Why September 11th is a day of sobriety. Obuz "center for medical prevention"

The first celebration of Temperance Day took place more than 100 years ago, in 1911 in St. Petersburg, under the slogan “The happiness of the people lies in sobriety.” And in 1913 this day became official holiday supported by the church. The clergy and representatives of the scientific intelligentsia wanted to unite society in this way, opposing the values ​​of alcohol addiction healthy image life, creation, creativity and intelligence. The tradition was resumed only in 2005.

According to the organizers of the holiday, on this day any person should make their contribution, even the smallest one, to maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Celebrating Sobriety Day is a significant event for society as a whole. According to statistics, the share of alcohol consumption per capita increases every year. Alcoholism takes the form of a national disaster. That is why social institutions are doing everything to create a healthy lifestyle public value, but a passion for alcohol, as well as for other substances that change the state of human consciousness, a vice condemned by all, leading to personality decline.

On this day, thematic rallies, conferences and seminars dedicated to the prevention and recovery from alcohol and other types of addictions are held in many cities of Russia. The church, in turn, organizes special services.

Sobriety Day is a holiday that should be celebrated by maintaining a sober mind, enjoying the opportunity to communicate with loved ones, and striving to make sobriety a natural state every day of the year. After all, only a sober person can be successful, happy, have strong family and respect. By giving up alcohol, we can make the nation healthier and stronger.

In many parts of the world, use alcoholic drinks at various meetings and receptions is a common practice. However, due to the intoxicating, toxic and addictive properties of alcohol, its consumption can have adverse health and social consequences.

In addition to the chronic diseases that heavy drinkers can develop over the years, alcohol consumption is also associated with an increased risk of acute health conditions such as injuries, including injuries from road traffic accidents.

Just the facts!

  • Globally, 3.3 million deaths occur each year as a result of harmful use of alcohol, accounting for 5.9% of all deaths.
  • Harmful use of alcohol is a causative factor in more than 200 health conditions associated with disease and injury.
  • 5.1% of the total global burden of disease and injury is attributable to alcohol.
  • Alcohol consumption causes death and disability relatively earlier in life. Among people aged 20-39 years, approximately 25% of all deaths are related to alcohol.
  • Cause-and-effect relationships have been established between the harmful use of alcohol and the incidence of infectious diseases such as tuberculosis, as well as the course of HIV/AIDS.
  • In addition to its health consequences, harmful alcohol use causes significant social and economic harm individuals and society as a whole.

Man and alcohol: a history of struggle

Alcoholic drinks have been known for a very long time. Humanity has been familiar with wine and beer for at least five to seven thousand years, and for exactly the same amount of time with the consequences of its use.

Over the course of thousands of years, there have been attempts to find an acceptable amount of drinking, to justify one’s own drunkenness, and to completely ban alcohol.

Here are just a few episodes from this story.

Ancient Greece

The dangers of wine abuse were recognized back in Ancient Greece.

In the homeland of Dionysus - ancient Greek god winemaking - they drank only diluted wine. At each feast there was a symposiarch - special person, whose duties included establishing the degree of dilution of the alcoholic beverage.

Drinking undiluted wine was considered a bad act.

The Spartans, known for their severity, staged demonstration performances for the young men. They gave undiluted wine to the helots they conquered and let them walk through the streets so that young people could see how disgusting drunk people looked.

Al Kohl

Until the 7th-8th centuries, humanity did not know strong drinks. Alcohol was produced by simple fermentation of raw materials: grapes and malt wort.

It is impossible to obtain stronger drinks in this way: when a certain level of alcohol is reached during fermentation, the process stops.

The Arabs were the first to obtain pure alcohol, as indicated by Arabic word“alcohol” (“al-kohl” means alcohol). At that time, the Arabs were leaders in chemistry and discovered the method of distillation.

By the way, the inventors themselves and their people did not drink alcohol: the Koran openly prohibits drinking wine.

The first prototype of vodka, apparently, was received by the Arab Ar-Rizi in the 11th century. But he used this mixture exclusively for medical purposes.

No alcohol law

In some states, they tried to solve the problem of alcoholism radically: to ban the sale, production and consumption of alcohol.

