October 7 is the holy calendar for women's names. Name days in October, Orthodox holidays in October

Name days in ancient times depended on the birthday, so parents rarely chose a name for their child in advance. After the birth of the baby, according to the calendar, they looked at which saints were celebrated on this day.

As a rule, the day of remembrance of a saint is considered the day of his death and transition to the kingdom of God. Name days in October, as in other months, according to the church calendar, there are men's and women's days.

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Namesake of a newborn

In the modern world, name days, or namesake days (which means namesake), are celebrated on the day closest to birth. If there are several saints with the same name, you can choose one who is closer in spirit and life. In this case, the date of birth does not matter. Name days are often called angel's day, although this name refers to baptism, the date of which may not coincide with the celebration of the saint's day.

In pre-revolutionary Russia, it was customary to name a child after Christmastide on the eighth day. For example, on October 24 a girl was born. The eighth day after birth falls on October 31st. Women's name day on October 31 is celebrated by Zlata and Elizaveta, and they were chosen from them. These names could be used to name a girl born on October 31 or to look at the Christmastide of early November.

Some religious saints are marked in the church with several days of remembrance, but the main one is the day of transition to eternal memory, the day of death. Other days of remembrance are considered small name days.

Parents, sometimes not baptized themselves, often perform the sacrament to protect the child from the evil eye and disease. Such a Christian action, carried out not from a pure heart, without observing prayer requests, communion and confession, usually does not grant protection to the child. For this ritual you need to sincerely believe in God.

Name day is also celebrated, but more modestly than birthday. You must definitely read prayers to the saint, ask for help and thank you for your support. You can assemble a small table, but without alcohol and noisy events.

Men's name day

According to the church calendar, in October there are many birthdays among boys, young men, and men. There are more than a hundred names in total in a month. October birthdays in alphabetical order indicating the number The venerations of the holy namesake are as follows:

Alphabetical list of names with numbers listed The name day celebration allows people born at the end of September to find out when their angel day is in October. It’s easy to find out who has a man’s name day today according to the Orthodox calendar: the names and revered saints are indicated on each page.

Female names

There are much fewer women's names whose name day fell in October than men's. Basically, one name is mentioned every day, less often two or three, but there are days when the name day of girls and women is not indicated at all.

The following names are indicated in the Orthodox calendar:

Important dates in October

There are birthdays on October 13 for both women and men. The total number of revered saints in the calendar is 15. In the church, this day is considered the celebration of the name of Michael in memory of the saint, who became the first metropolitan of Kievan Rus.

Prince Vladimir, having been baptized in Byzantium, asked to send to his homeland a worthy person capable of coping with the rampant paganism. Mikhail turned out to be such a person. He was engaged in the construction of temples and preached Christianity to the masses. Things were going well, the Metropolitan coped well with the task.

The next day, October 14, celebrate the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The holiday originated after the attack of Russian troops on Constantinople. The ships off the coast of the city were under siege. Residents of Constantinople saw the Virgin Mary approaching at night, surrounded by angels. Having removed the veil from her head, she covered the worshipers with it for protection from enemies. Soon the siege ended, and the Russian ships were scattered across the sea by a storm. An interesting fact is that the holiday is celebrated by the Russian Church, but in Greece they do not remember it.

We know that “whatever you call the ship, that’s how it will sail.” More than one parent has “broken their spears” trying to come up with a name for their child even before birth. After all, this is not as simple a matter as it might seem. When giving a name to boys, you need to think about how it will sound in the middle name of his descendants. For girls, the name should reflect their beauty and femininity. In this difficult issue, mothers and fathers often use horoscopes, numerology, and the calendar. And they, in turn, are tied to the date of birth. Let's figure out what the names of girls born in October might be, according to their “horoscopic affiliation.”

"What's in a name?"

Often parents succumb to fashion trends and trends, being tempted by the next thing. At the same time, they do not even delve into the topic to find out what it means. After all, any name is not an arbitrary set of letters, but a meaning “encrypted” in it. For example, Victoria means “victory”, “winner”; the name Lyudmila is dear to people, Elena is bright, chosen, etc.

Therefore, before naming the baby, you need to inquire about the meaning of the chosen name. Especially if this is a future woman, because for the fairer sex, a name is a business card, a component of the image.

