Text content of episodes of the Battle of Psychics Season 14. Archive for the 'Season 14 Participants' Category

Psychic from Estonia Marilyn Kerro is one of the most powerful participants in the 14th season of the “Battle of Psychics”. The girl came to the project from Estonia; she was born on September 18, 1988 in a town called Rakvere. In her youth, Marilyn worked in the modeling business, but at one point she began to observe strange things. It felt like someone was whispering words and phrases into the girl’s ear. Kerro thought she was going crazy. Over time, the whispers became louder.

On the project, many viewers have already identified a favorite for themselves and became interested in watching the episodes precisely because of this mysterious young man. Alexander Sheps’ appearance is unusual, as is his biography. Sheps was born in the city of Samara, he was born on November 26, 1986. Get involved other world Alexander became aware of the possibilities of magic as a child. It so happened that while staying with my grandmother in the village little Sasha I saw a dead man alive. Adults then don't

A bright and eccentric participant in the 14th season of the “Battle of Psychics” named Ekaterina Ryzhikova was born in Komi in 1961. Ryzhikova is an artist, she also works in the psychedelic genre, stages avant-garde performances, and acts as a clothing designer. Many artists have an unusual perception of the surrounding reality. Ryzhikova’s paintings amaze with their originality, her performances capture all the attention. In 2006, Ekaterina’s production called “Sides of the World” created a sensation.

Danis Gilnshtei was born in 1982, he was born on November 30 in Yekaterinburg. Despite the fact that Danis's parents are alive, he was raised by his grandmother. Danisa’s grandmother was a healer all her life. Danis was engaged in all kinds of activities, he even dreamed of becoming an actor, he was an entrepreneur, but he was always incredibly attracted to the unknown. Danis always sees when there is a sick person in front of him, he feels cancerous tumors.

IN hometown Danis, he became almost a celebrity, he has long

Alla Zakharovna Rotter or Frau Rotter was born in Ufa, but her surname is German. Alla Zakharovna has been living in Germany for the last 30 years. Alla Zakharovna's father worked in the Ministry of Finance. When little Alla first learned to speak, she was already talking about situations unknown to anyone. The girl could even tell exactly how she was born. At the age of 6, little Alla began to tell everyone the details of the personal life of one woman she knew, she said that the woman was pregnant and would give birth to an unhealthy child,

Battles of psychics from 09.29.2013

Watch the 14th season of the unique project “Battle of Psychics”. Of the huge number of people willing to take part in the battle, only 12 were selected the strongest psychics who claim to be able to communicate with the dead, see ghosts, they call themselves magicians and shamans. We don't yet know which one is which. All psychics today gathered in the hall from where they will leave the project one by one. The presenter immediately drew attention to the girl on the right; it seemed to him that she was uncomfortable standing in heels. He invited the girl to take off her shoes. Before our eyes, in the last episode, this Estonian witch made a sacrifice to the spirit. She

Participants in the “Battle of Psychics” of season 14 once again prove that there is something supernatural and inexplicable on our planet. The popular show program every time surprises viewers with new, unexpected and fascinating tests that people with unusual abilities undergo in order to receive the title of the strongest. The battle of season 14 is no exception; its participants also helped ordinary people, fought evil and solved mysteries. Alexander Sheps won the project of the 14th season, second place went to Marilyn Kerro, and Ekaterina Ryzhikova took third place.

Alexander Sheps - winner of season 14

The undisputed favorite of the season, Alexander proved himself early on, confidently answering the hosts' questions. The psychic developed his abilities by being interested in esotericism and magic. In the tests he used only his abilities, which he encouraged other participants to do. In his work he resorts to the help of Tarot cards, elemental spirits and the dead.

Marilyn Kero - 2nd place

Estonian witch Marilyn amazed viewers with her use of animal entrails, knives and wax dolls. The task where Marilyn cut out the heart of an animal to reveal a person in the trunk was very impressive. She drew her knowledge from books that she inherited from her great-grandmother, a witch.

Ekaterina Ryzhikova - 3rd place

Ekaterina was presented on the project as an urban shaman, who uses all kinds of paraphernalia in her work to help enter a trance. In addition, the participant in the battle is a fashion designer, director, artist and actress. Disclosure psychic abilities for Catherine it happened without external effort.

