Who is said to be a Cheshire cat. Who is the Cheshire Cat? Character Quotes

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In our rational world, sometimes a little bit of madness and fairy tales are so lacking. And there is no one who knows this better than the Cheshire Cat.

website collected 25 of the wisest and at the same time craziest thoughts of this “guide” to magical worlds. Quotes are collected from the book “Alice in Wonderland” by L. Carroll, the film of the same name by Tim Burton and the computer game American McGee’s Alice.

  • - Taking anything seriously in this world is a fatal mistake.
    - Is life serious?
    - Oh yes, life is serious! But not very...
  • I'm not crazy, my reality is just different from yours.
  • No matter how you look, you must look in the right direction.
  • - But I don’t really want to end up with crazy people.
    - Well, you can’t change anything here - we’re all crazy here: both you and me.
  • The fact is that while you are small, you can see what is invisible to you when you are big.
  • - In our world, everything is possible.
    - Correction: in yours. In mine, everything is according to my rules.
  • When someone's head is in the clouds, someone's heart gets wet.
  • I love psychos: only they understand the world around us, only with them I can find a common language.
  • When the road is a mystery, try walking at random. Ride with the wind.
  • Those who choose the difficult path are called fools.
  • Confidence and recklessness are two sides of the same coin.
  • Watch, learn, act.
  • Sometimes the reflection in the mirror is more real than the object itself.
  • At times, in her madness, I see glimpses of real talent.
  • Unintelligent does not mean ignorant.
  • When miracles become delirium, reason turns into madness.
  • - How should I understand you?
    - You don't need to understand me. Be sure to love and feed on time.
  • It doesn't matter why the significant became insignificant. It has become, and that’s it.
  • Guess the riddle: when does a croquet mallet look like a stun gun? The answer is obvious: whenever you want.
  • - What are those sounds over there? - asked Alice.
    “Oh, these are miracles,” explained the Cheshire Cat indifferently.
    - And what are they doing there? - the girl asked.
    “As it should be,” the cat yawned. - They happen.
  • Threats, promises and good intentions - none of these are actions.
  • You have two choices: one will lead you to happiness, the other will lead you to madness. My advice to you is don’t stumble.
  • - Tell me, please, where should I go from here?
    -Where do you want to go? - answered the Cat.
    “I don’t care...” said Alice.
    “Then it doesn’t matter where you go,” said the Cat.
    “If only I could get somewhere,” Alice explained.
    “You’ll definitely end up somewhere,” said the Cat. - You just need to walk long enough.
  • Some people don't see a way out even if they find one. Others simply don't look.
  • Talking about bloodshed at the table spoils my appetite.
  • Collect everything you find useful. Except indifference and ignorance. And then maybe you will survive.
  • Those who say that there is nothing better to calm the nerves than a cup of tea have not actually tried real tea. It's like an injection of adrenaline straight to the heart.
  • If the Cheshire Cat smiles, it means someone needs it.
  • -Where can I find someone normal?
    “Nowhere,” answered the Cat, “there are no normal people.” After all, everyone is so different and dissimilar. And this, in my opinion, is normal.

The hero of the fairy tale "Alice in Wonderland" by . A cat that exhibits unusual abilities for an animal is able to talk, smile and slowly dissolve in space, so that in the end there remains only one smile that hangs in the air. Can also teleport. Entertains with conversations main character- Alice, and sometimes she gets bored with her philosophical speculations.

History of creation and image

In the original version of the fairy tale about Alice, there was no Cheshire Cat. The hero first appears in 1865. The image of the Cheshire Cat grows out of English proverb“grin like a Cheshire cat” meaning “to grin sardonically.” There are two versions of where this expression came from and why it influenced the formation of Carroll’s image of the Cat.

Carroll comes from Cheshire, where tavern doors had pictures of smiling cats on them. In theory, these painted animals were supposed to be noble lions and leopards, grinning their mouths. But in the English county, few people were lucky enough to see a real lion, so these images looked more like ordinary domestic cats with a facial expression uncharacteristic for felines. And this image was familiar to the writer from childhood.

