Horoscope of correspondence between zodiac signs and year of birth. Compatibility rating of all zodiac signs from the happiest to the unluckiest couples

The compatibility of people consists of such components as character traits, attitude to life, common goals and interests. You can recognize the characteristics and distinctive features of a person by their zodiac sign. But sometimes such a characteristic does not quite correspond to his true nature. This is due to the fact that not only the patronizing constellation influences fate, much in life also depends on the year of birth according to the Chinese calendar. A person born in a certain year is strongly influenced by the corresponding animal and its element, regardless of the zodiac sign. It is recommended to analyze both compatibility horoscopes.

Determining your sign

The Eastern calendar divides people into 12 groups according to year of birth. Determining your sign is not as easy as it seems at first glance. Since the year in the eastern horoscope is counted according to the lunar calendar, the months begin with the new moon. Therefore, the beginning of the sign’s validity is determined not on January 1, but later, and those born at the beginning of the new year may relate to the previous patron. Those born in the third, fourth and subsequent months can be guided by the sign of the year.

The signs of the eastern calendar are divided into four triads, which determine their distinctive features. Main characteristics for each group:

  1. 1. Dragon, Rat, Monkey. Very active individuals, characterized by increased activity. They do not know how to live in a gray way, their behavior shows minimalism or maximalism, the golden mean is beyond their control.
  2. 2. Rooster, Snake, Bull (Buffalo). Bright representatives of workaholics, tireless in their work, and therefore deserve all praise. In relationships with others they are distinguished by their eccentricity and spontaneity.
  3. 3. Dog, Horse, Tiger. Excessively talkative people, skilled in oratory, can find a common language with everyone. They are comprehensively developed, have a wide circle of contacts, but all contacts are superficial. Their strong relationships are quite difficult.
  4. 4. Pig (Boar), Goat (Sheep), Rabbit (Cat). Creative people strive for a bright, beautiful and rich life. They stand out from the crowd with their wonderful manner of holding themselves and moving. It is very easy to get along with people, but also to part with ease.

The exact dates of entry into force of the patronage mark are indicated in the following table.

Sign, symbol and years of birth Validity periods Element (according to the order of birth periods)
28.01.1960 - 4.02.1961; 15.02.1972 -02. 02.1973; 02.02.1984-19.02.1985; 19.02.1996- 06.02.1997; 07.02.2008-25.01.2009; 25.01.2020-11.02.2021
15.02.1961 - 04.02.1962; 03.02.1973 - 22.01.1974; 20.02.1985 - 08.02.1986; 07.02.1997 - 27.01.1998; 26.01.2009 - 13.02.2010; 12.02.2021 - 30.01.2022
17.02.1950 - 05.02.1951; 05.02.1962 - 24.01.1963; 23.01.1974 - 10.02.1975; 09.02.1986 - 28.01.1987; 28.01.1998 - 15.02.1999; 14.02.2010 - 02.02.2011 Metal Water Wood Fire Earth Metal
06.02.1951 - 26.01.1952; 25.01.1963 - 12.02.1964; 11.02.1975 - 30.01.1976; 29.01.1987 - 16.02.1988; 16.02.1999 - 04.02.2000; 03.02.2011 - 22.01.2012 Metal Water Wood Fire Earth Metal
27.01.1952 - 13.02.1953; 13.02.1964 - 01.02.1965; 31.01.1976 - 17.02.1977; 17.02.1988 - 05.02.1989; 05.02.2000 - 23.01.2001; 23.01.2012 - 09.02.2013
14.02.1953 - 02.02.1954; 02.02.1965 - 20.01.1966; 18.02.1977 - 06.02.1978; 06.02.1989 - 26.01.1990; 24.01.2001 - 11.02.2002; 10.02.2013 - 30.01.2014 Water Wood Fire Earth Metal Water
03.02.1954 - 23.01.1955; 21.01.1966 - 08.02.1967; 07.02.1978 - 27.01.1979; 27.01.1990 - 14.02.1991; 12.02.2002 - 31.01.2003; 31.01.2014 - 18.02.2015
24.01.1955 - 11.02.1956; 09.02.1967 - 29.01.1968; 28.01.1979 - 15.02.1980; 15.02.1991 - 03.02.1992; 01.02.2003 - 21.01.2004; 19.02.2015 - 07.02.2016 Wood Fire Earth Metal Water Wood
12.02.1956 - 30.01.1957; 30.01.1968 - 16.02.1969; 16.02.1980 - 04.02.1981; 04.02.1992 - 22.01.1993; 22.01.2004 - 08.02.2005; 08.02.2016 - 27.01.2017
31.01.1957 - 17.02.1958; 17.02.1969 - 05.02.1970; 05.02.1981 - 24.01.1982; 23.01.1993 - 09.02.1994; 09.02.2005 - 28.01.2006; 28.01.2017 - 15.02.2018 Fire Earth Metal Water Wood Fire
18.02.1958 - 07.02.1959; 06.02.1970 - 26.01.1971; 25.01.1982 - 12.02.1983; 10.02.1994 - 30.01.1995; 29.01.2006 - 17.02.2007; 16.02.2018 - 04.02.2019
08.02.1959 - 27.01.1960; 27.01.1971 - 14.02.1972; 13.02.1983 - 01.02.1984; 31.01.1995 - 18.02.1996; 18.02.2007 - 06.02.2008; 05.02.2019 - 24.01.2020 Earth Metal Water Wood Fire Earth


