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This section presents horoscopes for 2018 for all zodiac signs. Chinese, European, numerological and horoscopes by date of birth. With the passage of time and the receipt of new data on the position of celestial bodies, horoscopes for 2018 will be adjusted and maintained in the most current state.

Horoscope for 2018 - Yellow Earth Dog

The Yellow Earth Dog symbolizes the element of earth. She is especially characterized by such qualities as stability and planning, loyalty and affection. Although this is a social animal (the dog strives to be in sight), it is important for it to restore order first of all within itself, so throughout the year humanity will strive to return the raging waves of life to a calmer and more peaceful course. Important topics will be issues of stability, trust and distribution of responsibility.

The dog is generous and courteous, although it is focused on increasing wealth, and can be greedy to some extent. Pop lives by the principle “your shirt is closer to your body.” He collects benefits slowly, clearly sets goals and slowly, but unbendingly and confidently moves towards what he wants. A dog doesn’t need someone else’s, but it will cling to its own with a death grip.

Unlike the Rooster, the Dog does not act in a rush, but according to the principle “patience and work will grind everything down.” Therefore, the main principle of doing business this year will be endurance and hard work, being demanding of oneself and others, as well as a practical spirit.

The element of earth is associated with laws and traditions, so in the year of the Earth Dog it is important to adhere to your principles. The dog does not like behind-the-scenes intrigues, preferring an open fight. Fair and somewhat idealistic, the Dog is partnership-oriented, so the theme of alliances and associations will be especially loud throughout the year.

As for the sphere of relationships, the Yellow Earth Dog will bring significant and often favorable events for all zodiac signs. Since the dog is a symbol of fidelity and constancy, this year will be marked by the establishment of long-term marital relations, and for those who are already married - a revaluation of the importance of marriage ties and, as a result, strengthening of unions. In a family the Dog is dominant, in friendship it is more loyal. There are few contradictions in her and she lives quite comfortably, knowing how to take and give in equal measure. Loves order. In every way it promotes a traditional marriage. However, the passage of Jupiter through Scorpio will add spice to the general atmosphere stability and decency. Particularly exciting and exciting relationships await water signs. Love stories will be full of emotions and passion. Earth signs will be more under the influence of Saturn, so they are more resistant to this influence.

This year is very favorable for business activity, especially in the field of large finance, politics, government agencies, and gives success in property matters. Many zodiac representatives will have excellent opportunities to improve their financial and career situations. But luck will be on the side of the most persistent and resilient. Those who are ready to work hard and take responsibility can do big bets, obtain loans, invest funds, enter into long-term contracts. It's time to choose stable, open partners. However, it is important to find a compromise between optimism and caution in business.

Despite the fact that the Dog does not like change and does not strive for excesses and special comfort, it will do everything so that the inhabitants of the Earth can improve their living conditions.

As for the global political situation, we can undoubtedly expect favorable trends here too. Of course, much will depend on smart political decisions based on objectivity and sound judgment. The likelihood of conflicts and clashes is minimized. This is the year of making responsible, informed decisions, creating friendly alliances in order to optimize the political and economic situation based on mutual obligations. This is the time to restore borders and restore order in the world! World relations have a clear tendency to improve, but it should also be noted that the tightening of laws and orders is very likely, which can cause aggravation in society, and unrest and provocations cannot be ruled out here, since the presence of the South Node in Aquarius will encourage uncontrollable oppositional social movements. They will manifest themselves especially clearly at the beginning of autumn. This is the time of acquiring new authorities, and the continuation social life already at a new level.

The Year of the Dog marks a time of scientific and technological progress. In May, Uranus will ingress into the sign of Taurus, and this will be the beginning of a whole cycle of transformations, the result of which will be an improvement in human living conditions. This is a time of technological progress, as a result of which humanity will take a new look at familiar things. 2018 will be marked technical progress in the field of heavy industry, agriculture, medicine and pharmaceuticals. Interest in unusual areas of knowledge will increase in society, and there will also be a flourishing psychological sciences. But we will probably see the most striking manifestations years later.

As for the health of the population and the ecology of the planet, we should not expect serious epidemics and cataclysms, and society will be ready to reconsider its position in relation to the resources of the Planet and think about the global problems of the world ecology. In the medical field, new medicines and treatments may emerge that were previously unknown or available to only a few. Society will take a fresh look at issues of spirituality and self-development. In general, this is a period of turning the consciousness of society towards humanism and altruism.

Horoscope for 2018 for Aries

Money. Career. This year Aries should prepare for great achievements in their careers. It is likely that many representatives of this sign will receive a promotion, since throughout the year planetary configurations will provide energy for achievements. But this is not fleeting luck, but the result of serious and purposeful actions on the part of Aries. Businesses related to inheritance, taxes, loans, investing in big business. Success awaits representatives of professions associated with risk.

