Presenters of good morning channel 2 petrov. Andrey Petrov - biography and personal life of a TV presenter

Blogger Andrey Petrov is clear proof of the fact that today you can become popular without having any talents or abilities. Instead, all you need is a computer and Internet access. At the beginning of the 21st century, only freaks and shocking people rule the world, so the young androgynous Andrei Petrov gathers crowds of subscribers on the social network Instagram and VKontakte. The friendly attitude of fans brings the effeminate boy not only popularity, but also a good, but only, income.

Biography of Andrey Petrov

The biography of the young video blogger is shrouded in many rumors and gossip. Andryusha himself avoids direct answers to provocative questions about childhood and family. It is only known that the boy attended a Moscow school, after which his parents decided to send him to get an education in college. After barely studying for one semester, the guy dropped out and decided to make money from outrageous videos. “Demand creates supply” - the basic law of economics played into Petrov’s hands and the aspiring video blogger began to concoct thousands of selfies and videos for thirsty teenagers in the countries of the former CIS. It should be noted that for many teenagers, the image of a person of unknown gender with gender characteristics of both man and woman is an example and teacher of makeup.

Appearance of a young freak

The young man has perfectly studied the sphere of Internet preferences of the youth of Russia. Oddly enough, he hit the mark with his choice of filming direction. Andryushka announced that he was androgynous and part-time passive gay. The family immediately abandoned the boy, to which he declared that “there are only ugly, stupid and poor people around.” Wanting to be completely different from other people and to cultivate ideas of the divine origin of his own person, he went under the knife and syringe.

  • Lip surgery Andrei Petrov's appearance before and after plastic surgery is strikingly different, primarily in the shape and volume of his lips. It is difficult to call this person a man, because he simply cannot live without lipsticks and the constant injection of hyaluronic acid into the lip area. The huge mouth became his pride. It’s strange, because judging by the latest photos and videos, the covers of the upper lip are significantly deformed, which makes it difficult to completely close the lips. Permanent swelling and inflamed injection marks are noticeable. Because of his huge lips and strange cutesy manner of speaking, Andrei receives constant offers of an intimate nature or threats from homophobes. It cannot be said that the man is not happy about this, because attention of any nature was initially his goal.

  • Blepharoplasty. Andryusha loves decorative cosmetics and is offended when he is compared to girls, because he does not consider any of them worthy of himself in terms of grooming. The eyes are given special attention with the help of arrows and false eyelashes. Blepharoplasty became necessary when his lips stopped generating income and his popularity waned. The operation to correct the shape of the eyes was carried out not only at the expense of elderly lovers of a young anorexic body, but also with “honestly earned” money on YouTube.
Plastic surgery was performed under general anesthesia from the inner mucous membrane of the eye. The surgeons had to do delicate work so as not to disrupt the blogger’s visual function. The recovery process went quickly, but now the young man’s eyes are unnaturally huge, which is certainly emphasized by their owner with thick makeup and black contact lenses.

  • Botox injections. At the unfortunate age of 19, Andrei had already turned to a cosmetologist for correction of his facial skin condition. Due to the fact that the young man absolutely does not consume meat and other animal products, his skin lacks protein and fats. Dry skin was subjected to Botox injections, although cosmetologists do not recommend such injections at such a young age.

An image that attracts 40,000 fans

As Andrey himself admits, he spends about two hours on his daily makeup. He doesn’t like to rush, because his lover loves to contemplate his masculine doll with perfect coloring. When in a hurry, according to Andryusha himself, the shadows fall off, the mascara smears, and the lipstick is applied unevenly, and he has to redo everything even longer. Several patterns can be noted in the image of blogger Andrei Petrov.

  • The eyebrows are clearly defined and highlighted on the emaciated face. The color must be dark brown or the shade of wet asphalt. The shape is unnaturally curved like a house, which adds femininity to the image.

  • The cheekbones are definitely highlighted with a highlighter. The hollows on the cheeks are tinted with dark colors in order to sculpt the oval of the face as much as possible. especially noticeable in Andrey's profile photo.

  • be sure to be neat and wide with protruding tips. The young man admits that he was partial to another androgyne, but later realized that he himself was the embodiment of the soul and global cosmic consciousness. Those around him suspect the guy’s inadequate mental state.
  • Shadows became a special passion for the young androgyne. He is engaged not only in testing many cosmetics, but also in advertising. He considers bright colors on the face to be normal for a man and believes that the opinions of people from the outside do not bother him.

  • Eyelash extensions. Declaring that in his opinion all people are bisexual, he bats his thick, glued eyelashes seductively. Without this attribute, he never goes outside.
  • White, yellow or lilac lipstick is a regular guest in his cosmetic bag. The man loves to paint his lips, thereby attracting the attention of men. A man's preference is that he is cold. His personal life is mysterious, but he himself states that his boyfriend served in the army in 1986, and is a real man in every sense.

  • Piercing. Yielding to the temptation to shock the audience for as long as possible, Andrei pierced his nose. in the form of a half ring became a spectacular addition to a bright image. Oddly enough, his videos receive three times more dislikes than likes, but people watch the filmed product, which means the blogger will have work.

  • Hairstyle. Fashionable hairstyles are a special passion of the Petrov man-woman. He often appears in front of a video camera lens with, sometimes with.
  • Manicure. Extended nails of incredible length are often decorated with a plain matte version. Looking at his claws, Andrey likes to call himself “kisa” or “pussy”. This, of course, may have a more intimate connotation, but let’s chalk up the nickname to fingernails.

  • Figure. Often fans and enemies point out to Andrei his excessive thinness, suspecting him of anorexia. The young man denies this information in every possible way, commenting that he eats well 2-3 times a day. Effective weight loss methods were not used by the blogger even once. His diet affected the constitution of his body, giving him angularity and thinness. Andrey is not only not ashamed of his figure, but is very proud of it. The young androgyne's wardrobe is filled with tight jeans, dresses, skirts and heels. By the way, he deftly knows how to run in high heels, running away from the yard punks.

The biography of the strange man Andrei Petrov has nothing memorable. It gained its popularity due to the times. Taking thousands of selfies, he claims that his work is much more difficult than that of a miner or metallurgist. Having already earned a lot of zeros in his account through “titanic” labor, he only hopes that the almighty YouTube will not close, because this fact will leave him without pants.

Video: Andrei Petrov talks about the army

It often seems to us that famous people live somehow especially, super-saturated and super-interesting. They don’t go shopping, don’t walk in the nearest park... They don’t have everyday chores (taking their children to school, for example), and they live in a different world...

And how calm it becomes when it turns out that famous people are not celestial beings, but quite ordinary individuals! This is probably how one can characterize the charming TV presenter, who says on air every day: “Hello, I’m Andrei Petrov, and this is the program “Morning of Russia.”

Television career

This forty-year-old Muscovite (Andrei Petrov was born in 1974) always wanted to be a TV presenter. Therefore, the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University is not a random choice. But before the offer to become a morning broadcast presenter, there was work on the radio. Interesting from the point of view of gaining experience, but not the one he dreamed of all his life. Therefore, when the management of the radio station “News Online” closed the project, there was no global disappointment. Moreover, the editor-in-chief of the radio station provided patronage to his colleagues on various radio and television channels. This is how Andrei got on television as a correspondent for the RBC channel. This is how his television career began. After some time, the young correspondent was noticed, and now Andrei Petrov is a TV presenter of one of the largest channels.

