Games based on folk tales. Quiz on fairy tales (primary school), competitions, relay races on fairy tales

Librarian: Today in this room we have gathered to talk about Russian folk tales and play. (Slides about the location of the school) Music 2.

In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, in a certain region, in a certain city, there is a teremok, a teremok, by the road. He is neither low, nor high, nor tall. And they work in this little mansion wonderful people- the teachers and children who study in this little house are no less wonderful!

What did I tell you just now? That's right, a fairy tale. As you already understand, fairy tales can be told about everything in the world using special language, intonation, gestures. You are all very familiar with Russian folk tales.

Look how many fairy tales I have prepared for you. (Literature exhibition. Introduction to books).

There are many fairy tales in the world:
Sad and funny
And live in the world
We can't live without them.
In a fairy tale, anything can happen.
Our fairy tale is ahead
A fairy tale is knocking on our door. Sound. (Knock)
Let’s say “come in” to the fairy tale. (Music.3)

(Vasilisa) - Hello, dear guests, good fellows, beautiful girls. I came to you from far away, from the land of Russian folk tales, to say a word, and my name is Vasilisa the Beautiful. Today we will find ourselves in the world of Russian folk tales, let's see puppet show. But really, I don’t know if you’re ready for the trip? I can not hear? Very good. Can you clap your hands loudly? (right side, left side, and now all together). Do we also need to laugh? Let's try: all the boys in the hall laugh. Ha ha ha. Boys. All the girls in the hall laugh Hee hee hee. Well done girls. Ready.

Vasilisa-ah. Vasilisa. (Ivanushka appears).

(I) -Where are you?

(B) - What happened Ivanushka? Why did you come home from school so early? Or were you kicked out?

(I) - Oh, Vasilisa, it would be better if I drank water from a hoof and turned into a little goat. I would now be running around the clearing, nibbling grass... no worries, no hassle. Can you imagine, they assigned us to read “Russian folk tales” for the lesson. Well, I looked at the pictures, there is nothing interesting, and since there is nothing interesting, then why read?! As luck would have it, the teacher calls to the board, tell her a fairy tale and tell her... What am I going to tell if I haven’t read anything. So she says: “Until you read the fairy tales, don’t come to school.” So now I'm on vacation.

(B) - What holidays, Ivanushka? It's a shame not to know anything. They say: “A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, good fellows lesson". Don't you want to become a good fellow?

(I) - It would be better if I drank water from a hoof. Now I would be running around as a little goat, playing in the meadow.

(B) - How, Ivanushka, don’t you know what was going to happen to you next?

(I) - No, I don’t know.

(B) - Guys, tell Ivanushka. (The kid had to be slaughtered).

(B) - Well, as always, I mixed everything up. Guys, look carefully, tell me what fairy tales these illustrations are for, what is depicted on them.

(I) – No, again I mixed everything up, you say. I will leave you to see the world and show myself.

(B) - Don’t go, Ivanushka, the buffoons have come to us, they will show a puppet show. (Music 6).

1st buffoon:

A good fairy tale and I are inseparable,
And the fairy tale’s miracles reach the skies!
Just imagine: how boring it would be,
If only there were no miracles in the world!

2nd buffoon:

When and who folded it
In my hut somewhere -
And the oldest old-timer
Won't give you an answer.

3rd buffoon:

And about animals, and about kings,
And what in the world happened -
Everything is a fairy tale in my memory
Saved it for you and me.

4th buffoon:

Gloomy centuries float by,
Floating like clouds in the sky.
They are in a hurry, running after year year,
And the fairy tale is on you! - lives!

1st buffoon:

She lives in any house
And travels across countries. And why?
Yes, because we can’t live without her!


The fairy tale is a lie - and there is a hint in it,
A lesson to good fellows...

Music 7. The puppet show “Kolobok” begins.

(B) – Ivanushka, did you like the Russian folk tale? (Music 8)

(I) - Well done Kolobok, he left both his grandmother and his grandfather... The world looked and showed himself. And I have to sit here, read fairy tales, study.

(B) - You will be lost, Ivanushka, you will be lost. In fairy tales you need to know and be able to do a lot, but where does knowledge come from if you haven’t read the fairy tales?

(I) - What do the guys need? Can you guys help me travel? Won't you let me fall? Well, I went, if anything happens, don’t worry about it.

The lights go out. Music 9. Ivanushka appears on the stage. Towards him Gray is coming Wolf.

Wolf - Wait, who's coming? Who is this? Where are you heading from?

(I) - I, I’m called Ivan, came to you in fairy tales to gain some wisdom. And who are you?

Wolf: And I am the Gray Wolf - I guard the border in fairy tales. This won’t be a fairy tale country, but a passing yard if everyone starts wandering around here. He came to gain intelligence... You need to study at school, read books, and you will become smart. Okay, I’ll give you a test, if you fill in the missing words correctly, I’ll skip it, and if not, I’ll eat it. (Takes out a walkie-talkie) Welcome! Welcome! Prepare your first test. (Slides with numbers 1.2.3.Tasks appear on the screen). The wolf is reading.

Once upon a time there lived an old man... they had a daughter Alyonushka and a son... The old man and the old woman died. Alyonushka and... were left alone. Alyonushka went to work and took her brother with her. They are walking along the far field and my brother wanted... “Sister Alyonushka, I... want!”

(I) – It’s simple, it’s about me. (Reads, inserting missing words)

Wolf: Welcome! Welcome! Ivan guessed right. Prepare for your next test.


“They swooped in..., picked up the boy, and carried him away on their wings. The girl returned, and lo and behold, her brother was gone! She ran out into an open field and only saw the wings darting in the distance and disappearing behind the dark forest. Then I realized that they had taken away my brother: about the geese - ... there had long been a reputation that they carried away children. I rushed to catch up with them”

(I) - It was probably a whirlwind...

Wolf: Yes, perhaps you will be a nice dinner for me. Take a walk here, and I'll go wash the dishes. However, read the riddle again, maybe you can guess it.

(I): Vasilisa, help me, ask the guys to answer correctly.

(Wolf appears) Sound of Steps.

Wolf: Well, why didn’t you remember? And no one will help you - you’ll be lunch.

(I) - The guys will help me, they will answer correctly.

Wolf: Where are your guys? Somehow I can’t hear them.

Vasilisa: Guys, let's clap our hands so that the Wolf can hear us. Left-hand side. Right side, And now all together.