Love and family. It is important to maintain a balance between love and friendship, but priority should be given to the former, since it is the experience of all shades of love that will be an important stage in the development of Aries. The same goes for creative endeavors. This year you should develop your personal creative potential, or enjoy to the fullest the achievements of your creativity. And friends are support and support in all these matters.

Health. In general, health will not bother Aries this year. The only point is that as a result of severe overstrain of mental forces, fatigue or stress may occur. It is especially not recommended to relieve negativity by drinking alcohol and other psychotropic drugs, as rapid addiction can occur. This year you can undergo a full examination, and surgical operations are also indicated.

Horoscope for 2018 for Taurus

Money. Career. At the beginning of the year, you can find benefits in communicating with distant partners. In the summer, friendly connections will play a significant role in the development of business activity, but their stimulating effect will only indirectly affect finances. Particular success awaits Taurus who are involved in the field of large international business, medicine and art; a fairly quick financial return is expected here. At the end of the year, business through social networks will go well, and success will largely depend on how capable you are of mastering the latest methods of doing business.

Love and family. This year, Taurus will be drawn to relationships, to put it mildly, that are not typical for him. Relationships with the opposite sex will be unpredictable and exciting. This will largely be determined by the behavior of the partner, despite the fact that Taurus himself will be the embodiment of perseverance and equanimity. In the fall, the situation may change exactly the opposite, and you should expect surprises from Taurus.

Health. Taurus' health is stable throughout the year. However, in the fall you should pay attention to your lifestyle, since it is unhealthy habits that can affect the state of the endocrine system and lead to metabolic disorders.

Horoscope for 2018 for Gemini

Money. Career. Gemini can count on a favorable state of finances, since the Dog also favors the air element. This year you can expect a profitable and responsible job. The year favors Gemini businessmen in successfully resolving tax issues, despite the fact that this year many sources of income will be hidden, or not advertised, or will initially be stamped with secrecy. In general, this year is suitable for starting your own business.

Love and family. This year, Gemini should not expect grandiose changes. However, an internal impulse for change will appear, not yet conscious, but nevertheless incredibly powerful. But this is just the beginning; no major transformations are expected this year.

Health. Health is the focus for Gemini this year. It is important to proceed from the knowledge that all diseases are caused by nerves, therefore, along with conservative treatment methods, it would be great to combine psychotherapy and body-oriented practices. There are likely cases of successful treatment of the most hopeless diseases. The latest treatment methods will help here.

Horoscope for 2018 for Cancer

Money. Career. This year poses the next challenge for Cancers. They need to focus on ensuring that all skills and talents are monetized. There is nothing wrong if you are especially persistent in achieving material well-being. This year, money is what rightfully belongs to Cancers. However, you should not resort to dishonest methods and go over your head; this can result in big losses in the future. A business partnership based on friendly principles will be successful. It's good to partner through social networks.

Love. Family. A very stormy and active personal life awaits Cancer this year. Love experiences will overwhelm you, but the reign of the Dog will not be in vain, this is the time of imprisonment official relations for Cancer. The main feature of all relationships will be not only passion and unusual experiences, but also the theme of trust. This will be the very relationship when it’s not scary to “find yourself on the same ship” with your loved one. in every sense this word.

Health. The course of many serious chronic diseases improves, especially the musculoskeletal system and skin diseases (including allergies), but in some cases an increase in symptoms is observed. Therefore, this period is favorable both for a comprehensive examination and for the start of long-term and equally complex treatment. Don't count on quick success. Health trips and spa treatments have a positive effect.

Horoscope for 2018 for Leo

Money. Career. This year will provide Leo with various opportunities for self-development. Personal qualities and merit will play vital role. Success in business awaits Lviv entrepreneurs, especially if large cash, investments. In general, there is every chance to increase business turnover and enter into major contracts. But it is important to understand that everything will go as it should only if you take a serious approach and fundamental strategies. You won’t be able to “hit the jackpot” just by playing. In general, the year is favorable for starting your own business, as well as success in real estate and construction.

Love. Family. Important events will also occur in family life. The issues of family well-being will be successfully resolved, and excellent opportunities will arise to improve living conditions, purchase a house, or a dacha, especially if you have been planning this for a long time. In many ways, it is Leos who will take a dominant position in marital relations, however, it is important to listen to your marriage partner, otherwise everything will result not only in alienation with him, but also in trouble in public affairs.

Health. Excellent health is guaranteed to Leo throughout the year. However, we should not forget about preventive procedures, especially those aimed at strengthening the cardiovascular and nervous systems.

