Happy New Year Tsvetaeva. New Year's Eve (Tsvetaeva)

Marina Tsvetaeva. Collected works in 7 volumes. Volume 3. Book 1. Poems. Poems - fairy tales Terra, "Book Shop - RTR" Moscow 1997 5-300-01389-7, 5-300-01284-X

Marina Tsvetaeva

New Year's


Happy New Year - light - edge - shelter!

First letter to you on the new one

– Misunderstanding that the cereal -

(Green - ruminant) loud place, sonorous place

Like Aeolian empty tower.

First letter to you from yesterday,

On which I will wear out without you,

Motherland, now with one of

Stars... The law of departure and lights out,

According to which anyone's favorite

And the never-before-seen.

Tell me how I found out about yours?

Not an earthquake, not an avalanche.

A person entered - any - (favorite -

You). - The most regrettable of events.

– In News and in Days. - Will you give me the article?

- Where? - In the mountains. (Window in spruce branches.

A sheet.) - You don’t see the newspapers, do you?

So an article? - No. - But... - Please spare me.

Out loud: difficult. Inside: not a Christ-seller.

- In a sanatorium. (In mercenary paradise.)

- Day? - Yesterday, the day before yesterday, I don’t remember.

Will you be at the Alcazar? - I won’t.

Out loud: family. Inside: everything, but not Judas.

With coming! (Born tomorrow!) -

Tell me what you did when you found out about..?

Shh... I misspoke. Out of habit.

I have long put life and death in quotation marks,

Like obviously empty gossip.

Didn't do anything, but did something

It's done, without a shadow and without an echo


Now, how was the ride?

How it tore and did not burst, how -

Heart? Like on Oryol trotters,

From the eagles, said, not lagging behind,

Was it breathtaking – or more so?

Sweeter? Neither heights nor descents

Real Russians flew on eagles -

Who. We have a blood connection with that world:

Been to Rus' - that one light on this

Mature Well-established run!

I pronounce life and death with a grin,

Hidden - you will touch it with yours!

I pronounce life and death with a footnote,

Asterisk (the night on which I drink:

Instead of the cerebral hemisphere -


I wouldn't forget My friend,

Next: what if letters

The Russians replaced the Germans -

It’s not because today, they say,

Anything will do, the dead (beggar) will eat everything -

He won't blink! - but because That light,

Ours, thirteen, in Novodevichy

I understand: not without, but with everything e-pagan.

So I ask, not without sadness:

Don't ask me how to say it in Russian

The syllable leads to you - whatever it is about

Tolk (even if Russian is more closely related to German

To me, all angelic relatives!) - like places

There is no, where you are not, there is no: the grave.

Everything is as it was not and everything is as it was,

- Is it really not about me at all? -

Surroundings, Rainer, how are you feeling?

Urgently, absolutely -

First vision of the universe

(Implied, the poet

In this) and lastly - the planets,

Once only for you and this one - in general!

Not a poet with dust, a spirit with a body,

(To isolate - to insult both)

And you with you, you with you,

– Being Zeus does not mean the best -

Castor - you and you - Pollux,

Marble - you and you, grass,

Not separation and not meeting - bet

Face-to-face: both meeting and separation

On your own hand

How I looked (at the mark - on it - inky)

With my so many (how many?) miles

Endless because beginningless

Heights above the crystal level

Mediterranean - and other saucers.

Everything is as it was not and everything is as it will be

And with me beyond the end of the suburbs.

Everything is as it was not and everything is as it is

– What does someone who has written off have until a week?

Superfluous! - and where to more look something

Leaning on the rim of the box,

From this - as if not from that one, from the same -

How not to this long-suffering one.

I live in Bellevue. From nests and branches

Town. Exchanging glances with the guide:

Bellevue. A fort with a beautiful view

To Paris - the palace of the Gallic chimera -

Leaning against the scarlet rim,

How funny do you think (who) “should be”?

(for me) must to be, from a height without measure,

Our Bellevue and Belvedere!

I'm transferring. Particular. Urgency.

New Year in the door. Why and with whom I’ll clink glasses

Across the table? How? Instead of foam - cotton wool

Clock. For what? Well, he hits - and what do I have to do with it?