Representatives of the same element can get along very well together, so this influence should be taken into account when studying the distinctive features of a particular sign.

Element Compatibility with other elements Characteristic
Tree Water, Earth The tree represents elegance, beauty and chastity. People of this element are distinguished by strength, determination and inflexibility. They are filled with creative energy, the power of their imagination is amazing, so representatives of this element very often master professions that allow them to show imagination and express their own inner world. The tree is also fertile, therefore it has an influence on childbirth; many large families consist of spouses born in years ruled by this element
Fire Earth, Metal Representatives of the fire element are distinguished by their fiery disposition, brightness and beauty. Their life is filled with movement. Those born under the influence of this element make excellent speakers, artists and rulers. The fire element does not allow people under their care to be sad and depressed; these people are very smiling and optimistic, therefore they attract happiness and positive energy.
Earth Fire, Water, Wood Those born under the control of this element are quite down-to-earth people, they differ from others in their clearly expressed rationality, they always look realistically at current events, and are constantly preparing for work and defense. They do not like to indulge in dreams and fantasies; harsh everyday life is their lot. In life, they get everything with great difficulty, but they always receive well-deserved rewards. They often organize successful businesses, so the fruits of their work allow them to live in abundance
Metal Water, Fire Wards of cold metal are as solid as the protective element. They are distinguished by a heightened sense of justice, so all their lives they wage an irreconcilable struggle against offenders. These people are very active and determined, they always achieve their goals in life. In the professional sphere, they prefer specialties that allow them to win; they make excellent lawyers, representatives of government bodies, and athletes
Water Earth, Metal, Wood People born under the auspices of this element are cold and changeable in their decisions. They have a pronounced intuition, so in life they have great success in all areas of activity. Water has endowed them with excessive restraint, so it is quite difficult for them to build love relationships. Representatives of the opposite sex do not understand their true attitude; the spouses of these people are very often unhappy due to coldness and detachment

Eastern calendar compatibility

People born in the same year have a good chance of a happy marriage. But most often this concerns peers. When the age difference between people is significant, it is difficult to say that they will get along well together, even if they belong to the same sign. For example, a Tiger born in 1974 is unlikely to have much in common with a Tiger born in 1986.

To figure out whether one sign is suitable for another, you need to find in the table the intersection of the corresponding signs.

Signs Rat Bull Tiger Cat The Dragon Snake Horse Goat Monkey Rooster Dog Pig
Rat 0 2 0 1 3 0 4 5 3 6 0 0
Bull 2 0 0 0 6 3 5 4 0 3 1 0
Tiger 0 0 0 0 0 5 3 0 4 0 3 2
Cat 1 0 0 0 5 0 6 3 0 4 2 3
The Dragon 3 6 0 5 1 0 0 0 3 2 4 0
Snake 0 3 5 0 0 0 0 0 2 3 0 4
Horse 4 5 3 6 0 0 1 2 0 0 3 0
Goat 5 4 0 3 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 3
Monkey 3 0 4 0 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 5
Rooster 6 3 0 4 2 3 0 0 0 1 5 0
Dog 0 1 3 2 4 0 3 1 0 5 0 0
Pig 0 0 2 3 0 4 0 3 5 0 0 1

Explanation of compatibility value:

