May 27 is All-Russian Librarian's Day of Libraries. Libraries are the special forces of culture

All-Russian Library Day is also a professional holiday for all Russian librarians (Photo: Milos Batinic, Shutterstock)

All-Russian Library Day, celebrated in our country annually May 27, is rightfully a professional holiday of Russian librarians - Librarian's Day.

This professional holiday was established by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation B.N. Yeltsin No. 539 of May 27, 1995 “On the establishment of an all-Russian day of libraries.” The Decree states: “ Considering the great contribution of Russian libraries to the development of national education, science and culture and the need to further enhance their role in the life of society, I decide: 1. Establish an all-Russian Library Day and celebrate it on May 27, coinciding this date with the founding of the first state public library in 1795 Russia - the Imperial Public Library, now the Russian National Library. 2. The Government of the Russian Federation, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments should recommend holding events within the framework of Library Day aimed at increasing the role of books in the socio-political and historical-cultural life of the population of the Russian Federation, as well as solving problems associated with development of libraries».

It is believed that the very first library in Rus' was founded by Yaroslav the Wise in 1037 at the St. Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv, and, as mentioned above, the first state public library was opened in 1795 in St. Petersburg.

In Moscow, the first free public library opened in 1862. After the establishment of Soviet power in the country, in 1918 the Council of People's Commissars issued a decree “On the protection of libraries and book depositories of the RSFSR,” which marked the beginning of the nationalization of libraries. Home libraries with a volume of over 500 books were subject to requisition.

The ideologist of book nationalization was N.K. Krupskaya. In Soviet times, libraries enjoyed great “popularity”, since only there one could find new publications (and in general the widest list of publications), the necessary information for students and schoolchildren, and books to read.

The oldest part of the complex of buildings of the Russian State Library is Pashkov House on Mokhovaya in Moscow (Photo:

In modern Russia there are more than 150 thousand libraries, which employ thousands of qualified librarians. National and federal libraries are among the world's information giants and contain multimillion-dollar book collections. And, of course, the largest public library in our country is the Russian State Library, located in Moscow. This is the national library of the Russian Federation, and the largest public library not only in Russia, but also one of the largest libraries in the world. However, in the present era of the Internet, printed publications are increasingly fading into the background, giving way to electronic analogues. Moreover, the funding of regional libraries leaves much to be desired, and people’s interest in visiting these institutions is also low.

But despite all this, libraries remain much more than just repositories of books. There is a special atmosphere of knowledge and wisdom here, and, by the way, only in libraries can you find books that have no analogues, and no Internet can replace them. Therefore, one of the main tasks of today’s holiday is to celebrate the great contribution of libraries to the development of culture, science and education, their most important role in the life of society.

In this regard, in libraries, reading rooms and other educational institutions, various events are held on this day aimed at attracting new readers and increasing the role of books in people's lives. And, of course, on this day all library workers accept congratulations on their professional holiday. After all, from century to century the librarian has occupied, and will continue to occupy, an important place in public life, since he works in the field of intellectual culture. Sometimes it is difficult to navigate the huge flow of literature published today, and a qualified librarian who knows the book collection well can always give advice on where to find the answer to a question of interest.

And today’s holiday is also a recognition of the importance of this profession. I wish that the flow of inquisitive readers does not dry up in the halls of libraries, that the work of a librarian helps communication and mutual understanding between peoples.

On May 27 it is customary to celebrate All-Russian Library Day. The holiday is professional not only for bibliographers and bibliologists. The date reflects the desire of contemporaries to emphasize the importance and significance of maintaining the status of the most reading power. The date for the celebration was not chosen by random search. It is symbolic and carries a deep meaning. Every year, the professional holiday brings together thousands of library workers throughout Russia.

history of the holiday

Library Day is celebrated in Russia every year. The date falls on May 27 and is not highlighted in red on the calendar. There is no national holiday on this day. The holiday honoring library workers was adopted by the then President of the Russian Federation Boris Yeltsin. The then head of our state signed a corresponding decree in 1995. The professional celebration was scheduled for this date for the simple reason that it was associated with another significant event in the history of the country.

