Complete general summary horoscope for Taurus. Compatibility of a Taurus man

For many centuries, people have been looking dreamily at the stars, making wishes and wanting to look behind the curtain of their future destiny. Horoscopes come to the rescue with this, because although every person is unique, there is something that unites us - the signs of the zodiac.


Taurus birthdays fall between April 21st and May 20th. Those born in the first ten days from April 21 to April 30 are close to Aries, so Taurus has some of the traits of this “neighbor” - cheerfulness and lightness. Those born in the third decade, from May 11 to 20, carry within them the wit and curiosity of Gemini. May Taurus, born in the very middle of their astrological period, from May 1 to May 10, are 100% pure representatives of their sign. The patron planet of Taurus - Venus, a symbol of femininity, says that although in appearance he is very courageous and strong, inside such a man is soft, kind and affectionate.

He will listen carefully to his partner without interrupting, he will have a good understanding of female psychology, and it will not be difficult for him to win the heart of his beloved. Perhaps they really know the answer to the question: “What do women want? " Taurus is an earth sign, and this is visible to the naked eye. Taurus are very thorough, practical, homely, down to earth in a good sense, stand confidently on their feet and know what they want from life. By nature, such men are calm, balanced, confident in themselves and their outlook on life. On each issue they have their own clearly substantiated point of view.

Taurus men are true representatives of their gender. They are proud of their masculine nature, they are very strong, resilient, and robust. Next to them, any woman will feel confident, protected and will be able to fully reveal her natural femininity, knowing that she herself will not have to go hunting to “harvest a mammoth” or study hand-to-hand combat for self-defense. Young Taurus guys are real gentlemen and princes for their ladies. A few days before the date, they will book a cozy corner table in a dimly lit coffee shop and find out what movie genre the girl prefers. They will not succumb to the spontaneous flow of events, but will clearly and systematically organize an unforgettable date for their beloved.

Taurus will also want to meet their girlfriend's parents, show themselves in all their glory and assure them that their daughter is not in danger when she is with him. Such a man will definitely bring two, albeit small, but cute bouquets, one for the girl, the other for her mother. At this point, any woman’s heart will melt and Taurus will be gladly accepted into the family. Among Taurus men there are a lot of famous outstanding people, artists, real masters in their genre: Al Pacino, Danila Kozlovsky, James McAvoy, Jack Nicholson, George Clooney, Fyodor Bondarchuk, Robert Pattinson, Tim Roth, Pierce Brosnan, Gosha Kutsenko, Channing Tatum .

James McAvoy

George Clooney

Robert Pattison

All of them are united by genuine masculinity, sexuality, strength, energy, self-confidence. There are also many famous composers and musicians born under the sign of Taurus: Pyotr Tchaikovsky, Sergei Prokofiev, Dave Gahan, Iggy Pop, Robert Smith, Yuri Shevchuk, Stevie Wonder. Here are some truly talented Taurus writers and poets: William Shakespeare, Honoré de Balzac, Vladimir Nabokov, Mikhail Bulgakov, Boris Akunin.

Pyotr Tchaikovsky

William Shakespeare

Michael Bulgakov

This is a clear and vivid example of the fact that although Taurus are representatives of “down-to-earth” signs, they are, however, very talented, spiritual and creative people. They achieve unprecedented heights in their careers thanks to their innate hard work, responsibility and desire to constantly develop and move forward. Taurus men can also lead crowds of people and be a bright and strong leader. Among politicians and public figures there are the following representatives of Taurus: Vladimir Zhirinovsky, Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin, Karl Marx, Saddam Hussein, Maximilian Robespierre.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like any person, the Taurus man has his own advantages and disadvantages. Taurus can be very slow, they need more time than their astrological neighbors Aries and Gemini to make a decision. Taurus needs to weigh the pros and cons, thoroughly think through a plan of action, painstakingly study every detail, and only then take action. But you can be sure that he will do everything correctly, clearly and the first time; Taurus will not have to redo anything.

Taurus cannot be called the life of the party. He will not try to impress guests, wanting to please everyone, conducting casual small talk. This is the prerogative of air or fire astrological brothers. Taurus himself would rather take a neutral position, drinking whiskey in an easy chair and communicating with those who approach him. During a conversation, Taurus will answer questions asked to him in monosyllables rather than question the interlocutor himself.

Taurus are decent homebodies who value comfort and coziness. It can be difficult to get them out of the house for a long time, and persuasion for long trips can take not only several days, but even several weeks. Under the pressure of the arguments of their beloved girl, they still agree to make concessions, but do so very reluctantly. And if suddenly something goes wrong on the trip, Taurus will remember it for a long time. One of the frequently used phrases in his vocabulary is: “I told you so.”

However, the Taurus man also has a lot of wonderful advantages. The main one is loyalty. Taurus will not scatter words of love and admiration left and right; flirting and coquetry are not in his spirit. But, if he said three cherished words to his chosen one, you can be 100% sure of his feelings and attitude. Legends can be made about the devotion of Taurus; they love until the end of their days, deifying and exalting the object of their love.

Economic Taurus knows how and loves to work with their hands. If such a man takes on something, he will definitely finish what he started and amaze everyone with the perfect result. Taurus are very good builders, painters, mechanics, plumbers, electricians. Any man's work is in their hands.

There is no more hardworking and resilient man than Taurus - this is the true gift of such a sign. A home is always a full cup and a fully equipped and comfortable “nest” for a happy family life.

Taurus is one of the sexiest signs. Despite his outward inaccessibility and feigned coldness, the Taurus man is a truly sensual and passionate lover. Your partner will be very lucky with him in bed. Such a man tries first of all to satisfy his woman, to give her true pleasure, he thinks about himself secondarily. Endurance and genuine masculinity are of great benefit to both him and his beloved.

Taurus is not devoid of tenderness and affection; after intimacy, it gives them real joy to lie with their beloved in an embrace, stroking her hair and talking about their most secret dreams.


The Taurus man has the best compatibility, of course, with other earth signs. With Virgo, their union can be called ideal. The Virgo woman is also very practical, pedantic and thorough, like a Taurus, it will not be difficult for her to win him. They will easily find a common language, topics for conversation, and a lot of similar interests. This is a very strong, loyal and strong union; they will always have wealth and comfort in their home, both signs love and know how to make money. The refrigerator will always be filled to capacity, and their children will be dressed, shod, well-fed and well trained.

Also, a Taurus man has a very good union with a Capricorn woman, who is as hardworking and responsible as himself. The only caveat is that Capricorn dreams of a dizzying career; she manages to climb up the career ladder without much difficulty. She will demand the same from her lover.