  • 0 – neutral relationship. Partners have every chance of creating an excellent union; this degree makes it possible not to take into account other characteristics of the signs. The people who make up such a couple do not have pronounced compatibility, but there are also no negative influences of the elements, so nothing prevents them from developing relationships and being in a happy marriage.
  • 1 – omissions and friction. This degree of compatibility suggests that it is very difficult for partners to get along. Their union will be constantly shaken by various conflicts. The nervous situation in the relationship of this couple often leads to a break. If they do not learn to give in to each other and compromise, the union is doomed to failure.
  • 2 – partial harmony. The relationships between the partners are harmonious, there are no obvious contradictions in personalities, but some dissimilarity contributes to rare disagreements. This couple has a good chance of creating a strong family.
  • 3 – complete harmony. This union is considered the most successful. The complete coincidence of interests and life goals of partners allows them to build reliable relationships filled with mutual love and passion.
  • 4 – pronounced opposition. This combination shows the absolute opposites of the signs. Partners fail to find common ground, which ultimately results in regular battles. Nothing good can be expected from such a union; it is unlikely that one of the partners will change himself enough for the union of this couple to take place.
  • 5 – conflict relationships. Two people in this couple are able to build a relationship, but this union will be filled with resentment and frequent quarrels. Partners will be able to find a common language only with mutual desire and desire, if they recognize that the relationship needs to be radically changed.
  • 6 – differences and obstacles. The rare union of this couple can only happen due to inevitable circumstances. Even at the initial stage of relationships, partners are accompanied by obstacles. Something from above prevents them from being together, but with mutual desire, these two people can overcome everything and form a fairly strong and happy family.

It is believed that the year of birth represents a fairly general characteristic of a person, and determining personality by zodiac sign gives a more complete and accurate picture, therefore the compatibility of representatives of two zodiac signs more accurately reflects the essence of the relationship between partners.

Compatibility of zodiac signs

The zodiac circle consists of 12 signs. The patronizing constellation has a great influence on the ward. People born under the same zodiac sign, although they have many common characteristics, are not always able to get along together. To find out whether one sign representative is suitable for another, you need to use the following table.

Sign Aries Taurus Twins Cancer a lion Virgo Scales Scorpion Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Fish
Aries 5 4 5 1 6 2 3 6 5 6 5 2
Taurus 4 3 5 2 6 1 3 5 4 5 5 3
Twins 5 5 2 1 5 4 2 6 6 3 6 2
Cancer 1 2 1 3 2 5 2 3 4 6 3 1
a lion 6 6 5 2 3 4 2 5 1 2 4 3
Virgo 2 1 4 5 4 1 4 3 2 2 6 5
Scales 3 3 2 2 2 4 1 3 3 1 5 4
Scorpion 6 5 6 3 5 3 3 5 4 2 5 1
Sagittarius 5 4 6 4 1 2 3 4 3 4 3 3
Capricorn 6 5 3 6 2 2 1 2 4 1 5 4
Aquarius 5 5 6 3 4 6 5 5 3 5 2 1
Fish 2 3 2 1 3 5 4 1 4 4 1 2

The compatibility value is found at the intersection of the signs in the table. The decoding is as follows:

  • 1 - smooth, calm relationship, these partners complement each other, very rarely encounter misunderstandings, the couple’s life together is filled with love and mutual respect. The family boat moves freely, but always has a certain direction towards the goal chosen by the spouses together.
  • 2 - a good, harmonious union; partners face disagreements, but are able to find compromises and exist together throughout their lives. The marital relationship between these signs is extremely vibrant, their common life does not lead them to dull everyday life, the spouses always have something to do together, common interests and aspirations reliably cement family ties.
  • 3 - partners are great for each other, but love relationships often go poorly due to the leading traits in the characters of both representatives of the signs, but in friendly relationships they completely complement each other thanks to mutual understanding and common interests. If their love is based on friendship, nothing can separate the partners.
  • 4 - a complex union, the signs are not flexible, so they often conflict in small things, but important problems are resolved without disagreement, because their main common goals are the same. The marriage of this couple rarely ends in divorce, but if this happens, representatives of the signs maintain mutual respect and maintain friendly relations throughout their later lives.
  • 5 - conflict relationships, representatives of the signs are distinguished by pronounced emotionality and temper. Any minor disagreement in this couple turns into a violent confrontation; the partners find it very difficult to compromise, but if they learn to come to an agreement, they are quite capable of living a long and happy life together.
  • 6 - opposites attract, so such a union very often begins on the basis of mutual sympathy and burning passion, but the couple rarely reaches a strong family relationship. If for some reason the partners decide to get married, their life together becomes a difficult test for both. The spouses do not find common ground in resolving both everyday and serious issues. The cohabitation of this couple cannot be called harmonious; this marriage is always rocked by major scandals and everyday quarrels.

If, according to the astrological and Chinese horoscope, the compatibility of the signs is radically different, disagreements can be traced in the couple’s relationship. To determine the actual combination of signs, it is better to contact a good specialist who will draw up the natal charts of both partners and compare the influence of the horoscope on family and love relationships.

The zodiac sign does not play a determining role in matters of compatibility, but each sign has its own characteristics and marriage is not equally important for all signs.

The typical Aries, strong Gemini, self-sufficient Virgo, developed Capricorn and independent Aquarius suffer less from loneliness than others. They may avoid marriage for a long time.

Aries, Cancer, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces are signs whose representatives get along well with representatives of their sign and live in a happy marriage, for example, a Capricorn man and a Capricorn woman.