Radio. Tribute to the beginning of a career

Working on television is not the only one for Andrey. Paying tribute to the radio, from which it all began in his professional life, the journalist works on the air of the Chanson radio station. After a busy and hectic work on television, the opportunity to sit in a small room in a radio studio without makeup and spotlights is a kind of relaxation and switching, because the presenter of “Morning of Russia” Andrei Petrov does not just read the text written by the editors. His task is to talk about news and events so that when getting ready for work a person will highlight and remember the information he needs. The program is early. And how can you do this if you already need to be in the studio at four in the morning? Getting up at 3 am, shower and cup of tea, going to work... And there are already texts, make-up artists, colleagues, guests. This regime is difficult to maintain. You need willpower and a healthy lifestyle.

But it’s impossible to say that radio is secondary. Andrey treats all work professionally and, as they say, honestly. Only after checking the information many times can it be broadcast. Both viewers and listeners are accustomed to trusting the words of the presenter.

The tip of the iceberg

In one of the interviews, Andrey was asked about leadership in the team producing the program. “The TV presenter is just the tip of the iceberg,” he replied. There is no need to assert yourself in front of colleagues when you are a professional and also recognize professionalism in others.

Of course, there are glitches or unforeseen situations on broadcasts, but that’s the task of the presenter, to quickly navigate and correct someone’s mistake. In addition, the editor who wrote the text or questions for the guest of the program does not have the opportunity to spend at least 10-15 minutes with this person to understand him. Therefore, the presenter often has to rearrange questions, literally force them to answer them fully, because simple “yes” and “no” are not interesting to anyone.

Morning program - boost of energy

It is thanks to the charm and ease of the host that the program acquires its personality. And we can safely say that for TV viewers Andrei Petrov is the morning of Russia. His voice and smile, questions and comments set up a certain perception of information. It is he, the presenter, who must speak clearly about politics and medicine, space and economics.

In fact, this variety of tasks is what attracts people. Andrei Petrov admits that he loves his job, and his interest in it does not decrease over time. Every day there are new meetings with people who cannot be casual acquaintances. This opportunity to communicate with representatives of different professions is one of the bonuses of being a TV presenter. It is unlikely that anyone will have the opportunity to communicate with an astronaut or historian, government officials and participants in various shows. And “Morning of Russia” is just such a versatile program. Even its format changes periodically. And the presenters have to adapt. It’s one thing to communicate with the viewer and guests while sitting on a studio sofa, and quite another to stand. Here, in addition to control over words and facial expressions, control over the entire body is added - posture, neatness from head to toe, restraint and gestures.

Comedy "Good Morning" from Paramount

Director Roger Mitchell made the film "Good Morning" about the behind-the-scenes life of the morning program. The film has everything: low ratings, a snobby TV presenter, and close people of the program staff... It turned out to be a funny story about life around one morning show.

All presenters of the Morning of Russia program were invited to dub the film in Russian. Of course, it is impossible to refuse such an offer. Finding yourself inside the same program, but on American television, is very interesting and instructive. Andrei Petrov admits that this experience allowed him to look at his profession from the outside, to even more appreciate the patience and endurance of loved ones, because when you devote yourself entirely to work, your relatives may find yourself on the sidelines. This is exactly the role that Andrei got in the voice acting.

Andrey Petrov. Personal life

There is usually a lot of talk about the families of famous people. Everyone is interested in the other side of the coin, not just professional life. Andrei Petrov, whose wife provides the rear, is an excellent family man. Andrei and Ulyana have been together for more than 17 years, raising two children, although their marriage is not officially registered. This is a rare case when two people found each other and achieved absolute trust. In one of the interviews, Andrei said with a smile that they could not find a reason to register their marriage.

The TV presenter also told the story of their acquaintance more than once. Andrey and Ulyana found themselves in the same company celebrating a friend’s birthday. All evening Andrei entertained his new acquaintance, and then volunteered to take her home. The acquaintance continued a few days later, and a couple of months later Andrei and Ulyana began to live together.

Different temperaments are the basis of a strong family

Now Andrei calls his wife his harshest critic. Spouses have very different personalities and perceive information differently. Ulyana gives an objective assessment of her professional activities, and Andrey appreciates this impartial opinion. There is no place for disputes and discord in their family life. The hot-tempered Ulyana is balanced by the calm and good-natured Andrey, all disagreements are quickly resolved. The dispute dies down before it really begins.

Andrei Petrov is not shy to admit that he tries to spend his free time with his children and wife. His stories about walking together in a park near home or going shopping sound somewhat ordinary. But that's the charm - working so that the family is happy. And enjoy every minute spent together.

Children - responsibility and love

Before the birth of her children, Ulyana worked in her specialty (she is a doctor), but the arrival of her son set her priorities: leaving Igor with a nanny turned out to be more difficult than giving up work. Therefore, now Ulyana is a happy housewife, busy raising two children.

According to the spouses, they did not specifically plan the birth of heirs. The appearance of the eldest son was the beginning of a new life: getting up, swaddling, feeding, walking. And Andrei helped his wife in everything, supported her, and, as far as possible, replaced her in the troubles of caring for her son.

When their daughter Inna was born, the couple were already experienced parents, and daily worries were not so disturbing.

Now that the kids are older, Andrey tries not to miss matinees in kindergarten and parent-teacher meetings at school. Finding out how your children live is a pleasant parental responsibility.

There is always a place for celebration in life

Andrei Petrov, whose biography is not replete with ups and downs, calls himself a homebody, because he strives to go home, to his wife and children, always and everywhere. Unfortunately, a famous TV presenter sometimes stays late at work or works on weekends. Petrov can be called the phrase “in life there is always room for celebration.” Together they try to organize celebrations more often, even if for no reason. A joint vacation in this family is highly valued, because it brings only positive emotions.

We can say that Andrey is not looking too far into the future. But the confidence that tomorrow will be better than yesterday does not leave the presenter of the morning broadcast. And you can learn this from him.

Andrey Petrov is the TV presenter of the Rossiya channel, and it is he who greets us in the morning with his bright smile. His wife, Ulyana Petrova, is far from her husband’s profession; she graduated from medical school, but is not working now. The girl takes care of home comforts and raises children, son Igor and daughter Inna. Andrei’s wife could not leave the children under the care of a stranger, so she quit her profession. She doesn’t regret this one bit; family and children come first for a woman.

Andrey Petrov with his wife and daughter

The future husband and wife met at a party with friends. Andrey really liked Ulyana, and he immediately started talking to her. They spent the whole evening together, talking about themselves, joking and having fun. The young man even walked her home. Since then, the couple has been inseparable, they have about 20 years of marriage behind them. However, there is no stamp in the passport of either spouse. They don’t even think about it, their family lives a happy life and raises children, and they don’t care about formalities.

