Drawing on the theme of the brightest impression of summer. Pictures for children on the theme “Summer” for activities in kindergarten and at home

A long time ago (or maybe not long ago) in one big, big city (or maybe even in a very tiny one) there lived a little girl who always said “no,” “I don’t want,” and “I won’t.”

Sometimes her mother would wake her up in the morning and say:

Wake up, honey!

“I won’t wake up,” the girl answers and turns away from the wall.

Or her dad comes to pick her up from kindergarten and says:

Get dressed, baby, let's go home.

- “I won’t get dressed,” the girl answers and adds. “We’re not going home and we’re not going,” and then he sits on a chair near his locker and looks angrily at dad.

And so they lived for a long, long time, until autumn passed and winter came with snow, New Year holidays and a magical Christmas night...

It was quiet in the girl’s house on Christmas night. “Santa Barbara” ended and mom fell asleep. The “Night Show” on Channel 4 ended, and dad, rattling the kettle in the kitchen, also went to bed. And even the hamster, who lived under the table in a white plastic bucket, curled up with his paws wrapped around a large corn stick. And only our girl did not fall asleep, but lay quietly in her crib right next to the wall and picked a small hole in the Finnish wallpaper with her finger.

It was then that the most extraordinary incident happened to the girl, which happens once in a lifetime.

High, high in the winter sky, a small, completely inconspicuous star suddenly blinked. It blinked once, then twice, and then flared up dazzlingly and radiantly and shone like a thousand thousand sparklers, illuminating the entire city and the entire forest around it, and even the field beyond it.

The girl was surprised bright light, crawled out from under the warm blanket, climbed onto a chair near the window, and her eyes immediately woke up in amazement.

From the shining star, thin crystal rays reached out to the sleeping windows in all directions, and along them, like silvery ropes, they ran down. magical fairies, fairy-tale princes, cartoon animals and Thumbelinas. Going down to the very windows, they quietly knocked on the glass, and a sleepy childish face appeared in each window and immediately blossomed with a happy smile, and the bell-like children's laughter rang faintly throughout the city.

And a silver rope also stretched to our girl, to her window. And along it, like a big, big snowflake (or like a dandelion parachute), a little fairy in a blue silk dress with sparkles and a live rainbow butterfly on her hair descended onto the snowy windowsill.

She knocked on the window with a thin finger and said quietly, affectionately and welcomingly: “Hello, girl!” “No hello,” the girl suddenly answered her and frowned.

“I came to visit you,” the fairy said even more affably. “Open the window and let me in.” “I won’t open it,” our girl frowned even more. Then she stuck out her lower lip and stubbornly added: “And I won’t let you in.” - “If you want, I’ll take you with me to the very magical land, where all wishes come true, and everyone laughs?” “I don’t want to,” the girl sighed, got off the chair and went to her crib under a warm blanket. There she picked a little more at the small hole in the Finnish wallpaper and fell asleep as if nothing had happened.

And really nothing would have happened if the fairies were as stubborn and capricious as some little girls! But our fairy was real! She was not offended at all, but on the contrary - she smiled slyly, clapped her hands and suddenly found herself right in the room right next to the crib. There she straightened the girl's blanket, put something under her pillow, clapped her hands again and disappeared.

And then morning came, and the mother, as usual, woke up the girl and took her to a regular kindergarten. On this day, all the children came with the most unusual toys and gifts. They had dolls that could comb their hair and talk. Cars in which all the doors opened, the engine started, and the wheels could be inflated. And even one transformer who himself shouted “I’m transforming!!!” and immediately transformed into spaceship, a tailed dinosaur and a sixteen-barreled laser cannon. And only our girl had the most ordinary Chupa Chups candy on a plastic stick. But not the kind that mom buys at the bakery store, and which makes your tongue turn blue, but the kind that is magical, from under the pillow.

The girl tried it, and it turned out to be so tasty that even her eyes closed with pleasure. And when they opened, everything around became completely different.

- “Do you want to play with dolls with us?” - other girls from kindergarten asked her. "Want!" - the girl simply answered and ran to play with them.

