How much alcoholic beverages can be carried in airplane luggage? Limits for transporting alcohol in luggage, how much and what kind of alcohol you can take on the plane

Foreign countries and cities attract tourists not only with their ancient architecture and stunning landscapes - people tend to bring home souvenirs, rare exotic goods and, of course, alcohol from their travels. As a result, many travelers are puzzled - is it possible to carry alcohol in luggage on an airplane, in what quantities and are there any special conditions for transportation?

For those who are going to take strong drinks with them, it is important to know the rules and regulations for transporting alcohol, in particular, to know how much alcohol can be carried on the plane in luggage, so as not to end up in an unpleasant situation. If you violate these rules, you will be subject to forced confiscation of drinks, a fine, or even removal from the flight.

Permitted limit for transporting alcohol in the Russian Federation

Within Russia, the transportation of alcoholic beverages in airplane luggage is permitted, subject to several rules:

  1. Alcohol with a strength of up to 24 degrees can be transported in any volume if you are over 21 years old.
  2. Alcohol with a strength of 24 to 70 degrees is allowed to be transported in limited quantities - no more than 5 liters per passenger.
  3. Transporting alcohol stronger than 70 degrees is prohibited under any pretext.

There are also regulations for the import of alcohol into Russia from abroad. You will be able to bring no more than 2 liters of alcohol with a strength of up to 70 degrees into Russian territory. If you pay the fee voluntarily, you are allowed to carry an additional 3 liters of alcohol. Only 1 liter of alcohol above 22 degrees and 2 liters of less strong drinks can be exported abroad to Russia.

Norms for transporting alcohol to other countries

The rules for transporting strong drinks on foreign flights depend on the customs regulations adopted in a particular country. In the European Union, airline passengers can carry in their luggage one type of alcoholic beverages, presented in the list below:

  • One bottle of any alcoholic drink of any strength;
  • Drinks with a strength of up to 22 degrees – up to 2 liters;
  • Wine drinks – up to 4 liters;
  • Beer drinks – up to 16 liters.

If you are bringing alcohol from another country and you have a layover in an EU country, the liquid will be subject to confiscation. There are a number of countries in which the import of alcoholic beverages is strictly prohibited - among them the UAE, Saudi Arabia and the Maldives. Therefore, before your flight, you should familiarize yourself with the rules for importing alcoholic beverages into a particular country.

Alcohol in hand luggage

Travelers take alcoholic beverages with them to the cabin for various reasons. Some people believe that transporting alcohol in luggage carries certain risks - as you know, suitcases at airports are handled carelessly and bottles can break. If no damage is found on the suitcase itself, no one will reimburse the amount of the damaged goods. Some people believe that drinking alcohol on a plane will help cope with fear and pass the time. In any case, you need to know the norms and permitted volumes of transported liquids.

Aeroflot allows you to carry alcoholic beverages weighing no more than 100 g in your hand luggage in original packaging, sealed in a plastic bag with a zipper. The integrity of the packaging will be checked before departure. However, purchasing and drinking alcohol sold on board the aircraft is not prohibited.

Rules for transporting duty-free alcohol in luggage

Duty-free shops located at airports attract tourists with their low prices and a huge range of various goods, including alcoholic beverages. Alcohol from customs-free stores is transported according to “special” rules.

A special joy for travelers is that generally accepted restrictions do not apply to the transport of alcohol purchased at duty-free. You can carry any alcohol in any quantity, both in airplane luggage and in the cabin.

The main thing to remember is that purchased drinks must be packaged in branded bags and that you should not print this packaging until the end of the flight.

You may encounter restrictions on the transport of duty-free alcohol on flights of American air carriers. US airlines only allow bottles that were purchased on their territory at local airports to be carried in hand luggage. There are no restrictions on carrying strong drinks in luggage. If a passenger has a transfer in one of the EU countries, duty-free alcohol purchased in a non-Schengen country will still have to be carried in luggage.

Air carriers often set their own standards for transporting alcoholic beverages. In order to save your nerves and time, it is worth studying the set of rules before taking alcohol with you. Airlines provide all the necessary information on their official websites.