Denis Glinshtein - 4th place

Denis is a lawyer and psychologist by training, raised by his grandmother, who was a herbalist. The psychic has known about his abilities since childhood; he is helped in his work by a scarf, which he took from his grandmother’s head after her death, and also uses Tarot cards and an aspen cross. Viewers remember the use of smell when passing tests.

Alla Zakharovna Rotter (Frau Rotter) - 5th place

Thanks to the gift of telepathy, Alla Zakharovna can read thoughts and diagnose various diseases. In the show, she was remembered for identifying dead energy in the trunk, which, as it turned out, came from a dead rat.

Nadira Azamatova - 6th place

According to Nadira, 30 guardian angels helped her pass all the tests. He is engaged in healing, searching for people, cleansing the body, predicting the future, removing damage and clairvoyance. In one of the tasks, Nadira never found the house she needed, although she went in the right direction.

Abror Usmanov - 7th place

The abilities of the youngest participant, Abror, were passed on to him through his family, in which there were ancestors who helped people in finding livestock, people, and relieved pain during childbirth. Mother Abror also had supernatural abilities, preferring to suppress them so as not to gain the glory of a sorceress. He calls himself a sorcerer, uses spells and rituals with a black candle in his work.

Elena Smelova - 8th place

Elena inherited her clairvoyant abilities from her great-grandfather, a healer. Claims that he can predict the future, the weather, find missing things, and correct fate. In the project, Elena was remembered for her reaction in a task where she had to find a house with evil spirits. Her legs gave way, she made strange sounds, explaining that she was not allowed there by an unknown force.

Anar Abdullayev - 9th place

Anar is the winner of a similar competition in Baku, has strong energy and is considered in his homeland strong psychic, which treats diseases and removes damage. In healing, Anar uses a candle, asking the person to keep looking at the flame.

Tamara Gagua - 10th place

Tamara received her gift as a child. The Abkhaz seer, even as a child, could foresee disasters and accidents. Information comes to her in the form of pictures. The seer also tells fortunes using coffee grounds, treats ailments, and removes the evil eye and damage. She left the show in episode 6, having failed the task where she had to determine the cause of the family curse.

Todor Todorov - 11th place

According to the Bulgarian Todor, he had the gift since childhood, and was also familiar with Vanga, who gave her blessing to his abilities. Todor initially stated that the Bulgarian healer would help him pass the tests. He gives predictions based on a person's horoscope, can determine his location, and claims that he draws strength from rock crystal and amethyst.

Airat Khazeev - 12th place

Initially I came to the project to support a friend, but it turned out that I myself became a participant. Sees dead spirits and has x-ray vision. Left the show in episode 3 of season 14.

The next, fourteenth season of the popular mystical program on the TNT channel.

The heroes of the show are people with paranormal abilities- pass the most difficult tests to determine the strongest. The host of the show is Marat Basharov.

Contents of the program Battle of Psychics Season 14

The main characters of the show "The fight of extrasensories. Season 14"- shamans, sorcerers, witches, healers and psychics who came from all over the country. In order to select from the multitude of applicants those who really show some unusual abilities, the show's writers ask candidates to simply guess who is behind the theater screen.

Maria Shaikevich, general producer of “The Battle of Psychics” on TNT: “This season, our constant skeptics, the Safronov brothers, declare an almost open war on psychics. So the 14th “Battle” will be hot. All tests that are prepared for the participants are kept in the strictest confidence. This is the point of the whole project: we must maintain the purity of the experiment.”

This simple task allows you to select 30 people from 228 applicants, who will proceed to the third stage of selection. A traditional test awaits them: they need to find a person hidden in the trunk of a car.

In the third stage of selection of show participants "The fight of extrasensories. Season 14" psychics need to tell at least something about a stranger.

Each episode of the program “Battle of Psychics. Season 14 lasts an hour and a half instead of the traditional sixty minutes.

Second edition of the program "Battle of Extrasenses 14 Season" Traditionally, I prepared three tests: participants were asked to find a homemade bomb planted by stuntmen at a training ground, talk about a three-year-old boy who was never found after the tragedy in Krymsk in 2012, and watch a video with a very strange recording.

