Chopin's lesson will not silence the heart. Presentation "Chopin's sensitive heart is not silent..."

Capsule pharmaceutical drug contains: retinol palmitate () – 100,000 IU; alpha-tocopherol acetate () – 0.1 g; sunflower oil as an excipient. The gelatin shell contains the following components: gelatin; glycerol; methyl parahydroxybenzoate (E 218); propyl parahydroxybenzoate (E 216).

Compound vitamins in the form of an injection solution(1 ml): acetate retinol – 0.035 g; alpha tocopherol acetate – 0.1 g.

Compound Aevit cream: vitamin A ; vitamin E ; and ethylhexyglycerin; blend of extracts (raspberry, rosemary, edelweiss); propylheptyl caprylate; propylglyceryl-3 methylglucose distearate; caprylic/capric/triglycerides; erucate oleyl; higher fatty alcohols; glyceryl stearate; glycerol; demineralized water.

Release form

Aevit vitamins are supplied to pharmacy kiosks in three main pharmaceutical forms:

  • Soft gelatin capsules spherical or spherical in shape, yellow or light brown in color with a clearly defined dividing line. The shell is filled with an oily medicinal liquid, the color of which can vary from light yellow to dark yellow, which does not indicate the unsuitability of the drug. Capsules are packaged in glass jars of 25 pieces each or in blister packs of 10 pieces.
  • Liquid injection solution in ampoules for 1 ml of vitamin product. IN cardboard box 10 pieces and annotation are included.
  • Nourishing cream Aevit for the face in bottles of 50 ml. 1 bottle and instructions in each carton.

pharmachologic effect

Aevit is a combination drug whose active components take part in a large number of different metabolic processes and physiological reactions in the body. The therapeutic capabilities of a pharmaceutical drug are striking in their breadth, because vitamin complex simultaneously possesses and , And immunomodulatory properties, has a stimulating effect on the reproduction of epithelial cells and tissue growth, and accordingly promotes reparative And regenerative capabilities of individual organs and systems.

The drug improves blood supply to the microcirculatory bed, normalizes the permeability of the vascular wall throughout the entire circulatory system, and increases the quality of trophic processes. Biologically active components are necessary for the normal functioning of the visual and reproductive systems, the correct course of protein and lipid metabolism. The mechanism of action of the drug should be considered separately for each vitamin.

Retinol palmitate (or acetate in some variations of Aevita), better known as - This fat-soluble chemical compound . It is generally accepted that most of The effects of this component are concentrated on the organs of vision, but this is only half of the true biochemical picture of the interactions of vitamin A. Of course, the biological component takes an invaluable part in the formation of the visual signal, as it contributes to the transformation of the protein structure of opsin into rhodopsin. This protein conversion is especially important for the eyes in low light conditions.

Another significant group of therapeutic effects of vitamin A lies in its influence on immune system . First of all, it should be noted the general strengthening effect, then, with more detailed consideration, catch your eye:

  • gain myelopoiesis ;
  • activation macrophage system ;
  • increase in humoral and factor;
  • strengthening the protective mechanisms of the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal system and respiratory tract.

The regulatory abilities of vitamin A extend not only to the main types of metabolism (protein, fat, etc.), but also to the functioning of the external and internal secretion glands, including the lacrimal, sebaceous and sweat glands. In combination with other effects, this makes it possible to use Aevit for hair as a cosmetic and therapeutic product, to prevent possible destruction of hair shafts and follicles, and to provide the structural units of the hair with all the necessary trophic substances.

From point of view organic chemistry, retinol is a molecule with a large number of unsaturated bonds, which allows vitamin A to participate in various redox reactions . The therapeutic effects of this feature of the biologically active substance are especially noticeable when applied externally to the skin:

  • retains the required amount of intracellular fluid;
  • plays important role in education glycosaminoglycans ;
  • stimulates reproduction epithelial cells , which allows you to rejuvenate the skin and get rid of wrinkles;
  • provides antioxidant effect ;
  • improves capillary blood circulation and local protective mechanisms, which is why Aevit for acne is popular among the young category of patients.

Alpha tocopherol or , the second active component of the pharmaceutical drug Aevit, is a fat-soluble chemical compound that is part of the natural human body and, like vitamin A, has many beneficial therapeutic effects with additional exogenous intake.

First of all, Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia of world knowledge on the Internet, celebrates him antioxidant activity . That is, the constituent component of the drug slows down the oxidation of unsaturated fatty acids and, thus, reduces the formation of peroxide compounds, which prevents and destruction of other cellular structures. Also, the mechanism of antioxidant activity of vitamin E includes its ability embed into membranes , preventing contact with oxygen and free radicals circulating in the blood. This property of alpha-tocopherol determines the use of Aevit for the skin around the eyes; the problem area of ​​the face retains youth and elasticity much longer if vitamin E is used regularly.