But Leos and Taurus have difficulty getting along with representatives of their signs; in the first case, selfishness is to blame, in the second, stubbornness.

Marriages between representatives of signs of the same element can also be short-lived, for example, unions of Aries-Sagittarius, Gemini woman - Libra man, Cancer woman - Pisces man often break up. Relationships between neighboring signs rarely lead to a harmonious marriage, especially if the male sign comes after the female one.

Sign compatibility cardinal cross: Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn are looking for an independent partner, someone who will help realize their goals and dreams, and will also take on a significant or equal share of family responsibilities. If the marriage is successful, then these signs will provide a reliable rear and prosperity for the whole family. Negative qualities in marriage are intransigence and high demands, intransigence.

Sign compatibility fixed cross: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius show more constancy in matters of marriage and partnership, because they do not like change. They take a long time to choose a suitable partner and are in no hurry to divorce him. If the marriage is successful, then these signs guarantee a wealth of sensory experiences for many years of life together. Negative character traits for partnership are stubbornness and selfishness, immoderation.

Today, synastric astrology has become incredibly popular. She determines the compatibility of zodiac signs in marriage by studying the location of the Sun, stars, Moon and other planets at the time of birth of both partners. According to astrologers, thanks to such knowledge, you can create truly harmonious relationships, find an approach to any person, and build a strong family.

Astrologers advise studying the marital compatibility horoscope at the stage of meeting your prospective future spouse. It will definitely help you better understand the person next to you, find out his strengths and weaknesses, and check how well you fit together.

As a rule, most people note that horoscopes quite often coincide with reality. And it would be nice to read and even study them before taking such an important step in life as marriage. The compatibility of zodiac signs in marriage plays an important role in future life together. However, you should not completely rely on the astrological forecast. It will be better if when making such an important decision in life as choosing a spouse, you trust your heart. Even the ideal compatibility of zodiac signs in marriage does not give us a complete guarantee that such a union will be happy. On the other hand, the most difficult zodiac signs in terms of compatibility can create an ideal family and will demonstrate the best compatibility in marriage.

Now let's take a closer look...

Aries (21.03-22.04) is a sign of Fire. These people have rich emotions and increased activity. They get along well with Leo, Libra, Aries, Gemini, but are in no way compatible with Capricorn and Pisces.

Taurus (04/21-05/21) is an Earth sign. These people are devoted to family, their spouse, eternal values ​​and ideals. The ideal partner for starting a family can be Cancers, Pisces, Capricorns, Virgos. There is no mutual understanding with Aquarius, Leo and Scorpio.

Gemini (21.05-24.06) is an Air sign. These are windy and reckless people who always live somewhere behind the clouds. They have nothing in common with Capricorns and Cancers. They feel the greatest attraction to the signs of their native element - Libra, Aquarius, Gemini. The connection with Leos and Taurus will be strong. But they have no mutual understanding with Sagittarius, Pisces and Virgo.

Cancer (06/22-07/20) is a water sign. These are quiet people of conservative views. The most valuable thing for them is their children. Cancers will be ideal partners for Scorpio, Taurus, Aries and Pisces. But an alliance with Capricorns, Libra and Virgo will be unsuccessful.

Leos (07.23-08.25) are a less temperamental sign of Fire, compared to other representatives of this element. Leo will be a wonderful soul mate for Libra, Gemini, Sagittarius and Aries, but a connection between Leo and Aquarius and Taurus is unlikely.

Virgos (08/24-09/20) are quite difficult individuals, especially men. You will need to learn to make concessions with them. Virgos will get along well with Virgos and Scorpios, but are incompatible with Aquarius, Libra and Cancer.

Libra (23.09-21.10) fully lives up to its name. They constantly doubt, carefully think about everything before making a choice, which is why they need self-confident travel companions for life. Libra is compatible with Sagittarius, Aries, Leo, Gemini. But relationships with Capricorns, Cancers and Taurus are almost impossible for Libra.

Scorpios (10.24-11.20) are extremely excitable, ambivalent and difficult people. They do not tolerate comments directed at themselves. It will be difficult for two Scorpios together; they will suffer from each other’s bites. Scorpios get along well with Virgos, Pisces, Capricorns and Cancers, but a marriage between Scorpio and Aquarius, Aries and Leo is hardly possible.

Sagittarius (11.20-12.24) are hot, headstrong natures, always defending their opinion in everything. They are ideal for Cancers, Aries, Scorpios, Leo and Aquarius. He will be restrained by a partner-friend with a great sense of humor, a lover of life who recognizes the freedom of Sagittarius.

