Lesson plan: "Throwing a medicine ball." Modern methods for diagnosing the speed-strength abilities of a volleyball player Throwing a medicine ball with both hands from below standard

Today, medical equipment has a wide range. At the same time, among the significant variety, a unique product called a medicine ball (medicine ball) occupies a special place. We will talk about it in detail in the article.


A medicine ball is a product that is made from a very durable material (rubber, leather, etc.) that is not subject to mechanical wear. This medical product is available in different designs, which is reflected in its differences in weight and diameter. The parameters of the accessory directly depend on its purpose.


The medicine ball is used for recovery after severe injuries to the musculoskeletal system in athletes and ordinary people, as well as for general strengthening of muscles and improving body tone. As many years of practice have shown, the colossal number of medicine ball exercises that currently exist make it possible to work out well almost all the existing muscles in the human body, both in the upper and lower parts.

Main settings

A medicine ball has a mass that can range from 0.5 kg to 4 kg. Expert recommendations state that novice athletes should use the lightest products weighing up to one kilogram. In this case, the emphasis should be directed specifically at the correct execution of the exercises, which will subsequently lead to the possibility of gradually increasing the weight of the equipment used and achieving the desired result.

Most common mistakes

Observations from professionals suggest that beginners most often make the same mistake: they zealously strive to throw a medicine ball by maximizing the use of exclusively arm and shoulder strength. But in reality, you should engage your entire core, activating your back and abdominal muscles throughout the throw. It is important to know and clearly understand that the strength, power and direction of the attacking action in martial arts, volleyball and many other sports is guaranteed by the correct and coordinated work of the body.

If you add medicine ball throwing to your regular routine, the technique of which will be discussed below, then after 4-6 weeks you will notice significant progress in the strength and power of your strike.

Exercises to build explosive strength

There are several of them. First exercise. Your feet should be shoulder-width apart and the medicine ball should be placed in front of your chest. After this you can:

  • Squat on your right leg while tilting your torso to the right.
  • Roll the ball into your right hand and push it up.
  • Catch the ball over your head with both hands at once.
  • Do the same thing, but on the other hand and side.

Throwing and throwing techniques

You can throw and push a medicine ball as follows:

You can also throw small balls forward from behind your head with one hand:

  • At the designated target, kneeling, sitting, standing at full height.
  • Standing through high barriers.
  • Into objects located in the direction of movement (running) or located to the side of the movement vector.
  • For targets in motion.
  • At a distance from a running start.
  • For maximum bounce distance from the wall.
  • Ricochet on target.

Modern medicine balls for fitness and crossfit training have a high-strength outer shell, which is stitched inside with special reinforced threads. The stuffing of the ball does not contain any hard objects or sand.

    Medicine ball throws (Wall Ball) are an exercise borrowed from boxing and are currently actively used in CrossFit.

    What muscles are involved and what does this exercise give?

    In the process of throwing a medicine ball at a target, the most important muscle groups for striking martial arts work - the leg muscles, anterior deltoids, pectoral muscles, triceps, intercostal muscles, oblique and rectus abdominis muscles.

    Regularly performing the described exercise allows you to coordinate the work of the muscles involved in the exercise in such a way that your direct blow with your hand acquires maximum accuracy, sharpness and strength. Plus, due to the fact that several muscle groups are involved in the movement at once, in a fairly dynamic style, you burn a large number of calories per unit of time. If your goal is to lose weight, this exercise is for you, with a surplus calorie balance, you can build muscle mass in your arms and chest, acquiring fairly functional muscles.

    Exercise technique

    We stand opposite a fairly strong wall or a specially equipped complex with a target. Feet stand shoulder-width apart, knees slightly turned to the sides, toes pointing in the same direction as the knees. Hands hold a medicine ball in front of the chest so that the shoulders are pressed to the body, the ball touches the chest in the solar plexus area. Next, we perform a squat - we sit down as low as possible, bend our knees at an angle of more than 90 degrees, while trying to sit down under control, keeping tension in the leg muscles. Thus, we accumulate kinetic energy in the lower limb.

    © alfa27 - stock.adobe.com

    We rise from the squat due to the powerful extension of the knees and hip joints, at the same time we push the ball away from the chest and throw it at the wall above eye level.

    © alfa27 - stock.adobe.com

    The medicine ball bounces off the wall, we catch it with our hands, at the same time bending our elbows, absorbing the impact on the elbow joints and lowering ourselves back to the squat position.

    © alfa27 - stock.adobe.com

    In fact, the described exercise is a version of thrusters, only instead of a kettlebell, barbell or dumbbells, a weighted ball is used.

    Crossfit complexes

Rice. 1 Medicine ball toss

Exercise 1 (Fig. 1).
Throwing a medicine ball over your head with one hand and catching it with the other hand.
The exercise is performed at an average pace for 20–30 seconds.

