Why do I dream that my car is being stolen? Why do you dream about car theft: interpretation of the dream

The modern world is impossible without such a means of transportation as a car. It has long become not a luxury item, but a necessity. This is a helper, a friend whom you don’t want to lose.

That is why it is so unpleasant when you lose such a friend. Car theft is a very unpleasant event, both in a dream and in reality.

Why do you dream about car theft? If you have just purchased a car and are worried about its safety, theft in a dream may mean a reflection of your fears. Otherwise, a dream can predict both pleasant and unpleasant events that may happen in life.

You can figure it out and prevent troubles by correctly interpreting night vision. The information in this article will help you do this.

General interpretation

Each dream can be interpreted differently, depending on what details your attention is focused on. To more accurately describe such a dream, it is necessary to understand in detail why you dream about car theft. Here a lot depends on the sleeping person.

  • For example, if the sleeper has a significant other, and they are currently in a quarrel, then a dream of this kind can be interpreted as a possible separation or even divorce. Therefore, you should beware and try to find ways of reconciliation, if it is not too late.
  • For people holding leadership positions, such a dream warns of the possibility of a problematic situation arising, in which a loss of authority as a leader or loss of influence on others is possible, which will cause certain difficulties in future work.
  • People who are actively involved in business or pursuing a career should be extremely careful when they see such a dream, because this is a harbinger of the disruption of global plans, in particular those on which their future career or even the future may depend.

The dream itself, in which the sleeper sees a car being stolen, warns and recommends, as they say, “keep your finger on the pulse.” Because the implementation of the plans may be in jeopardy. This indicates that it is necessary to always be on the alert and be on time, and most importantly, to make the right decision, perhaps not even a completely standard and familiar one.

From a psychological point of view, if you look at the root of the current situation, you can emphasize that this dream is a reflection of an emotional state, i.e. the sleeper experiences fear. Perhaps fears may be hidden or even on a subconscious level.

In most cases, this is the fear of not being able to make the right decision on your own.


Symbolism of a car in a dream

First, clarify for yourself – what exactly is a car for you? Is it an ordinary means of transportation or a symbol of success and wealth?

A dream about car theft is usually a dream of a person who in reality is worried about the safety of property and attachment to material goods. And the very fact of theft is a harbinger of future changes.

But a dream does not always have a direct interpretation. It can also be indirect. You make big plans and worry in your dreams and in reality about their implementation.

Interpreters give a detailed interpretation of the dream of car theft, taking into account the details of the crime:

  • time of theft;
  • circumstances;
  • characters;
  • car cost;
  • emotions upon realizing the loss;
  • owner of the vehicle.

The faster you decipher your dream, the better. Stealing a car in a dream will require you to quickly react to some situation in reality. The speed of the coming changes will require lightning-fast decisions and actions; there will be no time to think.

It is speed and time that will allow you to influence the situation provoked by others. Don’t sit idly by, act anyway – it won’t get worse. You will have to break the usual way of life, but changes will change your destiny.


A vehicle that you recently acquired

Such a dream reflects fear, not reality. Most often it is seen by car owners who have recently bought a car and are afraid that it will be stolen in the yard or on the street. Without repetitions of similar incidents in a dream, this plot has no prophetic meaning.

But if you constantly see how your iron horse has been stolen, you should think about the strength of your position in society or the reliable protection of your personal car. The dream book writes that this is a threat to the dreamer’s material well-being. After this, theft can become a reality, so it is worth thinking about a reliable alarm system or car storage.


If there is a car in real life

Subconscious fear is what dreams of car theft mean if you have one in reality. Most likely, the dreamer is very concerned about the safety of his property.


If there is no car in reality

Car theft in this case is interpreted as lost opportunities, the failure of grandiose plans.

  • The car is old, a real rarity - career advancement and successful financial transactions of close friends;
  • a stolen car crawls with difficulty up a steep slope - the dreamer is making a lot of efforts to defeat his enemies, an attempt to get around him will cost the enemy dearly;
  • if they steal a car with you and then let you get out calmly - successful implementation of the plan, a justified risk;
  • The dream in which your car is stolen and then you are hit is one of the most unpleasant. The dreamer may be convicted on false charges, or all his property, documents, money will end up in dishonest hands, and he himself will end up on the street.

In some cases, such a dream foreshadows violent death.


Lose your dream car

A very bad omen, foretelling the collapse of hopes and creative endeavors. Especially if a woman sees him.

The interpretation of the plot where the car of your dreams was stolen can only be positive if another model appeared instead, more expensive and reputable. The dream book writes that you should give up illusions and the place you were counting on will be taken.

Especially if you stole a beautiful car in a dream, where everything is beautiful, romantic and rich. It is possible that the dreamer’s goal is unattainable at all, does not exist, or someone else will cross the road.

Pay attention to the gender of the people who stole your dream car. If the hijacking was committed by a friend or a woman with a similar appearance to her, the woman will take away a rich groom or husband. Take a closer look at your surroundings and try to understand the true attitude of this person.

  1. If a man was driving in a dream, then you lack business qualities and real ambitions to achieve your goal.
  2. But seeing a theft committed by teenagers or a group of young people has a clear interpretation - your dreams are unrealistic and will pass after adolescence. It is possible that the dreamer is only now ready to give up his childhood dreams.

If hooligans steal an old car and a new one stands in its place, this is a happy omen. Expect a promotion, a bright and tempting offer at work or in your personal life. Try to remember the color of the new item - this will help you recognize the nature of the change that is already on the way.

Along with the old car, the past was stolen, disturbing the dreamer. The time has come for big and positive changes in his life.


Who's dreaming

  • If a person who is focused on his career dreams of a car being stolen, the dream book interprets this as a likelihood of soon losing his position in place, losing his former influence and respect among colleagues.
  • For those who live a family life or are in a serious relationship, and for whom this is the main thing in life, such a dream may represent a divorce or a breakup, or a quarrel with a loved one.
  • If a businessman or just a business person dreams of a car being stolen in a dream, then it is quite possible that his plans will fail and everything will not go as well as he wanted. This dream about a car can also warn of changes or changes in work affairs.


Interpretation of a dream about car theft for a woman

The interpretation of car theft by gender varies significantly.

A married woman, having seen such a dream, realizes that the time has come to put aside most of her household worries, relax and live for herself. For a strong-willed woman, such a dream will mean a desire to control everyone and everything, as well as a fear of losing her authority.

If a fellow traveler is nearby during the hijacking, in life the partner of such a woman does not show any initiative in solving problems, leaving everything to his own wife to deal with.

  1. If you steal someone else's car and all family members are present in the stolen car, they will become victims of the rash and irresponsible actions of the thief.
  2. She jumps out of the speeding car - trying to avoid responsibility and leave everything as it is.
  3. The glass is foggy - he doesn’t think about the consequences, he lives one day at a time.
  4. For a young girl, this will be interpreted as disappointment and distrust of her partner and his possible betrayal on the side. The possibility of snatching a guy away from your rival can also be seen as a suggested interpretation.

Regretting and crying about a lost car means parting with tears in reality due to the fault of a rival, who is a close friend.


Whose car was stolen?

Why do you dream about your own car being stolen?

If a person who has a car dreams of car theft, then the dream book interprets this as his fear of losing his car. In this case, such a dream speaks of the strong psychological stress of the sleeper.

Don’t be nervous and so impressionable and take everything to heart. This dream can also be dreamed by an insecure person who is very afraid of losing property, competition in business, or a rival in love affairs.

  • Becoming a victim of your own car being stolen in a dream means feeling helpless and in despair in reality. After such a dream, you should not start serious conversations about relationships with your partner for some time, this can negatively affect your state of mind, and you should not ask for a loan - you will be refused.
  • If you dream that your car is stolen, and then you find it, then this is an indicator that you are experiencing unnecessary, groundless worries and suspicions. During this period, you should take risks in work matters without any fear, change your job for a more profitable one, and do not be shy about making new acquaintances. Also, if you are jealous of your loved one, then your jealousy is unreasonable and groundless, so it is better to stop torturing yourself in vain.


