Extrasensory abilities of zodiac signs. The main magicians among the signs of the Zodiac: do you have magical abilities?

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Zodiac magic

Often, a person who is not a psychic and is not involved in healing feels in himself the unspent potential of magical power, creative or destructive energy.

It also happens that internal magical power simply does not allow a person to live normally and fully: he is tormented by incomprehensible changes in states, prophetic and symbolic dreams, foreign smells and noises. A person can be haunted by visions and phenomena of unknown origin.

You don’t necessarily have to become a witch or magician or engage in healing. Perhaps, with the help of this horoscope, you will be able to decide where to direct the magical abilities you have discovered in yourself, in which direction to develop them or not to develop them. The stars don't give advice on how deeply you should delve into the occult or magic, but they can tell you how to realize even minimal talents and abilities to your benefit.


If magical abilities awaken in Aquarius, this usually happens in early childhood and accompanies representatives of the Aquarius sign throughout their lives. And Aquarians most often have magical abilities. Representatives of the Aquarius brethren are best at all types of fortune-telling and predictions, since stronger intuition than that of Aquarius cannot be found in the Zodiac.

In addition, Aquarians have a strong creative side, and therefore they carry out any magical action in a non-standard way, with an experimental touch. Aquarius will not be attracted to classical magic in any of its aspects, but he will be absolutely interested in exotic magical movements, where rituals are performed using unusual means and compositions.

Aquarius the fortune teller is a scary person. He sees your past, future, present so clearly and in detail that he is forced not to say out loud about half of what the cards show him about you. This is often explained by the hypertrophied love of humanity inherent in this zodiac sign, therefore, when attending a fortune-telling session with Aquarius, you can absolutely know that he will not tell you anything terrible. He will simply remain silent about it, even if he sees something like that.

Most of the methods of fortune-telling and predictions were invented or compiled by representatives of the Aquarius sign or under their leadership and with their input. In addition, Aquarius is excellent at teaching fortune telling to other people. But one thing Aquarius should not do is boast about their abilities or demonstrate custom-made visionary talents. Fate watches warily what Aquarians say, what they think, and how they behave. That is why she awarded most representatives of the Aquarius sign the ability to “ogle” themselves. It is enough to praise yourself - and the result is not long in coming: troubles, failures, obstacles appear in the life of Aquarius in the very space where there used to be luck and success.
Aquarius' abilities are fueled by the respect and trust of others. The more confident the person to whom Aquarius is telling fortunes is that they are telling the truth, the more truthful the fortune-telling will be.

The representatives of this zodiac constellation have a strong talent for dream interpretation. Most of the dreams that Aquarius sees, if he sees them, can be called prophetic dreams. In other words, if Aquarius sees a dream, then this dream is to some extent prophetic, but Aquarians rarely see dreams that can be remembered in the morning.
An interesting fact is that Aquarius can be called a real bait for eagle-eyed people. Aquarians are more susceptible to the evil eye than anyone else. Maybe this happens because, being in the company of other people, Aquarius necessarily stands out from the crowd, attracting attention to himself. Aquarians practically do not know how to protect themselves from flows of negative energy, but they quite easily endure the consequences of magical attacks and quickly restore the integrity of their own bioenergetic shell. By the way, Aquarians, entering any room, will unmistakably determine that there is a person with a “black aura” in it and will indicate who exactly. Aquarians have some kind of almost subconscious instinct for everything inexplicable, surreal and supernatural.

But there is one area of ​​magic that is completely powerless against Aquarius, although they themselves achieve some success in it. This is love, sympathetic magic. It is unrealistic to bewitch an Aquarius; you shouldn’t even try. Aquarius initially values ​​freedom in everything, and especially in feelings, and therefore he has a natural immunity to all spells of black love magic. But if Aquarius himself wants to dry someone up, he will probably succeed without much hassle. But Aquarians are designed in such a way that in matters of love, they consider love itself to be the strongest and most reliable magic.


Pisces can truly be called the most mystical sign of the zodiac. At the same time, the area in which representatives of the Pisces sign achieve breathtaking success is love sympathetic magic, and especially the preparation of love potions. In general, Pisces are or can be masters of everything that relates to the magic of the home and household. If you want to protect your home from attacks from evil spirits or witchcraft, then invite a Magician born under the sign of Pisces to install protection. You can be calm about the safety and security of your own home.

Just like Aquarius, Pisces are excellent at fortune-telling, but their element is fortune-telling with playing cards, and Tarot does not always allow Pisces to approach them. Pisces copes well with fortune-telling on coffee grounds, since their wild imagination and ability to abstract themselves help fortune-tellers born under the sign of this zodiac constellation.
There is an area of ​​​​magic for which Pisces have absolutely no ability - this is black magic. Pisces are simply physically unable to cause harm by any actions, especially magical ones. In other words, Pisces cannot cope with destructive energy, cannot control it, but are perfectly familiar with creative energy.
Pisces can very easily lose their unique abilities for magic and the occult; to do this, they just need to turn their thoughts and their interest inward. Pisces will not be able to use the powers of magic for their own personal purposes, no matter how hard they try. But this is quite logical, because Pisces are not one of those signs that try to achieve their goals by any means, so, for example, they rarely resort to love magic, although they really want to.

The crown number of Pisces is a sign. Firstly, they are well versed in them, know most of them by heart, and interpret them with pleasure. Secondly, in everything that concerns the life of Pisces and their environment, signs always come true. Thirdly, Pisces themselves develop new signs that are quite firmly established later in life and work flawlessly.

If we are talking about a magical attack directed against Pisces themselves, then they do not know how to defend against it, do not consider it necessary, from which they often suffer seriously, and recover for a long time and with difficulty. However, from time to time experiencing a keen interest in everything related to the occult, Pisces often find themselves in a situation where they themselves cannot cope with what they have “gotten into”, so they need outside help.

That is why Pisces should be advised, if the desire to engage in magic or the occult is strong and irresistible, to do it under the guidance of more magically powerful signs. Moreover, such unique “curators” of Pisces will be able to point out to them all those secret signals and signs that usually fill the life of Pisces and to which they do not pay attention, and correctly decipher them. For example, Pisces very often see magical dreams, but they rarely guess about it and begin to interpret them.
Pisces also need to be warned against trying to take revenge on their offenders or enemies using directed black energy, a magical attack or other occult methods. Rest assured, such attempts will certainly later turn your power against yourself. But whether you can protect yourself from yourself is another question.


Aries is a very dangerous sign in terms of magic. This can be said because, no matter what area Aries decides to try himself in, he will definitely succeed. Aries are subject to any occult actions, energy management at any level.

Aries can be called an unsurpassed master of charging water, clothes, and food with positive energy. In general, representatives of the Aries sign have a very strong connection with the material world. Things and substances tell Aries a lot. So, for example, from a photograph of a person, Aries, who is at least at the basic level versed in matters of fortune-telling and prophecy, can read a lot - character, fate, state of health. Everything that Aries can touch, he is able to control.

Aries have amazing energy from the Sun, and its reserves in Aries’ “storerooms” are so vast that by the end of their lives they remain unspent. In addition, Aries have a unique imagination, which can take them quite far in matters of magic, to places where it is not safe for them.

Often Aries do not attach much importance to their magical abilities, in most cases because they simply do not believe in them or do not believe in otherworldly forces at all. And on this basis they make a lot of mistakes. There have been cases when representatives of the Aries sign did something very dangerous and even irreparable simply because they did not bother to clarify, read, or consult with experts, so to speak, out of ignorance.

