Alexey Serebryakov drinks vodka, fragment from the film. Alexey Serebryakov: “People who don’t drink make me feel distrustful”

The former famous, now former Russian actor Alexei Serebryakov, together with his family, for GODEP cookies and Canadian promises, left the country that raised him, one might say breastfed him, put him on his feet and brought him to celebrity (former, of course, already celebrities). A country that has hero actors who are ready to shoot at fascists will not even notice the loss of such scum as Serebryakov!

The star of the cult TV series who has disappeared forever Gangster Petersburg", 50-year-old Alexey Serebryakov left his motherland forever. One of the traitors of the “Fifth Column” obtained Canadian citizenship and renounced the homeland of Pushkin, Lenin, Stalin, and what can I say, the homeland of Putin and Zhirinovsky. Now he will appear in Russia only for filming, while applying for a work visa.

As the “five-column” Alexey himself says, there are many things that don’t suit him in Mother Russia.
“They often say in Russia that smiles in Western countries are artificial. But for me, artificial smiles are better than sincere anger. We have an absolutely slave psychology! And democracy is responsibility. At best, the people delegate someone to power. Like, we chose you - you are responsible for everything, solve our problems!
Democracy is making a decision based on knowledge, a clear understanding of what you are choosing between. But I personally don’t see today a general desire of people to educate themselves, develop, improve their skills, work and, in the end, bear responsibility - including for the country, for the government. And those who want are a drop in the bucket."
, - Alexey said in his recent interview, commenting on his decision.

The question is, who brought such an infection, such rot into the brains of a former worthy Russian? Who could convince him that Russia and the Russians are evil? Of course, representatives of the Ukrainian junta, representatives of the fascist people.

Serebryakov also added that he dreams of his children growing up in a world where knowledge and hard work are valued, where “it is not necessary to push elbows, be rude, be aggressive and be afraid of people.” Of course, Serebryakov had in mind his former homeland, a country where every person is free from birth until the most holy rite of burial.

Russians, of course, understand and regret that Serebryakov’s children will hate their father and mother because they deprived them of their Orthodox homeland and the Russian world, deprived them not only of the opportunity to lay their cheeks on the bricks of the Kremlin, but also to feel the common bonds, like for the last homeless person , and for the greatest in all the years of civilization on Earth - the president.
Do you agree with Alexey Serebryakov?

Alexey Serebryakov: “I drank vodka for 2.5 months. This is a challenge. And my wife, who persuaded me to star in this film, already regretted that she insisted so much.”

On January 11, Andrei Zvyagintsev’s new film “Leviathan” won the Golden Globe as best film in a foreign language. Zvyagintsev received his first prize “For Best Screenplay” in May last year at the 67th Cannes International Film Festival. And on January 15, it became known that “Leviathan” was nominated for an Oscar.

The film is being widely released in more than 50 countries, but few people have seen it in Russia yet. However, only the lazy did not throw mud - in the best traditions of the old Soviet joke: “I haven’t read Pasternak, but I condemn him.” This is all due to the abundance of swear words and vodka in the film. Zvyagintsev again showed Russia not in the most favorable light: here people lie, betray, and at the same time cross themselves, drink vodka like mineral water, curse dirty, and there is no light or hope. Pitchless hopelessness... Our correspondent managed to ask Andrey several questions.

– I heard that Russian viewers will see “Leviathan” in an abridged form. Is it possible to remove swearing from the film?

– What should I answer?! The man has a tongue, but he was told: “Don’t say that again!” From July 1, 2014 this is prohibited! For me, this is strange. We had no intention of shocking the audience and making a picture with profanity. We just plunged into the environment in which the story was developing, and it became clear that it was difficult to do without swearing - it characterizes the characters clearly and accurately. We didn’t generously shower it in all directions, saying, “enjoy it,” no, we selected every phrase, thought about every word. I believe that the film is not guilty of this. Everything is appropriate and organic. We wrote on the poster: “Caution, profanity” and marked it “18+.” In my opinion, this is enough.

– You didn’t let the actors leave you for more than two months. Were you afraid of something?