If you dreamed of stealing someone else's car

When a dreamer dreams of someone else's car being stolen, this indicates that in real life he is involved in something negative, some dark matter or intrigue. Also, when you dreamed about this, perhaps a not-so-good person, whose evil intentions were directed at someone else, told you his secrets.

This dream also indicates that the sleeper himself is participating in some kind of conspiracy or deception.


The guy's car was stolen

For a man, such a dream is very often a reflection of his real fear of losing something important.

What exactly depends on the values ​​of each individual. Representatives of the stronger sex are owners by nature, so they are sensitive to everything that belongs to them. Losses can concern any area of ​​life: business, money, the woman you love, friends, family, property, etc.

  1. The car also represents young masculine energy.
  2. In this case, the man who saw such a dream worries that his best years are passing away.
  3. He cannot resist this, hence the feeling of powerlessness and helplessness.

At the girl's

As a rule, dreams of a car being stolen are more common for men. But if a woman had a dream, it means that she is a very strong person with a masculine character.

  • Auto theft warns the lady that she needs to get rid of the desire to control everything.
  • Remember that inside you are a soft and vulnerable person; you don’t need to show your resilience in any life situation.
  • Allow yourself to be weak.
  • Your dream suggests that you are weak and afraid of looking.
  • Learn to enjoy your feminine essence, do not chase the image of a man in a skirt.

At my father's

Seeing your father's car stolen in a dream warns of a loss of his trust. Don't be upset, this is a temporary phenomenon. In the future, the situation that happened will not affect the closeness and warmth of your relationship.

During this period, show patience and prudence, weigh each of your phrases.

At a friend's

In a dream, stealing a car that belongs to your friend is a bad sign.

Prepare for betrayal. A trap is carefully prepared for you by a person whom you completely trust.
Perhaps the situation will be limited to an ordinary quarrel, but after it the relationship will no longer be the same. It will not be possible to return friendship. Stay alert.


Boyfriend's car

If a girl dreamed that her boyfriend’s car was stolen, this predicts a loss of trust in the relationship.

For a woman to have a dream in which her husband became a victim of a car theft means to find himself in an unstable situation. It is recommended to mobilize all your strength and be ready to make an important decision at any second.


Who is the car thief

You are stealing someone else's car

The interpretations of a dream in which you steal someone else's car are as follows:

  1. An opportunity will soon present itself to take revenge on enemies and ill-wishers - a situation will arise from which you will emerge victorious, and they will suffer losses
  2. Soon there will be a chance to make amends for old grievances - there will be a frank conversation, during which old problems in relationships will be resolved
  3. Perhaps soon you will have to become a “solver” - people will ask you to understand their difficult situation and restore justice
  4. The meaning of the dream can be quite simple: if you steal a car, it means you are not averse to profiting at the expense of others. You are a skilled manipulator who takes advantage of people for maximum personal gain.
  5. If a woman dreams that she is stealing a car, she will soon be disappointed in her partner. Treason, quarrels due to the lover’s inconstancy, scandals due to his flirting with other women are likely.
  6. If you steal a car in front of others, you will soon become an intermediary in financial matters. There is a big deal coming up, for which you will receive a reward. It is also likely that you will win an argument or successfully resolve (with your help) someone’s family conflict.

Psychotherapists interpret dreams a little differently. They rely on the fact that a dream is a reflection of a person’s real life, his emotions and experiences.


A woman sees herself driving a stolen car

  • If a woman is alone in a car, the dreamer is in complete control of her life. Broken brakes, which often appear in such dreams, indicate abuse of one’s power, pressure on others, and unwillingness to listen to the opinions of relatives;
  • the partner in life sitting next to him “goes with the flow,” leaving the dreamer to solve her problems on her own. If in such a dream a car crashes into a tree at full speed, a stormy showdown will follow, which will end in divorce;
  • the whole family is in the car - some actions on the part of the dreamer will lead to negative consequences for her loved ones;
  • foggy windows - the sleeping woman acts at random, without setting a specific goal, or a persistent reluctance to notice obvious facts;
  • to jump out at full speed means to leave everything to the mercy of fate, to evade responsibility. In some cases - treason or betrayal.

If your car is stolen with you

Such a dream directly indicates that the dreamer does not control her own destiny and is completely dependent on someone else’s, stronger will.

  1. Seeing yourself sitting calmly next to a hijacker - you shift all responsibility for your future to others;
  2. screaming, crying, trying to jump out at full speed - the appearance in the dreamer’s life of a cruel, unprincipled person on whom she will become dependent;
  3. drive, leaning out the window, exposing your face to the wind - joyful changes will soon come.

Seeing yourself in a car without a driver

Often in a dream a woman sees herself as a passenger in a car in which there is no driver. This indicates imminent changes in life that will occur regardless of the dreamer.

The color of a car can add a lot to the interpretation:

  1. bright - an unexpected meeting with a significant person or future life partner;
  2. red – you need to pay attention to the state of health, in particular, the cardiovascular system;
  3. black – sudden illness or death. It is especially dangerous if the interior is trimmed black. On such a day you should, if possible, stay at home;
  4. burning - the dreamer will be involved in a major conflict in the near future. A flame in the cabin means that the conflict will occur through the fault of the dreamer. Smoke is an indirect participation in the scandal. Clean air in a tightly closed cabin - the dreamer will find herself in the role of an outside observer;
  5. bloody - tragic events in the life of relatives. If the car is white, the dreamer learns about this from a letter, telegram or from a third person.

Theft of a non-existent vehicle

If you dream of the theft of a car from a science fiction film (Fordik “England”, Fantômas’ car and the like), this indicates a deep unrealization of plans, isolation from reality, and an overly idealized idea of ​​the world around us.

Such dreams predict imminent disappointment. It is worth lowering the bar and looking at life more simply.


If the loss is found

In Federick Perls's dream book there is an explanation of why you dream about the return of a stolen vehicle. The interpretation of the dream informs you in advance that the upcoming problem is not a problem at all. It will make you quite worried, however, it will be resolved successfully.

This is not the only explanation for why you dream about car theft and then the return of the stolen car. The fortuneteller Vanga promises that you will receive gratitude for the service you once provided from the heart.

Wheels stolen: what does it mean?

Any breakdown in a dream will certainly be associated with some worries in the future. The theft of wheels is a warning about impending betrayal and deception, as well as the need to be very careful when concluding any transactions. It could also mean possible health problems in the near future.

  1. According to Freud's dream book, such a dream means the exposure of secret intimate relationships. For a man, a car without wheels symbolizes impotence and powerlessness.
  2. Longo's dream book refers to uncertainty and lack of ability to make important decisions both at work and at home. If you steal the wheels yourself, the solution to some important issue will be delayed due to your fault.

Whatever the interpretation of dreams related to car theft, psychologists say that most of them will be associated with the car owner’s real experiences about his vehicle and events occurring in his life.

The driver will be helped to get rid of such dreams and unpleasant sensations by taking the necessary care to preserve the source of his experiences.


Dream details

The details of the dream are especially important - how the theft ended, where and how it happened. Depending on the details, the interpretation of the dream changes:

  • For example, a plot where a stolen car was found, or the criminals returned it themselves, promises trouble, because of which you will have to worry a lot. Despite the fears, it will be resolved safely.
  • Sometimes the dreamer watches his own car being stolen, experiencing terrible panic, even crying, but cannot do anything. Girls especially often dream of such a plot. In this case, the dream is a bad sign, promising disappointment, and even betrayal of a loved one. The dream also indicates that a person lacks self-confidence.
  • Jumping out of a stolen car at full speed is a reflection of the desire to escape from the problems that have arisen.
  • If another person is driving the car that the dreamer wanted to steal, then the dream indicates a desire to entrust someone with solving his problems.

When the stolen car was old, the dream foreshadows getting rid of an unnecessary burden of problems and opening up new prospects.

When the road on which a car is traveling is difficult, the dream is a reflection of the difficult path to victory.