Andrey Petrov with his daughter

The family is in perfect harmony, Andrey perfectly complements his wife, he can calm her down in time, support her in difficult times and give her care. The wife, in turn, gives him family comfort, feminine warmth and understanding. They swear extremely rarely, even if a quarrel does occur, it lasts no longer than 10 minutes.

Despite his tight work schedule, Andrey remains a caring husband and loving father to his children. He never stops raising them, and on weekends he likes to be in nature with his family.

Andrey Petrov with a work colleague

The Petrov family welcomes an active and friendly lifestyle. Although they cannot stay away from home for a long time. The homely warmth created by Ulyana pulls them towards her and warms them when their souls are cold.

Children have long been accustomed to seeing dad on TV; for them he is a real pride and role model. His wife supports Andrei in everything and is not jealous of his colleagues. I believe that everything will be fine for this family and I wish them even greater happiness and prosperity.

Andrei Petrov is known to the general public as the host of the famous Good Morning program on one of the federal channels. His image is that of a cheerful, positive-minded presenter who gives the audience the most useful information.

This is the word he prefers to the hackneyed “news”. Is the reverse side of the medal so different from the cover? What is Andrey really like? Let's try to figure this out now.

Way to success

As it turned out, the image that viewers are accustomed to seeing on the screen is not very different from Andrei himself. He is a good-natured, purposeful person who knows how to achieve the assigned tasks. Little is known about the TV presenter’s childhood. Is it just that? That it was in his youth that the dream of becoming a presenter arose in him. And Petrov walked long and persistently towards this dream.

Andrey entered the Faculty of Journalism at Moscow State University. He graduated with success, but instead of the desired television, he ended up on radio. This left a deep imprint on his professional abilities. It was there that the young student learned the science of broadcasting in practice.

However, the unwanted job did not haunt him for long. After some time, the sponsors of Novosti Online recognized the office as unnecessary and disbanded the team.

New acquaintances, and in particular the editor-in-chief, helped me get a job on television. This was the developing RBC channel. From that moment on, my career went up sharply. After some time, the gifted correspondent was invited to the federal channel.

Radio as part of life

Work on the radio played a huge role in the development of the TV presenter as one of the best broadcasters. After all, conveying important and useful information to a person who is still asleep with one leg is not so easy. However, Andrey copes with this task too.

Work on the radio began back in “maximum” where Andrey simply collected information for broadcasts. Then "News online". It would seem that with the advent of new work on television, one could forget about radio. However, Petrov did not forget.

Radio became a kind of hobby for him. After all, sitting in the studio without makeup and not under the surveillance of predatory television cameras, you can truly relax and enjoy the process of work itself. At the moment, the career of a radio presenter continues. This time on radio wave "Chanson".

Cinema experience

Andrey Petrov managed to participate and in making the film. The entire team was invited to dub a comedy filmed by an American film director. Andrey admits that this work has become an addition to his experience.

Firstly, I was able to get acquainted with the work of my foreign colleagues. Secondly, look at your work from the outside and appreciate it.

Features of work

Andrey's work is intense and full of nuances that need to be resolved. Noted heavy work schedule. The TV presenter's morning begins at three o'clock in the morning. Shower, coffee and now he is already in the studio. There is plenty of tension there too. After all, despite the fact that the program scenario is planned in advance, failures do occur.

Andrey especially highlights such a problem as inconsistency of questions with the invited guest. The editor who writes the questions has no way of determining the person's character, so he often has to improvise. On television it is not enough to get a laconic “yes” or “no”. You need to get the guest talking so that he reveals a topic that interests the audience.

The characteristics of each person invited to the broadcast are, in turn, a plus. It is very interesting to communicate with respected people whom you will not meet on the street. In general, the work of the program host is interesting to Andrei and brings a lot of positive emotions.


Andrei does not hide his family and her life from television cameras. In an interview, he tells with pleasure how a joint evening with friends became the starting point in his relationship with his future wife Ulyana. The Petrovs were able to carry the spark that arose when they met after seventeen years of marriage. Their marriage is not registered, but this does not affect family happiness in any way.

Andrey's relationship with his wife is special. Very difficult to understand. How the hot-tempered Ulyana and the calm, temperamental Andrey get along together. After all There are practically no quarrels in the family. They go out before they even begin. The presenter treats his wife not only as a spouse, but also as a critic, strict and objective, whose opinion always corresponds to reality.

Only the man works in the family. Ulyana had to leave her job after the birth of her child. There are two children in the family. Son and daughter.

Many expect that the Petrov family lives some kind of supernatural life. They will be disappointed. As Andrey himself says, they ordinary walks in the park are not alien to or shopping. Time to relax together is valued in the family. Despite his hectic schedule, Andrey tries to take an active part in the lives of his children. Doesn't miss a single matinee or parent meeting.

E. Afanasyeva- Good evening, “Teleguard” is on air, a program about the essence of television and about those who define and preserve this essence. In the studio Elena Afanasyeva, and as always on Sundays, we talk to you about people, programs, events and anti-events that affect what our television will be like today and tomorrow.

And today we will talk about a program that celebrated its 15th anniversary, this is the “Good Morning, Russia” program, with which a large, large number of Russians greet the morning every day for - now my guests will tell me - a huge number of hours. The hosts of this program today are Elena Nikolaeva and Andrey Petrov. Hello.

A. Petrov- Hello.

E. Nikolaeva- Hello. I wanted to say “Good morning” out of habit.

A. Petrov- We need to correct this right away: we don’t have “Good morning”, we just have “Morning” and have been for a long time.

E. Nikolaeva- Yes, “Morning of Russia.”

A. Petrov- We got rid of the prefix “good”.

E. Afanasyeva- Well, isn’t it good morning?

E. Nikolaeva- The morning is different.

A. Petrov- And it is more informational, which means it is not always kind. The word “kind” gets in the way.

E. Afanasyeva- Oh-oh-oh... when did you decide that mornings are different?

A. Petrov- A few years ago, about 5 years, probably.

E. Afanasyeva- Please tell us how different it is, Lena? What changed after you removed the definition of “kind”, did the program become more strict, tougher, or what?

E. Nikolaeva- Look, good morning, I wish we all had it, naturally, this is probably what unites all of us, different people - we all want a good morning. This does not mean that our mornings have somehow become less friendly towards people, it’s just that we are a big country, we live in a big world, and mornings are different, which doesn’t always mean that you have to drool, eat rainbows and rejoice in every possible way .

E. Afanasyeva- Has anyone tried the rainbow?

E. Nikolaeva- The morning became more informational. But I think Andrey will talk about this better.

A. Petrov- As for the prefix “good”, it logically disappeared, because, probably, this is some kind of dictate of the times...

E. Afanasyeva- Is this so you won’t be confused with “Good Morning” on Channel One?

A. Petrov- No, absolutely. I have a feeling that we don’t look around at all to see what’s going on with everyone. If someone else is peeking, then we don’t look, but simply try to do our own thing through trial and error. There were some mistakes, there were shortcomings - that’s it, we worked on the mistakes and moved on.

