Spirits of the dead and ghosts of cemeteries. Are there ghosts and spirits in the cemetery?

One day, one company decided to take a walk through the forest. Everyone was cheerful and listened to loud music. But no one told them that there was a cemetery next to this forest. According to our grandmothers and great-grandmothers, you cannot go to the cemetery without a reason, especially at night. But the guys didn’t know about it. They were going out having fun and came across a cemetery. One of them suggested going there. And what they are not afraid of is fun. And what could scare them, they are so brave that even without any reason, everyone agreed to refuse in unison. They just got bored walking around this creepy place. They decided to have a little fun and started digging up graves. Everyone knows perfectly well that the dead cannot be disturbed, everything will affect your lives. Suddenly it became so scary, the cracking of trees, the rustling of leaves, and a strong wind began to blow. But this did not frighten them; they continued their fun. Mikhail suggested that his friends go home, but they were so carried away by their work that they continued without listening to him. He went home. Everyone who remained did not notice how the souls of dead people approached them. Everyone knows that such things cannot be forgiven. They got so excited about the hobby that one of them wanted to stir up the sorcerer’s grave. When the sorcerer's soul rebelled, he was so angry with them that he decided to deal with them. One had his throat cut and his eyes gouged out, the other had his heart cut out and his intestines pulled out. There was only one person left, his name was Nikolai. While his friends were having fun at the grave, he found a tree on which, according to people, they hung talismans and made a wish. He liked one necklace on it, which he decided to take off and take for himself. Returning to the place where his friends were, he encountered a terrible picture. His friends are lying covered in blood and all their organs are out, one has no eyes. He was so scared that he began to stutter from fear. Out of fear, he does not remember how he ended up at home. Arriving home, he went to bed. The next morning he showed the talisman to his friend, she asked where he got it, but he didn’t answer. A week later, the ghost of a sorcerer began to come to him at night. Unable to bear this, he committed suicide. His friend found him hanging in the bathroom. Mikhail, one of the company who left there before everyone else, appeared at the funeral. Having learned about everything, he told his friend everything about how it happened and what they had done. She told him that there was a talisman at home, which was brought by her boyfriend that night. Mikhail asked her to show it, then deciding that this thing was someone else’s and it belonged to that place, it was necessary to return it back. They, together with the girlfriend of the hanged guy, went to the cemetery. They had difficulty finding a tree that had similar talismans and strings. Having hung it back, they went home. The sorcerer calmed down and went back to the grave. The guys will never forget this terrible day.

Some people are afraid to visit cemeteries, these “cities of the dead,” while other people, on the contrary, feel extraordinary calm and tranquility in the graveyards. However, there is a moment that scares and intrigues everyone - this ghosts in the cemetery.

There are many “real” stories among people about how someone saw ghosts wandering through cemeteries. Sometimes cemetery ghosts resemble acquaintances, relatives or friends.

How real is all this and are ghosts in the cemetery dangerous at all?

Shadows disappear at noon

Most often, stories with cemetery ghosts are associated with some tragic events in the lives of the real inhabitants of the area. Suicides and hanged people, innocent victims of crimes, treasure hunters are the most common characters that generate ghosts in the cemetery.

And when the event is connected with persons of noble birth, who hid their fortune somewhere near a churchyard, the legends grow to incredible proportions.

  • Seekers of quick money en masse make attempts to search for wealth hidden in the earth, and often serious troubles happen to one of the seekers.
  • All this is instantly explained by the “curse of the dead” and the spells and curses placed on the treasures.

There are widespread legends that a hanged man's rope or a nail from a dead man's coffin have magical powers. In search of such objects, forces usually go under the cover of darkness. Well, at night in a deserted place all sorts of surprises are possible.

The Secret of the Crypt Treasures

Indeed, at first glance, one might expect bookmarks with gold coins and precious stones on the graves of rich people. However, logic dictates that it would be stupid to hide family heirlooms in a crypt, where everyone will be looking for them.

But protecting the burial places of rich people with ghosts and curses is quite logical. That's why ghosts in the cemetery Most often they are observed precisely around the family crypts of noble and influential gentlemen. Whereas real treasures are hidden, most often, in the graves of unknown commoners.

Another terrible legend says that to protect hidden treasures nearby, a person was buried alive. Allegedly, the ghost of an unresolved, innocently murdered soul will not be able to safely pass into another world and will frighten away treasure hunters and looters with its terrifying appearance for years and centuries.

The history of noble clans is often literally filled with terrible events, terrible deeds and “skeletons in the closet”. It is quite possible to assume that the souls of both the cruel and insidious destroyers themselves and their victims do not find peace.

In ancient castles, in dark, damp and gloomy dungeons, captured enemies or criminals were often walled up alive. All these people did not receive a sufficient funeral service according to the Christian rite; in fact, they do not have normal graves.