Wolf: I hear, I hear. Stunned. Give us your answer.

(students give the correct answer)

Wolf: Since you are so smart and clever, here is my last riddle for you.

“The brothers came out into their father’s wide yard, pulled their rifles tight... and fired. The elder brother shot the arrow. An arrow fell on the boyar's courtyard, and the boyar's daughter picked it up. The middle brother shot the arrow. An arrow flew into the merchant's yard and was picked up by the merchant's daughter. Shot an arrow... brother. She flew straight to..., picked her up...!

(I) – Again, I don’t know the answer. Guys, help!

(students' answers)

Wolf: You have good helpers, Ivanushka, but rely on a friend, and don’t make a mistake yourself. Come in fairyland.

Music 10. (go backstage together)

(B) - How long or short did Ivanushka walk through the fairyland, maybe it was, or maybe it wasn’t, but suddenly everything around became dark, the wind howled and Ivanushka lost his way and wandered into the lair of the Serpent - Gorynych , a three-headed monster.

The Serpent - Gorynych appears.

(Z-G) 1 head - Ugh, it smells like Russian spirit.

Head 2 - And nothing smells, where can it smell, I vacuumed everything thoroughly yesterday.

3 head – It smells. It's good, let's have fun, otherwise it's boring.

1 head - Boring... It smells... You are our clever one. Again, she read fairy tales all night long, ruined our eyes, and didn’t let us sleep.

Head 2: - After such fairy tales, I start to get sick. My throat and head hurt. And our clever little one keeps howling: and Ivan, the good fellow, waved his sword, and the three heads of the filthy monster were gone.

1 head: - No, well, it’s about Cinderella, about Puss in Boots - that’s nothing, it’s funny.

3rd head: You are stupid, you would only like everything foreign. These are our native Russian folk tales, written about you and me. Keep it in mind and don’t behave like that: invite them to visit, and don’t spit fire.

(Ivanushka appears. He does not see the monster.)

(I) - Where am I? I don’t know where I wandered?! I'll probably stay here overnight.

1 year – Young, fresh...

2 years - Oh, delicious, probably. Come on, you're on the left, I'm on the right...

3rd year - Again? You teach, you teach, you read, you read. How about his sword and your heads off his shoulders? Here you need cunning. Hello, good fellow.

(I) – Oh-oh, who’s there?

2nd year - Russian monster...

1 year - Oh, you’ll scare me away, I need to be more gentle. This is us - Zmey Gorynych.

3rd year - Don’t be afraid, it’s only in fairy tales that the Serpent Gorynych fights with Ivan, but in life... What’s your name?

(I) - Ivanushka...

1 year - Ivan, that means. Bad luck.

2nd year - Well, first we fight, and then he’ll cut off our heads. Come up with something, smart girl.

3rd - We didn’t come to you, he wandered in on his own. But you can’t remake a fairy tale, brother. Come on, so, you guess our riddles, you will leave alive, you won’t guess - you know it yourself. Deal.

1 year - Yes, you have one clue for each riddle.

2nd year - Only there is no one to suggest, there is no one here except us.

(ZG) together: Do you agree?

(I) – I agree.

Gobbling up rolls,
A guy was riding on a stove.
Rode around the village
And he married the princess.

What fairy tale am I talking about? Answer me, Ivan.

(I) - Vasilisa, guys, don’t let me get lost, help me.

(B) - Guys who are ready to answer, raise your hands.

("By magic")

1 year - It’s okay, now I’ll give you a harder one.

An arrow flew and fell into a swamp,
And in this swamp someone caught her.
Who, having said goodbye to green skin,
Have you become cute, beautiful, pretty?

Ha, don't you know? Ha ha ha.

(I) - It seems to me that you don’t even know how to laugh. Listen to how the guys in the hall can laugh. Vasilisa, help.

(B) - All the boys in the hall laugh. Ha ha ha. Boys. All the girls in the hall laugh Hee hee hee. Girls. Well done. Ready. One two Three.

(I) - I know the answer. No, I'm afraid I'll make a mistake, let the guys answer better.

(“Vasilisa the Beautiful”)

Geese-swans are flying,
They want to take the children away
Who helped my sister and brother
How to get home from Yaga?

(Russian folk tale “Geese and Swans”.

V. Well, what about Ivanushka!!! Do you understand why you need to read books?

And - The fairy tale is a lie, but in it hint - kind Well done lesson. (last slide)

Everyone goes on stage. A song is being performed from the film “About Masha and Vitya, and the Marine Corps” (


Gracheva Marina Sergeevna, teacher physical culture MBOU "Secondary School No. 3", Bratsk, Irkutsk region.
Purpose: Games for children based on fairy tales are valuable from a pedagogical point of view, they have big influence to educate the mind, character, will, develop moral feelings, physically strengthen the child, create a certain spiritual mood, interest in folk art.
This event might be interesting physical education teachers, pedagogues additional education, employees summer camps, organizers in kindergartens.
Description: games have centuries-old history, they have survived and survived to this day from ancient times, passed down from generation to generation, incorporating the best national traditions.
Target: to teach to act in an organized manner in a team, to simultaneously and quickly get involved in the game, develops skills expressive speech, creative imagination, initiative, dexterity, courage.
Tasks:"Improve work on comprehensive development children preschool age, cultivate a sense of beauty, form high aesthetic tastes, the ability to understand and appreciate beauty and wealth native nature, to educate in the spirit of love for the Motherland.”
Funny outdoor games are our childhood. Who doesn’t remember the constant hide and seek, traps, and tag! When did they arise? Who invented these games? There is only one answer to this question: they were created by the people, just like fairy tales and songs.
Games for children are valuable from a pedagogical point of view, they have a great influence on the education of the mind, character, will, develop moral feelings, physically strengthen the child, create a certain spiritual mood, and interest in folk art.
We offer you two games based on the fairy tale “Geese and Swans”

Outdoor game "GEESE"

They don’t draw on the playground big circle, in the middle of it sits a wolf. The players, holding hands, stand in a large circle. Between the circle where the wolf sits and the round dance, the goslings stand in a small circle. Those playing in a round dance walk in a circle and ask the goslings, who also walk in a circle and answer questions:
- Geese, you are geese!
- Ga-ha-ha, ha-ha-ha!
- You gray geese!
- Ga-ha-ha, ha-ha-ha!
- Where have you been, geese?
- Ga-ha-ha, ha-ha-ha!
- Who, the geese, did you see?
- Ga-ha-ha, ha-ha-ha!

