Movements for boys dancing. Modern dances: learning to dance beautifully at home

The easiest way to relax after everyday work, relieve stress and take your mind off problems is dancing. However, many avoid it because they do not know how to dance. But don’t be afraid, because it’s very easy to learn, even at home. The main thing in club dancing is to feel the rhythm and move beautifully to it. First, practice at home, and when you are confident in yourself, feel free to go out on the dance floor.

We present to you a training video lesson on club dancing for girls. It is suitable for everyone, regardless of fitness level and age. The main thing here is the desire to learn to dance.
This lesson will help you master the basic club dance moves on your own. The choreographer will show you the simplest dance elements. You
learn to move beautifully and gracefully to club music. With a little practice, you can
feel free on any dance floor and will confidently improvise to the music in the club.

So cast aside all doubts and make up your mind. Learn club dances for girls at home. The main thing is to relax and be yourself. Turn on the video lesson, music and dance to your heart's content. You will definitely get a boost of energy and
positive emotions. Good luck!

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  • Go-go is a dance style that has become popular recently. This dance is characterized by energetic, fiery and sexy movements. Go-go classes will help you relax, take your mind off everyday problems and get charged......
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  • The ability to move beautifully and feel the music is indispensable at club parties. So before you hit the dance floor, we recommend taking a Go-Go dance lesson. This is a modern trend that has become very popular......
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You can’t force yourself to do exercises, but you want your body to be flexible and all your muscles to be toned? Then dancing to music is the activity for you! Your Izyuminka offers an original set of exercises, featuring simple dance movements from oriental dances.

Dancing is a very useful activity for the beauty and health of the body, they:

Form a beautiful gait and posture;
develop muscle flexibility and relieve tension;
strengthen internal muscles;
correct the figure and promote weight loss;
teach you to control your body;
develop coordination of movements;
relieve stress, help with depression.

In this complex, all the main muscles of the body are worked out; you do not need to do monotonous boring exercises as when doing regular gymnastics. All you need to do is turn on some nice rhythmic music and enjoy the dance movement!

First you need to do a short five-minute warm-up: make rotational movements with your head, arms, torso, pelvis, do a few bends and squats. Now that your body is warmed up, try learning some simple dance moves. It is better to perform them in front of a large mirror to check the correct execution of dance movements.

1. Belly dancing - we form the abdominal muscles.

Tuck your belly in by contracting your abdominal muscles and then relax. Breathing should not be used as a “pulling force” in this movement. Alternately tense your muscles and then relax. Achieve aerobatics - pick up and relax your stomach at a fast pace. Start with 3-5 minutes and then, when you are already good at it, increase belly dancing to 10 minutes.

2. We work the hips and buttocks.

Feet shoulder-width apart, arms relaxed. “Draw” a figure eight with your hips, first 8 times in one direction, and then 8 times in the other direction. Then slowly lower yourself down, doing four figure eights, and then slowly rise up, doing four more figure eights. Lower yourself and rise up 4 times. In order to better concentrate your attention on the movement of the hips, it is better to place the palms of your hands on the back of your head (but not necessarily).

3. We work the upper body - shoulders.

Standing straight, with your feet shoulder-width apart, bend your left leg slightly, and at this time move your pelvis to the right and move your right shoulder back a couple of times. Now bend your right leg, the pelvis moves to the left, and the left shoulder makes a circular movement back - 2 times. Do 10 backward shoulder movements along with dance movements with your legs, and then 10 forward shoulder movements. Then do the same movements with your legs and pelvis, and make circular movements forward with both shoulders - 10 movements and then the same amount with your shoulders back.

4. We work the hips.

All dance movements are easy to repeat; you can perform them yourself by carefully following the movement. The simplest dance movement of the hips is alternately raising one or the other hip up.

Now stand sideways to the mirror and move your pelvis, moving it forward as much as possible and then back.