Aries has the gift of foresight, but it is somewhat strange and special. They will not be able to predict the future in the general sense of the word, that is, neither cards, nor runes, nor bones, nor coffee grounds will reveal their secrets to Aries. But often, acting under the influence of some strange impulse, Aries suddenly change their original plans and do the opposite, and only then it turns out that this was the most correct action. That is, the ability to foresee the future in Aries is manifested in actions, but not in words. If there were cases where a person abandoned a plane or refused to sail on a ship, anticipating a shipwreck or air disaster, and as a result turned out to be right in his premonitions, then this person was most likely an Aries.

Such abilities to sense events help Aries both in terms of love and career - they always do exactly what is needed, meet exactly the right person, negotiate exactly as needed. In short, the best advice for Aries is to listen to the voice of your own intuition, and everything will be fine with you.

Aries have a rare power of protection against all kinds of magical attacks. If Aries is in good physical and psychological shape, then it is almost impossible to cast a spell on him or cast a love spell. Aries knows how to defend itself. At the same time, Aries himself rarely resorts to magic if he needs to punish an offender or take revenge on an enemy. For these matters, Aries prefers a fair fight - a fist fight or a duel.


Taurus are magicians in everything related to money, earnings, career and business. Taurus is a money sign, a sign of gold, so in all these matters they are real wizards. If a book of spells falls into the hands of a Taurus, who has a very distant relationship with magic, he will leaf through all its pages indifferently, but at the sight of conspiracies for money, for profit and for business, the eyes of Taurus will light up with a magical light.

Taurus does not recognize sympathetic, love magic. In any case, they do not consider it something useful and important. But they feel almost reverence for economic magic.

Taurus' magical abilities most often manifest themselves at an early age. Even in childhood, those around them begin to notice that Taurus is able to control energy and transform matter almost magically. It is very important for such a child to begin cultivating his own strengths as early as possible. If the moment is missed, then the strength may be lost forever.

It’s interesting that Taurus can turn even quite ordinary things into magical spells if he repeats them three times - birthday wishes, a dream, a toast.

In general, Taurus rarely delve into the mysteries of magic, believing in most cases that this is a matter of human fantasy and has no basis in reality. They would rather consider the manifestation of magical abilities to be a coincidence or a pure coincidence. In those rare cases when Taurus nevertheless finds his way into the field of the occult, they make unsurpassed magicians and healers, mainly herbal ones.

Taurus can be excellent fortune-tellers and predictors, but often they lack imagination for this area - their interpretations will be too categorical and literal.

Black sorcerers born under the sign of Taurus are very dangerous and powerful magicians. There is no escape from a curse imposed by such a magician. Woe to the unfortunate person who deserves damage from the Taurus Magician. Such damage is practically indestructible, and will manifest itself not only on the person to whom it is addressed, but also for several generations to come.

There is an area in which Taurus will not be able to achieve any significant achievements - this is dream interpretation. Probably because Taurus themselves rarely see dreams, they almost never remember them, and they don’t attach much importance to them. However, there are several moments in their life when dreams literally dictate to Taurus what will happen. Representatives of this sign have such prophetic dreams on the eve of the most important, brightest and most significant events of their lives.

Taurus is the best illustration of the fact that thought is material, that the word is tangible. Very often, what Taurus tells unexpectedly receives material expression. In any case, if Taurus, in a fit of passion or anger, says that something will happen this way, then rest assured, this is exactly how it will happen.


The element of Gemini is sympathetic magic, love spells, sugar spells, lapels and other ways to control love and sexual attraction. A love spell made by Gemini for someone, and especially for their own needs, will be strong, durable and amazingly effective. If you are going to order a love spell from a magician, make sure that this magician was born under the sign of Gemini.

Geminis are very good at telling fortunes about love, especially on a playing deck. In other words, love is that incredible force that gives Gemini power over people. At the same time, there is a very important condition for maintaining such abilities - the Gemini Magician should not be lonely in life. Alone, Geminis fade, lose their passion, abilities and overall taste for life. Geminis are practically the only representatives of the zodiac who know how to tell fortunes about people who are far from them. They can tell about those who are far away not only what they live, but also about their health, about their future, that is, they can recreate a complete picture of their life - past, present and future.

As for magic, Geminis are best at conspiratorial magic, not effective magic. Geminis themselves are very fond of talking, their speech is “like a river babbling”, while possessing magical properties that are unique in power. Health conspiracies, love magic conspiracies, money and career conspiracies - the more words in the text of the conspiracy, the better and more effective it will be for the Gemini Magician.

The healing power is often possessed by one Gemini voice, so remote sessions of magic or healing over the phone are Gemini's strong point. Their voice magic is so strong that for a large percentage of people who turn to Gemini for magical help, a single conversation with Gemini is enough to receive full magical help.

With all these inclinations and talents, Geminis rarely make good serious magicians or psychics, healers or soothsayers. Most likely, this happens because any esoteric action requires concentration of attention and consciousness, and Gemini is an extremely mobile sign. In addition, Geminis take everything in life very lightly, not seriously, and do not attach importance to many things that are worth thinking about. Awakening love in the hearts of thousands of people of the opposite sex, they also arouse hatred in some, so quite often Geminis themselves become the object of a magical attack - a targeted love spell, damage, magic and witchcraft.

Geminis take their own dreams exaggeratedly seriously and scrupulously, by the way, and very in vain, since Geminis practically never have prophetic or any significant dreams. But all their dreams are vivid, action-packed, Geminis remember them for quite a long time and very well, coming up with one interpretation or another.

It is best for Geminis to engage in healing if they have such abilities. They make very good healers, humane and consistent. Sometimes Gemini can purely intuitively recognize and cure a person’s illness in passing, without paying special attention to it. If there have been cases of healers curing diseases that were considered incurable, then we were probably talking about Gemini healers.

Most Geminis who do not have magical data tend to find them in themselves and try to somehow cultivate them. Such Geminis make brilliant charlatan magicians, capable of inspiring everyone around them and themselves with their magical uniqueness and effectiveness, although in fact, as a rule, things do not go beyond talk.


Of all types of esoteric actions, Cancers recognize fortune telling the most. Cancers are not very interested in other magical directions. But fortune telling of all types and directions is very close to Cancers and, most importantly, they are great at it. The key to maintaining the power of a soothsayer in Cancer is the faith of other people in them. The more people are skeptical about Cancer's abilities, the faster their power will begin to fade.

It must be said that Cancers’ talent as a soothsayer in most cases is simply explained by strong intuition. In addition, most Cancers are gifted psychologists who know how to observe people and draw meaningful conclusions based on the characteristics of their behavior. Thanks to the subtle observation of a psychologist, Cancer easily subjugates people, including entire groups, and easily manipulates them.

Another unique feature of Cancers can be considered the ability to subtly sense the energy of the room. In those houses where the air is permeated with black energy, in which terrible events took place for a long time, people died or got sick, Cancers have a hard time breathing, they cannot stay there for a long time.

Cancers are very susceptible to magical attack and are completely defenseless against it, unless, of course, they put up powerful protection for themselves in time. Cancers are not able to protect themselves on their own, so for such matters, turning to a Clairvoyant or White Magician is mandatory.

Cancers have dreams that are significant, serious, imbued with symbolism, and varied in interpretation. The only bad thing is that Cancers, due to their skeptical attitude towards dreams, never set out to interpret the dream they had. In addition, in most cases, Cancers do not remember their dreams, or, having remembered, they try to forget, because they mistakenly interpret them from the bad side.

But the esoteric abilities of Cancers are most clearly manifested in the occult. In this area, they will yield the palm only to Scorpios. Cancers are successful in any magical actions of love magic; they do love spells best. Moreover, Cancers involved in healing can successfully treat infertility, sexual infirmity and other diseases related to love relationships and sexual life.

