Katya Ogonyok family. Katya Ogonyok biography, photo, personal life of Katya Ogonyok, daughter

Why did Katya Ogonyok fade away?
Yesterday the ranks of chanson thinned out. This morning, the star of this genre, Katya Ogonyok, died in the intensive care unit of one of the capital’s clinics. Even those who had never listened to or liked chanson knew her. On October 26, she was supposed to perform at an evening in memory of Mikhail Krug in Nizhny Novgorod...

Katya was only thirty years old. After divorcing her husband, she raised her daughter Valeria alone. Some time ago, the singer was taken to one of the capital’s clinics.

According to rumors, Katya had serious problems with kidneys. It was rumored that in Lately famous singer abused alcohol, which is a very common phenomenon in the chanson community.

“It’s not good to discuss these problems when a person is gone, but I think that Katya died precisely because of this,” said another representative of the chanson, who, for obvious reasons, asked not to use her name. – Here, you know, both men and women drink, it’s like a way of life. Tours, constant feasts, the genre itself...

Well, you understand. And if, in addition to this, a person also has personal problems, then one cannot escape from a glass. I know that Katya loved cognac. After the divorce, she somehow weakened, or something, the spark in her disappeared. Yes, she drank. A female body can't stand much. So I ended up in the hospital. I am very sorry that we lost this man. She was very kind and open. There just wasn’t anyone worthy nearby male shoulder, and it burned down."

Even those who knew her very superficially regret Ogonyok’s death. During the ill-fated feasts, which may have really brought Katya to an early grave, she was the life of the party - cheerful, perky, witty. In general, she fully corresponds to her stage name – Ogonyok.

In this love for life, they were very similar to their mother, a former dancer at Virsky’s studio. Their external resemblance it was also amazing. And hospitality characteristic of people Krasnodar region was overflowing.

I remember when Katya performed under the name Christina with a pop repertoire, she tried to monitor her weight and constantly pulled herself together at the table. “I eat like a cow!” - Christina laughed, and could not do anything about her healthy appetite.

I had the chance to meet Christina back in 1997. We met in Vitebsk, at a festival. The poet Sasha Shaganov and his friend the composer Igor Pyankov simply took me by the arms and said: “Come on, you’ll meet our singer!” Kristina is a cool girl!”

And it really turned out to be glue, although at times it amazed me with its spontaneity. Then I even began to like this spontaneity; it was the highlight of Christina, who in any place and in front of any people could say whatever she thought and do as she wanted. She was absolutely not shy about who would say what about this.

We became friends. New Year's Eve The coming year 1998 was celebrated vigorously, resounding with joyful cries in the cozy area of ​​the Shchelkovskaya metro station, where Christina’s apartment was. "Let's sing?" - the hostess suggested. And all the guests sang, then continued this on the street, drinking the cognac that Christina truly loved.

And one evening Christina called and, without any preamble, blurted out: “Lenchik, come!” I’ve got a fur coat here, my mom and I think it will suit you!” I was speechless with surprise, but this was all Christina.

In general, this fur coat has already lost marketable condition, is still kept in my wardrobe - as the most extravagant and pleasant friendly gift. It will always remind you of how unpredictable and lively Kristina Pozharskaya, aka Katya Ogonyok, was.

Even having gained incredible popularity, she still remained a person of a broad soul, always ready to help. It’s a pity that lately I’ve been able to communicate less and less.

Christina changed her phone number, but left a new one through my parents. She asked me to call back. It’s sad that, due to the everyday bustle, I never got around to making a call... I express sincere condolences to all Christina's family and friends.

I remember it like it was yesterday. Hot summer day. Ryazansky Prospekt, tone studio "SOYUZ". We are waiting for 18-year-old Kristina Penkhasova, with whom, by prior agreement, we wanted to try to sing the album “White Taiga” under the name “Katya Ogonyok”. We must also remember that initially “White Taiga” was attempted to be sung by male performers; now we won’t name all these famous names, to nothing. I don’t remember who first came up with the idea of ​​trying a girl, the topic is harsh and difficult. But I distinctly remember that as soon as the word “girl” was heard, Elena Vladimirovna immediately suggested a pseudonym: “Katya Ogonyok.” From where, today she doesn’t really know. But after many years, her memory is this: “I would like “White Taiga” to be sung by a girl with a very bright, warm name and surname.”

When Christina arrived and walked up to the microphone, a miracle happened. From the first take, she immediately sang the proposed song, as if she had been singing such material all her life. little life. We were destined to record 3 albums with her: “White Taiga 1” (and full version this album), “White Taiga 2” and “White Taiga 3”...