Alcohol is taken on board as a gift, souvenir or for personal use. Its use before departure, during and after landing is a hot topic for many travelers. To make the process itself more enjoyable and minimize negative consequences, standards have been developed. They regulate the criteria for transporting strong drinks in the air.

By adhering to these rules, passengers save money, effort, time and can safely transport alcohol on the plane.

Liquor on board

Is it possible to legally and safely carry alcohol on a plane? And how exactly to do this? It is very simple if you know the current regulations and follow them. If you are planning a trip with the help of a travel agency, it is recommended to clarify the rules for transporting alcohol with the operators. They have information on this issue and will help quickly resolve any doubts that may arise.

Note! If the trip is organized at your own peril and risk, you will have to understand the topic yourself. Thanks to the openness and accessibility of this information, collecting it will not be so difficult.

Let's figure out how to carry strong drinks in airplane luggage. The criteria are simple and set:

  • the airline that owns the aircraft;
  • legislation of the country on whose territory the aircraft lands.

Before departure, it is advisable to carefully read the requirements for how much alcohol you can have on board for a particular air carrier and in the country of destination. For example, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait completely prohibit the import of such drinks within their borders. And the United States allows you to freely take with you up to 1 liter of strong alcohol, which can be carried in a suitcase, but exceeding this limit is subject to tax and duty.

To avoid unnecessary troubles at the airport or on board a plane, the following key points are highlighted:

  • Bottles of alcohol must be in their original, unopened packaging. Bottles of alcohol must be in appropriate packaging, which indicates the volume of the drink. Depending on them, it is determined how many liters are allowed for transportation in luggage;
  • Airlines do not take responsibility for the safety of packaging when transporting baggage, so passengers must take care of this themselves;
  • Transportation of alcohol that does not comply with the standards is subject to confiscation at the moment the violation is discovered. The offending passenger is forced to pay a fine.

Amount of alcohol in luggage

Traveling in the company of a couple of bottles of expensive wine or your favorite beer is pleasant, but risky. To transport alcohol safely, it must be properly packaged and handled. If you leave bottles inside your checked baggage, the number of liters of alcohol allowed will depend on the speed.

Strong drinks are divided into three categories. To determine how much alcohol can be carried on an airplane, the regulations of the destination country are taken into account. In most states they are:

  • Passengers are allowed to take less than 24% strength (beer, wine) with them for their own needs in sufficient quantities (2-3 liters), but not in bulk;
  • from 24% to 70% (vodka, cognac) – the maximum volume is set at 1-2 liters;
  • more than 70% - alcohol above this mark is not allowed in either checked or hand luggage.

Restrictions on international flights are determined directly by the strictness of the rules of a particular state. And also the norms of this carrier company. For example, in the Russian Federation, domestic flights are limited to 5 liters of alcoholic beverages over 24%. Bottles with alcoholic contents of lower turnover are acceptable in larger volumes. The main thing is that they are intended for personal use and fit into travel suitcases.

How to pack bottles

No one wants to see wine-soaked items or glass shards from bottles when they open their suitcase after a flight. Carrying drinks is an activity fraught with many dangers. Luggage can be damaged, dropped, or flooded. It is impossible to foresee all cases. But everyone has the opportunity to take care of the liquid contents of their bottles in advance.

Safe transportation of goods consists of packaging using special bags or bubble wrap. Then the alcohol is covered with things in the middle of the suitcase. Preferably, away from its hard walls and from heavy objects that can hit or damage the glass. Such packages are sold directly at airport terminals if you were unable to purchase them in advance.

Additional Information. Many brands have long realized the need not only to sell their product beautifully, but also to have it packaged and reliably protected, in particular when traveling with alcohol on an airplane. Almost all companies that produce alcohol have bubble wrap.

There are special bags with liquid-absorbing material inside, similar in principle to baby diapers. Even if the integrity of the bottle is accidentally damaged, alcohol will not spread in the luggage of the plane and will not spill over other things.

Typically, companies care about the container as carefully as they care about its filling. That’s why they choose strong, thick glass for bottles. Transporting alcohol is a troublesome undertaking. Once broken, it will leak irretrievably, or it will not only leak, but also ruin things in your luggage. Also, the container can crumble into fragments, which can easily cause injury. To prevent this from happening, strong bags have been created that are difficult to break even with a large amount of broken glass.

