How to draw a beautiful spruce. Step-by-step drawing of a Christmas tree with children

Toolkit“How to design a wall newspaper”

In a wall newspaper it is important how text content, so decoration. Due to poor design they may go unnoticed interesting materials, as well as poor in content wall newspaper Even the most colorful photographs and drawings will not save you. In order to properly design a wall newspaper, you must first create a reduced layout of it, on which you should determine the location of the main semantic elements - text, photographs, drawings.

1. First of all, you need to make margins on the sheet, the width of which should be at least two centimeters. This is necessary so that the newspaper is visually separated from the wall.
2. Then the space for the title, number and date of issue, and the name of the issuing organization are marked. As a rule, about one fifth of the wall newspaper area is allocated for this. It’s a good idea to leave a little space between the title and body text so that they don’t merge.
3. Next, the area of ​​the wall newspaper needs to be marked for the materials that will be placed in it. It is advisable to alternate text materials and illustrations. The most interesting materials are placed in the center of the newspaper, less important ones - at the edges.
4. It is very important that the composition of the newspaper is balanced, that is, both parts should be filled equally.
5. It is better to print text materials on separate sheets and then paste them onto a newspaper.
6. If you need to highlight any material or combine several notes on the same topic, they can be surrounded by a frame or written on colored paper.
7. Of course, it is impossible to design a wall newspaper without photographs and drawings, but it is very important to place them as effectively as possible. It is advisable that the drawings be made by a professional.
8. An application for which you can use magazine illustrations looks impressive in a wall newspaper. But at the same time, you should take precautions so as not to overdo it with color spots.
9. Photos in a wall newspaper are always interesting. They themselves attract attention, but an even better solution would be to place carefully cut-out images on some unusual background, or use a photograph as one of the elements of a large picture.
10. Special attention when designing a wall newspaper, you should pay attention color scheme. Overly colorful newspapers tire the eye and distract attention from the content.

How to design a children's wall newspaper

Children are faced with the need to write wall newspapers in kindergarten, at school, and in health camps. First of all, a wall newspaper should be information-rich and colorful. Don’t forget about the aesthetic component when designing this type of publication. To perfectly design a wall newspaper, you should know certain rules.


1 Come up with something interesting creative name for your wall newspaper. Form an editorial board.

2 Distribute the selection work required material, as well as on the design of a wall newspaper between members of the editorial board or all children.

3 If there are children in your team who compose poems or write articles (we are talking about older children), assign them topics to write their own creative works(sketches, essays, miniatures, poems, etc.). So, by publishing a wall newspaper for March 8, they can somehow in an original way (in poetic form or with the help of comic ditties) congratulate mothers, educators or teachers, parents and those girls who are next to them (in the same group kindergarten or in the same class).

4 Select design team members as well. These guys should be able to draw well or write beautifully. If small children do not yet know how to write, let them tell you out loud about their vision of the newspaper and their statements in it, all you have to do is write it all in your own hand.

5 Also appoint those who will be responsible for computer support (selection of necessary materials and illustrations via the Internet, possibly formatting text on a computer, etc.). Junior schoolchildren Nowadays they already know how to cope with this without difficulty.

6 Hold a meeting of the editorial board at which you will discuss all the collected material and their distribution in the wall newspaper. Keep in mind that in order for a wall newspaper to be successful and not be boring and uninteresting, you need to competently alternate illustrations or photographs with information material and various creative tasks (puzzles, crosswords, riddles, charades, etc.).

7 If you decide to decorate a wall newspaper for March 8, prepare photographs of mothers in advance, glue them to the wall newspaper and sign wishes for them and congratulations on the holiday under them. The wall newspaper will look very interesting and touching if, under the photographs, the children continue the phrase “My mother is the most...”

8 If the wall newspaper is dedicated to someone’s birthday, then invite the children to draw a flower with many bright petals, on which you can place photographs of all the children in the class or kindergarten group, and place an image of the birthday boy in the center. Ask everyone to say out loud or write on a wall newspaper a few words of wishes for him. Such a leaf is probably still for a long time will be in the most visible place of the birthday boy and will delight him, because he will remember that he has many true friends.

9 Don’t forget about aesthetics when decorating a wall newspaper; teach this to your children. Also explain to them the importance of being correct when presenting material and being careful and careful with the printed (or handwritten) word.

How to design a wall newspaper about the Russian language

A wall newspaper about the Russian language can be dedicated to Teacher's Day, the first of September, school olympiad. In its design you should not rely on generally accepted standards. Originality and brightness will attract much more attention from students.

You will need

    Whatman sheet;

    Modern youth magazines;

    Felt pens, colored pencils;

    Paints and brushes;




    Photos of students;

    Colored cardboard.


1 Before making a wall newspaper, think about the topics you want to cover in it. Ask students to write short essays and best works post it in the newspaper.

2 Title the wall newspaper. Come up with an original slogan, for example, “Writing correctly is cool!” Draw text in large letters in graffiti style. Ask high school students to help you. Among them there will definitely be at least one who can perfectly design the title.