And now, after 20 years, Lera Ogonyok, Katya’s daughter, stood up to the microphone at the new SOYUZ tone studio on Sadovnicheskaya Street. True, Lera is now 16 years old. I don’t take it, that’s a different story. Now we are not talking about large long-term contracts; Lera is still a very young girl. But the collaboration between Lera Ogonyok and the Soyuz Production company began.

We will record a number of songs in which we will try to find Lera’s vocal concept, as well as the sound concept of the new project as a whole. There are many options, the girl is talented and can sing almost anything. Of course, we are not talking about the “convict” topic now. In our opinion, this should be modern stage V in the best sense this direction. The musical concept is: light modern pop song with courtyard intonations. As distant analogues, one can consider “The Wind Blowed from the Sea” (Natalie), “Smoke of Menthol Cigarettes” (Nancy), “White Roses” (Tender May).

And we emphasize once again that our company has never done so-called “pop” projects (these performers will not be listed on these pages). But, of course, there is no need to do anything completely adult either.

We would really like people's producers to express their opinion about the Lera Ogonyok project: how they see it, what they think, what songs they would see sung by this performer. WITH today we are adding Lera Ogonyok’s “icon” on “People’s Producer”, and We are waiting for material, as well as production offers from popular producers.

I am once again convinced that life is a spiral going to the top, and everything in this life periodically repeats itself, going through a circle. Or maybe it starts all over again. Whether people draw conclusions from passing these circles is a question.

As an author and producer, working with Katya Ogonyok on the “White Taiga” albums is very dear to me. This is a whole layer of both my life and the life of the company. In fact, it was our first big project, which we started making completely from scratch. Today Leroy still has a brand behind her and a good school.

Let's try. God willing, everything will work out.

Sincerely, Vyacheslav Klimenkov and the Producing Group.

P.s. There is no need to post on the site texts and songs that have already been offered on the site at some point. There is no need to offer here texts and songs that do not suit others OUR projects. Those that were offered to someone else on the side, and did not pass, and were not shown on our website, can be offered calmly, but be careful about the concept described in this publication.

Famous Russian singer Katya Ogonyok, whose causes of death amazed many, became famous for her performance of Russian chanson.

Ekaterina was born in 1977 in the resort village of Dzhubga, in the Krasnodar Territory. She grew up in a family creative people. Her mother was a professional dancer who worked at the National Merit academic ensemble dance of Ukraine named after Pavel Virsky. Her father was involved in music, worked with many famous ensembles, including the famous “Gems”.

At the age of 6, Katya and her family moved to Kislovodsk, where she entered a comprehensive school, as well as a choreographic and music school. Her father's friend was famous poet Alexander Shaganov, who wrote the song for Katya, assisted in recording a demo version of the song at a local recording studio. This was Katya's first experience.

At the age of 16, the girl went to Moscow, where she became a member of the pop group “10-a”, created by producer Alexander Kalyanov and poet Shaganov. In it she performed under the pseudonym Kristina Pozharskaya. For some time, the artist performed in Tanich’s famous group “Lesopoval”, where she was a soloist and backing vocalist.

In 1995, a casting was held at the Soyuz studio for a new music project in the style of Russian chanson. Katya took part in it and became the winner. The studio recorded several of her albums under the pseudonym Masha Sha. The lyrics from these albums had an erotic theme, they were written by Mikhail Sheleg. Then the artist decided to radically change her repertoire and pseudonym to Katya Ogonyok.

In 1997, she began collaborating with composer Klimenkov, who helped her record an album called “White Taiga.” He came out a year later. A year later, Ogonyok’s second album, “White Taiga-2,” was released. All these albums were recorded in the style of Russian chanson, which Katya adhered to until the end of her days. She sang about love, separation, lonely people and prison life. At that time, Katya was one of the few women singing “prison chanson,” which became her undoubted “trick.”

In 2000, Katya released two new albums and several collections of her best songs. Since 2001, Ogonyok has released new albums every year. Her last album was released in 2006. Ogonyok managed to gain fame not only in Russia and in the territory former USSR, but also in other countries, including the USA, Germany and Israel. In 2007, Katya wrote new songs, but did not have time to release them new album. However, it was released in 2008 as posthumous monument artist.

Ogonyok was married once. She got married at the age of 19 to her childhood friend, whom she had left the army. However, they were together for only 2 years, after which they divorced. After this, Katya had several civil marriages. Her last chosen one was boxer Levon Koyava, to whom Katya gave birth to a daughter named Valeria in 2001. The girl later wrote a song in memory of her mother. In addition to music, Ogonyok was involved in martial arts and women's boxing.