Three cases are most famous in history: prohibition in Russia, introduced twice (in 1914 and 1985), and Prohibition in the USA.

On the one hand, the introduction of Prohibition led to an increase in life expectancy and its quality.

Thus, in Russia in the 1910s, he reduced the number of alcoholics, suicides and patients in psychiatric hospitals, and also increased the number of cash deposits in savings banks.

At the same time, during these years there was a boom in moonshine brewing and surrogate poisoning. Prohibition did not provide help for overcoming addiction, which pushed people suffering from alcoholism to look for replacements.

The introduction of Prohibition by the 18th Amendment to the US Constitution in 1920 led to the emergence of the famous American mafia, which took control of the smuggling and illegal trade in alcohol.

It was said then that the 18th Amendment put the gangster Al Capone on the throne. As a result, Prohibition had to be repealed in 1933 by the 21st Amendment.

History of the fight against alcohol in Russia

Unfortunately, the history of the Russian state has been familiar from the very beginning with the Russian people’s addiction to alcohol. Even in “The Story of the Choice of Faith,” Prince Vladimir, the first ruler of Christian Rus', choosing faith, rejects Islam precisely because of the ban on alcohol in this religion.

For a little less than seven centuries, only the church, as a rule its monastic branch, waged at least some kind of fight against this social ill. The phrase of one of the founders of Theodosius of Pechersk (Kyiv, 11th century) is well known: “Woe to those who are drunken! By drunkenness we drive away our guardian angel, and we attract the evil demon, for the demons rejoice in our drunkenness.”

The state paid attention to the problem of drunkenness only in the 17th century. Alexei Mikhailovich, the father of Peter the Great, first decided to take on drunkenness among monks, forbidding monks in 1647 Solovetsky Monastery keep alcohol in cells. Five years later, a tavern reform was carried out, which aimed to reduce the level of drunkenness among the common population. Alas, subsequent wars distracted the king from good deeds.

Peter I clearly understood the harm of alcohol abuse.

In 1714, he even established a shameful order “for drunkenness.” This order was “awarded” to those who distinguished themselves in drinking alcohol. Without taking into account the chain, the medal, which was supposed to be worn around the neck, weighed just under seven kilograms.

The next government effort to combat alcohol would have to wait another quarter of a millennium.

Nicholas II took advantage of the outbreak of the First World War and generally introduced prohibition - first at the time of mobilization, then until the end of the war. First, vodka was banned, and then wine and beer. However, then two revolutions happened, and everyone was no longer interested.

However, at first Soviet authorities also began to fight alcohol, banning the production and trade of alcoholic beverages. However, in 1923 the ban was lifted.

A short anti-alcohol campaign occurred in 1929, when many beer and vodka shops were closed and temperance societies were formed. There was a more or less sane, as they say now, PR campaign to promote a sober lifestyle. But, again, it was not for long.

In 1958, the Resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR “On strengthening the fight against drunkenness and establishing order in the trade of strong alcoholic beverages” was adopted. According to this document, it was no longer possible to sell vodka in all public catering establishments (except restaurants) located at train stations, airports, and station squares. For the first time, the sale of alcohol was prohibited in close proximity from schools and institutes, kindergartens, hospitals, sanatoriums, in places of mass celebrations and recreation.

Day of sobriety - new holiday in the calendar Russian Federation. It is celebrated on September 11 and gives people with bad habits the opportunity to give them up forever. International Day of Sobriety is celebrated on October 3 by the entire world community. Sobriety involves constant abstinence from drinking alcoholic beverages and other substances that affect the human psyche. All-Russian day of sobriety and international holiday allow you to stop drinking alcohol for at least a few days and look at the world consciously.

Reducing alcohol intake and drinking alcohol rarely and in moderation is the first step towards absolute sobriety. This allows you to compare the state of the psyche and general health when sober and drunk, and draw conclusions about the importance of a sober lifestyle in your personal destiny. Russia needs a conscious, sober movement that would come not from above in the form of a ban on the sale of alcoholic beverages, but from below, from each person individually. Society must rethink the importance of alcohol in the life of every individual and refuse to take even minimal doses of this unhealthy drink. Alcoholism suffered most of population of Russia, leads to a reduction in life expectancy, the birth of sick offspring, and diseases internal organs, worsening the quality of life. The degradation of a person who drinks alcohol occurs very quickly.