There are special waterproof bags of different sizes (from 10 to 55 liters), designed for significant volumes of transported liquids. This option will be practical for passengers concerned about how to carry alcohol, but may not appeal to airport screeners. Therefore, it is possible to lose part of the hop cargo, or you will have to pay a significant duty.

Information about the permissible weight and quality of intoxicating drinks will help you avoid troubles when planting.

Liquor from Duty Free

Having passed customs control and having enough time before departure, many passengers head to the duty-free port of Duty Free. The stores delight you with their low prices for high-quality and even luxury goods. In particular, for drinks containing alcohol. They are bought profitably in such stores and immediately packaged in a special bag.

Travelers note that the lowest prices for drinks are set in stores in the Caribbean and Virgin Islands, in Puerto Rico. In Shanghai and London there is a wide range of rare alcohol - they sell wine of unique, collectible brands and varieties.

Important! Passengers can carry any volume of alcohol purchased at Duty Free as long as its weight complies with the weight limits for hand luggage. They are installed by the airline. Typically, the norms vary from 5 to 15 kg of baggage per person, depending on the fare and class of flight. If the weight is more than the permissible mark, you will have to pay extra.

Duty Free shops operate at every international airport. Therefore, it is best to purchase cheap alcohol in a tax-free zone before your final flight to your destination. There is no need to buy alcohol in large quantities if there are still several connections or transfers ahead with many hours of waiting.

Passengers are expected to carry bottles purchased at Duty Free in their hand luggage on the plane, but not to consume them during the flight. But in practice this rule is often circumvented. Despite the fact that the crew has the right to take away such alcohol from passengers, it is disguised, smuggled in and consumed, creating a danger for the flight as a whole and for themselves.

If a person, after drinking alcohol, behaves calmly and does not break the rules, the flight attendants will not make any claims against him. But rowdy travelers risk being punished: they lose the purchased supplies. They are prohibited from consuming any alcohol until the end of the flight. There are frequent cases of particularly violent passengers being removed from a flight and handed over to the police.

Drinking alcohol in flight

Often a couple of sips of strong drink is the only thing that morally supports the spirit of a tired traveler on the way home. Especially when he is sandwiched on both sides in a cramped economy class with other fellow travelers. Not everyone can withstand a long journey in such company.

This may be why flight attendants on some airlines offer drinks during the flight. Only the service crew has the right to deliver alcohol to passengers. According to the instructions, they refuse the person, doubting whether he or she can drink alcohol. This happens when he is intoxicated, behaves aggressively and threatens the peace of others.

Note! Persons under 21 years of age may be legally denied alcohol. Some companies have lowered the acceptable age to 18 years. The offered selection in the bar will not please you with variety and exclusivity both when flying in Russia and abroad, but it will help you relax and pass the time.

Airlines allow alcohol in carry-on luggage if purchased outside the airport, but only in prepackaged form. Miniature 100 ml bottles like travel shampoo or cream - this is the limit that a passenger can take directly on board the plane. Depending on local regulations, from 3 to 10 of these bottles are allowed.

The rest of the drinks will have to be packed in a suitcase. Passengers often complain: “I drink to my health on holidays. I'm bringing bottles as gifts for my family. Will they really not allow you to board?” or “I drink in moderation and I know my limits. I don't suffer from alcoholism. Why don’t they give me a drink?”

By starting to drink their own drinks on the plane, even legally purchased and carried ones, travelers risk being left without them ahead of schedule. In exchange, the crew will offer to use the bar.

Important! Depending on the carrier, the cost of drinks may be included in the ticket price or paid separately. Some companies establish a dry law on board and ensure that all passengers strictly adhere to it.

Naturally, the crew of any aircraft themselves under no circumstances have the right to drink alcohol, either before takeoff or during the flight. One of its tasks is to prevent alcohol abuse among passengers. Therefore, it is recommended to think several times about whether it is possible to smuggle alcohol secretly.

Often people are not able to adequately assess how much they drink or stop in time while control is still maintained. Therefore, the legal right to distribute alcohol during the flight belongs to the airliner personnel. They are also responsible for the safety of all passengers and the aircraft as a whole, and therefore have the authority to prohibit dangerous or illegal activities by anyone while on board.

