What does the color blue mean? What does the color blue mean? The influence of color on the human body

There is a connection between a person’s well-being, mood, emotions and his ability to perceive Blue colour, in psychology this connection has been well studied. There is a basic concept at work here, as well as the unique meanings and potentialities that flow from it. The choice of blue color clearly indicates the body's need for psychological and physical rest. It is no coincidence that when contemplating it, breathing calms down, blood pressure and pulse rate decrease. The entire vital system goes into relaxation and recovery mode.

But this happens under very specific circumstances, and usually it only happens when we're talking about about lighting spaces, rather than about printed colors or corporate brands, where their connotations are always positive and cheerful. It is a color between blue and green. Naturally, we find this on usually tropical or mineral beaches.

In general, it is a color with certain paradial associations, the color is a little abnormal, also for alternative marks. Indeed, since the corporate color is not used much, as it is perhaps too relaxed, which, on the other hand, is good for travel brands to relax, unwind.

Except individual ability a person perceives color, there is also an attachment of perception to the visible conditions, norms and traditions of society. In Christianity, the color blue has the meaning of divine light that brings truth. Muslims see it as a reminder of the fleeting nature of existence. For a Buddhist, blue is the center of the universe.

This is a color that can also be associated with the medical environment, as some nurses, doctors, etc. wear. sometimes has this palette of colors precisely in order to convey peace and tranquility. Blue is perhaps the color that has the most "healthy" options.

Blue is calm deep color, which provides safety, hardness, strength, moderation. It evokes the sea, the calm, the sky, the most direct and stable part of our being. That is, for example, the color red has few attractive shades, blue instead has many nuances that can be attractive and that each in itself has its own connotations. So we separated turquoise blue, blue and blue. Anyway, there are still many blue options that are interesting.

Origins color perception lie in the distant past. More ancient man developed a system of belonging of each color to a certain worldview, which was reflected in epics, myths, folk tales, mysticism and esoteric teachings. All celestial bodies in astrology they are combined with a certain color:

  • Sun - orange;
  • Moon - silver, pearl;
  • Mars is red;
  • Mercury - yellow;
  • Venus - blue;
  • Saturn - green;
  • Jupiter is purple.

In the East there is a belief that dark blue color protects from harmful influences, eliminates evil entities, eliminates damage and the evil eye.

In fact, what is called blue itself is not included in these color examples, since the blue from this section is not pure, but has shades of green, which in my opinion gives it more beauty. It is in “competition” with the color red that corporate speech is most often used.

Blue will always be a good color for almost any brand, perhaps not for products where red is perhaps the best choice, because it is warm and more associated with meat, with food from a more instinctive point of view. But, for example, blue is ideal for seafood. For yourself, transfer cold, frozen food, fresh food, water, etc.

Blue color is very soft, it smoothes the transition from a contemplative state to restless, tiring activity. It has a cooling effect on overly intense or tiring emotions. With its fragility, it is the opposite of everything mundane and bulky. At the same time, the color blue has duality, which has positive and negative meanings.

This is a good color for banks, institutions, training centers, medical centers, as they convey seriousness, calmness and knowledge. As for the connotations, logically similar to the blue described above, but different in that dark blue gains elegance and gives more opportunities for contrast, for example with white or gray tint, leaving a very interesting combination.

Dark blue is associated with the bottom of the ocean, with the deep, therefore, within the blue, the most mysterious, but at the same time conveying equal seriousness and strength. It is usually associated with God, with the religious, spiritual and esoteric. This is ok alternative color. It can be found in flowers, in nature. It can be contrasted very well with whites, with blacks, or if you want brighter contrasts, you can go with yellow or green.

Positive aspects include:

  • pacification;
  • patience;
  • spirituality;
  • intuition;
  • accomplishments;
  • purification of the soul;
  • inspiration;
  • true;
  • wisdom.

Among the negative aspects we can note:

  • imbalance;
  • depression;
  • complacency;
  • addiction;
  • weakness;
  • complacency;
  • cold.

Indigo children

The blue color is an emblem of the feminine principle and the calm flow of water, phlegm and rounded handwriting, horizontal lines and left side.

It can be used for casual brands, alternatives, with a certain feminine touch, as it is on the way to rose. Pink is feminine color, excellent, perhaps with the touch of children, naughty, immature, but at the same time can mean freedom, inner security, insolence and sensuality.

This is by far the most feminine color of all, since long ago there was a tradition of wearing pink girls. Although this is a trend that is gradually disappearing. It is a color that can also convey intimacy, pink skin, softness, youth. This is a good color for lingerie, perfume, girls' toys or women's clothing brands.