Katya passed away in October 2007. Official reason The artist's death was caused by acute heart failure and pulmonary edema. Doctors determined that it all started with cirrhosis of the liver. At the same time, the singer was hospitalized with an epileptic attack. Ogonyok was buried in Moscow. In 2010 it was organized a charity concert in memory of Katya, the funds from which went to install a monument on her grave.

In 2013, another memorial concert was organized, the proceeds from which were sent to Katya Ogonyok’s family. In May 2016, a concert was held in memory of Ogonyok in honor of her birthday. It was organized by singer Lyudmila Sharonova. On it, the daughter of the late artist Valeria sang a composition in memory of her mother called “Wish.”


Star of Russian chanson, popular singer Katya Ogonek died on October 24, 2007 at the age of 30 due to pulmonary edema caused by heart failure. Her real name was Kristina Penkhasova. She started singing at a very young age, but popularity came much later due to a change in image and genre of performance.

It so happens that fans of the genre associate Russian chanson with brutal male voices and tough lyrics. A woman performing chanson is rather an exception. Among the few singers who are truly loved by a specific audience is Katya Ogonyok.

Despite her great popularity, the woman herself has said more than once that she does not consider herself a singer - only a performer, but she had a certain approach to each song, and her soft, soulful style of singing made fans come to concerts time after time. The artist’s life was tragically cut short at the age of 30: the cause of Katya Ogonyok’s death was named heart failure.

The singer had a rich biography and great popularity, but her lifestyle contributed to speculation surrounding her sudden death. Some believe that the singer had a criminal record, which is why she was so popular with crime bosses, one of whom even gave her a gold medallion.

Date of death

The queen of Russian chanson died on October 24, 2007 in one of the Moscow hospitals. The singer was taken to the clinic five days before her death, three of which she was in extremely serious condition. According to her husband, Ogonyok felt unwell after arriving from her next tour, so he insisted on hospitalization. Shortly before her death, the singer came to her senses and was even able to talk to her loved ones. Doctors gave only optimistic forecasts, so the woman’s death was a real blow for her family.

Why did she die anyway?

Doctors announced the cause of death of the star: she died from pulmonary edema caused by heart failure. In addition, the singer’s liver was almost completely destroyed and she had kidney disease. It was because of information about liver cirrhosis that many rumors appeared about Katya Ogonyok’s alcoholism. The prerequisites were the testimony of numerous colleagues of the woman, who claimed that she performed a lot, and after the concerts she drank at banquets.

Katya Ogonyok herself refused to admit the use of strong alcoholic beverages - in an interview she said that she preferred Georgian wines. Katya’s parents also deny their daughter’s alcoholism: they believe that the death was caused by a very busy work schedule.

Also, the mother repeatedly accused her daughter’s husband, Levon Koyava, of dishonesty, and also pointed out that Levon did not work and lived on Ogonyok’s earnings. After the death of a star of such magnitude, several episodes were aired dedicated to the memory of the artist. One of them showed footage taken in a rented apartment where the couple lived: the apartment looked untidy and was in need of renovation for a long time.

After tragic death the woman had virtually no savings left. This may seem strange, since the singer often gave concerts, traveled to tours and got enough high fees. The star's parents claim that Koyava was only interested in money: when Katya was in intensive care, he asked the doctor to get her back on her feet as soon as possible - after all, there was a new tour on the horizon. In response to the accusations, the man only responded that he understands the pain of a family that has lost a daughter - it is the bitterness of the loss that makes them look for someone to blame.

The singer’s producer Vladimir Chernyakov told the press that in fact Ogonyok was admitted to the hospital due to an attack of epilepsy, which she had suffered since childhood.

Funeral and installation of a monument

Katya Ogonyok was buried at the Nikolo-Arkhangelskoye cemetery on October 27. Ksenia Strizh, Garik Krichevsky, Leonid Teleshev, Sergei Nagovitsyn and many fans of the celebrity’s work came to say goodbye to the singer. The coffin was carried out of the hall to applause.

The financial situation of the deceased’s family was so depressing that the monument could only be erected three years after the death of the star. The singer's father shared with the press that he hoped to earn money in his own restaurant. When the establishment went bankrupt due to the crisis, he organized a memorable concert in Krasnogorsk. The funds raised were used to purchase the monument, and the remainder of the fee was deposited into the account of Katya’s daughter, who remained in the care of her grandparents.