What should I do in the New Year's noise?

With this internal rhyme: Rainer is dead.

If you, such an eye has darkened,

This means that life is not life, death is not death.

So, I’m stuck, I’ll figure it out when we meet! -

There is no life, there is no death, - third,

New. And for him (straw

Having covered the seventh - twenty-sixth

To the one departing - what happiness

It ends with you, it begins with you!)

Across the table, unseen by the eye,

I will clink glasses with you quietly

Glass on glass? No - not their tavern ones:

I O You merging giving a rhyme:

I look across the table at your cross.

How many places - suburban, and places

Out of town! and who is he waving to?

Why not us - a bush? Places – ours

And no one else! The whole sheet! All the needles!

Your places with me (yours with you).

(What about you and being an extra -

Talk?) what – places! but months!

And weeks! And the rainy suburbs

Without people! And the morning! And all together

And not started by nightingales!

That’s right, I don’t see well, because I’m in a hole,

True, you see better, for from above:

Nothing worked out between you and me.

Before, so pure and so simple

It's okay, it suits my shoulder and height

We don’t even need to list them.

Nothing but - don't expect out of the ordinary

Coming out (wrong from the beat

Coming out!) - and in whatever way, as if

The row of those who entered?

The eternal chorus:

Nothing at least something for something

Something - at least from a distance - a shadow at least

Shadows! It’s okay: that hour, that day,

That house - even to a suicide bomber in the stocks

Gifted by memory: that mouth!

Or were you too knowledgeable about the means?

Of everything Togo only one light That

Ours was like ourselves, just a reflection

Us - in return for all this - all That light!

From the most undeveloped of outskirts -

Happy new place, Rainer, light, Rainer!

From the provability of the extreme cape -

Happy new eye, Rainer, new hearing, Rainer!

Everything is a hindrance to you

It was: passion and friend.

With a new sound, Echo!

Happy new echo, Sound!

How many times on a school stool:

What kind of mountains are there? What rivers?

Are landscapes good without tourists?

I was not mistaken, Rainer is a mountainous paradise,

Stormy? Not widow's claims -

There's not just one paradise, there's another one above it

Paradise? Terraces? Judging by the Tatras -

Paradise can't help but be an amphitheater

Be. (And the curtain is down on someone...)

I was not mistaken, Rainer, God - growing

Baobab? Not Golden Louis -

There is not only one God, is there? There's another one above him

How do you spell it in a new place?

However There is You - There is verse: you yourself are -

Poem! How to write in a good life

Without table for elbow, forehead for hand

- News, in the usual code!

Rainer, are you enjoying the new rhymes?

For correctly interpreting the word

Rhyme- what - how n ewhole line new

Rhyme - Death?

N e where: language studied.

A whole range of meanings and consonances

- Goodbye! See you!

We'll see each other - I don't know, but we'll sing.

With the most unknown land to me -

With the whole sea, Rainer, with the whole me!

If you don’t want to separate, write in advance.

Happy new sound, Rainer!

There is a staircase in the sky, along it with the Gifts...

Happy new ordination, Rainer!

- So as not to A Lily, I hold it with my palm. -

On top of the Rhone and on top of Rarogn

On top of the obvious and continuous separation

Rainer - Maria - Rilke - in the hands.

Happy New Year - light - edge - shelter!

First letter to you on the new one

– Misunderstanding that the cereal -

(Green - ruminant) loud place, sonorous place

Like Aeolian empty tower.

First letter to you from yesterday,

On which I will wear out without you,

Motherland, now with one of

Stars... The law of departure and lights out,

According to which anyone's favorite

And the never-before-seen.

Tell me how I found out about yours?

Not an earthquake, not an avalanche.

A person entered - any - (favorite -

You). - The most regrettable of events.

– In News and in Days. - Will you give me the article?

- Where? - In the mountains. (Window in spruce branches.

A sheet.) - You don’t see the newspapers, do you?

So an article? - No. - But... - Please spare me.

Out loud: difficult. Inside: not a Christ-seller.

- In a sanatorium. (In mercenary paradise.)

- Day? - Yesterday, the day before yesterday, I don’t remember.

Will you be at the Alcazar? - I won’t.