The dark blue color corresponds to the taste perception of sweetness, and the caress corresponds to its sensory meaning. Sometimes inflammatory or allergic skin rashes indicate a lack of love and attention, problems in family relationships.

Ancient Indian texts in the Pali language, which has common roots with Sanskrit, say what the color blue (nila) means for meditation.

It is a color that can easily be associated with fashion, with women, with elegance, with glamour. Paired with black it can be very elegant. Like a contrast with white or very light gray might seem nice. Black is very “bipolar” or multifaceted. You can go from the darkest associations to the most elegant combinations.

This is a color that always contrasts well with other colors. Pure black is perhaps too "dark" and blacks with certain undertones tend to be more subtle, with little lightness or tonality in relation to some color like red or blue, or just 90% black. They are the nuances that... at first glance they are barely noticeable unless placed next to pure black, but it will certainly give the blacks a different tint.

If you frequently communicate with a large number of people, your favorite color will act as personal protection.

All its shades stimulate birth creative ideas, which are not subject to external influences.

This is usually a companion color, or use a background color. It is used from the most rocker, satanic or alternative brands to the most distinguished, elegant and prestigious brands. Gray is the most neutral color. That's why it's great for accompaniment, as a background, as a soft contrast.

It is not usually a corporate color in itself unless it is a creative sign because e.g. grey colour associated with pen color, sketches, drawings. Additionally, in front of an advertising agency, gray can be a good color to use as a neutral base and therefore make your clients' colors stand out.

Representatives of the new generation, who are superior to their peers, primarily in intellectual terms, are directly related to this color. They are not bothered by information overload, pollution environment, changes in microclimate or economic crises.

The ability to survive in any conditions is explained by the ability to preserve energy potential, to listen to reason and not feelings. They know how to listen and reason. These are children whose aura color is blue, these are indigo children. In their lives there are periods of boredom, despondency and blues, into which they plunge themselves. But they also independently get out of this situation, finding new goals and ideas.

Gray can also be associated with technology because, in certain subtle gradients to white, it can convey metal or chrome. It is the color of the clouds, pure light, the brightness of objects that determine texture and shape. White is a color associated with purity, light, purity, silence in the sense of eternity. It is also a color associated with spirituality, God, angels.

What do you look for when you see a brand? You can say that there are many things, but the truth is that even before the logo, you perceive the color that symbolizes it. Although the meanings of colors are quite varied, the tones used in the sign logo are considered to be precise to attract attention and awaken the will to buy.

What does the choice of blue indicate?

According to the personality type in psychology, adherents of the blue color cannot tolerate meaningless restrictions in their activities. Attempts to establish boundaries are unlikely to lead to positive result. Their own point vision, as well as one’s own assessment of one’s activities, is of paramount, but not ostentatious, importance. Striving for order in affairs, devotion true values characteristic of people who like the color blue.

This is why colors and the meaning of colors are so important to brands and marketing. And to better understand the meaning of colors, do you know, for example, why Coca-Cola is red? In general, the meaning of flowers goes beyond aesthetics. The color red, by the way, represents joy, excitement and strength. Blue, a less lively tone, brings confidence and strength. Already yellow means clarity, optimism and comfort; while green reminds you of health, peace and growth.

Check below the meaning of colors of famous brands

I wonder, no, the meaning of flowers? We also think, and after today’s story you will think the same. Salmon, as you can tell, is a color that conveys confidence. Moreover, as we have seen, green color associated with health and growth. Before this, the brand had Brown color, although mermaids have already appeared in it. Only later did it become more sophisticated, with more dark shade green and yellow. In fact, the bright red and yellow were chosen to stand out from other brands stationery in California.

At the same time, two extremes rule over them, two elements: water and air. These polar planes affect connections with other members of the human race. Their attitude towards people ranges from boundless generosity to complete rejection.

Oh, those colors were also chosen because of the flag of Spain, since that region of the United States was influenced at the time spanish culture. One version of the story says that co-founder David Filo wanted to change the color of the office and ended up choosing purple, a slightly used color and therefore cheaper. Others, however, say that the paint was actually gray but turned purple due to the effect of light on the walls.

This was a strategy so that inspectors would not confuse brand barrels with those from alcoholic drinks. It would then be a good idea to keep the color as it created a very strong visual identity and related to cheerfulness and strength. Since it doesn't recognize red and green well, it ends up choosing blue, which is a clearer tone for it. And it's not blue, so much so that the tone has become known as "Tiffany blue." By the way, who chose exactly that shade of blue was the founder of the company, Charles Lewis Tiffany.

People who do not accept the color blue are afraid of a relaxed and calm state. Every moment of their life is subject to active work, which is accompanied by restless bustle. Finding constant excitement helps you avoid facing reality, where there is a problem that needs to be solved.