Already in the second episode of the show "Battle of Extrasenses 14 Season" well established medium Alexander Sheps. He coped well with all the tests.

However, the best in the third issue was Marilyn Cerro, a witch from Estonia. Despite the fact that the girl does not speak Russian, this did not stop her from finding unfaithful spouses among several happy couples, and talk about the reasons for the strange events within the walls of one “bad apartment.”

Based on the results of the third episode of the program « Battle of Extrasenses 14 Season" psychic Airat Khazeev from Kazan left the competition.

The fourth episode consisted of two tests: participants with supernatural powers had to find evidence of the presence of evil spirits in the company of ufologists in country house, and talk about the mystery of the plane crash with the hockey players of the Lokomotiv team on board.

This time, the jury members evaluated the medium Alexander Sheps, and put his photograph in a white envelope, while the black envelope contained a photograph of Todor Todorov from Bulgaria.

In the fifth episode of the show « Battle of Extrasenses 14 Season" Participants had to talk about children's toys hidden behind a screen. One of the sets is very special: these toys were touched by children from the Romanov royal family. The second part of the program is devoted to the investigation of the death of a seventeen-year-old teenager from the city of Dzerzhinsky.

Alexander Sheps again surprised those present and told the parents and friends of the deceased guy the mysterious details of his life and death. In addition, the spirit of the deceased himself appeared on the air, which caused an unprecedented stir among television viewers.

However, despite this, the jury decided that the best in the fifth issue was the medium Danis Glinstein. This time the black envelope was empty.

In the center of the plot of the sixth episode of the program "Battle of Extrasenses 14 Season" turned out to be a legendary supercar domestic performer 90s Alexander Fadeev, known under the pseudonym Danko. In addition, psychics spoke about the reasons for the curse that reigns in the Isaev family. A young man named Roman worries that none of his male relatives lived to be thirty-five.

The winner was Alexander Sheps, for whom 145,020 people voted. “Around TV” sums up the season. Let's start with the main characters of the popular project.

Alexander Sheps

Even the most notorious skeptics by the middle of the season had no doubt that the winner would be Alexander Sheps(pictured left) - The young magician from Samara passed the tests so confidently. In them, he used fire, glass spheres and a knife to cut space so that spirits could enter the world. In addition to his talents, the audience was captivated by the psychic’s charisma: bottomless eyes, reserved manners, always dressed in black. It’s no wonder that by the end of the season, Alexander acquired an army of fans that Vitaly Gibert could envy.

Ekaterina Ryzhikova- shaman, astrologer and tarot reader. She took her entire magical arsenal to each shoot and looked very impressive. A careful approach to the surroundings is not accidental, because Ekaterina is a fashion designer, artist and director by profession. You don't need to be a psychic to understand why viewers loved her and why latest issue she was a favorite.

Danis Glinshtein

Native of Yekaterinburg Danis Glinshtein got on the show on my second try. In the 13th season of the “Battle of Psychics,” Danis was one step short of qualifying. This season Danis acted methodically, but without sensations. We hope that the psychic has a great future, because he has useful gift see human cancers.

The main intrigue of the 14th season

The intrigue of the season can be considered the relationship between Alexander Sheps and Marilyn Kerro. In the finale, Alexander kissed Marilyn, after which everyone started talking about the imminent wedding. However, the question of whether the feelings of the medium and the witch are sincere remains open. What if it was a game for the public?

The biggest test of the season

The most loud test in the season there was an attempt by the participants to unravel the mystery of death Vladislav Listyeva. Let us remind you that the general director of ORT was shot dead on March 1, 1995 in the entrance of his house; the murder has not yet been solved. By back side From the photograph, psychics had to determine who was depicted in it, what happened to him and, perhaps, tell some details of his death. The task turned out to be difficult: three participants failed to complete it. Ekaterina Ryzhikova guessed the circumstances of the death, but said that the photo shows John Kennedy. Marilyn Kerro completed the task brilliantly, but made a mistake in calling Vlad Listyev’s daughter his wife. Alexander Sheps described in detail how the murder happened, but refused to name the customer on air (at the same time, it seemed to many that he really knew who the killer was).