The Day of the Fight for a Sober Lifestyle provides an opportunity to think about the consequences of alcohol addiction and prevent its development.

Why is this day needed?

The struggle for a sober lifestyle in Russia is ongoing. Usually it came from above and gave significant results. A generation of people indifferent to alcoholic beverages grew up, and individuals appeared who completely abandoned alcohol, which was harmful to their health.

During these periods, the country rose morally, and the health of its inhabitants improved. The number of newborns born with pathologies due to parental drinking decreased. The average life expectancy of men increased, and the increase in crime decreased.

The struggle for sobriety in modern Russia takes place at the level of social movements that involve people in their communities trying to fight bad habits. They celebrate Sobriety Day on September 11th by spending active time on fresh air. Organizers of societies for the struggle for national sobriety perform events, lectures and seminars in educational institutions trying to tell teenagers the whole truth about alcoholic products, her negative impact on the human body. This day they are trying to solve many problems that have accumulated in modern society, and citizens must help them with this.

The Church and Public Council of the Russian Federation is actively involved in promoting a healthy lifestyle. He holds discussions on television and produces commercials in which he calls on Russians to actively fight against drunkenness. The Council of the Russian Federation has adopted the Anti-Alcohol Concept, which provides for a reduction in alcohol consumption by 55% by 2020. There is an Internet project “Independence”, which informs all Russians about the consequences that threaten all those who drink alcoholic beverages of varying strengths.

All-Russian Day of Sobriety allows the population to start leading a healthy lifestyle. Every year everything appears more people, consciously remaining sober on holidays and weekdays.

Religion and the world community in the fight for sobriety

A sober lifestyle is encouraged in any religion. Islam and Christianity require moderation from their parishioners not only in eating, but also in drinking alcohol. This allows the individual to constantly control his actions and enjoy every day.

On the day of the fight alcohol addiction many people go to Christian churches to pray near the icon called the “Inexhaustible Chalice” for those who do not want to fight drunkenness on their own. Christians know several prayers that should be read on this day to stop bad habit. They use them to refer to saints who help other people with chronic alcoholism to stop drinking alcohol.

Islam completely prohibits the consumption of alcohol, so people who preach this religion lead a more successful lifestyle. They have healthy children beautiful houses and achieve their goals. Non-drinkers happier in their sober lifestyle than those who seek truth in wine.

October 3rd all Earth celebrates World Sobriety Day. This is the second day of the year when every Russian can think about how to become a teetotaler. This holiday may provide an opportunity to solve many long-standing problems in the Russian Federation. To achieve sobriety in Russia, teachers, doctors and officials must find mechanisms on this day that will force the people around them to change their lifestyle.

It is they who, with the help of lectures and strengthening the fight against moonshine and the sale of surrogate, can stop the decline in life expectancy and the increase in premature mortality.

Video report about Sobriety Day:

The increase in the birth rate, which is last years observed in our country, should increase the responsibility of parents towards their children. Sober parents are quite capable of fully providing their offspring with everything they need, giving them a decent upbringing and an understanding that problems need to be solved soberly. International Day of Sobriety reminds parents that the holidays are not for being drunk on any day off from work, but for feeling like a member of the family that children need.

You don't have to wait until you're sober to quit drinking. How formerly man stops drinking, the happier the people around him will be and the more successful he himself will be.

All-Russian Temperance Day is a holiday that has been celebrated in Russia since 1913. The date of celebration falls on September 11th every year. In 2018, the holiday falls on a working day - Tuesday. As is already clear from the name, the meaning of the holiday is to Once again warn people about the dangers of alcohol abuse and the need to give up this harmful habit.

In 1913, Temperance Day was held for the first time. The initiator of the event was the Orthodox Church. The date of celebration was chosen due to the fact that on this day Orthodox holiday“The Day of the Beheading of the Prophet John the Forerunner and Baptist of the Lord.” On this holiday it is customary to observe strict fasting.

In the old days, Temperance Day was highly revered: on September 11, liquor stores were closed, and the sale of alcohol in other places was stopped. And today anyone can visit the temple to light a candle for the healing of those suffering from drunkenness. Also on this day, it is recommended to pray for your family and friends who suffer from this illness, and also to spend this day in sobriety, completely abstaining from any strong drinks.