However, the Taurus man does not always need this, he is more comfortable in his usual surroundings, in an old cozy place, and it is on this basis that small conflicts may arise between them.

Least favorable compatibility with another Taurus. Although these two are cut from the same earthly “dough”, and Taurus will be able to easily understand each other from the first meeting, the union is still not the most successful. They may get bored with each other, there are too many similarities and mirroring. Taurus will want to have someone brighter, more emotional, and more optimistic nearby. Someone who is able to breathe fresh air into them and add variety to their lives, and not sit within four walls with their “double”.

However, friendship and partnership between a Taurus man and woman are not only possible, but also very successful, because they know all each other’s pain points, will easily provide first psychological aid and give practical advice.

Also, Taurus men have good compatibility with representatives of water signs. The Cancer woman, like Taurus, values ​​the warmth of the hearth, fidelity and family values. She will gently guide her “bull”, inspire him to earn money, and become his faithful rear. Unlike Taurus, the Cancer woman loves to chat, laugh, and have fun, thereby perfectly complementing the “dry” character of a man. They will make a wonderful couple, passionate and devoted to each other. They will most likely have a large family, and in the future there will be many grandchildren.

The Pisces woman also has every chance of making a wonderful match for Taurus. By nature, a representative of the Pisces sign is very soft, gentle, romantic and will obey her man in almost everything, will never argue, and will give warmth, affection and comfort. It will envelop simple life in mystery, a fairy tale, and the presence of a real woman and will add confidence to Taurus in their abilities. With such a fragile and vulnerable girl, the Taurus man will feel like a real knight and protector. However, you should not think that Pisces are exclusively unearthly creatures who can only dream and soar in the clouds. She will become an excellent housewife, a wonderful mother of future children and a faithful companion and advisor to her beloved Taurus man.

The union of a Taurus man with a Scorpio woman, although the least favorable of all unions with water signs of the zodiac, is, however, not without a chance for a successful outcome. Scorpios are very insightful and will immediately see in Taurus an excellent, kind family man who will bring all the money into the house without spending it on friends and parties. Like Taurus, Scorpio is one of the most passionate and sexy signs; lovers will definitely not be bored in bed.

However, Scorpio has a habit of “stinging” his partner, pressing on sore spots, teasing. The Taurus man does not intend to tolerate this, since he himself knows better than others about his weaknesses and will not listen to eternal reproaches addressed to him. It is on this basis that discord can arise, but if the Scorpio woman hides her sting and becomes softer and more flexible, then the union will come out very strong and of high quality.

With representatives of the fire signs of the zodiac, a love union risks not being so successful.

The Aries woman is a very bright individualist; family rarely comes first for her. She is interested in everything new and unknown, she dreams of constant travel and moving forward. Career and hobbies are also of paramount importance for the Aries woman; her greatest desire is to realize herself to the maximum in this life and live it to the fullest. Therefore, there is a high probability that Aries will quickly get bored with the company of the homebody Taurus, and the woman will want to quickly pack her travel backpack, point at random at any point on the globe and go far away. However, in sex this union has every chance of compatibility; both signs are passionate and adore intimate intimacy between a man and a woman.

The Leo woman would rather prefer social life, frequent travel and new acquaintances to a quiet family life. She loves to shine, catch admiring glances and be the center of attention, that is, do exactly what the Taurus man does not like. He rarely wants to leave the house and waste time on social events, which can thoroughly irritate the sociable Lioness. However, over the years, the Leo woman will begin to lead a more sedentary, settled and homely lifestyle, and then the Taurus man can become an ideal candidate for her husband: faithful, reliable, measured, homely.

Therefore, in their young years, their paths, unfortunately, can converge only in bed or not for a very long period of time. But if they want to be together, nothing can stop them.

Also, you should not expect anything good from the love union of Sagittarius and Taurus; these people are completely from different worlds, they have very few points of contact. The Sagittarius woman is very freedom-loving, loves meeting new people, traveling, and considers the entire planet her home. Unlike Taurus, she is very easy-going; it is harder to keep her at home for more than a week. For the union to be successful, one of the partners will have to completely reshape themselves, adapting to the interests of the other, sacrificing their own. Few people can constantly wear the mask of another person, always pretending, sooner or later the true essence will appear, then the union is doomed to failure.

If the fire signs themselves tried to avoid the company of Taurus, then in alliance with “air” Taurus himself will not be very satisfied with the outcome. Air signs of the zodiac seem very frivolous and superficial to Taurus.

The Taurus man will consider the Gemini woman too flighty and eccentric, she has “seven Fridays a week.” She grabs onto a hundred things at once and can easily afford not to complete any of them, which for the thoroughly practical Taurus is a real crime. He will not keep up with her and, in the end, will get tired of unsuccessfully chasing inexplicably where, give up and return to his cozy, furnished nest. However, if both are interested in continuing the relationship and are ready to listen to the other and “smooth out rough edges,” then their couple can turn out to be very beautiful and happy.

The Gemini woman will bring a breath of fresh air into the quiet and measured life of Taurus, and he will teach her to be more serious and responsible. Both will receive the qualities that they lack.

The Aquarius woman is perhaps the lightest, most cheerful of all representatives of the zodiac diaspora - she easily forgives insults, sincerely does not hold a grudge in her heart, but just as easily she can leave and not return. It may seem to her that the Taurus man is “cutting off” her oxygen, trying to calm her down and make her more homely and family-like. The life of an Aquarius woman is a flow of freedom, movement, communication; it is difficult to imagine her locked within four walls with a domesticated Taurus. Its element is constant movement and development. That is why their relationship is unlikely to be crowned with success, they are too different people with very few points of contact.

Of all the air signs, Taurus has the most favorable tandem with a Libra woman. She, like him, strives for financial well-being and will not throw money left and right. A Libra woman can be a very good housewife, she has all the talents for this: she cooks wonderfully, has an ability for needlework, is very feminine and graceful - with this she will conquer Taurus at first sight. Libra, like her man, loves children very much and dreams of a large, friendly, strong family in which Libra will become a wonderful wife and mother. The combination in sex is wonderful, a very passionate and beautiful union, they will feel very good with each other, they are unlikely to ever forget the time spent together. These two complement each other so well.

Career and finance

Taurus is very hardworking and stubborn - he never looks for easy ways to make money, he doesn’t mess around, he achieves everything exclusively through his own work. One can only envy the efficiency of such a person. If he sets a goal for himself, he will act ahead and will definitely achieve what he wants. The bosses adore and value the Taurus employee; you can always rely on him; such a clear, neat, pedantic employee will never let the team down.