On the set of Leviathan, Elena Lyadova and Vladimir Vdovichenkov began an affair. Photo

– The fact is that I once got badly burned with Kostya Lavronenko. I will never forget this story from the filming of the film “The Return”. Kostya played the father, was constantly with the children, when suddenly he urgently needed to leave for one day to perform some kind of performance. Perhaps it was my paranoia, but when he returned a day later, we went out to shoot a scene in a restaurant and could not film it, something was going wrong. This was a different Kostya Lavronenko. The episode never made it into the film. The performers of the main roles in “Leviathan” Lyosha Serebryakov and Lena Lyadova lived with us constantly, all 67 days, in a set house on the shore of the White Sea, even when they did not have filming days. It really helped the atmosphere. I am very grateful to the guys. Although it was not easy for them: there, in a small village, there is not even a decent catering service, there is absolutely nothing to occupy themselves with.

Andrey Zvyagintsev: “Why is everyone so outraged that people in the camera are drinking vodka”
Russian Look

– So your main leisure activity is drinking alcohol?

– Why is everyone so outraged that people in the frame drink vodka?! This also hurt the Minister of Culture. In France, for example, it is customary to drink red wine for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Yes, there are several scenes in the film where the characters drink heavily. I admit, in all the scenes with alcohol, drunken feasts, all the actors are well drunk. We compared the first and ninth takes of the scene by Anya Ukolova and Lyosha Serebryakov - heaven and earth. The same line sounds completely different. You can play a drunk very well, you can imitate plastic movements and speech, but it’s impossible to play a look. Only Roman Madyanov succeeded in this. I also offered him a drink, but he refused. All the scenes where he's drunk, he's sober as a glass. And his gaze is precise. It's incredible how he does it! Of course, I wouldn't want Russia to be associated in the West with a lot of vodka. But how else could one have escaped from the emptiness that befell the hero Alexei Serebryakov?

Roman Madyanov was the only one of the actors who was sober (he didn’t drink a drop) Photo

“Not drying out for 2.5 months is a test!”

Alexey Serebryakov, actor:

“I drank vodka for 2.5 months. This is a challenge. And my wife, who persuaded me to star in this film, already regretted that she insisted so much. I knew that Zvyagintsev was a difficult person, for whom cinema was more important than life. I'm not that much of a fan of the film process, but I'm very glad that I became a part of this film."

“We are drunks in the trash heap”

Tatyana Trubilina, head of the village of Teriberka (Murmansk region):

“I am against showing the film on big screens. From an aesthetic point of view. Our village is shown here - we are all drunks living in our own garbage dump. I don’t really know who should watch this film.”


The main character of the film, auto repair shop owner Nikolai (Alexey Serebryakov), lives with his wife Lilya (Elena Lyadova) in a small northern town. When the mayor of the city tries to demolish his house and confiscate all his property, Nikolai asks for help from his longtime friend, Moscow lawyer Dmitry Seleznev (Vladimir Vdovichenkov), who, having arrived in the city, is faced with the arbitrariness of officials and representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church.

Migulina Katerina

", which starts today on TV Center.

He has dozens of roles under his belt. And no matter what the character, getting into character is always nervous, complex, interesting. Serebryakov began acting at the age of 13, and since then he has constantly grown and developed, turning into a real master. But the actor completely disagrees with this statement.

– Alexey, what should the series be like for you to agree to participate in it?

– I should be interested in the story itself.

“Flock” – interested me. In addition, it was a pleasure to work with director Stas Mareev. And the cast was strong: Sasha Peskov, Lesha Panin, Olya Sidorova. In addition, I am always interested if the script describes the organization of the characters in their living space and indicates the relationship between them and the world around them. Whether they have a soft character or a cool one doesn’t matter, it’s just an external paint. Depth of character is important. The Flock had it all.

– And in your opinion, did this project turn out to be interesting for the audience?

- I will not lie. I have not seen the final version of The Flock. In general, I evaluate my work at the moment when I produce it. And I am quite aware of what I am participating in, and how much the outcome depends on the degree of my participation. After all, I cannot be responsible for the entire film or series, I am just an executor of someone else’s will and pronounce words written by others. I will speak for myself: in “The Flock” I fulfilled my role honestly and efficiently. I think my co-stars can say the same.

– Alexey, why do you choose extremely tough projects for yourself: “Cargo 200”, “Tin”, now “Flock”...