Cancers should orient their lives towards the lunar calendar, since no one in the zodiac has such a close connection with the Moon as Cancers. By organizing their own actions in accordance with the recommendations of the lunar calendar, Cancers do themselves a huge service.

a lion

Children of the fire element Leo love to be praised, admired, and flattered. But those Leos who have seriously decided to take up magic should not get carried away by flattery and narcissism. From praise, Leos relax, release the situation from the control of their tenacious nails, and, as a result, lose their magical power.

Like Cancers, Leo magicians achieve serious success in the field of sympathetic and love magic. Leos are subject to all those spells that are focused on invoking beauty, on pleasing all people without exception. Leos manage to cast a spell on beauty - this is one of the crown numbers of the representatives of the Leo sign. Leo’s magical talents are also strongly manifested in the manufacture and charging of talismans. When working with stone, Leos show this talent to the maximum.

Another element of Leo is career magic, business magic. Here Leo’s possibilities are simply unlimited, which is why most often Leos stop at this area. Leos are successful in spells to attract money, good luck, promotions, and getting a long-awaited job. Typically, such magical actions succeed brilliantly even if Leos do them for themselves. Colleagues often say this about Lviv out of envy: “What a lucky guy! And why was he promoted (given a bonus, a company car, a business trip abroad)?

It must be said that Leos are rarely interested in magic as such, and even those in whom magical abilities are clearly expressed may brush aside their manifestations all their lives and never seriously engage in their development. Healers and psychics from Leo are rare - only the most exceptional and gifted representatives of this sign manage to become real professionals in this field. In general, Leos, who are busy with narcissism, use their gift most often to serve their loved one.

From birth, lions are surrounded by reliable armor that protects them from all possible magical attacks. Over the years, such armor only becomes stronger, but in childhood, when the protective shell of the Lion Cub is still too weak, although children of other signs do not have it at all, it is necessary to protect the child from magical attacks in other ways. Such armor protects Lviv from all types of magic, but does not protect at all from sympathetic and love magic. It's easy to bewitch a Leo; the love spell will work in eighty percent of cases. But, speaking between us, to bewitch a Leo you don’t even have to resort to magic - you just need to subtly flatter him.

Leos practically never have prophetic dreams. Representatives of this sign sleep calmly, soundly, like the sleep of babies. By the way, it is Leos who retain the ability to sleep like a child until the end of their lives, which undoubtedly indicates their inner harmony.


Virgo is the queen of the Tarot. This is her element, her kingdom, her field and her calling. And if she combines fortune telling on Tarot cards with fortune telling on runes, then the results are truly brilliant. The essence of Virgo’s abilities is that representatives of this sign are able to synthesize a huge amount of information into a single whole - which, in principle, is the main task of the fortuneteller. In addition, Virgos cope well with all the tasks of runic magic.

Virgo is very well aware of the full extent of her success and the scale of her talent. But God forbid that Virgo becomes proud or suffers from “star fever” - in this case, the power and abilities can completely leave the magician born under the sign of Virgo. Everything that Virgo does “automatically” comes out brilliantly. The more spontaneous the reading of the dropped cards, the more accurate it is.

Another wealth of Virgo is deep intuition, which works unexpectedly, and does not manifest itself, like Aquarius, constantly. Virgo's intuition can tell you the number of an easy ticket when taking an exam, tell you the winning set of numbers when playing the lottery, and tell you the right move when playing cards.

Virgo is the most cautious sign in terms of magic: Virgo will never do things that could cause her inconvenience or harm. That is why it is extremely difficult to bewitch a Virgo, as well as to send damage to her. Virgo's protection reliably protects her from any encroachment on her territory. But, nevertheless, Virgos can sometimes succumb to the evil eye. Dealing with the evil eye is quite easy, but Virgos never do this because they believe that they have taken enough measures to protect themselves.

Representatives of the Virgo sign are very fond of various kinds of talismans and amulets. This is understandable, because in the entire zodiac there is no other sign who would be so helped by amulets and talismans. In addition, Virgos are very superstitious: cracked dishes, a broken mirror, things that carry negative energy - Virgo gets rid of all this very reluctantly, since natural frugality rebels against such wastefulness. But Virgos, for whom the energetic purity of the home is of great importance, need to throw out everything from the house that can attract hostile entities from the subtle world.


Libra is a specialist in ritual magic. Libra does everything that concerns the magic of nature, the magic of the elements very well. In terms of healing, Libra can very well help people suffering from magnetic storms and changes in atmospheric pressure. And if, when carrying out treatment, Libra is guided by the lunar cycle, then their success increases.

In general, Libra does healing very well, in almost all areas. Libras carefully study herbalism, manual therapy, acupuncture and massage. But for healers born under the sign of Libra, there is one indisputable prohibition: they should not say the words “No” to people who turn to them for help. That is, you must not refuse under any circumstances, otherwise Libra may lose their power. In healing, Libra may still be hampered by their heightened sense of compassion: they do not always dare to tell the sufferer the true cause of his illness, for which they often pay for the fiasco.

Libra's talents are also clearly demonstrated in the making of talismans. If a person born under the sign of Libra gave you a gift made with his own hands, then rest assured that this is not just a gift, it is your amulet or talisman for the rest of your life and will bring you happiness more than once.

For their own needs, Libra often uses means of sympathetic magic - love spells, hexes, love potions. It always turns out brilliantly for them, although it doesn’t work with Libra themselves, since love spells don’t take them under any circumstances. So, if you decide to bewitch the man of your dreams, born under the sign of Libra, then give up this empty idea and look for other means to win his love.

Libras are often attacked by astral vampires. But they cannot do much harm to Libra, since Libra will only find themselves defenseless, but in fact, they know how to defend themselves.

Libras are completely incapable of fortune telling. For them, the science of divination is something incomprehensible and mysterious. Libras love to turn to fortune-tellers for help, and they try different types of fortune-telling, even exotic ones. But Libra themselves cannot guess, which is why they are usually very annoyed and do not want to admit it for a long time.

One interesting observation: most of the companions (spouses, loved ones, assistants) of famous clairvoyants and soothsayers, psychics and healers of all times and peoples were born under the sign of Libra. Libras, who do not have a gift, know how to appreciate it in other people. In this case, they literally revere them, helping them and encouraging them in every possible way.


Perhaps Scorpio can be called the most mystical sign of the zodiac. It is among Scorpios that the largest number of powerful magicians and soothsayers is found. It is Scorpios who are equally brilliant at using their abilities on both the light side and the dark side of magic.

Representatives of the Scorpio sign have a particularly pronounced talent for economic and domestic magic. In protecting the home and all kinds of magical rituals aimed at protecting the house and its inhabitants, Scorpios are hard to beat. The best protection for Scorpio's strength is his calmness, because at the first signs of anger or irritation, Scorpio simply physically feels how his strength leaves him. But in a good and kind mood, it is often enough for Scorpios to wipe off the dust in the house from all surfaces, thereby ridding the house of any negativity.

Scorpios do an excellent job with fortune-telling and predictions. They are capable of any type of fortune telling, they quickly learn any type of fortune telling and achieve excellent results in a short time. In addition, Scorpios often need to simply write down their sayings, since their gift of seership manifests itself in the form of random utterances. Scorpios expressed their best prophecies this way: by “blurting out” accidentally among friends.