3 Try to present the information you want to place on the wall newspaper, in simple language. If these are the rules, come up with funny examples. Cut out pictures from fashion magazines and paste them next to each other. Insert phrases from cult TV series.

4 Do not overload the wall newspaper with too serious information. This is enough in the textbooks. Find fun facts from the history of the Russian language. Give a decoding of ancient Slavic expressions. Write a short note about modern youth slang.

5 Paste the essays that the guys wrote on the topic of the wall newspaper between the main articles. You can make clippings, leaving only the most interesting sayings. Next to it, attach a photo of the students who composed these texts. This will attract huge attention of all schoolchildren.

6 On the remaining free spaces, stick the letters of the Russian alphabet, cut out of colored cardboard. Make them different sizes. Add symbols to pictures to make your wall newspaper look unusual.

7 Take paper glue. Apply it to whatman paper in several places. In any case, the main thing is that it does not fall into the texts. Sprinkle the wall newspaper with glitter. Now your creation will shine.

New Year's wall newspaper. Design ideas

What do they write about in the wall newspaper? About holidays, important events and dates. Wall newspapers are often published by school students. In military units, wall newspapers are called “Battle Leaflets”. And if some unexpected and important event occurs, “Lightning” appears on the wall.

In a wall newspaper, both content and decoration are important. First, a layout is created. Think about it on a regular sheet of paper, where you will have a title, notes, illustrations. It is very important that the composition of the entire wall newspaper is balanced - the headline is not too large, the notes are not too small. Now let's get to work.

1. Usually for a wall newspaper they take a sheet of Whatman paper in A1 format (several sheets can be used). The sheet is tinted using different methods. Sometimes they leave margins 2 centimeters wide so that the newspaper is visually different from the wall.

2. Mark the space for the heading.

4. In addition to drawings, they look impressive in a wall newspaper, for which you can use magazine illustrations and photographs.

5. Particular attention should be paid to the color scheme. Overly colorful newspapers tire the eye and distract from the content.

Key words

The title can be placed in different ways in relation to the text:

1. Above the text in one line, in two lines, in two lines with an offset.

2. Inside the text.

3. In a corner at an angle, diagonally, etc.

How to make a beautiful background

Take colored paper and try to tint it according to our sample.

1. Dip a dry brush into gouache and apply the tone with a poke.

2. Use a dry brush to make strokes.

3. Take paint on a toothbrush and spray it.

4. Dip your finger into the paint and touch it to the paper.

To make the New Year's newspaper meaningful, you can place the following in it: useful information:

- ;

- ;

- ;

- ;

- ;

You can place it in the newspaper .

To make the newspaper colorful and elegant, you can make voluminous elements on it or.

When decorating a New Year's newspaper, you can use New Year's coloring pages, which can be cut out, painted or made.

Creating a background

One of the most beautiful techniques– gradient fill. To make it by hand, you will need a sponge and gouache of the desired color. If you use two colors of gouache, then, accordingly, there are two sponges. We dilute the gouache with a small amount of water and, using a sponge, apply it to whatman paper with broad strokes from the edges to the center. We blur the boundaries of the transition from one color to another.deforms whatman paper, so (after complete drying) it can be ironed on the reverse side with a slightly warm iron.

It is important to choose the optimal concentration of gouache, since if there is too much, it will crack after drying, and if there is too little, the color will turn out “dirty.”

“Wet sheet” technique

How can you design a wall newspaper, for example, for March 8? To do this, you will need the same sponge, watercolors of harmonizing shades and a wide brush. Using a sponge, wet the Whatman paper clean water. Then we put a small amount of paint on the brush (after wetting it in water, there is no need to wring out the brush). Using a brush, we draw across whatman paper, drawing lines or simply putting dots. We do the same with watercolors of a different color. In this case, strange-shaped stains are formed. In the same way, you can decorate a wall newspaper for an anniversary or a wedding. Before proceeding with further work, the sheet must be dried and straightened.

"Pastel" and "Stencil"

Very beautiful background it turns out if you use the “Pastel” technique. In this case, replace the paint with colored pencils. We sharpen the pencil core so that the lead chips are as fine as possible. You can then additionally “crush” it with any flat object. Dip a piece of cotton wool into the resulting powder and apply it to the Whatman paper with sweeping movements. The powder will rub better if the Whatman paper is first rubbed, for example, with a rough eraser or fine pumice.

The same technique can be used for stencil painting. We cut out the necessary stencils from cardboard - these can be butterflies, flowers or letters. If the wall newspaper is dedicated to Valentine's Day, then hearts are perfect. We apply the stencil to whatman paper and apply pencil powder on top of it. The effect is simply amazing! This technique is ideal for decorating wall newspapers for children's parties, and the children themselves will be happy to take part in its creation.

Using watercolors, a toothbrush and a plastic comb you can create interesting speckles. Wet in water toothbrush, dip it in watercolor, and sharply draw it along the teeth of the comb, holding it over whatman paper.

How to design a wall newspaper is not a difficult question if you show a little imagination.