Capricorns (12.24-23.01) - constancy itself. Because of this, Leos will not find mutual understanding with them. Capricorns are on the same level as Virgos, Taurus, Scorpios and Pisces. But they will not be able to get along in marriage with Sagittarius, Libra, Cancer and Aries.

Aquarians (21.01-21.02) are subtle natures, for whom in the first place they seek harmony in the internal ideals of the soul. They are not friendly with Pisces and Capricorns, who are very utilitarian in family life. An impeccable union will be with Cancer, Libra, Aries, Gemini and Sagittarius. A deeply contradictory alliance with Leo, Aquarius, Taurus and Scorpio.

Pisces (20.02-21.03) are very difficult natures. They combine well with the signs of their environment, but even the similarity of the signs of one element will not give confidence in an ideal union. Pisces is suitable for Scorpios, Taurus, Leo, Cancer and Capricorn. Not compatible with Aries, Pisces, Virgo, Sagittarius and Libra.

Today, checking for compatibility of zodiac signs in marriage is an integral step when getting married. Therefore, trust the knowledge of the ancient science of astrology, and forward to a happy future!

Have you ever wondered how people's characters are combined and what is needed to create a strong union? Astrology has its own view on this matter. With the help of a personal birth chart, which is compiled by a specialist for two different people, one can judge the psychological compatibility of the partners.

Sometimes it happens that a quiet and calm person, being with another person for a long time, becomes hot-tempered and rude. There are many other examples when individuals with pronounced destructive habits change 180 degrees, becoming flexible and affectionate.

The compatibility of the horoscopes of a man and a woman is based on a number of conditions. First of all, the character of the zodiac, the element to which the sign belongs, is analyzed. The partner's card is considered in the same way.

Analysis of cards of people of the same sex will also be quite informative. Have you ever wondered why we choose certain people as friends? For true friendship, which can last for many years, openness and selflessness are very important. It’s safe to say that for many friends, most of their personal planets are in harmonious relationships with each other.

The compatibility horoscope of partners helps to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the union as a whole and of each representative separately. When a specialist analyzes the natal charts, it will become clear whether it is possible to combine these two characters. The map can shed light on the conflict between the parties, because when meeting people, they tend to demonstrate exclusively positive traits of their nature. Astrology will help predict how harmonious the partnership will be.

Of course, one cannot write off the personal volitional qualities that a person develops throughout his life. Let’s say that if a man’s chart contains an indication of polygamy, but from childhood he was encouraged to believe in the inviolability of family ties, then he will not even think about the destruction of the union. Again, the natal chart can be corrected using the chart of a potential partner. There may be too strong connections between people, which can overcome the negative manifestations of an individual nature.

Analysis of horoscope signs for compatibility by year is called synastry. It would be a mistake to believe that this method only works well in marriages. It’s just that couples resort to it most often. However, it is successfully used if you need to find out how compatible people are in friendship or business. With its help, you can better understand how the characters of close relatives are combined, and why there is a problem between parents and children.

We all interact closely with each other, one person has more influence, another less. When the personal planets of two people are weakly aspected, such a union will not last long, even if this idea initially seems absurd. Things are more complicated in synastry, where there is clearly a conflict element. One should not think that tense aspects are so harmful to partners.

If the compatibility forecast is full of contradictions, do not rush to give up on the union. There is a certain type of person whose natal charts have a lot of intense aspects. As a rule, they need to be more active to live a normal life. They are required to release energy so that it does not stagnate. If they do not act, these people will end up with more problems than benefits. If they have met a partner with the same intense chart, there will be a place for both passion and active pastime in their life together.

It should be understood that there are no perfectly harmonious unions, otherwise such a life would resemble a swamp. There is no growth in such couples, and a person should always have an incentive for personal development.

Knowing the date and place of birth of partners, as well as the exact time, you can get a joint horoscope. Compatibility of zodiac signs is based on a detailed analysis of the elements of the map. The approximate time of birth may cause an error or completely distort the results of the astrologer’s work. Based on these data, the specialist will be able to give an opinion about the prospects of the union.

Compatibility of Zodiac signs in marriage. A complete list of all Zodiac Signs.
Find out how suitable you are for each other according to your zodiac sign. Every woman dreams of finding a man with whom she could create a strong and happy family. And sometimes it seems to us that this is the chosen one whom we have been waiting for all our lives, but after a while we realize that we were mistaken.

Compatibility of Zodiac signs.

It is not necessary to break up with a man if he is not suitable according to your horoscope. It’s enough just to find out what problems may arise in a marriage with this man, and be prepared for them.

Compatibility of Zodiac signs in marriage by year is a great thing! With the right approach, it helps to get around many sharp corners in relationships. Do we want this? Undoubtedly! So let's ask the stars how we should behave with a spouse who is a representative of one or another zodiac sign. So…

Compatibility of Zodiac signs in marriage.