Also, Taurus himself has every chance of becoming an excellent leader; people respect him, listen to him and trust him. He has a clean reputation and is unobtrusive in communication. The Taurus boss will always help his subordinates, act as a wise father and teacher for them, and painstakingly and calmly explain all incomprehensible and difficult points. Taurus does not need to hit with his fist, showing who is in charge; the results of the work done will do it better than himself. The main thing for such an employee is a successfully completed task, so he will work not for speed, but for quality. There is always a calm, unhurried working atmosphere around him, in which everyone is very comfortable to be. Over time, colleagues begin to consider Taurus literally part of their family.

The Taurus man always arrives at work on time, is usually one of the last to leave, and can easily work overtime if production requires it. He has no desire to do work anyhow and quickly run home to watch football or spend time in a bar with friends. At work, Taurus is not distracted by idle chatter and does not hang out for a long time in the smoking room in the hope of passing the time before the end of the working day.

He keeps his workplace clean and tidy; you can often find hand sanitizer and wet wipes on his desk. In the dining room, Taurus also often cleans up the dishes or washes them himself, respecting other people’s work and time. Since the element of this zodiac sign is earth, its representative greatly values ​​material wealth; they have a very important place in life for him. Taurus loves to eat delicious food, drink high-quality expensive alcohol, be chic, and buy high-quality comfortable clothes and shoes.

He likes it when the house is cozy, warm, light and smells of delicious food. At the same time, Taurus cannot be called a spender.

He spends money with great reluctance; he prefers to save and put aside “honestly earned” money in a safe deposit box or home safe, so that from time to time he can count his wealth and enjoy financial well-being. But such a person cannot be called a miser. Taurus truly loves to pamper those he truly loves and respects. A Taurus man will be happy to spend money on the object of his love, especially when he sees that the woman is not with him for money. But he would rather buy her practical gifts, such as certificates for a cosmetics or lingerie store, household items or good quality jewelry. He doesn’t see the point in spending a lot of money on such fleeting nonsense as flowers or a hot air balloon flight.

But if he sees that a woman really wants a romantic gift, she will make concessions, because for him there is nothing more important than the sincere childish joy of her beloved and the grateful smile on her face. He loves to feel like a patron and a virtue; nevertheless, a certain vanity and ambition is inherent in Taurus, but this does not spoil them at all. A Taurus man will also not overindulge his children and is unlikely to buy them a bunch of toys and sweets, or often take them to fast food restaurants. Rather, he will save up money and enroll his offspring in an elite lyceum or college, and then help them enter a prestigious university. After all, for him there is nothing more important than a quality and well-lived life.

Children will have to try very hard to make their dad truly proud of them, but with such psychological and material support as from Taurus, they will become successful, successful people. They are unlikely to find a better friend and advisor than their father.

What to gift?

The Taurus man is not very sociable, so finding out what kind of gift he would like to receive for his birthday is not an easy task. For this, a horoscope, your intuition and knowledge of your “bull” will come to the rescue. Men of this sign love practical, useful and high-quality gifts; a trinket or symbolic keepsake is unlikely to be to the liking of the birthday boy. Taurus does not see the point in wasting money, even if he understands that they wanted to please him.

Representatives of this sign, unfortunately, will not appreciate such a gesture, and the giver will be considered a spender and spendthrift who does not know the true value of money and has no taste or sense of style. It is better to give something small, but of high quality and useful. This will definitely cause satisfaction and approval.

Taurus is a very homely person, so you can give him things related to coziness and comfort.

Being a great connoisseur of original art objects, he will appreciate a high-quality and stylish item for interior decoration. Such a man loves everything that brings a sense of comfort and aesthetics to life; he will feel like a king in his domain, walking around a cozy “nest” decorated with paintings and expensive things. A terry fluffy warm robe will also be an excellent useful gift. Soft blankets and sofa pillows will not leave Taurus indifferent, because it is so pleasant for him to relax on the sofa after a hard day at work and relax his soul and body. There is a high probability that it was one of the Taurus who was the author of the phrase: “My home is my fortress.”

Also, you will not offend at all, and perhaps, on the contrary, will bring real joy to the materialist Taurus if you congratulate him on the holiday by giving him money. The main thing is that they are beautifully and elegantly packaged in an envelope, greeting card or even a piggy bank. Taurus will appreciate this gesture, as he simply loves saving money. The realization that he has capital saved up really warms his heart and instills confidence in the future. Or he will be able to spend the donated money on something that is really necessary and useful to him, and he will not have an unpleasant aftertaste that you gave him nonsense, even if you tried very hard with the choice in the hope of pleasing.

Probably none of the representatives of the zodiac signs loves to eat as tasty, hearty and good as Taurus. A good hearty dinner gives him genuine pleasure, after which Taurus can be compared to a contented, purring cat, he is so satisfied and happy after a wonderful meal, and if you season it with a glass of expensive, aged wine, then his pleasure will know no bounds. You can give your man a certificate for culinary courses, where he will be taught how to professionally prepare his favorite dish, because it is known that the best cooks are men.

Taurus will not be indifferent to a reserved table in your favorite restaurant, in a quiet corner, with candles, beautiful music, a bottle of wine and a delicious varied dinner. Although Taurus are brutal and courageous on the outside, they are very romantic and even gentle on the inside, this is influenced by their patron planet, Venus. Also, your man will appreciate the dinner you organize right at your home; probably, this option will even be the most comfortable for him. And after dinner, you can give your man a great night of love.

Although Taurus prefer the comfort of home to active recreation, they also love nature. They will enjoy a trip to the lake for a picnic or a weekend hike in the forest, but not too far from home.

Taurus men love meat very much, so if you marinate a kebab of fresh juicy meat with onions and spices in advance, then be sure that you will become the best of women for Taurus. He may enjoy a horse ride with his beloved woman, in the silence and coolness of the forest or along the river bank. After all, such a man really values ​​harmony, peace and quiet, relaxation without unnecessary nerves and adrenaline.

He will enjoy a trip on a boat, where he himself will be the captain and will be able to demonstrate all his best masculine qualities, such as physical strength, endurance, and dexterity. He likes it when a woman admires him. However, a vacation on a luxury yacht will also not leave Taurus indifferent; from time to time it is pleasant for him to feel like the master of the situation - rich, respectable, so that the waiters bring luxurious dishes consisting of fresh seafood, cold cuts and ripe fruits. A light breeze will bring freshness and coolness, and a beautiful, well-groomed beloved woman will be nearby. What else does our birthday boy need to feel truly happy?