The active ingredient of a pharmaceutical preparation has extensive effects on cardiovascular system . Alpha tocopherol is a cofactor of various enzymatic systems of the body, which is realized in such positive therapeutic effects as stimulation of microcirculation, normalization of trophic processes in tissues, improving capillary blood flow and permeability of a given segment of the vascular bed. This determines the use of Aevit as a health measure for eyelashes and nails, because the derivatives of the skin primarily suffer from various kinds of pathological conditions due to the peridistributive capacity of the vascular system.

Vitamin E has an effect on protective function body. In particular, it stimulates the cellular and humoral components of the immune system, and the activity of T-lymphocytes increases significantly. By inhibiting lysosomal phospholipase A2, the potential for destruction of the phospholipid layer of cell membranes is eliminated.

Strengthening protective functions - incredible important task everyone, because it is much easier to prevent a disease than to sanitize a pathological focus later, for which Aevit in tablets is suitable the best way, thanks to the content of vitamins A and E.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The pharmacokinetic capabilities of the combined drug practically do not depend on the chosen form of release after entering the systemic circulation, so it is enough to consider only one example. The capsules are well absorbed from the digestive tract, after which they are transported into the lymph and blood plasma, where they bind to specific carrier proteins and “travel” to organs and tissues. A quantitative excess of vitamin A is stored in the liver in the form of palmitic acid esters, where the main stages of its biotransformation take place before the elimination stage. Elimination is slow—only 34% of the dose taken is removed within 3 weeks.

Excess of another active ingredient, vitamin E, deposited everywhere in body tissues. Metabolic processes occur by converting the natural structure of the drug component into quinine, after which it is eliminated along with urine. In unchanged form, vitamin E can be eliminated in bile.

Indications for use of Aevita

  • vascular bed;
  • obliterative And endarteritis ;
  • regional or systemic disturbances of microcirculation and tissue trophism ;
  • peripheral neuropathy;
  • atrophy optic nerve;
  • xerophthalmia ;
  • necrotizing myopathy ;
  • keratomalacia ;
  • abetalipoproteinemia ;
  • pigmentary retinitis .

Indications for use also include pathological conditions when the intake of vitamins A and E from food is significantly reduced, which allows Aevit to be used in the treatment of the following nosological units:

  • gastrectomy ;
  • chronic;
  • steatorrhea ;
  • diseases of the small intestine of various origins ( celiac disease , Crohn's disease , malabsorption syndrome and so on);
  • cystic fibrosis pancreas;
  • and pathologies that impede the physiological flow of bile into the lumen of the digestive tube;
  • acute and chronic infectious diseases ;
  • idiopathic weight loss ;
  • unbalanced or inadequate nutrition;
  • chronic stress ;
  • addiction, And nicotine addiction .


  • increased sensitivity to the active components of the vitamin complex;
  • thyrotoxicosis ;
  • chronic ;
  • chronic circulatory failure .

Contraindications for Aevit vitamins do not include a number of nosological entities for which the use of a pharmaceutical drug is recommended only under the supervision of qualified medical personnel. The list of such diseases is as follows:

  • or the risk of its development;
  • severe forms coronary arteries;
  • acute and chronic inflammatory diseases of the kidneys of a nonspecific nature.

Side effects

The use of Aevit vitamins, as a rule, is well tolerated by patients, because the active components of the pharmaceutical drug are part of the physiological metabolism of the human body and are required for normal development. In isolated cases, side effects may occur in the form of one of the following adverse effects:

  • nausea and the next one after it vomit ;
  • stool disorders;
  • gastralgia;
  • increased irritability;
  • exacerbation cholelithiasis And chronic in the presence of a latent phase of the course of pathologies.

Vitamins Aevit, instructions for use (Method and dosage)

Instructions for use of Aevita in capsules

How to take Aevit in capsules - orally, swallowing the entire tablet. It is not recommended to chew it or keep it in the mouth for a long time, since the gelatin shell, in this case, may be damaged, which will inevitably lead to a decrease in the therapeutic activity of the drug. The standard dosage for realizing the full biochemical potential of the active ingredients is 1 capsule once a day, and the duration of treatment is 30-40 days.

To prevent various diseases from the list above, the course of conservative sanitation is 20-30 days, but a preventive treatment regimen with the full use of a pharmaceutical drug for 30-40 days can also be used. Repeated therapy, as in the case of combating a clearly defined pathology, is recommended to be carried out no earlier than 3-6 months from the end of the previous course.

How to take vitamins for mastopathy?

Vitamins A and E in large quantities, as, for example, in Aevit, in a positive way affect hormonal levels female body and the condition of the mammary glands in particular, which makes the prescription of a pharmaceutical drug mammologists rational and pathogenetic, that is, affecting certain links in the development of nosological units in various types of diseases of the mammary glands.