If the magical charge with which Scorpio is endowed turns out to be much stronger than himself, then Scorpio should contact a specialist, otherwise it will simply be life-threatening for people to be near him. So, any curse released by Scorpio against someone will definitely achieve its goal. Scorpios should watch their words, as well as their thoughts and actions. The same applies to love magic, which Scorpios do very easily and simply, but they themselves later regret what they did. In terms of love magic, Scorpios have one unique gift - they are able not only to return love that was considered long gone, but also to completely transform it. In general, it is better for Scorpios to refrain from love magic, since the results can many times exceed the expectations of Scorpios, and they are fickle natures, so the adoration that they achieve with a love spell may very soon simply get boring for them.

As for a magical attack from the outside, it is difficult to deal with Scorpio, because he has very strong patrons in the subtle world. This means that any magical effect directed against the Scorpios themselves will not only not reach the goal, but will also return to the one who sent it, causing them irreparable harm, several times greater than the power of the one sent.


The weakest sign of the zodiac in terms of magic. Firstly, Sagittarius has no special abilities for magic, and secondly, and this is the main thing, Sagittarius has never been particularly interested in this issue. Quantity in this case loses to quality: if there are Sagittarius among the Mages, then these Mages are truly talented and great. Meanwhile, among Sagittarius there are brilliant theorists of magic, explorers of its depths, who have never used it in practice. Sagittarians do not practice magical rituals also because they are used to always calculating their own actions several steps ahead, so they always have a very clear idea of ​​what experimentation in magic can lead to and what the consequences may be.

Sagittarius should not engage in healing under any circumstances, since Sagittarius has absolutely no immunity to other people’s diseases, and especially to energy ailments. By healing others, even if Sagittarius succeeds, he will exhaust and weaken himself, and then will not be able to recover. Sagittarius can prove herself to be a brilliant diagnostician: she names diseases immediately and almost unmistakably.

Sagittarians can make excellent interpreters of dreams, since they have well-developed intuition, abstract and imaginative thinking, sensitivity to symbols and the ability to transform them into details, from which a picture is then compiled. But Sagittarius is unlucky in fortune-telling: firstly, Sagittarius himself does not have such abilities, as well as, by and large, a prophetic gift, but fortune-telling sessions with a professional soothsayer will be useless for Sagittarius, since their essence, so to speak, is “closed to view” . All attempts by Sagittarius to see their own future will not be crowned with particular success, except in general terms, and therefore it is not worth doing this. However, Sagittarius themselves feel this somewhere, so after a couple of unsuccessful attempts they abandon this idea altogether.

Sagittarius performs well in astrology. Among Sagittarius there are many brilliant, famous astrologers, and Sagittarius' forecasts are always accompanied by detailed advice.

Sagittarians are practically not subject to the evil eye; as an object of magical attack, they are uninteresting, since they are completely immune to it. Sagittarians are quite open to the influence of love magic, but they themselves never resort to its services, because they consider it unnecessary; they have no shortage of admirers due to their inherent natural coquetry and charm. Meanwhile, the charm and personal attractiveness of Sagittarius is the best illustration of their inner magical content. The ability to charm the listener and the innate gift of suggestion helps Sagittarius achieve success in such fields as oratory or theater.


Capricorns show extraordinary abilities in all those areas of magic where the material side of the issue is important or where precise calculations are concerned. So, the magical element in which Capricorns feel like fish in water is numerology. Numerology reveals its secrets, by and large, only to Capricorns, because they are the only ones in the zodiac who are able to be so scrupulous about calculations and precise formulations.

Capricorns also make excellent palmists: they read fortunes by reading from an open palm, as if from a book page. By the way, Capricorns rarely devote themselves to magic and fortune-telling, but if they do, they devote themselves to this matter with all responsibility. Palmists born under the sign of Capricorn should be trusted more than anyone else.

Capricorns are closest to elemental magic, wood magic and fire magic. Capricorns usually make great progress in agricultural magic: no one makes spells for the harvest or offspring better than them. This is not surprising, because Capricorns are always at the center of natural energy, they are able to be saturated with the juices of the earth, the power of water, the courage of the tree and the tranquility of the earth.

For Capricorns, there is one serious warning: never, even during the period of severe disappointment in the most unrequited love, should you resort to love black magic. Any violence against a person is contraindicated for Capricorns, since they themselves do not allow this to be done to themselves.
In general, it is better for Capricorns to remain at the level of primitive elemental magic, and not to delve into the wilds of the occult and esoteric depths. Mages still cannot cause any particular harm to Capricorn, whose protection is strong from birth, but Capricorns can get into their hands a force that is not to be trifled with.

Yes, Capricorn, in general, is quite indifferent to all this esoteric fuss, since he is material from the very beginning. Capricorns believe that they do not need this in their lives and this does not concern them in life. In addition, Capricorns do not feel artificially created black energy, that is, that which is directed by a person. They can live in a room filled with black currents, they can step over the border of the subtle worlds several times without even paying attention to it. Such insensitivity of Capricorn only benefits him: as they say, the less you know, the better you sleep.

Capricorns also cannot be healers, since they do not have a pulse of compassion at all. Capricorns believe that they should not waste time on empty lamentations of words of support; the patient needs to be treated. But they forget that often the lion's share of all treatment lies in compassion and words of support.

Capricorns often have beautiful and interesting dreams, but they are rarely vivid, because in most cases they are based on personal experiences from Capricorns’ past life.

Many people have magical abilities who don’t even know it. Some can predict events, others can see prophetic dreams, and still others easily achieve their goals, guided in this process by their sixth sense. Today we will tell you about what magical abilities all zodiac signs have.

Aries - magical abilities

Aries, compared to other zodiac signs, has a highly developed intuition. This quality allows them to be considered successful people or, on the contrary, not to get into unpleasant or even dangerous situations. But you shouldn’t be overly self-confident: for magical practices, intuition alone is not enough; you will need more flexibility and less stubbornness.

Taurus - magical abilities

It is difficult to suspect Taurus of a penchant for mysticism - they are usually materialists. However, it is precisely this quality that can help them; according to scientists, thought is also material, and can easily come to life if you put in a little effort. Taurus should use this ability and simply direct their desires in a favorable direction. Often this happens not only in reality, but also in dreams. It’s rare that a representative of this sign can say that he has never been visited by “prophetic dreams.” Taurus just need to learn to interpret these signs correctly.

Gemini - magical abilities

Rarely does one of the twins manage to become an outstanding medium or psychic, although these people have all the data for such activities: the ability to perceive new information, a flexible and sharp mind, receptivity. However, magical knowledge also requires diligence and perseverance, and Geminis, as creative people, consider hard work too banal. Besides, there are many interesting areas in life besides magic. However, if secret knowledge truly captivates such people, then they will be able to overcome all the negative aspects of their character and enrich their spiritual world by communicating with otherworldly forces.

Cancer - magical abilities

Mysticism for people born under this sign is one of the recommended activities. How could it be otherwise: on a subconscious level, crayfish are able to grasp all the nuances in the situation and behavior of people, they have very developed sensitivity on the verge of foresight, they are visited by visions in their sleep. Even having chosen a path far from the occult, Cancers unconsciously use their mystical talents in work and communication with people.

Leos - magical abilities

A magical gift rarely visits lions. After all, to do this you need to forget about your royal role, focus not on your desires and position, but on what surrounds you. Leos are self-centered and this approach to life is not for them. However, these people often become professionals in making amulets, because such things not only have spiritual significance, but are also financially capable of emphasizing the status of their owner. And lions know everything about status!

Virgo - magical abilities

In terms of sensitivity and ability to perceive new things, this sign is similar to Gemini. However, Virgos are more organized, so they can more easily see the mystical component in their lives. Also, Virgos’ intuition is not poorly developed. If a virgin makes every effort, then this will be useful in order to prevent the influence of evil mystical creatures into her life.