Girls names

People born in October are considered successful, enterprising and witty. This month includes the following zodiac signs: Libra dominates from October 1 to 23, Scorpio dominates from October 24 to 31. What are the names of girls born in October? It is believed that there are names that are most favorable for a particular horoscope sign. If the baby is called one of them, then his life will develop harmoniously, successfully, and will pass without any special shocks.

"Horoscopic" names of girls born in October. Scorpion

If the girl is Scorpio, then the following names suit her: Anastasia, Ada, Varvara, Bronislava, Stella, Mirra, Maria, Marianna, Frida, Emma, ​​Dora. These are the best. There are more than 180 of them.

"Horoscopic" name for a girl born in October. Scales

If the baby was born between October 1 and October 23, then she can be named one of the following names: Angela, Bella, Beata, Vilena, Vera, Dominica, Daria, Evgenia, Yesenia, Elena, Claudia, Klena, Carolina, Kupava, Kapitolina, Christina, Lyudmila, Lyubomira, Milena, Sofia, Svetlana, Emilia, Ella, Elmira, Elvira, Julia.

In general, the name of a girl born in October should not be short or long. It is also necessary to avoid “exotic” and, conversely, too “simple” and ordinary names. After all, representatives of Libra are capricious, capricious women who are not accessible to ordinary men. They adore a luxurious life, expensive things, and the main goal of their life is a successful marriage, enduring passion and love. Libra women have a sexy appearance, a surprisingly feminine physique and “killing” magnetism. That is why they acquire a crowd of fans at an early age. However, not each of them is given the opportunity to be chosen: she will never be with someone who will not provide her with a luxurious and comfortable life. That's all about "horoscopic" girls' names. They were born in October or November - it doesn’t matter. The main thing is to give your child the best name, which he then would not be embarrassed about, but would wear with dignity.

What name should be given to the child according to the Saints if she was born in October? It should be noted that the Saints calendar is used mainly only by believing families. If you are one of the Orthodox families, then choosing a girls name according to the Saints for October is the right decision. In the Orthodox tradition, the custom of giving children names in honor of Saints has become relevant recently. So, parents want to endow their children with at least a piece of the Holy. In addition, there is an opinion among the people that the Saint, after whom the child was named, will patronize him.

The names of girls according to the Saints in October are the most diverse, there are native Russian names, but most of the names in the church calendar are names that came from other cultures, but over time adapted to our time and language. How to choose a name for a girl born in October according to Saints? You open the church calendar of the church where you will take your daughter to baptize, and in the month of October, look through the names of the girls. It should be noted that each monastery has its own list of names, so editions of the Saints may differ from each other. So, when choosing a name for an October girl according to the Saints, check whether your church gives permission to take any October names in the church calendar. The fact is that there are churches in which it is customary to take names before the 8th date from the date of birth, that is, if a daughter was born on the 6th, then names can be chosen from the 6th to the 13th of the month. But there are churches where you can take the names of the entire month, the main thing is not to use the names of past days. If the child was born on the 6th, then names, in this case, can only be taken from the 6th until the end of the month. After you decide on the rules of the church, you have to make a choice among the specified names. Some parents, when choosing girls' names according to the Saints for October, also pay attention to the meaning of the names. Since many parents believe that the meaning of the name plays an important role in the lives of children. If you want your daughter to be wise, smart and kind, then we advise you to pay attention to names with this meaning; the name Sofia means wise, smart. For example, by giving a child the name Elizabeth, you thereby connect her with God, since in translation Elizabeth means one who worships God.

Girls' names according to the Saints: October

The birth of a new person is one of the most important events in the life of every family. And of course, all parents want to give their child only the best. This also applies to the baby's name. After all, the name given by the parents is exactly what the child will carry with him throughout his life. Mom and dad of the baby should approach the choice with special responsibility.

The girl was born in October, what to name according to the horoscope

Almost the entire month of October is under the influence of the sign Libra. Such famous women were born this month as Marina Tsvetaeva, Brigitte Bardot, Catherine Deneuve, Monica Bellucci and many others.

Girls born in October, for the most part, are the standard of femininity: sweet, gentle, affectionate, graceful. At the same time, they have developed intelligence and are extremely logical. They make all decisions thoughtfully and carefully.

October girls often become leaders both in their careers and in family life. At the same time, they easily get along with people and are excellent conversationalists. In conflict situations, rational arguments prevail, not emotions.