Biography of Katya Ogonyok

In fact, Katya Ogonyok is the stage name of Kristina Penkhasova, with whom she became so accustomed that she even changed the name in her passport.


Christina was born on the Black Sea coast in the village of Dzhubga, Krasnodar Territory. From childhood, the girl grew up in an atmosphere of love for music: her father Evgeniy Semenovich was a musician who worked with many musical groups, including the ensemble “Gems”, and his mother Tamara Ivanovna danced in Virsky’s studio. An important task the father was to be instilled in the girl good taste: he played her records by pianist Oscar Peterson and Eric Clapton, and the child sang memorable tunes in an original manner. One of the most beloved performers of the future celebrity was Nani Bregvadze.

When the girl grew up, her parents decided to move to Kislovodsk. There Christina graduated from 9th grade secondary school, where she did not perform well. Then the character of the future artist began to take shape: she could disrupt her classes and skipped a lot. Parents who dreamed of a girl becoming an artist turned a blind eye to many things.

In addition to studying at high school, Ogonyok studied music and danced in a choreographic studio. Evgeniy Semenovich admitted in his interviews that despite his daughter’s obvious talent, he deliberately did not give her due music education: I was afraid that teachers would negatively influence my singing style. It was the father who chose for his daughter the genre with which Katya Ogonyok connected her fate - chanson.

Subsequently, information was spread in the press that Katya Ogonyok did not like to perform “thieves’ songs,” but the singer herself repeatedly mentioned in interviews that this genre is the only one in which she would like to work.

The beginning of a singer's career

However, Katya Ogonyok’s path began not with chanson, but with the priest. The girl’s father was friends with Alexander Shaganov - famous author poems for the compositions of the Lyube group and many others. Evgeny Semenovich asked a friend to write a song for his daughter. So for the first time, the then young Christina appeared on stage: she was only 16 years old.

Soon the first album was recorded as part of the group “10 A”, in which the singer performed under the pseudonym Kristina Pozharskaya, which brought neither income nor popularity. However, some recorded songs attracted attention to the performer, for example, producer Vyacheslav Klimenkov drew attention to the girl after listening to the song “Walk”. At the beginning of her career, the artist was supported financially by her father - it was he who sponsored the recording of songs. By that time, the girl had already moved to Moscow.

For the first time, Christina tried herself in chanson while working as backing vocals for famous group"Lowering." For personal reasons, the collaboration did not work out, although Tanich himself spoke well of the girl.

In an interview, the singer admitted that it was difficult for her to work with established artists because of small fees and pathos. Collaboration made Christina understand that typically masculine music suits her strong-willed character well - more singer made no attempts to change the style of performance.

In 1995, Christina became the winner of a competition organized by Soyuz Production. The company was looking for performers for a new project. After the victory, the singer’s career took off: she began recording songs in a duet with Mikhail Sheleg under the pseudonym Masha-sha. The lyrics were very provocative and contained jokes and hints erotic content. It is not known how the singer herself assessed the result of the duet, but in the same year, when the discs “Masha-sha - Rubber Vanyusha” and “Misha + Masha = Sha!!!” were released, she changed her repertoire and took a new pseudonym Katya Ogonyok.


Ogonyok achieved its greatest popularity in tandem with producer Vyacheslav Klimenkov. Klimenkov came up with a whole legend that was supposed to help Katya get onto the stage. According to the fictitious biography, Ogonyok had a criminal past - she was serving a sentence under Article 211 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, which charged causing death due to violation of the rules traffic. The created image allowed Katya to become famous in certain circles, including among prisoners. It was they who were the artist’s regular listeners at first.

The albums “White Taiga” and “White Taiga 2” sharply strayed from the usual genre, but this is what made Katya Ogonyok’s work stand out, and her hoarse voice, confidentially telling about the hardships of prison life, was loved by many, including those far from prison romance. The singer recorded most of the songs in the first take.

At the beginning of 2000, Ogonyok began working with Vladimir Chernyakov. Under his leadership, 8 albums were released. Latest work singer - the album entitled “In My Heart” became posthumous: it was released in 2008.

Ogonyok constantly went on tours - her concerts were always sold out. Once the singer was even invited to America, but the trip never happened - Katya was not given a visa. According to rumors, the consulate employee did not believe that Ogonyok was a singer, she behaved so simply in everyday life.

For almost ten years creative path Katya Ogonyok gave the world 12 albums. According to the father, the woman often provided financial assistance to orphanages and also supported her parents.