Additional Information. The low air pressure inside an airliner quickly thins the blood. This means that the effect of drinking alcohol will appear faster and stronger. Intoxication will occur from a dose that, under normal conditions, would seem minimal to a person.

The enclosed space on board and the lack of fresh air only contribute to prolonging the effect of intoxicating drinks. Oxygen enters the brain in a limited volume, increasing and intensifying the feeling of euphoria after consumption.

The rules for domestic flights in force in the Russian Federation are sensitive to the transport of alcohol. If the strength and total volume of drinks correspond to them, then passengers will not have problems either carrying them in their luggage or drinking alcohol on board the plane. When returning home from a trip to Russia, there is a restriction on the free import of strong drinks of any strength - up to 3 liters. For the rest you will have to pay extra customs duty.


When planning a trip abroad, you should think in advance where it is best to buy, how to pack and transport alcohol on the plane. As a result, consumption will occur with fewer negative consequences for health and the body as a whole.

Is it possible to bring alcohol on a plane? Are there any standards? And where should I put it, in my luggage or hand luggage? We will try to answer these and many other questions related to the transportation of alcoholic beverages in this article.

As we already know, all the things you take with you can be divided into checked luggage and hand luggage.

Alcohol in hand luggage

There are very strict restrictions on liquids in hand luggage. You can carry no more than 1 liter of liquid, and each product must be in a container with a volume of no more than 100 ml.

Thus, you can only take souvenir bottles of alcohol or a small flask in your hand luggage. Please note that its volume (namely the flask, not the liquid in it) is no more than 100 ml.

The only exception is alcohol purchased in Duty Free.

Alcohol from Duty Free

If you are flying a direct flight and the customs regulations of the country you are traveling to allow the import of alcohol, you can purchase alcoholic beverages from duty-free shops before boarding and take them with you into the cabin.

Please note that before arriving at your destination, you must not tamper with the integrity of the package in which you received alcohol at Duty Free.

If the flight involves a transfer, then whether you can take alcohol or any other liquid with you depends on where you are flying from and to.

Carrying alcohol in luggage

Since we cannot take a bottle of our favorite whiskey or wine with us in our hand luggage, the only chance to carry it is to put it in our luggage.

All airlines around the world have the following rules for transporting alcohol in baggage:

  • Alcohol up to 24% alcohol - no restrictions.
  • Alcohol with a strength from 24% to 70% - no more than 5 liters per person.
  • Carrying alcohol with a strength of more than 70% is prohibited.

Most airlines require that alcohol be packaged in a retail container (i.e. a bottle with a label).

Please note that these restrictions apply only to the rules for transporting alcohol on board the aircraft; if the customs rules of the destination country imply lower standards, then you must be guided by them.

Import of alcohol to Russia

You can freely import up to 3 liters of alcohol into the territory of Russia and the Customs Union for each passenger over 18 years of age.

The maximum volume of alcohol should not exceed 5 liters per person.

For example, you can import 3 liters of wine without any problems. If you are carrying 4 or 5 liters, then you will carry 3 liters duty free, and you will have to pay for the 4th or 5th liter. The import of alcohol of more than 5 liters by individuals is prohibited.

Importing alcohol into Europe

You can bring into the territory of the European Union:

  • 1 liter of alcohol over 22% alcohol per person, or
  • 2 liters of alcohol up to 22% alcohol, or
  • 4 liters of still wine
  • 16 liters of beer.

Importing alcohol into the USA

According to federal law, you can bring 1 liter of alcohol duty-free into the United States for each passenger over 21 years of age.

The import of alcohol to persons under 21 years of age is prohibited.

Keep in mind that if the state you are flying into has stricter laws, those rules will apply.

If you plan to transport more than 1 liter, you must pay a fee. There is no maximum limit on the amount of alcohol per person, but if you are carrying too much, the customs service may have additional questions for you.