The most rated issue(according to TNS Gallup Russia) tests began on December 1. First, the participants had to guess what mascots the guests had and what they meant. If everyone completed this task without problems, then the second test passed to the limit. A girl whose lover died under unclear circumstances turned to psychics. After the death of the young man, strange things began to happen, and the girl decided to figure it out. Psychics, each a little, restored terrible picture The death of the young man, however, differed in opinion as to whether it was murder or suicide. Marilyn Kerro and Alexander Sheps guessed that the cause of death was strangulation.

"Battle of Psychics" became the only program not Channel One, which was included in the TOP 10 television shows of 2013. The show takes a respectable fifth place. Judging by the delight that everyone causes new season, more than one battle awaits us. Here, as they say, don’t go to a fortune teller.

Vyacheslav Polovinko

Quite recently, the exciting, long-awaited, for many people, season 14 of the Battle of Psychics, popular not only in Russia but also in other countries, has started. According to all the rules, 12 people were selected who were able to successfully pass qualifying round, thereby proving that they have various superpowers.

Some of them have already managed to intrigue and tie people to the TV screen, some have already stopped fighting for Grand Prize and the winner's title, confirming their uniqueness.

The selection round itself was not easy, it lasted six months, initially 258 people were selected with different corners our globe. The team of the show itself were selected the most difficult tasks for psychics and stirring the soul for the viewer.

Brief description of the participants in the battle of psychics of season 14, who have already dropped out

Todor Todorov- Bulgarian living for a long time in Russia, Moscow city. He believes that he has the gift of a psychic with the blessing of the notorious Baba Vanga herself. He knows how to use frames, in my opinion, he is a bioenergeticist, he does not have the talent of clairvoyance, he dropped out of the battle of psychics in the 4th episode of the program - he could not cope with various tasks.

Airat Khazeev- lives in Russia, the city of Kazan. I came to the battle by accident, coming to support my friend. He believes that he has not yet fully revealed his talent, however, there is information on the Internet with a list of his services as a professional psychic. He dropped out of the show in episode 3, also having failed to complete the proposed tasks.

Tamara Gagua- lives in Abkhazia, claims that since early years predicts cataclysms, catastrophes, deaths and the like. She dropped out in the 6th edition of the battle of psychics, all for the same reasons as Todorov and Khazeev - she could not cope with the tasks.

Anar Abdullaev- participant from Azerbaijan, Baku city. Known in his homeland as the winner of the Azerbaijani battle called “Ekstra hiss”. In my opinion, in this battle of psychics he is the “weak link”, which, by a lucky coincidence, has not yet dropped out of the show. I assume, and at the same time I will test my psychic qualities, that Abdullaev will be the next one to drop out of the battle. What do you think? Update: November 3 - eliminated in episode 7.

Elena Smelova- Russia, Tula city. She is already known to many TV viewers, as she took part in the 6th battle of psychics, but did not reach the finals. I think that she will also leave the battle, like last time, only now in the 9th or 10th issue, her main rivals for relegation will be Danis Glinshtein and Abror Usmanov. Update: November 10 - dropped out in episode 8.

Abror Usmanov- bakhshi from Uzbekistan, Tashkent city. Despite his youth, he is a very interesting person, truly possessing abilities. According to him, the gift he owns was owned and used to provide various assistance people still have his ancestors - grandfather, great-grandfather. According to my assumptions, Abror Usmanov will leave the battle in season 11, that is, after Danis Glinshtein and Elena Smelova, since he has more knowledge and capabilities than them, but less knowledge than some of his older rivals - Ekaterina Ryzhikova, Frau Rotter, Marilyn Kerro and Alexander Sheps. Update: November 17 - eliminated in episode 9.

Nadira Azamatova- psychic from Uzbekistan, city of Karshi. She claims to have clairvoyance, which helps her in healing and searching for missing people. She is assisted in the battle of psychics by the angels who arrived with her. In my opinion, she will also leave the program without a victory in the near future, most likely after Abdullaev. Update: November 24 - eliminated in episode 10.

By the way, it already contains not only unofficial voting results in percentage terms, but also the exact name of the winner of the 14th battle of psychics.

Update #2: despite the fact that the 14th battle of psychics has ended, special issues are already being released in separate series, in particular, 4 series of special issues have already been released, you can watch them online.

Update #3: By the way, the Ukrainian battle of psychics has already been released, you can watch it.

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