E. Afanasyeva― I remind our listeners of our number, please, your SMS responses are +7-985-970-45-45, everything you want to say, your questions, remarks, comments, wishes for the “Morning of Russia” program, which celebrated its 15th anniversary

A. Petrov- Yes, and therefore, if you write to us, I would really like to know why you watch us and what you like. And if you don’t like something, you tell us what you don’t like, and what you would do in our place to make you like us.

E. Nikolaeva- That is, constructive criticism.

A. Petrov- Certainly.

E. Nikolaeva- This is very useful feedback.

E. Afanasyeva- How many of these 15 years have each of you worked in the Morning program?

A. Petrov: I― 12.

E. Nikolaeva: I- only 3. I'm a complete newbie.

E. Afanasyeva- Well, yes, in a program that is 15 years old, you are just a newcomer. Then a question for Andrey, as the longest-lived person in the program. How has the program changed before your eyes? 12 years ago, when you came, how was it different from the “Morning” program that it is now?

E. Nikolaeva- We got rid of everything unnecessary, in my opinion, from such, so to speak, husks that bothered us.

E. Afanasyeva- What is the husk in the federal channel program?

E. Nikolaeva- These are all sorts of things close to the yellow press, something slipped through somewhere, we took something. We abandoned this once and for all, I’m glad that we actually did this, because it was really clearly not ours. We tried it and it didn’t work, and it’s good that it didn’t work. We had such a “finest hour”, the co-hosts were wonderful, despite the fact that they were wonderful - Angelina Vovk was there, and Oleg Gazmanov was there, and Olya Budina was there, and Dima Kharatyan. Wonderful people, everyone, and the relationships were good, but our format itself was called “Finest Hour”, it was the last hour, where we actually invited some shamans, I took sap from a birch tree...

E. Afanasyeva- It’s clear that eating a rainbow is not a problem for you.

A. Petrov- No, not a problem.

E. Nikolaeva- Andrey even knows that...

A. Petrov“I remember for the rest of my life: I was lying on my back with my arms and legs up, and the shaman was telling me how I needed to jump with the strength of the muscles on my back, without helping with my arms or legs, and then free myself from some kind of negative energy.

E. Afanasyeva- Did you jump?

A. Petrov- I jumped and freed myself. And we also freed ourselves from the shaman - apparently, this was significant.

E. Afanasyeva- It's clear. That is, you have freed yourself from everything unnecessary, but the necessary must come in the place of the unnecessary. What, through trial, error and 15 years of experience, has been identified as necessary and the main component of this “Morning of Russia” format?

E. Nikolaeva- We have topics that concern everyone, like their own shirt is closer to their body. That is, the social issue and the economy. This is all that concerns us today every day. That is, whether we receive payments for our apartment, whether we take our children to get vaccinated, to kindergarten, to school, whether we buy gasoline - we are affected by excise taxes, prices in stores and everything else, the quality of products - what is around us.

A. Petrov- In other words, we have become tougher, of course, because this is the demand of the time, when there are some shortcomings everywhere that can and should be corrected together by the whole world, we joined this game.

E. Afanasyeva― I remind you that we are talking about the program “Morning of Russia”, it is celebrating its 15th anniversary, the hosts of this program Elena Nikolaeva and Andrei Petrov are visiting us, you can ask questions, remarks, comments - +7-985-970-45- 45.

You said at the very beginning that it has become more informational. But the morning and the broadcasting of the Russia 1 channel are already sufficiently permeated with news broadcasts, the morning broadcast, plus, as far as I understand, you have regional inserts. What else has been added, what does this design look like now, how much news do you have?

A. Petrov- Lena has now clearly delineated it quite clearly. Everything that concerns political news is handled by Vesti, and they turn on every half hour on our morning broadcast, and we deal with social aspects, cultural and everything else. Everything that doesn’t concern politics is taken over by Vesti, and even if we take it, it’s near-political things.

E. Afanasyeva- How many regional inserts do you have during your time while you are on air, how many times do your regions turn on?

E. Nikolaeva- Regions that have their regional language take away the last hour from us.

A. Petrov- And so they come out together with Vesti.

E. Afanasyeva- Only those where there is national broadcasting in their language?

A. Petrov- No, news every 3 minutes.

E. Nikolaeva- If you mean news, yes, exactly our program “Morning of Russia”.

E. Afanasyeva― “Morning of Russia” in your own language?

E. Nikolaeva- The last hour is being taken away from us.

E. Afanasyeva- Do you mean they voice it, or are they completely their own...

E. Nikolaeva- They have their own presenters, as a rule, they have a studio stylized like ours, they simply conduct it in their own language.

E. Afanasyeva- This is probably Tatarstan, right, Bashkiria?

E. Nikolaeva- Yes, Bashkortostan, I just recently visited them, they call it “Heerle irte”. This is "Good morning, Republic."

A. Petrov- And the rest of the inclusions are made by regional broadcasting companies together with Vesti - they have their own legal 3 minutes every half hour.

E. Nikolaeva- Local Vesti.

E. Afanasyeva- Vesti comes first, then the locals. When a person wakes up, he can find out what is in your yard closer to home.

A. Petrov- Yes. If they want.

E. Afanasyeva- It is in these 3 minutes that they can...

A. Petrov- If the region wants people to find out, they will probably launch it.

E. Afanasyeva- Fine. But Nadezhda from Moscow writes: “When you say “good morning”, you wish all the best without reservations.” And Anatoly is interested: “What is this program “Morning of Russia”?”

E. Nikolaeva- Please.

E. Afanasyeva- This is what we are talking about.

E. Nikolaeva- From 5 to 10 TV channel Russia on weekdays, welcome, you can turn it on tomorrow, I will say good morning.

E. Afanasyeva- From 5 to 10 – five hours of broadcasting daily on weekdays?

E. Nikolaeva- Yes.

E. Afanasyeva- And you are five o’clock, is this your daily schedule?

E. Nikolaeva- Ours is much longer, to be honest, because we still need to prepare the broadcast, so it takes a lot of time.

E. Afanasyeva- Do you have what they call repetitions, because it is clear that the person who watches you at 5 in the morning has already left for work or minded his own business, then, probably, those who wake up at 8...

A. Petrov- We reached a kind of pace of an hour and a half, basically. Sometimes it's two, but mostly it's an hour and a half.

E. Afanasyeva- That is, on average, if you didn’t see something, in about an hour and a half your program will have this story again?

A. Petrov- Yes, and from 9 to 10 there will be some kind of average original, a mix of everything that happened, all the most interesting.

E. Afanasyeva- “Hello, I’ve been waking up to you for a couple of years. Relevant, with a smile. Mila."

A. Petrov- Thank you, very nice.

E. Nikolaeva- Oh how nice! I also started smiling right away.

E. Afanasyeva- But now it will be unpleasant.

E. Nikolaeva- It’s okay, it’s normal.

E. Afanasyeva― Eisenbach writes: “I don’t watch the program, I consider it part of the general program of zombification, duping the population.”

E. Nikolaeva- I haven’t read Pasternak, but I condemn him.

A. Petrov- It's a pity, it's a pity. Look - maybe this is not zombies.

E. Afanasyeva― Mikhail from Malakhovka writes: “I really like the horoscope on the Morning of Russia channel, very accurate, corresponds to Zaraevsky. Who composes?