Try a slightly different hip movement, rotating your hips and pelvis to the left and then to the right. The main thing to watch out for when performing this dance movement is that the upper body remains motionless. You're doing well, let's continue. In order to perform the next dance movement, you need to place your foot slightly forward on your toes and move your hips up and down, extending and bending your leg.

Once you learn how to perform simple hip movements, you can try more labor-intensive ones, while simultaneously lowering your torso. Just keep in mind that this type of dance movement takes more energy, so at first do as many movements as you can do. After all, the most important thing is to get pleasant fatigue and a good mood.

5. We work the neck muscles.

Stand up straight, also keep your head straight in front of you, start moving your head left and right, while making sure that it does not tilt! Now stretch your nose forward, making sure that your head does not tilt! And then the back of my head back. At the same time, your shoulders remain motionless, only your head works: make 10 movements left and right and the same number of movements back and forth. The most important thing in this movement is that the head is straight, not tilted, but “walks” left and right and back and forth. This movement strengthens the neck muscles and helps heal cervical osteochondrosis, which affects many who spend long periods of time sitting at the computer. In this case, be sure to include head movements in your dance routine.

6. We work out the calves.

Now stretch out and learn a few simple dance steps. Stand up straight, cross your legs in front of you and, changing the leg in front, take dance steps with your feet, your arms can be kept out to the sides, or they can be in a free position. Repeat the dance movement 10-15 times.
And we do the second dance movement for the calves in the same starting position, only you need to perform a crossing movement with your legs moving from side to side. Repeat the dance movement 10-15 times.

Your Zest hopes that these simple dance movements will not be difficult for you to repeat and you will fall in love with dancing in the oriental style. Let dancing classes bring you light, pleasant fatigue, charge you with energy for the whole day in the morning, give you a lot of positive emotions and a good mood!

Your Izyuminka also offers you to watch simple dance movements in the video, which presents oriental dances for beginners. Enjoy your viewing.

Video No. 1. Oriental dance training.

Video No. 2. Oriental dances for beginners.

Video No. 3. Belly dancing for beginners. Part 1.

Video No. 4. Belly dancing for beginners. Part 2.


Decide on the type of dance. Each direction has its own characteristic movements, be it flamenco, breakdancing, rock and roll or samba. For example, for Latin American dances, sexy and playful, the defining elements are hip swaying, rotation, and smooth movement in space. Movements and steps are performed at a high tempo to fast music. Breakdancing is based on acrobatic elements, rotations around your body, rotations on your arms and head. The dancer must have physical endurance and good coordination. Flamenco can be recognized by the performer's characteristic beating of the rhythm with his heels, and by the smooth free movements of the hands, like a fan opening and closing.

Study the basic elements of the chosen dance direction and performance technique. All compositions include the basic elements of this style, poses, steps, gestures. To do this, you can watch dance videos and training programs. Your task to begin with is to study the basics of the dance. This will be the solid foundation for further steps.

Choose music. Each dance has its own characteristic sound, melody, rhythm. For example, salsa time signature is four quarters. The dance is performed at a fast pace with a complex rhythmic pattern. In some countries this style is known as "tropical music". You can easily find the songs you need by the name of the dance.

While listening to the melody, try to perform the basic elements of the dance. If the rhythm does not fit the chosen movement, do the combination slower or, conversely, faster. Change the basic elements. At first the dance will look like a set of basic movements replacing each other.

After studying the basic elements and grammar of dance, listen to music and try to improvise. At this stage you can add your own movements and show creativity. To make it easier to improvise, come up with a plot. For example, your hands are tied and you can only move your legs. In this case, the execution of basic movements will be slightly changed. Or the dancer portrays a hero who has just broken up with, and characteristic emotions are noticeable on his face, certain feelings are expressed through his body. At the same time, do not think, but simply show your inner state. Based on the plot, the steps can be either small or large. Add objects and accessories to the dance. Change your position in space. These techniques will somewhat “dilute” the memorized basic elements, but will retain the basis and characteristic movements by which the dance is recognized.