This is the story that happened on Christmas night to a girl who said “no,” “I don’t want,” and “I won’t.” I won’t tell you what this girl’s name is. Because now she has become the nicest, most obedient and cheerful person in the world, and I don’t want to remember what she was like before.

And I will not.

One day my daughter Alice asked:

Dad, why was I born in the most ordinary country and in the most ordinary city? We have nothing interesting or unusual, everyone speaks clear language. And our nature is very ordinary and our houses are some simple, brick ones. Perhaps some African girl is wondering: her country is some kind of unknown and everyone speaks an incomprehensible African language. There are only palm trees and vines around. Everyone lives in thatched huts and eats bananas. Yes, they probably ride giraffes every day.

I then answered her:

Daughter, be sure that at this time some African girl is saying the same thing about her Africa and thinking that it is probably interesting for girls in the distant, incomprehensible country of Russia. They speak Russian, a language completely incomprehensible to all Africans, and they grow up very beautiful spruces and birch trees. It's not that palm trees are annoying. And there is also winter, when white cold fluff falls from the sky, which is called snow. And why doesn’t all this happen in our ordinary Africa?

Dad, could you tell me more about this girl, I’m terribly interested in everything about her,” asked Alice.

Well, okay, I’ll tell you nothing to do,” I agreed.

A fairy tale about a girl who

I really didn’t like waking up on time.

There lived one girl in Africa. And this girl really didn’t like getting up early. In the morning, Mom comes to the African kindergarten to wake her up, and she closes her eyes tightly and lies there, hears nothing, feels nothing. She's waiting, suddenly her mother will change her mind about waking her up, and she won't have to get up, go wash and eat porridge. But then Dad comes, and still carries the sleepy girl in his arms to wash herself. And here, like it or not, your eyes still wake up from wet water. One day a girl asked:

Dad, why do you keep carrying me around and asking me to wash my eyes? This turns out to be some kind of effort.

And then her mother asks her:

- What will you do if dad and I don’t wake you up? You really don’t know how to wake up on time yourself.

- Then dad said:

- You don’t yet know that in Africa we have Suriname pipas, these are wild jumping frogs. They really love to live on sleepy girls.

- What kind of jumpers are these? - the Girl was surprised.

- There are no jumps, you make it all up.

She said so and immediately forgot, because she had already arrived at kindergarten by that time. It was next to their thatched hut in the neighboring African jungle.

The next morning, the mother began to wake up the girl, she again began to pretend that she did not hear anything. Here Mom says:

Okay, daughter, sleep well. And she went to work. The girl was surprised, but did not wake up, she waited quietly for dad to come and take her to wash. But the girl hears - she clapped Entrance door. So, dad and mom went to Africa to work. At first the girl was happy and thought:

Now I'm going to sleep! But for some reason I immediately didn’t want to sleep. But the girl was too lazy to get up, so she lay there with eyes closed and thought:

Should I get up or still lie down?

Suddenly he hears a stomping sound, as if little feet were slapping. Yes, there are a lot of them! The girl opened one eye and suddenly saw something small and green jump onto the pillow.

Oh, who's that jumping here? - the Girl was surprised. But the little one screamed in a shrill voice: “Hurry up, everyone here!” I found us a new jump rope - a skipping rope! Then, from all sides, the same green little ones started jumping out from under the girl’s crib and jumping right on the Girl. Their legs were small, but springy. They started jumping all over the girl like she was on an inflatable jumping rope in the town amusement park. It was terribly ticklish. The girl began to laugh and wanted to shake off these little ones. But they jumped on it very deftly, and she couldn’t do it.

Hey, who are you? Why are you jumping? - the girl barely said, choking with laughter.

We are Surinamese pipas, African wild frogs are jumping frogs, and you are our new jumping rope. We are still little frogs, we need to play and jump. You continue to lie as you were. And we'll still jump on you. And in general, we liked you, we will now live on you all the time.

But the Girl could no longer lie down. She had laughed until she started hiccupping and wanted to get up quickly. But the little frogs jumped on her so ticklishly that she couldn’t do it.