Rice. 2 Medicine ball throw

Exercise 2 (Fig. 2).
Throwing a medicine ball from behind the head, first with the right and then with the left hand, at a distance.
5-6 throws with each hand.

Rice. 3 Medicine ball throw from behind the head with two hands

Exercise 3 (Fig. 3).
Starting position: standing, medicine ball in raised hands.
Throwing a medicine ball from behind the head with two hands.
Repeat 6–10 times.

Rice. 4 Medicine Ball Chest Throw

Exercise 4 (Fig. 4).

Throwing a medicine ball from the chest, first with the right and then with the left hand.
Repeat 5-6 times with each hand.

Rice. 5 Medicine ball throw from chest with two hands

Exercise 5 (Fig. 5).
Starting position: standing, medicine ball in hands in front of chest.
Throwing a medicine ball from the chest with two hands.
Repeat 6-8 times for the throwing distance.

Rice. 6 Medicine ball throw with two hands from below

Exercise 6 (Fig. 6).

Throwing a medicine ball with both hands from below.
Repeat 6-10 throws.

Rice. 7 Throwing a medicine ball over yourself

Exercise 7 (Fig. 7).
Starting position: standing, medicine ball in front with lowered hands.
You need to bend over and throw the medicine ball over yourself.
Perform 6–10 times, practicing your throwing technique.

Rice. 8 Throwing a medicine ball forward with both hands and leaning forward

Exercise 8 (Fig. 8).
Starting position: standing, medicine ball in lowered hands behind your back.
Throw a medicine ball forward with both hands, leaning forward.
Repeat 6–10 times.

Rice. 9 Throw a medicine ball back between the legs while leaning forward

Exercise 9 (Fig. 9).
Starting position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, medicine ball in arms extended forward.
Throw a medicine ball back between your legs while leaning forward.
Repeat 6–10 times.

Explanatory note

One of the main directions of education policy in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) is the improvement and strengthening of children's health.

The basis for the physical development and health improvement of children in preschool educational institutions is educational and additional classes in physical education. To fulfill the tasks of improving health and attracting preschool children to regular physical exercise, the “Kencheeri” physical education complex has been developed.

Work on the physical education complex of standards in preschool educational institutions is carried out during classes, and the adoption of test standards is organized during additional classes (competitions).

To monitor the dynamics of the results shown in control and test classes, the journal “Accounting and passing the standards of the Kencheeri physical education complex” is filled out, and for children - an individual card of the child’s physical fitness. This is necessary for the physical education instructor, parents and children to monitor and predict the physical fitness of children, identify deficiencies in planning educational work, and also to maintain accurate records of children passing the “Kencheeri” physical education standards.

Responsibility for organizing work according to the physical education complex of standards rests with the head (director) of a preschool educational institution, and implementation - with the physical education instructor and medical worker.

  1. Goal and tasks

The purpose of the physical culture complex of standards “Kencheeri”:

  • strengthening the health of preschool children, creating conditions and promoting the development of children’s physical abilities.

Main goals:

  1. Protecting and promoting the health of preschool children, monitoring the level of physical fitness of the child.
  2. Identification of the real level of development of the child and the degree of its compliance with age standards.
  3. Promoting the education of moral and volitional qualities, instilling the need for physical and moral improvement in preschool children.
  4. Instilling interest in elements of various sports, including national ones.
  5. Establishment of standards of requirements and conditions for their implementation.
  1. Content

The physical education complex of the “Kencheeri” standards for preschool educational institutions of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) consists of one level - children 6-7 years old. At this stage, the level of physical fitness of the child is determined upon graduation from the preschool educational institution.

To complete the assigned tasks it is necessary:

  1. Achieve accurate, energetic, expressive performance of all exercises, purposefully develop dexterity of movements, consolidate the rules and motor skills in sports games and exercises.
  2. Strengthen the ability to analyze movements (self-control, self-esteem, control and assessment of the movements of other children).
  3. Cultivate the habit of constantly taking care of your health and physical development.
  4. Comply with established standards.
    1. Types of exercises
  1. 30m sprint.
  2. Running 500 m and above.
  3. Shuttle run 3´10 m.
  4. Standing long jump.
  5. Running high jump.
  6. Throwing a bag of sand with the right and left hands (200 gr.).
  7. Medicine ball throwing (1 kg).
  8. Flexion and extension of the arms (boys).

Raising the body from a supine position (girls) – without taking into account time.

  1. Flexibility test (bending forward from a standing position).
  2. Swimming (up to 10 m).
  3. Skis (500 m and above).

2.2. Conditions for compliance with regulatory requirements

  1. 30 meter run.

The running distance is located on the sports field or any other hard surface area. Start high.

  1. Running 500 meters.

Running is carried out on a sports ground or on flat paths in parks and squares. The condition for fulfilling the norms for a certain distance without taking into account time is the continuity of running. Stopping and walking while complying with standards is not permitted.