When in need of rest, feeling discomfort in the outside world or personal space, a person usually chooses blue; this helps relieve frustration, impulsiveness and irritation.

As he said several years ago, he was looking for a color that would illustrate the mark on the cover of the Blue Book, the annual jewelry, released in Kontam, which would be inspired by the tone of turquoise, a very popular stone in the century. Well, there is a version that says that the logo represents airplane propellers in the sky since the brand started in the aviation industry, but that is not true.

According to the designer who created the logo, Ruth Kedar, this entire mixture of colors from letter to letter was done with true ludic intent. A dream with color has several meanings, depending on the tonality that appears in the dream. Light tones indicate objects along the event path, dark tones indicate more mishaps along the path.

Lapis lazuli, sapphire, topaz are stones whose color scheme is dominated by blue tones. Hence their ability to get rid of far-fetched experiences, stress and vague premonitions.

To relieve tension in psychology, there is a practice that uses a vessel with water and blue paper. You need to fill a glass with water, place it on blue leaf and for 10 minutes just contemplate the water in the glass. At the end of the meditation, the liquid is drunk in small sips.

Dreaming of a mixture of colors is a sign that you will be successful in business and very profitable. Within color variations, light or faint tones indicate calmer paths, even if the color interpretation does not bode well; and dark or strong colors foretell more difficulties to be overcome or double joys, depending on the meaning of each color. When a color is highlighted in a dream, the meaning for each color will change.

The meaning of dreams: most people dreamed about today: Dreaming about a Snake, Dreaming about a tooth and dreaming about a mouse. Dreaming with flowers is a way of understanding the unconscious. Clear shades indicate good omens such as calmness, good progress in the project and happy events. On the other hand, dark colors represent difficulties that must be overcome, as well as the appearance of pain and irritation.

When does color matter?

It is known that humans perceive shades of the color spectrum very specifically. But scientists do not give up attempts to develop ways of psychological influence on society. Advertising, interior, commerce, fashion - present everywhere scientific approach. In order for residential or office premises to carry the necessary psychological atmosphere, it is enough to decorate their interior in a certain combination of colors.

Dream with colors, meanings and navigation. Availability different colors reflects the predominance of the emotional over the rational in the way he thinks and acts. The greater the presence of different colors, the more success you will get in your business. If the colors are bright, you can gain security, increase success and make more profit.

The color blue is closely associated with the emotional field. If you understand the tone in your dream, it means that you will receive the help you need to complete a project or business. It can also represent great satisfaction and a good and important source of inner peace.

But the predominance of rich blue color in a living or working space has a bad effect on emotional condition, leads to depression and refusal of employees to work.

Blue color in clothes is often used for business suits, dress codes, flight and naval uniforms. This emphasizes prestige, discipline, and concentration. Business meeting, meeting, important negotiations - events at which formal suit and dark blue would be completely appropriate.

You can take into account all the recommendations of psychology, or you can simply trust your instincts and choose the color that best meets your emotional needs. Each shade of the spectrum affects our well-being and mood to one degree or another. Sometimes it's worth listening to inner voice, which will tell you which color will bring you luck in business and personal life.

The symbolism of color in our lives cannot be ignored. Various colors surround us everywhere. Many people don’t even think about how much ordinary and familiar colors of clothing, nature and our things can influence the human body. Our article today will tell you about the color blue, the color of the sky and water. So:

What does blue mean in terms of different approaches?

First of all, it should be noted that many psychologists use the color blue to encourage their clients to think, and internally. It has been experimentally proven that it is the blue color that helps a person to immerse himself in his inner world and remain alone with yourself, even in the presence of a psychotherapist. Thus, blue color is an attribute of philosophical thought, depth and inner strength. In addition to this philosophical shade, blue carries perseverance, firmness, humility and devotion. It is very difficult to imagine how a person can develop these qualities in himself with the help of color. However, there are studies that show that in the presence of one of the colors in the immediate environment, a person actually somehow changes his behavior. However, these changes are not fundamental in nature and cannot be considered truly important fact influence on human motivation.

In addition to the positive qualities that blue gives us, there are also negative ones. For example, it is generally accepted that blue distracts from any activity precisely because it makes a person immerse himself in himself. Blue color also means fantasies, dreams and reflections, but not actions and realizations. In any case, knowing how color affects behavior, you can structure your activities and make them very effective. For example, you should start your work day with the color of activity and practice, for example, red. Do you want to relax? Look at the green object. Lacks positive emotions? Yellow things will come in handy. Be a builder of your life and use the knowledge you gain.