Every person needs information.
Children are no exception! They give no rest to anyone, harass poor parents with eternal questions"What do you mean why?" and why?".
But what peace parents find when their child suddenly takes up some activity of interest.
Nothing can captivate a little discoverer of the unknown like a children's newspaper!
The newspaper is a colorful, pleasant interlocutor with whom you will not be bored, where you will always find answers to questions that parents are sometimes unable to answer. And it’s also full of all sorts of tricks, games and just funny stories! And so that the child does not quickly get tired of this newspaper, you need to make it a lot of different sections and, of course, drawings, bright and funny. So you just need to put there relevant and extraordinary news, problems, stories about the lives of stars and, of course, about growing up, so that the child already understands what will come to replace a serene childhood... And it would be absolutely great if the editorial office’s telephone number was a telephone trust. Let's say a child gets bored, he dials his favorite newspaper and communicates with journalists. And then, who knows, maybe he himself will become a journalist. I think everyone would like my idea. Both the children have fun and the parents feel calm.
I thought and dreamed about such a newspaper for a long time that I decided to learn how to make a newspaper with my own hands.

Target: learn to create a school (classroom) wall newspaper as a “living” source of information.

Study different types of periodicities of publications;
Get acquainted with the publishing industry;
Familiarize yourself with the contents of the newspaper;
Learn how to create a newspaper;
Apply your knowledge in the educational process (in the life of the school);
Cover school events;
Develop skills in using a computer and programs for creating a newspaper;
Learn to create a newspaper as a source of information for teachers, students, and parents.

What is a newspaper?
A newspaper is a printed periodical, which is published under a permanent title and at least once a month.
The prototype of a newspaper is considered to be ancient handwritten news reports. Julius Caesar also began publishing “Acts of the Senate”, and then “Daily Public Acts of the People”. Roman newspapers were clay tablets on which chronicles of events were written.
The name "newspaper" comes from the name of a small Italian coin - ital. gazzetta (newspaper).
In the 16th century, for reading a daily public leaflet with information: messages about court life, trade news, messages from other cities, they paid one newspaper, that is, the smallest coin.
From the history of newspapers. The predecessors of newspapers are traditionally considered to be news reports distributed in Ancient Rome about events that took place in the city. Scrolls copied by hand were hung in squares and delivered to politicians or simply noble citizens. Roman newspapers were wooden tablets on which chronicles of events were written.
The world's first printed newspaper was the Capital Messenger, which began publishing in China in the 8th century. It contained the emperor's decrees and messages about major events. Newspapers were printed from boards on which hieroglyphs were cut out, covered with ink and impressions were made. This technology was extremely inconvenient, since the board quickly became unusable from frequent coating with paint.
Newspapers began to acquire their modern appearance in the 16th century.
Then the very name “newspaper” came into use - after the name of the small Italian coin gazzetta, which was usually paid for a handwritten news sheet in Venice.
It is believed that it was in this city that the first information collection bureaus were formed - prototypes news agencies(specialized information enterprises) - and the profession of “news writers” arose.
The year of birth of the European newspaper is considered to be 1605. The first edition appeared in Strasbourg, Germany. Its editor-publisher was typographer Johann Carolus, who had previously been involved in compiling handwritten newspapers. In January 1609, the first newspaper that has survived to this day was published in Germany. It contained news from Cologne, Antwerp, Rome, Venice, Vienna and Prague.
The first printed newspapers did not have a clearly defined name. The place of publication and the name of the editor-publisher were usually not indicated. The location of the news material depended not on the degree of importance of the event being described, but on the day the information was received. The news itself was practically not commented on and presented without any headings; political events were interspersed with not always reliable sensations.
The first Russian printed newspaper was the newspaper “Vedomosti about military and other affairs worthy of knowledge and memory that happened in the Moscow state and other surrounding countries,” which appeared in 1702 by decree of Emperor Peter I. The first surviving issue of this newspaper was published in Moscow on January 2 (13), 1703 (the anniversary of this date is celebrated as Day Russian press). Peter I did the proofreading himself. The newspaper was an eight-page sheet, almost without margins, in church font. Most of information was drawn from Dutch newspapers, and Peter I himself noted in pencil what needed to be translated for the newspaper. The Gazette was printed in 1000 copies. The selling price of the room was 2 kopecks.

Types and types of newspapers
All newspapers are divided:
according to the principle of territorial distribution and audience coverage: national, regional: republican, regional, regional; local: city, district; intra-corporate (addressed to employees of a certain organization); multi-circulation; professional;
by topic: general political, industry, sports, advertising and information, entertainment, mixed;
by age: children's, youth newspapers, newspapers for pensioners; newspapers for women; newspapers for men.
by frequency: daily (morning or evening), weekly, monthly; that is, newspapers are published according to a schedule established by the publisher;
by format: A4, Berliner (newspaper format intermediate between A3 and A2), A3, A2;
by design style: color, black and white, black and white with color inserts;
by quality: solid, popular, “yellow”;
by cost: paid, free.