1. Aries Woman

With an Aries man, she strives for dominance, which will create tension. For a normal marriage, the wife should be more compliant. Marriage with a Taurus man is also difficult - Taurus is pragmatic, and this is annoying.

An alliance with Gemini can be very successful. Both are tireless, inquisitive, active and able to complement each other. A relationship with a Cancer man promises initially powerful sexual attraction, and then quarrels over trifles. Regular storms can lead to the collapse of the union.

A marriage with a Leo husband will be successful if you constantly praise his sexuality and potency.

The Virgo spouse is also a very suitable match. You just need to forgive him for his restraint and inability to behave too relaxed. But with Libra, with their tendency to idealize everything, it will be quite difficult to get along - you will have to live up to your husband’s ideal.

The Scorpio spouse is so independent that if he is not given freedom, this can lead to serious disagreements.

The Aries-Sagittarius union promises to be quite good if you approach conflicts with humor. Aries and Capricorn will also get along, as soon as the wife awakens a strong libido in her restrained husband.

You need to be very tactful with your Aquarius husband, and then the connection with him will be excellent. The Aries-Pisces union is extremely successful in all respects;

2. Taurus Woman

Compatibility of Zodiac signs. The union of Taurus with Aries is successful only when the wife does not cool her husband’s enthusiasm and forgives him for rare infidelities. The connection between Taurus and Taurus is ambiguous - Taurus men love to pursue women.

If the wife does not attach any importance to this, the connection will become strong and pleasant. Marriage with a Gemini husband is difficult.

Gemini is dualistic and changeable, and Taurus, who is prone to constancy, finds it difficult to constantly adapt to his half. Taurus can have a successful marriage with Cancer if the physical side of it satisfies both.

The Taurus wife will have to constantly please the Leo husband. Otherwise, the marriage will quickly fall apart. There won’t be any special problems with a Virgo man if you don’t pay attention to your spouse’s puritanism. A good marriage is also with a Libra spouse, who will try to satisfy his wife in everything.

The relationship with a Scorpio husband promises to be stormy, and it will require tolerance. A Sagittarius man is a good option for an alliance, if you don’t try to put him on a short leash. Marriage with a Capricorn husband is unromantic, but stable, provided that Taurus curbs his stubbornness.

Life with an Aquarius man is problematic due to the difference in temperament. It will be difficult to cope with a Pisces husband if you do not tactfully help him in realizing his fantasies;

3. Gemini Woman

The union of Gemini and Aries has good prospects. The two of them are not bored. But with a Taurus man there is almost complete incompatibility in everything. Taurus are jealous owners. They will limit the freedom of Gemini, who will not tolerate this.

The Gemini-Gemini connection is unstable due to the impulsiveness of both. The combination of Gemini and Cancer is not very successful.

Cancer is trusting and will take Gemini seriously. Once he realizes that Gemini is playing, the marriage will fall apart. But the marriage of a Gemini with a Leo man is simply an ideal option! The Leo husband will react to all his wife’s antics with admiration and will not interfere with her in anything.

Gemini and Virgo are unlikely to create a happy union. Virgo men are not adventurous and tend to criticize Gemini's unpredictability. With a Libra husband, the marriage promises to be very happy. Both spouses are not jealous, not possessive, both have appropriate temperaments and love to experiment.

But Gemini will have a hard time with jealous Scorpio. The passion will quickly cool down and the relationship may become hostile.

A marriage with a Sagittarius husband is not bad if the spouses do not make excessive demands on each other. It is not easy to create a strong alliance with Capricorn, if you do not take into account his conservatism.

With an Aquarius husband, Gemini will be fine. The main feature of his character is the unpredictability of fantasies, which Gemini loves so much. But relationships with a Pisces man are unstable due to an atmosphere of suspicion and mistrust;

4. Cancer Woman

Compatibility of Zodiac signs. Relationships with an Aries man are complex. Cancer is possessive, while Aries loves freedom and adventure. Cancer's jealousy can destroy a marriage. The marriage with Taurus is successful - Taurus is able to understand the mood of Cancer and smooth out the problems that arise because of it.

A good union with a Gemini husband is possible if Cancer can curb his jealousy. The Cancer spouse is too similar to his wife. A marriage is unlikely to be happy unless the partners become more friendly.

Cancer and Leo - a successful relationship, provided that Leo dominates, and Cancer constantly admires him. Cancer and Virgo have a good marriage, they understand and complement each other perfectly. Libra is difficult for Cancer to get along with due to Libra's fickle nature. The union will be risky. But Scorpio is able to make his wife happy with his passion and need to protect.