“All-Russian Day of Sobriety” is not only an Orthodox holiday, but also a public or social one. The most different organizations on this day, events are organized that are aimed at conveying to society the idea of ​​such an important component of their lives as a sober and healthy lifestyle, the need to give up alcohol, drugs and other addictions.

On this day you should think about the dangers of drinking alcohol. The problem of alcoholism in modern society is very relevant.

In 1913, when Russia celebrated the 300th anniversary of the House of Romanov, the amount of alcohol per capita was 4.7 liters of alcohol per year. In the pre-revolutionary years, 43% of the male population in the country remained absolute abstainers. By 1979, the proportion of men who did not drink had dropped to 0.6%. And currently the amount of alcohol per capita, including minors, is 13.5 liters of alcohol per year, which is far beyond the norm. (According to WHO standards, degradation begins after 8 liters). The degree of social danger that drunkenness poses is also frightening. Because of drunkenness, families are destroyed, children are left orphans, people lose their jobs, health, self-esteem, and a person’s personality is destroyed. More than half of all crimes are committed while drunk. Significant harm to human health in in a broad sense of this word, that is, to paraphrase the definition, given concept health by the World Health Organization - as a result of alcoholism, a person experiences a state of physical, mental and social ill-being. According to WHO, alcohol consumption not only leads to addiction, but also increases the risk of people developing more than 200 diseases.

The Russian Ministry of Health appealed to the constituent entities of the Russian Federation with a request to support the holding All-Russian Day sobriety, That will take place September 11, 2018:

“The Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, in order to combat alcohol addiction and promote a healthy lifestyle, as well as taking into account the positive results of the event in 2015-2017, requests support for the All-Russian Day of Sobriety, which will take place on September 11, 2018. As part of the All-Russian Day of Sobriety, it is possible to hold conferences, seminars, meetings, round tables, sports and cultural events in educational institutions, healthcare, youth organizations, meetings with the population, face-to-face consultations and webinars with government representatives state power, public associations And religious organizations, whose competence may include various aspects reducing the demand and supply for alcohol."

Sobriety Day is a holiday that should not be “celebrated,” but spent maintaining a sober mind, enjoying the opportunity to communicate with loved ones, striving to make sobriety a natural state every day of the year. After all, only a sober person can be successful, happy, have a strong family and respect. Sobriety is a natural state of personality, manifested through common sense. By saying a firm “No” to alcohol, the Russian nation will not lose anything, but will only gain - strength, health, honor and courage.


Alcoholism is the most a big problem modernity. This is a severe chronic disease that develops on the basis of physical and mental dependence. A person suffering from alcohol addiction destroys his entire life - he loses friends, work, family.

Very great importance is devoted to the organization and implementation of various preventive measures aimed at combating this social evil. According to experts, prevention becomes most successful if people are involved in it a large number of people. One of the most significant events aimed at combating alcoholism is the All-Russian Day of Sobriety.

This festival originated more than a century ago. The founder of the solemn date was St. Petersburg. In the very distant year 1911, about 30 citizens included in Russian intelligentsia created a labor community of teetotal Christians.

Participants in the All-Russian Organization of Christian Temperance Admirers actively promoted the absolute taboo on the consumption of alcoholic beverages and called for an active lifestyle.

The main slogan of the society was the calling: “Our well-being lies in complete sobriety!” It was under this appeal that regular celebrations began to be organized, which were given the name “Sobriety Day.” The first anti-alcohol holiday was held with the general blessing of the Russian bishops Orthodox Church.

The essence and background of the holiday

Originating in our northern capital, gradually the significant plan spread to other settlements and villages. Not everyone appreciated this idea, but in almost 2/3 of Russian provinces the celebration was successfully held with the participation of almost all residents.

During the celebration, drinking establishments in the cities were closed, and any sale of alcohol was closed. Just two years later, Sobriety Day acquired official status. This idea was readily supported by almost all representatives of the Russian classes:

  • intelligentsia;
  • church officials;
  • representatives of the authorities.