Why do you need a newspaper?
The newspaper contains various information that helps in life. About idols - TV stars and musicians. About smoking, alcohol and drugs, to warn all people about the danger, to give some advice. There is information devoted to the problem of relationships between people, where readers would send letters with their questions and unresolved situations, and the newspaper helps solve them...
A newspaper can be read both at home and anywhere else, which is why they say that the newspaper is “mobile”.
The newspaper is intended for an indefinite circle of people; anyone can become a reader, therefore they say that the newspaper is accessible to the public.
Many laws, orders and decisions of government authorities come into force only after their official publication in the newspaper, so the newspaper is said to be official.
The newspaper is needed to keep people busy free time so that they not only watch TV or play on the computer, but can solve crossword puzzles and learn interesting stories from the life of the city and its individual residents. The newspaper should provide information about museums, theaters, clubs, etc. And write everything simple and in clear language. So that it really is for all people.

Wall newspaper. What is it and how to make it?
The wall newspaper is a purely Russian invention. No foreigner could have the brains to do this - to draw, write, draw and glue on a sheet of paper the size of a sheet, and then hang it on the wall for friends to see.
Let's try to give a definition - a wall newspaper is a newspaper that is made with your own hands, for your own purposes, manually and in one copy and without any strict rules.
Anything is possible in a wall newspaper.
It all started in the distant post-revolutionary years of the 20th century. Freedom, revolution, press - and that means every factory, every workshop, every school, every class could and did make their own newspaper.
You don’t need a printing press, you don’t need a staff of correspondents, just pencils, ink and glue. Wall newspapers are free creativity.
A few basic principles on how to make a wall newspaper:
1. Wall newspaper is a type of fine art folk art, by definition a large format newspaper. Whatman paper A1 is suitable. Two sheets of Whatman paper glued together with tape are even better. Usually dedicated to holidays or current events. Combines amateur activities in painting, poetry and the art of composing congratulatory texts. Wall newspapers are especially popular in general education organizations, where additional teaching load is expected.
2. Wall newspaper is “non-format”. You can and need everything in it - drawings, photographs, poems, diagrams. Anything as long as it is interesting and not boring.
3. A wall newspaper is a newspaper. It has a name, it is made of materials, it has a purpose. It is done for something and for someone. It doesn't happen "just like that."
4. Wall newspaper is handmade. And handmade work is sacred and highly valued. Those. Wall newspapers are NEVER thrown away. They are kept for a lifetime and then become heirlooms.
5. Than more people makes a wall newspaper, the more willingly they will read it later. A wall newspaper made by one person will be read by one person - the author of the newspaper.
6. A wall newspaper is always humorous, it’s always funny. If the wall newspaper is not funny, then you need to change the editor.
7. Wall newspaper means the relevance of the content.

How to make a wall newspaper?
You will need:
- Whatman paper, A1 format;
- colour pencils;
- double-sided tape or glue;
- scissors;
- buttons;
- colored paper.

A wall newspaper is a thematic, most often very colorful wall newspaper. Or rather, a large format sheet with drawings, poems and entertaining stories. Making a wall newspaper is quite simple, you just need to put in effort, ingenuity and a little imagination.
1. First of all, you need to make margins on the sheet, the width of which should be at least two centimeters. This is necessary so that the newspaper is visually separated from the wall.
2. Then the space for the title, number and date of issue, and the name of the issuing organization are marked. It’s a good idea to leave a little space between the title and body text so that they don’t merge.
3. Next, the area of ​​the wall newspaper needs to be marked for the materials that will be placed in it. It is advisable to alternate text materials and illustrations. The most interesting materials are placed in the center of the newspaper, less important ones - at the edges.
4. It is very important that the composition of the newspaper is balanced, that is, both parts should be filled equally.
5. It is better to print text materials on separate sheets and then paste them onto a newspaper.
6. If you need to highlight any material or combine several notes on the same topic, they can be surrounded by a frame or written on colored paper.
7. Of course, it is impossible to design a wall newspaper without photographs and drawings, but it is very important to place them as effectively as possible. It is advisable that the drawings be made by a professional.
8. Place the most important information in the center, highlighting it in a larger font. You can also vary the background of each section by printing it on paper different shades. If you plan to maintain permanent sections, use the same background, frames, and fonts for them.
9. An application for which you can use magazine illustrations looks impressive in a wall newspaper. But at the same time, you should take precautions so as not to overdo it with color spots.
10. Photographs in a wall newspaper are always interesting. They themselves attract attention, but an even better solution would be to place carefully cut-out images on some unusual background, or use a photograph as one of the elements of a large picture.
11. When decorating a wall newspaper, special attention should be paid to the color scheme. Overly colorful newspapers tire the eye and distract attention from the content.
12. Add at least one three-dimensional element to the wall newspaper. This could be a pocket in which information leaflets or flyers are inserted. If the wall newspaper is published in honor of any holiday, decorate it with voluminous flowers or origami figures.
13. You can draw attention to information not only with the help of colors and fonts. Place particularly interesting information completely outside the main sheet. For example, if one of the students is often late and constantly misbehaves, glue them in one line, roll them up and glue them to the bottom of the wall newspaper. Every reader will definitely pay attention to this element, unfold it and read it.
14. Glue the finished wall newspaper with double-sided tape or pin it with needles or pins to the wall or stand. Remember that the approach (access) to the wall newspaper must be free so that anyone can look at it.