With the end of the last words, the wolf runs out of the circle and tries to catch the gosling. The geese scatter and hide behind those standing in the round dance. The wolf leads the caught gosling to the middle of the circle - to the lair. The geese stand in a circle and answer:
We saw a wolf
The wolf carried away the gosling,

The best best wishes,
The biggest one.
What follows is a roll call of the round dance and geese:
- Ah, geese, you geese!
- Ga-ha-ha, ha-ha-ha!
- Pinch the wolf,
Help the gosling!

Geese flapping their wings, screaming ha-ha They run around in circles, pestering the wolf. At this time, the caught goslings try to fly away from the circle, but the wolf does not let them in. The game ends when all the caught geese leave the wolf.
The game is repeated, but those playing in a round dance become geese, and the geese stand in a round dance. The wolf is chosen according to a counting rhyme.
Rules of the game. Round dance of geese and goslings walk in a circle in different directions. Everyone should pronounce the text together. A caught gosling can leave the circle only when one of the players touches the wolf with his hand.

Outdoor game for schoolchildren "Geese-swans"

Participants in the game choose a wolf and a master, everyone else is a geese-swan. On one side of the site there is a house where the owner and geese live, on the other there is a wolf under the mountain. The owner lets the geese out into the field to take a walk and browse some green grass. Geese go far from home. After some time, the owner calls the geese:
“Geese-swans, go home!”
Geese answer: "The old wolf is under the mountain!"
- "What is he doing there?"
- “Grey, white hazel grouse are stinging.”
- “Well, run home!”

The geese run home, and the wolf catches them.
The one caught leaves the game. The game ends when all the geese are caught.
1. Geese can fly home, and the wolf can catch them only after the words: “Well, run home!”
2. When geese enter the field, they must disperse throughout the entire area.

These outdoor games have a driver: it's a wolf.
To start the game, you need to choose a driver. He is appointed or chosen according to a counting rhyme.
Children love playful, funny counting poems and quickly remember them. All participants in the game stand in a circle, in a row, or sit on benches, on the lawn, and one of them goes to the middle, pronouncing the words loudly, clearly, and intones a rhyme, for example:
I'll go buy a pipe
I'll go outside.
Louder, pipe, pipe.
We're playing, you drive!

Jump and jump,
Jump and jump,
The bunny is jumping -
Gray side.
Along the forest
According to the snow
I sat down under a bush,
I wanted to hide.
Whoever catches it drives it.

The one who pronounces the counting rhyme, with each word, and sometimes syllable, touches the players in turn with his hand, not excluding himself. Who does it fall on? the last word, he becomes the driver.

Tatyana Tashkinova
Quiz game “Travel through Russians” folk tales»


Quiz game


Completed by teacher: Tashkinova T.V.

Create conditions for generalization, systematization and expansion of children’s ideas about oral folk art, fairy tales;

Create conditions for the formation reading skills; to generalize and systematize knowledge about Russian folk tales;

Develop curiosity, attentiveness and reading memory.

generalize students’ knowledge about fairy tales, develop the ability to recognize fairy tales and their characters; develop creative imagination, associative memory; cultivate the need to read books, cultivate a love for oral folk art.

1. "Turnip".

2. “Ryaba chicken.”

3. "Geese-swans."

4. “At the command of the pike”

5. “Snow Maiden”

6. “The Frog Princess”

7. “Kolobok”

8. "Teremok"

9. “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”

10. "Masha and the Bear."

11. “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish.”

12. “Magic Ring.”

13. “Ivan Tsarevich and Gray wolf».

14. “Sivka-burka.”


exhibition of drawings based on Russian folk tales, presentation slides


telegrams on cards, computer, multimedia system.

Venue: group room.

2 teams are participating.

1. Organizational moment.

The song “Visiting a Fairy Tale” by muses sounds. V. Dashkevich, lyrics. Y. Kim (Mikhailova)

2. introduction teacher

Presenter: - Fairy tales. From the beginning, mothers and fathers, grandmothers and grandfathers tell them when they put us to bed. Then books appear bright pictures, and kids ask adults to read, never getting tired of listening to the same fairy tale hundreds of times. The first reading is also fairy tales. This is how a world in which miracles happen, a world full of magic, enters our lives. And when we become adults, we want to keep this peace somewhere in the depths of our hearts.

Presenter: - Guys, today we are going to visit a fairy tale. Do you want to go to a fairyland? For the correct answer you will receive points, which we will then use to determine the winning team.

There are many genres in the world:

Fable, story and story,

But from birth children love

Magic and peace are embellished.

That our little people

Will it take you to a magical world?

Full of laughter, light, color,

And the miracle is called fairy tales!

Fairy tales wander around the world,

People are given warmth and kindness.

How will you open the wondrous book,

So magic will take you captive.

Here, like a knight, you stand at a crossroads,

You are looking for your path to happiness;

Here in magic garden at Koshchei's

The firebirds sing a song for you.

The blue sea splashes against the rocks,

Windbreaks get in the way,

Waving their wings in the sky high

Geese-swans are Yaga's servants.

A lot in Fairytale kingdom stories,

And whichever one you choose -

A fairy tale will help you, tell you

All about life, goodness and love.

3. Competition “Guess the Fairy Tale”.

Presenter: - Guys, we all love fairy tales, and especially Russian folk tales. The first competition will show us which of you knows them best.

Presentation. Slides 2-29. (Guess the fairy tale from the pictures).

4. “Telegrams” competition

Someone was wandering through the forest,

I dropped my bag in the Christmas trees.

What's in it? I'll take a look

And I’ll tell you a secret.

Telegrams! Three!

It's just hard for me to understand

Who was in such a hurry to send them,

What did you even forget to sign?


“I left my grandfather,

I left my grandmother

I'll be with you soon." (Kolobok)


“Save us, we were eaten by a gray wolf.” (Kids from the fairy tale “The Wolf and the Seven Little Kids”)


“I’ll release the pike into the river and bring it to you on the stove!” (Emelya from the Russian folk tale “Po pike command».)


“Through the forest, from stump to stump, I carry the box to the village. It’s hard on the road with a burden, I won’t be able to reach you!” (The bear from the Russian folk tale “Masha and the Bear.”)

5. Competition "Associations"

Presenter: - Guys, the next competition is also for quick wits.

