Drawing for February 23rd for dad to a fireman. Simple card for dad

In anticipation Defender of the Fatherland Day the relevance of the issue increases significantly. The most valuable gift for men will be something made from the heart, with their own hands. In this article we will tell you How to make your own postcard for February 23rd.

The main thing in the article

Postcards for February 23rd for kindergarten made of paper: photo ideas and instructions for implementation

In kindergarten, children are just beginning to develop creative skills. Homemade holiday cards for dads, grandfathers or brothers can be for kids. Depending on the age of the children, you can offer the following gift cards that the children can make themselves.

For the little ones
The little ones can give their dads a painted card. This can be brush strokes with different colors or finger painting. Postcards with a baby's palm are popular. The main thing is that the teacher or mother signs the child’s creativity, and the baby will be happy to present the handmade gift to dad.
For the middle group
Children from the middle group not only draw, but can also handle glue, so they can be offered to make an applique as a gift for February 23rd. If the kids have already learned how to use scissors, then let them cut out the details for the future card themselves. If they do not yet have such skills, then prepare the necessary preparations for the composition in advance. The applique can be folded into the shape of a rocket, ship, tank or car.

For the older group
Children from the older group can prepare different postcards for February 23rd. The following options will look great:

  • Drawn postcard.

  • Application.

  • Creativity using semolina, which is glued on and painted in different shades.

  • One of the new directions is compositions from napkins.

Any of the options will look great and will discreetly please the defender of the fatherland, who will receive such a homemade postcard as a gift.

Postcards for Defender of the Fatherland Day to school: photo instructions

We invite elementary school students to make postcards in the form of medals. They can be simple or complex using many elements.

Simple gift medal
We prepare the following tools and necessary materials:

  • medal template;
  • decorative parts;
  • colored pencils or paints;
  • scissors;
  • lanyard or ribbon for medal.

Medal for February 23rd using origami technique
To make such a gift you need:

  • colored cardboard;
  • green colored paper in two shades;
  • scissors;
  • glue (preferably in a pencil);
  • lace or ribbon.

How to make a postcard for dad with your own hands: templates and photos

You can make a postcard for your beloved dad with. The idea is original and not difficult to implement, so even a child can cope with making such a gift.

To work you need to have:

  • colored cardboard;
  • paper (blue, red, white);
  • scissors;
  • ruler;
  • glue, for children it is better to take it in a pencil.

Now you need to make the following preparations:

How to make a three-dimensional postcard for February 23?

There is nothing complicated about gluing a three-dimensional postcard. Let us describe its step-by-step production. The main element of the postcard will be the boat. For a three-dimensional boat, you should prepare blue colored cardboard. This will be the base. Next, fold a sheet of white paper in half and make a boat using the template.

Line designation:
________ - lines for cutting;
_ _ _ _ _ _ - lines for folding.
For decoration you can use the following templates.

Now all that remains is to decorate the resulting card by gluing the prepared decor.

A gift card can have any three-dimensional element. So, for example, you can make an interesting option with an airplane.

Applique postcards for February 23: manufacturing instructions

For an appliqué postcard you need to prepare the following:

  • colored cardboard, which will be the basis of the postcard;
  • colored paper;
  • glue;
  • scissors.

Now to the work process:

You can also make another applique with a boat.

Postcard-shirt for February 23: how to make it yourself?

There are many options for folding a card-shirt. Its production is not limited to color. The photo below shows two ways to fold such an unusual card as a paper shirt.

Funny cards for February 23: photo ideas

Postcards with congratulations for Defender of the Fatherland Day

Children's cards for February 23

A child can give his dad or grandfather a hand-made congratulations card. A postcard with a tank is perfect for children. To make it you will need:

  • cardboard base;
  • colored paper;
  • scissors;
  • glue stick.

Initially, you need to print stencils for the tank.

Transfer the details (elements) onto colored paper according to the template. Let the child cut them out. The parts of the tank need to be glued onto pre-prepared cardboard. The postcard is ready! You can also use felt or any other suitable material.

How to make a video card for February 23?

Today, even a schoolchild can make a video card for February 23rd. All you need is a phone with a camera.