– Well, what kind of cinema exists today? We got what we should have gotten after 70 years of genocide by the government against its own people. While near Tambov, I learned the following story: an entrepreneur created an agricultural enterprise, but cannot find workers - either they drink, or they can start drinking any day. You can't rely on them. We had to install machines instead of people. But he could give work to the locals!.. In the 90s people were told: you are free, but you are alone. Flounder as best you can. Everyone survives alone. For the last 15 years we have been floundering. Those who managed to “catch the wave” are holding on quietly. Those who don't are lost. Those who skillfully stole became even richer.

– And how do you manage to “flounder”?

“Most often you just have to endure it.” It's stupid to endure. Looking for where it’s better, more interesting, good at 20 years old. But at 45 you have to be patient.

– You are probably very patient, have you managed to star in more than 100 films?

I honestly admit: I got into cinema by accident. If at the age of 13 I had not been invited to the television film “Eternal Call”, if by the age of 17 I had not already played six film roles, I would hardly have become an artist.

I’m also not vain or competitive. I’m handy: I’ll do the repairs, lay the tiles. In general, I like to “handicraft”. I could be a designer, an architect. Just don’t do routine work, from 9.00 to 18.00.

– And I also heard that you know how and love to sew? Quite a rare hobby for a man.

– In fact, there are a lot of male tailors. I came to this very simply. My salary was not enough to buy clothes, and I, like any young man, wanted to dress well. So I sewed for myself. It worked out well, but then money appeared, and I immediately stopped doing it.

– Did you study to be a tailor somewhere?

– I had a friend who made me the first patterns. I started working on them, and then my imagination started to come into play. He could sew any thing.

Once I sewed myself a bag specifically for going on an expedition. It had a huge number of pockets. It was convenient because I had nowhere to live in Moscow at that time and I was hanging around rented apartments and friends.

– By the way, here you are, a Muscovite. And as a teenager, who played more than one notable role in films, at the age of 17, immediately after school, we left for Syzran. Strange…

In 1981, I was invited to the Syzran Theater by its chief director as a supporting artist for 70 rubles. salaries. This was an absolutely deliberate act. I went to the province with certain illusions - to bring the reasonable, the good, the eternal. But those illusions died. The province quickly put me in my place. I worked for one season and at some point I just realized: if I don’t leave today, I’ll never leave here. And he left.

– Alexey, is it true that any VGIK graduate can offer you to star in his thesis and you will definitely meet him and see what he offers you?

- Is it true. And I think this is right, because I understand that my work will not always be in demand to the extent that it is in demand now. The audience doesn't really like older heroes. And playwrights write little for them. The plot of most works of world drama is built around the relationship of a love couple. I can't think of a single interesting play for older actors, except perhaps Oswald Zahradnik's Solo for the Chiming Clock. Therefore, I consider it necessary to get acquainted with those who are now entering the film industry. At least in order to, in difficult times, pluck up the audacity to call the director and say: “Give me two days of filming. I need money for medicine."

– How do you assess the generation of young directors?

– I don’t know all the directors. But when I meet someone, I understand that the current generation has an amazing reluctance to become involved in someone else’s life. And a complete lack of energy. Not one of them can say: “I came to the cinema to scream about what hurts me.” Nobody wants to scream.

– What fuels your creative energy – books, music, travel?

– I don’t have any special creative energy. They offer me a job, I do it. Sometimes with pleasure, sometimes with disgust, sometimes I endure, sometimes I explode. It all depends on the specific case. Yes, I work conscientiously. This is more the merit of the parents: they raised them well, so they still have a conscience.
But I can no longer be compared with a romantic young man who would like to convey the reasonable, the good, the eternal. Now for me, working in cinema is the only way to ensure the financial well-being of my family.
If I understand that the script is not talented, but I need money (this also happens), then it all depends on the price of the issue. And if I understand that money is not particularly needed now, I somehow get by and provide a living wage for my family. But I don't act in advertising.

– You are constantly on set, on the road. Does vanity interfere with creativity?

I'm not a genius! I'm just working hard. I have a large family - three children, four dogs. I needed to solve a housing problem, and I solved it. I got into debt, and now I need to get out from under this sword of Damocles...