The dosage of the drug is 1 capsule per day for a month. Such courses of conservative therapy are carried out twice a year, but some experts believe that capsules can be taken continuously, since cannot be natural vitamins. This theory is this moment is not completely reliable and is not supported by all medical professionals.

Method of using Aevit vitamins in the form of a solution

This form of the drug is used for intramuscular injections , that is, the solution can be injected into the buttocks, the anterior and lateral surface of the abdomen, shoulders and trapezius muscle, the anterior surface of the thigh. Before direct use of the pharmaceutical drug, the required amount should be slightly warmed up in order to activate it. The standard dosage is 1 ml once a day, and the duration of the course of conservative treatment is 20 days. In case of trophic disorders, endocarditis and endarteritis, it is increased to 30-40 days. Repeated sanitation can be carried out after 4-6 months.

The pharmaceutical drug is not used for children for reasons stated below in the relevant section.

How to use Aevit externally?

To improve the general condition of the skin, get rid of wrinkles, and are most suitable for cosmetic and therapeutic effects on the lips pharmaceutical wraps . Before manipulation, you should thoroughly cleanse the skin and massage. Thus, the selected area will be well prepared for the application of the drug, which will somewhat increase the therapeutic capabilities of the active components of Aevita.

Next, mix the contents of the ampoule with an oily solvent. Ideally suited for this purpose olive oil , because in itself it has a beneficial effect on the skin. Apply the resulting mixture to the selected area and rub in a little. After this, cover the treated area of ​​skin with a plastic bag (or cling film), wrap in a towel and wrap in warm blankets. There is no need to wash off anything after applying the medicine; the oil allows Aevit to be well absorbed.

The duration of such manipulation is half an hour, and it can be carried out twice a week for two months, after which the necessary therapeutic effect will be noted, and the skin will become smooth, fresh and soft.

How to use the cream?

A small amount of ointment should be applied to previously cleansed skin in the direction of natural massage lines. Due to the peculiarities of the composition of this pharmaceutical form, Aevit can be used both in the morning and in the evening, a couple of hours before bedtime. The course of therapeutic measures lasts for 1-2 months with daily use of the cream, then you should take a break.

Hair vitamins - how to use at home?

Aevit for hair is used according to the most complex of the proposed schemes, as it combines external treatment of the scalp with pre-prepared mixtures and the use of drug capsules orally. It is in this combination that the most accelerated and complete effect is achieved.

To eliminate the problem dry and brittle hair the contents of 1-2 Aevit capsules should be mixed with 2 raw egg yolks or 1 tablespoon of low-fat sour cream. Next, using massaging movements, you need to rub the resulting mixture into the scalp. The exposure of the applied drug is 1.5-2 hours, after which the mask can be washed off with regular everyday shampoo. The frequency of this procedure is 1-2 times a week for three months. To repeat a conservative course, you should wait at least six months.

So that accelerate hair growth, A slightly modified recipe is used, for which a liquid injection solution is also suitable. The juice of one medium-sized onion is added to the contents of 1-2 capsules or 1 ampoule and mixed thoroughly until the future mask is homogeneous. The mixture is applied with massaging movements to clean hair, after which it is recommended to wrap your head in a towel or put on a plastic cap and leave it for half an hour. At the end of the procedure, you need to wash your hair with your usual shampoo. The mask shows effectiveness if used twice a week for a month, after which there is a long break, and the procedure is repeated only when strictly necessary.


Aevit tablets or injection solution may cause increase in the size of the liver and spleen.

There is no specific pharmaceutical antidote for an overdose of Aevit; in case of development of symptoms of drug intoxication, treatment of the observed clinical manifestations and immediate contact with a qualified specialist is indicated to eliminate the pathological condition that threatens the patient’s life.

Terms of sale

You can buy a vitamin preparation without a prescription.

Storage conditions

The medicine should be stored in a dry place, away from possible direct contact sun rays, at a constant temperature from 15 to 25 degrees Celsius.

Best before date


VitAE , AEcaps .

For children

The pharmaceutical drug is not used in pediatric practice, since hypervitaminosis of one of the active components of Aevita may adversely affect further development child and cause irreversible consequences in a growing young body.

Aevit during pregnancy and lactation

Face cream, tablet and injection forms of the pharmaceutical drug Aevit are contraindicated for use directly during and , since an excess of vitamins can adversely affect the developing body of a child, and it is impossible to precisely regulate the intake of a certain amount due to the complex pathways of transformation and metabolic chains of the active components of the drug.

The beneficial therapeutic effect of combined vitamins Aevit is known and clinically confirmed by experienced and qualified specialists in planning pregnancy . The drug is prescribed in advance, before the critical period, in order to deposit the necessary structural elements and not feel the need for them during pregnancy or lactation. According to antenatal clinics, such preventive measures help protect expectant mother and a child.