Birthday is one of the most anticipated holidays. When preparing to congratulate someone, we look through an incredible number of websites, search all the stores in the area in search of the perfect gift. It must be original, unusual, atypical, memorable. Why not draw a birthday present? How about we replace simple postcard for a gift for a greeting card or poster?

Let's think together about how to draw a birthday poster, how to design it beautifully and what happy birthday greetings to place on it, especially since birthday posters are becoming increasingly popular.

Cool posters, funny cartoons, wall newspapers, handmade posters - a nice birthday gift, original congratulations- a guarantee of a wonderful mood for the birthday boy. Birthday poster can accommodate funny congratulations, poems, drawings, photographs.

What is needed for a greeting poster

To make a birthday poster we need very little, first of all this:

  1. Whatman.
  2. Pencils, paints, markers, pens.
  3. Scissors.
  4. Glue.

It is possible that photographs of the future birthday boy, old magazines, and printouts will also come in handy, depending on the idea of ​​the future wall newspaper with birthday wishes.

Speaking of the idea, before you draw a birthday gift in the form of such a large, unique postcard, take a small draft where you can sketch a future congratulation. Thus, we will simplify the design of the poster by thinking through its idea in advance.

Components of such a gift

  1. The inscription and its design.
    The most main phrase, undoubtedly, should be striking, bright, radiating good mood. How to register them? These letters can be diversified by doodling, drawing large letters, adding colors or other small parts, draw something like graffiti or make an applique for your birthday. The letters can be printed, cut out from colored paper or from magazines. Unusual and interesting!
  2. Background.
    The background should be no less bright, but not merge with the main letters, wishes and images. Watercolor will come to the rescue. A light layer of watercolor will dilute White background Whatman paper, and already on it you can place a wide variety of ideas.
  3. Congratulations.
    On a rough draft with a sketch, jot down a few funny words for the person celebrating the birthday, in poetic form, short phrases or long prose. If you doubt your writing skill good congratulations, look for them on the Internet in advance, print them out or copy them for yourself.

First of all, a birthday poster simply must be bright, which means that the use of dull, dark, cold colors should be minimized.

The poster will not require much effort, artistic skills, and interesting congratulations can be easily found on websites, where you will find more than one good idea what to draw for a birthday.

The first thing that comes to mind when thinking about creating a poster is a huge inscription Happy Birthday, placed at the top or in the center, in large in beautiful letters, voluminous bright. So, first of all, let's place the phrase in convenient location, first do this with a simple pencil. Armed with an eraser and a pencil, we can correct accidental blots and shortcomings.

Birthday Drawing Ideas

If you have no ideas or lack inspiration, then here are some tips on what you can draw for your birthday. Here's some help on how to design a birthday poster, but don't forget to add your own unique twist to the gift.

For artists

The first and simplest thing that can serve as an image on a poster are drawings, simple thematic drawings, these can be air balloons, boxes with gifts, image of the birthday boy or simple drawings, for example flowers, among which congratulations will be placed.

Congratulations can be printed and glued to a poster, or written by hand. If your posters feature balloons, why not put your greetings on the balloons. And if flowers, petals are a great idea to make any wish.

You can diversify such a poster with volume, for example, glue another drawn ball on top, when you lift it you can find a couple of warm words from you. The same can be done with flower petals and gifts. If you have several small envelopes, or you can fold them from paper yourself, then gluing the finished envelopes, putting a couple of nice lines in them, is a great idea.


Doubt your artistic skills? No problem. With a color printer, find beautiful images online! Print, cut out, and paste onto a future poster. Between them you can place the same printed congratulations.

Photos for the collage will be no less useful. Take yours general photos made in the most happy moments or for past holidays. Or photographs from childhood, they can be placed on the poster in the order in which the birthday person grew up. Funny and random photographs can also be used, of course, if the birthday person will not be offended, and you want to get cool posters.

Among the congratulations with such photographs, you can place a couple of phrases, the author of which is the person celebrating the birthday, which have become popular in your family/company.

Working on such a poster will not take much time, but it will be bright, attractive and original.

The sweet poster has become very popular now. Supermarkets are full of a variety of sweets, and those have the most unusual and original names that can be used with congratulations on a poster. Phrases such as “You and I are inseparable like Twix” or “Communicating with you is a heavenly pleasure” with a Baunty chocolate bar attached next to it will sound funny. Buy a couple of goodies by making up rough plan congratulations. Glue, sew, attach small sweets to whatman paper, using bright felt-tip pens to add the missing words to chocolates, sweets and lollipops.

To wish a happy birthday, you don’t need to have the talent of a poet, and drawing doesn’t have to be your strong point. Happy birthday posters are a timely way to express your congratulations.