E. Nikolaeva- We don’t have a horoscope.

A. Petrov- These are probably just regional stories; we don’t have a horoscope. We can classify our weather forecaster as a person who is capable of drawing up horoscopes. But he, too, has not been noticed in this yet.

E. Afanasyeva- Maybe it’s so hidden - he talks about the temperature, but in reality he’s telling...

A. Petrov- Maybe this is the listener’s hint of exactly what he would like to see, his subconscious...

E. Afanasyeva- Yes Yes. You know, you got rid of the unnecessary, and the listener can see right behind the scenes between your lines.

E. Nikolaeva- Look, if they increase excise taxes on gasoline, what kind of horoscope will you have? Obviously, gasoline will become more expensive, your wallet will not be so full - here’s a horoscope for you, please, fortune telling on the news.

E. Afanasyeva- Yes. We are talking about the Morning of Russia program, which celebrated its 15th anniversary. Tell us about your colleagues. How many people do five hours of daily broadcast, how is this work organized, are there teams every day or week? Tell me.

A. Petrov- Yes. In fact, when we celebrated our 15th anniversary noisily, but in a small company, it turned out that there were 150 of us in total. As I understand it, they finally counted everyone, everyone, everyone involved.

E. Afanasyeva- Are these Moscow ones, without windows?

A. Petrov- These are Moscow ones, without windows. There are, of course, more people there.

E. Nikolaeva- But many then came from the regions, when there were 150 of us.

A. Petrov: 150- this is the Moscow office.

E. Nikolaeva- This is actually a surprise for us, because we all saw ourselves face to face right there when we were going to celebrate. And yet there are very few of us. How many do we have on the fly?

A. Petrov- We have two teams of 10-15 people. Again, who should we count? If we count all the operators, lighting technicians, and sound engineers, then, of course, there are more people there. And so – 10-15 people – editors, chief editors, correspondents.

E. Afanasyeva- Do you have any permanent teams here?

E. Nikolaeva- A week after a week.

E. Afanasyeva- Presenters, and do they have chief editors there?..

A. Petrov- Yes.

E. Afanasyeva- Do each of you have your own team?

A. Petrov- Yes.

E. Afanasyeva- Every couple?

A. Petrov- We won’t call it for every couple, it turned out this way...

E. Afanasyeva- Then tell us about your partners, who works with whom, and how many presenters are there?

E. Nikolaeva- We are just a couple.

A. Petrov- And next week Vladislav Zavyalov and Elena Lander work for us, and Denis is our incoming unit.

E. Nikolaeva- ... people turn on the TV, they immediately: oh, Denis, Friday! And they smile automatically.

A. Petrov- People want some kind of stability, yes, something should change a little bit, but Friday should be sacred. And every day everything should be approximately predictable, you don’t want it to be like on a volcano, right, every morning? You want to know approximately: the water is wet, the grass is green, the sky is blue...

E. Afanasyeva- And I still remember your colleague Slava Zavyalov, coming to visit my parents on Rostov television.

A. Petrov- Yes.

E. Afanasyeva- We are talking about the program “Morning of Russia”, it is 15 years old.

But for such programs as “Morning of Russia”, where there is that balance of changes, without which not a single television program can live, and constant constants, when a person wants to turn on and, getting ready for work, know for sure that he will see something this and that.

A. Petrov- Changing practically nothing, only improving quality, I think so.

E. Nikolaeva- It’s better not to even try to change something, especially in the interior.

E. Afanasyeva- Do you mean the interior of the studio?

E. Nikolaeva- Yes, because you move something a little, and a hail of questions begins. Our sofa recently went to be reupholstered, we sat in armchairs. This was noticed instantly. Although they were in no way different in color.

A. Petrov- They are from the same set.

E. Afanasyeva- Then how attentive are viewers likely to be to your appearance - commenting on your clothes?

E. Nikolaeva- Constantly.

E. Afanasyeva- Are they more often praised or dissatisfied?

E. Nikolaeva- In different ways - they give advice, some constructive. Because I have Instagram, and there are quite a lot of subscribers there - about 100 thousand, I somehow, there is no such thing as a two-word comment, insulting or praising, here is a constructive one - if they praise, they will describe in detail why, if they scold - They’ll write in detail why and how they think it’s better to fix it, for example. Moreover, you read such constructive stuff and always listen to it.

A. Petrov- If we talk about the constant, I would still like to reach such a limit when they look with bated breath, and it doesn’t matter, in that tie, in a wrinkled shirt - it doesn’t matter, the main thing is what he tells and how he tells it. This is great.

E. Afanasyeva- Are your viewers more conservative? That is, do you need to adhere to exclusively conservative views when it comes to clothing, or do they allow you to experiment and agree to them?

E. Nikolaeva- Probably, it’s not even a matter of the audience, but the point is what kind of information we convey, and what kind of guests come to us. Because if a minister comes to us in a suit and tie, and we are sitting in sneakers and shorts - well, this is, to say the least, inappropriate.

E. Afanasyeva- +7-985-970-45-45, we are talking about the “Morning of Russia” program, it’s 15 years old. And here it is: “The best information program, objective presentation of information, interesting interviews. It is necessary to comment more on the legislation,” says Andrey from Moscow.

A. Petrov- Wow! Thank you, Andrey, for your support. In fact, we try as much as we can. By the way, the deputies promised us, they said that it was a matter of honor for them to pass a law on animals, which we have been discussing in the studio for ten years, and every time they tell us: just about... We take their word every time, and Every time everything is postponed. And here, and in other issues too, and not only deputies.

E. Nikolaeva- At the same time, we keep talking about topics, we keep throwing this ball at them, throwing them. Someday a critical mass will accumulate, we hope, and it will work.

A. Petrov- Just the number of topics, it, of course, repeats itself, it goes in circles, because housing and communal services, food, clothing, animal law and so on, cars, insurance...

E. Nikolaeva- ... children, vaccinations, pensions.

A. Petrov- Yes. All this is going on in circles for the reason that, yes, a lot is said, but much is not decided anyway. If you quit, it seems to me that it will remain half-solved.

E. Afanasyeva- Here Edward writes: “I don’t watch how Chernobrovina left.”

E. Nikolaeva- She's back!

A. Petrov- She's back, look again.

E. Afanasyeva- Edward, look - Anastasia Chernobrovina has returned.

A. Petrov- And sometimes it also comes out according to the same schedule.

E. Nikolaeva- On Thursday.

E. Afanasyeva- You see, Edward, not everything is so sad for you. On Thursday you can turn on the “Morning of Russia” program, which we are talking about today in the “Teleguard” program. The hosts of this program are Elena Nikolaeva and Andrey Petrov, 15 years old, you can ask your questions, remarks, comments - +7-985-970-45-45. And after the news release we will continue our conversation.

E. Afanasyeva- So, we continue the “Teleguard” program, today we are talking about the 15th anniversary of the “Morning of Russia” program. The guests are the people who host this program - Elena Nikolaeva, Andrey Petrov. You can ask your questions - +7-985-970-45-45 – questions, remarks, comments.

Yuri writes: “You run “Morning” like good spouses.” This is probably a compliment.

