, grieving, then we cry, sob, complain. Sometimes there are stronger ones emotional states when a person is angry, angry, scared “to death.” In this case, the person may lose consciousness, turn very red or pale, and begin to stutter.

A person’s reaction to pleasant or unpleasant influences from the environment is emotion. Emotion is usually reflected on the face, in a person’s facial expressions, in his movements and gait. Emotions can manifest themselves not only externally. With strong emotions, the functioning of the heart and other organs of the body changes.

If you watch your pets, you will notice how a dog wags its tail, rejoicing at the arrival of its owner, or how a cat purrs from affection. Animals are also characterized by anger, fear, despondency, and curiosity. However, people's emotions are much richer and more varied. They are connected with living conditions, a person’s work, and with other people who surround him. A person can understand his condition, change it, overcome it himself negative emotions. For example, he can suppress anger, irritation, hide hostility, dislike for another person, remain polite and calm when he wants to shout or be rude. Of course, this only works for the strong-willed, strong man who has learned to manage his emotions. People feel not only what their body cannot live without, or what interferes with it. A person also feels something else: love for loved ones, admiration when meeting something beautiful, surprise when seeing an unfamiliar phenomenon. The most beautiful human feeling is love - special treatment person to another person, an object of nature, an activity. This is the desire to constantly be close to the object of love, to delight oneself with communication with him. And most importantly, love motivates a person to do good, to bring joy to the one he loves.

Without feelings and emotions, a person would turn into a kind of robot, who knows neither troubles nor joys, nor satisfaction with work, nor the desire for happiness.

All the feelings that we express can be divided into:


- joy

- Love

- delight

- satisfaction;

- anger

- fear

- horror

- disgust.

Works by Russian painters, whose canvases depict people's feelings.

And now let’s turn to painting, N. Zabolotsky wrote:

Love painting, poets!

Only she is the only one given

Souls of changeable signs

Transfer to canvas.

The best artists of Russia, each in their own way, felt and embodied human feelings in their works. Let's look at the paintings, which very picturesquely depict the feelings of children.
Fyodor Pavlovich Reshetnikov - “A deuce again.”

The subject of the artist’s painting is taken from life. Fyodor Pavlovich had a daughter, Lyuba. Exactly, with her, with her school years and work involved. Naturally, it’s not her in the picture. It can be assumed that she herself, as a character of a poor student, would refuse to pose. Having decided to paint a picture, the artist came to class, where one boy attracted his attention. He was called to the blackboard, but he didn’t even pick up the book: he stood at the blackboard, his eyes downcast, he twirled the chalk in his hands, and didn’t know what to do with this task. It's clear that a deuce is coming! The artist tried to imagine what awaits the boy when he comes home. This is how the idea for the painting was born. The artist even offered to pose for this boy Seryozha, but he refused.

In the painting “Deuce Again” the boy has a downcast gaze and flaming cheeks. The boy bowed his head ashamed, now - now he will cry.
Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov - “Alyonushka”.

The fairy tale about sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka tells how Ivanushka drank some water from a puddle and became a little goat. The sad fate of Ivanushka, the disobedient one, and of poor Alyonushka.

The artist depicted a girl sitting by the pond on a “hot” stone; she hid from human eyes to cry out her hopeless grief. With his hands clasped around his knees, his head bowed, he looks into the water with hopeless despair. Thoughts, confused, rush through one after another: “How to live? What will happen to my brother? Sister Alyonushka experiences a deep feeling sorrow And sadness.

Nature is beautiful and sad, the artist uses gloomy colors for the picture; the sky is gloomy. The artist took for his painting a sad motive - a complaint about long-suffering, self-sacrifice, the spiritual beauty of a Russian woman, about her bitter fate, more than once told in fairy tales. Each blade of grass yearns, complains along with the girl, her sadness is shared by thin, wind-baked aspens, drooping sedge, and the tear-stained sky.

Where could Vasnetsov have seen such nature and did he come up with the face of this Alyonushka?

Not far from Abramtsev, in the village of Akhtyrki, where Vasnetsov lived in the summer, the artist fell in love with an old overgrown pond. Desolately fenced dense spruce forest, with gentle aspen trees on the shore, this corner reminded him of the nature of the distant Vyatka region. Here, near the Akhtyrsky pond, the artist conceived his painting - a fairy tale about poor Alyonushka. In the same vicinity he met a girl who captured his imagination. Almost still a girl, in a cheap sundress, she walked, immersed in some kind of grief. It is this image that is captured in the artist’s painting.