Out loud: family. Inside: everything, but not Judas.

With coming! (Born tomorrow!) -

Tell me what you did when you found out about..?

Shh... I misspoke. Out of habit.

I have long put life and death in quotation marks,

Like obviously empty gossip.

Didn't do anything, but did something

It's done, without a shadow and without an echo


Now, how was the ride?

How it tore and did not burst, how -

Heart? Like on Oryol trotters,

From the eagles, said, not lagging behind,

Was it breathtaking – or more so?

Happy New Year - light - edge - shelter!
First letter to you on the new one
- Misunderstanding that the cereal -
(Green - ruminant) loud place, sonorous place
Like Aeolian empty tower.
First letter to you from yesterday,
On which I will wear out without you,
Motherland, now with one of
Stars... The law of departure and end,
According to which anyone's favorite
And the never-before-seen.
Tell me how I found out about yours?
Not an earthquake, not an avalanche.
A person entered - any - (favorite -
You). - The most regrettable of events.
- In News and in Days. - Will you give me the article?
- Where? - In the mountains. (Window in spruce branches.
A sheet.) - You don’t see the newspapers, do you?
So an article? - No. - But... - Please spare me.
Out loud: difficult. Inside: not a Christ-seller.
- In a sanatorium. (In a hired paradise.)
- Day? - Yesterday, the day before yesterday, I don’t remember.
Will you be at the Alcazar? - I won't.
Out loud: family. Inside: everything, but not Judas.

With coming! (Born tomorrow!) -
Tell me what you did when you found out about..?
Shh... Misspoke. Out of habit.
I have long put life and death in quotation marks,
Like obviously empty gossip.
Didn't do anything, but did something
It's done, without a shadow and without an echo
‎Now - how was the ride?
How it tore and did not burst, how -
Heart? Like on Oryol trotters,
From the eagles, he said, not lagging behind,
Was it breathtaking - or more so?
Sweeter? Neither heights nor descents
Real Russians flew on eagles -
Who. We have a blood connection with that world:
Been to Rus' - that light is on this
Mature Well-established run!
I pronounce life and death with a grin,
Hidden - you can touch it with yours!
I pronounce life and death with a footnote,
As an asterisk (the night on which I drink:
Instead of the cerebral hemisphere -
Don't forget, my friend,
Next: what if letters
The Russians replaced the Germans -
It’s not because today, they say,
Anything will do, that the dead (beggar) will eat everything -
He won't blink! - but because that light,
Ours, - thirteen, in Novodevichy
I understood: not without, but all-pagan.

So I ask, not without sadness:
Don't ask me how to say it in Russian
- Nest? The only one, and all the nests
Covering rhyme: stars.

Am I answering? But that's the way things are
If you can't find a distraction from you.
Every thought, every thought, Du Lieber,
The syllable leads you - no matter what it’s about
Tolk (even if Russian is more closely related to German
To me, all angelic relatives!) - like places
There is no, where you are not, there is no: the grave.
Everything is as it was not and everything is as it was.
- Is it really not about me at all? -
Surroundings, Rainer, how are you feeling?
Urgently, absolutely -
First vision of the universe
(Implied, the poet
In this) and lastly - the planets,
Once only for you and this one - in general!
Not a poet with dust, a spirit with a body,
(To isolate - to insult both)
And you with you, you with you,
- Being Zeus does not mean the best -
Castor - you and you - Pollux,
Marble - you and you, grass,
Not separation and not meeting - bet
Face-to-face: both meeting and separation
The first one.
‎On your own hand
How I looked (at the mark - on it - inky)
With my so many (how many?) miles
Endless because beginningless
Heights above the crystal level
Mediterranean - and other saucers.
Everything is as it was not and everything is as it will be
And with me beyond the end of the suburbs.
Everything is as it was not and everything is as it is
- What does someone who has written off have until a week?
Superfluous! - and where else to look,
Leaning on the rim of the box,
From this - if not to that one, from the same -
How not to this long-suffering one.
I live in Bellevue. From nests and branches
Town. Exchanging glances with the guide:
Bellevue. A fort with a beautiful view
To Paris - the palace of the Gallic chimera -
To Paris - and a little further...
Leaning against the scarlet rim,
How funny do you think (who) “should be”?
(I) must be, from a height without measure,
Our Bellevue and Belvedere!
I'm transferring. Particular. Urgency.
New Year is at the door. Why and with whom I’ll clink glasses
Across the table? How? Instead of foam - cotton wool
Clock. For what? Well, it hits, - what do I have to do with it?
What should I do in the New Year's noise?
With this internal rhyme: Rainer is dead.
If you, such an eye has darkened,
This means that life is not life, death is not death.
So, I’m stuck, I’ll figure it out when we meet! -
There is no life, there is no death, - third,
New. And for him (straw
Having covered the seventh - twenty-sixth
To the departing - what happiness
It ends with you, it begins with you!)
Across the table, unseen by the eye,
I will clink glasses with you quietly
Glass on glass? No - not their tavern ones:
I am about you, merging giving a rhyme:
I look across the table at your cross.
How many places - suburban, and places
In the country! and who is he waving to?
Why not us - a bush? Places - ours
And no one else! The whole sheet! All the needles!
Your places with me (yours with you).
(What about you and being an extra -
Talk?) what - places! but months!
And weeks! And the rainy suburbs
Without people! And the morning! And all together
And not started by nightingales!