A. Petrov- Thank you. It’s very nice if you get this impression, it means everything is good with us.

E. Afanasyeva― “I’ve been watching “Morning of Russia” since its launch - everything is compact, to the point, interesting, and most importantly, it sets the mood for the working day well. Not so on other channels. Thanks to the entire morning team. Alexander".

A. Petrov- Thank you, Alexander.

E. Afanasyeva- But then there’s a remark from Dmitry: “I don’t watch Russia 1 because of bias and partiality.”

A. Petrov- So, are you all Russia 1 or “Morning of Russia”?

E. Nikolaeva- Why not turn it on from 5 to 10?

A. Petrov- Yes. Then you can safely turn it off.

E. Nikolaeva- On Monday, for example.

E. Afanasyeva― Sergei from Moscow asks: “Ask the guests if they have censorship, can they say tomorrow that Navalny gathered tens of thousands of people at rallies in Eastern Siberia and the Far East, or not?”

A. Petrov- I think Vesti will tell this. We said a little earlier that we do not touch on political issues and are more concerned with social things. But “Vesti”, I hope, will tell. Why not?

E. Nikolaeva- Well, if tens of thousands...

A. Petrov- Certainly. Almost millions.

E. Afanasyeva― “Excellent topic from Ivan Zenkevich, thank you,” - from the Saratov region.

A. Petrov- Well, apparently some car guy liked the review. Vanya does good things. He makes especially masterpieces about old technology.

E. Nikolaeva- It seems to me that he loves her very much, yes.

A. Petrov- Vanya on an old moped, on which he sits like Khoja Nasreddin on a donkey - very funny.

E. Afanasyeva― Alexandra from Ulyanovsk is interested in how broadcasting into orbits is made.

E. Nikolaeva- That’s how it’s done.

A. Petrov“That’s how everything is done—everything is the same.”

E. Afanasyeva- "Hello again. It is necessary to protect animals, but how to protect the residents of an apartment building from ardent cat owners?”

A. Petrov- They also discussed this, but so far they have no solution, because there is no possibility. By the way, in my opinion, this week we will discuss how government officials will be able to get into such apartments if the redevelopment there is illegal, and if there are twenty thousand cats per square meter.

E. Nikolaeva- That is, everyone should be comfortable.

E. Afanasyeva- Look at what our listeners write about - you had this, and this... It is clear that in 15 years, probably, all the topics have been discussed more than once.

E. Nikolaeva- These are fairly regular topics. It’s one thing to protect animals, but it’s another thing when you and your cat house disturb your neighbors.

A. Petrov- As for new topics, as it was said once, if you come up with something new, your grandmother tried it three times, so, yes, of course, everything is in circles. It’s going around in circles because it hasn’t been resolved, how will it be resolved - what’s the point of discussing it?

E. Afanasyeva- It's clear. “I’ve been watching you for ten years, although I’m not yet 30. Everything is very interesting, keep it up, good luck! Kolya, Severodvinsk.”

A. Petrov- By the way, it will happen later: I grew up on your program, as they used to say about “Good night, kids.”

E. Afanasyeva- Once 15 years, it’s no longer just “Good night, kids,” so get ready.

A. Petrov- By the way, be sure to watch the broadcast on Tuesday, because Angelina Vovk will come to our studio, it was her anniversary, and Slava Zavyalov, who, by the way, was a co-host with her at “Starry Hour” will work. It will be very interesting.

E. Afanasyeva- That's what I wanted to ask. 15 years old, you start in 2002, when the Internet has not yet conquered the open spaces for the mass audience, there is no magic Wi-Fi yet, and rarely anyone has one at home, and there are no these mobile gadgets, no one wakes up and the first thing... that is, the person woke up and went straight to the remote control. Nowadays, most people wake up and go straight to their favorite gadget.

A. Petrov- Look what happened. You and I are actually in the same boat. Remember the story, when radio appeared, everyone said: newspapers will die; Then, when television appeared, everyone said: radio will die. Now, when the Internet appeared, they said: there will be no television... Nothing dies - and newspapers are sold...

E. Afanasyeva- Yes, that’s understandable, I’m talking about something else. Has the work of the program changed somehow, so that if previously a person was actually the first to learn something from you when he turned it on in the morning, now he can find out something first...

A. Petrov- Not always. We have closed channels, which are still used only by news services. We receive pictures much more quickly, like other channels.

E. Nikolaeva- But then, a person still needs to prepare breakfast. He turned on “Morning”, and they tell him, they show him, he is doing something at the same time, getting ready, breakfast for the children, the husband’s wife is waking up or the husband is waking up his wife... That is, this is some kind of life going on in the morning, and our program is going on, and we side by side, together and at the same table.

A. Petrov- Your question was how efficient are we?..

E. Afanasyeva- How much do you change because the Internet over these 15 years, and the mobile Internet, has changed the lives of your viewers so much?

A. Petrov- And we are lucky, because in addition to all the technical means, we also have an extensive network of VGTRK throughout the country. We also receive messages, materials and everything, everything, everything else. Accordingly, we are still sometimes faster than the Internet.

E. Nikolaeva- And the Internet, in fact, entered our program too, but in a slightly different context. That is, we say: look how cool the video is, it got so many views. That is, obviously this video will be discussed. And the person, instead of scouring the entire Internet in search of some picture, about which at his work they will most likely say: did you see this? He will say: of course he already saw it, they told you everything in the morning.

E. Afanasyeva- Let me remind you again: +7-985-970-45-45, this is the number for your questions, remarks and comments. We are talking about the program “Morning of Russia”, it is 15 years old. Elena Nikolaeva, Andrey Petrov visiting. Andrei just said during the break how good it is that your leadership is gathering everyone for the anniversary.

A. Petrov- Wonderful traditions, and the 10th anniversary was celebrated, everyone was gathered. It's the 15th anniversary now. We try to invite everyone who was involved in our program - presenters and non-presenters. They come whenever possible. Last time, Angelina Vovk was there, and Mr. Ginzburg was there, Evgeniy Abramovich, and Mr. Lysenkov, the former presenter, and Dima Guberniev... Well, in general, it’s nice to see, because there in life it’s quite rare for everyone to intersect, and some don’t meet at all Let's cross paths already. Therefore, this is such a moment of unity, and it preserves some traditions. Here again, we change without changing anything. That is, we seemed to go down different paths, but still together on the holidays.

E. Nikolaeva- And the constant thunderous applause, of course, when our numbers are shown that we earn in the ratings, I mean.

E. Afanasyeva― Maxim writes: “Some time ago there was a very interesting interview, a commentary on the law on state registration of real estate. If possible, more information on this topic.”

A. Petrov- We are trying. But you just understand that even though everything is in circles, you need to dilute it at least a little. If we talk about the same thing every day... Follow the broadcast, of course, we will return to this topic too.

E. Afanasyeva- You said that your correspondent network is like this, and therefore it gives you the opportunity to speak, to give more information. How interesting do you think a person in the morning is more interested in what concerns him personally - the weather in his region, the traffic jam on his street?..

E. Nikolaeva- It seems to me that traffic jams and weather can be gleaned from a gadget much more quickly than from a TV. This is the one that is here and now.