Vasily Grigorievich Perov - “Troika”.

Artist Perov in the painting “Troika. Artisan apprentices carrying water" depicted children with sad persons.

There was a case when, in front of the artist Perov’s eyes, three children could not hold a barrel of water - the sleigh rolled down, the barrel overturned and turned the slope into a solid ice mountain. With numb hands, the children put the barrel back in place and headed back to the ice hole.

The artist didn’t just want to tell people about the hard work of these kids. He wanted to show them at the moment highest voltage strength so that his picture does not speak, but screams about the inhumane treatment of defenseless children. In the background of this picture are adults: one person is pushing a sleigh, helping children in their hard work. Feeling compassion And mercy depicted by the artist in this image. The back of a passing passerby, like indifference to backbreaking child labor, the fate of a little person.

Vasily Ivanovich Surikov - “The Capture of a Snowy Town.”

Surikov’s painting “The Capture of a Snowy Town” gives an idea of ​​the scale of the celebration of Maslenitsa, a favorite holiday among the people. The artist shows not only the breadth of the holiday, but also the breadth of the Russian soul. All the characters in the picture are full of health and beauty. The coloring of the picture is based on bright, pure colors flashing in the clothes of the crowd, sashes, and patterned scarves. We see a riot of colors and folk fun.

The game "Taking the Snow Town" remains from ancient times in memory of the conquest of Siberia by Ermak. "Town" was an echo an entire era, when Russian settlers had to defend themselves from “foreign tribes.”

In people funny And perky faces. In the painting the artist depicts:

The rapid movement of a heated rider on a rearing horse, making his way to the town and breaking the snow wall;

Line up the town’s defenders, armed with twigs, brooms, and rattles;

Glowing joy And fun faces of the winners.

What stands out in the picture is a peasant boy in a zipun, belted with a sash. His face with a gentle blush seems to be shrouded in frosty fresh air. Using this hero as an example, we can observe joy boy from participating in general game, fun, happiness.

Karl Pavlovich Bryullov - “Horsewoman”.

In the painting “Horsewoman” Bryullov depicts a young beauty. The girl reined in her horse in front of the veranda of the house, dogs and a little girl ran out to meet her. admiration And adoration looking at the rider.

The portrait seems to be filled with movement and sounds: dogs bark, it seems that you can still hear the echo of the patter of children’s feet in the echoing corridors. The horse is hot, but the rider herself sits motionless, as if on a pedestal, on his broad back. With great skill, Bryullov paints the rider’s fluttering emerald gauze scarf against the backdrop of the dark greenery of the park (green on green). The portrait is imbued with a joyful feeling of admiration for the festive richness and diversity of life.
Konstantin Egorovich Makovsky - “Children running from a thunderstorm.”

In the painting “Children Running from a Thunderstorm,” the artist Makovsky conveys the feelings of children frightened by a thunderstorm. The artist conveys with paints, gestures, and facial expressions fright child.

The artist successfully grabbed from village life small episode. A village teenage girl and her younger sister found themselves face to face with the raging elements. She caught them suddenly. The children were picking mushrooms in a nearby grove, as evidenced by a tied apron with mushrooms. The storm is approaching, we need to get home in time. The look of the children speaks of the power of the elements. A strong wind tousled her hair, took the scarf from her head, and bent the tops of the grass. Bare feet running along sagging walkways. And only a bright spot in the background of the picture gives us hope that the children will still have time to run to the nearest shelter. And you and I sympathize and worry with them.

Famous Russian artists were able to express human feelings in painting. Each story is a kind of book about the life of a person and society as a whole.

Alyonushka in Vasnetsov’s painting experiences a deep feeling of grief and sadness.

The hero of the painting by the artist Reshetnikov is about to cry with shame for again receiving a bad grade. Frightened children run away from a thunderstorm in Makovsky's painting.

The feeling of compassion and mercy is depicted by the artist Perov in the image of an adult helping children. Surikov’s paintings “The Capture of the Snowy Town” convey an atmosphere of joy. The portrait “Horsewoman” is imbued with a joyful feeling of admiration for the festive richness and diversity of life. It turns out that painting can clearly tell about the whole variety of human feelings.