  1. Shuttle run 3x10 meters.

Shuttle running is carried out on open or closed areas with hard surfaces. A 10 m long segment is measured with transverse lines for the start and finish. 2 cubes measuring at least 7´7 cm are placed on the starting line. The person giving the norm takes the high start position and picks up one cube. At the command “March,” the stopwatch starts, the dealer runs with the cube to the other end of the segment, puts it down, returns for the next cube, and also moves it to the other end of the 10-meter segment. The moment the second cube touches the floor, the stopwatch stops.

  1. Standing long jump.

Before performing a jump, a mat or thick rug is laid on the floor. A measuring tape is attached along its length (with tape) and the repulsion line is marked (with chalk). From the starting position - half squat, arms down back (swimmer's start), toes on the starting line. Swing your arms forward and upward to perform a jump, landing on both feet. The result is marked on the heel of the back standing leg. The best of three attempts counts. The measurement is carried out with an accuracy of one centimeter.

  1. Running long jump.

After preliminary warm-up, the child is offered 2-3 attempts to overcome the height (initial height 30 cm). After this height has been overcome, the bar should be raised by 5 cm. If the child fails at the new height, the result of the previous attempt is counted.

  1. Throwing a bag of sand, weight 200 g.

Throwing is performed with the right and left hands alternately into the distance (on the field or in the gym), the throw is measured with a centimeter tape from the starting line to the landing site of the bag.

  1. Medicine ball throw (from behind the head), weight 1 kg.

The throw is performed from a sitting starting position, legs to the sides on the starting line, ball behind the head. The throw is measured from the starting line to the landing line of the ball. The test is carried out in the gym.

  1. a) Bending and extending the arms while lying down - boys.

In a horizontal position, the body rests on the palms and toes. When bending his arms at the elbows, the child lowers his torso down without touching the floor, keeping his torso straight (without bending or sagging).

  1. b) Raising and lowering the body - girls.

Starting position - lying on your back, legs bent at the knee joints at an angle of 90°, hands behind your head, fingers clasped, feet secured (toes under the crossbar of a gymnastic bench or held by a partner). At the command “March,” bend vigorously until your elbows touch your knees. With a reverse movement, return to the starting position until your shoulder blades touch the mat. Extension and flexion of the torso is performed without pauses for rest.

  1. Flexibility test.

Flexibility is assessed using an exercise - bending forward while standing on the floor with your feet together. The test is carried out individually (three attempts for each child). If the child does not reach the floor with his fingertips, the result is assessed as low. Fist – medium, palms – high level. When performing the exercise, your knees should not bend.

  1. Swimming.

Compliance with swimming standards is carried out in swimming pools or open reservoirs (rivers, lakes, ponds) in specially adapted ones, in compliance with safety measures. Training those who cannot swim begins with the simplest preparatory exercises. They are performed in order to get used to the water, learn to perform simple movements in it, learn to look in the water, and practice proper breathing.

Prevention of accidents and injuries. During swimming lessons, each student must strictly adhere to the following rules:

  • Come to classes only with the permission of a doctor;
  • Follow the internal rules of the pool;
  • Come to class healthy;
  • Do not swim beyond the boundaries of the lesson location;
  • Exercise 1.5-2 hours after eating;
  • Do not bring your body to hypothermia and overwork;
  • Do not start classes hot and sweaty;
  • At the end of class, dry thoroughly.
  1. Skis.

Walking and cross-country skiing are carried out on a course laid out on flat terrain. Competitions for those passing the standards are held in places sheltered from the wind at a temperature of at least 15°. For training and subsequent training, special training sites and training slopes must be selected and prepared. The training areas are designed for initial training in movement techniques with or without ski poles. Site preparation (laying ski tracks) is carried out in different ways: in a straight line or in a circle. The playground should not be more than 120´60 m (or for each child no more than 12´15 m). A ski track is laid inside for the instructor, on which he demonstrates the teaching technique. Clothing must be warm, waterproof, appropriate for the time of year, meteorological conditions, and the intensity of physical activity during classes. Skis are selected depending on height. For children 4-5 years old, skis should be approximately 5 cm higher than their height. For children over 5 years old, the height of the skis is determined by the height of the child’s outstretched arm. Ski poles should reach the child's shoulders.

  1. Documentation, accounting and reporting

Keeping records and reporting on the set of standards “Kencheeri” in accordance with the approved forms is assigned to the physical education instructor.

  1. The results of preschoolers’ fulfillment of the standards of the physical education complex “Kencheeri” are entered into the journal “Accounting for passing the standards of the physical education complex” and are presented at the “Parents’ Corner” stand for review.
  2. Copies of the results of passing the physical education complex “Kencheeri” are sent to the ulus (city) education department.
  3. Based on the results of preschoolers passing the standards of the “Kencheeri” physical education complex, the “Individual Card of the Child’s Physical Fitness” is filled out.