Another explanation connects the origin of the image of the Cheshire Cat with the famous cheeses that were made in Cheshire. It is believed that these cheeses were shaped to resemble the head of a smiling cat.

A computer game was released based on the films, where you can play as the Cheshire Cat. There the hero has the ability to hide things and, conversely, to make what is hidden visible.

In Burton's first film, the Cheshire Cat is present with Alice at the Mad Tea Party, where the Hatter and the March Hare tell the heroine about the "bloody witch" the Red Queen, who has unleashed terror in Wonderland. Later, the Cheshire Cat saves the Hatter, who is about to be beheaded.

The cat replaces the Hatter on the chopping block and disappears from under the falling ax in last moment, after which it appears again - in the form of only one head hanging in the air. In the finale, the Cheshire Cat removes the crown from the head of the defeated Red Queen and gives it to the White Queen.

In 2013-2014, the American TV channel ABC aired the series Once Upon a Time in Wonderland, a spin-off of the series "". There the character looks like an ominous black cat with red eyes, but takes a neutral position. Cat is voiced by actor Keith David.

  • The image of the Cheshire Cat has spread widely in culture, particularly in literature. Writers “borrowed” and played with it in their own way. For example, the author of the fantasy saga “The Witcher” has a story “Golden Afternoon”, where the narration is told from the perspective of the Cheshire Cat, and the Cat himself is depicted as a cat god and lord of cats.
  • The image of the Cheshire Cat also appears in the book “Automatic Alice” by Jeff Noon, which explains how the hero manages to disappear and reappear.

  • The character appears in the novels British writer Jasper Fforde. There, the Cheshire Cat serves as a librarian in the Great Library of Bookworld.
  • Some authors make the Cheshire Cat a negative character. This is how the hero appears in the series of books “Through the Looking Glass Wars” by Frank Beddor. There, the Cat is a brutal killer who looks like a terrible cat-like humanoid, but can take the form of a black kitten. The character has nine lives, but the killer cat loses eight of them by the end of the first book.

  • Another brutal version of the Cheshire Cat - covered in tattoos, skinny and bony - appears in the video games American McGee's Alice and Alice: Madness Returns. There the character appears as a guide and companion game character- Alice. The Cheshire Cat is depicted as a sadistic maniac with enormous claws that look like razors in the Zenescope comics.
  • in the series of novels “The Chronicles of Amber” among a huge number existing worlds describes the universe of Carroll's Wonderland, where the Cheshire Cat appears among other inhabitants. There the hero becomes a specialist in magical knowledge.


“What do I need madmen for? - said Alice.
“There’s nothing you can do,” the Cat objected. - We are all out of our minds here - both you and me.
- How do you know that I'm out of my mind? - asked Alice.
“Of course, not in his own way,” answered the Cat. “Otherwise, how would you end up here?”

Our world strives to be rational and very correct. So true that it’s hard to survive in it.

Quotes from the Cheshire Cat are wise, crazy recipes for not going crazy in this right world.

I have collected quotes for you. A total of 34 quotes from the most different works in which Alice lives and the Cheshire Cat philosophizes.

Cheshire Cat Quotes

How should I understand you?
- You don't need to understand me. Be sure to love and feed on time.

Only a madman can measure success by suffering.

Any journey begins with the first step. It's corny, but true.

Those who seek will definitely find... but there are also exceptions.

Those who learn from their mistakes are called a bad word.

It doesn't matter why the significant became insignificant. It happened, and that’s it.

When miracles become delirium, reason turns into madness.

What are those sounds over there? - asked Alice.
“Oh, these are miracles,” explained the Cheshire Cat indifferently.
- And what are they doing there? - the girl asked.
“As it should be,” the cat yawned. - They happen.

Flattering words often motivate the target to take action by learning their true meaning.

Joy and slavery do not live together under the same roof

He who seeks will always find...if he searches correctly.