Find out what your Taurus is interested in, what hobbies and interests he has. In order not to make a bad choice, you can give him a gift certificate. If a man loves to read, then give him a certificate to a bookstore. If you are a fan of computer games, you can purchase a mouse for gamers complete with a comfortable silicone mouse pad for it. If your man loves beautiful clothes, then find out the size and choose a high-quality stylish item based on his taste.

Don’t forget about accessories, but it should not be cheap Chinese jewelry, but a good quality item. You can give a wristwatch as a gift. Taurus loves precision and accuracy, and a watch will always help you be on time everywhere.

Also a good gift would be a leather belt, silver cufflinks, glasses, a chain or signet. An expensive, elegant pen for signing important contracts will decorate his desk. If your man likes to take care of himself, you can enroll him in the best barber shop in your city, pay the master in advance to give the birthday boy a beautiful haircut and styling of his hair and beard using delicious aromatic oils, perfume wax and hair conditioner. In many men's barbers, after a haircut they give a head massage, which will please absolutely every visitor.

So, the top 10 best gifts for Taurus:

  • money;
  • expensive accessories;
  • romantic dinner;
  • trip to nature;
  • writing typesetting;
  • leather briefcase;
  • painting;
  • certificate to a bookstore;
  • certificate for a barber shop;
  • warm housecoat.


Since Taurus is a spring sign, the colors of luck for him are also in spring tones: soft green color of young greenery, shade of clear clear blue sky, light shades of yellow and orange, beige tones. And it is better to refrain from a rich, aggressive red color; do not forget about the effect of a red rag on a bull. Not only can this color subconsciously anger Taurus, but it will also bring bad luck.

Talisman stones for Taurus: agate, emerald, jasper, rose quartz, chalcedony, sapphire. When worn, these stones can protect a man from injury, failure, help him open up spiritually, develop intuition and better feel his “inner self.”

Real natural stones will help against the evil eye, damage, and will ward off envious, dishonest people, energy vampires, since in the presence of stones, black magic loses its power, and the stones will take on all the bad messages. Flowers and plants for those born under the sign of Taurus: dahlia - a reliable amulet and protector, lilies of the valley - a symbol of cleanliness and love of order, jasmine - will give Taurus sociability, openness, and will attract people to him.

An amulet for Taurus will be jewelry depicting the symbol of their zodiac sign - the bull: a pendant, a signet, a belt buckle, a figurine. It is best if the amulet is made of precious metal, because Taurus is a sign that personifies material well-being. The ideal option would be to include talisman stones in the amulet, then the amulet will have double power and your man will always have good luck.

The horse and elephant symbol are also favorable for Taurus. They symbolize strength, endurance, patience, and the desire to win. Such figurines will help strengthen your position in society and will help strengthen your financial condition.

It is preferable if the products are made of bronze or valuable wood. Amulets should under no circumstances be made in red colors.

We take into account the eastern horoscope

It is worth remembering that a person’s character and destiny are influenced not only by the zodiac sign, but also by the year of birth - the so-called Eastern or Chinese horoscope. Just like the zodiacs, the eastern horoscope is divided into 12 signs, each of which endows its owner with certain qualities, character traits and talents. Therefore, if you want to study your Taurus better, also study the information regarding the year of his birth.

  • Rat. They love to save money, the more the better. Some people born this year can even be called greedy people. However, this also implies their enormous capacity for work and love of work. When communicating with strangers, they are often reserved and silent, but they are able to do a lot for those they truly love. People of this sign have an excellent sense of humor and ingenuity; they are always the life of the party in the presence of loved ones.

  • Bull. Those born in the year of the Ox are incredibly resilient, strong and hardworking people. One can only envy their performance. They only need a few hours to sleep, and they are again full of strength and energy. These are very honest and taciturn people, but at the same time, Oxen make new friends very easily. Very enthusiastic and romantic nature.
  • Tiger. Tigers are characterized by the desire for a better life, the revelation of their creative potential. They are very emotional, their powerful positive energy can be felt even from a distance. Those born in the year of the Tiger like to be the life of the party, they try to show themselves in the best light and make everyone present fall in love with them, and their innate charm helps them in this.

  • Cat/Rabbit. People born this year are endowed with nobility, grace, and good manners. They are very polite and attentive to their partners and interlocutors. Their obvious talents: wit, artistry, tact. These people need coziness and comfort and really value the warmth of the hearth. In conversations they try to avoid disputes and always listen carefully to someone else's point of view.

  • The Dragon. The dragon represents success and luck. This is the only animal represented in the Chinese horoscope that is mythical. People born in the year of the Dragon are generously endowed with creativity, adventurism, a thirst for adventure, and originality. There are a lot of artists among the Dragons. They are very confident in themselves and their capabilities, they love to live to the fullest, people of this sign are not capable of greed and pettiness.

  • Snake. There is no wiser animal than a snake. People born under this sign are endowed with unlimited intellectual abilities, wisdom, knowledge, a subtle sense of the world around them and the psychology of people. Snakes always achieve their goals; they can be called perfectionists; they need to complete any task perfectly. At the same time, these people are characterized by isolation and uncertainty.
    • Goat/Sheep. Sheep are famous for their peaceful, kind and affectionate disposition. These people cannot stand disputes and disagreements; they live with everyone in peace and harmony. Goats are very neat, hardworking and efficient, and it is very pleasant to communicate with them. They are endowed with charm and natural charm. Very caring, loyal and reliable people. However, they tend to fall into the blues from time to time and worry about trifles.

    • Monkey. Very mobile, artistic, active people, sociable, friendly, erudite, quick-witted and always try to be in the thick of things. Among the Monkeys there are many leaders and managers; their talent is to lead people and inspire them to achieve accomplishments. Sometimes it seems that the Monkey cannot sit still; he is capable of doing several things at the same time, but they do not always have the perseverance to complete the work they have started.

    • Rooster. Very bright, brave and strong personalities emerge victorious from any discussion and express their opinions on any matter without hesitation. Appearance is very important for those born in the year of the Rooster; they always dress in accordance with the latest world trends. These are very stylish and well-groomed people. Roosters are very witty and endowed with a bright personality. They are also neat, precise and pedantic; if they take on something, they will do it in the best possible way.
    • Dog. The most faithful of all signs, they can safely be called monogamous. People of this sign are distinguished by friendliness, goodwill, altruism, and concern for their neighbors. Dogs are very wise and insightful, very well versed in human psychology. They firmly know what they want from life and boldly go towards their dreams. There are a lot of truly talented creative personalities among Dogs.
    • To learn how to make a happy marriage with a Taurus man, see below.