While giving the impression of being fragile and weak, girls born in October have a strong character, which allows them not only to bravely endure all life’s troubles, but also to be a reliable support and support for their loved ones.

October girls are excellent housewives. As children, they are happy to help their mother, and in adulthood, their own home becomes a full cup. They grow up to be real guardians of the family hearth: loving and faithful wives, strict but very gentle mothers.

For a baby born in October, a name that will highlight her individuality and femininity is well suited. Names will do this job well Taisiya, Ulyana, Sofia, Inga, Anna, Veronica, Zlata.

If parents prefer more original names, then you can choose from such Ariadna, Gloria, Pelageya, Aelita, Isolde Marianna.

What to name a girl born in October according to the Orthodox calendar

In addition, if your family honors religious canons, you should pay attention to the church calendar - the day of honoring a certain saint. A girl named in accordance with the church calendar will fall under the protection of the saint in whose honor she is named. Saints are celebrated in October Irina, Maria, Tatiana, Iraida, Raisa, Vera, Victoria, Euphrosyne, Elizabeth, Nadezhda.

When choosing a name for your daughter, do not forget that it should not only emphasize the girl’s individuality, but also harmoniously combine with her last and patronymic names. The chosen name should not only please the parents, but also not create problems for the child in everyday life. A peculiar name can become a reason for ridicule during school years, and create many ridiculous situations in adult life.

But the most important thing is the unconditional belief that the chosen name will not only help the girl reveal all the potential given by nature, but will also make her the happiest.

How to choose the perfect name for a baby born in October? Most often, parents are put off by what name days are celebrated in October. Perhaps the name given to the child determines his entire future life. Perhaps the saint really influences the fate of the person who bears the name. Therefore, it is very important to approach the issue of choice seriously and carefully.

Girls born in October may have certain qualities and personality traits. Notice how similar in character people are born at the same time.

1. Sociability and communication skills

These qualities are very developed among the October representatives of the fair sex. Girls and birthday girls of October can find a common language with almost any interlocutor; they are friendly and well-wishing, tactful and positive in communication. They also like to attract the attention of others, strive to be visible and be liked by others.

2. Practicality and entrepreneurship

“Measure twice, cut once” is the motto of girls born in October under the sign of Libra. When making decisions, they always think carefully and thoroughly, weigh the available positive and negative sides, and only after that make the final choice.

Risky situations are rarely attractive, and if you have to take a risk, it is always deliberate and balanced. Female children, growing up, always use the qualities of practicality and thoughtfulness when making any financial transactions; everything is clear and laid out “on the shelves” for them.

3. Indecision

Despite the fact that the decisions made by girls and women born in October are always consciously considered, they are characterized by some indecisiveness and sensitivity to the opinions of those close to them.

It happens that it is quite easy to convince them and throw them out of their usual balance by unexpected turns of the changing situation.

Friendly and moral support is very important and necessary for them. The indecisiveness of October girls is compensated by the possession of diverse interests and talents.

4. Intelligence

Girls born in October have high mental abilities, which allows them to successfully move up the career ladder, reaching more and more heights. Excellent memory, an analytical mind, the ability to mobilize one’s strengths and abilities help to successfully deal with business issues.

5. Sociable personalities

October birthday girls prefer to constantly be in the company of close friends, acquaintances. Loneliness weighs on them and causes negative emotions. Also, girls born in October tend to become very attached to people, which helps strengthen friendly feelings.

They are ready to provide any help to their friends and even take rash actions in difficult situations. In such cases, it is important for parents to constantly monitor their daughters’ social circle.

6. Leadership qualities

manifest themselves not only in the professional sphere, but also in the family sphere. Women prefer to take a leading position in all matters relating to family, everyday life, and finances. They are very caring and affectionate, but they will not forgive betrayal. They turn out to be competent and professional leaders who can solve any issue, as well as help their subordinates, give advice and encouragement.

7. Health

In terms of health, girls born in the autumn month of October report fairly good health and a beautiful and well-groomed appearance. If any health problems arise, they may concern the nervous system, spine, skin diseases, headaches, emotional disorders (depression, apathy).

Choosing a name by date of birth

The ideal solution when choosing a name for girls born in October would be to match the name and date of birth. Considering the characteristic features of October babies, they should, which will give them femininity, smooth out the features of indecision and will simply sound beautiful and combine with their surname and patronymic.