I really don’t see well, because I’m in a hole,
True, you see better, for from above:
Nothing worked out between you and me.
Before, so pure and so simple
It's okay, it suits my shoulder and height
We don’t even need to list them.
Nothing but - don't expect out of line
Coming out (wrong from the beat
Coming out!) - and in whatever way, as if
Row - who entered?
‎The eternal chorus:
Nothing at least something for something
Something - at least from a distance - a shadow at least
Shadows! It’s okay: that hour, that day,
That house - even to a suicide bomber in the stocks
Gifted by memory: that mouth!
Or were you too knowledgeable about the means?
Of all this, only that light
Ours was like ourselves, just a reflection
Us - in return for all this - the whole world!

From the most undeveloped of outskirts -
Happy new place, Rainer, light, Rainer!
From the provability of the extreme cape -
With a new eye, Rainer, hearing, Rainer.

Everything is a hindrance to you
It was: passion and friend.
With a new sound, Echo!
Happy new echo, Sound!

How many times on a school stool:
What kind of mountains are there? What rivers?
Are landscapes good without tourists?
I was not mistaken, Rainer is a mountainous paradise,
Stormy? Not widow's claims -
There's not just one paradise, there's another one above it
Paradise? Terraces? Judging by the Tatras -
Paradise can't help but be an amphitheater
Be. (And the curtain is down on someone...)
I was not mistaken, Rainer, God is growing
Baobab? Not Golden Louis -
There is not only one God, is there? There's another one above him
‎How do you spell it in a new place?
However, there is you - there is a verse: you yourself are -
Poem! How to write in a good life
Without table for elbow, forehead for hand
- News, in the usual code!
Rainer, are you enjoying the new rhymes?
For correctly interpreting the word
Rhyme - what - if not - a whole series of new ones
Rhyme - Death?
Nowhere: the language has been studied.
A whole range of meanings and consonances
New ones.
- Goodbye! See you!
We'll see each other - I don't know, but we'll sing!
With the most unknown land to me -
With the whole sea, Rainer, with the whole me!

If you don't want to leave, write in advance.
Happy new sound, Rainer!

There is a staircase in the sky, along it with the Gifts...
Happy new ordination, Rainer!

So as not to be flooded, I hold it with my palm. -
On top of the Rhone and on top of Rarogn,
On top of the obvious and continuous separation
Rainer - Maria - Rilke - in the hands.

Happy New Year - light - edge - shelter!

First letter to you on the new one

Misunderstanding that the cereal -

(Green - ruminant) loud place, sonorous place

Like Aeolian empty tower.

First letter to you from yesterday,

On which I will wear out without you,

Motherland, now with one of

Stars... The law of departure and lights out,

According to which anyone's favorite

And the never-before-seen.

Tell me how I found out about yours?

Not an earthquake, not an avalanche.

A person entered - any - (favorite -

You). - The most regrettable of events.

In News and in Days. - Will you give me the article?