He seems a little out of date, a little slow, even a little shy. But at the same time, it is the Taurus man who represents one of the most faithful signs of the zodiac, who knows the concept of male honor not only in words. Yes, he has his own principles, certain norms that he never violates.

Taurus is a follower of proven methods of action and will never take risks just to feel fresh emotions. It’s safe and comfortable to be with him, although often you have to literally rock him and push him a little to make a decision. And the stars will tell you how to do it correctly without offending our hero.

Taurus (Latin “Taurus”) is the second sign of the zodiac, which takes the baton from the fiery Aries and passes it on to the airy twins. These people were born in the spring, and precisely at the time when it finally defeats winter even in northern latitudes. Symbol of this zodiac sign- the head of a bull with two horns. Yes, he is stubborn and is not used to giving in to external pressure so easily. The element of Taurus is earth. It symbolizes the practicality and balance of a person. Taurus prefers a bird in the hand to a pie in the sky, he hates detours, and no matter how difficult it is to achieve the goal, he will always go straight, without turning anywhere.

Colors of luck for Taurus - all the shades of spring: blue sky, orange sun, as well as bright yellow shades of dandelions. But red is unlucky for him, besides, everything too bright, if it does not irritate the Taurus, then certainly causes him to distrust. Talisman stones– jasper, zircon, onyx, lapis lazuli, rose quartz, etc.

The planet that patronizes our hero, – tender, sentimental Venus. In the case of a Taurus, its effect is manifested in the behavior of this man. Outwardly, he is very compliant, never raises his voice and generally avoids any manifestation of aggression. On the other hand, he himself accumulates so many feelings that any lady who has won his heart will certainly feel the care and tenderness that he will give to her alone.

Among the famous men born under the sign of Taurus, we will meet people who are bright and also incredibly strong internally. These are Lenin and Marx, Kant and Nabokov, Jack Nicholson and Ferruccio Lamborghini (founder of the car brand of the same name), Vladimir Zhirinovsky and Mikhail Prokhorov, Pyotr Tchaikovsky and Sigmund Freud.

Jack Nicholson

Taurus man: what you need to know about his character

Taurus people are usually spoken of with the usual cliche: “simple person.” There is a lot of truth in this, but like any stereotype, this phrase is not without fiction. Yes, Taurus’ ideas are really quite simple. A reliable family, a delicious meal, healthy children - what else do you need from life? But in fact, a lot depends on his companion - the wife has a strong influence on the Taurus. It’s just like in that legend – where you turn your neck, your head looks there.

Reliable and practical

Taurus takes his time and does not rush. He prefers to do everything in good faith, because, not without reason, he believes that you only need to rely on yourself. At the same time, he will always come to the aid of his beloved friends and family. Therefore, if he constantly extends his hand to you in a moment of testing, you can consider this a sure sign: Taurus has recognized you as his own.

Skillful fingers

No matter what field Taurus works in, he prefers to do everything at home only with his own hands. Our hero simply does not trust any craftsmen, believing that only he himself can do the work really well. One can only envy a lady who values ​​home comfort and a strong man’s shoulder if she meets a Taurus on her life’s path.

Love is actions, not feelings

Taurus is a little dry in expressing his emotions. Sometimes he seems like some kind of insensitive guy. However, only the lady who doesn’t know him well can think so. Taurus prefers not so much to talk as to do. He is sure that the feelings will pass. And all that remains are concrete actions, the fruits of joint labor, which prove the true attitude of the partners towards each other.

Attitude to work and money

Taurus, although not a miser, at times very much resembles a rich uncle who will buy his nephew only a very modest gift. Yes, this is an exaggeration, but such an image well describes our hero’s attitude towards money. In short, he loves to earn money and hates spending money. Taurus may well, on principle, not buy a useful item in a store if he is sure that he will find the same thing elsewhere, but at a more reasonable price.

Yes, he knows a lot about money and strives in every possible way to spread his philosophy to his loved ones. Our hero really wants to see next to him a lady with modest needs, who values ​​​​resources and is fluent in home economics. And the most interesting thing is that he will shower precisely such a companion with gold and give incredibly luxurious things. But all this will happen later. And now - a little patience.

As for work, Taurus prefers stability to salary, a solid position to the team, and everything like that. He proceeds from the fact that being an employee of a large organization, even with a small salary, is much better than working in a small, unreliable office with fabulous incomes. A typical Taurus will not run from place to place in search of his happiness. He just prefers to do his job. And do it better than anyone else.

How to please a Taurus man

It's quite easy to please a Taurus. If you act by his own rules, play his game and don’t rush anywhere - this is the best strategy. Yes, Taurus are really slow. Of course, they can hurry up and show miracles of dexterity. But these people are not used to making decisions in an emotional outburst. Therefore, if we talk about some really serious steps, then we really will have to wait.

And to make this process go as quickly as possible, here are some invaluable tips from omniscient stars:

  1. Be specific. Taurus does not like those who organize castles in the air and wear rose-colored glasses. Yes, you can tell him a beautiful fairy tale, but just make it clear right away that this is a funny joke, and not real plans for life. Understand that Taurus does not believe in miracles, but in iron logic and careful efforts. And I must say, his approach works.
  2. Take the initiative. Just do it very delicately. You can be sure that Taurus himself knows that he is slow, because his friends with whom he likes to communicate, including about his character, often talked about this. A man of this sign will not be embarrassed at all if the lady turns out to be active, even quick. Just don't confuse this with obsession. In addition, you should always behave a little distantly around a Taurus - he will appreciate it.
  3. Agree with Taurus. Yes, he doesn't like arguments. Of course, you shouldn't play along with him all the time. But having discussions with such an openly stubborn person is more expensive for yourself. Firstly, this man is incredibly confident in himself and often likes to demonstrate it (which, by the way, captivates many ladies). And secondly, he will simply cease to respect himself if he bends to external pressure. Believe me, this is not harmful. This is nature.
  4. Finally, show him respect. Evaluate his masculine qualities, justify how good he is. That is, don’t just give a compliment, but lead a long logical chain to it. Yes, Taurus loves praise and recognition of his own superiority, like a child. Just don’t try to laugh if he blooms in response to your praises - this will bury all future plans.

How can you offend a Taurus?