  1. According to the dream book, if a car is stolen from a garage near your home, you should think about family relationships - quarrels are possible.
  2. If a stolen car is totaled, losses should be expected.

Stealing a car is an alarming sign that indicates unfavorable circumstances or that the dreamer’s soul is very uneasy. You should be careful, but you should not panic, because a dream can only be a reflection of fears for your property.


Car theft from Friday to Saturday

Dreams from Friday to Saturday have the opportunity to come true, especially if what they saw was very vivid, accurate and well remembered. But confused dreams that are briefly remembered should not be given any importance.

An important feature of dreams these days: they predict not only events that should be expected in the dreamer’s life, but also his relatives, friends and loved ones.

That is, answering the question of why a car is stolen in a dream, we can say with confidence: it can be both a warning for someone who saw it at night and woke up in apprehension and fear in the morning, and for his comrades and colleagues (especially if dream they stole someone else's car).


Psychological interpretation

A car in a dream is a symbol of financial well-being. The class of the car is of great importance.

  • For example, if a luxury executive car is stolen from you, it means that in real life you are afraid of large financial losses. Maybe you are in the process of divorce and are worried that your ex-passion will sue for a fair share of the property (as an example).
  • If you steal an expensive car, it means you secretly dream of getting rich without effort. You are from that category of people who wait for manna from heaven, complain that others live better, but do nothing to get rich yourself.

The interpretation of dreams with inexpensive cars looks a little different. In this case, the car is the personification of things that are valuable to you, but intangible. This is different for everyone - the feelings of a loved one, the health of children, career growth. If your car is stolen, you are subconsciously afraid of losing what you have achieved.

If you are a hijacker, you strive to get what you want at any cost, but so far it hasn’t worked out.

The world of dreams is full of mysteries. There are no clear interpretations of dreams. It's like a rebus - remember the details and try to decipher them by analogy with the above interpretations.


Interpretation in different dream books

Dream Interpretation of the Oracle

According to this dream book, stealing your own car indicates that life’s experiences and troubles will be resolved with a successful outcome.

You are driving yourself - this means that there will be a need to convince someone that you are right and the reliability of your point of view. A car that does not belong to you will guarantee a truce between friends who have quarreled.

Miller's Dream Book

The interpretation according to Miller’s dream book promises family problems for a person who saw his car being stolen in a dream. The reason will be the jealousy of one of the partners.

The roots of the situation are deep in the past, emotions have been running high for a long time, and it’s time for them to come out. The “explosive wave” will be so strong that the relationship will end in a final break. Each partner will go their own way. This will make both parties happy.

If you saw that the theft was committed by people in uniform, then expect problems at work from your superiors. The reason will be your superficial attitude towards your responsibilities.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

According to Nostradamus's dream book, witnessing a theft during the day foretells new acquaintances. Such an offense at night warns of the treachery of unscrupulous people in your environment.

Dream Interpretation of Frederick Perls

  1. According to this source, if your car was stolen, this indicates worries about your own material well-being: instability of wages, problems at work or loss of work.
  2. This can also be directly explained by fears for your car if it is not left in a paid parking lot or in a garage.

The thief is the driver himself - you should be wary of losing a large amount of money. If you dreamed that a stolen car was found, then future problems will be resolved with a happy outcome.

Vanga's Dream Book

The fortuneteller Vanga explains such a dream as receiving immediate gratitude for a good deed.

  • If, after the car was stolen, it was found and returned, beware of serious problems in the near future.
  • If the stolen car is green, many opportunities will appear in your life on the path to success.
  • If, however, you see your car being stolen and you are lucky enough to see the face of the attacker and it turns out to be a familiar person, expect treachery and betrayal in the service.
  • If the vehicle does not belong to you, this is associated with illness and disease.

Melnikov's Dream Interpretation

  1. In a dream you are driving in a car - in reality you are active, cheerful, full of energy and you manage everything without much hassle. This is if you are being driven.
  2. In the case when you yourself are driving, there is little good - nothing but losses and illness.

Falling out of a car at a sharp turn or being thrown out of it at full speed promises bad news. Just seeing a car or cars in a dream is most likely a sign of upcoming trips, pleasant trips, good changes in the fate of your loved ones, which will also affect you. You have arrived somewhere and are getting out of the car - sleep peacefully, because your plans have come true, which will add strength and self-confidence to you.

To discover in a dream that for some reason you have lost your car or it was stolen before your eyes - alas, your plans, on which the future largely depends, will encounter serious obstacles.

  • A broken car, or crippled as a result of an accident - continuous failures, a streak of bad luck.
  • If you dreamed of a luxurious, expensive convertible with the top down and you get into it, joy will reign in your home, and happiness will reign in your soul and heart.

If you dreamed of a truck - a heavy-duty vehicle with a huge semi-trailer - this means profit and generally success in trading, if you have something in common with this, but in the case when this vehicle is loaded.

  1. An empty one, on the contrary, promises only poverty and worries. A fire truck can mean anxiety and excitement associated with extraordinary circumstances. If you are driving a fire truck, it means that you should be careful in life to avoid participating in an unpleasant business.
  2. Seeing a moving sprinkler spraying jets of water on everything in its path also portends some danger.
  3. Riding on it means providing significant help to friends in life.
  4. Seeing an antique or just an old car is a sign that ill-wishers will do their best to interfere with your success and business.
  5. The open hood of the car and the engine seen under it indicate that you have not sufficiently thought through all the details of the business that you intend to carry out.
  6. If you dig into the battery while trying to start your car, this promises you significant income from cash transactions


Freud's Dream Book

This interpreter gives meaning to the color of the stolen car.

  • If it was snow-white, it means the beginning of a new and long relationship awaits you. Your life will start from scratch.
  • But a black car promises temptations that are difficult to resist. Don't give in, these temptations will lead to many problems. Their consequences will take a long time to clear up.
  • A bright red car promises an acquaintance with a passionate female. My relationship with her will be easy and will not turn into anything serious.

A dream about a stolen car is just a warning from above about future events. You shouldn't worry about it. Decipher the dream and act wisely.


Dream Interpretation of Maria Kanovskaya

A dream in which you are a passenger in a car portends activity and success in business. But if you yourself are driving, you may suffer loss or get sick. Getting out of the car means the successful implementation of plans. You just saw a car in a dream - get ready for pleasant travels and changes in fate. Buying a car in a dream is a good sign: you will be able to restore your previous good position.

Selling a car in a dream is not very good: unpleasant changes may occur. If your car breaks down, expect trouble. Stolen is even worse: many plans on which your future depends can be disrupted.

D. Loff believed that a car can be dreamed of for various reasons.

  1. For example, simply because it is the most convenient means of transportation. In this case, it is better to more carefully analyze the rest of the dream content.
  2. But if the car is one of the central elements of the dream, then its interpretation is connected precisely with this image. What did you dream about – buying a car, an accident, traveling in a car as a passenger or driver, or a traffic accident?

To dream of buying a car, according to Loff, means either the realization of a desire or a symbolic solution to a problem. Such a dream reflects the desire to acquire something that in reality you cannot afford. Buying a car from the car market simply helps you make the right choice.

If you saw yourself as a passenger in a dream, then in real life you probably feel that the person sitting behind the wheel is somehow controlling your life. Or maybe the car is driven by a celebrity - a pop star or a politician?

Try to analyze your feelings towards the driver and the degree of trust in him. If you are driving the car yourself, pay attention to the passengers. Most likely, these are people towards whom you feel a special sense of responsibility. It is important how you are connected to them and where you are going - to one destination or to different ones.

  • Accidents, according to Loff, usually warn against troubles that threaten people dear to us.
  • Such a dream may indicate an inability to control the situation and an inability to protect others.
  • Sometimes this warning should be heeded immediately.
  • However, you may also dream of an accident if you have recently seen a similar situation on the road. Regardless, please be careful while driving.


Esoteric dream book

The sad outcome of dreams about theft is not a prerequisite for deciphering them. This source talks about new acquaintances and successful resolution of cases. Sometimes what you see becomes a harbinger of the appearance of one or more family members.