Poster with birthday wishes is interesting, unusual and original gift, which does not take long, does not require much effort. However, it is very pleasant to receive such a congratulation, because it was made with your own hands, which indicates attention to the birthday person and his gift.

A hand-made New Year's wall newspaper for 2016 is a great opportunity to give a good mood to your friends and family on this bright holiday. Today we will conduct master classes and tell you how to make a bright holiday wall newspaper (poster) for a kindergarten or school using simple materials at hand. What if you decorate with funny New Year's drawings walls of your home office? Colleagues will definitely be delighted! So, let's get to work.

Wall newspaper for the New Year 2016: materials and tools

When designing any wall newspaper, it is important to harmoniously combine the main elements - the headline, texts of congratulations and poems, drawings, notes. It is better to highlight the main words with bright, catchy colors that immediately attract the attention of readers.

Before starting work, we stock up on:

  • Whatman paper - size A1
  • templates-drawings
  • pieces of flat foam plastic - thickness up to 5 mm
  • ceramic tiles - as a work surface
  • black marker
  • scissors
  • PVA glue
  • colored wax crayons
  • double-sided tape
  • stationery knife
  • satin ribbon
  • candy wrappers

How to draw a New Year's wall newspaper for 2016 Year of the Monkey - step-by-step instructions

  1. First, we find and print templates for New Year's items and characters. On thematic sites you can always find a lot of Christmas trees, Santa Clauses, Snow Maidens and Snowmen. Of course, you can choose a color option, but using a black and white blank format gives room to our imagination.

  2. The selected and printed blanks need to be cut out and placed on a sheet of whatman paper. Don't forget to mark the locations of individual parts using a marker.

  3. Remove the details from the sheet and use blue or wax chalk blue color make the background.

  4. We place the figures on pieces of dense foam and trace the outlines with a black marker. Now the parts can be removed and the internal details can be completed by hand.

  5. Pieces of foam plastic with drawn templates for the future wall newspaper should be laid out on the surface of the ceramic tile, and then carefully cut along the contour using a stationery knife. The resulting foam figures New Year's characters. Take a green wax crayon and trace the tree branches along the contour.
  6. Finely chop the colored candy wrappers into many shiny pieces.

  7. Let’s start “decorating” individual parts using glitter from candy wrappers. To decorate the Christmas tree, apply glue to its surface (except for the green outlines), and then “shower” it with shiny pieces. In the same way, only from blue sparkles, we “make” the clothing details for Father Frost and the Snow Maiden - hats, collars, mittens.

  8. We decorate the inscription “Happy New Year 2016” and other elements with colored crayons. All that remains is to glue it with double-sided tape individual parts to a sheet of Whatman paper and that’s it - the wall newspaper is ready for the New Year 2016 with your own hands. You can also use satin ribbons as decoration for the Christmas tree.

    But others original photos New Year's wall newspapers for 2016 in kindergarten or school:

    Let's look at another master class on creating a wall newspaper for the New Year 2016 with your own hands. We will need the following materials and tools:

    • A1 sheet of whatman paper
    • gouache or watercolor paints
    • PVA glue
    • tassel
    • colored paper
    • Toothbrush

    How to make a wall newspaper for the New Year 2016 with your own hands: step-by-step instructions

    Before starting work, you need to create a layout of the future wall newspaper. To do this, take a regular sheet of paper and mark the title, illustrations, and notes on its surface. Such preliminary preparation will allow us to assess the compliance of all elements in size and location. After all, it will be a shame if the title written in the final version turns out to be too large, and the notes are very small and unnoticeable against the general background.

    1. We apply a tone in the form of streaks, waves, snowflakes or small dots onto a sheet of whatman paper. The main thing is that the base does not “harm the eye” and is in calm shades - blue, light blue, yellow. You can leave 2 cm wide margins along the edges of the sheet.
    2. We mark out the main elements of the New Year's wall newspaper - the place of the heading, inscriptions, drawings. For example, the header position can be done different ways: above the text, on the side, diagonally, obliquely.

    3. You can make drawings for the New Year's wall newspaper for 2016 yourself using watercolor paints or gouaches. Applications from New Year's coloring pages, cut out and pasted onto a wall newspaper. All that remains is to paint it beautifully in “New Year’s” colors.

    4. Details made from colored paper can easily be made unusual and festive. We take a dry brush, dip it in gouache and “poke” the paint onto the paper. You can use a toothbrush for the same purpose.

    5. In the wall newspaper for the New Year 2016 we place interesting notes about the holiday - the names of Santa Claus in different countries, the history of the origin of the New Year and the Christmas tree, poems. The result is this cute creation:

    How to make a poster for the New Year 2016 with your own hands: step-by-step master class

    New Year's poster is a great opportunity to lift your spirits with a helping of good humor. What can you put on a poster? Drawings, applications, friendly cartoons, funny notes and photographs. Well, and of course, the symbol of 2016 - a cheerful Monkey!