It would seem, is it really possible to offend such a strong-willed, balanced and self-absorbed person? However, even an elephant is frightened by the bite of a mouse, although he is not afraid when dogs bark at him. Yes, Taurus is a calm person and he will not get into a scandal. But there are certain red lines that should not be crossed. Here are the most important of them:

  1. Don't yell at the Taurus, don't throw a tantrum, don't blackmail. In short, any irrational outbursts of emotion are a wrong move in a game with a Taurus. The fact is that he views such outbursts as an obvious attempt to put pressure, to try to influence his decision. And in such cases, our hero prefers to go on the defensive. Literally, he just turns into a hedgehog that no one can reach under his needles. It is better to talk to a Taurus gently, almost like with a child, but without humiliating his dignity.
  2. You should not object to the Taurus, or even more so provoke him into arguments. Even if you have some disagreements, you need to act much more cunningly. It’s better to play on positive qualities - something like “I know that you won’t do that, because I don’t want that.” Yes, it is better to affirm Taurus as a real hero, Superman, but not to constantly try to enter into debates with him.
  3. Don't give reasons for jealousy. This Taurus looks so calm, but under a certain scenario a real beast can awaken in him, that same furious bull that is the symbol of this zodiac sign. Anyone who knows a Taurus closely enough will tell you: in a moment of rage, he is truly terrible. Therefore, it’s really not worth abusing his angelic patience.
  4. Finally, don't criticize the Taurus family. He himself knows that not everything is perfect there. But he prefers to remain silent. It’s just that Taurus is a conservative, a supporter of the traditional view of life. He is sure that the family hearth and parents are beyond the scope of criticism.

Who suits a Taurus and who doesn't?

The ideal of a Taurus is rather a classic housewife who is waiting for her husband. He does not like too flamboyant ladies looking for adventure. And it's not a matter of personal attitude. It’s just that Taurus, not without justice, believes that feelings may go away, but a reliable foundation will always remain, if, of course, it is built.

From an astrological point of view, the chances of representatives of different zodiac signs look something like this:

  1. Earthly ladies have the greatest potential for psychological correspondence with Taurus - i.e. girls of his own element. The hardworking woman will appeal to the pragmatic Taurus, because she will begin to equip the house and take care of the household, which is very valuable in the eyes of our hero. This man will definitely appreciate a woman who also has excellent chances in building her career. The only significant contradiction between partners may appear in relation to work. Capricorn can constantly push Taurus to change his current place to a more profitable one, and our hero, accustomed to stability, will begin to actively resist this. As for the union of the two, it is astrologically complex. On the one hand, these people understand each other well and do not require miracles. On the other hand, they themselves may miss the little fairy tale that everyone on earth needs. And the mutual desire to argue will give rise to many quarrels.
  2. The relationship between Taurus and the water signs of the zodiac looks quite interesting. - an example of femininity, tenderness, inner charm. This lady will give Taurus maternal affection and care. In addition, Pisces prefer not to argue with a man and recognize his primacy in everything. A Taurus will have a completely harmonious union, since this lady loves home, just like our hero. But emotionally they are somewhat distant from each other - both partners are closed, and it will be difficult for them to build bridges. As for, this is a less successful option. The fact is that the Scorpio woman is used to lighting up and commanding. Yes, she does this indirectly, but in any case she will try to get her hands on the little body. But our hero is clearly not satisfied with this situation.
  3. Fire zodiac signs are more likely to not understand Taurus, and vice versa. prefers to shine more often at social events, so if she becomes a housewife, she will definitely be desperate. incredibly stubborn, so disputes with an impenetrable Taurus cannot be avoided in such an alliance. As for the girl, her passion for adventure will infuriate even a calm calf, and it is unlikely that their clash will end in anything good.
  4. Finally, the air signs of the zodiac will be the least interesting to our hero. On the one hand, they can open up a whole world for him, a new facet of human relations. But whether this source of energy is enough to develop the union is a big question. seems too impractical and strange to Taurus - flighty. Those who, like Taurus, strive for material comfort have better chances. But how interesting they will be together - you should ask them themselves about this.

Taurus in bed

In intimate matters, Taurus is more of a tactician than a strategist. He is not full of ideas, does not put on performances, but prefers to do everything clearly and technically. Taurus comes from practical considerations about what a woman wants. However, if a lady awakens his imagination with her original ideas, he will be all for it, because even conservatives get bored with monotony.

Any lady who conquers a Taurus will have one pleasant surprise waiting for her. A seemingly reserved and even coldish man, he turns into a real tiger in bed. Yes, a Taurus harnesses slowly, but drives quickly. He is used to getting his way, including in intimate matters. In addition, this guy is a real ladies' man who simply will not forgive himself if he does not give his other half a full portion of pleasure.

The Taurus man is not a bright flame, but a stable fire that burns evenly and reliably. A lady who prefers simple and understandable rules of the game, strong male hands, should pay attention to this man.

Ruling planet:♀ Venus. Element: Earth.

Taurus man

Perhaps the Taurus man does not look like the ardent Romeo, but know: despite all his slowness and practicality, you have an extremely romantic nature! And this is not surprising, because Taurus are lovers of beauty, including beautiful people of the opposite sex.

Usually, the innate love for beauty and harmony manifests itself in a Taurus man in the fact that he first, with the leisurely gourmet, chooses an object of adoration for himself, and then cares for this object so devotedly and beautifully that he simply leaves him (that is, you) no other choice .

Other signs can only envy the ability of a Taurus in love to court. Who remembers the date you met? Who prepared you an exquisite and far from cheap gift for Valentine's Day? Who sends you a white rose every day and sends caring SMSes? Of course, only Taurus.

Many qualities of a Taurus make him the true embodiment of masculinity. He is confident, calm, independent, purposeful, knows what he wants and knows how to achieve his goal. Of course, all this also has its downside: Taurus can be too slow and stubborn, and in some matters too tough, but in general he is a real embodiment of reliability and strength.

In order to keep such an enviable groom next to you, all you have to do is “just” be the woman of his dreams, that is, mysterious and irresistible. The last thing Taurus would like to have next to him is a life partner who has no zest or mystery, but a woman who is straightforward and tactless looks even worse in his eyes. So, if you want to scare away Taurus forever, just tell him to his face about his shortcomings or put him in an awkward position. If you intend to stay close to him, you will have to learn delicacy, tenderness and understanding.

In family life, Taurus is a loving husband and caring father. He takes excellent care of children and is an excellent teacher, because he has an invaluable quality for this: patience. Instead of being angry at his son’s failing grade, he will study with him every day until he completely masters the material.

Despite the fact that Taurus is an earthly sign to the core, he cannot be called down-to-earth. On the contrary, a Taurus man, on his own initiative, can buy you tickets to an exhibition or concert. Having gone out into nature, he will prefer active recreation and sports, and in his spare time he will gladly pick up a book.