Where? - In the mountains. (Window in spruce branches.

A sheet.) - You don’t see the newspapers, do you?

So an article? - No. - But... - Please spare me.

Out loud: difficult. Inside: not a Christ-seller.

In a sanatorium. (In mercenary paradise.)

Day? - Yesterday, the day before yesterday, I don’t remember.

Will you be at the Alcazar? - I won't.

Out loud: family. Inside: everything, but not Judas.

With coming! (Born tomorrow!) -

Tell me what you did when you found out about..?

Shh... Misspoke. Out of habit.

I have long put life and death in quotation marks,

Like obviously empty gossip.

Didn't do anything, but did something

It's done, without a shadow and without an echo


Now, how was the ride?

How it tore and did not burst, how -

Heart? Like on Oryol trotters,

From the eagles, he said, not lagging behind,

Was it breathtaking - or more so?

Sweeter? Neither heights nor descents

Real Russians flew on eagles -

Who. We have a blood connection with that world:

Been to Rus' - that light is on this

Mature Well-established run!

I pronounce life and death with a grin,

Hidden - you will touch it with yours!

I pronounce life and death with a footnote,

Asterisk (the night on which I drink:

Instead of the cerebral hemisphere -


Don't forget, my friend,

Next: what if letters

The Russians replaced the Germans -

It’s not because today, they say,

Anything will do, the dead (beggar) will eat everything -

He won't blink! - but because that light,

Ours, - thirteen, in Novodevichy

I understood: not without, but all-pagan.

So I ask, not without sadness:

Don't ask me how to say it in Russian

The syllable leads to you - whatever it is about

Tolk (even if Russian is more closely related to German

To me, all angelic relatives!) - like places

There is no, where you are not, there is no: the grave.

Everything is as it was not and everything is as it was,

Is it really not about me at all? -

Surroundings, Rainer, how are you feeling?

Urgently, absolutely -

First vision of the universe

(Implied, the poet

In this) and lastly - the planets,

Once only for you and this one - in general!

Not a poet with dust, a spirit with a body,

(To isolate - to insult both)

And you with you, you with you,

Being Zeus does not mean the best -

Castor - you and you - Pollux,

Marble - you and you, grass,

Not separation and not meeting - bet

Face-to-face: both meeting and separation

On your own hand

How I looked (at the mark - on it - inky)

With my so many (how many?) miles

Endless because beginningless

Heights above the crystal level

Mediterranean - and other saucers.

Everything is as it was not and everything is as it will be

And with me beyond the end of the suburbs.

Everything is as it was not and everything is as it is

What does someone who has written off have until a week?

Superfluous! - and where else to look,

Leaning on the rim of the box,

From this - if not to that one, from the same -

How not to this long-suffering one.

I live in Bellevue. From nests and branches

Town. Exchanging glances with the guide:

Bellevue. A fort with a beautiful view

To Paris - the palace of the Gallic chimera -

Leaning against the scarlet rim,

How funny do you think (who) “should be”?

(I) must be, from a height without measure,

Our Bellevue and Belvedere!

I'm transferring. Particular. Urgency.

New Year is at the door. Why and with whom I’ll clink glasses

Across the table? How? Instead of foam - cotton wool

Clock. For what? Well, he hits - and what do I have to do with it?

What should I do in the New Year's noise?

With this internal rhyme: Rainer is dead.

If you, such an eye has darkened,

This means that life is not life, death is not death.

So, I’m stuck, I’ll figure it out when we meet! -

There is no life, there is no death, - third,

New. And for him (straw

Having covered the seventh - twenty-sixth

To the departing - what happiness

It ends with you, it begins with you!)

Across the table, unseen by the eye,

I will clink glasses with you quietly

Glass on glass? No - not their tavern ones:

I am about you, merging giving a rhyme:

I look across the table at your cross.

How many places - suburban, and places

Out of town! and who is he waving to?

Why not us - a bush? Places - ours

And no one else! The whole sheet! All the needles!

Your places with me (yours with you).

(What about you and being an extra -

Talk?) what - places! but months!

And weeks! And the rainy suburbs

Without people! And the morning! And all together

And not started by nightingales!