Libra - magical abilities

Of all the zodiac signs, Libra is the fairest and most harmonious. And of course, they want the world around them to become the same - harmonious, fair and beautiful. Libras are excellent doctors, as illness can disrupt harmony. These people should remember that it is necessary to heal not only the body, but also the soul, that is, human energy. This sign is patronized by Venus, so Libra is good at that section of magic that is associated with love feelings. This is understandable; what kind of harmony can there be without love?

Scorpios - magical abilities

All astrologers consider this sign to be the most mysterious. Even the gaze of many Scorpios is described by those around them as riveting, hypnotic. In general, secrets and mysticism are the native element of such people; there is no area in magic that they have not mastered with amazing ease. However, such a talent, if used ineptly, can turn into evil. Well, to whom much is given, much is required.

Sagittarius - magical abilities

Such people are born researchers and greedy for impressions, and the occult sciences promise a lot of unusual and exciting things. Sagittarians love to gain new knowledge about the other world. But they need to learn that theory without practice is not viable. A sharp mind and luck will help these people develop the gift of clairvoyance, sometimes close to prophecy.

Capricorns - magical abilities

Practicing magic poses a certain danger for Capricorns; they take any task too responsibly and are too focused on results. So it won’t take long to move into the occult world yourself. We must remember that in addition to mysticism, there is also a real world where you also need to achieve success. In addition, exiting the astral plane can give such joys as love and communication with dear people.

Aquarius - magical abilities

There are many energy vampires among Aquarius, but you can take away not only positive energy, but also negative energy. Aquarians often anticipate their time, so they make good fortunetellers; they are especially good at interpreting messages in dreams and Tarot cards. Aquarians are not bad psychologists and can perfectly see the hidden motives and aspirations of people.

Pisces - magical abilities

This sign is very sensitive and has weak energy, so otherworldly forces enter the daily life of Pisces very easily. However, don't forget. That in the occult there is a lot that is dangerous and even hostile to humans. You should not mindlessly immerse yourself in mysticism and neglect intuition and common sense, otherwise disaster will inevitably arise.

Everyone has the ability for magic, but some are prevented from developing their character traits, others try areas where they are less gifted, and others simply do not believe in their abilities. And some simply haven’t found their mentor who will help them overcome all of the above. Our experts will help you discover your superpowers and use them for the benefit of yourself and others.

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There is an opinion that only some zodiac signs have a predisposition to magical abilities. Today on HoroscopeGuru we present you with a horoscope of magic, thanks to which you can find out which zodiac signs can really become magicians.

Magic Horoscope – Scorpio

Scorpios are most predisposed to supernatural abilities. Representatives of this sign have a truly amazingly developed and gut feeling. They feel the emotions of others very well. Most Scorpios also have the gift of clairvoyance. They often have prophetic dreams. They are also excellent at predicting people's next actions. Scorpios can predict their actions. All this distinguishes them from ordinary people.

In addition, it is impossible to hide from the gaze of Scorpios. If they noticed you, they already know a lot more about you than you might think. They also have the gift of persuasion. Moreover, they manipulate people very skillfully. You won't even notice how the views and thoughts of Scorpios will penetrate your head. And they will live there densely! All this is due to the fact that is the planet of the representatives of this sign. And by the way, it symbolizes destruction and rebirth. These people know how to unconsciously protect themselves and their loved ones from negative influences.

Magic Horoscope – Aquarius

All air signs have the ability to perform magic. They are very often interested in esotericism. But Libra and Gemini usually focus on communicating with people. A uses his knowledge and talents to design the future. Representatives of this sign can deservedly be called the architect of the star trek. These are true innovators and visionaries. What distinguishes them is that they never use their abilities for selfish purposes.

Their talents are due to the influence of Uranus. Because of this planet, Aquarius is constantly drawn to everything mysterious and mystical. In addition, they feel the subtle world. Very often, thanks to their talent, Aquarians become revolutionaries and pioneers. Moreover, their discoveries and actions influence the evolution of all humanity.

Magic Horoscope – Cancer

Cancers have very good clairvoyant skills. They dream all the time , very symbolic dreams. In order for them to come true, Cancers just need to write them down on paper in the morning. They are also very good defenders. They always protect themselves and their loved ones from negative influences. Their armor is so strong that no damage can take it.

Cancers are also distinguished by very developed intuition. They always sense the bad intentions of others. Cancers are also capable of avoiding trouble. But for this they need to use all sorts of available means. For example, telling fortunes using coffee grounds, using cards, etc. They also always sense when their loved ones are in danger.

Just like that! Of course, if you were born under any of these zodiac signs, there is no need to relax. This doesn't mean you don't need to do anything now. You need to work on yourself. Then you can become a real wizard! The main thing is to use your talents only for positive purposes.

Many astrologers agree that almost all zodiac signs have a tendency towards psychic or magical abilities. The stars do not indicate how developed and strong they are, but only show the right direction in which they should be developed. If you are used to considering yourself a person who does not have magical abilities, then you should read this article. You may be greatly surprised by your occult potential.

Aries are pragmatic enough individuals to do something unrealistic or, as Aries themselves would say, nonsense. But, nevertheless, they often use their abilities without even giving it the slightest importance:

  • Aries are quite ambitious and purposeful individuals who have a powerful connection with the Universe. Such strong character traits, combined with an innate gift, form an explosive cocktail called “fortune”.
  • This connection with the cosmos allows them to get what they want. As soon as Aries thinks that he wants coffee, his friend will independently bring a hot drink.
  • Aries are also the owners of telepathic thinking. Sometimes they mentally send an order into space without knowing it, and then they are surprised by interesting coincidences. Accidentally finding a ticket to a concert of your favorite artist is a very typical set of circumstances for Aries.
  • Aries have a particularly highly developed gift of intuition; they can rarely be persuaded to get into this particular taxi or go to this particular restaurant if they have already decided to remain out of work. Often, such unjustified obstinacy saves them from a lot of trouble.
  • Aries have crazy energy that can influence those around them. Representatives of this sign can charge water with just one thought and endow it with healing or even healing qualities.
  • But there is one big drawback to such a strong gift: Aries can easily jinx it or predict big trouble for someone. First of all, they need to control themselves, and then develop such a clear and strong gift. It’s worth giving up envy and curses towards your enemies!

Advice for Aries:

If you don’t fully believe in the possibilities described, try mentally asking a close friend or old acquaintance to call you. You will be surprised how quickly and clearly the Universe interprets your desires.

Magical abilities of Taurus

Taurus in their attitude to extrasensory and magical abilities are very similar to Aries. These are pragmatic realists who are accustomed to denying everything that they cannot maintain control over. This is the main big mistake of representatives of this sign. Taurus have enormous mystical potential, which, with their perseverance, they could develop to the highest level:

  • The main feature of the magical potential of Taurus is the ability to communicate with flora. On an intuitive level, they understand which plants can heal and which, on the contrary, cause irreparable harm to the body.
  • They are natural herbalists. In ancient times such people were called magicians, witchers (or witches) or wise men. With the help of plants, they can not only improve health, but also predict the future or warn of possible troubles.
  • Taurus, who have realized their gift, can make various herbal bags: for quick and sound sleep, vigor, creative inspiration, good health, or to protect their home from evil spirits.
  • Taurus, like Aries, has the evil eye. They can easily jinx it or say something bad in the heat of the moment and reward their offender with a strong curse that will last many generations later.

Advice for Taurus:

Such abilities help Taurus in many life situations. If you want to test your gift, then you just need to be puzzled by the goal and come to the forest. Sit on the grass and think a little about the question you came with. Look around the trees around you and go to the one that is calling you (you will feel it on an intuitive level). Hug him and stand there for a few minutes. The tree will give you answers and share its energy with you, which you will feel soon.