And since cemeteries and crypts were usually built in the immediate vicinity of castles, it is obvious that the inhabitants of the area could from time to time notice some mysterious manifestations that could be explained as ghosts in the cemetery.

From modern history it is known that criminals, especially members of mafia groups, in order to conceal murders, created secret subburials of their victims in third-party graves in the cemetery.

It is natural to assume that people who died a violent, often terrible death under torture, and who did not receive not only a funeral service, but also their own grave, could well later join the ranks of restless souls and at times appear to living visitors to churchyards in the form of ghosts and apparitions.

These innocent victims seem to be trying to ask the living to help them find a dignified burial and eternal peace.

As reports of real events show, ghosts do not have a physical body and therefore are not capable of causing direct harm to people. Most likely, we are talking about fear and the consequences of the heightened imagination of people who happen to encounter ghosts and apparitions.

A person who has heard a lot of scary stories and superstitious opinions in advance can take an encounter with a ghost so seriously that it will lead to illness or even a heart attack.

In such situations, it is really possible from contact with a ghost not only to lose mental and even physical health, but also to die.

For a suspicious person, intimidated by stories about ghosts wandering around the cemetery, such contacts can really end tragically. Long-term mental illness, loss of calm and self-confidence are far from the worst outcome of an encounter with a ghost.

However, why are so many people so attracted, yet frightened, by stories about cemetery ghosts? For the same reason why many people like to watch horror films and mystical stories in the spirit of Edgar Allan Poe.

Subconsciously, almost every person feels or assumes that the world in which we live is far from being as simple as the materialist theory interprets.

This especially applies to those people who have at least once had their own experience of seeing ghosts. And where else does a person first of all expect the appearance of ghosts of unrestrained souls - precisely at mass grave sites.

What kind of ghosts and spirits are there in the cemetery? Information often appears in the media about ghosts in an abandoned cemetery; they can inhabit any area. The most popular are cemetery ghosts. This is because that is where they most often appear. Ghosts prove the true existence of the other world.

Ghosts in an old cemetery are quite an eerie phenomenon.

But there are people who deal with otherworldly ghosts professionally and for them this is a real interest. These people provide information about ghosts in cemeteries. If you look at the history of cemetery ghosts, you can understand why they are called that way. When the first statements about the existence of ghosts appeared, people were reluctant to believe in it. They believed that a person cannot see ghosts and perhaps he imagined something or dreamed something. But when this became obvious, no one could deny it, only then did people begin to take this issue seriously. Possibly real ghosts in the cemetery these are the souls of the dead. Souls, basically
Most of them try to live away from people, which is why they inhabit areas where people rarely appear.

To be honest, black magic has long paid attention to cemetery ghosts.

Black magic treats ghosts and spirits at night as souls. Black magicians easily come into contact with these creatures and claim that they are sometimes very dangerous. they don’t like anyone to disturb their peace, set foot on their land and destroy their way of life. That is why residents of new houses often complain of a certain anxiety and fear of certain ghosts; this house was probably built on a place that was inhabited by a huge number of ghosts. I can say that you should not be afraid of this. It is possible to come to an agreement with the spirits and simply ask them to leave the house alone. To do this, you need to perform a ghost ritual, which will relieve you of anxiety.

How to appease spirits in a cemetery - cemetery rituals

Let's say you have already chosen the grave on which you will conduct your trial, and selected a magic spell. Now you need to appease the spirit through which you are going to make an impact, to change the outcome of events.

Sacrifice to the spirits in the cemetery- an ancient ritual, without which any black magic cannot do. You enter into communication with spirits in order to resolve some of your personal problems and are simply obliged for the service rendered to you. Otherwise, otherworldly forces will deprive you of your health, energy, and take away what you clearly do not want to share with.

How can spirits in a cemetery harm you?

To do this, you need to greet the inhabitant of the grave, rescue him from the afterlife by loudly stamping his left foot. It is believed that the astral plane, where various spirits in the cemetery— responds subtly to your call. You must dry the black bread in advance and grind it into crumbs. Scatter over the grave as a sign of appeasement, and read a witchcraft spell:

“As the kingdom of Yarylka greets the people, so I greet your grave, you are the doors, you are the passage that is now open. Let it be so".

Next, you can move on to the main ritual in the cemetery, which was chosen by you in order to produce a magical effect directed against a person. After the sacrifice, do not forget to use candles - objects of power that attract various spirits. Fire feeds otherworldly forces and therefore serves as a powerful means of disarming them. If your ritual involves a certain number of candles, then follow the instructions. If your source does not mention anything about candles, then still light them on the grave (3 pieces). This will not hinder your business, but on the contrary, it will help. Just take extra rituals of safety from spirits in the cemetery so that they don't go out,
but burned out to the end.