  1. Vinogradova N. F. The world: Grade 4: Student Textbook educational institutions: in 2 hours. Part 1. – 2nd ed., revised. – M.: Ventana – Graf, 2008. – 160 p. Il. – ( Primary School 21st century)

  2. Alekhin A.D. When an artist begins. Book For students - M: Education, 1993. - 160 p.

  3. Ionina N.A. 100 great paintings. M: Veche - 2002-512s.

  4. Samin D.K. 100 great artists. M: Veche, 2005- 480 p.

  5. Fenina S.V. Conversations about Russian artists M: Russian language 1990

  6. Encyclopedia of Russian painting / ed. T.V. Kalashnikova: - M: OLMA - PRESS, 2000 - 351 pp.: ill.

I.A. Bunin and A.I. Kuprin in their works touch on and reveal many topics, but one of the most important is the theme of love. Of course, authors describe this bright feeling in different ways, but we can also find common features. Both authors encounter deep and pure love, and weak love, which cannot withstand the twists of fate and social inequality.

In the stories of I.A. Bunina's love becomes a source mental strength, often it turns out to be the most significant and happiest event in a person’s life.

The collection “Dark Alleys” became the embodiment of all the writer’s many years of thoughts about love, in which there is no story with happy ending. Perhaps he considers it important to show the reader not so much love itself, but the feelings that it entails. For example, the story “Dark Alleys”. The old general arrives at the postal station in Tula province and meets his beloved, whom he has not seen for thirty-five years. When he was a young man, he easily parted with the serf girl Nadezhda who was in love with him and married a woman of his circle. All these years, the mistress of the room loved only Nikolai Alekseevich. And he tries to justify himself: “Everything goes through, my friend... Love, youth - everything, everything. The story is vulgar, ordinary." And Nadezhda wisely replied: “Everything passes, but not everything is forgotten. I could never forgive you. Just as there was nothing more expensive than you in the world at that time, so there was nothing later.” But when the general leaves, he admits to himself: “Isn’t it true that she gave me best moments in life?" Happiness in family life never found it. Class prejudices at one time prevented the future general from uniting his fate with a commoner.

For I.A. Bunin, love is the most wonderful feeling on earth, incomparable to anything else. And yet love destroys destinies. He wrote that “every strong love avoids marriage." An earthly feeling is only a short flash in a person’s life, and I.A. Bunin tries to preserve these wonderful moments in his stories.

A.I. Kuprin also fully succeeded in “reproducing” himself in a small work, speaking out about the most important thing for him. The story “The Garnet Bracelet” traces the love of two different people social status: a simple official and a noblewoman. This story is about love, high love, selfless, not demanding anything in return, love that occurs “once every thousand years.” For eight years, Zheltkov was unrequitedly in love with Princess Vera Nikolaevna. On holidays he sent her letters. For the official, his love became the meaning of life, life itself. He completely surrendered to this feeling. On her name day, Vera receives from Zheltkov, who is in love with her, a garnet bracelet with a letter, where he asks not to be angry at his interference in her life and to accept this gift. Vyera, accustomed to obeying her husband in everything, asks him for advice. The story ends tragically. Vera’s brother and husband demand that Zheltkov stop interfering in their personal lives. But the official is powerless over his feelings. He sees only one way out - to die. Vera is shocked. She visits Zheltkov’s apartment, where she sees him for the first time, already dead. At this moment, the princess realizes that “the love that every woman dreams of has passed her by.” Love can completely transform a person, reveal to him the immense depth of his inner world, to help him discover powers in himself that he himself did not even suspect he had. But nothing could be changed. Even Zheltkov’s death cannot separate him from Vera. She hears his voice: “Calm down, I’m with you... because you and I love each other only for a moment, but forever.” Love often brings suffering and torment, it often hurts human heart and dooms him to the pain of unrequited and unrequited feelings...

In each work we find more and more new sides of the most beautiful of human beings. feelings - feelings love. The works of I.A. Bunin and A.I. Kuprin opened up new facets of this incomprehensible, but at the same time beautiful feeling. They both write about unhappy love, collapsing due to the unexpected fate, social inequality or the characters of the characters themselves.