That’s right, I don’t see well, because I’m in a hole,

True, you see better, for from above:

Nothing worked out between you and me.

Before, so pure and so simple

It's okay, it suits my shoulder and height

We don’t even need to list them.

Nothing but - don't expect out of line

Coming out (wrong from the beat

Coming out!) - and in whatever way, as if

The row of those who entered?

The eternal chorus:

Nothing at least something for something

Something - at least from a distance - a shadow at least

Shadows! It’s okay: that hour, that day,

That house - even to a suicide bomber in the stocks

Gifted by memory: that mouth!

Or were you too knowledgeable about the means?

Of all this, only that light

Ours was like ourselves, just a reflection

Us - in return for all this - the whole world!

From the most undeveloped of outskirts -

Happy new place, Rainer, light, Rainer!

From the provability of the extreme cape -

Happy new eye, Rainer, new hearing, Rainer!

Everything is a hindrance to you

It was: passion and friend.

With a new sound, Echo!

Happy new echo, Sound!

Happy New Year - light - edge - shelter!
First letter to you on the new one
- Misunderstanding that the cereal -
(Green - ruminant) loud place, sonorous place
Like Aeolian empty tower.
First letter to you from yesterday,
On which I will wear out without you,
Motherland, now with one of
Stars... The law of departure and end,
According to which anyone's favorite
And the never-before-seen.
Tell me how I found out about yours?
Not an earthquake, not an avalanche.
A person entered - any - (favorite -
You). - The most regrettable of events.
- In News and in Days. - Will you give me the article?
- Where? - In the mountains. (Window in spruce branches.
A sheet.) - You don’t see the newspapers, do you?
So an article? - No. - But... - Please spare me.
Out loud: difficult. Inside: not a Christ-seller.
- In a sanatorium. (In a hired paradise.)
- Day? - Yesterday, the day before yesterday, I don’t remember.
Will you be at the Alcazar? - I won't.
Out loud: family. Inside: everything, but not Judas.

With coming! (Born tomorrow!) -
Tell me what you did when you found out about..?
Shh... Misspoke. Out of habit.
I have long put life and death in quotation marks,
Like obviously empty gossip.
Didn't do anything, but did something
It's done, without a shadow and without an echo
‎ Now - how was the ride?
How it tore and did not burst, how -
Heart? Like on Oryol trotters,
From the eagles, said, not lagging behind,
Was it breathtaking - or more so?
Sweeter? Neither heights nor descents
Real Russians flew on eagles -
Who. We have a blood connection with that world:
Been to Rus' - That light on this
Mature Well-established run!
I pronounce life and death with a grin,
Hidden - you can touch it with yours!
I pronounce life and death with a footnote,
As an asterisk (the night on which I drink:
Instead of the cerebral hemisphere -
‎ I wouldn’t forget, my friend,
Next: what if letters
The Russians replaced the Germans -
It’s not because today, they say,
Anything will do, that the dead (beggar) will eat everything -
He won't blink! - but because That light,
Ours, - thirteen, in Novodevichy
I understood: not without, but all-pagan.

So I ask, not without sadness:
Don't ask me how to say it in Russian
- Nest? The only one, and all the nests
Covering rhyme: stars.