Members of other teetotaler groups and communities also actively participated in the celebration. But despite the global, widespread approval and good intentions, the celebration was banned by the Bolsheviks who came to power. The tradition was revived only in 2005, when the Day of Sobriety in Russia acquired a second birth.

The main idea of ​​the celebration

The main emphasis in celebrating the date was on active and comprehensive promotion of a sober lifestyle. The idea was based on demonstrating and proving that a person is capable of living a quality and full life, completely without consuming alcoholic beverages. The problem of drunkenness has always been very acute for our country. Members of the teetotaler community contrasted other values ​​with alcohol:

  • wisdom;
  • creativity;
  • creation and development;
  • healthy well-being.

It was these moral principles that a person lost when he found himself in drunken captivity. The most important idea of ​​the organizers of the celebration was the fact that, according to the ideas of the community members, each person is obliged to make some contribution to the celebration. That is, at least live holidays without drinking even a drop of alcohol.

The main purpose of the holiday is to promote a sober lifestyle

It was planned that it was during the holiday season that a person should give all his strength to his family and devote himself entirely to his loved ones and children. Enjoy sober communication and family outings.

Temperance Day and Church

The clergy entirely approved of this plan. In 1913 significant event acquired the status of “church”. The first all-Russian celebration of general sobriety was organized on the date of the beheading of John the Baptist - September 11. Since then, the anti-alcohol holiday has been organized in our state - at the beginning of autumn.

Saint John never consumed intoxicating drinks. The martyr was beheaded by order of Herod Antipas, who was hot and intoxicated by an abundance of alcohol. The Bible emphasizes that this crime was committed during a drunken feast by a mind besotted with alcohol.

On the night before the celebration, an all-night vigil was held in the Temples of Christian St. Petersburg. The service was consecrated by His Holiness Metropolitan Vladimir. The representative of the highest circles of the church was not just an ardent admirer and admirer of the anti-alcohol celebration, but also a direct participant in it.

During all-night vigil church officials read the words of proclamation of this upcoming event. The liturgy was repeated in the morning of the next day. And by lunchtime, all the participants of the great day solemnly marched towards the Kazan Cathedral. Metropolitan Vladimir was waiting for the representatives of the procession there. He blessed those gathered with the icon of Kazan Mother of God and blessed them.

Temperance Day Supports and Blesses the Church

Unfortunately, Temperance Day was banned with the advent of Soviet power in Russia. After all, this celebration was related to the church, and the Bolsheviks sharply rejected everything religious.

Anti-alcohol holiday today

World Temperance Day was resumed in the Russian Federation only in 2005. The organizers of the celebration believe that every citizen interested in the health of himself and his loved ones is obliged to participate in the common cause. Encourage others to be sober. Alcoholism has become a real scourge of our time, so organizing and holding such a celebration is extremely important and relevant.

To task social institutions This includes more than simply uttering numerous slogans promoting sobriety. The organizers devote all their efforts to demonstrating what a person can gain by leading a sober lifestyle, and what he loses by armed with a bottle of alcohol.

Day of Sobriety in Russia on September 11 is celebrated on a grand scale in almost all cities. The following events are organized:

  • conversations;
  • rallies;
  • concerts;
  • seminars;
  • bike rides;
  • conferences;
  • sports races;
  • exhibitions of children's drawings.

Large-scale charity events are organized. Participants are given memorable badges, booklets, and educational brochures. All events, without exception, are subordinated to one goal - to show citizens the importance of a life free from alcohol, smoking and drugs. The church also actively participates in various events.

On this day, thematic services are organized in the Temples, which are attended by anyone. All parishioners can light a candle in front of the image of the “Inexhaustible Chalice”. This icon is designed to provide support to alcohol dependent people, helping those who pray for their health and healing.

Sobriety Day is usually celebrated not at the alcoholic table, but with family and sober health. The whole purpose of the holiday is to show that a sober atmosphere is much more pleasant than an alcoholic feast.

The need for celebration

A sobriety day is essential for modern society. After all, the statistics on alcohol consumption in Russia are sad. According to statistical indicators for 2013, the volume of alcohol consumed was set at 18 liters per capita. Other indicators are also very worrying:

  1. About 80-85% of teenagers regularly consume alcohol.
  2. Almost 90% of all serious offenses are committed while drunk.
  3. And the increase in the number of accidents caused by drunk drivers accounts for about 60%.
  4. There are about 3 million citizens in our country who are diagnosed as alcohol dependent; in fact, this figure is much higher.