On May 27, the first Russian library was founded and became publicly accessible. This is the Imperial Public Library. The location for this establishment was determined in the very center of St. Petersburg. The building, designed by architect Egor Sokolov, took about 15 years to construct. Today it is called the Russian National Library.

The day of honoring workers in this cultural sector in the age of information technology and the ubiquity of computer systems is intended to emphasize the importance and significance of a traditional book made from ordinary paper. Without a doubt, libraries have made and continue to make a tremendous contribution to the development of education, science and art.

All-Russian Library Day is celebrated on May 27. This is a holiday not only for professional librarians, but also for all people who love books and understand their huge role in the cultural and social life of society. Even a small library is an invaluable storehouse of wisdom that humanity has accumulated over the centuries. What can we say about such famous libraries of the world as the Library of Congress in the USA, the Seattle Central Library, the Russian State Library in Moscow and many others. All of them carefully preserve books covering the many thousands of years of human development and are the most striking evidence of all the historical stages that society has passed through in the process of its formation.

First libraries

Public libraries have been around since ancient times. Historical documents describe in detail the libraries of Ancient Greece, Rome, the Assyrian Kingdom, and Egypt. The right to call itself the first library of the world belongs to the temple in Nippur, an ancient city that was considered the center of Sumerian culture.

The first public library in Rus' appeared in the famous St. Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv. It was founded in 1037 by the Grand Duke of Kiev Yaroslav the Wise, one of the most famous ancient Russian princes.

History of All-Russian Library Day

The professional holiday All-Russian Library Day was established in 1995 by decree of the President of the Russian Federation B.N. Yeltsin. The date May 27 was chosen in honor of the founding of the Imperial Library in St. Petersburg on May 27, 1795, which became the first state public library in Russia. The decree on its opening was personally signed by Empress Catherine II.

This magnificent library complex still operates today. The Russian National Library is one of the world's largest book depositories and a cultural center of European level.

Holiday traditions

All-Russian Library Day is a professional holiday of library workers and all Russian readers. Every year on May 27, the country's libraries host ceremonial events, book exhibitions and fairs, meetings with famous writers, critics and literary scholars. Librarian's Day is also celebrated at the government level: the best workers are awarded certificates of honor and valuable gifts.

Since 1995, in accordance with the Decree of the President of Russia, the All-Russian Day of Libraries was established, which is celebrated on May 27 in honor of the founding in 1795 of the first state public library in Russia - the Imperial Public Library.

May 27 is also Librarian's Day. Librarian's Day was designated to coincide with the opening of the first public library in Rus'.

“Taking into account the great contribution of Russian libraries to the development of domestic education, science and culture and the need to further enhance their role in the life of society, I decree:
Establish an all-Russian Day of Libraries and celebrate it on May 27, coinciding this date with the founding day in 1795 of the first state public library in Russia - the Imperial Public Library, now the Russian National Library.
The Government of the Russian Federation, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments should recommend holding events within the framework of Library Day aimed at increasing the role of books in the socio-political, historical and cultural life of the population of the Russian Federation, as well as solving problems related to the development of libraries "
President of the Russian Federation B. Yeltsin (May 27, 1995).