A video postcard can be:

  • in the form of changing pictures or photographs accompanied by a song;
  • just a recorded video with congratulations.

After such a postcard is completed, it can be recorded on a flash drive, which can be presented to the defender of the fatherland, or it is quite possible to send such a congratulation through social networks.

Making beautiful cards for men for Defender of the Fatherland Day: video

Celebrated annually on February 23, it is a holiday of all men who defended their homeland or were ready to take up arms to defend it. In the post-Soviet space, it also has historical significance, serving as a day of honor for all the heroes who fought in the Great Patriotic War against the fascist invaders.
That is why the educational system in preschool and school educational institutions pays special attention to this day. The celebration of February 23 is intended to instill in the modern generation respect for the dedication and heroism of the soldiers who gave us all a peaceful sky above our heads.

Traditionally, on this day, children make homemade items for military men and male relatives: crafts, molded figurines, drawings. As a rule, guys don’t even think about what they can draw for February 23, because the drawing is born on its own, from the heart. As practice shows, boys most often draw a tank, and girls - a ship. And don’t be surprised if the ship suddenly turns out to be pink, or, for example, a tank, plane and steamship are nearby - the imagination of a preschool child is limitless.

But for older children, drawing a picture for dad on February 23rd is a little more difficult. Firstly, the child does this consciously. He is more informed and feels responsible for the image resulting from his efforts. Therefore, adults should explain to the schoolchild what is the meaning of each component of the image on February 23rd. In this article we will look at the elements inherent in the Defender of the Fatherland Holiday and explain their meanings. And how to arrange them in the drawing will be decided by the artist himself.

Military equipment

An airplane, a tank or a warship - this is what you can draw for February 23 as the main element. Indeed, without the military power of the Soviet Union there would have been no Great Victory, so all this will be appropriate.

Five pointed star

A five-pointed star of red or yellow color is one of the symbols of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. This sign was present on military uniforms and military equipment.

Under scarlet banners with a yellow star, the soldiers rushed into battle. And such a flag was hoisted over the Reichstag when Berlin was captured by Soviet troops. Therefore, the five-pointed star in the picture suggests that we remember to whom exactly we owe the victory over the Nazis. So it is advisable to draw a postcard for February 23 with this element. The star can be placed on military equipment, in the form of an order or an independent element.

St. George Ribbon

Order blocks for the medals “For the Capture of Berlin” issued to soldiers of the Great Patriotic War were covered with the St. George ribbon. Therefore, it symbolizes admiration for the courage and bravery of those who participated in the hostilities. The ribbon consists of stripes of two colors alternating with each other: black and orange.

There are many ways to depict the St. George ribbon in the picture. Younger children can draw a poster for February 23rd or a postcard and frame it with St. George's ribbon so that it forms a rectangle. You can draw it horizontally, vertically, crosswise - in general, in a straight line, so that it is not too complicated. High school students can design the ribbon in the form of a loop or in the form of waves blowing in the wind - here you can get really creative.


Flowers are a universally recognized sign of love and respect. Therefore, the presence of flowers in a drawing dedicated to February 23 is very desirable. As a rule, pictures for Defender of the Fatherland Day are decorated with scarlet carnations. Why? The fact is that this flower has long been considered a symbol of courage and the desire for justice, the triumph of a just cause over evil. Whatever way the child decides to draw a card for February 23rd: with pencils, paints or felt-tip pens, a bouquet of carnations will look wonderful on it. Well, even a preschooler can handle the process of depicting a bouquet.

Of course, what can be drawn for February 23 is not limited to the four elements we have described. We are sure that your child is talented enough to add his own flavor to the drawing. The main thing is that the image is located in a location that is possibly illuminated by the sun's rays. After all, it is thanks to the Great Victory that there is a peaceful sky above our heads today!

Useful tips

Handmade cards are always a pleasure to give and receive. By February 23rd you can prepare several different cards and crafts made with your own hands. You can make them yourself or with your children and give them to your dad, grandfather, uncle, friend, colleague.