Import of alcohol to popular resorts

  • Türkiye – 1 liter of strong alcohol or 2 bottles of wine, 700 ml each. each.
  • Egypt – 1 liter
  • Thailand – 1 liter
  • Tunisia – 1 bottle
  • Cyprus – 1 liter of alcohol with a strength of more than 22%, OR 2 liters of alcohol with a strength of up to 22% (liqueur, sparkling wine, etc.), + 4 liters of wine, + up to 16 liters of beer.
  1. Abu Dhabi and Fujairah: 4 liters for any non-Muslim passenger
  2. Dubai: 4 liters
  3. Sharjah: 2 liters

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25 Nov 2013 Anna Komok Tags:

Usually, as soon as the plane taxis to the runway, the smell of alcohol clearly begins to be felt in the cabin: these are the most nervous or cheerful of our compatriots clapping “on the road.” On takeoff, they roll up “in the stirrups”, and when the ship’s commander asks to unfasten the seat belts, they follow “uphill”. Further, as they say, with all the stops. However, only a few people get seriously drunk, but most passengers still limit themselves to the drinks that the flight attendant pours. Experienced travelers, by the way, have noticed that lately the “spill” on board has become more limited, and is even not included at all in the mandatory package of services provided on the plane. Why is that?

Regular respect

Passengers on regular flights can fly safely: they are still serving food here. For example, at Aeroflot they give out limited doses of strong and not very alcoholic drinks. For first and business class this is 250 ml of any alcohol (including champagne, cognac, vodka) + 2 small bottles from the minibar (whiskey, gin, martini, liqueur, etc.). If the flight is long and includes repeated refills, “important” passengers are entitled to an additional dessert: 50 ml of liqueur or cognac with a snack in the form of a cake.

In economy class everything is more modest. 1 can of beer (0.33) or mini-bottle (0.187) of dry white or red wine is offered. Moreover, personal bottles are issued on prestigious flights (for example, to Europe), but on simpler routes (domestic in Russia) they are apparently on tap at the rate of only 100 ml per nose.

However, this modest dose is not always included, but only with a full hot meal, which is indicated on the ticket by the abbreviation NM. On night and early flights (before 9:00) a “reduced” ration without alcohol is served. Still, this is not the time for drinking.

Airlines strive to offer drinks from national winemakers on board - this is not only patriotic, but also cheap. Our carriers have a special affection for Moldovan Cabernet and Sauvignon. Therefore, there is a big difference whether you fly to Italy with Aeroflot or Al Italia.

Dry charters

But on charter routes, there has recently been a tendency not to pour. Why? It’s just that the flight organizers, in a painful struggle for the client, are trying to reduce the cost of transportation and save on everything they can, including on alcohol. At the same time, the absence of alcohol is not necessarily the fault of the airline. The customers of charters are tour operators who form the entire trip program, and therefore determine the range of services, including on board.

“It is understood that charters are initially designed for clients who prefer to save money. And if a company includes the price of a flight at the lowest possible price, then it has a choice - to offer people alcohol plus a modest lunch or richer meals, but without booze. As a rule, we we choose the latter,” explains Galina Gorshkova, who oversees transportation issues for the tour operator company IntAer.

At first glance, it seems that the savings are negligible, because for lunch they offer inexpensive wines and beer of domestic production, which are also purchased at wholesale prices. This increases the cost of an air ticket... by less than half a dollar. But equipping an entire plane with alcohol already costs $100-200, and the company has neither 10 nor 20 such planes per season. Olga Sorokina, head of flight attendant service at Atlant-Soyuz Airlines, claims that the average cost of food and service on board is ( including dishes, napkins, etc.) is $4, and “an increase in this amount by half a dollar - in terms of large volumes of transportation - results in an impressive amount.”

For particularly nervous people, we advise you to drink a glass of wine before takeoff, or even better, 50 ml of any strong drink as a sedative (but no more, no more!). Aesculapians claim that alcohol dilates blood vessels, lowers blood pressure, inhibits nervous reactions and helps to gain an optimistic outlook on life. The only problem is that drinks on boarding the plane are offered only to first class passengers (the so-called welkome-drink). In economy class, the request to “pour it immediately” is unlikely to be respected. But don’t be upset: knowledgeable people say that the more you take, the more nauseous you will feel during the descent.

Yes, it is also worth recalling that according to industry standards, on short routes (for example, to Varna) they do not provide hot meals at all, which would include a glass of alcohol - instead they offer a lunch box with cold snacks and coffee. An exception can be made on an individual basis if the client pays for “enhanced” meals (and drinks). Ordering a special diet will increase the cost of the ticket by about $10, which makes me wonder: wouldn’t it be easier to take a bottle with you?