If you practice magic professionally and going to a cemetery is not a one-time event in your witchcraft practice, then you will definitely encounter the owner of the graveyard, who will appear before you in the form of a spirit. We received a lot of information about him from village magic. It is called by different names:

  • King of death
  • Lamb,
  • Almighty,
  • Batko and many others.

The spirit is attached to a specific cemetery and patronizes it. And having friendship with him is not only beneficial, but also useful. For your safety, and also to ensure that any ritual has a price. There are certain days of the year when sacrifices must be made in the cemetery.

  • It's January 7th
  • April 8,
  • May 24,
  • June 1st,
  • 3 July,
  • September 21,
  • 28 of October,
  • February 19.

Make an offering at any old tree that grows in the cemetery.

A killed animal (black chicken, cat, dog, lamb) is best suited for this sacrament. But you can go:

  • cook a pig's heart,
  • good piece of meat
  • lard,
  • the king of deaths also prefers sweets. To do this, you need to mix honey and flour in equal proportions and achieve a homogeneous mass.
  • You can also use eggs (7 pieces) as offerings.

Open your lips like a despiser, lift up your eyes from the stronghold of the earth, open your eyes like the goddess’s host, the monastery, the harbor of the gates of the bloodshed, so accept this necessary gift, so fulfill what is asked (the request is stated in your own words). Let it be so.

Having said the magic words of the conspiracy, and putting all your intention into them, you must immediately leave the cemetery. At the same time, return along the same path, without turning back, without saying anything. When performing any ritual at the grave, do not take anything home with you. Do this as a last resort, and only then when it is clearly prescribed in the ritual and the source is verified. Always say goodbye to the cemetery so as not to bind the spirit to you. If you want to at night, then when crossing the cemetery line, read the last words of the conspiracy:

“Everything that’s mine is with me, what’s inhabited is here, not with me.” I offer you the simplest option. But there are many types of farewell words. You can use what suits you best. You don't have to just follow my words.

All about spirits in the cemetery

In general, with regards to cemetery rituals, each magician has his own methods. And they are effective in every case. The developments that come only with experience play an important role. Experiment, test your abilities. And you will certainly succeed. But please do not forget about safety precautions in the old cemetery. Don't think that everything is so simple and easy.

Unrequited love happened, the guy took advantage of me and left me. I suffered for a long time, and then I decided to cast a love spell on him. I scoured the Internet and found how to make an effective love spell in a cemetery. I won’t describe it in detail, the main thing is that it must be done on a full moon, at midnight, in a cemetery.

And so, I chose a day and went to the local cemetery. It was not yet dark at all, everything was clearly visible. Silence, no people. I found a grave suitable for the ritual and sat down to “conjure.” She arranged the candles, lit them, and began to tune in to the desired mood and imagine her “beloved.”

Suddenly I hear a voice from behind: “Hello, daughter!” I jumped out of surprise. I wasn’t afraid of cemeteries and didn’t believe in the walking dead, it just became unpleasant that someone caught me doing this. I turned around, there was an old lady standing about three meters from me, I recognized her immediately, it was my former neighbor at my previous place of residence. A very kind grandmother, she always treated me well and greeted me with “Hello, daughter.” Then the following dialogue took place...

Me: Hello!
She: Why did you come so late?
Me: It happened.
She: You can’t light candles on other people’s graves. Better come and visit me.
Me: Okay, I'll come by sometime.
She: It's late, go home.

I put out the candles and decided that I would come “to do magic” another time. And the granny, meanwhile, began to move away from me deeper into the cemetery. The cemetery is located 10 km from the city, I arrived in my own car and didn’t see any other cars there. I started shouting to the granny: “Let me give you a ride home?” But the granny didn’t seem to hear and continued to walk deeper into the cemetery. I ran to catch up with her, but because of the monuments I lost sight of her.

I returned to my car, which was parked at the gate, and began to wait for the granny to come out, but she never came out. About an hour later, when it was already completely dark, I left. At home I couldn’t sleep for a long time, I kept thinking about this granny, that I shouldn’t have left her there, that she might have felt bad there, that she never came out... I was restless.

The next day I went to my former address to find out how she was doing. I rang the doorbell for a long time, but no one opened it. Another neighbor passed by and asked why I was calling there. I told her that I had come to see Daria (that was my grandmother’s name). And she told me: “Daria died a year and a half ago, the apartment was sold by her relatives a long time ago.” I didn’t believe it, I asked a friend who also lives there, and she confirmed this information to me. She said that the granny died and lay dead in her apartment for a week, she doesn’t know where she was buried. Then I felt scared. Then I didn’t go to the cemetery for 2 years, now I only go with someone. I tried to find my grandmother's grave, but to no avail. But she is waiting for me to visit...