Events that happened on May 27

1199 - Pope Innocent imposed the first direct papal tax on the Clergy.
1328 - after the death of the youngest son of Philip IV the Handsome - Charles IV the Handsome, who became the last representative of the Capetian dynasty, Charles's cousin Philip VI, the first king from the Valois dynasty, ascended the French throne.
1647 - the first witch, Acha Young, was executed (hanged) in Massachusetts.
1657 - The Holy Roman Empire pledged to help Poland in the fight against the Ukrainian Cossacks.
1679 - Habeas Corpus Act was adopted in England - an act guaranteeing individual rights.
1703 - The Peter and Paul Fortress was founded. Day of foundation of the city of St. Petersburg.
1753 - construction of St. Andrew's Church in Kyiv was completed.
1794 - Empress Catherine II issued a rescript on the founding of a new city and port in Khadzhibey and approved the first general plan for the city of Odessa.
1795 - the first state public library in Russia was founded - the Imperial Public Library (Russian National Library).
1812 - in the city of Cochabamba (Bolivia) an uprising against the Spanish colonial invaders was suppressed, over 200 defenders of the city died, among whom were old people, women and children. In memory of this day, a monument to the “Defenders of Coronilla” was erected on Coronilla. In addition, on May 27, in memory of this event, Mother's Day is celebrated in Bolivia.
1821 - Nikolaev Astronomical Observatory was founded.
1831 - in New Mexico, Wild West explorer J. Smith is killed by his Indian companions.
1844 - the first dispatch using the Morse method was sent.
1855 - a monument to I. A. Krylov was unveiled in the Summer Garden in St. Petersburg (sculptor P. K. Klodt).
1873 - The people of Prince Edward Island decided to join Canada.
1883 - the building of the Historical Museum opened in Moscow on Red Square.
1895 - English inventor Birt Acres patented a film projector.
1896 - on the day of the coronation of the new Russian emperor, the Nizhny Novgorod exhibition opened. One of the festive events was the production of Glinka’s opera “A Life for the Tsar” at the Wooden Opera House. This was the second birth of the Private Opera of Savva Mamontov, who invited Fyodor Chaliapin to the main role. The 23-year-old singer was already enrolled at the Mariinsky Theater by this time, but it was his collaboration with Mamontov that became fateful for him.
1900 - in the parliamentary elections in Belgium, the system of proportional representation was tried for the first time in the world.
1905 - the beginning of the Battle of Tsushima.
1913 - in St. Petersburg, the world's first heavy multi-engine aircraft, the Russian Knight, designed by Igor Sikorsky, was successfully tested in flight. Two and a half months later, he set a world record, staying in the air for 1 hour 54 minutes. with seven passengers.
1916 - US President Woodrow Wilson called for the creation of the League of Nations after the war.
1920 - formation of the Tatar Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic.
1921 - Afghanistan became an independent state.
1922 - The Vatican sharply criticized plans to create a Jewish state in Palestine.
1926 - a monument to Huckleberry Finn and Tom Sawyer was erected in the town of Hannibal (Missouri).
1928 - the airship "Italy" (expedition leader General Umberto Nobile) crashed in the Arctic ice. Before this, the expedition safely reached the North Pole, where it dropped the flags of Italy and Milan.
1929 - a monument to playwright A. Ostrovsky was unveiled in Moscow near the Maly Theater building.
1930 - Richard Drew patented "clear cellophane adhesive tape" - Scotch tape. The new product was used to protect car glass when painting.
1931 - the world's first manned flight on a stratospheric balloon was made by Swiss scientists O. Picard and P. Kipfer.
1933 - Walt Disney's The Three Little Pigs premiered.
1934 - the title “Honored Master of Sports” was introduced in the USSR.
1937 - The Golden Gate Bridge, one of the most beautiful in the world, was inaugurated in San Francisco. The 1,280-meter-long bridge, with six traffic lanes and two pedestrian walkways, is suspended on two 93-cm-thick main cables mounted on 227-meter-high steel supports.
1938 - The Canadian government nationalized the Bank of Canada.
1940 - the first attempt on Leon Trotsky's life, which ended in failure.
- Belgium signed the act of surrender.
- Operation Dynamo began (the evacuation of British expeditionary units from Dunkirk). This event had a tremendous impact on the further course of World War II.
1941 - the German battleship Bismarck was sunk 400 miles west of the French coast by the British fleet. Of the 2,221 crew members, 2,106 German sailors died, only 115 people were rescued. After this battle, the commander of the British Home Fleet, Admiral John Tovey, wrote in his memoirs: "Bismarck gave a most heroic fight under the most impossible conditions, worthy of the old days of the Imperial German Navy, and she went under water with her flag raised." The death of the battleship "Bismarck" put an end to the offensive activity of the German surface fleet, the German navy concentrated its efforts on submarine warfare.
1949 - the Chamber Theater of director Alexander Tairov, “which in fact was the bearer of bourgeois-cosmopolitan and formalist tendencies,” was closed in Moscow; the team “did not acquire a new creative face and failed to firmly take the path of socialist art.”
1950 - Frank Sinatra's television debut on NBC. He performed with comedian Bob Hope.
1956 - the Soviet polar station "Pionerskaya" was opened.
1960 - a military coup was carried out in Turkey.
1971 - in the presence of 103,000 spectators, Lev Yashin's farewell match took place. In this match, the team of clubs from the All-Union Sports Society "Dynamo" (masters from Moscow, Kyiv and Tbilisi participated in the match) played against the team of World Stars, for which Eusebio, Bobby Charlton, Gerd Muller and many others played. The game ended with a score of 2:2.
1973 - The USSR acceded to the Geneva Convention for the Protection of Copyright. The era of Copyright has begun.
1977 - The State Anthem of the USSR was approved, which existed until the collapse of the USSR in 1991.
1992 - the G7 countries decided to create a special fund to support the falling Russian ruble.
1993 - abolition of criminal prosecution for homosexuality in Russia.
1994 - Alexander Solzhenitsyn returned to Russia twenty years after his exile.
- the group “Spleen” was created.
1997 - The Founding Act on Mutual Relations between the Russian Federation and NATO was signed in Paris.
2000 - In China, a Catholic priest received six years in prison for publishing the Bible and other religious books. He was accused of illegal publications and secretly preaching Catholicism. The Chinese constitution mentions the principle of freedom of religion, but only state-approved churches can be attended.
- The Ministry of Communications of Turkmenistan has revoked the licenses of all private Internet providers in the republic.
- the Israeli shekel and the Mexican peso were included in the list of freely convertible currencies used in settlements in the international interbank system CLS.