Almost the only thing Taurus is completely intolerant of is criticism and objections addressed to him. Especially in public and especially on your part. Do not forget that the husband, in the mind of Taurus, should be the head of the house. He makes money, makes all the fateful decisions and is not going to listen to criticism, even if you have reasons for this.

In other words, you need to come to terms with the fact that it is the Taurus man who is destined for the role of the unconditional head of the family, and you will have to find ways to adapt to him. You might even have to quit your job to do this.

In anger, Taurus is capable of telling you a lot of unnecessary things, but quickly cools down and begins to feel remorse. It is much worse if he is seriously offended - then he may not talk to you for two days, and it will not be easy to get him to be frank. However, in any case, when the thunderstorm passes, you must definitely discuss and solve the problem with him. Don't rely on the fact that everything will resolve itself. Taurus is not vindictive, but really does not like unresolved issues. They leave a mark on his soul for a long time, and if too many of them accumulate, then this mark can develop into a deep crack.

Within the walls of his home, a Taurus man can hardly tolerate chaos of any kind, be it scattered things, an unexpected visit from your relatives, or hastily prepared food. That is why the wife of Taurus must not only learn how to cook deliciously, but also create order in everything, including “sorting out” and settling all sorts of everyday misunderstandings.

However, life behind the mighty back of Taurus is certainly worth your small sacrifices. Romantic Taurus will not give you stars from the sky, preferring completely earthly diamonds. He loves luxury himself and will gladly surround you with it, as long as you feel good next to him in his cozy penthouse.

Taurus man horoscope

Taurus man: appearance

The Taurus man usually gives the impression of a strong, strong-willed person. He moves measuredly, calmly, confidently, and does not speak too quickly. A stocky build completes the picture. Usually, by nature, people of this sign have a beautiful figure, although their body, as a rule, is not muscular or pumped up. Many Taurus themselves spoil their appearance with a tendency to overeat. In addition, some effeminateness of the figure may be a “gift” of the ruling planet - Venus.

Often these men strive to look seductive, for which they wear tight jeans and open their shirts on their chests. They are also always not averse to demonstrating the level of their wealth, so you can often see massive gold jewelry on them - chains, rings, bracelets; For some men, this may change their taste.

Taurus man - behavior characteristics

In a circle of unfamiliar people, Taurus is unlikely to make a big impression, since he will mostly remain silent. But, if he happens to get into a small circle of close, trusted people, then it becomes obvious that this person is capable of being the life of the party, having fun and joking from the heart. It is the environment - family, children, faithful comrades - that are one of the main values ​​in life for him. It is this circle that serves as the source of Taurus’s positivity, his moral and physical strength.

The pace of life in which Taurus men feel comfortable will seem too slow to many. They need everything around them to be balanced and measured. If others try to force Taurus's actions or decisions, they simply won't succeed. And if they begin to put pressure on him, such a man will generally stop doing anything that might make him appear lazy.

Sign Taurus - man in work and career

In work, as in everything else, Taurus are never in a hurry, but their efficiency is simply amazing. Their energy reserve is enough for a lot, although the matter is not burning in their hands, and even in an active state they remain outwardly calm. These are very enterprising people, which is why they often become owners of their own businesses or successful professionals.

The range of professions in which this man could be successful is quite wide, and, regardless of the choice, Taurus men demonstrate very high-quality work. No matter how slowly they work in someone’s eyes, they absolutely need periodic rest, preferably somewhere in the lap of nature. This person gets quite angry when he is disturbed during the process of gathering strength for the next stage of work.

Taurus man in love

On the one hand, Taurus are the embodiment of practicality and down-to-earthness, but on the other, paradoxically, they are very romantic and sensual, and these men are very partial to the fair sex. If they want to win someone’s heart, they do it incredibly persistently, demonstrating remarkable patience, although they can “tread water” in one place in terms of promoting personal relationships for a very long time. Even having achieved the reciprocity of the chosen one, Taurus men are afraid to take decisive initiatives, so the woman often has to take the first step.

Taurus man in sex

He cannot be called flighty, however, as the horoscope warns, the Taurus man, who pays considerable attention to the physical side of love, is ready to tirelessly, through trial, search for the one who will satisfy his needs in this regard. These representatives of the stronger sex cannot be given the title of virtuoso lovers; they will not show miracles of ingenuity in bed, but will persistently conquer women with another - a combination of strength, passion and tenderness.

Characteristics of a Taurus man in marriage

A Taurus husband is quite a valuable life acquisition for a woman. He is focused on a stable family life, home-loving, caring, balanced, and has great respect for the female sex, especially if he was raised correctly in childhood. Taurus tries to do everything for the benefit of the family and is ready to satisfy the whims of his beloved household members. These men are very loyal, and their wives owe this to the fact that Taurus hate change.

Marriage with a representative of this zodiac sign is usually concluded for a long time, the union with him is durable, but this does not mean that getting along with him is easy. The character of a Taurus man makes him extremely zealously guard his own dignity, and he will not allow anyone to belittle him, even in the family. Taurus are known for their jealousy: for them it can reach the point of absurdity. And changing the habits or character of a Taurus man is incredibly difficult.

Zodiac sign Taurus - male owner

Taurus is very attached to home, loves it with all his soul, but for this to happen, an atmosphere of peace and harmony must reign in it. He will strive to ensure that his family lives in abundance; the refrigerator should always be filled to capacity with food. Having a weakness for a comfortable life, Taurus will do everything to ensure that their home is cozy and provided with everything necessary. Without special need, these men do not like to leave home, especially for a long time; they prefer to invite friends and relatives to their place rather than go or visit.

Zodiac Signs: Taurus man - father

Children's voices must be heard in the house of a Taurus man: without procreation, these people do not see the point of creating a family. Unlike most males, they are more delighted when girls are born to them. They can spoil their children to the point of impossibility with gifts and beautiful clothes, but, at the same time, they are able to establish strict rules in the house and steadily demand discipline from the younger generation. They strive for their children to adopt as much experience and skills as possible from them, and teach them to live wisely, relying on common sense in everything.

Who is suitable for a Taurus man according to his horoscope to start a family?

If Taurus is a man, compatibility promises to be very good with representatives of such zodiac signs as Cancer, Virgo, Capricorn, Pisces.