Take her!

Yes, of course, the simplest workaround for “prohibition” on an airplane is to stock up at duty-free and skip a small one at your own expense. But here’s a paradox: according to the rules of conduct on board, passengers should not drink drinks they brought with them. Strictly speaking, bottles purchased at duty free can only be opened and drunk off the plane. And the steward has the right to prohibit you from using it during the flight. Imagine!

However, in practice this rule only applies when the passenger is drunk and aggressive. In this case, the troublemaker may even be denied the sale of alcohol in the “on-board store.” And if you are quietly sipping a collection of cognac, without pinching young ladies or threatening your flight safety, don’t worry: you won’t be disturbed. Especially if you are, say, a first class client and refuse the offered drinks, because in your life you drink exclusively Veuve Clicquot, a bottle of which you prudently took with you. Can you forbid living beautifully?

If the drink you brought with you has run out and the flight attendant refuses a glass of wine, you can turn to duty-free services on board. The assortment of alcohol in the “magic trolley” is standard; only the number of trolleys themselves varies depending on the size of the aircraft and the flight distance (for example, three such trays are loaded on an Il-86 flying to Larnaca, and five on a flight to Bangkok). Guess which drinks are the most popular? Of course, you're right: whiskey and Baileys liqueur.

When children are happy

If you expect to have not one, but two or three glasses on the plane, you can identify your non-drinking fellow travelers in advance and ask them to take alcohol for you, just do not encourage school-age children to do this. By the way, the more children there are on the flight, the more likely it is to get a refill from the unspent, because the catering department loads the same amount of alcohol every time, without looking at the passport details of the passengers. You can also, without letting go of the steward, immediately pour yourself a double quantity - what if it’s not enough? True, in crowded conditions it is terribly uncomfortable to sit surrounded by plastic cups that are threatening to fall and spill.

Strong supplement

Alcohol is loaded on board in quantities corresponding to the number of seats on the plane. However, an addition to the diet is possible - due to the fact that someone prefers beer to wine and vice versa. And since only 50-70% of passengers drink alcohol, those who want an extra glass are usually not denied. It’s easier to get it in cases where the wine is on tap, because flight attendants don’t need to leave open, unfinished bottles (but you can save the portioned ones!). They usually offer you a drink twice - first as an aperitif, and then, if there is something left, then after the meal. You can, of course, “repeat” in first class, although more than 250 ml of strong drinks for the body, you understand, is not at all healthy.

“When a steward is asked for a refill, he must assess the passenger’s condition. If he is incapacitated, he should be refused - but always in the correct form. For example, you can say that all the alcohol on board is gone and offer juice in return,” these are the instructions , according to the head of Aeroflot’s technical department, Yuri Korsakov, its employees receive it.

If a person “stands on his feet” (or at least sits confidently in a chair), he is not in danger of being rejected. Here's what one of the flight attendants says: “I will never refuse a normal person. My colleagues and I pour it while we have it - sometimes there’s just nothing left. How can you refuse an extra 200 ml of wine to a passenger when he paid even 200 bucks for a ticket? "I even got caught with deductions a couple of times (this is when a steward is forced to pay out of his own pocket for overconsumption of alcohol), but I always defended my point of view. To be honest, I've seen these standards!"

We will end on this optimistic note. Let's just say that on New Year's flights all airlines offer passengers champagne, and free of charge. To your health!

Alina Gordeeva
CHUK and GEK / December / 2003

During the busy holiday season (and, in fact, not only), many are interested in issues related to transporting and drinking alcohol on board an airplane. These questions are extremely diverse. From the general ones, from the series: “Is it possible to carry alcohol on a plane?” to more specific ones, like: “how much alcohol can you take on a plane?” or really tricky ones, for example: “how much alcohol can you buy in duty free?”

In this article we will try to give you the most comprehensive answers to these and other questions related to alcohol and aviation topics.

Is it possible to take alcohol on a plane?

Of course. Only in this case you need to follow the rules and regulations for transporting alcohol on an airplane.

How many liters of alcohol can you carry on a plane?