Holiday calendar, dates and events of May


All-Russian Library Day is a professional holiday for library workers. Everyone associated with these institutions has something to do with the holiday: their employees, support staff. Archives workers, teachers, and students of specialized educational institutions consider him theirs. All those who have received appropriate education, their relatives, acquaintances, friends and close people take part in the event.

In Russia, the All-Russian Library Day in 2020 is celebrated on May 27 and is held at the official level 26 times.

Significance: the holiday is dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the founding of the Imperial Public Library.

The holiday is marked by ceremonial events at which library workers accept congratulations. Distinguished employees are awarded certificates and bonuses. Library teams organize feasts and field trips.

The content of the article

history of the holiday

The modern custom of celebrating Librarian's Day in Russia dates back to May 27, 1995. The presidential decree fixed the date in the list of memorable events of the state. It is dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the founding of the Imperial Public Library in 1795. The event was established by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated May 27, 1995 “On the establishment of an all-Russian Library Day.” The document was signed by B. Yeltsin.

This establishment was the first of its kind. A wide range of residents had access to its storage facilities. The document by the first person of the Russian state recommends that authorities and local governments carry out activities aimed at supporting and popularizing libraries. They should pay attention to the role of books in the processes of development of society, science, and culture. Celebrations are widespread only in a professional environment.

Holiday traditions

Librarian's Day 2020 in the Russian Federation is marked by feasts among colleagues, relatives, friends, acquaintances and close people. Congratulations, wishes for health and success are heard, toasts end with the clink of glasses. Those gathered at the event discuss news, tell stories from life, everyday work, share impressions and plans for the future. The management gives speeches and issues certificates of honor as a token of gratitude for their work. Valuable gifts are presented, one of the most desired and widespread of which are rare books.

On this day it is customary to attend cultural events: concerts of dance and song groups, film screenings, performances, exhibitions. Another popular tradition is going out into nature. Here, meals are prepared over an open fire and leisure activities are held in the open air. Often, news releases from radio and television stations talk about the memorable date, and broadcast programs dedicated to the profession and related topics. All-Russian Library Day is a tribute and recognition of the importance of the work of all who devote themselves to the industry.

