How to draw grass with a pencil step by step? How to draw grass with different materials.

Welcome to another lesson! This time we will look at how to draw grass using copics markers, as well as the method using digital programs (Photoshop, Paint tool SAI). But, first, I would like to tell you some rules for drawing grass.

Rule 1

Remember that grass does not grow evenly! It grows in all sorts of directions.

So remember that if you draw it all straight up, as in example A, then it will look rough and not natural. Even after using the lawn mower, the grass cannot have this effect. The only time the grass can be drawn in one direction is when you draw a very strong wind (and then the grass must be quite long!)

Rule 2

Grass has many colors and shades!

Each of these flowers on the right I took directly from this grass photo from my backyard to show you that grass contains more than one color!

The grass contains many colors that range from yellow green to dark green. Please don't make your grass one color, or even just two! Colorful grass looks believable grass!

Grass digital painting (Photoshop, Paint tool SAI)

Start by painting the plane light green where your grass should be.

Now select a regular brush with hard edges and a yellow or light green color, and then start adding lines of different sizes and directions (in the foreground, the blades of grass will look longer)
After you paint the entire plane with light blades of grass, take dark green and repeat the previous step.

Do the same again with a less saturated green. Then add some smaller blades of grass in dark green and light green for a more sophisticated look.

Grasses are even smaller objects, but often very distinctive. Nevertheless, grass drawing quite common. ?

Thickets of reeds, sedges, cattails, etc. (Fig. 1). For the image of grass cover in general, the type of hatching is used that best conveys this type of vegetation (Fig. 3-6).

Figure 1 - How to draw reed, cattail, and sedge

We advise you to find out, from everything that is said in this article, one thing is clear: the draftsman must convey the type of plant so that this plant can be recognized without much difficulty. Just drawing a tree is not enough for our purposes. And in order to depict trees, shrubs and grasses in a typical way, it is necessary to study them in terms of forms. It is especially important to sketch typical trees in autumn, winter or spring, when there are no leaves and when the nature of the trunk and branches is especially pronounced. This is why we especially recommend sketching deciduous trees while they are not leafed. Then, when the "skeleton" of the tree is studied, sketching trees in the summer will go very simply.

In conclusion of this part, we give several examples of drawings, which depict various forms of relief along with vegetation (Fig. 118-123).

Drawing relief with grass

Pictures 2 - Shrubs in the mountains along the hollows

Figure 3 - Drawing herbs

Figure 4 - Sketching herbs

Figure 5 - Herbs in the distance

Figure 6 - Forbs

Figure 7 - Sedge hummocks near

Figure 8 - Sedge hummocks in the distance

Shrubs and subshrubs

For some geographical areas where there are no forests, shrubs and semi-shrubs are very characteristic. Shrubs usually grow in masses, and therefore in the drawings they most often have to be taken from afar. These are either groups, or stripes (Fig. 1), or scattered single plants. In semi-deserts and high-mountain regions (with a lack of moisture), shrubs and semi-shrubs form cushion-like groups, closely pressed to the ground. In each individual case, you should carefully consider the nature of the plant, and then draw these groups from a distance.

Figure 9- Cliff and larches on its slopes (Sikhote-Alin)

Figure 10 - Char and larch forest at its foot (Bureinsky mountains)

Figure 11 - Mountains, terrace and flat valley floor

Figure 12 - Low mountains and forest along the river. Yenisei (Minusinsk Hollow)

Figure 13 - Moraine hills in the foreground (Western Sayan)

Drawing landscapes on paper is a very painstaking process. It is often difficult to convey the shape of miniature elements, because of which the realism of the picture suffers. Usually, it is the plant world that becomes a stumbling block for novice artists. In the course of the work, a lot of questions arise, and one of them is: how to draw grass?

Materials and complexity

You can depict vegetation using any artistic materials, from a simple pencil to pastel. However, the choice of means for a given task significantly affects the complexity of its implementation.

For example, oddly enough, it will be most difficult to draw grass with a slate pencil. You will have to make a lot of effort in order to achieve a noticeable color transition and highlight each sprout.

It will be a little easier to depict what was conceived with dry pastel, but in this case, knowledge of color or practical skills will be needed. Before you draw the grass, it is advisable to make a few test sketches on a separate sheet.

It is easy to work with paints, but for a realistic picture you have to tinker. In nature, the shades of the leaves of one plant may differ, the same happens with grass. Two blades of grass growing side by side are not the same, since the distribution of the pigment is uneven. Thus, when using paints, you will first need to choose the right shades and only after that start creating.

grass in stages with a pencil

In order to accurately portray the green cover of the soil, you should devote some time to observing it, or at least go through several different photos on the network. It is required to consider in detail the shape of blades of grass, to understand how it behaves under the influence of various factors, and most importantly, how plants look from different angles.

For work you will need:

  • eraser;
  • a sheet of paper of any size;
  • pencils of different hardness.


  1. Before you draw grass with a pencil, you should remember that it grows in one direction. Some blades of grass may deviate, but the entire cover should not be ragged and bulging randomly. Guided by this principle, you need to outline a barely noticeable outline of the vegetation, not forgetting the direction of the elements.
  2. Arrange light accents in the background, focusing on the position of the sun.
  3. More carefully draw the individual elements and the foreground.
  4. Proceed to hatching, adding a shadow and placing reflexes.

After completing this stage, the drawing is almost ready, it remains only to finalize it and make additional accents at the discretion of the artist.

How to draw grass with gouache

The vegetative image technique depends on the chosen material. For example, it is quite simple to draw grass with gouache. The principle is the same for the foreground and background.