If we are talking about whether it is possible to carry alcohol in airplane luggage (we will talk about hand luggage separately), then in this case there are a number of generally accepted rules. Thus, the volume of drinks whose strength does not exceed 24 degrees is limited only by the general regulation of the weight of luggage. That is, if, according to the airline’s rules, you can carry up to 40 kg per person in the luggage compartment, then all this cargo may consist of, say, the corresponding amount of bottled port wine (of course, taking into account the weight of the glass container itself).

In the case of drinks with a strength from 24 to 70 degrees, each adult passenger can carry up to 5 liters of alcohol in their luggage. The transportation of substances exceeding the 70-degree strength in strength is strictly prohibited.

However, attention!

All these rather liberal rules for transporting alcohol on an airplane are, in fact, only relevant for domestic flights. In the case of international flights, the first fiddle is played by the rules adopted for the export and import of alcohol in a particular country (you can find them out from your travel agency, airline or the information service of the embassy of the state you are interested in).

For example, from Ukraine you can only export one liter of strong alcohol per adult traveler (although if a person has not reached the age of 21, then upon arriving in the USA or, say, the UK, he will no longer be considered as such). Duty-free import of alcohol into Russia applies to 3 liters of alcohol per person (plus another 7 liters with the payment of various duties and fees). In the USA you can bring only 1 liter of alcohol duty free; but if all due fees are paid, the amount of imported alcohol is not limited. The import of strong drinks to Egypt and Thailand is limited to one liter, to Turkey - to a liter of strong alcohol or 1.4 liters of wine; In some of the administrative-territorial units of the UAE, only non-Muslims can import alcohol, and the import of alcohol into Saudi Arabia is generally prohibited.

How to pack alcohol in luggage on a plane

In addition to the fact that each bottle must be individually wrapped to avoid damage to the dishes on board, there is another important rule. To avoid any problems during baggage inspection, the alcohol you carry must be in its original packaging. That is, in bottles from the direct manufacturer with proper labels, markings and excise taxes.

Alcohol in hand luggage on a plane

To begin with, you can carry only a liter of any liquid through the security screening of any airport; including alcohol. At the same time, the transported liquid must be in bottles whose volume does not exceed 100 ml. Each carefully sealed container must be placed in a separate transparent zip-lock bag. In this situation, it is convenient to transport anything, just not alcohol.

Fortunately, there is a life-saving duty free, where after going through security you can buy various alcoholic drinks. The main thing is that their weight does not exceed the limit set by your airline for hand luggage, and the volume complies with the regulations of the country to which you are traveling. Although, there are several additional nuances here too.

So, if the store packaging of purchased drinks is damaged during travel, then after landing you may have troubles from the airline. If you have to use the services of American air carriers, keep in mind that you will only be able to bring on board alcohol purchased in duty-free stores located at US airports. And finally, if you are flying in transit through Schengen, then during the transfer you will definitely be required to place drinks purchased at the airport of a country outside the Schengen zone in your luggage.

Any doctor who is bound by professional ethics will tell you that it is better not to drink alcoholic beverages at all on board an airliner. Then, seeing your distressed face, he will graciously add that you can afford some light beer or red wine.

We don’t see anything wrong with drinking any strong drinks during air travel (of course, unless you have serious medical contraindications, for example, related to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or cardiovascular system). The main thing to remember is that at an altitude of more than three kilometers, the intensity of the effects of alcohol on the body almost triples. Therefore, as you begin to celebrate the start of your journey, do not forget that you should limit yourself to a third of your usual norm (which, we hope, you know very well).

Is it possible to drink your own alcohol in the cabin of the plane?

Well, what can we say... The vast majority of airlines, guided by commercial considerations and safety standards, categorically prohibit passengers from consuming their own alcoholic supplies on board. In particular, discovering broken packaging of a duty free drink when leaving the plane can cost you a hefty fine.

However, based on our own experience, we can add that if you buy a small bottle of this or that alcoholic drink on board, and then add a couple of the same copies, bought ahead of time in duty free, then nothing bad should happen. The main thing is not to forget about the peculiarities of the effects of alcohol in the air, and also to keep in mind that an overindulgent airline passenger is a very unappetizing and often unsafe phenomenon.