Horoscope for 2018 for Virgo

Money. Career. This year will be successful for Virgo in terms of expanding opportunities through receiving additional education. It is important to master modern methods in the professional field, and possibly obtain additional specialization. You can prove yourself by taking on the role of a leader, perhaps an informal one. It is also likely that your assistants will be people who are proficient in modern methods, the so-called pros. Don't ignore their advice. Serious career changes are possible in the fall. Excessive zeal at work will not lead to an improvement in the situation; on the contrary, there is a risk of doing things to your detriment. Focus on your feelings in a situation of uncertainty.

Love. Family. This year the stars predict strengthening for Virgo love affairs. This will especially affect single Virgos, since meeting a soulmate is incredibly high this year. Be prepared that whirlwind romance will quickly develop into marriage bonds. Characteristic feature of these unions there will be a deep emotional attachment to the partner and stability. In an already established relationship, Virgo will experience spiritual unity with her spouse, reaching a qualitatively new level. However, love interests on the side are also likely, although they will be exclusively platonic in nature and will not pose a threat to the marriage.

Health. You can maintain a balance of physical and emotional health if you take a competent approach to stress. Working too hard at work, as well as being too involved in the lives of others, can be detrimental to your health. Try to pay more attention to your mental state, it would be good to do meditation, yoga, etc. It is better to voluntarily find a way to be alone with yourself, otherwise this could result in you being forced to stay in a hospital bed.

Horoscope for 2018 for Libra

Money. Career. This year, Libra is able to get exactly as much as they want. This is the time to gain financial independence. You will be rewarded for your previous efforts. The year is favorable for business cooperation with partners from afar. Libra's intentions will be largely dictated by high ideas and therefore material achievements will be a concomitant phenomenon.

Love. Family. Libra faces a difficult task in this area. Relationships with loved ones, including children, will be a source of concern. You shouldn't expect any serious troubles, but you will have to worry. This will be a lesson in the fact that personal attachment to something, as well as the desire for unlimited freedom, is the source of man’s eternal sadness. However, this year it is better to devote yourself to serving society, to focus on friendships, but at the same time maintain a balance and prevent damage to loved ones.

Health. No drastic changes in health are expected this year. However, those representatives of the sign who have been struggling with any illness for a long time are recommended to use alternative methods of treatment. Many blocks can be removed by psychotherapeutic work, as well as traditional medicine and healing. Responsiveness to these methods will be increased, so you should expect positive results.

Horoscope for 2018 for Scorpio

Money. Career. The year will pass at an elevated level and will provide opportunities personal growth, using which, Scorpio can lay the beginning of a new stage in life. It is likely that Scorpio will be able to obtain a leadership position, or the patronage of a superior person in business. The year is characterized by a huge number of both business and personal connections, which Scorpio will establish with extraordinary enthusiasm. Mobility and deep immersion in the essence of the matter are the directions that need to be combined during this period. You should bet on those who offer a long-term serious business partnership.

Love. Family. Given that business activity will be high throughout the year, it is important not to accumulate household problems and affairs, otherwise by spring Scorpio risks breaking relationships with family and losing their support. Exciting, spiritual, slightly idealized relationships await free Scorpios. This time high love. For Scorpios who are married, the year promises the fulfillment of their cherished desires; in any case, the already established relationships will become more intense and deeper.

Health. In general, the year was marked by excellent health for Scorpio. A surge of strength, a thirst for action, a feeling of the fullness of life, will relieve many symptoms even of chronic diseases. However, at the end of the year, you should monitor your body, especially your metabolism and sexual sphere, since diseases of an unmanifest nature are possible, but they will not bring serious consequences.

Horoscope for 2018 for Sagittarius

Money. Career. For Sagittarius, the year predicts success through inspiration, through talents and creativity, which will directly affect the level of income or become additional sources of income. The year is especially favorable for Sagittarians involved in psychology, scientific research, as well as in any creative professions. The position of the planets this year will help Sagittarius to reveal the ability to deeply penetrate into the essence of things, will open the channels of creative flows, so this is the time of blossoming of talents that were previously hidden and reserved. This is also a time of travel, the purpose of which is not only the desire for self-development, but also material interest.

Love. Family. The year will give you the opportunity to enjoy comfort and well-being in home environment. A special psychological climate, spiritual unity with the family, which will be characteristic for a long time, will allow Sagittarius to relax and gain strength with the family, and will also contribute to creative creation in the home environment.

Health. The time is favorable for spiritual practices and meditation, travel to holy places or so-called “places of power”, sea ​​travel, balneotherapy. It is important to give yourself periodic rest in silence and solitude. All this in the most beautiful way will affect physical and mental well-being and help balance these areas. At this time, invisible forces avert troubles from Sagittarius, all hidden diseases immediately reveal themselves.