Today, the holiday of February 23 has ceased to simply be a holiday for military personnel. On Defender of the Fatherland Day congratulations to all beloved men.

To make a card or gift, you need to prepare a few details, but first you need to think about the design, about what exactly you would like to do.

In this master class you will learn how to make several types of cards and do-it-yourself gifts.

DIY crafts for February 23rd. Origami shirt

Video Lesson (underneath is a diagram in pictures)

To make a paper shirt you will need rectangular sheet of paper any color.

You can also choose shirt size. When choosing a size, you need to consider several details: the ratio of the length and width of the rectangle is 2:1; The sides of the shirt after assembling it will be 2 times smaller than the sides of the rectangle.

* You can first try folding an origami shirt using a regular sheet. Thus, you will learn where and how you can avoid mistakes when making a direct gift.

1. First you need to fold the rectangle in half, but along and not across. Next, you need to unfold and fold the edges of the paper towards the middle (see picture).

3. Prepare your sheet face down again. Fold the corners again to the fold lines you just made. No need to bend those little corners this time.

4. Now bend the upper part of the sheet with the folded corners in the part of the paper where the edge of the sheet intersects with the fold lines of the corners.

5. The next thing to do is to fold two ribs to the middle of your paper shirt and make sleeves (see picture), while holding the ribs with the finger of one hand.

6. You've done the sleeves and now it's time to move on to the collar. You may have already guessed that you need to start making the collar from the other end of the folded rectangle. To do this, fold the bottom edge of the sheet so that the collar is approximately 2 times shorter than the sleeve.

7. Turn the folded sheet over and make the corners of the collar.

8. Finally, fold the resulting sheet so that the edge aligns with the sleeves and collar. Straighten the corners of the collar and use glue to secure them.

You have made the base of the shirt. Move on to decoration. Add buttons. You can also add a corner of a handkerchief, a bow tie or a tie.

Scheme on how to make a paper tie for your shirt:

Using an origami shirt as a base, you can easily decorate your card. You can make a large shirt and use it separately as a gift.

You can also make several small shirts in different colors and attach them to one card.

On any holiday, the most important gift is a reminder that the man you love is important to you. For this purpose, a gift made with your own hands is what you need.

DIY frame-card for February 23

And if you are not inclined to knitting, then you can prepare such a colorful postcard frame, which not only looks original, but is also very simple to make. In principle, anyone can make such a frame.

You will need:

Wooden photo frame size 10x15

* It is better to choose white color. And if you have a dark frame, you can repaint it light using white acrylic paint and a sponge.

Colour pencils

Hot glue gun

* It can be replaced with transparent strong-hold adhesive.

Colored paper (in the shape of a square), for making a boat or airplane.

1. Prepare a light frame and select colored pencils of the desired size.

*To paint a frame with white acrylic paint, dip a sponge in the paint and carefully apply evenly to the frame. Next, leave the frame to dry.

* Pencils need to be selected so that they look beautiful on the frame.

2. Glue the pencils to the frame using a hot glue gun.

3. Draw a postcard and make a boat that needs to be glued onto the postcard, which in turn should be glued to the frame.

Cool congratulations on February 23

Men also like sweets, and therefore chocolates can be prepared and beautifully decorated.

You will need:

Wooden skewers

Colored paper

Double sided tape

Multi-colored thick cotton threads

PVA glue

Two chocolates in a wrapper


Side cutters for cutting skewers

1. To make a sail, you need to cut out an isosceles triangle from paper with sides equal to 10 cm and a base of 12 cm.

2. Fold the triangle in half and insert a piece of skewer into its fold. Make sure that the end of the skewer protrudes just 1cm above the sail.

3. Now you need to glue the structure using PVA glue.

4. Apply double-sided tape along the entire length of the chocolate bar.

5. On the other side of the tape, remove the protective film and glue the mast with the sail as shown in the picture.

* The mast must be pressed between two chocolates.

* You can decorate the mast using colored paper flags!

Congratulations to the boys on February 23. Photo frame "Order"

With this gift you can reward your hero for all his achievements. This handmade order is suitable not only for an adult man, but also for a little boy. And most importantly, he will be pleased.