You have two choices: one will lead you to happiness, the other will lead you to madness. My advice to you is don’t stumble.

I heard that it is wise to rely on yourself... now you have heard it too.

Guess the riddle: when does a croquet mallet look like a stun gun? The answer is obvious: whenever you want.

I'm not crazy, my reality is just different from yours.

She behaves in such a way that sometimes I regret that I began to muddy the waters of this still pool...

Some people don't see a way out even if they find one. Others simply don’t look...

Taking anything in this world seriously is a fatal mistake.
- Is life serious?
- Oh yes, life is serious! But not very...

They say seek and you will find, but no one says you will find.

In our world, everything is possible.
- Correction: in yours. In mine, everything is according to my rules.

Collect everything you find useful. Except indifference and ignorance. And then maybe you will survive.

Sometimes the reflection in the mirror is more real than the object itself...

If you don't know something, find out... or die!

Threats, promises and good intentions, none of these are actions.

At times, in her madness, I see glimpses of real talent.

When someone's head is in the clouds, someone's heart gets wet.

Destroy what can destroy you.

Those who say that there is nothing better to calm the nerves than a cup of tea have not actually tried real tea. It's like an injection of adrenaline straight to the heart.

Protective walls may get in your way, but the most impenetrable walls in the world are those that surround our hearts.

Sometimes, before asking a person for help, you should think carefully about how this help can turn out for you.

Stupid does not mean ignorant.

The paths that lead to disaster end the same way, but how do they lead?

Whoever says that too much of a good thing is bad is lying.

If the Cheshire Cat smiles, it means someone needs it

Main feature Cheshire cat- this is the fact that, when he pleases, he disappears into thin air and leaves behind only a sardonic smile. The expression “smiles like a Cheshire cat” was very popular in England at that time. There are at least two options to explain where this expression came from.

First: in Cheshire, where the storyteller Carroll was born, an unknown painter painted grinning cats over the doors of taverns. Actually, these should have been lions or leopards, but cats were apparently closer to the Cheshire soul.

Second: the appearance of smiling cats was given to Cheshire cheeses; their history goes back a little to nine centuries. By the way, every year in February an interesting competition is held in Chester - the cheese rolling championship. Cheese is rolled ahead of the annual Food and Drink gastronomic festival. The residents of Chester faithfully support the Cheshire, Steelton and Lancashire teams, who in turn must faithfully overcome all obstacles. It all starts at 11 am. The Dean of Chester Cathedral gives the go-ahead for the race to begin, and the wheel of Cheshire cheese is rolled around Chester Gate, built in the 14th century on the site of a Roman rampart, and rolled towards the gate at Bridge Street Bridge.

From the "Book of Fictitious Creatures" you can find out that in English language There is an expression “grin like a Cheshire cat”, which means “to grin sardonically like a Cheshire cat.” Various explanations are given for the expression. One thing reminds us again of white Cheshire cheese. The second has to do with the Cheshire county - English jokers claimed that “even cats laughed at the high rank of a small county.” The third version says that during the reign of Richard the Third, an honest forester, Caterling, lived in Cheshire, who caught poachers and grinned sardonically at the same time.

But the Cheshire Cat from Wonderland adopted the ability to disappear from the ghost of the Congleton Cat. During his life, this cat was the favorite of the caretaker of the abbey, but one fine day he did not return home after another walk... A few days later, the woman heard scratching at the door; Her beloved cat was sitting on the threshold, however, a moment later he disappeared, as if he had evaporated into thin air. The ghost of a white cat has been seen by hundreds of people over the years. He appeared every evening, and was seen by the caretaker, her friends, and visitors to the Cheshire Abbey. Carroll was apparently inspired by this story and used the image of the Congleton Ghost to create his smiling Cheshire Cat.