Reviews about Aevit

Reviews about Aevit should not be looked for in one source on the Internet, since the presence of several pharmaceutical forms of release makes it possible to cover a fairly wide range of various pathological changes in which the drug is useful with a reliably proven therapeutic effect. For example, reviews of Aevit vitamins in tablet form can be found on cardiology forums.

Most patients who take Aevit capsules for various heart or vascular diseases leave positive recommendations about this medicine. This is achieved, first of all, by ease of use and the relatively quick implementation of therapeutic properties, because the therapeutic effects appear even during the course of conservative sanitation. Patients note that their quality of life has improved significantly after using Aevit.

“Aevit” is a multivitamin complex, which includes vitamins A and E. “Aevit” in capsules and injections helps improve metabolism and provides oxygen to tissues. Thanks to this, the skin is cleansed, hair and nails are strengthened, and their growth is accelerated.

Vitamin A, which is contained in the multivitamin preparation “Aevit” in capsules and injections, takes an active part in the formation of bone tissue, the functioning of the reproductive system and the formation of visual pigments that ensure normal color and twilight vision.

Vitamin E (tocopherol) has an antioxidant effect (removes toxins from the body), participates in the formation of elastic and collagen fibers of connective tissue, the digestive tract, vascular smooth muscles, and also restores capillary blood circulation and increases tissue resistance to oxygen deficiency.

Who is Aevit intended for?

“Aevit” in capsules or injections is prescribed for a lack of vitamins A and E in the body, which may be caused by poor nutrition, digestive system disorders, or impaired absorption of these vitamins.

The drug is also effective for muscular dystrophy, vascular atherosclerosis, menstrual irregularities in women and diseases of the reproductive system in men. Injections of vitamins "Aevit" are used for acne and acne in adolescents during puberty.

Vitamin A is involved in growth, bone formation, has a beneficial effect on the development of the embryo, and plays an important role in the functioning of the woman’s reproductive system - for this reason, Aevit is prescribed to pregnant women. Retinol also normalizes epithelial growth and helps launch the process of natural cell rejuvenation.

Since vitamins A and E are fat-soluble, the excipients in this preparation are soybean or corn oil. The drug has an oily consistency, so its injections are quite painful. In this regard, it is more often used in capsules in a gelatin shell that does not irritate the stomach wall.

"Aevit" in capsules or injections can be prescribed in combination with other medications for a number of diseases resulting from vitamin deficiency or hypovitaminosis of vitamins A and E, namely:

  • prolonged diarrhea;
  • chronic cholestasis;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • obstructive jaundice;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • infectious diseases;
  • disorders caused by nicotine, drug or alcohol addiction;
  • visual impairment.

A multivitamin complex is prescribed by a doctor individually depending on the characteristics of the disease and its severity.

"Aevit" to improve skin condition

The condition of our skin depends directly on the general condition of the body, proper nutrition and heredity. Due to a deficiency of vitamins A and E, the skin becomes pale, dry, and flaky. Acne, acne, and pustules may also occur. Therefore, this multivitamin preparation for the skin has a beneficial effect.

To improve the condition of the skin, the drug should be taken 1 capsule per day for two weeks. In some cases, it is prescribed for acne according to an individual scheme.

It can also be used externally to improve skin condition. To do this, you need to prepare a homemade cream with multivitamins “Aevit” for the skin of the face. Squeeze 1-2 capsules and add their contents to your face cream. Use the resulting product for a month.

In case of problems such as blackheads, acne or pustular rashes, use Aevit for the face as a lotion. You just need to puncture the capsule and apply the oil with vitamins to the skin. It can also help your lips. You just need to apply the contents of the capsule with the drug to your lips.

But you should not abuse the drug for external use. All external procedures using Aevit for acne to improve skin health and lip conditions should not last more than one month. With longer use, addiction will occur, as a result of which the mechanism for maintaining skin tone is disrupted and there will be a need for constant replenishment.

For hair

For hair, it is recommended to take ampoules rather than capsules. The composition of the vitamin hair mask based on “Aevit” also includes burdock and linseed oil. They need to be taken in equal proportions, mixed and applied with massaging movements to the scalp. Then wrap your head in plastic wrap and a towel. This hair mask should be kept on your head for an hour, then rinsed off with plenty of water. Hair will become silky, smooth and manageable.

If you have oily hair, beat 1 yolk, 1 teaspoon of alcohol and 1 teaspoon of water, add two capsules of Aevit vitamins. Apply the mask to your hair and leave for 15-20 minutes. Afterwards the mask should be washed off warm water.