Horoscope for 2018 for Capricorn

Money. Career. This year, the yellow Dog patronizes Capricorn like no other! All the most best qualities which she personifies will manifest themselves fully in the life of Capricorn, since by nature the Dog and Capricorn are close. Luck and fortune, the fulfillment of many hopes, popularity. All this is the result of a long time of hard work and perseverance. Friendly and social connections will bring Capricorn a lot of good; many important, long-term alliances will be concluded. This year Capricorn will rightfully take a leading, patronizing position, since it is he who will be given incredible energy power by the year to implement ambitious plans. However, their goal is not a material resource, but something more; money will come as a consequence, and probably a little later.

Love. Family. Capricorns also have a green light in love! This year you will be lucky enough to meet unusual person, relationships with whom will be new and based on friendship, however, they will not be devoid of romance. In the fall, Capricorns will feel favorable changes in their personal lives. It is likely that the love affair will develop into a family relationship. Family Capricorns are already waiting for the strengthening of their marriage; they are unlikely to be drawn to adventures this year.

Health. High energy potential, combined with stabilization of many areas of life, also benefits health. This is a good time to engage in various types of healing practices that involve contact and work with subtle energies; they will especially contribute to strengthening the physical body, as a result of improving the health of the psyche and soul.

Horoscope for 2018 for Aquarius

Money. Career. This is a difficult year for Aquarius in terms of career and earnings. The beginning of the year is characterized by serious career opportunities, especially for Aquarians employed in a research environment, or in professions associated with risk (Ministry of Emergency Situations, submariners, etc.). Concentration and perseverance in business, as well as the patronage of influential people, will help reap significant results by the end of the year. One of the rules that should be followed throughout the year is that you should not focus only on yourself and personal goals, it is important to show support and attention to your partners. By autumn, a forced move for work or service is possible. However, the positive thing is that it will contribute to improved well-being.

Love. Family. There are every opportunity to get the desired peace and relaxation at home, with your family, however, it is important for Aquarius to remember that this year the emphasis will be on the marriage partner and his affairs. You should turn off the EGO, come to terms with the fact that you will have to stay in the shadows, show care and support for your spouse, and help him (her) achieve his goals. It is very important not to break this rule in late summer - early autumn.

Health. In general, the year is favorable in terms of health for Aquarius. The condition of chronic patients stabilizes, and some relief may even occur. Sanatorium treatment, sea and mountain resorts are indicated. The year is favorable for examination and treatment using modern methods.

Horoscope for 2018 for Pisces

Money. Career. A very amazing and successful year for Pisces in terms of career and money! Promises a lot of travel and acquaintances! New friends that you are likely to meet away from home will become important. The year is conducive to starting education, acquiring new knowledge, mastering new progressive methods, and also promises progress and achievements in creativity, expansion of the sphere of life due to all of the above. You should not rely only on Fortune, which will undoubtedly be on the side of Pisces, but show a lot of effort and concentrate on work. Particular attention should be paid to activities that you carry out together with colleagues.

Love. Family. This year is characterized by a large number of acquaintances during business trips or at resorts, and, as a rule, they will have a rather friendly tone, so for family relations do not pose any particular danger. You can experience elevated, platonic feelings for someone, but this story is more about deep friendship than love. Although this, of course, is not excluded.

Health. The health of Pisces will largely depend on the general climate at work and on how harmonious their relationships with colleagues are. Health will require attention, it is especially important to consult a doctor in a timely manner, and do not delay it if something seriously bothers you. This is a time when it is better to stick to traditional medicine, but staying at sea will be very healing.

Life is unpredictable, so it's difficult to know what the future holds. However, this can be done using the zodiac horoscope. Thanks to him, you will know what to expect in 2018.

According to astrologers, in 2018, the Yellow Earth Dog will experience significant changes in the lives of each Zodiac Sign. The beginning of a new year is associated with new beginnings, achievements and disappointments. To avoid problems and troubles, and also to find out which path will fastest lead you to success, seek help from zodiac horoscope. The site's experts will help you find out what you should prepare for in the new year.


A lot of changes await Aries in 2018, and they will begin from the very beginning of the year. Good luck is guaranteed to you, and the influence of Mars will only add energy. However, due to huge amount With new events and changes, you will often have to change your plans. It is this instability that can frustrate you.

Of course, you need to listen to the advice of your loved ones, but sometimes you should remain unconvinced. In the new year, you need to decide what you want from life and move towards your goal, and the help of friends and family will be a reliable help.

Take care of your health. You may be susceptible to colds next year. To protect your health, take time sometimes physical activity. If you still cannot avoid illnesses, use folk remedies for colds.

