Voice children season 4 when. Who became the mentor of the fifth season of the show “The Voice”

The first three seasons of the show, which revealed to the viewer the amazing singing talents of children, have ended, and the winners continue to conquer hearts and stages, and in the meantime, the creators of the project announced that the release date for season 4 of The Voice Children has already been set, and we will be able to see the first episode in February 2017 of the year.

Thousands of talented children will once again enter the fight for the place of the main young singer of the country, and only one will be awarded the title of the best voice in Russia among children.

About the show

“The Voice” is a worldwide show in which professional singers and viewers evaluate the singing talents of adults. Participants appear on screens after lengthy castings and selections. The second stage is to evaluate the talent by pop stars. But the difference between this show and others is only one thing - the jury does not see the singer, they only sit in chairs with their backs turned to the stage.

If one of the commission members liked the speaker’s voice, he turns his chair and at the same time becomes his mentor. Such TV shows are popular in every country, and high ratings gave rise to a new, similar project.

Young children's voices cannot be compared with adults, and therefore they decided to make the singing competition for children a separate project. Russia already has three young artists who have conquered the country with their charisma and unsurpassed voices. The release of the fourth season of the show The Voice Children foreshadows the appearance of a new star on the stage, and We will be able to see the first episode on screens in February 2017, but a specific date has not yet been announced by the creators of the project.

Participants and judges

The main judge of such projects is the viewer, because it is through viewer voting that the strongest is determined. But the trio of judges has an undeniable influence on the process of selecting participants. In the first and second seasons, the three were as follows:

  • Dima Bilan;
  • Pelagia;
  • Maxim Fadeev.

In the third season, Fadeev was replaced by Leonid Agutin. According to information from reliable sources, we will no longer see Pelageya in “The Voice Children 4,” and who will replace her remains a question. Viewers can only hope for the competence of the new pop representative.

The first winner of the project was Alisa Kozhikina, a girl from St. Petersburg who won the hearts of thousands of viewers and became an idol for the younger generation.

Alisa continues to record new hits and release video clips, so her popularity is just beginning to grow.

In the second season, Sabina Mustaeva won, native of Tashkent. Her incredible voice confidently led the girl to victory from the very beginning of her participation until the last song in the final. The audience appreciated her talent, and Sabina is confidently moving up the career ladder.

The winner of the third season, Danil Pluzhnikov, originally from Sochi, has a bone disease, but despite this, he has excellent control of his voice. The boy’s parents also love music, and believe that Danil’s passion for songs is hereditary. The winner amazed the audience, who gave a standing ovation after almost every song performed.

The creators of the show “The Voice. “Children” did not languish fans of the television superproject for long and revealed the “hottest” details of the fourth season. The producers of the children's "Voice" have already determined the mentors, the release date of the show "The Voice. Children -4" and told who will become the host of the new season of one of the most popular projects on Russian television.

"The Voice. Children-4": mentors and presenter

Mentors of the show "The Voice. Children-4" - Dima Bilan, Nyusha and Valery Meladze

In the fourth season of the show “The Voice. Children,” the organizers decided to update the jury of the project, which came as a big surprise to the audience. Among the “old-timers” of the project, only . The new mentors of "The Voice. Children-4" are - and. Thus, Nyusha replaced, who had been revealing new children's talents in the vocal competition for three previous seasons, and Valery Meladze took the place, two of whose charges in the show "The Voice. Children - 3" reached the finals.

Host of the show "The Voice. Children-4" - Dmitry Nagiyev | gazeta.ru

The presenter of “The Voice. Children-4” will be the same. In the new season, the organizers decided not to pair him, so he will be the main and only presenter, representing and supporting young participants on the stage of the country's main vocal competition.

"The Voice. Children-4": release date

The new season of children's "The Voice" will be released on February 17. It is known that the mentors have already started filming the first blind auditions. Let us remind you that the format and time of the show “The Voice. Children” differs from the adult show - at the stages of the fights, the vocalists sing one song not together, but three, while the participants have no chance of salvation from the mentor.