Gemini's magical abilities

Geminis are absolutely mediocre in discovering and developing their abilities. They are very flighty and fickle in their many hobbies. As practice shows, Geminis are not able to complete anything. But, oddly enough, they also have their own innate abilities, which they often neglect:

  • Geminis excel in the gift of persuasion, therefore, if you do not take into account their frivolity, fickleness and lack of punctuality; they are able to achieve considerable heights in their field of employment.
  • These are born manipulators who can turn a situation the way it suits them. Gemini will easily make you guilty and play it off so beautifully that you will probably even feel shame and ask for forgiveness for something for which you are not really guilty.
  • What can I say? It was as if the Universe took into account Gemini’s restless disposition and rewarded him with the most down-to-earth and applicable gift that could be imagined.
  • If Gemini were more persistent and persistent in their knowledge, then they could easily succeed in their knowledge of hypnosis.
  • Prayers, conspiracies, etc. have great power from the lips of Gemini. Their gift is the power of words, in all its manifestations.

Advice for Gemini:

Many Gemini opportunities are left out of work due to very systematic organization. The main advice to this representative of the air is to interest yourself in such useful knowledge. Try to convince a person to do something that is completely out of character or unnecessary for him: sell a comb to a bald person or glasses to a blind person. When you see how powerful your gift of persuasion is, perhaps you yourself will express the desire and required persistence in learning the art of hypnosis.

Magical abilities of Cancer

Cancers are very sensitive people. They are influenced by the energy of any area. They often easily figure out a “bad” place to live. In houses where there have been big fights or murders, they feel bad. Cancers need to avoid such places, because they are highly susceptible to the negative influence of such places. But hypersensitivity is not the only gift of representatives of this sign:

  • Cancers rarely remember dreams and, in most cases, cannot interpret them correctly, but on the eve of some significant events, dreams can help them make the right decision or protect them from rash and spontaneous decisions.
  • Cancers are recommended to sleep with a notepad and pen by their bed so that they can write down their dreams when they wake up. This is a great way to strengthen your magical abilities and take into account the important information that the dream wants to warn you about.
  • Cancers are also born white magicians. They are able to achieve considerable heights by improving their knowledge of occult cultures.
  • As mentioned above, Cancers are a very sensitive sign, so on a mental level they are able to “read” the intentions of each sign. This is a very valuable gift that helps them avoid consumerism on the part of some unscrupulous representatives.

Tips for Cancers:

Cancers can safely be classified as “prophets” because of the generous reward of the Creator in the form of prophetic dreams. Representatives of this sign should remember that all the dreams they have contain valuable information that may be useful to them.

Leo's magical abilities

Leo is a very selfish and disorganized sign to develop magical abilities. Undoubtedly, they have a predisposition to occult cultures, but they are unlikely to have the perseverance to develop this gift in themselves. But the stars generously rewarded them with innate gifts that do not require obvious effort for their development:

  • Leos were lucky to be born under the auspices of the Sun, which will protect them throughout their lives.
  • Representatives of this sign are not afraid of conspiracies, damage and spells. They, like a natural shield, will repel any encroachment on themselves by enemies. Leos are the owners of natural immunity, which is called “amulet”.
  • It is the gift of natural protection that reveals in them the ability to make effective and strong amulets. Leos know and know how to make a reliable and effective amulet from an ordinary attribute.
  • The stone that enhances the magical ability of Leo is amber, so it is highly advisable to wear this jewelry on the body as additional protection.

Advice for Leo:

Lions are strong enough to withstand almost any magic. But there is an enemy whose potential is much stronger than his own defense - these are people born under the constellation Scorpio, so it would not be a bad idea to protect yourself from representatives of this sign and try not to conflict with them.

Virgo's magical abilities

Virgos are more susceptible to negative energy than others. Such incredible sensitivity of this sign can cause energy attacks. Representatives of this constellation are ideal victims of energy vampires and all kinds of attacks from enemies. But Virgos are not the only ones who have sensitivity. Their potential for exact sciences opens up a bunch of opportunities for them in which they can realize themselves:

  • Virgos have an analytical mind. Not every sign can boast of such strong abilities in the exact sciences. Thanks to this gift, they have phenomenal abilities in the art of numerology, interpretation of Tarot cards and palmistry.
  • Virgos are very vulnerable to the evil eye and damage. They need amulets and amulets more than others.
  • Even in their direct specificity of the occult sciences, the presence of a precious stone or any other attribute that is endowed with amulet abilities will not hurt.
  • Virgos are very susceptible to love magic, so many amulets are powerless in counteracting this sphere of conspiracies.
  • Before you begin any interpretation in your field of activity, you need to read a prayer, spell or mantra. Such things help Virgos a lot, because... With some actions or thoughtless actions they can cause energetic harm to themselves.

Advice for Virgos:

Virgos are a very saving sign, which brings considerable harm to an already weak aura. Their pathological thriftiness does not allow them to throw away old and torn things, cracked glass and mirrors, broken dishes and empty tin cans. Not only does this noticeably clutter the room and clog the circulation of energy channels, but it also makes their aura more vulnerable. Also, do not forget that in rotten, cracked or broken things, evil entities appear over time, which can bring discord to the family and absorb your vital energy.

Libra's magical abilities

Libra is the earthly personification of universal balance in all its manifestations. They clearly understand the value of their desires and will never take more than they are entitled to. Perhaps it was their justice and understanding of earthly principles that became the reason that the stars endowed them with a very rare and generous gift:

  • Libras have a great rare gift that helps them keep in touch with nature. They easily understand the magical abilities of precious stones and rare minerals, which they often use.
  • Their innate mania for everything natural already speaks of their admiration for the magic of nature. For example, Virgos rarely take vitamins, compensating for their deficiency through natural products; They practically do not wear jewelry or medical gold, preferring precious metals or natural stones.
  • They have a very sensitive connection with nature, which begins to manifest itself more and more with age, so it often happens that Libra goes to the village away from the bustle of the world. Such a spontaneous act benefits Libra: they become noticeably younger, stronger in health and spirit.
  • Libras are also very good at love magic, but they themselves are not subject to its influence, which gives them an advantage over other zodiac signs.

Advice for Libra:

Libras do not know how to handle magical attributes at all. This is a rare case when an ordinary prediction ball is more likely to cause irreparable energetic harm than to help this representative of the air in his quest to know the future. It is better to limit yourself from magical attributes. Remember, your energy information channel is the Universe, you were given a special gift to nourish knowledge and the power of nature, so you have no need for magical paraphernalia.

Scorpio's magical abilities

Scorpio is the most powerful zodiac sign in the magical world, so it requires discipline and self-control like no other. Their power is capable of shaping destinies, punishing enemies and rewarding supporters. It’s scary to make an enemy in the person of Scorpio, because this is a very vindictive and hypocritical sign that is capable of abundantly rewarding you with troubles at a time when you least expect it. His many talents in the field of occult sciences may allow him to bide his time:

  • Scorpio is the most mystical sign of the zodiac. He has a lot of abilities that he can easily develop thanks to his determination. One of them is clairvoyance and an unsurpassed sense of intuition.
  • It is better to listen to this sign, trying to remember all the subtleties, because Scorpios very rarely make mistakes.
  • Scorpios are completely unaffected by energy attacks. In the subtle world they have quite strong patrons who will more than punish anyone who encroaches on the peace of Scorpio.
  • Scorpios have great respect in the mental world, so some spirits willingly communicate with them and try to give practical advice or help.
  • Their connections with the parallel world are not limited, because the legend says that it was the Scorpions who protected and saw off the healing god Shadrapa, thereby earning the honor of taking a respectful position among the kingdom of the dead.