To rise to the top career ladder, you need to demonstrate your qualities and skills at work. You should be bold and open about your ideas - perhaps it is your creative approach that will help you achieve your goals.

No special changes await you in your personal life. If you have already found your love, then most likely there will be stability in your relationship all year. If you are single, then it is likely that you will have to be in search until the end of the year. However, the Dog is an unpredictable animal, so it may well present you with a pleasant surprise.


At the beginning of the year you will be disappointed, but everything can change in the spring. To avoid grief, take a closer look at your social circle: perhaps the cause of your troubles and troubles will be yours. close person. Don't be upset: in the middle of the year, a new dating period awaits you, and at this time you will have the opportunity to make new friends.

Your health will not bother you. Next year you will experience only minor illnesses that will pass quickly. The most important thing is to avoid factors that can cause serious illnesses. First of all, get rid of bad habits.

If you are not satisfied with your job or salary, then the beginning of 2018 is the most favorable period for changing your field of activity. However, do not make hasty decisions and do not rush to the first advertisement for a vacancy - it is better to spend time and find the job of your dreams.

You will be pleasantly pleased with the changes in your personal life. Perhaps you will move to a new level of relationship with your soulmate. If you have not yet found your love, then get ready to soon let a new person into your life.


For Gemini, next year will be a time of adventure, so it's time to think about travel and the countries you want to visit. However, the following risks should be avoided: extreme entertainment in 2018 can harm you.

In 2018, junk food will be especially harmful for you, so reconsider your diet and avoid fatty, fried and high-calorie foods. Also, take some time to at least do your lungs. physical exercise. This will help you strengthen your body and always be in shape.

From the very beginning of the year, take on the implementation of your plans. The faster you do this, the faster you will achieve your goals. It’s not scary to take risks at work, so feel free to take on large projects and participate in business negotiations. If your boss notices your desire, he will definitely encourage you.

There will be significant changes in your personal life, and it is possible that they will not please you. However, by the end of the year everything will get better. The most important thing is to avoid impulses and be less emotional. If you fall in love at first sight, do not think that this is love for life. If you are confident in your soulmate, you can safely connect your life with her.


Cancers will have success next year. The most important thing is not to miss important points. Changes in life can be both positive and negative. You should react to them adequately and not panic.

In terms of health, you will be fine, you just need to maintain this condition. At the beginning of the year you may feel slightly unwell, but this will soon pass. To avoid problems, strengthen your immune system and refrain from overeating during the New Year holidays.

No major changes are expected in your career. If something is not working out for you at work, you should not immediately change your field of activity. Most likely, you lack concentration and effort. If you treat your work more responsibly, then your work will bring you not only benefit, but pleasure.

There will be no significant changes in your personal life, but this will not be a disappointment for you. In 2018, it is advisable for Scorpios to be alone and understand themselves. Thanks to this, you will be able to understand what kind of person you need, and by the end of the year you can safely start looking for your soulmate.


For these representatives of the zodiac circle, next year will be a turning point. Many important decisions will need to be made, and it is advisable not to make mistakes. By the end of the year, you will have the opportunity to take a break from constant problems and improve your life.

Your health will make you worry, but not for long. The most problematic period for you will be autumn. Not only your physical body can suffer, but also state of mind. In September, you may experience blues and slight depression, and later you will have to fight colds. But in winter, nothing will threaten your body.

A breakthrough awaits you in the professional sphere. You will be able to implement your plans and get closer to your goal. However, even the smallest problems can make you think about changing jobs. It is advisable to get rid of these thoughts, since 2018 is not the best year for Sagittarius. favorable time for such changes.

Next year you will find many new acquaintances and romantic adventures. However, not all of them will end well for you. You shouldn't avoid interesting meetings and dates, but you shouldn't take each of them seriously. Take a close look at your surroundings: perhaps it is there that you will find the person who will become your lover.


In 2018, Capricorns will be at the peak of happiness. Success awaits you in all areas, and new beginnings will bear fruit. The only thing that can hinder you is laziness and frivolity, but if you can overcome them, then you definitely won’t have to complain about life.

Health will not cause you trouble if you do not harm it yourself. If you feel any slight discomfort, it is advisable to consult a doctor immediately. It is advisable to avoid stress and lack of sleep in order to always feel cheerful and energetic. After all, it is activity and energy that will help you in the struggle for happiness on the path of life.

Initiative will help you achieve success at work in 2018. The most important thing is not to overdo it so that your colleagues don’t think badly of you. It is advisable to establish a relationship with your boss - this way you can realize all your plans. Be more open with your colleagues as well, as it wouldn't hurt to get help from your employees.

At the end of the year, pleasant changes await you in your personal life. This period is favorable for meeting new people, getting married or making important decisions. If you are thinking about a long-term relationship, it is advisable to start looking for love in advance so that you do not spend the next New Year's Eve alone.