This is bad, the girl thought. So they really tickle me. Dad, daddy help! - screamed the girl from last bit of strength. Just then her dad came home from work, quickly grabbed the girl by her bare legs and pulled her out of bed.

Oh, don't jump! Oh, don't tickle! I can't do it anymore! - the girl laughed. Dad quickly carried the girl to the lake and dipped her there. The peeps began to jump off the girl and run in different directions, shouting in thin voices:

Oh, we don’t like to wash! Oh, we don’t like to swim! We are still little frogs, we don’t need to be dunked in the lake.

As soon as all the peeps jumped, dad carried the girl home. He wiped her with a fluffy towel and said:

Well, the jumping rope is a jumping rope, you slept well - you got lazy? I told you, these little frogs live right on the back of their mother, the big Surinamese pipa. And these have already grown up, but still love to ride and jump on someone.

“Oh, I don’t want to become a jump rope anymore,” the girl answered. I can't stand tickling that much! Now I’ll sooner get up and run to wash myself and eat porridge. I’ll quickly run to the kindergarten before these little ones jump around. Buy me four alarm clocks soon!

Well, did you like the fairy tale about the African girl? - I ask Alice.

“I liked it very much,” he answers. Dad, tell me, are we sure that we don’t have Surinamese pipas in Russia?