Associations are words that bring to mind the work in which they appeared. Try to guess fairy tales by association with the words:

1. Grandfather, Bug, Granddaughter. (Russian folk tale “Turnip”.)

2. Tsar, arrow, ball, Ivan Tsarevich, pike. (Russian folk tale “The Frog Princess.”)

3. Fox, wolf, hare, grandfather, grandmother. (Russian folk tale “Kolobok”.)

4. Goat, rooster, kids, wolf. (Russian folk tale “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats.”)

5. Baba Yaga, girl, boy, geese. (Russian folk tale “Geese and Swans”.)

6. Bear, Mashenka, pies. (Russian folk tale “Masha and the Bear.”)

6. Competition “Correct the mistakes”

Presenter: - There are mistakes in the names of the following fairy tales. Find them.

“Cockerel Ryaba” - “Chicken Ryaba”.

"Dasha and the Bear" - "Masha and the Bear."

"The Wolf and the Seven Little Lambs" - "The Wolf and the Seven Little Kids."

“Ducks-swans” – “Geese-swans”.

“At the command of the fish” - “At the command of the pike.”

"House" - "Teremok"

"Carrot" - "Turnip"

7. Competition “Continue the tale”

Presenter: - Listen carefully to an excerpt from the fairy tale and continue it (the task is performed according to commands).

1. Grandfather planted a turnip and said:

Grow, grow, turnip, sweet! Grow, grow, turnip, grow strong!

The turnip grew sweet, strong, and big.

Grandfather went to pick a turnip: he pulled and pulled, but couldn’t pull it out.

They pull and pull, but they can’t pull it out).

2. ... Mashenka is running, carrying her brother, but can’t feel her feet under her. I looked back and saw geese and swans. What to do?

She ran to the milk river - the banks of jelly.

3. ...A bear walks between the fir trees, the bear wanders between the birch trees, goes down into the ravines, up the hills. He walked and walked, got tired and said:

I'll sit on a tree stump

Let's eat the pie!

And Mashenka from the box...

(“I see, I see! Don’t sit on the tree stump. Don’t eat the pie! Bring it to grandma. Bring it to grandpa!”)

5. ... There is a tower in the field. A little mouse runs past. She saw the tower, stopped and asked...

(“Terem-teremok! Who lives in the tower? Nobody responds”).

6. ... Emelya, Emelya, let me go into the water, I will do whatever you want.

Okay, just show me first that you’re not deceiving me, then I’ll let you go. Pike asks him:

Emelya, Emelya, tell me - what do you want now?

I want the buckets to go home on their own and the water not to spill.

Pike tells him:

Remember my words: when you want something, just say...

(“At the behest of the pike. At my will”).

8. Question-answer competition

1. Alyonushka’s brother, who turned into a little goat. (Ivanushka.)

2. In fairy tales she is often called Patrikeevna. (Fox.)

3. Favorite aircraft Baba Yaga? (Broom and mortar)

4. A relative of Santa Claus. (Snow Maiden.)

5. The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, good fellows. (lesson).

6. Russian folk tale, in which one small house shelters many animals. ("Teremok")

7. In fairy tales, good always wins. (Evil)

8. Who did Emelya catch in the ice hole? (Pike)

9. Who was the enchanted frog (Princess) in the Russian folk tale?

10. Name a fairy tale whose hero “scrapes the bottom of the barrel.” (“Kolobok”)

11. To whom did the girl Masha say: “Don’t sit on the tree stump, don’t eat the pie!”? (Bear)

12. In this fairy tale, birds flew in, picked up the boy and carried him away on their wings. ("Swan geese")

14. In Russian fairy tales she is called both the Wise and the Beautiful. (Vasilisa)

16. Name one feature of the famous fairytale hut (Chicken legs)

9. Summing up.

The jury gives the floor. The jury sums up the results.

Presenter: - Our literary quiz game. Concluding it, we wish you: “Live well, meet no evil, be healthy and love fairy tales!” And now it's time to say goodbye. Goodbye friends! See you again with a fairy tale!


The main goal of didactic games based on Russian folk tales– development of children’s speech, nurturing interest in Russian folk tales.
Didactic games designed taking into account the age of the children.

“Whose song?” (consolidating knowledge of songs, using them in retelling fairy tales).

“Aw, aw, Snow Maiden!
Ay, ay, my dear!
At grandpa's, at grandma's
There was a granddaughter Snegurushka,
Her friends lured her into the forest,
They lured us in and left us.” Song of the Snow Maiden
Fairy tale "The Snow Maiden and the Fox"

“Alyonushka, my sister!
Swim out, swim out to the shore...
The fires are burning high,
Cast iron boilers are boiling,
Damask knives are sharpened,
They want to kill me!” Brother Ivanushka

“Guess it!” (teach children to guess a fairy tale using repetition words, use them in retelling the fairy tale).

“Sleep, little peephole, sleep, other one.” Fairy tale "Khavroshechka"

“Sister Alyonushka, I’m thirsty!”
Fairy tale “Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka”

« Spout, spout, drink some water”, Fairy tale “The Cockerel and the Miracle – Melenka”

“Catch, fish, both small and great!”
Fairy tale “Fox - sister and gray wolf”

"The fox is carrying me dark forests, behind high mountains! Kitty-brother, help me out!”
Fairy tale "The cat, the rooster and the fox"

“I’ll sit on a tree stump and eat a pie.” Fairy tale "Masha and the Bear"

"Do you know?" (Cultivate interest, develop speed of reaction, endurance, discipline).

“I’ll take at least the roots for myself, but I’ll give you the tops.”
Fairy tale "The Man and the Bear"

“Mothers are nannies! Get ready, get ready! Prepare me soft White bread, like I ate at my dear father’s place.”
Fairy tale "Vasilisa the Wise"

“You’re great: not a braggart, but a brave man.”
The fairy tale “The Hare Boasts.”

“Look, bearded guy, he couldn’t even jump - he splashed all over.”
Fairy tale "The Fox and the Goat"

“Recognize the hero of a fairy tale by description”(To develop the ability to name the hero of a fairy tale by his characteristic features, descriptions, cultivate self-control).