Advice for Scorpio:

It is better for this representative to first find the strength of self-control, so that, first of all, he does not suffer himself. Your self-confidence and excessive carelessness can cost you too much.

If you want to check the presence of your gift, it is better to start by talking with the brownie. You have superiority over other signs, which is expressed in the ability to communicate with spirits and entities of all ranks. You can simply ask who is the boss of the house and, quite likely, he will answer you with noise, but it is better to conduct a simple experiment to make sure of your gift:

Wrap 7 pencils in plain paper and leave them in a room behind a closed door. Ask the brownie to prove that he is guarding your house, and to do this, unfold the pencils. Then leave the room. When you return, you should see the pencils unfolded, which will confirm your gift of communication with spirits.

Sagittarius magical abilities

Sagittarians, thanks to their determination and scrupulous approach to detail, can develop many abilities, the knowledge of which will greatly facilitate their lives. But, as a responsible and thoughtful sign, Sagittarius rarely puts their gifts into practice. This is a sign that balances the connection between goal, method and consequence, so the stars endowed them with many talents and an incredibly strong connection with the mental world:

  • Sagittarians are quite deep and sensual natures, so they easily connect to energy and information channels that many do not even notice. Their focused stubbornness gives them the chance to become a leading specialist in many branches of the occult sciences.
  • Sagittarius have always been remarkable in this area, because in the past it was the representatives of this sign who were called witchers, wise men, magicians, hypnotists, palmists, astrologers, gurus and other honorary titles. Many of the leading representatives are still known today for their talents and achievements.
  • Sagittarians are very active and inquisitive. They strive to experience this world in all its greatness, therefore they are able to achieve considerable heights.
  • Also, these representatives of the fire element have a rare gift of healing. They make excellent doctors, both traditional and alternative medicine. Many people call such people healers.

Advice for Sagittarius:

Many Sagittarians are spread thin in their search for magical abilities, so the only advice that will serve them well is to focus on one industry. Don't be afraid to take the wrong path, just listen to your intuition, it will always show you the right path.

Capricorn's magical abilities

Capricorns are quite skeptical about the presence of magical abilities in people. Such people need to feel power over everything that happens, so the loss of control over any situation seems to them an excuse for their own idleness or a sign of dementia. But, be that as it may, Capricorns are also subject to some magical abilities, which they very rarely develop in themselves:

  • Capricorns get along with nature. They are easily able to obtain the necessary energy from trees, the sea, rivers, lakes, rocks and mountains. They are attracted to everything that, on an intuitive level, has its own strength and wisdom.
  • Forgotten ancient sciences are suitable for Capricorns, such as shamanism, Druid magic and the well-known Voodoo. In such areas they are able to achieve success. They are capable of many things, but often they are not even aware of their abilities.
  • Capricorns are very resistant to energy attacks. They are not at all afraid of energy vampires, damage, love spells, evil eyes and curses.
  • Capricorns are a very down-to-earth and practical sign, so magic is a way to brighten up your everyday pastime or learn the history of an ancient culture from the inside.

Advice for Capricorns:

Capricorns are subject to short-term bouts of despondency, apathy and the absurdity of their actions by which they live. At such moments, the best medicine is a trip to nature. After a couple of hours in the forest by the lake, you will feel much better: you will gain strength, eliminate moral fatigue, and you will have a lot of thoughts about improving the quality of your life. This is a great way to have a good time and prove that you have magical abilities in a special connection with nature.

Magical abilities of Aquarius

Aquarius is a very sensitive sign, characterized by a craving for deep cosmic knowledge. This is the sign whose sense of intuition is most developed. They are capable of deep thinking, which often leads to improvement and innovation of old techniques. Aquarians have some abilities in occult cultures:

  • Aquarians are capable students who are masters at interpreting tarot cards. In many ways, there are a lot of “gags”, but in general their methods often work, which Aquarians themselves are sometimes sincerely surprised at.
  • This is a sign of creation, therefore, almost everything that this sign touches will contain the author’s methodology.
  • Aquarians have magical abilities to interpret the Book of Changes.
  • Aquarians are susceptible to energy attacks, but quickly regain their strength.
  • Their main gift lies in exceptional and subtle intuition, so they are able to sense a person and reveal his true intentions.
  • Male representatives often act as energy vampires themselves.

Advice for Aquarius:

To unlock your energetic potential, you need to go into detail. External, insignificant factors that create the illusion of magic are very important to you. Put on a robe or get a temporary tattoo of a certain magical symbol - this will help you tune in to the right mood and reveal the necessary knowledge within yourself.

Magical abilities of Pisces

Pisces are quite defenseless in their craving for occult knowledge. Oddly enough, they become victims of their own actions. This is the only zodiac sign that is strictly forbidden to engage in magical rituals due to a number of serious reasons:

  • Pisces are silent and ideally suited to the role of the victim, which brings them a lot of trouble in life. They are very vulnerable and touchy, if not to say vindictive, but they just don’t know how to take revenge at all, but they try hard.
  • Pisces can use occult knowledge to take revenge on their offenders, but only the incorrect application of this knowledge can backfire on them. In some cases, they are quite capable of catching their victim in their magical nets, but they just have no idea what to do with it next.
  • They are not able to consolidate the ritual to the end due to their low energy level, which boomerangs their action back. This is the case when you catch too much prey, with which you can easily become a victim.

Tip for Pisces:

If your craving for occult cultures is so strong that you cannot resist the temptation to try it, then it is better to find yourself a strong patron in the person of Sagittarius or Scorpio (the second tandem is unlikely without the benefit of your companion). But you still need to listen to astrologers who tirelessly repeat that this will not turn out to be anything good for you. Remember that you also have other magical qualities: you masterfully brew medicinal decoctions from medicinal herbs.

Now you know that the stars are able to reward you not only with certain talents and character traits, but also with magical abilities that are protected by your zodiac sign. Make sure that you will have the strength to develop the direction you have chosen, because discovering magical skills in yourself is not everything. A long road of many years awaits you to hone and improve your skills. Gain strength and patience, your perseverance will help you discover your true magical path.

Video: “Magical abilities according to zodiac signs”

Many people want to have some kind of psychic abilities and wonder if they depend on the date and time of birth? Every person is endowed with certain knowledge and skills from above. Someone develops them, and they clearly manifest themselves at different periods of life. And for some, these inclinations are in a dormant state. So how can you determine your psychic abilities by date of birth? There are certain methods and tests for this, which we will consider below. It is worth trusting astrology, which characterizes the abilities of each sign in its own way.

Magical or extrasensory abilities enable one or another person to hear, see and perform incredible actions that are inaccessible to others. Of course, not everyone has such opportunities. In addition, the focus of such abilities can be very different: conspiracies, love spells, healing, communication with otherworldly spirits, forces, visions. Well, is it possible to find out exactly what capabilities you yourself have? What psychic abilities do you have based on your date of birth?

Aries. This sign characterizes the gift of foresight. There are frequent cases when, for example. Having missed the plane, Aries avoids a plane crash.

Calf. Generosity and kindness are inherent in these people. It has been noticed that the more they give, the more benefits they receive from above.

Twins. Gemini's gift is persuasion. They speak so beautifully that they can often win their opponent over to their side and convince him of their point of view.

Cancer. People with the strongest intuition. They can foresee the future. Cancers are often fans of various methods of fortune telling. Able to manipulate other people.

A lion. Leo's ability is leadership. They easily control others. In magic, they are quite strong in love fortune-telling. They can reach enormous heights in this area.

Virgo. Extrasensory ability is the ability to guess, and by any means. Virgos, thanks to their feelings, often win the lottery.