Once upon a time there was a girl, her name was Alena. She lived with her grandparents and never listened to anyone, but more than anything else, she didn’t like to sleep at night. Another night has come, Alyonka is sitting on a chair and playing with dolls, grandfather comes up to her and says:
- Alyonushka, dear, night has come, it’s time to go to bed.
- Nonsense! – the girl was indignant, “it’s not time at all!”
- Look out the window, it’s already completely dark.
- Well, so what, I don’t want to sleep!
- What do you want? - Grandmother clasped her hands.
“I want to go for a walk,” Alena stamped her foot and began to pull on her coat.
“You can’t go outside,” the grandmother answered her, but she didn’t listen to anyone and ran out of the house.
Alena ran for a long time until she suddenly noticed that she was lost. She got scared and cried. Suddenly a crooked old woman comes up to her and asks her in an unpleasant creaky voice:
- Why are you crying girl?
She answers her:
- I'm lost.
- What are you doing alone on the street so late?
- I went for a walk.
- You must be terribly naughty?
- But it’s not true, I’m obedient!
- And obedient girls don’t go out so late.
- You can see for yourself that they are walking! – Alena was offended.
- What’s your name?
- Alyona.
- And I’m Baba Yaga.
- Nonsense! Nonsense! – she shouted, “Baba Yaga does not exist, she is only in a fairy tale!”
- Do you want me to show you my fairy tale?
The girl didn’t even have time to blink an eye when Baba Yaga put her in her mortar and dragged her into her hut on chicken legs. They flew over the mountains, over the fields, over dense forests and finally found themselves in front of Baba Yaga's house.
“Hut-hut,” said Baba Yaga, “turn your back to the forest, and turn your front to me.”
The hut turned and they went inside.
- Sit here for now, girl, and I’ll go heat the bathhouse.
- When is the fairy tale?
- But in the bathhouse you will wash yourself, evaporate, then you will see, and my black cat will guard you so that you do not run away anywhere.
With these words, Baba Yaga left, the cat approached Alyonka and said:
- Girl, girl, do you know what Baba Yaga will do to you after she washes you in the bathhouse? He will catch it, fry it and eat it!
“Firstly,” Alena answers, “eating me is a bad idea, I’m thin and terribly tasteless, and secondly, I won’t listen to you because cats don’t talk!”
- What if I show you something?
- Well, what can he show me? talking cat? - the girl asked, crossing her arms over her chest.
- Look out the window and you will see everything for yourself.
Alyonka looked out the window and saw a whole mountain of bones, and the cat said to her again:
- These are the bones of those naughty children whom Baba Yaga once ate.
- What should I do now? - she got scared
- I would tell you, but you still wouldn’t listen.
- I’ll listen, I’ll listen! Kitty, dear, just help!
“Baba Yaga has a pot of sour cream in the basement, if you feed me, then I’ll tell you.”
The girl crawled into the underground, took out sour cream and gave it to the cat. He finished eating and began to explain:
- You see the path, run along it and don’t turn anywhere, if you turn, you’ll get lost and won’t find your way home. An evil owl will fly after you and scare you, don’t turn around, turn around, he will catch you and bring you back to Baba Yaga. Next there will be a river, you will sit on a boat and swim. Lives in the Kikimora River, Baba-Yozhkina younger sister, they will pour water into your boat to drown you. Here's a bag of sand, throw a handful in her eyes, if you don't throw it, she will drown you, and you will remain forever in her swamp kingdom. Further on there will be meadows, as soon as you get tired, a bay horse will run up to you and offer you a ride, you politely refuse and move on because this horse is a servant of the Koshcheevs. As soon as you sit on it, it will take you to Koshchei the Immortal for fun, and you will not get out of there. Well, everyone go, and remember, you need to return home before dawn, if you disobey even once, you will not see either home or grandparents.
Alyonka ran out into the street and rushed along the path as best she could. Baba Yaga returned, missed, - no Alyonka.
- Where is the girl?! – she screamed and, grabbing the cat by the scruff of the neck, began to shake him, “Oh, you corrupt little soul, you opened the door for a pot of sour cream?!” But it’s okay, she won’t get far!
She called the owl and told him to catch up with the girl, catch her and bring her back. The eagle owl flew after Alyonka, caught up, flapped its wings over her head, and was about to grab her. Alyonka became scared, she really wanted to disobey the cat and see how far away the owl was, but Alyonka had no time to turn her head around, and she did not look back. So the owl flew after her until the forest ended, and returned back with nothing. Baba Yaga got angry and stamped her feet.
“But it’s okay,” he says, “there’s a river there, my sister Kikimora will quickly catch it and drag it to the bottom!”
The girl ran to the river, got into the boat and swam away. Immediately the green monster Kikimora emerged and began filling the boat with water so that it would sink. Alena got scared and covered her face with her hands, and the water in the boat was getting more and more, then she remembered about the bag of sand, took a handful, and threw it into Kikimore’s eyes. The monster screamed and began to clear her eyes and pick out the sand. Meanwhile, Alyonka quickly scooped up all the water from the boat and swam quickly to the shore. Yaga stamped her feet again:
- And then you got out of it?! Well, okay, okay! The road is long, you get tired of walking, then Koshcheev’s horse will come to you!
Alyonka came ashore and moved on. She walked for a long time, or for a short time, but she was very tired, exhausted, her legs began to give way. Suddenly a bay horse runs up to her and says to her in a human voice:
- Ride me, girl, I’ll take you home.
She really wanted to climb on the stallion and ride home, but she remembered the order and answered:
- Yes, of course! I’ll sit on you, and you’ll take me to Koshchei! No, thank you, I’ll get there somehow myself.
- Look at your feet, everything has been erased, and there’s still, oh, so little time left before dawn, you won’t have time, but I’d get you there quickly.
Alyonka had no strength left, she was already about to get on the horse, but she was very afraid to fall into Koshchei’s hands and not see her native house. She then took off her uncomfortable sandals and, waving her hand, shouted:
- I have no time to talk to you here, it’s time for me to run home! Don't worry, I'll make it in time! I'll definitely make it before dawn!
Alyonka is running, in a hurry, and the sky is getting brighter and brighter, the sun is about to come out from behind the mountain. She ran even faster. The first rays have appeared, blinding Alyonka’s eyes.
“I didn’t have time, I didn’t have time,” she muttered, and suddenly heard her grandmother’s voice.
-Where did you miss, granddaughter? Well, wake up quickly and look at the day outside the window.
Then Alyonka woke up.
“Grandma,” the girl exclaimed joyfully and rushed to hug her grandmother, “it’s so good that you’re here!”
- Alyonka, yes, what’s wrong with you?
- Grandma, I understand everything! Now I will always, always obey!
Since then, Alyonushka has become the most obedient girl.