You will need:

Cork stand for hot dishes

Thin plexiglass

Satin ribbon (color blue, width 4cm)

Cardboard (thick paper)

Metal ring (2pcs)

Acrylic paint (gold color)

Colored paper

Eyelet 0.4cm, 1 piece (you can do without it)

PVA glue

Glue gun


1. Using PVA glue, prime the cork hotplate and paint over it using gold acrylic paint.

2. From cardboard or thick paper, cut out an eight-pointed star of such a size that the cork stand will fit as shown in the picture.

3. The star now needs to be covered with two layers of acrylic paint.

4. Use a glue gun to join the stand and star together. In this case, the recess in the stand should be on the outside.

5. Prepare plexiglass and cut out a circle from it, the diameter of which should be 0.1 cm larger than the diameter of the stand. This way you will ensure good fixation of the plexiglass in the photo frame.

6. Using a universal punch, make a hole in one of the arms of the star.

7. Insert the eyelet, which also needs to be secured, using the same punch, but with a special attachment for installing eyelets. Insert a metal ring into the hole.

8. Prepare a satin ribbon, thread it through the ring and make a bow.

9. Now you need to glue the second metal ring on the back side. It will be needed for fastening.

10. It's time to decorate the rays with triangular elements made from colored paper.

DIY gift for February 23rd. Keychain - shoulder strap.

In this master class you can learn how to make a military attribute with your own hands and give it to a man. Namely, you will learn how to make a felt keychain with embroidery as decoration.

You will need:

Burgundy felt (thickness 0.1cm)

Green felt (thickness 0.5cm)

Floss threads (different colors)

Copy paper

Eyelets 0.4cm (quantity 2 pcs)

Ring with chain (as part of a keychain)

Universal punch

1. Find a drawing of a soldier. Use transfer paper to transfer the design onto the felt.

2. Slowly pull the felt onto the hoop. Use the “simple double-sided satin stitch” technique and try to embroider a picture on felt. Next, you need to remove the hoop and cut out the image, leaving an allowance of 1.5 cm.

3. Prepare green felt and cut out 2 pieces from it in the shape of a small shoulder strap (both should be the same size). Now you need to make holes on both parts. To do this, you need to install the nozzle on the punch and punch.

Use a special attachment to secure the eyelets. You can also try to process this hole manually - just wrap the edges with threads of a suitable tone.

4. Using a hidden seam, it is tedious to sew felt with embroidery to one of the blanks made of green felt.

5. As for the other workpiece, here you need to make a slot in the form of a window.

6. For now, fold all the pieces and sew by hand using an over-the-edge stitch.

7. The top part needs to be decorated. To do this, sew it with red threads.

8. Insert a chain with a ring into the hole.

Postcard for February 23rd using quilling technique

You will need:


Simple pencil


Quilling tool (can be replaced with a toothpick or awl)

Quilling paper

If you don't know about quilling, then watch two short video lessons on quilling for beginners.

Quilling for beginners (video)

1. Bend a piece of paper so that one half is longer than the other.

2. Using a simple pencil, mark the numbers 23 (see picture). You can simply draw numbers and cut them out, or you can cut strips from which you can then carefully fold the number 23.

3. Prepare quilling paper. Make blanks - twist the spiral using a toothpick.

4. Glue the quilling elements to your card.

5. Glue the number 23 on top.

6. You can decorate the card a little more, for example, by adding a red star, made using the quilling technique, or simply cutting it out of paper.

DIY postcard for February 23

You will need:

Colored paper (color: brown, red, golden)


Glue (can be replaced with double-sided tape)


1. Make a blank by folding thick paper in half, drawing and cutting out a place for the star. You can print out an image of a star, cut it out, trace it on the blank, and then cut out the star on the blank itself.

2. Using scissors, you need to cut out the outline of the card, as well as the star on the front side. Next, fold the card in half.

3. Prepare a sheet of red paper and cut out a star from it. We need to make the star three-dimensional. To do this, bend the “ears” for gluing inward. In this case, the star itself must be bent so that its outer ribs go outward, and the inner ones, on the contrary, inward.