To draw, you need a thick brush and a palette with ready-made shades. The whole landscape should already be ready, the grass is depicted last.

  1. The paint is applied with light strokes from the bottom edge of the sheet. It is advisable to take a little gouache on the brush, otherwise the desired effect will not work.
  2. The length of the stroke depends on the height of the grass. You need to pull it exactly to this point, gradually reducing the pressure on the brush.
  3. The color of the blades of grass should not be the same, so do not try to align it.

This method is suitable not only for filling the foreground. Guided by the principle of how to paint grass with paints, you can stretch the vegetation cover over the entire sheet. In this case, you must first apply short strokes to the background and, after waiting for the gouache to dry, continue to work in layers.

Grass watercolor

In order for a watercolor drawing to come out successful, you need to stock up on a masking liquid in advance. It will cover those places that are painted over last (in this case, it is grass).

Easy to paint with watercolors

  1. You need to make a light pencil sketch depicting a landscape.
  2. Gently fill the contour of each blade of grass with masking fluid.
  3. Further, on that part of the sheet that is filled with vegetation, you can safely apply paint, creating a general color background. It is advisable to use several shades of green and yellow. Do not be afraid to paint over areas covered with a masking liquid - the product does not let the pigment pass onto the paper and is easily removed along with excess watercolor.
  4. This stage should be started when the landscape is almost ready. Before you draw grass, you need to clear the sheet of masking fluid. You can do this with nails.

On clean areas, it remains only to paint blades of grass in watercolor. It is worth using shades that were not used to create the background, but close to them, in order to highlight each element.


Vegetation cover should be drawn with short hatching, using all the shades of green and yellow available in the arsenal. The main thing in such work is color, therefore, accents and chiaroscuro must be placed correctly, preferably, referring to the original.

You should be especially accurate when applying a dark color, since not all light shades are able to paint over it. The same applies to bright yellow.


I haven't written tutorials for a long time. I promise this one will be short and simple. I don't really like to draw grass, just because it's boring and time consuming (I'd rather draw clouds, or something like that...) :) But I hope you find this lesson useful. So we started...

STEP 1: Foundation

The very first stage is the creation of the basis for our so-called grass. Use a medium green color (I daresay you're going for the standard GREEN grass) and use a 14 px hard brush to paint some straight lines.

As you can see, the lines at the bottom are more saturated than at the tops. This is how it should be, ok?

STEP 2: Blur

Now we need to make the tips of the grass sharp. This effect cannot be achieved at the very beginning, I don’t even know why. In any case, take a 19 px brush, use the Smudge tool, set its intensity to 70-80%, and start smearing the tips :)

STEP 3: Shadows

Now let's add some shadows. To do this, use at least two darker tones. First, the lighter one. Draw in the same way as in the first step, but just remember - "the deeper, the darker." No need to shade the ends. They are located close to the light source, moreover, they are thin and fairly transparent. Use some small hard brush with Opacity up to 30%.

STEP 4: More lines

Repeat step 2. Take a dark color, set Opacity (Opacity) to 60% and draw some thin lines (3 px brush).

STEP 5: Highlights and Contrast

Take a light color. Use it on the tips of the grass. Brush size 3 pixels, hard, with a very high level Opacity (Opacity). Even up to 80%. Add some dark color on the lower part of the roots (soft brush, size 60px, Opacity (Opacity) 20%). You will get a good contrast.

Welcome to another lesson! This time we will look at how to draw grass using copics markers, as well as the method using digital programs (Photoshop, Paint tool SAI). But, first, I would like to tell you some rules for drawing grass.

Remember that grass does not grow evenly! It grows in all sorts of directions.

So remember that if you draw it all straight up, as in example A, then it will look rough and not natural. Even after using the lawn mower, the grass cannot have this effect. The only time the grass can be drawn in one direction is when you draw a very strong wind (and then the grass must be quite long!)

Rule 2

Grass has many colors and shades!

Each of these flowers on the right I took directly from this grass photo from my backyard to show you that grass contains more than one color!

The grass contains many colors that range from yellow green to dark green. Please don't make your grass one color, or even just two! Colorful grass looks believable grass!

Grass digital painting (Photoshop, Paint tool SAI)

Start by painting the plane light green where your grass should be.

Now select a regular brush with hard edges and a yellow or light green color, and then start adding lines of different sizes and directions (in the foreground, the blades of grass will look longer)

After you paint the entire plane with light blades of grass, take dark green and repeat the previous step.

Do the same again with a less saturated green. Then add some smaller blades of grass in dark green and light green for a more sophisticated look.

Painting grass with Copics markers


  • Copic paper (cardboard can replace this paper)
  • Copic markers in the following tones: YG03 (yellow green), YG66 (pea green), YG17 (grass green), YG67 (moss)

Randomly and casually paint the plane with YG03 where you want the grass to be.

Take the color YG66 and add thick and large strokes on top, directed from the bottom up, but in different directions (right and left). Remember that grass grows in different directions!

We continue to add thick strokes, taking the color YG17. If you are painting grass over a large area, then the farther it is from you, the fewer strokes should be.

Now select the darkest green YG67 and paint thin strokes. It is not necessary to fill in the entire area of ​​the grass, try adding these strokes between the other blades of grass you have drawn.

You can stop at the last step if you want to draw grass that stands out and has a more contrasting look.

But, since the grass is usually not the main element of the picture, I prefer to soften all the lines and blend the grass with YG03, which will help make it less detailed.

This concludes our lesson! Hope it helps you)

Translation: Prescilla

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