Daily task

Make a list of books you plan to read during the year. Then go to the library and pick up the book that is number one on your list.


“Dear librarians and simply connoisseurs of literature, we congratulate you on All-Russian Library Day. Thanks to these institutions, the connection between man and book is still alive, although it is being replaced by modern technology. We wish that more and more people visit reading rooms and get subscription cards in libraries. Support domestic authors and get to know foreign ones. Remember that a book is the best interlocutor, adviser and friend.”

“Dear and dear library employees, writers, poets and all book lovers! We are happy to congratulate you on All-Russian Library Day today! We wish everyone interesting discoveries, useful knowledge, and wonderful events in life. Let amazingly interesting and exciting novels, poems, instructive stories, beautiful poems and works of art by wonderful authors always and everywhere be your constant companions.”

“The librarian is the keeper of the book temple. You protect the knowledge accumulated over centuries. We can find ancient books in your file cabinets. Allow me to congratulate you on this holiday from the bottom of my heart. May your whole life be cheerful, bright and full. Never be discouraged, never lose heart. May the path you choose be straight and clear, may your work bring only inspiration. Happiness, peace, kindness and smiles to you.


Gift Certificate. A gift certificate to a bookstore will serve as a pleasant present that will allow you to choose a book that you like.

Subscribe to the magazine. An annual subscription to your favorite magazine or newspaper will be a thematic and practical gift.

Notebook. A personalized notebook in leather binding will be an original gift that will allow you to take notes and keep the necessary notes at hand.


Literary crocodile
Before the competition, it is necessary to prepare in advance forfeits with the names of famous literary characters: Anna Karenina, Eugene Onegin, Harry Potter, Quasimodo and others. The first participant in the competition chooses a forfeit at random and, without words, tries to portray the hidden character. Whoever is the first to correctly name the hero is the next to enter the game.

Write your story
The presenter makes a wish for some famous fairy tale. For example, “Little Red Riding Hood” or “Kolobok”. Then the participants of the competition are given literary genres: detective, comedy, drama, horror, epic. Then each contestant must retell the fairy tale in accordance with the chosen style. The most resourceful storyteller wins.

All guests of the competition can take part in the competition. The presenter gives the task to come up with a congratulation in alphabetical order. Each participant speaks a short phrase that begins with the corresponding letter of the alphabet.

  • The largest library in the world is the Library of Congress in Washington, which houses 75 million different titles of books, including audio and video recordings, photographs.
  • Biblical kleptomania is a disease characterized by an excessive love of books and the desire to appropriate library copies. Stephen Bloomberg, who suffered from this disease, stole about 23 thousand books from 268 libraries around the world.
  • The most frequently stolen public library is the Guinness Book of Records.
  • The Harvard University library has a collection of books made from human skin.
  • In medieval Europe, in public libraries, books were attached to the shelves using chains. The length of the chain made it possible to remove the book from the shelf and read it, but did not allow it to be taken outside the building. This rule was due to the high cost of books.
  • In the ancient Egyptian city of Alexandria, there was a rule according to which all ships that entered the port were required to hand over the books on board for copying.

About the profession

The volume of knowledge created by humanity in its life activity grows every year. One of the most common storage media for centuries has been paper. For their universal access, special institutions have been created - libraries.

Specialists provide services to readers who wish to obtain or use in their activities the knowledge contained in the library collections. Employees ensure proper storage, accounting and replenishment of the institution’s property. Establishments can have a social and industry orientation. The latter refers to a highly specialized area of ​​interest to a certain range of professions.

One becomes a librarian after receiving a specialized education at a secondary or higher educational institution. It acquires the necessary knowledge to conduct further activities. These include the ability to work not only with material assets, but also with electronic databases, catalogs, and accounting automation tools.

This holiday in other countries

Many countries around the world celebrate World Library Day on the last Monday of October.