Come on, let’s all start dancing together in a modern way at home? It is unlikely that there is an opportunity to resist such a temptation. There is not a single person in the world who would not open up during dancing! And modern, newfangled dances offer so many different unique approaches and movements! Previously, everyone walked around and around and called it dancing. And now, basically, incendiary new products have burst into the world, demolishing everything in their path.

At first it seems to anyone that he will never be able to move like that. But a little time passes, and he is already dancing faster than everyone else! Oh, how many uncertain words there were at the very beginning. In any case, every Internet user has a unique opportunity, literally, right now, to break into a dance “on the fly,” repeating the movements shown in the video.

A colossal burst of energy! And many will feel something they have never felt before in their lives. These are modern dances, for which you don’t really need any instructors. Moreover, in many people the talent to move beautifully lives from birth. So to speak, it is embedded in them by Mother Nature herself, with whom, oh, how dangerous it is to argue! It’s better not to start these pointless disputes. And start dancing this minute.

Video: Strip-Dance Video lesson for beginners!

Video: Go-go dance! Strip of plastic. How to learn to dance at home?

Modern dance lessons on video: Beauties teach you to dance beautifully!

A selection of video lessons of modern dances at home for beginners:

Below there is a whole selection of step-by-step video lessons of modern dances for beginners at home, which will no doubt teach you something necessary and useful. The video squares are small, click “full screen” or double-click on the video for easier viewing.

Learning basic dance moves for beginners is easy, thanks to clear video tutorials. The main thing is to honestly assess your capabilities and choose the appropriate dance style. Some areas are too complex and not suitable for beginners, so before starting your first lesson, you should carefully study what types of dance exist and which one is right for you.

Club dance go-go

Go-go dance originated in the 60s of the last century in American nightclubs. Initially, it was based on the dance movements of the twist, which the girls performed right on the tables. Then the owners of one of the clubs figured out to place the dancers in cages suspended from the ceiling, and thanks to this technique, Go-Go dancing became incredibly popular: exquisite and sensual movements attracted a huge number of visitors to the club.

This dance requires performers to have great physical strength, significant flexibility, looseness and perfection. It is usually performed to modern pop music and includes many different styles, such as strip dancing, hip-hop, twerk and others. It will not be easy for beginners to master this dance from scratch, but it is still worth a try. The advantage of go-go is that dancers are allowed to improvise, and there are no clear rules by which movements are judged.

The group of Latin American dances includes the famous salsa, rumba, bachata, cha-cha-cha, merengue. This direction is perfect for beginners; simple ones are easy for beginners to master; they allow you to develop special grace, sensuality and plasticity. Thanks to the video lesson, you can learn to dance beautifully on your own and after just a few lessons you can shine on the dance floor!

Latin American dances are based on passionate, energetic hip movements, relaxed and free, with a straight, proud posture and a high chin. It is important to note that all steps are performed with bent legs. This direction requires good physical preparation, so beginners should not expect lightning-fast results, but perseverance will definitely bear fruit.


This is a beautiful and passionate dance that is usually performed in pairs. There are several varieties of tango: Argentine, Finnish and ballroom. The first option is the most popular, and the last, ballroom, is often chosen as a wedding dance by happy newlyweds.

Even beginners can master the basic steps and positions, but it takes a lot of work to achieve true mastery. The dance moves for beginners are easy to remember, and the couple always moves counterclockwise.

One of the most popular trends for girls is oriental dancing, as the movements are very simple and beautiful, helping to relax and awaken sensuality. Belly dancing is much simpler than strip dancing, it does not require physical training and special flexibility, so you can master it in the shortest possible time.

Initially, this ancient dance was performed by concubines for their master, but today it is danced even in discos. Basic belly dance moves for beginners include swaying hips and gentle movements of the arms and chest. The video tutorial will allow you to learn how to move rhythmically and beautifully.

To learn to dance, you need to overcome embarrassment and your own laziness. Thanks to simple video training, beginners can try themselves in different directions and choose the one that works best and gives the most pleasure. Basic dance movements for beginners are easy to learn, and regular lessons will allow you to achieve the desired level of skill.