The relationship with Sagittarius can be stable if you allow him to satisfy his desires for wandering. It is difficult for Cancer to find a common language with Capricorn - Capricorn has too many interests that are alien to Cancer. The union will be unstable.

Aquarians are too fussy, adventurous and do not suit the needs of Cancer. It is difficult for them to create a good partnership. Cancer and Pisces are a wonderful union. They suit each other perfectly in everything;

5. Leo Woman

Aries is very suitable for Leo for marriage - he has the same eccentric and passionate nature. But the compatibility of zodiac signs in marriage Leo Taurus is questionable, because both are too stubborn. Leo will have an excellent relationship with Gemini if ​​Gemini is courteous and allows Leo to dominate the alliance.

The prognosis for the connection between Leo and Cancer is favorable when Cancer loves Leo very much and worships him. The Leo man is able to make his lioness happy. They are both extremely romantic and sexy. Leo will have a hard time with her Virgo husband.

Virgos are conservative and do not like the royal authority and extravagance of Leo.

Leos can get along well with Libra if they learn to control their mood and admire their partner. It won't be easy with Scorpio because of Scorpio's possessive tendencies. A Sagittarius husband is an excellent option for Leo. He is devoted and able to inspire his wife.

Practical Capricorn will make a good match only if Leo gives in to some of his demands and becomes less extravagant. The marriage of Aquarius and Leo is generally undesirable.

The Aquarius analyst undermines Leo's self-confidence. The union of Leo and Pisces is also unsuccessful. They just don't understand each other;

6. Virgo Woman

Aries is an unsuitable match due to the difference in interests and temperaments. Virgo will be happy with Taurus, since they are completely compatible in almost all areas of life.

An alliance with Gemini is successful only in sexual matters. Otherwise, freedom-loving Gemini annoys Virgo. The connection between Virgo and Cancer will be magnificent. Virgo wants to take care, Cancer is prone to dependence.

Virgo is unlikely to come to an understanding with Leo. Virgo is pragmatic, while Leo is expansive and does not tolerate criticism. An alliance with a Virgo man is possible, but it is unlikely to be bright and joyful due to the restraint of both.

Communication with Libra is not easy. Libra, who allows frivolity, and Virgo, who is intolerant of it, have little in common. The union with a Scorpio husband will be successful if Virgo allows him to awaken his sexuality.

Sagittarius is not a suitable candidate for a husband for Virgo. He will not tolerate Virgo’s prudence both in life and in sex. The marriage of Virgo and Capricorn will be strong and successful. They are both practical, reserved and have a lot of common ground. Virgo is better off not messing with Aquarius.

Virgo is a puritan, Aquarius is a madman. The union with Pisces is also complicated - Virgo is restrained in love, and for Pisces love is the main thing in life;

7. Libra Woman

The relationship with Aries is tense. Aries is tireless, and Libra craves peace. A marriage with a Taurus is unlikely to be successful. Libra is romantic, Taurus is possessive and materialistic. The partnership with Gemini is ideal. Both are passionate, romantic and freedom-loving.

Marriage to Cancer is difficult. Libra is impulsive and fickle, Cancer is pragmatic and economical.

The union with Leo is warm if Libra is inferior to the domineering Leo. The mercantile dictators of Virgo are unlikely to make their Libra wife happy. She will get along well with her Libra husband if both take a more practical approach to life.

Scorpio leaders are too jealous for Libra. The relationship can be stormy, passionate, but explosive. With Sagittarius, Libra is happy if they forgive his desire for independence.

An alliance with a Capricorn spouse is very unfortunate, because the workaholic Capricorn is irritated by Libra’s laziness, and Libra cannot stand Capricorn’s practicality. The union with Aquarius is successful.

Aquarius perfectly complements his wife both at home and in bed. It will not be easy for Libra to live with Pisces. None of them will want to take responsibility for the family;

8. Scorpio Woman

Compatibility of Zodiac signs. Relations with Aries are uneven due to the selfishness and ambition of both. Scorpio can only be united with Taurus by bed. Otherwise, they are unlikely to come to an understanding.

Gemini for Scorpio is constant tension. Geminis are too changeable, Scorpios are persistent and stubborn. They can create a wonderful union with Cancer. With him there is almost complete compatibility both in sexual relationships and in character.

It is better not to mess with Leo Scorpio. They are both very hot-tempered, and constant scandals are inevitable. With Virgo, Scorpios face incompatibility in the sexual sphere. If it is not there, the union will turn out to be good.

The marriage of Scorpio with Libra is complicated. Libra is lazy and sensitive, Scorpio is active and jealous. The union of Scorpio with Scorpio is also unsuccessful due to the almost complete similarity of difficult characters.