Also, only one team participates in each match of the show “The Voice. Children”. Immediately after the end of the fights, the “Elimination Song” stage begins, in which the five remaining participants in the project sing the compositions that they performed at the blind auditions. Based on the results of the stage, the mentor selects two finalists.

Voice. Children, a show that unites young vocalists, began airing on Channel One in 2014, and this year viewers will see it for the fourth time. This wonderful children's singing competition is an adaptation of a similar show, the original of which belongs to Dutch television and is held there under the name “The Voice Kids”.

In Russia, the online show “The Voice. Children” airs every Friday, immediately after the “Time” information block in February – March of each year.

Conditions and scheme of the competition:

Children and teenagers who are already 7 years old, but not older than 14, can participate in the show. The competition involves three mentors who select teams of young singers. Each team consists of 15 participants.

Previously, Channel One adapted the format of the Dutch show for adults, which was simply called “The Voice.” By the time the children's version was released, two adult seasons had already passed.

The competition scheme consists of four stages:

  1. - blind audition;
  2. - duel;
  3. - departure song;
  4. - the final.
The conditions of the children's competition are somewhat different from the version for adults. This primarily concerns the reduced time, and in addition, according to the recommendations of psychologists, three participants take part in fights at once, since together it is easier to accept the fact of defeat. The children's version does not provide for salvation from a mentor. Only representatives of one kinotochka.club team can participate in the match. The next stage, “Knockout Song,” begins immediately after the fights. At this stage, the five remaining perform the songs they sang in the first stage of the blind audition, after which each mentor selects two finalists.

Let us remind you of the winners of previous seasons of the show “The Voice. Children”:

  • Season 1 - Alisa Kozhikina;
  • Season 2 - Sabina Mustaeva;
  • Season 3 - Danil Pluzhnikov.
The mentors in the 4th season of the children's voice were:
  • Dima Bilan(Viktor Nikolaevich Belan) - Russian vocal performer of popular music, actor. He has the titles of Honored Artist of Kabardino-Balkaria, Ingushetia and Chechnya as well as People's Artist of Kabardino-Balkaria. Twice he was the representative of the Russian Federation at the international Eurovision contest. 2006 – the song “Never Let You Go” took second place; 2008 - the song “Believe” took first place, and Bilan became the first Russian performer to win this competition.
  • Nyusha(Anna Vladimirovna Shurochkina) - vocalist, performer of popular music, author of music and lyrics of her compositions, actress. Winner of “MUZ-TV” 2012 in the “Best Song” category.
  • Valeriy Meladze(Valerian Shatoevich Meladze) - Soviet, Ukrainian and Russian pop performer, TV presenter and producer. He holds the titles of Honored Artist of the Russian Federation and People's Artist of Chechnya. Three times he became the winner of the “Ovation” - the National Russian Award. He has a large number of other prestigious awards, including those from Muz-TV and RU.TV.
Vocal show on Channel One Voice Children Season 4 you can watch all episodes online for free on our website at any time of the day!

Valeriy Meladze

Valery Meladze was born in Baku, Georgia in 1965. Together with his brother, after graduating from school, they leave for Ukraine. Here Valery received his higher education at the Shipbuilding Institute. But, of course, this was not his path. Walking with his brother through life, in 1989 they became part of the Dialogue group. In 1992, he began his solo career. The first iconic song for him was “Don’t disturb my soul, the violin...”, which is still heard on radio stations.

But still, national fame came to the singer after the release of the album “Sera” in 1995. The title song sank into the souls of listeners so much that it remained on the top of music broadcasts for almost several years. Of course, all this would not have happened without the support of his brother Konstantin. From the very beginning of his career to this day, he is the author of all Valery’s songs. Such a creative union is very rare in the musical environment. And in honor of their thirtieth anniversary on stage, in 2015 the Meladze brothers finally released the duet song “My Brother”.