It also talks about increasing financial well-being and the possibility of moving up the career ladder.


Modern dream book

After dreams in which your car was stolen, you should act with extreme caution. The enemies have become more active and are taking decisive action.

You must weigh your steps more carefully and think about every word you say, because you can expect a dirty trick from ill-wishers, acquaintances, work colleagues, and from your closest and dearest people.

  • To see in a dream the face of a person who commits a theft - he will become the cause of your misfortunes.
  • Why steal a car yourself - you will try to appropriate someone else's work or property. These actions will end in failure.

Dream Interpretation Horney

For women, a dream where they are trying to steal a car is seen as a desire for complete control over everything that happens. The dreamer wants to be the central person in all matters and know literally everything about every person close to her.

Why do you have such a dream - you are in constant fear of competition, competing not only with women, but also with representatives of the stronger sex.


Dream Interpretation of Astromeridiana

Why do you dream about Stealing a car in a dream?

Car theft is considered a bad sign in a dream.

  1. If you dream that a car was stolen before your eyes, this means that your plans are disrupted and you will not be able to do what you had in mind. This is especially true for business people.
  2. Why dream of car theft - you are afraid of the future, you are afraid that even in the simplest issues you will face the pitfalls of big problems.

Spring dream book

Why do you dream about stealing a car in spring?

Steal a car - To a failed trip.

Autumn dream book

Why do you dream about stealing a car in the fall?

Steal a car - What you secretly dream about will never come true.

Summer dream book

Why do you dream of stealing a car in the summer?

Steal a car - There will be a disagreement with influential people.

Modern dream book

If your car is stolen, be careful, your ill-wishers are preparing a trap for you. You may have to endure betrayal from loved ones; at work, colleagues will try to take credit for your merits, overtake you and take a more advantageous place.

Competitors may steal a business idea, and a profitable deal may fall through. Dream interpretation of a car stolen is mainly interpreted in a negative way. The dream warns against rash actions, calls on you to be careful and take a closer look at your surroundings.

  • If you see a person stealing your car, it means that the threat comes from him.
  • If you steal it yourself, in reality you will try to appropriate other people’s achievements for yourself, to cash in on the fame of your colleagues, but you should not rake in the heat with someone else’s hands, this will not lead to good.
  • Sometimes a dream says that you will be able to take at least a little revenge for old grievances.
  • A car was stolen if you are just a witness, indicates that you will be a mediator in a dispute.
  • The position of a witness to a car theft directly indicates whether you will choose an active or passive role in reality.

Dream Interpretation of Frederick Perls

Having a car stolen mainly indicates a feeling of helplessness and insecurity experienced by the dreamer. Such an expensive purchase was stolen in broad daylight and you did not have time to do anything - in reality you are afraid of change, you are in constant tension, since your life situation is rather unstable.

Why do you dream about a car being stolen that you later found? In reality, you will encounter a problem that will cause you great stress, but in reality everything will be solved easily and simply. Someone stole a car, and you run after it - through your fault there will be a large financial loss.

Dream Interpretation Horney

Having a car stolen is interpreted a little differently for women than for men. The dream indicates a subconscious desire to control everything, to know everything about everyone. Usually such dreams are dreamed only by strong-willed, strong, beautiful people who do not mince words.

Why dream of Your car being stolen - you are afraid of losing in something not only to a female competitor, but even to a man. You need to relax and learn to enjoy female weakness.


According to Juno

  • In a dream, you dreamed that a car was stolen - to big and unforeseen troubles. Envious people may try to thwart important plans on the implementation of which your future depends.
  • If a woman dreamed that someone stole her car, then soon she will be disappointed in her loved one and their relationship will be severed.

According to Tsvetkov

A dream where your car was stolen means the failure of some serious plans regarding your future. Was your car stolen by someone you know? So he will be the reason for this. If the car is stolen by you, then you will be the reason for the broken plans.


Fighting bad dreams from a scientific point of view

From a scientific point of view, the occurrence of bad dreams can have a number of reasons:

  1. Psychological state - factors such as depression and nervous breakdowns contribute to sleep disturbances.
  2. Uncomfortable position during sleep - in various positions different organs (respiration, blood circulation, etc.) can be compressed; the organ to which pain and discomfort is caused sends impulses to the cerebral cortex, which in turn gives a reaction in the form of a nightmare in a dream .
  3. Physiological problems of the body, which are caused by poor diet and illness, can also create discomfort during sleep.

The main guide of traditional scientific methods regarding what needs to be done to prevent a dream from coming true is the psychological attitude. If it has already happened that you had an unpleasant dream, then you should not focus on it and think about its interpretation.

If such dreams are repeated, then each person has the power to add positivity to his own dream, for example, to dispel the darkness with the sun, and to prevent quarrels with dear people by presenting an unexpected gift.

The famous scientist Sigmund Freud studied the issue of psychological interpretation of dreams; he is one of the few who paid attention to the special manifestation of phobias and fears during sleep.

What needs to be done to prevent the dream from coming true? We need to analyze it soberly. Sometimes the accumulated nervous tension and the most frequent thoughts pour out in a dream, and sometimes even an insight occurs, which is the answer to the question.

Traditional methods: how to avoid bad dreams coming true

Innovative methods of what to do to prevent a dream from coming true have appeared quite recently. But the folk practice of advice collected over centuries is also very effective.

There are ways to prevent a bad dream from coming true:

  • Dream catcher - previously such paraphernalia was made by hand, now this accessory can be purchased in many stores.

  • You should not tell anyone about this dream.
  • Water is considered one of the cleansing agents that can cleanse and take away troubles. At night, a vessel with clean water is placed in front of the bed (the liquid is changed every day), in the morning you need to wash your face, chanting the water, to wash away all the negativity that you dreamed about.
  • Believers always pray before going to bed; very often an icon is placed in the bedroom and a church candle is lit.

There are many other ways that, according to legend, save a person from bad dreams.

Why do you dream about car theft? In different dream books, the meaning of such a dream is interpreted differently. A dream can foreshadow both favorable and not so favorable events, depending on its details. Try to write down your dreams immediately after waking up in all details - then you will be able to interpret them as accurately as possible. We share our prediction options.

Your car was stolen

Popular dream books give the following meanings for such a dream:

  • Car theft- a symbol of imminent changes regarding financial well-being. They will be unfavorable - you may lose your wallet, your job, or you will have to seriously spend money on unforeseen expenses.
  • If your car is stolen, which means that you subconsciously worry about your well-being. Perhaps you have an unstable income, are weighed down by the burden of loans, or have dependents for whom you have to bear responsibility.
  • Sometimes car theft in a dream- projection of real experiences on the topic of unrequited love. The object of your desires does not reciprocate, but you think about him constantly. Unrealized plans and hopes do not allow you to live in peace. It's time to relax and enjoy life!
  • In the near future you will be required to make a quick decision. Certain circumstances will change the usual course of life - you will have to concentrate and solve problems immediately.
  • Perhaps fate will soon give you a chance to change your life for the better. But you will have to use it quickly, otherwise the bird of luck will fly away and will not appear in the near future. Your timely initiative is important!
  • People who are busy implementing some grandiose plan often dream of car theft.. You are completely absorbed in some idea, the implementation of which still requires a lot of effort and time. A dream is a sign: stop dreaming, act!

The dream has slightly different interpretations if you are the hijacker.

You steal a car in a dream

The interpretations of a dream in which you steal someone else's car are as follows:

  • Soon an opportunity will present itself to take revenge on enemies and ill-wishers - a situation will arise from which you will emerge victorious, and they will suffer losses
  • Soon there will be a chance to make amends for old grievances- there will be a frank conversation, during which old problems in relationships will be resolved
  • Maybe, soon you will become a “solver”- people will ask to understand their difficult situation, to restore justice
  • The meaning of the dream can be quite simple: if you steal a car, it means you are not averse to making money at the expense of others. You are a skilled manipulator who takes advantage of people for maximum personal gain.
  • If woman she dreams that she is stealing a car, she will soon be disappointed in her partner. Treason, quarrels due to the lover’s inconstancy, scandals due to his flirting with other women are likely.
  • If you steal a car in full view of others, you will soon become an intermediary in financial matters. There is a big deal coming up, for which you will receive a reward. It is also likely that you will win an argument or successfully resolve (with your help) someone’s family conflict.