Alcohol addiction has long become a national mass disaster, threatening the degeneration and disappearance of the nation. All-Russian Day of Sobriety should be actively revived and held en masse. Involving children, teenagers and young people in the celebration. Traffic police officers also make a significant contribution. During road duty, patrol officers congratulate car owners on their occasion, handing them leaflets and bright stickers.

This celebration is held against the backdrop of general sobriety and is not celebrated with the usual feast. After all, only a sober citizen can become prosperous and successful, have happy family, well-deserved recognition. By saying a firm “No” to alcohol, the Russian nation will not lose anything, but will only gain – strength, health, honor and courage.

September 11 is All-Russian Day of Sobriety. True, few people know that the holiday of sobriety is already more than a hundred years old!

It was first celebrated in 1913 at the initiative of the Church. During the holiday, state-owned wine shops were closed and the sale of alcoholic beverages was prohibited. In all Orthodox churches a proclamation about the significance of the holiday was read in the capital, religious processions were organized by teetotalers.
The holidays of that time were distinguished by a great intensity of educational and cultural events.

* * *
The second half of the 19th century was a time of major changes in all areas of life. Russian state. In 1861, serfdom was abolished, which began new stage in the history of Russia - there has been a significant increase in production, there has been an increase political activity of all segments of the population, the emergence of new ideas and spiritual quests among the leading thinkers of Russian culture.
Despite the fact that the level of alcohol consumption per capita per year was then low compared to modern times (4.7 liters versus 18.5 liters today), society, and especially the clergy, responded to the increase in alcohol consumption by massively creating temperance societies. IN late XIX- early 20th century A broad temperance movement developed in Russia. The latter is understood as “a social movement for the voluntary refusal of citizens (temporary or permanent) from alcohol consumption, the adoption of restrictive, prohibitive and educational measures against the distribution, production and consumption of alcohol at the local, regional and state level.”
The first Russian temperance societies with charters and a well-thought-out program of action began to appear around the 1880s. In 1882 S.A. Rachinsky created the famous Tatev Temperance Society. Greatest development In the history of the country, the movement for sobriety began in 1907-1914 (between the revolution of 1905-1907 and the First World War), when many realized the need for sobering up as a condition for the salvation and peaceful renewal of the country. First of all, this is due to a change in government policy, when the authorities finally started thinking seriously about the alcohol threat.

Back in 1894, in connection with the transition to a state wine monopoly, Trustees for National Sobriety began to be created throughout the country - government agencies, the purpose of which was to spread common sense about the dangers of drunkenness. Members of the trustees for national sobriety, unlike other trustees, received salaries, and the trustees themselves enjoyed large funding. Unfortunately, the activities of many trustees were extremely passive and ineffective. Moreover, “the government understood the ineffectiveness of the ongoing struggle” and was looking for other ways to solve the pressing alcohol problem.
Along with guardianships, various church and civil temperance societies were created in the country. By 1911, there were more than 2,000 temperance societies in the country with a huge number of members. At the same time, temperance societies were predominantly religious Orthodox and peasant in composition. That is, most temperance societies in Russian Empire were created at rural parishes, and their work was led by the local priest.
In 1914, including in connection with the outbreak of war, a number of anti-alcohol regulations were adopted, which significantly reduced the destructive effects of alcohol on Russian society. There was a sharp decrease in the amount of alcohol consumed and, following this, a sharp improvement in the demographic and socio-economic indicators of the country's development, described in the literature.