For eyelashes

To make your eyelashes thick and fluffy, you can also turn to this vitamin complex for help. Make a small hole in the capsule and carefully apply the oil along the entire length of the eyelashes. The ideal medicine for eyelashes is a mix based on Aevita. Add the contents of Aevit capsules to a mixture of olive, castor, burdock, almond oils and fish oil.

For eyelashes, it is best to take an old mascara tube, wash it well, and pour a mixture of oils into it. Then apply the resulting medicine to your eyelashes with a brush several times a month. This will accelerate their growth and improve their condition.

Don't forget that prevention is the best cure. Therefore, constantly monitor the health of your eyelashes and the quality of the cosmetics you apply to them.

For nails

“Aevit” is an excellent remedy for “resuscitation” not only of hair and skin, but also nails. For nails, it is used during a manicure to soften the cuticle. In addition, regular use of the drug makes nails strong, smooth and shiny. The drug nourishes and restores dry, damaged nails.

Contraindications for use

“Aevit” in capsules and injections internally and externally is not recommended for use in case of allergic reactions to the ingredients of the drug, as well as in case of excess vitamins A and E in the body. Children under 14 years of age should not take it. Take with caution in case of diseases of the liver (viral hepatitis, cholecystitis), kidneys, thyroid gland (thyrotoxicosis).

Although the instructions for the Aevit multivitamin complex in capsules and injections prohibit women from taking the drug during pregnancy, this issue remains not fully studied. Indeed, during pregnancy, the expectant mother’s body requires much more nutrients and vitamins, and therefore a deficiency of vitamins in her body causes the need to take vitamin preparations like Aevit.

But pregnant women should take Aevit in capsules or injections strictly as prescribed by the doctor, following the instructions that specify how to drink it.

What are the dangers of overdose?

Since vitamins A and E are fat-soluble, they remain in the body for a longer time than water-soluble vitamins. Therefore, they do not need to be consumed daily.

Aevit should be taken in capsules or injections strictly in accordance with the instructions, since an overdose of vitamins E and A can cause side effects, among which:

  • pain in the epigastric region, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea;
  • allergic reaction: skin redness, itching and rash;
  • drowsiness, lethargy, dizziness, headache, confusion, pain and aching bones, increased dryness of the skin and oral mucosa, convulsions.

An overdose of the drug can cause hypercalcemia. Also, the drug should not be taken simultaneously with iron, silver and alkali-reactive products. Therefore, remember that self-medication, even with vitamins, is unacceptable. Before taking, be sure to consult your doctor.

Diets, stress, lack of sleep, frequent colds - all this may indicate that the body lacks vitamins. Important vitamins for women are vitamin E and vitamin A. The most popular beauty vitamin is Aevit.

Aevit – vitamins of youth and vitamins of beauty. Why is this inexpensive product receiving so much attention? The fact is that this is a powerful drug that triggers all metabolic processes in the body. After all, a lack of the most important elements - vitamins E and A can lead to serious consequences. Vitamins simply need to be taken by women of any age. How to take Aevit correctly - let's find out together.

Vitamins Aevit - composition, purpose

Vitamins are available in tablet form and are round gelatin capsules, yellow in color. Inside such a capsule contains an oily solution - a mixture of vitamins A and E.

What are these vitamins for?

  • Vitamin A – helps strengthen the immune system and resist various infections. Essential for skin and maintenance in good condition mucous membranes. This vitamin helps cope with diseases such as psoriasis, acne, and relieve irritation after sunburn. The main job of vitamin A is skin regeneration. Therefore, this beauty vitamin is simply irreplaceable in cosmetology. In addition, vitamin A helps improve and even restore vision (with an integrated approach).
  • Vitamin E is a powerful cleanser of our body, removes all harmful products, strengthens blood vessels, fights premature aging of cells, improves the condition of the skin, and also helps get rid of fatigue and increase the body's resistance.

When paired, these two substances have a powerful complex effect on the human body.

How to take Aevit vitamins

Despite the seeming harmlessness of this drug, you should still not neglect the advice of specialists and consult with your doctor before taking the vitamin complex.

How to take Aevit:

  • To improve the condition of the skin, Aevit is taken one capsule once a day for 2 weeks. The oil solution can also be used externally. For example, adding 2 capsules to a jar of day cream, you can use such an enriched cosmetic product for a month. It is allowed to apply the oil solution directly to the affected area: ulcers, pimples, dry areas of skin. But you should always remember that you can use Aevit for a month, then you need to take a break;
  • use of Aevita for hair. It is best to purchase a liquid solution, which is sold in capsules. How to make a hair mask: take it in equal proportions burdock and flaxseed oil, add an ampoule of Aevita, keep the mask on your hair for an hour, then rinse with water. For oily hair, take the yolk, alcohol + water (1 tsp each), add 2 capsules of Aevita. The mask should be distributed over the hair and left for 15 minutes. Rinse off with warm water without shampoo;
  • For eye diseases, Aevit should be taken according to an individual regimen, which is prescribed by the attending physician, taking into account the diagnosis and course of the disease. In some cases, intramuscular injections of Aevit 1 ml every day are prescribed. The course of treatment is 2 weeks;
  • for the treatment of vascular diseases, Aevit is taken orally, 1 capsule 2 times a day + intramuscular injections are prescribed (dosage - 1 ml per day for 10 days).