Am I answering? But that's the way things are
If you can't find a distraction from you.
Every thought, every thought, Du Lieber,
The syllable leads you - no matter what it’s about
Tolk (even if Russian is more closely related to German
To me, all angelic relatives!) - like places
There is no, where you are not, there is no: the grave.
Everything is as it was not and everything is as it was.
- Is it really not about me at all? -
Surroundings, Rainer, how are you feeling?
Urgently, absolutely -
First vision of the universe
(Implied, the poet
In this) and lastly - the planets,
Once only for you and this one - in general!
Not a poet with dust, a spirit with a body,
(To isolate - to insult both)
And you with you, you with you,
- Being Zeus does not mean the best -
Castor - you and you - Pollux,
Marble - you and you, grass,
Not separation and not meeting - bet
Face-to-face: both meeting and separation
The first one.
‎ On your own hand
How I looked (at the mark - on it - inky)
With my so many (how many?) miles
Endless because beginningless
Heights above the crystal level
Mediterranean - and other saucers.
Everything is as it was not and everything is as it will be
And with me beyond the end of the suburbs.
Everything is as it was not and everything is as it is
- What does someone who has written off have until a week?
Superfluous! - and where to more look something
Leaning on the rim of the box,
From this - if not to that one, from the same -
How not to this long-suffering one.
I live in Bellevue. From nests and branches
Town. Exchanging glances with the guide:
Bellevue. A fort with a beautiful view
To Paris - the palace of the Gallic chimera -
To Paris - and a little further...
Leaning against the scarlet rim,
How funny do you think (who) “should be”?
(for me) must to be, from a height without measure,
Our Bellevue and Belvedere!
I'm transferring. Particular. Urgency.
New Year is at the door. Why and with whom I’ll clink glasses
Across the table? How? Instead of foam - cotton wool
Clock. For what? Well, it hits, - what do I have to do with it?
What should I do in the New Year's noise?
With this internal rhyme: Rainer is dead.
If you, such an eye has darkened,
This means that life is not life, death is not death.
So, I’m stuck, I’ll figure it out when we meet! -
There is no life, there is no death, - third,
New. And for him (straw
Having covered the seventh - twenty-sixth
To the departing - what happiness
It ends with you, it begins with you!)
Across the table, unseen by the eye,
I will clink glasses with you quietly
Glass on glass? No - not their tavern ones:
I O You merging giving a rhyme:
I look across the table at your cross.
How many places - suburban, and places
In the country! and who is he waving to?
Why not us - a bush? Places - ours
And no one else! The whole sheet! All the needles!
Your places with me (yours with you).
(What about you and being an extra -
Talk?) what - places! but months!
And weeks! And the rainy suburbs
Without people! And the morning! And all together
And not started by nightingales!

I really don’t see well, because I’m in a hole,
True, you see better, for from above:
Nothing worked out between you and me.
Before, so pure and so simple
It's okay, it suits my shoulder and height
We don’t even need to list them.
Nothing but - don't expect out of line
Coming out (wrong from the beat
Coming out!) - and in whatever way, as if
Row - who entered?
‎ The eternal chorus:
Nothing at least something for something
Something - at least from a distance - a shadow at least
Shadows! It’s okay: that hour, that day,
That house - even to a suicide bomber in the stocks
Gifted by memory: that mouth!
Or were you too knowledgeable about the means?
Of everything Togo only one light That
Ours was like ourselves, just a reflection
Us - in return for all this - all That light!

From the most undeveloped of outskirts -
Happy new place, Rainer, light, Rainer!
From the provability of the extreme cape -
With a new eye, Rainer, hearing, Rainer.

Everything is a hindrance to you
It was: passion and friend.
With a new sound, Echo!
Happy new echo, Sound!

How many times on a school stool:
What kind of mountains are there? What rivers?
Are landscapes good without tourists?
I was not mistaken, Rainer is a mountainous paradise,
Stormy? Not widow's claims -
There's not just one paradise, there's another one above it
Paradise? Terraces? Judging by the Tatras -
Paradise can't help but be an amphitheater
Be. (And the curtain is down on someone...)
I was not mistaken, Rainer, God - growing
Baobab? Not Golden Louis -
There is not only one God, is there? There's another one above him
‎ How do you spell it in a new place?
However There is You - There is verse: you yourself are -
Poem! How to write in a good life
Without table for elbow, forehead for hand
‎ - News, in the usual code!
Rainer, are you enjoying the new rhymes?
For correctly interpreting the word
Rhyme- what - if not - a whole range of new ones
Rhyme - Death?
‎ Nowhere: the language has been studied.
A whole range of meanings and consonances
New ones.
‎ - Goodbye! See you!
We'll see each other - I don't know, but we'll sing!
With the most unknown land to me -
With the whole sea, Rainer, with the whole me!

If you don't want to leave, write in advance.
Happy new sound, Rainer!

There is a staircase in the sky, along it with the Gifts...
Happy new ordination, Rainer!

So as not to be flooded, I hold it with my palm. -
On top of the Rhone and on top of Rarogn,
On top of the obvious and continuous separation
Rainer - Maria - Rilke - in the hands.