    Necessary materials for work:

    • Whatman sheet
    • paints - watercolor or gouache
    • colored pencils or markers
    • ruler
    • scissors
    • photos of schoolchildren or work employees
    • New Year themed magazine clippings

    Posters for the New Year 2016 - step-by-step instructions

    1. We place all the elements of the poster on a sheet of whatman paper and then glue it.
    2. We create signatures, comments, notes for each image. New Year's poems own composition will become the highlight of your holiday poster.
    3. Coloring the sheet bright colors. However, do not forget about maintaining color harmony - catchy “screaming” shades may look too harsh in the overall composition.

    How to make a New Year's poster - 2016 with your own hands, video

    It’s not difficult to create a wall newspaper or poster for the New Year 2016 - just stock up on the most simple materials and tools. Beads, rhinestones, shiny paper, satin ribbons and sparkles will be excellent decorative elements. A little imagination - and the New Year's surprise is ready!

You will need

  • - Whatman paper;
  • - colour pencils;
  • - paints;
  • - brushes;
  • - sponge;
  • - toothbrush and comb;
  • - templates and stencils.


To make the wall newspaper stand out as a bright spot on the wall, you need to make the background colored. Design “romantic” issues with watercolors in the style of a wet leaf. Wet the Whatman paper with water using a clean sponge. Press the corners to prevent the sheet from curling. Dip your brush into water and pick up paint. Draw lines and put dots. Fancy stains form on a wet sheet. Change the paint so that the colors flow smoothly into each other.

You can find a use for old colored pencils. Remove the lead from the pencil and rub it on a sharpening stone. You will get colored powder, carefully collect it and pour it into clean empty jars or compartments in the palette. Dip cotton pads or balls into this powder and rub into a piece of paper in a circular motion. Combine color spots as you see fit.

To create your next wall newspaper background, you will need a toothbrush and a plastic comb. Mix watercolor with water in a separate jar, dip into the solution ( rich color) toothbrush. Run the bristles along the teeth of the comb so that the paint is splashed across the entire sheet of whatman paper. Let the previous one dry before applying another coat.

If you only have colored pencils at your disposal, you can design the background as a canvas. But only fairly thin paper is suitable for this technique. Take a piece of fabric with a pronounced texture (burlap, matting) and place it under the sheet. Use colored pencils to stroke the paper to reveal the structure. Use similar colors for a more natural feel, such as blue and light blue or brown and beige.

Buy a set of stencils to quickly create lots of flowers, hearts or stars that can be applied with different colors of paint. Use different figures, silhouettes and toys to make the design of your wall newspaper original. You can also cut out the desired shape from cardboard. Hold the model on a piece of whatman paper so that it does not move. Rub colored powder around it with a cotton ball or sprinkle thick paint with a toothbrush. You will end up with a white figure with a colored cloud around it.

Try making your own stamps and seals from . Cut the tuber in half and cut out some shapes on these parts. Dip your homemade stamp into gouache and apply it to the wall newspaper. Paint colors can be mixed.

Using these techniques, you can quickly and beautifully design the release of a leaflet that is beloved by all your colleagues.


  • Design of wall newspapers. Useful tips
  • how to decorate posters

In order to create an original whatman and give the future wall newspaper a special style, you need to use all your imagination and don’t be shy creative ideas. Bold design decisions whatman It will allow you to make your work stand out from the rest, and the use of available materials will help you recommend yourself as a worthy craftsman with an original design style.

You will need

  • Whatman paper, gouache, pencils, felt-tip pens, photographs, colored paper, ribbons, fabrics, cereals and other materials for creating texture.


Decide on your topic. If the newspaper is intended to highlight scientific achievements, a strict statement of facts, then when designing it would be appropriate to use photographs of the winners (awards, as well as images of associative images associated with scientific achievement or victory).

Use available materials to decorate your wall newspaper. For example, for variety, you can make an interesting texture for a wall newspaper. To do this, use (wheat cereal and other available means): apply to whatman glue, occupying the desired area, and pour cereal on top of the glue. Let the glue dry. Afterwards, shake off any excess cereal with whatman A.

Come up with an original (catchy) name for your newspaper and design it creatively. To do this, take or draw layouts of your letters on colored paper and carefully cut them out from colored paper or fabric. If this idea seems too time-consuming to you, design the title of the newspaper by drawing the title or using felt-tip pens ().

Use for decoration whatman and a variety of ribbons, decorative ropes, fabric. Such materials will help create a special style for your future wall newspaper. You can use fabric (for example, or) glued to reverse side whatman a, change (round) the shape whatman and, set the right mood for your wall newspaper. So, an ordinary mesh will add romanticism - extravagance and originality.


When preparing whatman paper, initially think through your work strategy. Define a style and follow it throughout creative process. It is better to use a pencil and make the necessary sketches. Otherwise, you risk ruining both the material and the mood.

Helpful advice

If you decide to use cereals to decorate the paper, a combination of several textures will look more original. For example, you can combine wheat cereal and semolina. In this case, you can color the resulting textures different colors(using gouache).