Your doctor should tell you how to take vitamins correctly. If your goal is to support the body, then the standard Aevit is taken 1 tablet 2 or 3 times a day. Be sure to take vitamins after meals. The capsule is easy to swallow and should be washed down with plain water.

You cannot increase the number of capsules at one time. The course of treatment is at least a month, maximum – 1.5 months. Break – from 3 to 6 months.

Aevita injections - 1 ml per day, the oily solution must be warmed before administration. The course of treatment is from 20 to 40 days, depending on the disease. Repeated course – after 4 months. Intramuscular injections are prescribed by the attending physician.

About contraindications of vitamins Aevit


  • allergic reaction to the components of the drug;
  • children under 14 years of age;
  • liver diseases: cholecystitis, hepatitis;
  • kidney disease;
  • heart failure;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • pregnancy.

Addiction to strict diets, poor food, and frequent colds lead to exhaustion of the body. Forcing it to work for wear, there is a risk of developing health problems, so it is necessary to restore the balance. This role is assigned to multivitamin preparations, among which Aevit, which rightly deserves attention.

Composition of Aevit

Like everything ingenious, the composition of the vitamin complex is simple. The combination of two powerful useful substances makes Aevit an effective immunostimulating drug with antioxidant properties. Vitamins A and E are selected in such a proportion that improves blood circulation and normalizes reproductive function. What else is Aevit taken for? It helps improve vision, skin, hair and nails - all this gives a quick noticeable result.

Vitamin A

The beneficial properties of the vitamin, which is also known as retinol, are indispensable in biochemical processes that affect bone growth and the proliferation of epithelial cells. It should be taken if there is a deficiency of vitamin A in men and women, since vitamin A is involved in the synthesis of visual pigment.

Vitamin E

Necessary when you need to take a powerful antioxidant, because tocopherol is considered a source of youth and beauty. By preventing aging, this component of Aevita, like vitamin E in capsules, serves as a good remedy for the prevention of cancer, strengthening the immune system, and maintaining the functioning of the reproductive system.

What are Aevit vitamins useful for?

The combination of two vitamins gives the complex excellent healing properties. Frequent colds and stress test the body's strength, and if you take Aevit correctly, it will help you cope with the imbalance faster. Oil capsules are used to care for hair, nails, and skin.

In gynecology

A multivitamin complex is prescribed as an additional remedy, especially useful in the postpartum period. Retinol, which is part of the drug, accelerates the process of restoration of the uterine mucosa. In gynecology, Aevit, which contains vitamin E, is prescribed to reduce pain during menstruation, reduce blood loss, and treat infertility.

During pregnancy

The period of bearing a child for a woman is associated with a heavy workload internal organs. To maintain balance, it is necessary to take vitamins, but an overdose of even useful substances can cause pathology in the development of the fetus. Before taking Aevita, as well as the Vitrum Prenatal Forte complex, a pregnant woman should study the instructions and not combine it with taking other medications containing vitamin A.

For mastopathy

Treatment of fibrocystic disease involves a whole range of measures, where general restorative therapy has its place. Why take Aevit for mastopathy? The composition of the multivitamin complex has a positive effect on the ratio of estrogen and progesterone, and this helps to cure mastopathy faster, improving the condition of the mammary glands.

Indications for use Aevit

Intoxication, atherosclerosis, some heart diseases, cholecystitis, dermatological problems - this is just the main list of diseases when it is useful to take a multivitamin preparation. But only a specialist doctor can determine the dosage, especially in the presence of pathology, for example, cirrhosis of the liver. What else is Aevit taken for? Rapid weight loss, decreased immunity, alcohol addiction serve as an indication for starting the drug.

In capsules

This form of multivitamin preparation is a high concentration of the main components. Based on this, Aevit in capsules is considered a medicine, the uncontrolled use of which can be harmful to health. If the body experiences an acute deficiency of vitamins A or E, then taking the drug will be justified, as in the case of treatment with antibiotics, diseases of the biliary tract or gastrointestinal tract.

In ampoules

Intended for intramuscular injection, the oily solution is enclosed in a sterile ampoule. Like capsules, this form of the drug contains excipients, but the main difference is the high concentration of vitamins A and E, which makes the multivitamin complex no longer a preventative, but a medicinal product.