What to give a Taurus man

The best gift for a Taurus man is something that you can actually use. This approach opens up wide scope for imagination, the limit of which can only be budget. Taurus will gladly and gratefully use things that create comfort in his life - for example, a cooler bag, a comfortable chair for work, a swimming pool for the garden, etc. A gift for a Taurus man may not be very practical, but then it must certainly look respectable and prestigious - for example, a painting painted by a famous artist. People of this zodiac sign are mostly workaholics, so gifts for a Taurus man can be associated with the opportunity to rest, relax, depending on their interests - for example, a massage course, a trip somewhere, organizing a hunt, etc. He will definitely like the additional “gastronomic” component of the gift, for example, a bottle of a prestigious alcoholic drink or expensive chocolates.

The Taurus man may not look like the ardent Romeo, but know: despite all his slowness and practicality, the Taurus man is extremely romantic when compatible! And this is not surprising, because Taurus are lovers of beauty, including beautiful people of the opposite sex.

Compatibility of Taurus man - Gemini woman

In terms of compatibility, the Gemini woman and the Taurus man are very different, and this attracts them to each other. Mutual interest appears immediately, upon first meeting.

In this couple, everyone sees the benefits that come from their union. And then it all depends on whether they will focus on incompatible traits or become partners that complement each other. ..

Compatibility of Taurus man - Cancer woman

According to the compatibility of a Cancer woman and a Taurus man, excellent relationships can form and exist between them; full understanding is a reliable guarantee of a solid foundation, both for the marriage union itself, and for marital relations and family life. They have a lot in common. Both love the hearth and dream of their own home - cozy and comfortable, a garden with flower beds, a vegetable garden, etc. If Cancer and Taurus take stricter control over the negative traits of their character and disposition, and impose a ban on stubbornness and obstinacy, then their marital relationship can become a strong union “for centuries”, in which both partners truly love each other...

Compatibility of Taurus man - Leo woman

Compatibility between Leo woman and Taurus man- this union is considered less successful due to the different attitudes of Lioness and Taurus to money. If the Taurus man is caution and frugality itself, a real hard worker with only the desire to have his own property and a secure old age, then the Leo woman is spiritual lordship, generosity and nobility, generosity and extravagance, life scope and “flight into outer space.”

For a solid Taurus man, his partner is property, a personal inventory, and the Leo woman needs to think about this in advance and weigh everything carefully.

But it is not all that bad. In fact, there are a few tricks that will help this Leo-Taurus couple understand each other. If disagreement in the financial sphere goes away, such a couple becomes strong and happy. The basis of their union is often physical attraction to each other. ..

Compatibility of Taurus man - Virgo woman

Compatibility between Virgo woman and Taurus man- the union between them often turns out to be very successful. The family here is based on warm relationships and mutual understanding. The Taurus man is economical and persistent, and the Virgo woman is hardworking and responsible. In this union, they can be firmly bound by a commonality of interests, thoroughness, concern for well-being, children and family.

This is a very nice couple. A woman loves her man, and he enjoys communicating with her. Here the man acts as an adviser and mentor, takes responsibility - in a word, contributes to the material and personal growth of his partner. ..

Compatibility of Taurus man - Libra woman

In terms of compatibility between a Libra woman and a Taurus man, this couple resembles twin children who are unlike each other: so different, but so close and elusively similar. Their union can be called the union of two true aesthetes and gourmets. The love for comfort and pleasure brings the Taurus man and the sensual Libra woman closer together, in life together it manifests itself in literally everything - from their common love of eating delicious food to the desire to possess beautiful things and the ability to give each other pleasure in bed. All this contributes to the creation of strong and long-term, harmonious relationships, because it is so nice when you are connected with a loved one not only by solving pressing problems, but also by the ability to receive joy from life even in the smallest things...

Compatibility between Taurus man and Scorpio woman

The union of a Scorpio woman and a Taurus man is quite common. In terms of compatibility, Scorpio women and Taurus men are strong personalities, and this allows them not only to love, but also to respect each other (which is vital for them). The Scorpio woman appreciates in the Taurus man his independence, perseverance, ability to earn money, and in her he appreciates his strength of character combined with incredible femininity. But, as in any other couple where opposite signs meet, the relationship between the Scorpio woman and the Taurus man is very difficult.

From an everyday point of view, the Scorpio-Taurus union can be considered unsuccessful, but for those who are engaged in spiritual self-improvement, such a union is simply ideal...

Compatibility between Taurus man and Sagittarius woman

A Sagittarius woman and a Taurus man couple is rare. Very often they are connected by a mutually beneficial settlement. But those couples of Sagittarius and Taurus who were able to build their relationship, laying love as the basis, never regret it.

In the union of Sagittarius and Taurus There is always a lot of positivity, especially at first. The lively, witty Sagittarius woman simply captivates the Taurus man, and her fearlessness and recklessness delight him. And the Sagittarius woman, although she does not want to give up her independence, is always drawn to the thorough and very practical Taurus man...

Compatibility between Taurus man and Capricorn woman

In terms of compatibility between a Capricorn woman and a Taurus man, this married couple can rightfully be considered ideal. This is a very common union, and often it turns out to be very strong. Capricorn and Taurus have a high degree of compatibility. They have very similar views on life, many common interests and hobbies. Capricorn woman and Taurus man belong to Earth signs. Therefore, both are characterized by such traits as practicality, patience, determination, and love of nature. Also, paired with each other, they find the desired stability, coziness and comfort. Together they happily take care of the house, raise children, arrange their lives, honor family traditions, travel...

Compatibility between Taurus man and Aquarius woman

According to statistical data, the union is in the compatibility of an Aquarius woman and a Taurus manmore often than others it ends in divorce. The Aquarius woman and the Taurus man are so different that it seems that they have no common ground at all. But, at the same time, they are able to be happy if they truly love each other and strive to save the family. In this case, their differences will be a great complement to each other.

For the Taurus man, the Aquarius woman will forever remain an unsolvable puzzle. She is constantly drawn to “get into mischief”; she needs new impressions and adventures like air. Therefore, surprises, unexpectedness, unexpectedness will be constant guests in this family...

Compatibility of Taurus man - Pisces woman

In terms of compatibility between a Pisces woman and a Taurus man, this family union is one of the most ideal. The couple live together happily ever after. Having found each other, they can no longer imagine their life with anyone else. The Pisces woman reveals all her best qualities and becomes a real homemaker. And the Taurus man tries to do everything to make his beloved “fish” happy. There is nothing in the world that could destroy this couple, since their union is built on a very reliable foundation. They also have a strong physical attraction, loyalty and devotion, they are attached to each other until old age.

A Pisces and Taurus couple has a lot in common. For both, peace of mind is more important; both love convenience, comfort, beauty, expensive and high-quality things. The only difference is that people born under the sign of Pisces are lazy by nature, living only for today, and Taurus are great workers who provide for their own future. ..