* You can use scissors to secure the ribs and prevent them from straightening out.

4. Use glue to attach the star inside the hole you made on the front of the card.

5. Now we need to decorate the card a little. To do this, prepare a golden sheet of paper and cut out a small star, as well as vertical and horizontal stripes.

Glue these elements of the card to the front side, namely in the places marked with a dotted line.

Postcard ideas for February 23 (video)

Poems from February 23

  • Congratulations to you today
  • From February 23
  • This holiday is very significant
  • And it was not invented in vain.
  • May your spirit be healthy,
  • You are the defenders of the country!
  • Be a strong support for her
  • And they are always faithful in everything!
  • You are a man, which means you are a protector!
  • Your family hearth and peace,
  • Like a strong granite wall,
  • You protect yourself from adversity.
  • Be wise - a mind to match a man.
  • Wisdom is more precious than a crown.
  • Not the sage who is of higher rank,
  • The one with the higher rank is the one who is wise.
  • I want to congratulate my beloved
  • I'm happy February 23rd,
  • I can't leave you -
  • You are my best.
  • Congratulations, beloved husband,
  • Happy February 23rd!
  • Always be undaunted
  • And also - love me.
  • Bogatyrsky health,
  • Many fun days
  • And have a fun feast,
  • And decent friends!

Every year in Russia and a number of other countries, Defender of the Fatherland Day is celebrated on February 23, a beloved and long-awaited holiday by many. According to historical data, the original idea of ​​the Soviet government was to establish Red Army and Navy Day on this date. However, over time, February 23 lost its original meaning and from a “military holiday” turned into a generally recognized holiday for all men. On this February day, the strongest half of humanity receives the most sincere congratulations with wishes of good luck, health and happiness. Women prepare delicious treats and gifts for their courageous “other” halves, and children learn beautiful poems and songs on a military theme. In addition, many fathers and grandfathers receive a drawing as a gift for February 23 from their beloved child or grandson. As a rule, these drawings depict the symbolic attributes of the holiday in different variations - whatever a child’s imagination suggests! How to draw a beautiful picture for February 23? Today we will conduct several step-by-step master classes with photos and videos on creating a drawing for February 23 with a pencil or paints. With patience and perseverance, with the help of our step-by-step lessons you will be able to master the drawing technique. Ready-made children's drawings can be sent to a kindergarten or school - to a competition or exhibition in honor of Defender of the Fatherland Day. So let's get started!

Beautiful pencil drawing for February 23rd in kindergarten, step-by-step master class with photos

Defender of the Fatherland Day is an excellent occasion to please your dad or grandfather with a symbolic gift. In kindergarten, on the eve of the holiday, children draw beautiful drawings on a military theme, carefully drawing on paper all kinds of tanks with stars, airplanes, ships and brave soldiers in “protective” uniforms. We offer you to take a step-by-step master class with photos and draw a tank with a pencil - even a novice painter of kindergarten age can easily cope with the lesson. By carefully following our recommendations, you can create an original drawing for February 23rd as a gift for your dad, older brother or grandfather.

Materials and tools for drawing in kindergarten by February 23:

  • A4 paper - sheet
  • simple pencil
  • set of colored pencils for drawing
  • eraser

Step-by-step instructions for a master class on drawing for February 23 in pencil, with photos:

That's it, our beautiful drawing for February 23 is ready! You can put it up for a themed children’s drawing competition in kindergarten or “hide” it for dad on Defender of the Fatherland Day.

How to draw a drawing for a school competition by February 23, step-by-step description, photo

As February 23 approaches, many schools begin to prepare for this significant event. Concerts with patriotic songs, dances and poems, solemn congratulatory speeches, sports competitions, meetings with veterans - the festive program for Defender of the Fatherland Day is extremely extensive. In addition, on February 23, children's drawing competitions are held, in which the best works of students from different classes take part. How to draw a drawing on a military theme for February 23? With the help of our step-by-step description with photos, the drawing process will become simple and understandable - we are sure that such a masterpiece of fine art will take its rightful place at a school competition.