E. Nikolaeva- Yes, first of all. And secondly, anyway, we are trying to take it from the point of view - they asked us about censorship - there is no censorship as such, we are our own censors, because we are trying to determine whether you have a cup of tea in video broadcasting, Here we are now sitting with a cup of tea, and in the morning people also have a cup of tea and a cup of coffee. It’s interesting to a person with a cup of tea, whether he will watch it - that’s the determining factor, and not whether it can be told or not, within the bounds of decency.

E. Nikolaeva- You know, I came from a fairly liberal television, from RBC, and every time in the first days, the first months, I was surprised that this question can be asked, and this one - but where, when will they finally tell me: no, here this is not possible. If you, as a citizen, have a question, please ask it. You will receive information.

E. Afanasyeva- Over the years, of course, there has probably been some kind of archive of tales, apocrypha of the program that you remember at anniversaries. What are the funniest stories from your 15 years on air?

A. Petrov- The fact is that they accumulate, they add up, some mistakes, slips of the tongue, we write them down for our own sake, then we can all watch and laugh together. But the fact is that most of them, in the context of our team, are funny, and you start trying to retell it somewhere, and since there is no this atmosphere, there is no this configuration, people often don’t even understand.

For example, a wonderful masterpiece moment, it, in my opinion, was shown even on the 15th anniversary - in my opinion, Dima Khaustov was there, talking about the Minister of Agriculture: “And this is what the Minister of Agriculture said” - and at that time on the screen associatively, just a huge calf, and the big muzzle of the calf, with its snotty wet nose, pokes at the screen. That is, the one who watched has the full feeling that now the minister will be reported to him just like that. That is, it would seem, well, what’s so funny - they laughed there, they couldn’t stop, we keep this film on video, now we take it out every time and laugh along with him.

E. Nikolaeva- Well, some news then circulates inside, we get some news from somewhere and figure it out, and how it happened. Well, he walks around, and when you start retelling this to someone, the magic is lost, this magic of laughter, why it was fun there. Do you remember that dwarf in the red jacket?

A. Petrov- Yes, there was news about a red dwarf, which a pensioner mistook for a doll, brought home, and it came to life, stole and ran away. We came up with such stories within the brigade - it was fun.

E. Nikolaeva- That is, it was not broadcast, most likely it was just some kind of newspaper duck, but we had a lot of fun. It is most important.

A. Petrov- For relaxation actually.

E. Afanasyeva― Alexander from Ulyanovsk asks: “Will you talk about new transport, for example, string transport, which is now actively developing?

A. Petrov- You know, in fact, we have a line, we have two correspondents, Andrei Negru, and another one, making stories about all sorts of our developments - Skolkovo, etc. etc., basically we even try to take our developments, so every day some stories come out, and there were also about transport, and recently it was not about string transport, but about drones...

E. Nikolaeva- This comes up for us all the time, because that’s the agenda.

A. Petrov- It’s quite possible, because there was so much. You can't do it for all stories.

E. Nikolaeva- We have a scientific column, and we invite guests, that is, this is also a requirement of the time, also all these startups, innovations, it seems to me that the future is coming faster than we can even realize it.

A. Petrov- It just often happens that some news appears, and our guest editors start calling experts, and they say: we won’t even go.

E. Afanasyeva- Why?

A. Petrov- We read this article - it’s a laugh, it’s a shame.

E. Nikolaeva- Isn’t all this a lie? As Landau said, we must ask first of all.

E. Afanasyeva― Ivan from Yekaterinburg writes: “Please remove the interruptions in which you dress up. The rest is good."

E. Nikolaeva- But some people like it. You know, there are such interruptions, how we play up the theme of the day in a humorous way. Announcements.

E. Afanasyeva- And that’s what I wanted to ask again. Each program, as they say, has its own format, each has its own ideal duration, mood and everything else, and it is known that on the Internet there should be no more video - previously it was considered 3 minutes, now even, probably, one and a half. In big TV shows it's more. What is your ideal plot?

A. Petrov: 2- 3 minutes. In fact, this is such a maximum, again, this is not such a strict requirement from someone from the management, but this is a tribute to the times, because people in the morning - we tried to do 20-minute interviews, there were 15-minute ones - about two people once he ran into the kitchen with a kettle or, on the contrary, ran out of the kitchen somewhere to get a toothbrush - that’s it, he lost the thread of the conversation, why, where...

E. Afanasyeva- What if he ran out and missed exactly those 2 minutes?

A. Petrov- He missed it - okay, then he doesn’t know what he lost, and when he lost the thread of the conversation, he is no longer interested in listening, because part of it fell out. And when it’s 4-5 minutes, this is exactly the moment when a person can afford to say, well, I’ll be delayed for 5 minutes, and then I’d better quickly go to the metro.

E. Afanasyeva― Alikhan writes: “Elena Lander is beautiful, greetings to her.”

E. Nikolaeva- We'll say hello.

E. Afanasyeva- And here, without a signature, from the Irkutsk region: “Hello, watching TV in the morning is bad manners.”

E. Nikolaeva- OK.

A. Petrov- Not subject to jurisdiction.

E. Afanasyeva- Fine. I wanted to ask, your program has reached the TEFI final many times and won. How are your results this year? Are there any representatives?

A. Petrov- It seems to me that we are in the top three now.

E. Afanasyeva- That is, there will be TEFI soon, on October 3, in my opinion, you will claim victory?

A. Petrov- Well, yes. Let's see.

E. Nikolaeva- Viewers vote for us more, we see this every day when they send us ratings.

A. Petrov- But a nice bonus, yes. And so – we do what we do.

E. Nikolaeva- We have a special shelf, we will definitely put the figurine there.

E. Afanasyeva- How often do friends, acquaintances, people on the streets demand that you show something, be sure to talk about something on air, track something?

A. Petrov- You know, very rarely, in fact, just everyone at any time of the day says hello: “Good morning!”

E. Nikolaeva- I always say “good morning!” to me too, and then: oh, what, is it you?

E. Afanasyeva- Did you catch a car or go to the store at night?..

A. Petrov- Yes, that’s exactly it.

E. Nikolaeva- And I’m on the subway all the time, as soon as I get in, that’s it. But they quote more.

E. Afanasyeva- You are destroying the legends and fairy tales that all TV stars drive cars with personal drivers, and you are talking about the metro.

E. Nikolaeva- I should have remained silent.

A. Petrov- Everyone takes the subway, of course. The most democratic form of transport and the fastest in our city.

E. Afanasyeva- Yes, sure. Alla from Yekaterinburg: “Very positive program “Morning of Russia.”

A. Petrov- Thank you.

E. Afanasyeva- “Especially positive presenters. The atmosphere in the studio is somehow different from other morning programs on other channels. I also like the topics and questions that are raised. In general, prosperity."

A. Petrov- Thanks a lot.

E. Nikolaeva- Thank you.

E. Afanasyeva- How often do viewers harshly criticize you?

A. Petrov- I don’t know, to be honest. Now this is the harshest criticism that...

E. Afanasyeva- So, everyone else just...?

A. Petrov- Your listeners are our viewers. The same criticism is evident. I hope they praise me for what I do, although it would be nicer to just watch. Why praise us - just watch.