The image of a grinning cat, who can disappear into thin air, leaving behind only a smile, and who occupies Alice not only with conversations, but also sometimes with un-cat-like philosophical speculations, also appears in works based on Carroll’s fairy tale. The Cheshire cat can be seen in the Disney cartoon about Alice in Wonderland. The cat became one of the characters in the video game based on Disney cartoon. IN computer game American McGee's Alice features a very colorful looking Cheshire Cat who plays the role of Alice's guide and companion in a virtual wonderland.

Who is the Cheshire cat? February 22nd, 2014

“What are those sounds over there?” asked Alice, nodding at the very secluded thickets of some pretty vegetation at the edge of the garden.
“And these are miracles,” explained the Cheshire Cat indifferently.
“And.. And what are they doing there,” the girl asked, inevitably blushing.
“As expected,” the cat yawned. “They happen”...

So who is this Cheshire cat?

The Cheshire Cat (English: Cheshire Cat, also Maslenitsa Cat translated by V. Nabokov) is a character in Lewis Carroll’s book “Alice in Wonderland.” A constantly grinning cat who can at will gradually dissolve into the air, leaving only a smile as a farewell. Alice is occupied not only with conversations that amuse her, but also with sometimes overly annoying philosophical speculations.

The only character who is a “countryman” of the author is a native of Cheshire.

In the original version of Lewis Carroll's book, the Cheshire Cat was not present as such. It appeared only in 1865. In those days, the expression “smiles like a Cheshire cat” was often used. There are different versions of the origin of this saying. Here are two of them.

In Cheshire, where Carroll was born, a hitherto unknown painter painted grinning cats over tavern doors. Historically they were grinning lions (or leopards), but few people saw lions in Cheshire.

The second explanation (Notes and Queries, No. 55, Nov. 16, 1850) says that the appearance of smiling cats was once given to the famous Cheshire cheeses, the history of which goes back more than nine centuries.

In The Book of Fictitious Creatures, in the section “The Cheshire Cat and the Kilkenny Cats” (The Cheshire Cat and the Killkenny Cats), Borges writes:
In English there is an expression “grin like a Cheshire cat” (to grin sardonically like a Cheshire cat). Various explanations have been offered. One is that in Cheshire they sold cheeses that looked like the head of a smiling cat. The second is that “even cats laughed at the high rank of the small county of Cheshire.” Another thing is that during the reign of Richard III in Cheshire there lived a forester, Caterling, who, when he caught poachers, grinned evilly.

There is also information that when creating the image of the Cat, Carroll was allegedly inspired by carved wooden ornaments in the church of the village of Croft in the north-east of England, where his father served as a pastor; and also that in one of the towns in Cheshire there was a legend about the ghost of a cat appearing and disappearing.

“What are those sounds over there?” asked Alice, nodding at the very secluded thickets of some pretty vegetation at the edge of the garden.
“And these are miracles,” explained the Cheshire Cat indifferently.
“And.. And what are they doing there,” the girl asked, inevitably blushing.
“As expected,” the cat yawned. “They happen”...

Can you disappear and appear less suddenly? Otherwise I have head goes all around.
“Okay,” said the Cat and disappeared - this time very slowly. The tip of his tail disappeared first, and his smile last; she hovered in the air for a long time, when everything else had already disappeared.
- Y-yes! - thought Alice. “I’ve seen cats without a smile, but smiles without a cat!” I have never seen anything like this in my life.

Cheshire Cat: Serious attitude to do anything in this world is a fatal mistake.
Alice: Is life serious?
Cheshire Cat: Oh yes, life is serious! But not very...

You see, this still cannot be avoided, - said the Cat, - after all, we are all crazy here. I'm crazy. You're crazy…

Why do you know that I'm crazy? - asked Alice.
“Because you are here,” the Cat said simply, “otherwise you wouldn’t have gotten here.”

Any road begins with the first step: banal, but true. Even here.

At times, in her madness, I see glimpses of real talent.

It's better to know where you're going than to wander around unknown.

Talking about bloodshed at the table spoils my appetite.

How should I understand you?
- You don't need to understand me. Be sure to love and feed on time.