A girl (hereinafter referred to as a girl and a woman) born in October is distinguished by a sharp mind, fairness, and to some extent gullibility and frivolity, so names that reflect the will and moral strength of their bearer are best suited for her.

Such names include:

  • Alexandra,
  • Margarita,
  • Zlata,
  • Irina,
  • Tatiana,
  • Maria,
  • Miroslava.

In addition, you can rely on the Orthodox calendar when choosing a name for a girl in October.

Women's names according to the church calendar for October

Deciding on the choice of a name for a girl according to the church calendar is quite simple; it contains a large number of ancient (Slavic, Greek) names and for some of them more modern options are provided.

If you name your little princess after the calendar, the saint will be her Guardian Angel and will protect her and protect her from unfavorable events.

October 1-2

A girl born these days can be called Ariadne, Euphrosyne, Irina, Sophia or Teresa.

October 3

For a baby, the name Tatyana or Theopistia would be suitable.

The 4th of October

A very beautiful and extraordinary name Agnia.

October 6

Iraida, Polyxenia and Rebekah (or Rebecca, like the heroine of Tom Sawyer).

October 7th

The unusual name is Thekla, which means “glory of God.”

October 8

The day on which a girl can be called Euphrosyne, Laura or Theodulia.

October 10

On this day, the calendar offers a more diverse choice of names - “like an eagle” Akulina, “earth” Gayaniya, “God-given” Dorothea, “rejoicing” Epicharia, “caring” Zinaida, “well-meaning and joyful” Fevronia.

October 11

Maria and Juliana may be born.

October 12

Kazdoya and Petronius.

October 13

Gayania, Maria and Hripsimia.

October 14

Vera, Saturnina and Favstina may be born.

October 15

Aurelia, Anna, Teresa and Justina (Ustinya).

October 16

The newborn daughter can be called Theodosia or Jadwiga.

17 October

Virinea (Veronica), Damara (Tamara), Jonah, Callisthenia and Proscudia.

October 18

The daughter can be named Jonah.

October 19

The name of this day is Laura.

The 20th of October

Adelina, Alina or Pelageya.

October 21

Pelagia, Petronia, Taisia ​​and Ursula are born.

22 of October


October 23

Eulampia and Mina.

October 24

Quiz and Zinaida.

the 25th of October

You can choose the following names - Anfia and Domnika.

October 26

Zlata, Khrisiya.

27th October


28 of October

In the last days of October, girls can be called Viola (10.29), Hosea (10.30), Zlata (10.31).

We hope, dear parents, that you will take the recommendations from Its Kids as recommendations, and not as instructions for exact execution.

Choosing a name according to the horoscope

In addition to the church calendar, many parents use a horoscope and numerology when choosing a name for their newborn daughter. You need to understand that each name has its own origin and carries a certain meaning for its bearer.

For example, the name Veronica means “victor,” Maria means “mistress,” and Zinaida translates as “caring.”

Two zodiac signs fall in October - Libra (October 1-23) and Scorpio (October 24-31). Some people believe that the name and zodiac sign should also go together. A correctly chosen name, suitable for Libra or Scorpio, can contribute to the harmonious development of the child’s personality and successfully realize himself in life.

Libra Girl

The child is so distinguished by his charm and good nature that he would rather hurt himself than his loved ones. She is very trusting and some can use this to their advantage.

Therefore, it is important to correct these qualities with a suitable name that will bring its own energy.

Suitable names for a Libra girl are Angela, Bella, Daria, Elena, Sofia, Svetlana, Elvira, Yulia.

Scorpio Girl

Quite secretive, freedom-loving and somewhat aggressive, therefore she often reacts painfully to critical remarks addressed to her and in exceptional cases can flare up.

For a Scorpio girl, it is preferable to choose the following names - Anastasia, Varvara, Maria, Emma, ​​Dora, Stella. They are considered the best for this sign.

There is a separate article on the site for these same signs.


Choosing a name for a daughter born in October is a pleasant and important procedure that allows future parents of a little creature to dream up their imaginations, search for the necessary information and decide on the best name for their child.

Some mothers do this, relying on internal sensations - at the call of their hearts. In any case, whatever you name your October baby girl is entirely your choice. We hope that our article has explained which October women's names are the best and luckiest, and you have already made your choice.