Psychotherapists interpret dreams a little differently. They rely on the fact that a dream is a reflection of a person’s real life, his emotions and experiences.

Psychological interpretation

A car in a dream is a symbol of financial well-being. The class of the car is of great importance. For example, if a luxury executive car is stolen from you, it means that in real life you are afraid of large financial losses. Maybe you are in the process of divorce and are worried that your ex-passion will sue for a fair share of the property (as an example).

If you steal an expensive car, which means you secretly dream of getting rich without effort. You are from that category of people who wait for manna from heaven, complain that others live better, but do nothing to get rich yourself.

Look a little different dream interpretation with inexpensive cars. In this case, the car is the personification of things that are valuable to you, but intangible. This is different for everyone - the feelings of a loved one, the health of children, career growth. If your car is stolen, you are subconsciously afraid of losing what you have achieved. If you are a hijacker, you strive to get what you want at any cost, but so far it hasn’t worked out.

The world of dreams is full of mysteries. There are no clear interpretations of dreams. It's like a rebus - remember the details and try to decipher them by analogy with the above interpretations.

Ekaterina Vyatskikh

Specialization: Esoterics
Education: Professional

Articles written

Stealing a car in a dream really does not bode well. A car in a dream represents some important project that will soon have to be tackled. Many people believe that a car in a dream represents cynicism and insensitivity. Because it's just a soulless mechanism.

Why do you dream about car theft: meaning and interpretation of the dream

In any dream, on a subconscious level, we often see what we want to do or receive in reality. But this does not mean that buying a car will happen in real life. A dream can have a completely different meaning, and to interpret it, you need to consult a dream book.

Miller's interpretations

If you happen to see a car being driven away in a dream, Miller’s dream book suggests remembering how the criminal was dressed. If you dreamed of him in uniform, there could be trouble at work or a conflict with authorities. Home clothes or the absence of generally accepted wardrobe elements warn against excessive jealousy and the reasons for it: now this is the most likely reason for a quarrel.

Dream Interpretation of Astromeridiana

If you dream that your car is stolen, your plans are not destined to come true. All ideas will remain banal desires. Such a dream is especially negative for people involved in business.

Why might you dream about theft - you are constantly in doubt. It seems to you that you will not be able to do a single thing; unforeseen circumstances will certainly arise in front of you, which will force you to retreat back.

Dream Interpretation of Sigmund Freud

Freud compared a car for a man with the image of his beloved woman. If in a dream someone wanted to steal your car, then you are afraid that your beloved will choose someone else over you.

The psychologist argued that in real life the dreamer already had the prerequisites for separation, and the relationship with the other half leaves much to be desired.

After such dreams, a man should seriously begin to improve his self-esteem, accept and love himself.

Dream Interpretation Horney

For women, a dream where they are trying to steal a car is seen as a desire for complete control over everything that happens. The dreamer wants to be the central person in all matters and know literally everything about every person close to her.

Why do you have such a dream - you are in constant fear of competition, competing not only with women, but also with representatives of the stronger sex.

Esoteric dream book

In a dream, such a dream book interprets theft of a car as a good thing. Quick wedding troubles await you. A bright future awaits the couple in love, surrounded by children. All your doubts and fears in this regard are in vain.

If the car was stolen by someone close to you, then expect an unexpected and pleasant meeting with an old friend.

Moreover, from this person you will receive a tempting business offer. Don’t even think about refusing, it’s a gift from fate.

Seasonal dream books

Some interpreters base their interpretation on the seasons (both in dreams and in real life). For example, if in October or November you dream of a car being stolen, this indicates that a person’s plans are unrealizable. This interpretation is due to the fact that autumn is considered a difficult and sad time, since it precedes the sleeping (“dead”) winter season.

Car theft in the spring is regarded more optimistically - trip which was planned for this month (or the implementation of this or that plan) will be suddenly postponed; It is also possible to lose interest in this trip due to a new, no less interesting offer.

If a similar dream (a car was stolen or the dreamer witnessed a theft in a dream) came to a person in the summer, then this is a kind of warning: a quarrel or conflict with people in power may occur.

This should be especially borne in mind by hot-tempered and impulsive people who have poor control over their emotions - outbursts of anger are fraught with the appearance of numerous problems on all fronts.

Winter dreams are traditionally associated with gloomy predictions. The theft of a car (and any theft, in principle) during the frosty period of the year speaks of changes in the near future, and not the most rosy ones. There may be a cooling of relationships within the family and even divorce. However, we must remember that any melancholy cannot last forever; After winter, a blooming spring always comes, bringing something new and fresh.

Interpretation by Frederick Perls

A German psychiatrist sees several subtexts in such dreams. The main one is the fear of change. A person may subconsciously be unhappy with the situation at work or in the family, but he does not dare admit it for fear of making the situation worse.

The dreamer needs to try to get rid of constraining emotions, which include:

  • Indecisiveness.
  • Shyness.
  • Self-condemnation (not reasonable self-criticism, namely “throwing mud at oneself”, self-flagellation).

A stolen car represents missed opportunities that less shy and more arrogant human beings take advantage of. Severe stress is caused not so much by the fact of theft itself, but by the awareness of one’s defenselessness.

A good sign in such cases will be to see the thief’s face, as well as an attempt to prevent the theft - this means that the dreamer has all the necessary resources to resolve his problems. And if he himself steals a car, then this is a signal that it is time to take decisive action to improve his life.

The answer that such a dream book can give (if a car was stolen in a dream or the dreamer observed it from the side) boils down to the fact that the dreamer should stop blaming responsibility on extraneous factors and take life into his own hands. Otherwise, fate will “steal” not only the car, but also everything that is valuable to a person.

Dream Book of Carl Jung

The founder of analytical psychology is sure that the image of a car in a dream is a metaphor for a person’s movement towards some goal. Moreover, he attached great importance to the speed of the journey, that is, car theft forces a person to choose other ways to achieve a goal or dream.

And the internal doubts of the dreamer himself should also be taken into account; perhaps these plans were not caused by his sincere desire, but were imposed by someone from the outside. Therefore, the subconscious may thus signal the need to reconsider one's interests and beliefs.

Trying to steal a car yourself in a dream indicates the need for unusual activities, fatigue with the daily bustle, which is repeated day after day like a broken record. This is indicated not only by the fact of theft, but also by the transport itself, which allows you to get away (from problems and boring life) in any direction.

Vanga's Dream Book

Don’t be afraid of a dream where your car was stolen; it promises successful deals, romantic encounters and prosperity.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

If you dreamed that your car was stolen, your partner is lying to you. Someone else's car is stolen, and you are an eyewitness - free yourself from a heavy burden.

Muslim dream book (Islamic)

A dream where your car was stolen predicts material losses, or others will doubt you.

Modern dream book

A stolen car in a dream promises a more promising job than the existing one.

Longo's Dream Interpretation

Car theft is a disruption to your plans. If your friend stole the car, it will be he who will cause the collapse of your plans. Stealing a car yourself in a dream means you will prevent someone from carrying out their plans.

Dream book of the 21st century

Stealing a car is an indication that a person is surrounded by ill-wishers who are waiting for the moment to commit meanness against the dreamer. Stealing a car can also symbolize envy on the part of other people, which is the cause of their anger.

If a person’s luxury car was stolen in a dream (despite the fact that he does not have one in real life), then this may warn the dreamer about possible intrigues of competitors who are driven by a thirst for easy money; you should be careful with expressing your thoughts and ideas, since they can easily be appropriated by those people who will pass them off as their own.