How to take Aevit

Regarding the correct use of the drug, then general recommendations Regarding internal use they look like this:

  • Capsules. In this form, the drug is taken entirely without breaking the shell. For the purpose of prevention, the regimen involves taking 1 capsule per day before or after meals for 30 days; for therapeutic purposes, the dose of the drug is doubled. Aevit should be taken twice a day, and the course duration will be about two weeks.
  • Injections (shot). They are administered intramuscularly, making sure that the oily solution does not enter the subcutaneous fat layer. The treatment regimen for any disease stipulates that the dose of Aevita (injection) is 1 ampoule or 1 ml per day, and the duration of use can vary from 20 days to 40.

For adults

How long to take a multivitamin preparation for people over 16 years of age is determined by the attending physician. Taking Aevita for preventive or therapeutic purposes completely excludes the use of other tablets containing vitamin A; to consolidate the effect, adults are prescribed a second course after six months.

For children

It is not recommended for a child under 16 years of age to take Aevit. Exceptions include some dermatological skin problems, for example, if the diagnosis of keratosis follicularis is confirmed. Such medical cases involve taking Aevit by a child, but strictly according to an individual regimen with breaks.

Instructions for use of Aevit externally

The cosmetic effect of Aevita is manifested in eliminating dry skin, excellent anti-aging effect, eliminating acne, and adding shine to hair. The drug is used externally, mixed with other agents or in its pure form. To do this, pierce the capsule, squeeze out the contents and apply directly to the skin. If you mix Aevit with cream, gel, balm, then for 5-10 g of base you need to take 1-3 capsules of the drug.

For face

Their beneficial features gelatin capsules for skin care will be demonstrated, as well as vitamin E for the face in its pure form. In just two weeks, using Aevit for wrinkles, you can simultaneously reduce pores, tighten the skin, and remove acne if you apply 3-5 drops of oil to the skin daily. Aevit helps whiten, protect the skin and eliminate age spots.

For hair

Damaged, dull hair needs special care. External use of Aevita in its pure form helps strengthen the hair roots if the drug is applied directly to the scalp, rubbed in with massage movements, leaving the oil overnight. Enriching others cosmetics hair care product (shampoos, masks, balms) also helps solve the problem of split ends, and for this three capsules are enough for a one-time volume of product used.

For nails

A multivitamin preparation is good because it helps cope with brittleness, deeply nourishing and moisturizing the nail plate. The most effective combination is Aevita capsules and olive oil, although any hand cream is suitable. When caring for cuticles or trying to improve the condition of nails, the oil can be applied in its pure form, simply rubbing the product in until completely absorbed.

Side effects

Among the body's frequent reactions to Aevit is individual intolerance. If you take a multivitamin complex internally, an overdose can cause the following side effects:

  • headache;
  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • diarrhea;
  • drowsiness.


There are many reasons why Aevit is used, but do not forget about the limitations. The complex is contraindicated for pregnant women in the first stages of fetal development, nursing mothers, children under 16 years of age, and people susceptible to hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. As a medicine, patients with diagnoses of liver cirrhosis, renal failure, viral hepatitis, thrombophlebitis should take the drug with caution.

Video about how to use Aevit for the skin around the eyes

Aevit is a vitamin preparation that works as an antioxidant and immunostimulant. Contains vitamins A and E. Vitamin A (retinol palmitate) - takes part in the regulation of metabolism in tissues. Vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol acetate) is a vitamin with immunomodulatory and antioxidant functions. Both components of Aevit capsules are fat-soluble.

The Aevit complex has a beneficial effect on rapid tissue restoration; without it, fat and protein metabolism does not occur. Supports visual acuity, and even reproductive capabilities. Thanks to the medical and biological action of the active components of the complex, blood circulation in tissues increases, vascular tone increases, and cellular nutrition processes improve.

  • Absorption and assimilation of drug components. Vitamin A is absorbed in the intestines with the help of bile acids, vitamin E takes a longer time to be absorbed. Active substances demonstrate uniform distribution throughout the tissues of the body. Excess retinol will be stored in the liver, and unspent alpha tocopherol will go to muscles and fat, adrenal glands, testes, and also to the liver.
  • Metabolization of drug components. The breakdown of vitamin A occurs into biologically active and inactive metabolites. Vitamin E breaks down only into inactive metabolites.
  • Removal of drug components. Both components are excreted through bile and urine. Retinol leaves the body quite slowly: even after a single dose, about a third remains in the body for about 3 weeks. Alpha tocopherol is excreted primarily in bile and in minimal amounts in urine.

Benefits of Vitamin A

Vitamin A was first discovered in carrots, hence common name groups of vitamins - carotenoids (from the English carrot - carrots).

Vitamin A combines two types: retinol palmitate and retinol acetate. At the same time, only retinol palmitate is effectively absorbed in the human body. It takes part in building bones, in the formation of new cells, and inhibits the aging process. The importance of this vitamin is important for visual photoreceptors, the synthesis of retinal pigment, and light perception by the eye.