My profession is corrupt, just like yours, and the moral problem of choice is similar. Of course, I try to choose. But here’s the paradox: I played Yegor Konchalovsky’s Chechen action movie Uzhakha (in “Antikiller-2”), Andrei Sergeevich Konchalovsky watched his son’s film and, without knowing me before, entrusted me with the role of Trigorin in “The Seagull”. And I enjoyed it for two years.

– You don’t like to talk about your personal life. Why?

– I don’t think that an artist should be personified as a person for the viewer, because this interferes with the work. It is much more difficult to be convincing in different roles later, because the viewer already has a stereotype, a certain understanding of what kind of person he is. If it becomes known that I have a large modern apartment in a new building, and a person calculates how much it costs, then it will be very difficult to convince him that I can be a homeless person on the screen.
Publicity is not inevitable for me. You can build such a structure so that your publicity is minimal. Politicians and pop stars who speak on behalf of themselves should be public. It is contraindicated for artists who have to play different roles. I wouldn’t want the audience to have any impression of me.

Andrey Shubin

A little over a month before the premiere of the second part of the film “Inhabited Island,” Rolling Stone magazine interviewed Alexey Serebryakov, who played one of the key roles in the film.

There was a whiff of something so familiar when you walked in, Alexey.
I have something like a weekend now, so I can afford to drink a little alcohol around four o’clock so that the evening passes in a pleasant atmosphere.

Do you use the same method to create a pleasant atmosphere at work?
No, I generally don’t drink while working. Because the next day it’s easy to find yourself in the most unpleasant situation of a severe hangover in fifty-degree heat. That’s why Fedya Bondarchuk doesn’t drink at work either.

Is it based on sheer enthusiasm?
And on good food. During the filming of The Inhabited Island we ate very tasty food. I don’t even know the names of the delicacies that were served to us, but they fully compensated for the lack of alcohol.

Did you feel that our film industry has stepped forward?
You see, filming “The Inhabited Island” is like the story of Columbus, who loaded people, water, food onto a ship and sailed to an unknown destination. Not knowing where he will next replenish his food supplies, what will happen during this voyage. The producers had some vague guidelines. They said: let's try ten tanks. But what will be connected with these tanks? Will they shoot? Are they needed at all? Nobody knew this.

Can this be called professionalism?
Yes, this suggests that in our industry there are people who can not only swim near the shore, but also venture into more dangerous and deeper waters.

Did you enjoy “swimming” with Bondarchuk at all? I remember you complained that they didn’t tell jokes on Balabanov’s set.
And then they talked, and laughed, and shouted, and cursed, and argued - and all in order to “discover America.” But whether it was opened or not, we’ll see. I haven't seen the film yet.

You have acted a lot before, but in recent years you have increasingly begun to appear in big box office films. Aren't you afraid that...
No, I cannot be compared with Gosha Kutsenko. (Smiles.) Of course, in the conditions of our economy, I cannot afford, like American actors, to act once a year. But I try not to bore the same target audience with my presence. Next year the film “Ivanov” based on Chekhov will be released. It can hardly be called a blockbuster. Participation in more commercially successful films allowed me to star in it. That's all. It's like a puzzle. Today I shot for girls, which means next year I can afford a different audience.

How do you evaluate the success of your films?
The viewer must evaluate it, but I don’t rely on him. Because he mostly needs what is funny, vulgar and stupid. And you can’t blame him for this, because when a person comes home from work, it’s difficult to demand that he watch Tarkovsky. I wouldn't rape him like that, it's not his fault. And I myself evaluate it this way: if I have three scripts lying around at once, it means I’m in demand.

Are they lying down now?
Not at the moment, but I have specific proposals. For spring - a film by Dunya Smirnova with a very good script, by the way. And another proposal from Yura Nifontov. Experimental work, but this is a full film. And they offer me to play no more or less than Prince Myshkin. I was very scared by this proposal - you could shit yourself from fear! But I myself cannot refuse this role. Because good words from the screen have to be uttered extremely rarely.

The actors from the infamous “Leviathan” drank for real on camera, director Andrei Zvyagintsev said in an interview.