List of materials for children's drawings for the school competition on February 23:

  • paper
  • simple pencil
  • compass
  • ruler
  • colored pencils for coloring

Step-by-step description of a drawing on the theme “Defender of the Fatherland Day” for a competition at school:

Drawing for February 23rd with paints step by step for children, master class on video

Defender of the Fatherland Day is just around the corner - it's time to prepare gifts for your beloved men! With our step-by-step master class on video for children, everyone can easily draw a touching picture with paints and please their dad, brother or grandfather on their holiday.

Ekaterina Elkina

Target: teach children to draw portrait of a man(dads) by memory.

The task is to develop observation skills, the ability to notice the characteristic features of a person’s face (dads) and convey them through drawing (shape, proportions).

Material: landscape sheets of paper, gouache, watercolor paints of different colors, brushes, cups of water, wax crayons.

GCD move:

The day of our army has come,

There is no one stronger than her in the world!

Hello, defenders of the people!

Hello Russian army!

What holiday is the poem talking about? (23 February- Defender of the Fatherland Day).

Whose holiday is this? (all men: grandfathers, fathers; We also congratulate the boys, because they are the future defenders of our army).

We have only one holiday.

This holiday is Men's Day!

Day of Defenders, soldier.

There will be a parade on this day!

We'll see helicopters

Guns, tanks, planes.

We will march with military stride

Under a big beautiful flag.

Let's read the congratulations,

Let's sit on daddy's lap.

There are many men in the army,

And there is only one like him!

Do you want to please your dads with gifts? (Yes).

Then I suggest you, as a gift to dads, draw them portraits.

Look at the sequence of actions

1) Draw an oval in the middle of the sheet (face). For this let's mix: white gouache with yellow, and add a little red.

2) Then, with the same paint, draw the ears and neck.

3) Draw the eyebrows and nose (make the same paint as for the face, only darker; to do this, add a little brown gouache to the main mixed paint).

4) The most interesting stage is coming work: drawing eyes, lips, hair, etc.

We draw the eyes first with white gouache, then with brown watercolor paint (you can use both green and blue paints, depending on the color of the eyes dads) - circles in the middle, then black pupils.

Using a thin brush we draw in the eyelashes.

Finishing the hair with strokes (color - brown, black, red, etc.).

Draw the mouth with pink paint.

Finish drawing a shirt or T-shirt for dad (children choose color).

Draw a mustache, beard (if there is).

What wonderful ones you turned out portraits!

After drawing, I talked to each child individually and asked 3 questions.

1) what is your dad's name

2) what does he like to do?

3) how old is your dad

The children's answers were funny! Quotes from children about dads attached to portraits and made an exhibition. When viewing the exhibition, parents had positive emotions.

Publications on the topic:

“Come on, dads.” Scenario of a sports festival for February 23 in the middle group SCENARIO OF A SPORTS HOLIDAY IN A MIDDLE GROUP, DEDICATED TO FEBRUARY 23 “Come on, dads!” Goal: to expand children’s understanding of the state.

Summary of direct educational activities in the second junior group “Gift for Dad on February 23” Summary of direct educational activities in the second junior group on the topic: “A gift for dad on February 23.” Group: second.

Summary of a lesson in fine arts in the senior group (drawing) “Portrait of my dad” Goal: to encourage children to convey their attitude, their feelings towards loved ones in the image, to cultivate a desire to talk about them. Tasks:.

Summary of the lesson on visual arts in the preparatory group “Portrait of the Pope” Yulia Dmitrievna Summary of the lesson on visual arts in the preparatory group Topic: “Portrait of the Pope” 1. Integration of educational.

The children of the early age group "Kapitoshka" drew these unusual portraits for their beloved dads. Kids love to draw with paints.

Project for the preparatory group “Learning to draw a portrait of mom and dad” Short-term project for artistic and aesthetic development “Learning to draw a portrait of mom and dad” Goal: teach children to draw portraits.

Entertainment script for children and parents for February 23 in the middle group “This is what our dads are like” Entertainment for children and parents on February 23 in the middle group: “This is what our dads are like.” Educator. Kazaryan Yulia Yurievna Purpose: to introduce.