Scales. Their powers develop in natural magic, so amulets made by the hands of Libra have the strongest energy power.

Scorpion. In any home they are an invaluable amulet. They easily master home magic.

Sagittarius. They have the gift of healing. They are capable of making their own dreams come true through strong suggestion.

Capricorn. Great abilities in palmistry and astrology. If Capricorn lives in nature, his intuition is acute.

Aquarius. Conducting fortune telling and rituals, he receives truthful results. Capable of creating new rituals, they will be effective.

Fish. They get a boost of energy from water. Their psychic abilities based on their date of birth make it possible to carry out rituals on the water quite successfully. Pisces can create various magical potions.

If you have psychic abilities, any astrologer will help you calculate them based on your date of birth.

Elements of the zodiac signs

Some begin to try themselves in various areas of extrasensory perception, wasting their time and energy, but this will lead to nothing if you do not find out in advance in what area you are strong, what nature has endowed you with. A horoscope will help with this, because many life factors are determined by the date of birth. This way you can find out your magical affiliation with the world of magic by the signs of the zodiac.

How do I know if I have psychic abilities? This question worries many. Each zodiac sign belongs to a specific element (Fire, Earth, Air and Water). This is also of great importance in determining psychic abilities. The zodiac sign is determined by a combination of elements and qualities.

Trigon of Fire (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius)

The peculiarity of this element is warmth and dryness, vitality, metaphysical energy. The Trigon of Fire is considered creative; it is characterized by activity, action, and energy. The main controlling force is Fire, and this is zeal, impatience, irascibility, courage, bravery, unceremoniousness. The defining feature of Fire signs is ambition; they easily adapt to life situations, but, alas, they do not love and cannot obey. They have strong persistence, perseverance, and love of truth. Already at an early age they try to gain independence and independence. Freedom is the most important thing for them.

The definition of psychic abilities by date of birth for this element is that they receive a charge of energy from space. This allows you to either attract other signs to yourself, or vice versa - to repel them. Expressed leadership qualities make it possible to easily lead and manage people. The people around them are in constant excitement, tension, and are easily influenced by the energy of representatives of the fire element.

Aries has amazing intuition; he is one of the first to find himself in a place where he is especially needed.

Leo especially has leadership qualities. Love magic lends itself easily to him, and he can use it for the benefit of the whole world.

Sagittarius has the gift of a healer and easily relieves any pain with bioenergy. They make excellent diagnosticians.

Earth trine (Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo)

The Earth trine characterizes dryness, coldness, density, strength. The principle of the trigon is stability, materialism. The earth gives stability, hardness, concreteness, creates laws and forms. People from the Earth trine have been moving towards their goals with firm steps since childhood, while soberly calculating their abilities. People of this element are practical and businesslike. They often choose a profession related to material values.

Capricorn loves everything close to nature; at home he often has everything natural - stone, wood. Being in the lap of nature, representatives of this sign can find answers to many confusing questions. In this case, extrasensory abilities based on date of birth allow you to study astrology and palmistry, because Capricorns have a special relationship with numbers.

Calf. His career is often driven by good. He tries to create it everywhere, and the more good he brings to life, the richer he becomes both spiritually and materially. The gift of Taurus is to bring good to people.

Virgos are for the most part unsurpassed fortune tellers. Any fortune-telling lends itself to them. Luck is always on their side; if they learn to listen to their inner voice, they can easily pull out a lucky lottery ticket.

Trigon of Air (Libra, Aquarius, Gemini)

The peculiarity of this trine is humidity, heat, divisibility, adaptability, flexibility. Air defines relationships and contacts. Air loves freedom and independence. It ensures the existence of all living things on Earth, is responsible for the transmission of life, reproduction, and procreation. People of this trine do not tolerate monotony; they are constantly attracted by change. They quickly grasp information, process it and pass it on to others. If we consider a person’s extrasensory abilities by date of birth, then “airy” people can be characterized as follows:

Libra is strongly associated with natural phenomena. They are completely dependent on the sun. Amulets and amulets in their hands become magical. Libra can make them from anything, and they will have magical powers.

Aquarians easily invent a variety of rituals and rituals. Fortune telling for them is an opportunity to look into both the past and the future. A feature of success is complete trust in the relationship: the more you trust the magician, the more clearly he will be able to predict.

Geminis are able to use the element of winds, this helps them in communication and predictions. They communicate easily and can convince you of their point of view in no time.

Trigon of Water (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces)

The peculiarity of the sign is humidity and coldness. Water is memory, preservation, inner peace, emotions, feelings. These people often live an internal life rather than an external one. They are extremely sensitive, but keep their emotions to themselves. Sometimes they are lazy and lethargic, except for Scorpios. They have subtle intuition, which makes it possible to foresee events in advance. Since it is quite possible to determine psychic abilities by date of birth, we will clarify their capabilities separately by sign.

Cancer is an innate psychologist, and this allows him to easily manipulate people. This trait is indispensable in fortune telling. Having caught the right direction, Cancer easily foresees circumstances.

Scorpion. His mere presence in the family already protects and protects you from everything evil and unpleasant. Scorpios are good at home magic; the rituals performed have a strong effect.

Fish. Their strong point is water; any drink with incantations has incredible power. Even wet cleaning carried out by Pisces removes not only dirt and dust, but also all negativity from the house.

How do I know if I have psychic abilities?

Online testing. You can take a test offered by one of the sites about magic. There are various tasks offered there. For example, feel which box contains the item. For some, a disadvantage may be the fact that not everyone is able to feel the energy of an object through a monitor.

Subjective method. A test for psychic abilities, which asks you to answer a series of questions. They allow you to determine whether you have any psychic abilities.

Any real tasks. The most accurate way to identify superpowers. You can complete tasks for the same identification of an item in a box. Try to tell something about a stranger from a photograph.

How to test psychic abilities at home. Exercises

Stick the needle into the matchbox. Cut a thin strip of newsprint 5 cm long, fold it in half and secure it to the needle. One condition is that you cannot pierce the paper, it must lie freely. Close your eyes, close the ring with your fingers and mentally rotate it over the paper. If the paper tape starts to move, then rejoice - some energy forces are manifesting in you.

Ask a friend to help you. Pour plain water into a glass, let your partner taste it and remember it. Then close your eyes and mentally induce the water to acquire some taste. Not a word to my comrade about this. Have you completed your work? Let a friend test the waters. Has it changed? Did you manage to taste sweet, salty or bitter? If yes, you can clearly develop your abilities.

Test. Answer only the truth to the questions asked.

By taking a test for psychic abilities, you can find out whether you have them. Answer yes or no.

You are able to see and distinguish the energy of people - healthy and sick.

You may sense danger. Get out of any situation without much loss. The instinct of self-preservation, a premonition of trouble, helps you.

You can influence people's decisions and are able to instill your thoughts so that the interlocutor takes your side.

You are able to foresee some moments from the future (illness, death, disaster) and can prevent it.

People around you notice that it is very easy for them to communicate with you or, on the contrary, they feel bad in your presence. It depends on your attitude towards them.

Love spells, damage, evil eyes - all this is within your control.

You are interested in magic. Read a lot of books, study various methods.

He knows how to guess, no matter what. The main thing is that your predictions come true.

For you, any person is an open book, you see right through him, you feel his thoughts and aspirations.

You think a lot, read a lot. For you, the process of self-improvement comes first.

Loneliness is your best friend. It allows you to discover new potential, reveal your inner world.

You can handle some magical objects.

In a cemetery or wasteland, you don’t feel fear or confusion.

If you gave a positive answer to 8-13 questions, then the makings of a psychic are clearly evident in you, perhaps not fully developed. All in your hands.