For representatives of this Zodiac Sign, next year will be turbulent. This is due to changes that will occur constantly. To benefit from them, take any changes for granted. There is no need to be afraid that your life will become worse: if you make an effort, everything will be the opposite.

In 2018, you need to keep an eye on your psychological state, since due to the heavy workload, severe stress, sleep disturbances and even prolonged depression are possible. Work to the best of your ability and remember that health is more important.

Work will delight and disappoint you. Sometimes your work will give you pleasure, but every little thing can upset you. Since the Year of the Dog is a time of change for Aquarius, you can also think about changing your job. The most important thing is not to make a mistake, so think through any decisions carefully.

In his personal life, Aquarius does not expect anything new. The relationship will be stable. If you don’t have a soulmate, then you will spend the entire 2018 alone. However, this can be corrected if you go in search of romantic adventures now.


In 2018, representatives of this Zodiac Sign will have many reasons to rejoice. Your life will change significantly for the better. Your task is not to spoil the harmony and tranquility around you and never stop striving for the best.

To avoid health problems next year, it is advisable to maintain healthy image life. Of course, sometimes you can allow yourself a little indulgence, but don't swim behind the buoys. Exacerbation of chronic diseases is possible, in this case you should immediately consult a doctor.

The Year of the Dog will be favorable for the implementation of ideas. However, you should think about everything in advance if you do not want to become irresponsible in the eyes of your boss. Tell others about your plans only if you already know how to bring your idea to life.

Next year will bring a lot of joy to lonely Pisces. A lot of acquaintances and romantic dates await you. You can plunge into the world of love. However, you should not fall in love with the first person you meet if you want Serious relationships. Be very careful when choosing your life partner.

Do you think that the level of your intelligence and erudition is formed due to the knowledge acquired at school or...

It would be wonderful to know in advance what awaits us tomorrow, the day after tomorrow or in a month. Of course, you can trust the predictions or go to a fortune teller, you say, but these predictions do not come true as often as we would like and faith in miracles disappears. In addition, you can stumble upon a charlatan who only wants money from you and is ready to do anything to get it out of your pocket.

But there is still a way to foresee the future fairly closely and understand what to expect from it - . The stars are rarely mistaken and give a clear picture of everything that is happening to those who know how to “read” their signs. Thanks to astrological forecasts, can be predicted which zodiac signs will be lucky in 2018 right now!

Which signs will have luck in 2018?

After long calculations, astrologers came to the conclusion that in 2018 the most lucky signs Zodiac signs will be Aries, Pisces, Capricorn and Libra. But this does not mean that other people will not be very lucky next year. Almost everyone on Earth will be touched by the Dog’s goodwill and will help them cope with various problems.

Success in business, promotion at work, warm relationships in the family - any person can achieve all this, the main thing is to make every effort and not ignore the basic rules of life.

When discussing personal relationships, it is worth paying attention to the ability to forgive and ask for forgiveness. We all hurt someone sooner or later, so we should soberly assess the situation and be sure to apologize if harm was caused.

Those individuals who have lost their soulmate or close friend due to a quarrel must understand that it depends only on their efforts further development relationships. Best time for reconciliation in 2018 - spring or summer.

Good luck horoscope for zodiac signs


The year for representatives of this sign will begin quickly and will be full of various achievements. Aries has a lot of unrealized ideas in their heads, which in 2018 they will be able to bring to completion thanks to their entrepreneurial spirit.

But don't be overly confident own strength. It is better to keep a person near you who can look at all your actions with skepticism and stop you at the right moment.


People who were born under the star of Taurus must definitely take care of their health. Next year will be eventful and fruitful, so hard-working Taurus may “give up” their positions by the middle of it.

You especially need to stay healthy during the winter months (January and February), protect yourself from various infections, hypothermia and stress. You must understand that by overworking in the office, ignoring the signs sent by the body, you can develop serious illnesses that will put you in a hospital bed for a long time.


Representatives of the Gemini sign will feel unusually easy and confident in 2018. Global problems they will not care, because they will try to renounce the whole world. This tactic will allow people to forget about illnesses and stress that lead to mental disorders.

Gemini will not be able to completely close themselves in a “cocoon” - already in February and March they will become very media personalities and make many successful acquaintances. In addition, Gemini will have a plan in their head, which, after implementation, will bring good income to the owner.


This difficult year for Cancers will be extremely important. Despite the fact that victories will not be so easy, requiring the strongest dedication from representatives of the sign, they will still achieve success in their career, business, and love.