In February 2017, Valery tried his hand at being a mentor in the show on Channel One “The Voice. Children". This work takes a lot of time, and therefore concert activity has practically ceased for this period.

Dmitry Bilan

Dima Bilan is a real star of Russian show business. He was born in 1981 in Karachay-Cherkessia. His biggest achievement in music was winning the Eurovision Song Contest 2008. This was also the first victory in Russian history.

In action, Bilan graduated from school in the accordion class. In 2003 - the Gnessin Music School, and in 2005 - GITIS.

At a fairly young age, he has the titles Honored Artist of Kabardino-Balkaria, Honored Artist of Chechnya, People's Artist of Kabardino-Balkaria, Honored Artist of Ingushetia.

He has already become a mentor on the show “The Voice” several times. In February 2017, she continues to mentor little participants in season 4 of “The Voice.” Children".


Singer Nyusha, or Anna Shurochkina, was born in 1990 in Moscow. Her father once performed in the group “Tender May”. From childhood, he raised the girl to be a star, and at the age of five, Nyusha recorded her first song in the studio.

Nyusha became known throughout the country after winning the show “STS Lights a Star” in 2007. Then there was participation in the new wave, where the singer took 7th place. But mass popularity came after the release of the single “Howl at the Moon” on radio stations and television. Excellent vocal abilities and artistic talent instantly made Nyusha a star of the first magnitude.

Since then, the singer’s name has not left the front pages of the media, and her performances are mandatory in all kinds of “Songs of the Year”. Most of all, she receives awards for high-quality videos and dance numbers. And at the end of 2016, Nyusha was offered to become a mentor for the 4th season of the show “The Voice. Children". She happily agreed, because this is one of the highest-rated projects on Russian television.

Only 2 months have passed since the end of the adult “Voice” and now Channel One is launching a new 6th season of the children’s version of the show. This show was a huge success in all 5 previous seasons, and now it is returning to the screens of the country again. The continuation of the program promises to reveal new talents of young performers who will undoubtedly captivate fans of such shows with the power of their voices and unheard-of talent.

As is already known, “The Voice Children” is the children’s analogue of the adult show “The Voice”. Children gifted with a unique voice from different parts of Russia will come to the capital and try to defend the right to join the team of the star coach of the project. Children who have passed the selection will have the honor of competing for the honorary title of the best children's singing voice in the country. There are age restrictions in the show: only children from the age category from 7 to 14 years old can take part in the competition.

2018 started with new changes in the composition of the jury members. Beloved by many viewers, Pelageya again took her place in the mentor’s chair. Despite the fact that the performer finds it difficult to work with children, after her own experience of motherhood, she is ready to fight again. Instead of Dima Bilan, the chair was taken by rapper Basta, aka Vasily Vakulenko. He was already a mentor to the adult “Voice,” but now he tried his hand at working with children. And only Valery Meladze continued to delight with his presence and excellent musical taste in the 5th anniversary season of the show “The Voice Children”.

Loboda, Pelageya and Meladze: the new “Voice. Children" on Channel One

In the 6th season of the Voice.Children program, there were personnel changes among the mentors. Now the red chairs are occupied by Pelageya, Valery Meladze and Svetlana Loboda. This is not the first mentoring experience for Sveta, as she took part in the first season of the Ukrainian version of the show. Also, in order to support the children behind the scenes, Aglaya Shilovskaya will help Dmitry Nagiyev lead the project. The rules of the program remain the same. The mentors select 15 participants for their team, but only 2 contestants from each will make it to the finals, and the audience can save one child.

Every week viewers will have the opportunity to see and hear dozens of young talented performers. Childhood experiences and emotions, tears of happiness and tears of joy, unforgettable excitement and not childish fear of young performers will not leave anyone indifferent, and will make you empathize and root for your favorite participant.