"Carpenter, worker, farmer, sailor, archer, blacksmith, singer"
Fairy tale "Seven Simeons - seven workers"

“Such a beauty that you can’t tell in a fairy tale or describe with a pen. There’s a month under the braid, and there’s a pearl on every hair.”
Elena Beautiful Fairy Tale"Seven Simeons - seven workers"

“...I have never seen such a bird: the feathers are so beautiful, the comb is so red, and the voice is so clear!”
Rooster Fairy tale “Rooster and Dog”

Was a frog, turned into a white swan.
Vasilisa Wise Tale"Princess Frog"

“Name the heroes of the fairy tale”(Teach children to guess the fairy tale according to the words of the main character, and then name the rest of the heroes of the fairy tale).

“This is a simple spoon - Kotova, this is a simple spoon - Petina, and this is not a simple, chiseled, gilded handle - mine. I won’t give it to anyone!”
Cat, rooster, Zhiharka. Fairy tale "Zhikharka"

“Come, kumanek, come, dear! How can I treat you!”
Fox, Crane. Fairy tale "The Fox and the Crane"

“Come on, friend, build a winter hut! I will carry logs from the forest and cut poles, and you will tear up wood chips.”
Bull, pig, ram, rooster, cat. Fairy tale "Winter quarters"

"Who lives where" (consolidating the knowledge of Russian folk tales “Teremok” and “Zimovye”, consolidating the concepts of “domestic and wild animals”).

It is necessary to place the proposed animals in the house and winter quarters.

“Name the fairy tale based on the main character”(development of reaction speed, activity, independent thinking, learning to name a fairy tale by character).

Images of fairy tale heroes are offered, and children name in which fairy tales they appear. For example: rooster - “Zhikharka”, “Zayushkina’s hut”, “Winter quarters”, “Cat, rooster and fox”, etc.

“Tell a fairy tale using illustrations”(encourage children to retell a familiar fairy tale; create conditions for creative self-expression)
Children put the pictures in order and tell the story.

"Tell a story based on the characters"(encourage children to retell the fairy tale).
Children arrange the heroes of the fairy tale and retell the content of the fairy tale.

"Find the error" (development of attention, perception, speech, learning to see extra character in a familiar fairy tale).
Children name what is depicted incorrectly and what fairy tale the illustration is from.

"Cut pictures"(teach children to see a holistic image in separate parts, develop analytical-synthetic thinking)
Children make a picture from parts.

"Color the fairy tale hero"(to improve children’s ability to color without going beyond the contours, development creativity, small muscles of the fingers).

“Find out a fairy tale by the drawn object”(consolidating knowledge of a familiar fairy tale, developing memory, imagination, thinking and speech).
Children guess from the subject of the fairy tale hero and in which fairy tales the hero appears.

"Find a Pair" (consolidating knowledge about the heroes of fairy tales, activating your favorite heroes and characters from fairy tales in your memory, learning to correlate a magical object with the hero of a fairy tale).
Children find a magical object for the hero of the fairy tale. For example: The princess - the frog - an arrow.
Find it!” (development of memory, consolidation of knowledge about the heroes of fairy tales, learning to find from pictures with heroes only those that fit the intended fairy tale).

"Guess a riddle"(development of analytical-synthetic thinking, teaching children to correlate the description of a fairy tale (or character) with a riddle).

She knew how to work beautifully and deftly,
She showed skill in any matter.
She baked bread and wove tablecloths.
I sewed shirts and embroidered patterns.
She danced like a white swan.
Who was this craftswoman? VASILISA THE WISE

He sent buckets to the river,
He himself slept peacefully on the stove.
He slept for a whole week.
And his name is... EMELYA

Rich, lush, round-cheeked,
He has a ruddy side.
Runs down the path
And it’s called... KOLOBOK

The fox took him away
Right beyond the dark forests,
A small voice is heard
Who is this? COCKER

He is a hero we all know
And with magic word together
Maybe a whole week
Lying on the stove... EMELYA

He rattles his bones terribly.
Evil, greedy and terrible.
He walks around in a black cloak
And the king is called... KASHCHEY

Bewitched by Koshchei
I'm fascinated by Ivan
Green girlfriend -
Princess Frog

"Magic Words"(develop children’s speech, use magic words in retelling)
“At the behest of the pike, at my will...”
Fairy tale “At the command of the pike”

“Hut, hut! Become your old self. As my mother put it - towards me in front, and towards the sea (forest) with its back.”
Fairy tale “The Frog Princess”

“Sivka - burka, prophetic kaurka, stand in front of me like a leaf in front of you!”
Fairy tale "Sivka - burka"

“If you throw it from hand to hand, twelve young men will immediately appear, and whatever they are ordered to do, they will do everything in one night.”
Fairy tale "The Magic Ring"

"Magic Items"(consolidate knowledge of fairy tales, teach to see in fairy tales magic item analog).

Apple with saucer - TV
Ball of thread - navigator
Stupa, carpet – plane – plane, helicopter
Rejuvenating apples – vitamins, dietary supplements, creams
Got in the right ear, got out in the left - beauty salon “Sivka-burka”
Got in on the right, got out on the left - a machine, a mechanism doing work
Stove – car “At the behest of the pike”

"Finish it" (consolidation of knowledge about the heroes of a fairy tale, use in retelling, word creation)

Koschei the Deathless)
The Little Humpbacked Horse)
Tiny - ... (Khavroshechka)
Vasilisa - ... (Beautiful, Wise)
Baba - ... (Yaga)
Boy - ... (thumb)
Marya - ... (artisan)
Chicken - ... (Ryaba)
Ivan - ... (fool)
Sparrow - ... (winged)
Mouse - ... (furry)
Pancake - ... (buttery)
Sivka - ... (burka)

Games with children 3-4 years old

Verbal and didactic game “Compare different animals” (3-4 years)

Didactic task: teach children to compare different animals from fairy tales, highlighting the opposite characteristics.

Number of players: 5-6 children

Game rule:The child who the driver points to answers

Game action: The teacher invites the children to look at the Teddy Bear and the Mouse.

The bear is big, and the mouse... (small). What kind of bear? (Thick, thick-footed, club-footed). What kind of mouse? (Small, grey, fast, dexterous.) What does Mishka like? (Honey, raspberries), and the mouse loves ... (cheese, crackers).

Mishka’s paws are thick, and the mouse’s are...(thin). Who has the longest tail? The mouse has a long tail, and the Mishka ... (short.

Similarly, you can compare other animals from fairy tales - the fox and the hare, the wolf and the bear.

Verbal and didactic game “Kids and Bunny” (3-4 years)

Didactic task:Teach children to come up with a new ending to a familiar fairy tale.