Throughout the entire period under review, Cancers will experience an incomprehensible feeling of fear and fear of losing everything they have. Astrologers recommend getting rid of such feelings, because they will interfere with a sober assessment of life situations.

a lion

For Lviv? In 2018, they will gain incredible confidence and determination, and will be ready to do anything to achieve their goals. Let's say more, Leos will begin to improve themselves, which will lead them to a qualitatively new level of life.

They will bestow their attention on their parents, significant other, children, and harmony will illuminate their existence. Even at a time when discord begins in the family, Leos will not run away from problems; on the contrary, they will rush into the breach and resolve all misunderstandings at once.


With the advent of 2018, Virgos will begin to help everyone around them, sometimes forgetting about their own problems and health. Persons born under this star will try in every possible way to achieve heights, both in their careers and in everyday life, but will have little success in this. This is due to their diversity, which draws different areas, forcing you to quit things halfway.

If Virgos want their luck to continue in 2018, then they should not rush, but carefully think about their behavior and actions.


In the year of the Dog, representatives of this zodiac sign will set a goal and achieve it by any means. The composure and restraint that is inherent in this sign will help them in this. Negative factors, which periodically pop up on the way of Libra will not unsettle them or cause any particular harm to their health.

Probably, one of them will decide to change their field of activity and this will be the right decision. After all, my previous job only brought me trouble and frequent quarrels with my loved one.


People of this zodiac sign in 2018 will be able to show everything they are capable of. Their activity will be encouraged by the Dog and they will receive a pleasant reward for their efforts. Despite their temper and loud caustic statements, Scorpios will not lose loved ones; on the contrary, their comments will always be appropriate and will help people make the right, and most importantly, effective decisions.

In 2018, representatives of this sign will demonstrate to others their acumen and business drive, capable of tearing down the hardest walls.


These individuals are famous for their love of freedom and travel. In 2018, Sagittarius will rush from side to side, torn between their favorite activities. This state of affairs will not allow you to effectively develop and build long relationship with the opposite sex. You won't spoil your luck if you change.

There is no need to be guided by emotions, always soberly assess the situation, and then victory will not be long in coming.


At the beginning of 2018, Capricorns will be looking for ways to make big profits. Moreover, the ways to achieve their goals are not important to them, so they can even go over their heads. Aggressive behavior will be patronized by warlike Mars, which means Capricorn will definitely achieve what he wants.

Being carried away by one area of ​​life, people of this sign completely forget about others. The dog is unlikely to appreciate such behavior, so success may slip through the hands of Capricorns.


A person born under the sign of Aquarius will exude a smile and joy throughout the year. It will be a pleasure to be in company with them, because cheerful people attract like a magnet.

2018 will help people show such qualities as practicality, attentiveness, restraint in emotions and relationships. For those who do not know how to be consistent when solving complex problems, the symbol of the coming year - the Dog - will teach this.

The Year of the Yellow Earth Dog will begin on February 16, 2018, when Moscow clocks will show 00.06. The dog is a symbol of calm, happiness and prosperity. This is an example of devotion and care for one's neighbor. From the moment she appeared on Earth, she taught man to be decent and sincere, responsible and loyal. The dog helps you move forward, forgetting about past failures. It always makes it easier to expand your horizons and enrich your own mind with useful knowledge.

Since the Dog is a sincere and fair animal that knows how to perform appropriate actions, a person who treats it well will become more successful in 2018. As a result, his life will change for the better - calm and peace will reign in his soul.

General horoscope for 2018

In the Year of the Dog, leaders, ideology, and worldviews, designed to renew society, often change. Also, the period protected by this symbol is the optimal time for evaluating previously committed actions, learning from past experiments that began in the year of the Monkey, but have not yet come to an end.

According to astrologers, in 2018 there will be a favorable position of Jupiter in Scorpio and Saturn in Capricorn. It means that government, politics, public order will be in a position of mutual understanding and complementarity. The position of the planets will create favorable conditions for social and government renewal. Reforms carried out in the Year of the Dog will be dynamic and promising. They can affect public and government institutions, courts, and the press.

The ascending Lunar Node in Leo will help people easily demonstrate talents and make extremely rational changes in their lives. In 2018, practical, efficient and creative people can count on receiving public recognition. Political leaders who begin their activities in the Year of the Dog will be able to express the interests of the nation. It will not be difficult for them to find several ways out of each situation at once.

In the coming year, people who deserve public recognition will definitely receive it. Their loyalty to the people, meaningful ideas, manifestation of feelings good will will definitely be appreciated. The only thing is that they need to set themselves only realistic goals that they can achieve in a limited period of time. You also need to be careful when choosing partners. This is the only way to count on success and material wealth.