The connection between Scorpio and Sagittarius also leaves much to be desired. Sagittarius is too freedom-loving, Scorpio is possessive. Scorpio will easily find a common language with Capricorn, and the marriage will be harmonious.

The union with Aquarius is unsuccessful. Scorpio will not be able to accept his sociability and impracticality. A good marriage between Scorpio and Pisces. They will gladly obey Scorpio;

9. Sagittarius Woman

Has many common interests with Aries. The marriage will be excellent. A good relationship with Taurus will require self-discipline. Taurus is a practical homebody, Sagittarius is restless.

Geminis are too active and unpredictable. Serious connection is problematic. The union of Scorpio with Cancer is also unreliable. Cancer loves stability and security, Sagittarius is adventurous and craves adventure.

Leo is the ideal partner for Sagittarius. They have a lot in common, which allows them to understand each other perfectly.

The connection with Virgo is fragile. Pedantic Virgos cannot stand the recklessness of Sagittarius. But the Libra husband suits Virgo’s practicality and even really likes it.

An alliance with Libra is promising and will be long and happy. The Sagittarius wife will irritate Scorpios all the time with her independence.

The marriage between them is not easy. The Sagittarius-Sagittarius relationship is unpredictable due to the similarity of natures. The union of Sagittarius with Capricorn is unreliable. Sagittarius is impulsive and irrational, Capricorn is cautious and tight-fisted.

Sagittarius and Aquarius will understand each other perfectly, as they have similar characters. A good family for Sagittarius and Pisces is doubtful. Pisces are inactive and shy, Sagittarius are energetic and sociable;

10. Capricorn Woman

Compatibility of Zodiac signs. She will compete with Aries in everything. The marriage will be successful if both enjoy fighting.

Relationships with Taurus will work out perfectly due to the similarity of life values. Gemini and Capricorn are opposites.

The union is unlikely to last long. The connection between Capricorn and Cancer may also be short-lived - they are too different. Leo is also an unimportant partner for Capricorn. Both are too independent.

Capricorn and Virgo will have a strong union. Both are conservative, dependent, practical and careful. Communication with Libra is not easy.

Libra is selfish and unable to satisfy Capricorn's needs. The marriage of Capricorn and Scorpio is successful. Capricorn is able to accept Scorpio's tendency to dominate.

The union with Sagittarius is difficult due to the conservatism of Capricorn and the extravagance of Sagittarius. The Capricorn to Capricorn connection is satisfying. Both are hardworking and thrifty.

A marriage with Aquarius is successful if friendly relations are established between the spouses. Capricorn's connection with Pisces is great. They complement each other perfectly;

11. Aquarius Woman

Compatibility of Zodiac signs. With Aries, if he becomes a leader, the union is excellent. Aquarius has constant clashes with Taurus - both are uncompromising and have a strong will. The marriage of Aquarius with Gemini is promising and successful.

Gemini willingly gives in to Aquarius and shares their interests. An alliance with Cancer is problematic due to Cancer's excessive emotionality. Relationships with Leo are complicated.

Leo is more interested in their physical side, Aquarius is more interested in the spiritual side. A good marriage with Virgo is possible only if there are common interests.

With Libra, the relationship will be happy. Aquarius and Libra have similar aspirations. Marriage with a Scorpio is undesirable. He is very jealous and can become aggressive, which is difficult for Aquarius to put up with.

Aquarius and Sagittarius have an excellent partnership. Both are not jealous, they like to fantasize and be in society.

The union with Capricorn is contradictory. Capricorn is possessive; it is difficult for him to endure the sociability of Aquarius. A marriage between Aquarius and Aquarius will be reliable - they have a lot of common interests. Aquarius has a fragile connection with Pisces due to the difference in goals;

12. Pisces Woman

Compatibility of Zodiac signs. She is happy with Aries if she does not attach importance to his harshness. Marriage with Taurus is successful when he pays a lot of attention to his wife. Pisces will also get along with Gemini if ​​both become less self-centered.

Pisces and Cancer with the leading role of Cancer are a good couple. The union of Pisces and Leo will be difficult. Pisces are secretive and sentimental, which irritates the intemperate Leo.

The connection between Pisces and Virgo is not easy. Virgos are practical and picky, which hurts the overly sensitive Pisces.

The union of Pisces and Libra is not very favorable. Pisces needs a leader, but Libra does not like to be a leader. In this regard, Pisces will be satisfied with Scorpios. They love to dominate the family.

An alliance with Sagittarius is undesirable. Lethargic Pisces burdens the independent and active Sagittarius. With a strong and powerful Capricorn, Pisces will feel protected.

The connection between them is reliable and strong. Independent Aquarius will not be able to provide such support to Pisces, so marriage is problematic. The Pisces-Pisces couple, in the absence of a leader, faces emotional exhaustion and indifference.