* * *
In Chelyabinsk, a sobriety society, called the “City-Chelyabinsk John the Baptist Sobriety Society,” was created on September 2, 1912 in honor of John the Baptist on the initiative of the rector of the Alexander Nevsky Church, priest Mikhail Penkovsky.
Thanks to the energetic preaching of Fr. Mikhail about the dangers of drunkenness and the benefits of sobriety, more and more members were involved in the society. The work developed, the society grew and became popular.
At the beginning, the society consisted of 23 people, by the end of the first year of existence (at the beginning of 1914) - 243 people. Members of the society took a vow not to drink alcohol for a certain period of time. General meetings were convened at least twice a month, in addition to resolving economic issues, a lot was said and read about the benefits of sobriety. Particularly persistent members who showed themselves in some way were awarded special certificates, and all members of the society were given the right to wear the badge of a member of the society made of bronze under gold.
The activities of the society were expressed in sermons from the church pulpit about the dangers of drunkenness, in the distribution of the Society's charter, icons, leaflets, and brochures against drunkenness to everyone who joined individually, in posting pictures against drunkenness on the porches of city and nearby village churches, and in lecture work. The People's House hosted " folk readings with vague pictures" (transparencies) about the dangers of drunkenness. Society meetings were held in the Alexander Nevsky Church.
A decent library on sobriety issues was collected, which was constantly replenished by extracts of special sober magazines, posters, religious and moral magazines and generally popular newspapers of that time. In addition, the library was replenished with books of religious and moral content donated by townspeople; Membership fees were used to purchase brochures that were distributed free of charge to the population.
On August 29, 1913, a holiday of sobriety was held in Chelyabinsk. On this day, all churches in the city held solemn services, sermons were read on the fight against alcoholism. After the liturgy, at the fairgrounds near the Alexander Nevsky Church, procession and a prayer service to St. John the Baptist. In April 1914, another “Festival of Temperance” was organized, in which many intellectuals, especially teachers, took part. This is how F.I. Gorbunov describes this event: “A grandiose procession was organized around the city with banners and a brass band, which attracted a lot of public. Scattered around the city, decorated with flowers and colored ribbons with slogans about the dangers of drunkenness, were collectors and collectors with circles to raise funds for the benefit of the society. The gathering was good. With these funds raised next to People's House The society opened a tea room and a reading room.”
The society's popularity grew. But in July 1914 the war began. Many members of society went to war. Wine sales were closed. Sobriety became mandatory for everyone and “in society, as in the horn of salvation, the need disappeared.” After 1917, the society's activities ceased altogether.

* * *
Most temperance societies appeared on the territory of the Chelyabinsk diocese in a rather late (after 1911) period of development of the all-Russian temperance movement. They were created on the model of existing temperance societies and brotherhoods that had already gained experience in other regions. Temperance societies sometimes owe their appearance to state and church politics, but also among the initiators similar work there were many enthusiasts who sincerely wanted to work for the good of the Church and their people.
One of the most important forms of work of local temperance societies (in addition to church preaching and worship) was moral influence, the example of teetotalers. Temperance societies paved the way for restrictive measures by the state, influencing public consciousness. But real result- a noticeable decrease in consumption throughout the country - only manifested itself as a result of decisive government measures.
Today, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), every fifth death in Russia and neighboring countries occurs from causes related to alcohol. At the same time, the level of alcohol consumption in our country is classified as the most dangerous for public health. To this it is worth adding the social damage that high alcoholism of the population brings to society: it is due to great amount crimes, family breakdown, abandoned and physically handicapped children.
From the Church's point of view the best prevention any kind of addiction is spiritual and moral education, involvement in the Eucharistic and community life. The history of the Russian Orthodox Church testifies to the extensive experience accumulated by parish temperance societies of the early 20th century. Then at active participation Extensive educational work was carried out in the Church - holidays of sobriety were held, public lectures were given, sermons were preached about the dangers of drunkenness and the benefits of sobriety. Total number Participants in temperance societies reached 500,000 people.
Such a movement could not go unnoticed, and by 1914 there had been serious changes in the attitude of the tsarist government towards alcohol, which gave rise to a lot of positive changes that improved the demographic, social and economic indicators of the country's development. Unfortunately, war and revolution changed the situation, and now valuable experience has to be acquired and rethought anew.
Of course, the situation in the country has changed over the past 100 years; new forms of work are needed, adapted to modern conditions. But the very fact that in our history, and in particular the city of Chelyabinsk, there was a sobriety society, whose members led a sober lifestyle in order to save themselves and their loved ones from the vice of drunkenness, for the sake of revival moral guidelines our fellow citizens, instills in us confidence and courage to take the path of sobriety and personal example sober life to contribute to overcoming the terrible disaster that threatens our Fatherland.