Number of players: 4-6 children

Game rule:listen carefully to your interlocutor

Game action:First, the children remember the fairy tale “The Little Goats and the Wolf.” It can be recalled using table theater or flannelgraph. The fairy tale ends, but the teacher offers to listen to what happened next: “The goat went into the forest again. The kids were left alone at home. Suddenly there was a knock on the door again. The kids got scared and hid. And this was a small... (toy is shown) bunny. The bunny says: ...("Don't be afraid of me, it's me, the little bunny.") The kids... (let the bunny in). They treated him to...(cabbage, carrots). The kids ate and began... (play, have fun, frolic). The bunny played... (on the drum), and the kids... (jumped merrily).

Verbal and didactic game “Rabushka Hen” (3-4 years)

based on the fairy tale "Chicken Ryaba"

Didactic task:Develop speech activity in children, practice interrogative intonation with them, and train them in correct sound pronunciation.

Number of players: subgroup of children

Game rules:the chicken should answer children's questions loudly and quickly

Game action:The teacher shows a picture of a pockmarked hen and suggests remembering the fairy tale “The Ryaba Hen.” After telling the tale, he explains why it is called “Ryaba”. Then he invites the children to play. A chicken is chosen using a counting machine. The teacher puts a cap on her, puts her in front of the children and starts asking questions. The chicken answers them at the prompting of the teacher:

Chicken Ryaba, where did you go?

To the river.

Chicken Ryaba, why did you go?

For some water.

Chicken Ryaba, why do you need some water?

Water the chickens.

Chicken Ryaba, how are your chickens asking for water?

Pee-pee-pee-pee! (All children say this.)

When playing the game again, the teacher suggests to the children: “Let’s all ask the chicken together, where did she go?” The children, together with the teacher, trying to reproduce a questioning intonation, ask: “Ryaba Hen, where did you go?” etc. It is better to choose shy, timid, silent children as chickens.

Printed board game “Paired Pictures” (3-4 years)

Didactic task:Exercise children in comparing objects shown in the picture, in finding similarities and in selection identical images; cultivate attention, concentration, form speech, develop the ability to follow the rules of the game.

Number of players:

Material: paired pictures-illustrations from Russian folk tales and tricks

Game rules:Show and name only the same picture; Whoever correctly selects and names the paired picture will receive a chip.

Game action:search for the necessary cards.

Printed board game “Fold the picture” (3-4 years)

Didactic task:Exercise children in composing a whole object from its parts; cultivate will, perseverance, determination

Number of players:

Game rules:Don't make a mistake in choosing. The one who folds and names his picture first wins

Game action:searching for parts, putting together the whole picture

Printed board game “Loto” (3-4 years)

Didactic task:To train children in the ability to combine objects according to their place of growth: where what grows; consolidate children's knowledge about Russian folk tales

Number of players:

Game rules:cover the cells only with those pictures that correspond to the content of the large card, i.e. a fairy tale

Game action:find small cards depicting episodes from fairy tales and cover the cells with them big map. Competition - who will be the first to close all the cards

Printed board game “Dominoes” (3-4 years)

Didactic task:To consolidate children's knowledge about Russian folk tales, to correctly name a fairy tale

Number of players:

Game rules:Place the cards one by one, next to the same picture. The first one to put all the cards down wins.

Game action:If the player does not have a paired card, he skips the move and waits for a paired picture to appear at either end. When the game is repeated, the cards are dealt out again.

Games with older preschool children

Verbal and didactic game “Radio” (senior preschool age)

Didactic task:Develop the ability to be observant and activate children’s speech

Number of players: unlimited

Game rule : listen and not disturb your comrades

Game action:The teacher, addressing the children, says: “Today, we will play new game, called "Radio". Do you know what they call a person who speaks on the radio? That's right, they call him an announcer. Today on the radio the announcer will talk about the children of our group. He will describe one of the heroes of Russian folk tales, and you and I will guess. First I will be the announcer, listen up! Attention! Attention! Guess which fairy tale this hero is from. Her teeth are sharp, her coat is warm, red, she is beautiful, crafty, insidious. Who is this? What fairy tales do you know in which the heroine would be a fox? (“Fox and Crane”, “Fox and Wolf”, “Teremok”, etc.)

Verbal and didactic game “Tops and Roots” (senior preschool age)

Didactic task:exercise children in classifying vegetables (based on the principle: what is edible - the root or the fruit on the stem)

Number of players: unlimited

Material: pictures with vegetables and forfeits

Game action:

Option 1 The teacher clarifies with the children what they will call “tops” and what “roots.” “We will call the edible root of a vegetable “roots,” and the edible fruit on the stem “tops.” The teacher names a vegetable, and the children quickly answer what is edible in it: the tops or roots. The teacher warns that children should be attentive, because... In some vegetables both are edible. The teacher calls: “Carrot!” The children answer: “Roots.” "Tomato!" - “Tops.” "Onion!" - “Tops and roots.” The one who made a mistake pays a forfeit, which is redeemed at the end of the game.

Option 2. The teacher says: “Tops,” and the children remember the vegetables whose tops were eaten. This game is good to play after reading the Russian folk tale “The Man and the Bear”

Printed board game “Unenchant a Fairy Tale” (senior preschool age)

Didactic task:To develop children's intellectual abilities, the ability to use conditional substitutes (symbols) for real objects

Number of players:

Game rule:At the teacher’s signal, begin to “disenchant” the fairy tale.

Game action:Review the tables with the children and explain what evil wizard He bewitched animals from a fairy tale: he turned a cockerel into a circle, a dog into an oval, a hedgehog into a cross, etc. First, the teacher closes part of the table with conventional signs white stripe. Children must remember and draw the corresponding symbol to the right of each picture. Then he closes the “enchanted” animals and invites the children to name them.

When the task is completed, you can compose with the children small tales and write them down on cards, replacing the heroes with signs. The child “breaks the spell” of his fairy tale by substituting the desired character.

How to organize and conduct children's party.

Room decoration, scenarios for children's parties.
Birthdays for different ages from 1 year to 14 years.
Children's games and entertainment.
Organization of a children's holiday table.

28th page of the section

Outdoor children's games based on fairy tale themes
Fairytale relay races

Fairytale relay races

Children love fairy tales very much. They read and know them. Many people want to imitate fairy-tale heroes. If you hold fabulous relay races, your children will have this opportunity.

These relay races are half-sports, half-game competitions. They are based on the plot of fairy tales.