Vitamin A is an integral element of the functioning of the immune system, in particular plays an important role in the fight against infection. Protects against infectious diseases and viruses of the respiratory system, digestive system and urinary system.

It is naturally found in beef liver, milk, egg yolk, carrots, broccoli, etc.

Benefits of Vitamin E

There are many names of vitamin E, to be more precise, as many as 8! Each name corresponds to the natural active form of the vitamin. They are divided into tocopherols and tocotrienols, which have unique properties and effects on the human body. Different types Vitamin E has a similar structure, but molecularly they interact differently. Alpha tocopherol is the most active.

Vitamin E acts, as a rule, at the level of mitochondria, not cells. Mitochondria are special components of the cell, sources of its energy, involved in cellular metabolism.

Vitamin E is present in the cell membrane, protecting it from oxidation processes. It also allows red blood cells to move easily through blood vessels without clinging to the walls. The indirect effect of vitamin E is also expressed in the relaxation and slight dilation of blood vessels, counteracting the adhesion of platelets.

Thus, vitamin E is essential for the functioning of the nervous system, muscle fibers, and liver. The body can obtain the required amount of this vitamin from its own fat reserves, where it is concentrated.

Natural tocopherols are synthesized exclusively by plants, therefore all vegetable oils are rich in vitamin E.

Who is the drug intended for?

Thanks to active participation complex components in various processes body, the doctor prescribes it in some cases of vitamin deficiency.

In accordance with the instructions of Aevit, its use is necessary for the following diseases:

  • disturbances in cellular nutrition processes;
  • poor microcirculation of blood in tissues;
  • atherosclerotic phenomena in blood vessels;
  • chronic narrowing of the lumen of blood vessels;
  • chronic skin diseases (dermatoses, lichen);
  • destruction of optic nerve fibers.

Another group of patients who also need long-term use of Aevita are patients on dietary nutrition, who have limited natural intake of these vitamins into the body. These problems could be:

  • loose stools for a long time
  • conditions after surgical interventions on the stomach
  • chronic "oily stools" when too much is excreted from the body a large number of fat (for diseases of the pancreas)
  • chronic digestive disorder in the small intestine
  • obstructive jaundice, severe diseases of the liver and biliary tract, cholestatic syndrome
  • cystic fibrous lesion of the endocrine glands
  • poor diet, sudden weight loss (in patients receiving intravenous nutrients)
  • alcoholism and other types of drug addictions
  • acute infections
  • chronic stress.

Aevit effectively compensates for the lack of the above vitamins in such patients.

How to take Aevit capsules correctly

According to the instructions, Aevit vitamins are taken after meals. The capsule should be swallowed whole with water.

Usually the complex is taken in courses. Adults take one capsule per day for 1-1.5 months. In difficult cases, when the drug replaces the lack of vitamins in the daily diet, the doctor prescribes the dose individually. You should not self-medicate, this is fraught with undesirable consequences.

The detailed dosage and time of the repeated course of treatment, based on medical considerations, are determined by the attending physician. As a rule, the course can be repeated no earlier than 3-6 months from the end of the previous one.

Undesirable consequences of taking a vitamin complex

Aevit is a well-tolerated drug, but sometimes the patient may experience some unwanted side effects. These phenomena are extremely rare, but it is worth keeping them in mind:

  • dyspeptic symptoms (nausea, vomiting);
  • different types of allergies;
  • spasmodic pain in the epigastric region;
  • abnormal stool (isolated cases of individual intolerance).

For long-term use:

  • exacerbation of symptoms of chronic inflammation of the pancreas;
  • complications of calculous cholecystitis;
  • overdose of vitamin A. Symptoms of hypervitaminosis (due to disorders in the central nervous system): bad dream, migraines, apathy, nervousness, numbness or goosebumps on the skin. Skin problems, expressed in cracking, dryness of thin areas of the skin, seborrheic manifestations, hair loss.

If dosages are exceeded for a long time, consequences such as inflammation of the joints, hypertrophy of the liver and spleen are possible.

Who is Aevit contraindicated for?

You cannot use a vitamin complex if you have:

  • hypersensitivity or intolerance to the components of Aevit;
  • hyperthyroidism (intoxication with thyroid hormones);
  • severe bilateral kidney damage;
  • cardiovascular diseases and circulatory failure.

Prescribed with caution:

  • pregnant and breastfeeding women;
  • patients with cardiac ischemia who have suffered a myocardial infarction;
  • patients at risk of blockage of blood vessels (thrombus);
  • suffering from atherosclerosis of the heart vessels (severe form).

So, by taking this vitamin complex in strict accordance with the instructions or instructions of the attending physician, you can count on an effective solution to the problem of hypovitaminosis of vitamins A and E.