E. Afanasyeva- Then let's get ahead of ourselves a little. If you are working this week, are you working this week in the coming days?

A. Petrov- Yes, Slava and Lena will be on Tuesday...

E. Nikolaeva- We changed.

A. Petrov- Because Angelina Vovk will come.

E. Nikolaeva- And I’m flying to Sochi, so everything coincided with us.

E. Afanasyeva- In any case, you are preparing the upcoming releases. What is the most interesting thing you can see in your episodes that you will host, maybe some topics of the upcoming broadcasts that will clearly interest listeners?

E. Nikolaeva- On Monday morning I can already say that we will show what we will talk about with the guests. Let's discuss vaccinations. Now many people refuse vaccinations.

E. Afanasyeva- Do you mean for children?

E. Nikolaeva- Yes, there are some vaccinations that need to be continued periodically throughout life, and people refuse, and the virus gets the opportunity to continue to spread. Accordingly, this is what we will discuss. We will discuss excise taxes on gasoline; this is the third time I’ve mentioned them today on this occasion. I’m an oil worker, this topic is always close to my heart.

A. Petrov- On Tuesday, Angelina Mikhailovna Vovk will come to us in the morning. Next, I honestly don’t remember what we agreed upon in advance.

E. Nikolaeva- I remember that there will be a topic, now, you know, this effect of the windshield - the climate is changing, maybe you noticed that there were midges when you drove into the countryside, before the entire windshield was covered in midges, you had to clean it, but now it’s clean. And this is one of the signs, that is, scientists have called the “windshield effect” of this climate change, and we have to talk about the fact that, apparently, other crops will grow, because the whole process has changed.

A. Petrov- Or they became smarter - they stopped getting directly under the wheels of the car and hitting the windshield, they just flew around.

E. Afanasyeva- Or maybe they did something magical with the glasses themselves, and they don’t get dirty?

A. Petrov- May be. Maybe the cars have become more aerodynamic.

E. Nikolaeva- Because it’s not just us, it’s not even our scientists who said this.

E. Afanasyeva- At least it’s good that it’s not only here, but it’s nice when the glass is clean.

I remind those who tuned in to our broadcast late that we are talking about the “Morning of Russia” program, which has lost the “kind” word in its title, but has become tougher and more constructive, as you defined at the beginning of our broadcast. Elena Nikolaeva, Andrey Petrov, the hosts of this program, and we talked about the 15th anniversary of this program today.

There is always something to strive for. Well, if you don’t strive, but just go, even at the highest level, it still becomes boring.

A. Petrov- Why is this boring?

E. Afanasyeva- Aren't you bored?

A. Petrov- No, it’s not boring at all. In fact, we avoided this, as they say, falling into the drum, when every day it’s the same thing, when a person comes and shifts pieces of paper, and there’s no hope. No, it seems like everything is the same for us every day, but every time there are new people, some new aspects. Even if we take on topics, we try to approach them from some other, new angle. There are always some opportunities for creativity, and since there are opportunities from creativity, how can you get tired of it? It's impossible to get tired.

E. Nikolaeva“You should have seen what kind of staff we have, how our daily meetings are held - everyone is shouting, everyone is emotional...

A. Petrov- They are quarreling.

E. Nikolaeva- Everyone experiences this emotion, lets it pass through themselves. All these topics don’t just appear on the air.

A. Petrov- This is just in time to talk about censorship. That's all we let through ourselves.

E. Afanasyeva- I immediately remember a Hollywood film about how a famous interviewer and news anchor is invited to “Good Morning”...

A. Petrov- We watched, we even did dubbing for cinemas once, yes, is it with Harrison Ford?

E. Afanasyeva- Yes Yes.

E. Nikolaeva- Good film.

A. Petrov- A very good movie.

E. Afanasyeva- That is, for the audience I always want to ask: is this like life?

A. Petrov- Basically, it’s a half-truth, but there is some.

E. Nikolaeva- I think that somehow we even have more of this energy going around. We somehow have more soul. And everyone lives in this process, everyone cares. That's when someone stops caring - then this little worm appears, and it starts to dig in somehow. In my opinion, we don’t have people who wouldn’t care. Everyone is worried, rooting for their cause, and these are not just words in reality.

A. Petrov- It’s just not enough that when we discuss all this, we shout, make noise, give all sorts of examples from life... and then someone says: and you see - everyone is hooked, it’s a good topic. That is, if a topic passes without discussion, no one is interested in it. We are the same people, we all go to stores, to pharmacies...

E. Afanasyeva― Do you have seasonal fluctuations, where the themes change in the fall as opposed to the summer, in the winter as opposed to the fall, and in general it’s not as fun to get up in the morning when it’s cloudy?

E. Nikolaeva- Oh, this is for everyone, of course. Do you think it’s somehow easier for us?

A. Petrov- In fact, there is a slight fluctuation in the summer, but it depends on the fact that absolutely everyone leaves in the summer - the guests who come to us, and whom we could invite, also leave, and the newsmakers who could make some statements.

E. Nikolaeva- And people may be more interested in some other topics in the summer. About vacation, especially on the eve of summer - what goes where, where, how they are met and waited. That is, with a change in lifestyle, the topics naturally change. But this is normal, I would not say that these are any serious fluctuations - the format does not change, the topics, of course, change a little. Because before September 1, it is clear that everyone is going to school, to universities, before going to the final exam of this unfortunate thing, everyone, accordingly, is sick with this.

A. Petrov- Soon it will be New Year...

E. Nikolaeva- ... the chiming clock will also have its own themes.

E. Afanasyeva- Teacher's Day is still ahead.

E. Nikolaeva- In fact, everything is so fast that you think: what season? Okay season - what year?

E. Afanasyeva- It’s time to put up the Christmas tree, of course. Usually Christmas trees appear in advance to lift the spirits.

A. Petrov-Have you noticed that we also have European customs? There, within a month and a half, within two months, they begin to decorate the shops and create an atmosphere.

E. Nikolaeva- So that sales go better.

E. Afanasyeva- Certainly. And God himself, as they say, ordered television to be broadcast in advance when it’s a holiday.

Well, today we talked with my guests Elena Nikolaeva and Andrei Petrov about the program “Morning of Russia”, it is already 15 years old, despite the fact that it seemed that the channel - RTR at that time, then Russia 1 - had already existed for a long time, when I decided to create my own morning program, but the program is already 15. So, everything is very fast, soon this difference in the age of the main channel and the program will not be so noticeable.

First of all, I thank you for coming, despite the fact that this is not the first time we communicate in this studio, every time there is something new to tell about.

A. Petrov- And again, to our conversation with you - it’s not boring, because every time something new is found.

E. Afanasyeva- Yes, and because the program also has those broadcast stars who come periodically to their anniversaries, and I hope that on your 25th and other anniversaries you will have something to talk about about the “Morning of Russia” program.

Elena Afanasyeva, I say goodbye to you, all the best, goodbye.

A. Petrov- Thank you, happy!

E. Nikolaeva- Thanks a lot.

A. Petrov- Meet me at the screen.