You can remember old fairy tales and create new ones. dramatize fairy tales, sing the songs of your loved ones fairy-tale heroes. Well, of course, you can hold fabulous relay races to the delight of the children.
When you organize them, be sure to remind the children of the plots of fairy tales. This will help you understand the task better and make its completion more emotional.
Comment on the progress of the relay races in a fairy-tale and fun way, turn on cheerful fairy-tale music, inspire support from the fans.
If you don’t forget about this, you will surely have a real fabulous sports holiday.

The Little Humpbacked Horse

From the name it is clear that each relay participant will have to portray the Little Humpbacked Horse, who is beautifully described in the fairy tale by P. P. Ershov.
To do this, you only need a volleyball ball or balloon IR.
The participant bends at the waist, takes the ball and places it on his back. To prevent the ball from falling while moving, you must hold it with your hands, while remaining in a half-bent position. But that's not all.

As you know, the Little Humpbacked Horse could jump so high that he could overcome any obstacles.
In this relay, the “humpbacked skates” will also have to overcome obstacles during the race, for example, three stools placed on the relay line.
Each stool will need to be climbed on, then jumped off, all quickly and without losing the “hump” - the ball behind your back.
Those “humpbacked skates” who turn out to be more dexterous and swift will win.

Baron Munchausen Core

Remember, Baron Munchausen once walked while riding a cannonball.
Invite the children to master this unusual look"transport".
Your core will be an ordinary balloon, on which on the side it is written in bright paint: “Core”.
Participants must ride the core, holding it between their knees and holding it with their hands.
At the signal, in this position, they make their way to the turning flag and back.
Then the core is passed on to the next player and so on until it becomes clear which team mastered “flying on the core” faster.

Do not forget that if handled carelessly, nuclei tend to explode. Warn the guys about this.
If the cannonball bursts, the team is eliminated from the game and mourns the deceased “cannonballer”.

Puss in Boots

All children are familiar with this Cat, so the essence of the relay race will be clear to them by its name.
To carry it out you will need to find very large boots.
Boots are placed on the starting line.
The first participant, at the signal, must quickly put them on and quickly run to the finish line.
But it will be very difficult for him to do this, and not only because the boots are heavy and uncomfortable.
As you remember, Puss in Boots had good manners.
Therefore, to make the relay more difficult, you can place three pins along the route. Running past them, each participant must pause and bow, beautiful and original.
So, having reached the finish line and making three bows along the way, the participant returns and gives the boots to the next one.
And so does the whole team.
The winning team can express its joy with a loud and melodious meow.

Rope walker Tibulus

In Yuri Olesha’s fairy tale “Three Fat Men,” the brave Tibul walked on a tightrope not only in the circus. One day he walked along a tight wire over the square directly above the heads of the guards who were shooting at him.
In this relay race, the tightrope walkers will have a much easier time: no one will shoot at them, and they will not be in danger of falling from a great height and breaking.
A rope, that is, an ordinary rope, can simply be stretched along the ground from start to finish.
All players will take turns running along it until the turn, and on the way back they will try to jump the entire distance on one leg.
At the same time, you still need to be very careful: each time you put your foot on the rope, and not past it. Otherwise, a “shot” will be heard - the judge’s clap, with which he will warn about the “formidable danger”.
The most dexterous "Tybulls" will bring victory to their team.

Fox Alice and cat Basilio

What distinguishes these characters from A. Tolstoy’s fairy tale “The Adventures of Pinocchio”? They were pretending all the time. The fox pretended that she was lame, and the cat pretended that he was blind.
The relay participants will have to pretend to be these scammers.
The relay is a doubles race, since the fairy tale characters are also inseparable.
At the start, the teams are divided into pairs.
One player of each pair is the fox Alice, the other is the cat Basilio.
The one who portrays the fox bends one leg at the knee and holds it with his hand, thus remaining on one leg.
The participant portraying the cat Basilio is blindfolded.
“Fox” puts his free hand on the shoulders of “cat”, and at a signal, this couple overcomes the relay distance, returns and passes the baton to the next participants.

Frog traveler

Do you remember how the Frog traveled in this fairy tale? She forced the ducks to take a stick in their beaks, and she, clinging to it with her paws, took off with the flock.
Relay participants will have to do almost the same thing.
The two strongest participants take a gymnastic stick and place it on their shoulders.
At this time, the third one takes the stick with his hands, lifts his legs off the ground and thus turns out to be a “frog traveler.”
Now, at the signal, all three begin to move forward.
The player who is hanging on the stick must absolutely not touch the ground with his feet.
When the “ducks” with the “frog” reach the finish line, the participant hanging on the stick unhooks, and his other two comrades return to the start to take the new “traveler”.
And so the whole team must reach the finish line.

Balda and the horse

Do you remember how in A.S. Pushkin’s fairy tale Balda took part in almost sports competitions? His opponents were devils.
Thanks to his dexterity and cunning, Balda won.
In one of the tasks that the old devil came up with, it was necessary to carry away a horse. But Balda jumped on his horse and shouted to the imp: “Look, I’ll carry you between your legs!”
In our relay race we will try to show exactly this episode from the fairy tale.
To do this, all participants are divided into threes.
Two of them will portray a horse, and the third participant, naturally, will be Balda.
The “horse” is easy to make. The first participant bends at the waist, and the second, also bending down, takes the first by the waist. That's all.
All that remains is for “Balda” to saddle the “horse”, and we can set off. After Balda reaches the finish line on his horse, he must turn around and, “spurring” his “horse,” do Return trip to pass the baton to the next three.
Well, which Balda, like Pushkin’s, will bring victory to the team, the results of the competition will show.


Who doesn't know this fairy creature, which has three heads, four legs and two wings! Let's also make the Serpent Gorynych, it's not difficult.
Three participants stand side by side, put their hands on each other’s belts or shoulders.
The legs of the participant standing in the middle are connected to the legs of the partners standing on the sides. It turns out to be four legs in total.
At the signal, “Serpent Gorynych” begins to move, and the participants standing on the sides must perform hand movements reminiscent of flapping wings.
Having reached (jumped, flown) to the finish line, the troika turns around, returns and passes the baton to the next participants.
It is better to tie the legs of all threes before the start of the relay.
After this relay race, the guys will probably think: “It’s good that the Gorynychi Snakes only exist in fairy tales.”