Phantom cons and gangsters

For example, in the Scottish capital of Edinburgh there is an ancient Greyfriars Church, and nearby there is an equally ancient cemetery, where many historical films were filmed. The place is quite popular among tourists. It is they who say that during excursions around the cemetery they sometimes hear indignant voices and see ghostly figures. And some even claim that some unknown force gives them pushes and blows...

The fact is that in the 17th century. There was a prison on the territory of the cemetery. In 1679, King Charles II imprisoned political criminals here, many of whom were sentenced to death and then buried in the same cemetery. Lord Mackenzie, who passed death sentences on prisoners, was also buried here...

Another “haunted cemetery” is Bachelors Grove near the city of Crestwood (USA). This place is called so because it was once home to single immigrants from Germany who worked on the Illinois-Michigan Canal. The cemetery appeared in 1864. In the 20-30s. of the last century, victims of gangster wars were repeatedly dumped into the cemetery pond. Then the ghosts of murdered gangsters began to be seen here...

The cemetery is very small, and no one has been buried there since 1965. Young people often carry out acts of vandalism: breaking tombstones, dumping the contents of coffins... And in one of the corners of the cemetery, next to the pond, traces of animal sacrifices are found - apparently, some sectarians are operating ...

Roar from the graves

There are many “turbulent” cemeteries in the territory of the former USSR. One of them is located near the village of Semenovskoye, Kursk region. The local population claims that at night the dead come out of their graves and walk around the village. True, there are only three ghosts - two men and a woman. This usually happens from twelve to half past midnight.
The Moscow group of paranormal researchers “Extrana” was involved in the investigation of this phenomenon. Here is the story of its leader V. Kaldin:

“At exactly twenty minutes to twelve we heard some kind of dull noise and a distinct roar coming straight from one of our graves. I turned on a powerful professional soundphone that picks up and records sounds at a distance of up to one hundred meters. Gradually, noises and sounds began to be heard from all three graves. Then the earth began to move on one of them and gradually began to crumble inward. Our employee forgot about his camera and looked at the grave, spellbound. When something shapeless began to rise from this grave, I also froze for a few seconds and only then turned on a powerful army flashlight. There was such a roar that it filled my ears. The dead man did not expect a bright light, or maybe this light still had some effect on him, but one way or another, he collapsed into the grave, and the earth itself began to fall back asleep! I directed the flashlight beam at other graves, and the roar from there also began to come muffled and muffled, and then stopped altogether.

As it turned out later, our photographer still managed to click the camera several times when I aimed the beam at the dead man. But the photographs did not work out; they turned out to be completely overexposed. The soundphone also did not record any sounds, not even a monstrous roar..."

Radiation raises the dead?

In Orel, next to the railway station, there is an abandoned cemetery. The fences of many graves have been knocked down, and the graves themselves are often undermined...

The night watchman of the gypsum plant, located 40 meters from the abandoned churchyard, assures that for several years now ghosts have been looking into his booth... The first time it was a wizened old man, dressed all in black. When the watchman opened the door, he silently shook his bony finger at him. The ghost smelled of rot. The light fell on his face, and empty eye sockets became visible... The watchman slammed the door and then heard the dogs howling until the morning. In the morning it turned out that one of them was missing... After that, the “dead men” knocked on his door more than once, but he no longer opened the door. And always after their visits, one of the animals disappeared... According to the watchman, the dead were disturbed by radiation: ghosts began to appear in May 1986, after the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Then the radioactive cloud reached Orel...

And the eternal battle...

Several years ago, the Belarusian village of Dubovy Log, in the Dobrush region, experienced an entire invasion of ghosts. At night, on the outskirts, from the side of Lake Vygonovskoye, the crackle of rifles was heard. A resident of the last house, pensioner Maria Dobyshch, later told reporters that, looking out the window, she saw gray shadows crawling and shooting around her garden. When they crawled out into the light of the lantern, the woman realized that they were soldiers in German helmets.

The “German soldiers” were also seen by other village residents. Some even tried to shoot at them with guns, but they didn’t seem to notice the shots...
Valentina Kozyreva encountered a man in a half-decayed military uniform and a rusty helmet in her yard. In his hand he held the same rusty rifle. Instead of a face, the “soldier” had a skull with a grin and empty eye sockets... The woman lost consciousness from fear, and when she woke up, there was no one in the yard.

In the same way, the rest of the living dead disappeared into the darkness without a trace. Later, the natives recalled that about five kilometers from the village there used to be a German cemetery dating back to the First World War. And burial mounds were preserved in the forest... It also turned out that in the summer of 1946 the neighboring village of Persten was attacked several times at night by some gangs who were mistaken for undead fascists hiding in the forest or for policemen. However, in reality they never harmed anyone and, after shooting, disappeared to God knows where...

edited news Agatha Black - 4-12-2012, 20:09