Wall newspaper as a type of communication in any team has undeservedly lost its relevance compared to the last decades last century. However, today, with the help of a wall newspaper, you can rally staff, inform employees or classmates about the most important events and activities, or simply create interesting element corporate culture.

You will need

  • - Paper;
  • - colored paper;
  • - photos;
  • - felt-tip pens.


Think carefully about what information you want to present in the wall newspaper. First of all, it depends on its purpose. If this is a regular publication in your team, you can make several permanent sections and fill the rest of the space depending on the occasion. Keep in mind that readers are unlikely to linger too long in front of the wall newspaper. Therefore, the information provided should be concise, clear and preferably witty.

Take a thick sheet of A1 paper and divide it into several conditional zones. Place the name at the top in the middle to attract attention. Make frames to highlight the rubrics, as well as one large frame around the perimeter of the sheet.

Place the most important information in the center, highlighting it in a larger font. You can also vary the background of each section by printing it on different shades of paper. If you plan to maintain permanent sections, use the same background, frames, and fonts for them.

In each section, add a photo or image related to the topic. Dry text will be much more difficult to read. Use, create interesting ones on your computer using graphic editors.

You can draw attention to information not only with the help of colors and fonts. Place particularly interesting information completely outside the main sheet. For example, if one of the employees is often late and constantly explains, glue them in one line, roll them up and stick them at the bottom of the wall newspaper. Every reader will definitely pay attention to this element, unfold it and read it.

It is not difficult to draw a wall newspaper on mathematics; it is difficult to appropriately use all the material you have and place it in the correct sequence. If you show a little imagination, skill and knowledge, your wall newspaper on mathematics will turn out to be interesting and educational.

You will need

  • - whatman paper in A1 or A2 format;
  • - pencils;
  • - felt-tip pens;
  • - paints;
  • - glue;
  • - scissors.


Determine a location for the newspaper's name. If this is a regular wall newspaper, please indicate the date and serial number. If a wall newspaper has permanent symbols, it should be displayed to the left of the newspaper name. The name of the newspaper can be located not only in the center; it is important that it stands out with the size of the font and the brightness of the letters. If you like the design of the layout, it’s time to start the main work.

Take a sheet of A1 or A2 format. Write or draw the name of the newspaper. The name of the newspaper depends on what age it is intended for. If it is “Fun Counting” or “Learn to Count”, for older students “Cognitive Science” or “Math for You”.

Print out all the materials that you plan to place in your wall newspaper and place them on the sheet. You will immediately see all the advantages and disadvantages of the newspaper. Each material must have its own place and be separated from other material by at least a couple of centimeters, otherwise everything will merge into the general background. First decide where the main materials and designs will go, and only then arrange everything else.

Be sure to highlight with frames or headbands those places in the wall newspaper that are most important for perception. Many interesting materials will not be noticed if they are poorly designed. Use photographs and drawings, they will help diversify your wall newspaper and make it more colorful.


Don't overload newspapers with notes and drawings.

Helpful advice

Use paper cut into geometric shapes as a basis for notes.

Children are faced with the need to write wall newspapers in kindergarten, at school, and in health camps. First of all, a wall newspaper should be information-rich and colorful. Don’t forget about the aesthetic component when designing this type of publication. In order to perfectly design a wall newspaper, you should know certain rules and follow the recommendations of people who know a lot about this matter.


If there are guys in your team who compose poetry or write articles (we are talking about older people), assign them topics for writing original creative works (sketches, essays, miniatures, poems, etc.). So, graduating by March 8, they can somehow original (in poetic form or with the help of jokes) congratulate mothers, educators or teachers, parents and those who are next to them (in the same kindergarten group or in the same group).

Select design team members as well. These guys should be able to draw well or write beautifully. If small children do not yet know how to write, let them tell you out loud about their vision of the newspaper and their statements in it, all you have to do is write it all in your own hand.

Also appoint those who will be responsible for computer support (selection of necessary materials and illustrations via the Internet, possibly formatting text on a computer, etc.). Younger schoolchildren nowadays already know how to cope with this without difficulty.

Hold a meeting of the editorial board at which you will discuss all the collected material and their distribution in the wall newspaper. Keep in mind that in order to be successful and not be boring and uninteresting, you need to competently alternate illustrations or photographs with information material and various creative tasks (puzzles, crosswords, riddles, charades, etc.).

If you decide to decorate a wall newspaper for March 8, prepare photographs of mothers in advance, glue them to the wall newspaper and sign wishes for them and congratulations on the holiday under them. The wall newspaper will look very interesting and touching if, under the photographs, the children continue the phrase “My mother is the most...”

If the wall newspaper is dedicated to someone, then invite the children to draw a flower with many bright petals, on which you can place photographs of all the children in the class or kindergarten group, and place an image of the birthday boy in the center. Ask everyone to say out loud or write on a wall newspaper a few words of wishes for him. Such a piece of paper will probably be in the most visible place of the birthday boy for a long time and will delight him, because he will remember that he has many true friends.