The same, by the way, applies to the dreamer himself - if he sees himself in the role of a car thief, then this is a hint from the subconscious that he often “borrows” the fruits of other people’s labor. In the near future, it is better to refrain from hasty and short-sighted decisions.

A woman’s dream about a car being stolen is interpreted differently; if the lady herself is a car thief, then this promises her sweet and well-deserved revenge against her offender (or offender).

Witnessing the theft of your car indicates a woman’s helplessness in the face of life’s circumstances. The dreamer herself has defined for herself the role of a passive observer, which means that until she begins to act decisively and without regard to the opinions of others, deprivation and adversity will await her.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer Smirnov

The image of a car represents the dreamer's emotional life, as well as his attitude towards himself. An attempt to stop car theft in a dream can be perceived in different ways: a person does not want to change himself and his inner world. This indicates a strong and confident character, but such people are often “difficult” to communicate with (especially for their friends and relatives).

If the dreamer recognizes the thief, then this indicates that this person causes many problems in real life. Watching someone steal someone else's car predicts a disagreement or even a quarrel with an influential person; It is best to control your emotions in the near future, which can create a lot of difficulties for the dreamer.

Family interpreter

From the point of view of the family dream book, the car represents friends and family acquaintances; Often the image of an old, time-worn car signifies a friend, a relationship with whom a person values ​​greatly. Therefore, it is obvious that the interpretation of such a dream (the car was stolen) is not favorable - the dreamer will have a difficult conversation with a person close to him, which can lead to the loss of a friend.

However, not in all cases, car theft is a bad sign; for example, if you dream that a person is stealing a car, then this hints at a desire for change - perhaps you should be prepared for a sudden change of job, place of residence, and even social circle. A woman who dreams that she is stealing a car is the owner of a steely (“Thatcherite”) character. Her attempts to control everything guarantee her successful career advancement, but in family matters the dreamer will be met with disappointment.

The plot of the dream

Symbolism of a car in a dream

First, clarify for yourself – what exactly is a car for you? Is it an ordinary means of transportation or a symbol of success and wealth?

A dream about car theft is usually a dream of a person who in reality is worried about the safety of property and attachment to material goods. And the very fact of theft is a harbinger of future changes.

But a dream does not always have a direct interpretation. It can also be indirect. You make big plans and worry in your dreams and in reality about their implementation.

Interpreters give a detailed interpretation of the dream of car theft, taking into account the details of the crime:

  • time of theft;
  • circumstances;
  • characters;
  • car cost;
  • emotions upon realizing the loss;
  • owner of the vehicle.

The faster you decipher your dream, the better. Stealing a car in a dream will require you to quickly react to some situation in reality. The speed of the coming changes will require lightning-fast decisions and actions; there will be no time to think. It is speed and time that will allow you to influence the situation provoked by others. Don’t sit idly by, act anyway – it won’t get worse. You will have to break the usual way of life, but changes will change your destiny.

Why dream that a car was stolen if you have one or don’t have one?

If in real life you have a car, a dream about it being stolen most likely reflects your fear that this will happen in reality. Instead of worrying about this, try to protect your property as much as possible: install an alarm, take care of reliable locks on the garage. In addition, such a plot can also mean fear for property in general.

If in reality you don’t have a car, but dreamed that it was stolen, the dream would be more correctly interpreted as regret about missed opportunities and benefits. This interpretation is especially relevant for people who are soon planning a serious deal.

If a woman who does not have her own vehicle had a dream about a car being stolen or stolen, and at the same time she was crying and angry in her dream, this may foreshadow her partner’s betrayal.

Why do you dream about your own car being stolen?

If a person who has a car dreams of car theft, then the dream book interprets this as his fear of losing his car. In this case, such a dream speaks of the strong psychological stress of the sleeper.

Don’t be nervous and so impressionable and take everything to heart. This dream can also be dreamed by an insecure person who is very afraid of losing property, competition in business, or a rival in love affairs.

Becoming a victim of your own car being stolen in a dream means feeling helpless and in despair in reality. After such a dream, you should not start serious conversations about relationships with your partner for some time, this can negatively affect your state of mind, and you should not ask for a loan - you will be refused.

If you dream that your car is stolen, and then you find it, then this is an indicator that you are experiencing unnecessary, groundless worries and suspicions. During this period, you should take risks in work matters without any fear, change your job for a more profitable one, and do not be shy about making new acquaintances. Also, if you are jealous of your loved one, then your jealousy is unreasonable and groundless, so it is better to stop torturing yourself in vain.

If you dreamed of stealing someone else's car

When a dreamer dreams of someone else's car being stolen, this indicates that in real life he is involved in something negative, some dark matter or intrigue. Also, when you dreamed about this, perhaps a not-so-good person, whose evil intentions were directed at someone else, told you his secrets.

This dream also indicates that the sleeper himself is participating in some kind of conspiracy or deception.

If in a dream you are the one stealing a car

You managed to steal a car - your enemies may feel fear because you are full of strength and determination. Soon you will be able not only to defeat them, but also to take full revenge for all their sins.

I dream that you are just in the process of being hijacked - you are an unprincipled person who is not averse to profiting from the merits of others. Such dreams are dreamed by those people who have well-developed intuition and ingenuity. You get away with your pranks, and you are already starting to get used to such antics. Don't forget that sooner or later you will still have to pay bills.

A dream in which a woman was engaged in such a dangerous task promises deep disappointment in her life partner.

If you steal your own car

Human life is subject to a once and for all established rhythm, monotonous and boring. Depression due to inability to be alone. Lack of proper rest. The sleeper urgently needs a change in lifestyle, at least temporarily.

In reality, the dream predicts a showdown in a raised voice and leaving home.

If your car is stolen with you

Such a dream directly indicates that the dreamer does not control her own destiny and is completely dependent on someone else’s, stronger will.

  • Seeing yourself sitting calmly next to a hijacker - you shift all responsibility for your future to others;
  • screaming, crying, trying to jump out at full speed - the appearance in the dreamer’s life of a cruel, unprincipled person on whom she will become dependent;
  • drive, leaning out the window, exposing your face to the wind - joyful changes will soon come.

Seeing yourself in a car without a driver

Often in a dream a woman sees herself as a passenger in a car in which there is no driver. This indicates imminent changes in life that will occur regardless of the dreamer.

The color of a car can add a lot to the interpretation:

  • bright - an unexpected meeting with a significant person or future life partner;
  • red – you need to pay attention to the state of health, in particular, the cardiovascular system;
  • black – sudden illness or death. It is especially dangerous if the interior is trimmed black. On such a day you should, if possible, stay at home;
  • burning - the dreamer will be involved in a major conflict in the near future. A flame in the cabin means that the conflict will occur through the fault of the dreamer. Smoke is an indirect participation in the scandal. Clean air in a tightly closed cabin - the dreamer will find herself in the role of an outside observer;
  • bloody - tragic events in the life of relatives. If the car is white, the dreamer learns about this from a letter, telegram or from a third person.

To be a witness

When you happen to see someone else’s vehicle being taken away, the dreamer will have to take on the mission of an intermediary in one of the areas of life. The interpreter believes that you can achieve success in trading and act as a peacemaker among friends.

If you dreamed of stealing someone else's car, perhaps you are haunted by someone's talent and achievements. The dream book recommends directing your energy towards self-development. Plot also means getting rid of a problem.

If you had to witness the theft of a car in broad daylight, Nostradamus’s dream book promises new acquaintances. If the car was stolen under the cover of darkness, beware of the machinations of competitors and dishonest colleagues. When you dreamed that the hijackers were your friends, in reality, keep an eye out for them.

Wheels stolen: what does it mean?

Any breakdown in a dream will certainly be associated with some worries in the future. The theft of wheels is a warning about impending betrayal and deception, as well as the need to be very careful when concluding any transactions. It could also mean possible health problems in the near future.

According to Freud's dream book, such a dream means the exposure of secret intimate relationships. For a man, a car without wheels symbolizes impotence and powerlessness. Longo's dream book refers to uncertainty and lack of ability to make important decisions both at work and at home. If you steal the wheels yourself, the solution to some important issue will be delayed due to your fault.