Husband and daughter

Katya Ogonyok was officially married once. Nothing is known about the marriage, except that after the wedding Katya took her husband’s surname - Bogdanova, it lasted only 3 years. The singer was not married to Levan Koyav, although in 2001 she gave him a daughter, Valeria. After Ogonyok’s death, the girl was taken in by her grandparents. Levan, according to Katya’s parents, is almost not involved in her upbringing.

In 2017, the daughter of the queen of chanson Valeria took the pseudonym Lera Ogonyok and, with the support of Vyacheslav Klimenkov, released her first song dedicated to her mother. Listeners warmly greeted the aspiring singer, noting how similar she is in appearance and timbre to her famous mother. Klimenkov said that Lera presents the material well and has a chance to achieve success on stage. Irina Krug helps the aspiring performer in her career.

Documentary, dedicated to memory Katya Ogonyok:

Katya Ogonyok is a Russian singer who performed compositions in the chanson genre. Author of such hits as “Katya”, “I’m Jealous”, “Northern Night” and many others. Although Russian chanson is not traditionally a genre for women, Katya managed to win the trust of its connoisseurs.

The lyrics of her songs were devoid of vanity and triviality, her soulful manner of performance could hook and warm even the most frozen soul, and her stage image was completely devoid of “stardom” and pathos.

Childhood and adolescence

The singer's real name is Kristina Evgenievna Penkhasova, she was born in a small village on the Black Sea coast in creative family. Her dad, Evgeny Semenovich, is a musician and composer, performed in the VIA “Gems”. Mom, Tamara Ivanovna, - professional dancer, artist of the Virsky ensemble.

When the girl was six years old, the family moved to Kislovodsk. There the parents sent Katya to music school And choreographic studio, because they dreamed of seeing her as an artist in the future.

The father made every effort to get his daughter accustomed to good music, bought her a tape recorder and personally selected recordings of famous world performers and composers. girl with early years She was well versed in jazz and loved and knew classical music.

IN adolescence Christina actively participated in amateur performances, performed at discos, and sang in local pop groups. But she could not boast of good academic performance and exemplary behavior: she could break raw eggs on the school battery to disrupt the lesson, or burn the class magazine.

Music career

At the age of 16, Kristina moved to Moscow and thanks to her father’s connections (he was familiar with the songwriter Alexander Shaganov, who wrote to Kristina debut song) appeared on television, singing a duet with the then super-popular pop singer Zhenya Belousov.

After this performance, composer Alexander Morozov became interested in the girl and offered her cooperation. A year later, their joint album was released, which turned out to be quite successful. At the same time, she performed as part of the group “10A” and for some time collaborated with the team “Lesopoval” and was in good standing with its leader Mikhail Tanich.

Katya Ogonyok - “Katya”

But gradually Christina began to move away from pop music towards chanson, which was closer and more understandable to the hooligan with a rebellious disposition and a characteristic hoarseness in her voice. Since 1995, she began collaborating with Mikhail Sheleg and changed her name to creative pseudonym Masha Sha (Mikhail called himself Misha Sha) and released two albums: “Misha + Masha = Sha!” and “Masha-sha - rubber Vanyusha.”

But she was made famous by producer Vyacheslav Klimenkov, who invited the singer to his project “White Taiga”. In 1998, he came up with a legend about the girl’s prison past, gave her a new name Katya Ogonyok and developed a musical concept for her further creativity. Katya’s fictitious biography was as follows: she was allegedly convicted under Article 211 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (hijacking an aircraft, train or water transport) and served 2.5 years behind bars, after which she was released on parole due to her interest in prison amateur activities.

Katya Ogonyok - “I’m jealous of you”

Katya so organically got used to her new image, which instantly won the love and trust of the public interested in chanson and prison themes. After the release of two joint albums(“White Taiga” in two parts) about separation and sadness, sung without “feminine” platitudes and trifles, incredibly soulfully and sincerely, Katya woke up famous.

Her performances aroused great delight, and the audience was ready to stand in the aisles at concerts just to get a glimpse of the singer performing songs that were so close and understandable to them in a soulful, hoarse voice.

Katya Ogonyok in the program “Old Record”

Two years later, Katya decided that she was ready to set off on her own, broke the contract with Klimenkov and began working with Vladimir Chernyakov. She threw herself into touring, traveled halfway around the world, and released several more albums.

Katya Ogonyok and Vladimir Chernyakov - “Far, Far Away”

Personal life of Katya Ogonyok

At the age of 19, Katya officially married her childhood friend, whom she had left the army. Three years later, the couple separated, and in 2001, the singer gave birth to baby Lera from boxer Levan Koyava, with whom she lived in a civil marriage.