At the end of the school year, an “Individual Card” is issued to children and then presented to school.

  1. Indicators of physical fitness of children 6-7 years old

Indicator name







30m run (sec.)




Shuttle run 3´10 (sec.)




10,0 (-)




11,0 (-)




A lion.



A lion.


Medicine ball throwing

(1 kg) from behind the head (m)




Standing long jump (cm)




Running high jump (cm)




500m endurance run (not timed)



Swimming up to 10 m

(excluding time)



Skis (excluding time)

1000 m




1500 m



2000 m









Arm flexion/extension (quantity)







Raising the torso

from a supine position (quantity)






Individual card

physical fitness of a child (6-7 years old)

Date and year of birth

Entered kindergarten

name of the child care facility

City/village ulus

Physical fitness indicators



Basic movements

Run 30 m (sec.)

500 m run (pass/fail)

Shuttle run 3´ 10 m (sec.)

Standing long jump (cm)

Running high jump (cm)

Throwing a bag of sand 200 gr. (m)

Medicine ball throw 1 kg (m)

Arm flexion/extension (small)

Raising the body (girls)

Flexibility (pcl)


Head of preschool educational institution "Bell"_______________________/ _________________/

Physical education instructor ___________________/ __________________/

Accounting for passing standards

physical education complex “Kencheeri” (6 – 7 years old)

year of physical education instructor (full name)

F.I. baby

Test date

Basic movements

Run 30 m (sec.)

500 m run (pass/fail)

Arranging students by calculating“Six, three, on the spot - Calculate”, “According to the calculation, step by step - March!”

Guys, now we will get acquainted with unusual exercises whereStretching exercises, static poses (asanas) and dynamic complexes, where one pose smoothly replaces another, predominate.

    Set of exercises “Hatha Yoga”

    Hatha Yoga exercise "Frog".

I.p.: Standing straight, legs together, arms down along the body. Place your right leg to the side, extend your arms to the sides. Sit down, bend your arms at the elbows.

OMU: Keep your back straight, don't lower your head. The feet are placed parallel to one another. Dosage - 3 times.

    Hatha Yoga exercise “Rashteira”.

IP: Stand up, nn. wider, turn your knees outward. Turn your left foot to the left, while simultaneously lunging in this direction: the left knee is bent at a right angle, the right leg is straight. Hold for 1-2 counts. Maintaining a low position above the floor, rotate on your heels and move into a forward lunge, then lower your hands to the floor to perform 10 push-ups. Shift your body weight to the left side and lunge to the right to complete the exercise. Dosage – 1 repetition in each direction.

5. Corrective exercise "The Steadfast Tin Soldier".

I.p.: kneel down, press your hands tightly to your body. Bend back as low as possible, keep your back straight, and then straighten up.

OMU: Keep your back straight, don’t bend. Sit on your heels and relax. Dosage - 3 times.

6. Hatha Yoga exercise “Sleeping Dragon”

IP: Sitting on your heels, hands on your knees. Spread your heels to the sides, knees together, move your body back, move onto your elbows. Then lie down on your back.

OMU: Do not bend at the lower back, relax. Delay for 15 counts.

7. Hatha Yoga exercise “Starfish”.

I.p.: Sit down, legs bent at the knee joint, lay on the floor in the form of a “fan”, lie on your back, arms to the sides.

OMU: Lie down, arms at your sides, relax and calm. Dosage – 1 time.

8. Hatha Yoga exercise “Water strider”.

IP: Lying on your stomach, arms extended forward, head resting on your hands. Spread your arms and legs apart, raise your head up.

OMU: The head should be high from the floor, legs spread as wide as possible. Lie down and rest. Dosage – 3 times for 8 - 10 seconds.

9. Breathing gymnastics “Throw” I. p. - o.s., legs slightly narrower than shoulder width, straight arms with a medicine ball placed between the palms, bend at the elbows and place them behind the head. Imitation of throwing a medicine ball from behind the head - inhale, in and. p. - exhale.

10. Psycho-gymnastics "Barbell". A child lifts a “heavy barbell.” Then he throws it away. Resting

    Throwing a medicine ball with both hands from behind the head from a place to a distance. Distribution of students:“In one line - Stand!”

IP: standing facing the direction of throwing, left leg in front, right leg behind on the forefoot, ball in bent arms above your head. 1 - bend your right leg and transfer your body weight to it, move your arms with the ball back; 2 – straightening your right leg, throw the ball forward and up.

OMU: Pay attention to the rotational-extension movement of the right leg, moving the body forward, straightening the legs at the end of the movement. Do not lift your right leg from the support.

Dosage: 10–12 times from a standing position with the right (left) leg in front.