Whatever the interpretation of dreams related to car theft, psychologists say that most of them will be associated with the car owner’s real experiences about his vehicle and events occurring in his life. The driver will be helped to get rid of such dreams and unpleasant sensations by taking the necessary care to preserve the source of his experiences.

The car was stolen and then found

If in a dream you searched for your stolen car and eventually found it, this is good.

You will have to use your natural extraordinary thinking and resourcefulness. Build a strategy, involve trusted people, and victory will be in your pocket. Moreover, this situation will affect your future career growth.

Returning the car

If in a dream you participated in the return of a stolen car in one way or another, it means that in reality you will be involved in some kind of fraud or transaction. These operations are not entirely legal, but the risk will be justified. If a smart person offers to do the job, agree, everything will work out. You will hit the jackpot without any hassle.

Dream: car theft from Friday to Saturday

Dreams from Friday to Saturday have the opportunity to come true, especially if what they saw was very vivid, accurate and well remembered. But confused dreams that are briefly remembered should not be given any importance.

An important feature of dreams these days: they predict not only events that should be expected in the dreamer’s life, but also his relatives, friends and loved ones. That is, answering the question of why a car is stolen in a dream, we can say with confidence: it can be both a warning for someone who saw it at night and woke up in apprehension and fear in the morning, and for his comrades and colleagues (especially if dream they stole someone else's car).

Car color

The interpretation of color is given based on its pure analogue - if the car was bluish with azure tints and the addition of a cornflower blue tint, then the value will correspond to the standard blue color. The presence of several colors can be considered comprehensively.

The list of color designations is as follows:

  • Red. Symbolizes love, passion, impulsiveness, as well as aggression and anger. In psychology, it symbolizes sensuality and confidence in the future. In addition, a bright burgundy color indicates blood or possible heart problems. You should pay attention not only to the sphere of relationships, but also to your health.
  • Green. A calming and calming color. Its lack indicates a lack of harmony in everyday life; perhaps the dreamer lacks calmness and prudence in his actions.
  • Blue. Cool and cleansing. Corresponds to thinking and reflection. A dream about the theft of a blue car may indicate that a person rarely listens to the voice of his intuition.
  • Yellow. A symbol of joy, warmth and movement. However, in combination with other tones it can have an unpleasant effect on the human psyche; dirty and low-quality newspapers are called “yellow,” and in the old days the madhouses were painted exactly this color (a mixture of yellow and white). The theft of such a car may indicate that a person lacks concentration, as well as the disappearance of interest in life.
  • Violet. Rich shades of purple have a melancholic and depressing effect on the psyche. In its properties, it resembles blue, in a more exaggerated (exaggerated) form. The disappearance of a purple car in a dream indicates a possible neurosis, as well as a need for self-esteem.
  • Orange. Together with red, it acts as a stimulant of emotions (both sexual and other). It is also capable of increasing mental and mental activity. The dreamer should be more decisive if he dreamed of an orange car.
  • Black. The color of control, suspense, power and destructiveness. It would be more correct to call it not color, but the complete absence of such. Stealing a black car represents possible changes (usually for the worse), especially related to career and financial issues.
  • White. A pure, immaculate color that symbolizes unity (which is also true in terms of its physical definition). On the other hand, raising a white flag means admitting defeat, so stealing a white car can speak not only of growing up (loss of the purity of childhood), but also of the futility and uselessness of the struggle that a person wages no matter who or what.

The perception of color also depends on the culture in which a person was raised; In some countries, white is associated with mourning, and purple is associated with mental illness. It is necessary to carefully approach interpretations of this kind and evaluate only the general character of a particular color.

Dream Participants

Who is the hijacker?

Have you ever stolen a car in a dream? If you happen to play such a negative character in your own dream, then this is a sign. No, there is no need to steal a car, because a dream is just our subconscious, a reflection of our other desires. If you see such a dream, start acting. Now is the time to repay all the insults, to do what you have dreamed of for so long.

In general, a dream in which the sleeper is a hijacker indicates his domineering nature, on the obvious qualities of a manipulator. This person is used to using his charm and ingenuity to achieve his goal in life.

An interesting interpretation has a dream in which the thief is a woman. This means that she will have the opportunity to steal her lover from a friend or another girl. Whether or not to commit such an act in reality depends on her.

Boyfriend's car

If a girl dreamed that her boyfriend’s car was stolen, this predicts a loss of trust in the relationship.

For a woman to have a dream in which her husband became a victim of a car theft means to find himself in an unstable situation. It is recommended to mobilize all your strength and be ready to make an important decision at any second.

At the girl's

Auto theft warns the lady that she needs to get rid of the desire to control everything. Remember that inside you are a soft and vulnerable person; you don’t need to show your resilience in any life situation. Allow yourself to be weak. Your dream suggests that you are weak and afraid of looking. Learn to enjoy your feminine essence, do not chase the image of a man in a skirt.

At my father's

Seeing your father's car stolen in a dream warns of a loss of his trust. Don't be upset, this is a temporary phenomenon. In the future, the situation that happened will not affect the closeness and warmth of your relationship. During this period, show patience and prudence, weigh each of your phrases.

At a friend's

In a dream, stealing a car that belongs to your friend is a bad sign.

Prepare for betrayal. A trap is carefully prepared for you by a person whom you completely trust.

Perhaps the situation will be limited to an ordinary quarrel, but after it the relationship will no longer be the same. It will not be possible to return friendship. Stay alert.

The guy's car was stolen

For a man, such a dream is very often a reflection of his real fear of losing something important. What exactly depends on the values ​​of each individual. Representatives of the stronger sex are owners by nature, so they are sensitive to everything that belongs to them. Losses can concern any area of ​​life: business, money, the woman you love, friends, family, property, etc.

The car also represents young masculine energy. In this case, the man who saw such a dream worries that his best years are passing away. He cannot resist this, hence the feeling of powerlessness and helplessness.

As a rule, dreams of a car being stolen are more common for men. But if a woman had a dream, it means that she is a very strong person with a masculine character.

Auto theft warns the lady that she needs to get rid of the desire to control everything. Remember that inside you are a soft and vulnerable person; you don’t need to show your resilience in any life situation. Allow yourself to be weak. Your dream suggests that you are weak and afraid of looking. Learn to enjoy your feminine essence, do not chase the image of a man in a skirt.

Gender of the dreamer

When interpreting a dream, it is important to take into account the gender of the sleeper. For women and men, different meanings of sleep are given.

In men's dreams, car theft reflects emotions that the dreamer hides from others. Women's visions indicate the versatility of the sleeping person's character.


Interpretation of sleep:

  1. For a man, the theft of a car that he does not have in real life promises the loss of something important. It's not just about material values. The loss may affect the sleeper’s personal life, his relationships with family or friends. For a businessman, such a dream is a harbinger of financial difficulties.
  2. If in reality the dreamer has a car, then the dream reflects his fear that it may break down or be stolen. This interpretation is relevant for people who have worked hard to save up finances to buy their own car, so they treat property with particular trepidation.
  3. In some dream books, a car is personified with male strength and energy. For an adult man, car theft is a reflection of his nostalgia for his younger years.
  4. For a young guy, stealing an expensive red car indicates that he is wasting his time. The dream book recommends that the sleeper reflect on life and correctly set his priorities in order to direct his energy to the implementation of truly important ideas and plans.

Why does a girl dream about car theft?

Such a dream promises her disappointment in her loved one. A car is a lover, and the fact that it can be stolen (taken away) is already a reason to think about his tendency to cheat. This means that it should always be kept in sight and not left alone, just like a car in an unfamiliar place.

Vanga’s dream book gives an interpretation of a dream in which a stolen car is returned to its owner. Such a dream means that the sleeper will receive gratitude for a previously rendered service. In another dream book, the return of the car is interpreted as a successful resolution of the upcoming problem.