We must remember that a Dog is an animal that does not tolerate deception or betrayal. She will never deal with someone who lies and behaves inappropriately. She will punish anyone who does not behave according to the rules. Therefore, people who are dishonest may face problems at work, loss of friends, and financial difficulties in 2018.

Radical changes in terms of finances are expected in 2018 not only in the political, but also in the social and economic spheres. New laws may appear related to the construction of residential and non-residential facilities, land, and foreign exchange transactions.

There is no need to fear serious financial turmoil in the Year of the Dog. This period, on the contrary, will be successful for those who were previously afraid to express themselves in social spheres and for this reason, he did not tell anyone about his promising plans and ideas.

A dog will definitely help those who know how to be friends and are not hypocrites. In a situation where they need to defend their rights, people under the protection of the sign do not need to hesitate - the Dog also always attacks, forgetting about the risks and consequences. Therefore, if you want to change your life, start your own business, you can forget about the risk of failure. If you act slowly and calculate each subsequent step, everything will go smoothly.

It is advisable to approach business in 2018 creatively. It doesn’t matter what kind of work a person does, he must fantasize as much as possible and share his ideas with others.

People who earn their living with their own minds will get many new projects. If the type of activity changes, you need to be prepared for the fact that old habits will have to be abandoned. It's not always convenient, but the results are worth it.

As for the love sphere, 2018 will delight many lonely hearts. He will be very romantic and mysterious. Married couples who were on the verge of divorce will finally begin to communicate normally and, perhaps, even go to extraordinary journey. Interestingly, the idyll in a relationship can last the whole year. Couples who are planning to get married can safely exchange rings under the watchful gaze of the Earth Dog - the marriage will be successful.

A dog is an animal that values ​​family, peace and tranquility. She needs stability. Therefore, if you stick to it life principles, everything will definitely work out.

If you want to know what to expect specifically for your zodiac sign in 2018, then read the horoscope below. He will tell you what you can count on, how best to behave, and what you should forget about until 2019.

Horoscope for 2018 according to zodiac signs

Horoscope for 2018 for Aries

2018 will not be an easy year for Aries. It will become a transition period between the past and the future. If you remember that sooner or later a caterpillar still turns into a wonderful butterfly, then no serious problems will not arise.

Horoscope for 2018 for Taurus

In the year of the Dog, Taurus can relax and peacefully go with the flow. They don't need to worry or worry. Throughout the entire 12 months, favorable situations will occur every now and then, which can be easily turned to your advantage.

Horoscope for 2018 for Gemini

Gemini will have to work hard in the year of the Dog - there will be a lot of work. If you work hard and try to avoid conflict situations, you will be able to achieve a lot. Individuals who know how to persuade, who know how a word can influence the environment, should choose a field of activity in which eloquence comes to the fore.

Horoscope for 2018 for Cancers

In 2018, Cancers will feel free. This feeling will have a positive impact on their well-being and attitude. Almost unlimited opportunities will open up for positive individuals. You will be lucky both at work and in love relationships.

Horoscope for 2018 for Leo

The Dog will help Leos fulfill their most cherished desires. Will give you a lot of joy. But those representatives zodiac sign Those who are dismissive of the feelings of other people will not have a very sweet time.

Horoscope for 2018 for Virgos

Virgos must believe that when one door closes, another will open. And behind her they will see something much more pleasant and important than they observed before. Therefore, Virgos must move forward without doubting their own success. Everything will work out!

Horoscope for 2018 for Libra

In 2018, Libra will be lucky at work. Their financial situation will improve. And, it should be noted, representatives of this sign have earned the favorable attitude of the Dog. The only thing is that they cannot stop there and be lazy.

Horoscope for 2018 for Scorpios

2018 is full of opportunities for Scorpios. They will be patronized by Jupiter. This planet will become a guiding star and provide successful solutions to the most difficult problems. Scorpios, the stars will align above you in 2018. Take action, achieve your goals and don’t waste time making wishes!

Horoscope for 2018 for Sagittarius

For Sagittarius, 2018 will bring a lot of pleasant surprises. Since this sign is not accustomed to surprises, he will not always enjoy them, but he will gradually learn to enjoy the antics of the cheerful Dog.

Horoscope for 2018 for Capricorns

Capricorns in the year of the Dog need to try to expand their sphere of influence. If they try, they will succeed. They will be patronized by Saturn, which constantly interacts with Uranus. This means that a lot in life will have to change.

Horoscope for 2018 for Aquarius

Aquarians will be successful both in the financial sphere and in terms of career growth. New opportunities will open up for them, which will ensure an improvement in their social situation.

Horoscope for 2018 for Pisces

Pisces in 2018 should leave the past and the unpleasant moments associated with it behind. They need to set new tasks for themselves and understand which ones are of paramount importance. You need to move forward with the support of loyal old friends and loving relatives.