On January 11, Andrei Zvyagintsev’s new film “Leviathan” won the Golden Globe for best foreign language film. Zvyagintsev received his first prize “For Best Screenplay” in May last year at the 67th Cannes International Film Festival. And on January 15, it became known that “Leviathan” was nominated for an Oscar.

The film is being widely released in more than 50 countries, but few people have seen it in Russia yet. However, only the lazy did not throw mud - in the best traditions of the old Soviet joke: “I haven’t read Pasternak, but I condemn him.” This is all due to the abundance of swear words and vodka in the film. Zvyagintsev again showed Russia not in the most favorable light: here people lie, betray, and at the same time cross themselves, drink vodka like mineral water, curse dirty, and there is no light or hope. Pitchless hopelessness... Our correspondent managed to ask Andrey several questions.

– I heard that Russian viewers will see “Leviathan” in an abridged form. Is it possible to remove swearing from the film?

– What should I answer?! The man has a tongue, but he was told: “Don’t say that again!” From July 1, 2014 this is prohibited! For me, this is strange. We had no intention of shocking the audience and making a picture with profanity. We just plunged into the environment in which the story was developing, and it became clear that it was difficult to do without swearing - it characterizes the characters clearly and accurately. We didn’t generously shower it in all directions, saying, “enjoy it,” no, we selected every phrase, thought about every word. I believe that the film is not guilty of this. Everything is appropriate and organic. We wrote on the poster: “Caution, profanity” and marked it “18+.” In my opinion, this is enough.

– You didn’t let the actors leave you for more than two months. Were you afraid of something?

still from the film "Leviathan" /

– The fact is that I once got badly burned with Kostya Lavronenko. I will never forget this story from the filming of the film “The Return”. Kostya played the father, was constantly with the children, when suddenly he urgently needed to leave for one day to perform some kind of performance. Perhaps it was my paranoia, but when he returned a day later, we went out to shoot a scene in a restaurant and could not film it, something was going wrong. This was a different Kostya Lavronenko. The episode never made it into the film. The performers of the main roles in “Leviathan” Lyosha Serebryakov and Lena Lyadova lived with us constantly, all 67 days, in a set house on the shore of the White Sea, even when they did not have filming days. It really helped the atmosphere. I am very grateful to the guys. Although it was not easy for them: there, in a small village, there is not even a decent catering service, there is absolutely nothing to occupy themselves with.


– So your main leisure activity is drinking alcohol?

– Why is everyone so outraged that people in the frame drink vodka?! This also hurt the Minister of Culture. In France, for example, it is customary to drink red wine for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Yes, there are several scenes in the film where the characters drink heavily. I admit, in all the scenes with alcohol, drunken feasts, all the actors are well drunk. We compared the first and ninth takes of the scene by Anya Ukolova and Lyosha Serebryakov - heaven and earth. The same line sounds completely different. You can play a drunk very well, you can imitate plastic movements and speech, but it’s impossible to play a look. Only Roman Madyanov succeeded in this. I also offered him a drink, but he refused. All the scenes where he's drunk, he's sober as a glass. And his gaze is precise. It's incredible how he does it! Of course, I wouldn't want Russia to be associated in the West with a lot of vodka. But how else could one have escaped from the emptiness that befell the hero Alexei Serebryakov?

still from the film "Leviathan" /

“Not drying out for 2.5 months is a test!”

Alexey Serebryakov, actor:

“I drank vodka for 2.5 months. This is a challenge. And my wife, who persuaded me to star in this film, already regretted that she insisted so much. I knew that Zvyagintsev was a difficult person, for whom cinema was more important than life. I'm not that much of a fan of the film process, but I'm very glad that I became a part of this film."

“We are drunks in the trash heap”

Tatyana Trubilina, head of the village of Teriberka (Murmansk region):

“I am against showing the film on big screens. From an aesthetic point of view. Our village is shown here - we are all drunks living in our own garbage dump. I don’t really know who should watch this film.”


The main character of the film, auto repair shop owner Nikolai (Alexey Serebryakov), lives with his wife Lilya (Elena Lyadova) in a small northern town. When the mayor of the city tries to demolish his house and confiscate all his property, Nikolai asks for help from his longtime friend, Moscow lawyer Dmitry Seleznev (Vladimir Vdovichenkov), who, having arrived in the city, is faced with the arbitrariness of officials and representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church.