Interpretation for a woman

A married woman, having seen such a dream, realizes that the time has come to put aside most of her household worries, relax and live for herself. For a strong-willed woman, such a dream will mean a desire to control everyone and everything, as well as a fear of losing her authority.

If a fellow traveler is nearby during the hijacking, in life the partner of such a woman does not show any initiative in solving problems, leaving everything to his own wife to deal with.

If you steal someone else's car and all family members are present in the stolen car, they will become victims of the rash and irresponsible actions of the thief.

She jumps out of the speeding car - trying to avoid responsibility and leave everything as it is. The glass is foggy - he doesn’t think about the consequences, he lives one day at a time.

For a young girl, this will be interpreted as disappointment and distrust of her partner and his possible betrayal on the side.

The possibility of snatching a guy away from your rival can also be seen as a suggested interpretation.

Regretting and crying about a lost car means parting with tears in reality due to the fault of a rival, who is a close friend.

Interpretations by psychologists

A car represents movement towards a goal, as well as a way to realize one’s desires. In this regard, the appearance of a car, its color, make, as well as its correspondence to real life (whether the car actually exists, etc.) can symbolize a person’s assessment of one or another aspect of his life.

The details of the dream, which can be extremely varied, are also of great importance. For example, a person sees a dream: a car was robbed, the radio was removed from it, new tires, even side mirrors were not spared, but the attackers did not steal the vehicle itself. Such a dream means a person’s doubts about the achievability of his goals; a stolen car, as well as the reaction to this incident, symbolize not only the loss of something valuable, but also show the dreamer’s true attitude towards his inner desires.

- such a dream must be solved, since it can have a very important meaning. This can only be done with the help of proven, truthful dream books. If a car was stolen in a dream during the daytime, then according to Nostradamus’s dream book, in reality you will have new acquaintances who will show their best side and will often come to your aid. But if your friends stole the car, then expect betrayal that will occur for some selfish purpose. Theft at night promises troubles at work resulting from the machinations of ill-wishers and envious colleagues. Therefore, you will have a hard time at work, and you will think about changing it. Having decided on this, changes will occur in life, a new stage will begin, marked by tremendous success in work and career.

I dreamed that a car was stolen, according to Miller’s dream book it means that troubles will begin in the family. They can arise due to the jealousy of one of the partners. In this case, omissions will continue for a long period, perhaps it will all end in a quick separation, but it will be useful for both partners. After this, everyone will choose their own path, on which they will meet true love, destined by fate. If a car is stolen by people in uniform in a dream, then in life you should prepare for problems with management. They may be provoked by not taking work too seriously.

What to expect if I had a dream that my car was stolen? Decoding dreams about car theft.

Many people believe that a hijacking seen in a dream definitely promises trouble, but they take the dream literally. However, in reality, a dream almost never comes true one on one, and therefore you should not be afraid of it in this sense.

    In the esoteric dream book, car theft is interpreted very positively. Therefore, after such a dream, you can expect pleasant troubles in life, perhaps they will be timed to coincide with the wedding celebration. For example, a couple getting married will be incredibly happy in life, they will soon have children. If a car was stolen by someone close to you in a dream, then expect to meet old acquaintances who will tell you a lot of interesting things and offer to start a joint business. According to Tsvetkov’s dream book, he dreamed that the car was stolen, promises the emergence of family troubles resulting from the lies of one of the partners. A lie is unlikely to be forgiven, and therefore the couple will soon separate. If a car was stolen on the street, a child will appear in the family, and if someone else’s car is stolen, then a heavy burden will be lifted from the shoulders. The modern dream book explains car theft in a dream in an extremely positive way. This dream predicts a more promising job. In a new place you will be able to show yourself well and achieve success. After this, the dreamer will move to a higher social level, and his financial situation will improve significantly. Freud's dream book has several interpretations of car theft. If the car was white, then a new, pure relationship will begin in life that will last quite a long time. A black car in a dream promises the appearance of temptations to which a person will succumb, after which he will get into a lot of problems. You need to try to avoid temptations, then a dark streak in life will not come. A red car stolen by criminals foreshadows the appearance of a passionate partner with whom she will have a very good time, but a serious relationship will not begin.

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Dream interpretation car stolen

Interpreters give advice. Before you start looking for an interpretation about what a stolen car means in your dream, you should think about what a car means to you. Is it just a means of transportation, a symbol of prestige, a child, or a full member of the family?

According to the modern interpreter, stealing someone else's car in a dream means a promotion, a new promising job, and an additional source of income.

Why do you dream that your car was stolen?

The dream promises quick changes in life. It is also seen as your worries about material well-being, which do not leave you even in your dreams.

I dreamed about car theft

I dreamed of a car being stolen - a negative interpretation given by the dream book

The interpretation of sleep given by dream books cannot be called pleasant. It brings troubles, as well as your negative emotions.

Dream Interpretation of Astromeridiana

Dreaming that a car was stolen - plans are not destined to come true. All ideas will remain banal desires. Such a dream is especially negative for people involved in business.

Why might you dream about theft - you are constantly in doubt. It seems to you that you will not be able to do a single thing; unforeseen circumstances will certainly arise in front of you, which will force you to retreat back.

Modern dream book

  • After dreams in which your car was stolen, you should act with extreme caution. The enemies have become more active and are taking decisive action.
  • You must weigh your steps more carefully and think about every word you say, because you can expect a dirty trick from ill-wishers, acquaintances, work colleagues, and from your closest and dearest people.
  • To see in a dream the face of a person who commits a theft - he will become the cause of your misfortunes.
  • Why steal a car yourself - you will try to appropriate someone else's work or property. These actions will end in failure.

Dream Interpretation of Sigmund Freud

Seeing an attempted theft in a dream

Freud compared a car for a man with the image of his beloved woman. If in a dream someone wanted to steal your car, then you are afraid that your beloved will choose someone else over you.

The psychologist argued that in real life the dreamer already had the prerequisites for separation, and the relationship with the other half leaves much to be desired.

After such dreams, a man should seriously begin to improve his self-esteem, accept and love himself.

Dream Interpretation Horney

For women, a dream where they are trying to steal a car is seen as a desire for complete control over everything that happens. The dreamer wants to be the central person in all matters and know literally everything about every person close to her.

Why do you have such a dream - you are in constant fear of competition, competing not only with women, but also with representatives of the stronger sex.

Positive interpretations of dreams by predictors

The esoteric dream book gives a very positive interpretation of such dreams. The dreamer will have pleasant troubles associated with fun events in life.

If you dream that your relative was stealing a car, this means a pleasant meeting with an old friend soon.

According to Tsvetkov’s dream book, stealing someone else’s car may indicate that you will soon get rid of a trouble that has been bothering you for a long time.

Why do you dream about car theft for motorists and pedestrians?

You are a car owner in real life. The essence of such dreams lies in the fact that you are worried about the safety of your car. If such a vision torments you too often, then try to take safety measures. Park your car in a paid parking lot, buy a stronger garage lock, and install an alarm system.

Be a thief yourself in a dream

If in real life you are not the owner of a car, but in a dream it is stolen from you, then subconsciously you regret some missed prospects. Perhaps you had a chance, but due to your carelessness and unwillingness to act, you missed it. Stop looking at the past with regret and focus on the future, otherwise you will miss opportunities one after another.

A dream in which a car was stolen, and a woman cried and screamed, symbolizes a relationship with a young man. On your way, you may come across a rival who will attempt to take your beloved away from the family. Hysterics won't help matters. After such dreams, you have time to prepare an action plan in case of danger.

If in a dream you are the one stealing a car

You managed to steal a car - your enemies may feel fear, since you are full of strength and determination. Soon you will be able not only to defeat them, but also to take full revenge for all their sins.

If you dream that you are only in the process of being hijacked, you are an unprincipled person who is not averse to profiting from the merits of others. Such dreams are dreamed by those people who have well-developed intuition and ingenuity. You get away with your pranks, and you are already starting to get used to such antics. Don't forget that sooner or later you will still have to pay bills.

A dream in which a woman was engaged in such a dangerous task promises deep disappointment in her life partner.