Dunno in a hot air balloon

Do you remember Nikolai Nosov’s hero Dunno, who flew with his friends to Flower City on the air balloon?
And you probably also know how a hot air balloon works. As the air in the balloon cools, ballast is released from the gondola (basket under the balloon).
In our relay race, an ordinary bucket will serve as a basket.
We will put ballast in it: balls, pins, cubes, etc., the number of objects should be equal to the number of relay participants.
Don't forget, we also need a balloon so that everything is just like in a fairy tale. A balloon is perfect for this role; it even has almost the same name.
When the inventory is ready, you can begin the relay race.
The first participant takes a bucket in one hand and a balloon in the other hand.
Start. With a bucket and a ball, the player runs to the finish line, where a pre-positioned hoop is located.
The player, having reached the end, places one item from the bucket into the hoop, that is, “lightens the basket.”
Returning to the team, he passes the bucket and ball to the next participant. He, in turn, does the same.
Thus, by the end of the relay race, all items from the bucket must be placed in the hoop.
A last participant must collect them again in a bucket and return them to the team.

Good luck with your flights, and may they not end as disastrously as in N. Nosov’s fairy tale.

Baba Yaga

The indispensable attributes of Baba Yaga were a mortar and a broom.
In the relay race, you can use a simple bucket as a mortar, and a mop as a broom.
The participant stands with one foot in the bucket, the other remains on the ground.
With one hand he holds the bucket on his leg by the handle, in the other hand he holds a mop.
And now in this position it is necessary to go the entire distance and pass the “mortar” and “broom” to the next one.
Forward, Baba Yaga!


If you remember, in the fairy tale, Kolobok deftly bypassed the Hare, Bear and Wolf, but fell into the Fox’s mouth.
In the relay, the first three animals will be replaced by pins, and the last by a bucket.
Each participant is a storyteller who will roll (kick) his “kolobok” (soccer ball) between the pins.
Having brought the ball to the bucket, the participant must, without using his hands, throw the ball into the bucket, that is, send Kolobok into the Fox’s mouth.
He is given as many attempts as he wants.
After the kolobok ball ends up in the bucket, the participant takes it out with his hands and quickly runs to the next player so that he can also “tell” the whole tale, that is, go through all the obstacles with his kolobok.

Dr. Aibolit

What did you do in the fairy tale? good doctor Aibolit? That's right, he treated. And the first thing he started with was putting thermometers on patients.
So in our relay race the participants will have to set thermometers for each other. But not real ones. They will be replaced by regular skittles or other objects that look like them.

Before the start of the relay, the team lines up in a column at the starting line.
The first participant stands with a bucket or bag filled with skittles. The number of pins is two less than the number of participants.
At a signal, the first “Aibolit” runs with a bucket to a certain mark and returns. It was he who made the way to Africa.
Upon returning, he takes the pins out of the bucket one at a time and places them in turn for all participants, like thermometers, that is, under each armpit. Except the last one.
He gives the bucket to the latter, but he himself goes aside and leaves the game.
The participant who received the bucket (bag) quickly collects the pins from the team and again does what the first player did.
Don’t drop the pins on the ground, remember that thermometers are in short supply, and if you drop them, pick them up immediately.
The relay ends when there is only one “Aibolit” left, returning from “Africa”, and not a single “sick person”.


Remember how hardworking Cinderella was? She never sat idle for a minute.
The participants in this relay will also have to work hard. To do this, prepare in advance a bucket, broom and dustpan, as well as five cubes for each team.
This relay is a counter race.
It is necessary to divide the team into two halves.
One stands at the start line, the other at the finish line, facing each other. On the one hand, the participants will be “Cinderellas,” and on the other, “evil stepmothers.”
How is the relay going? The first “Cinderella” holds a bucket, broom and dustpan in her hands. There are five cubes scattered along the line of movement from start to finish - “garbage”.
The first participant moves forward, collecting cubes into a bucket along the way. At the same time, you cannot help yourself with your hands. That is, each time you need to put the bucket on the ground, use a broom to put the cube on the scoop, then from the scoop into the bucket.
When all the cubes are collected, “Cinderella” passes the bucket with cubes, a broom and a dustpan to the “stepmother,” that is, to the team member standing opposite.
The “stepmother,” as befits an evil and harmful stepmother, scatters cubes along the entire line of movement.
The new “Cinderella,” to whom the “stepmother” hands over the tools, will again have to collect garbage.
And this disgrace continues until both groups change places.


First, let's remember who lived in the little house: Mouse-norushka, Frog-frog, Bunny-jumping, Fox-sister and Mosquito-squeaker. The Bear came sixth and destroyed the tower.
Let's try to play out this fairy tale in a relay race. Only six people will participate in it - according to the number of characters in the fairy tale. And the role of the tower will be played by the hoop.
“Mouse” starts the relay race. The participant playing this role, at the signal, moves to the finish line, where the “teremok” hoop lies.
Having reached, the player threads the hoop through himself, puts it in place and runs after the next participant, that is, the “Frog”.
Now they run to the “teremka” together, always holding hands. Having reached it, the two of them climb through the hoop without breaking their hands.
Having done this, they run after the third, then the fourth, then the fifth.
When five, without unclenching their hands, climb through the hoop and run after the sixth one, it turns out to be “Bear”.
But they still take him by the hand and lead him with them to the “tower.”
Five people put on the hoop and hold it at waist level.
At this time, the “Bear” takes the hoop with his hand and pulls it, along with all the participants inside, towards the start.
Those inside the hoop run to help the Bear.
Whoever plays the fairy tale faster wins.

The wolf and the seven Young goats

In the fairy tale, seven kids were locked in the house, but the Wolf tricked his way into the house and ate the kids.
The houses in this relay will be two halves of the volleyball court or two other identical spaces.
One half is the home of the “goats” of one team, the second is the home of the other team.
Each team must choose seven “kids” and one “Wolf”. The “kids” immediately occupy their homes and settle down in them as they please.
At the signal, both “Wolves” enter the house of the opposing team and begin to catch the “kids”.
The one who is caught (touched by hand) leaves the site (he is eaten).
Whose “Wolf” eats all the “kids” the fastest, that team wins.
In this relay game, the goats can run away from the “Wolf”, but they cannot leave the house, that is, jump out of the area.
So, bon appetit to the “wolves” and good luck to the “goats”!

"Tales for Pleasant Dreams"

Illustrated fairy-tale dictionaries. Russian history with pictures for children and adults.