Why do you dream about the Rock? Why do you dream of a rock according to the dream book? Why do you dream of a rock standing.

The rocks are a majestic and at the same time dangerous place. To stand on the top of a cliff means to feel that life is precisely a combination of the two above qualities. And to determine which one is dominant, find out who is next to you and why you are standing on top of the rock. The feeling of danger can easily turn into fascination with the rocks - it all depends on who is keeping you company. Who are you with on the rock - your secret heartfelt affection or forbidden love?

Sleeping with rocks can result in a falling sensation that often wakes us up. In this case, the rock is currently the prototype of your SUBCONSCIOUS.

If the rocks are on the seashore, you may be asking or expecting something from the sea. Dreams of this nature contain the ARCHETYPE of fertility and creativity.

Interpretation of dreams from Loff's Dream Book

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Dream Interpretation - Fall

Dishes falling into the well means a joyful event.

If you see a live horse in the house, there will be a letter from your son.

Frost falls along with the snow - do not expect a successful completion in the case.

Leaves fall from a large tree - a happy event in the house.

A meteorite flies past, but does not fall to the ground - a change of residence.

Knives or a sword falling into the water - foretells the death of the spouse.

A star falls - there will be illness, work problems.

Snow is falling - soon there will be great luck and benefit.

Tiles fall from the roof, you feel mortal horror - there will be a quarrel with your wife.

Falling into the water means no harm will happen.

Falling into a well means illness or trouble.

Falling into a well drunk - a situation will arise related to officials, official business.

Falling into a latrine and getting back out is fortunate.

Falling on a mountain means losing your job.

Leaves are falling from a large tree - a happy event in the house.

If you fall from the ground onto the mountain, you will lose your job.

The sun and moon fall from the sky - grief, you will lose your parents.

Interpretation of dreams from

Dream Interpretation of S. Karatov

Rock - If you dreamed about a rock, then hard work awaits you.

If you see that you climbed the rocks with difficulty, then you will achieve success in business.

If in a dream you went down a cliff, then you will soon lose loved ones or friends.

Why dream of seeing a rock that has almost collapsed - then you will defeat your old enemies

See also: why do you dream about a mountain, why do you dream about a cliff, why do you dream about granite.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

Why do you dream about the Rock in a dream:

Rock - If you dreamed about climbing a high rock, then an unexpected journey and changes in life await you.

Why dream of seeing a crumbling rock - then problems await you in the family. Someone in your family will try to change their lifestyle.

If you dreamed of stones flying from a high cliff, then gossip from your enemies awaits you.

Dream Interpretation of A. Pushkin

Why do you dream about the Rock? Interpretation of sleep:

Rock - Seeing rocks is evidence of upcoming hard work, for which you will receive good material rewards, as well as encouragement. You will have the opportunity to learn a profitable craft. Falling off a cliff means you will soon have to fight for justice. It is possible that you will incur the wrath of your superiors. You won't be able to win them over to your side, but your conscience will remain clear.

Climbing rocks - your future work will not generate income, but only aesthetic pleasure and moral satisfaction. In addition, your loved ones will not demand much from you. Falling off a cliff while climbing it - despite your own independent position from anyone, as well as the self-confidence that you demonstrate, you will be in dire need of friendly support.

Soaring over rocks in a dream means being faced with a difficult dilemma: who to give preference to - a person who is devoted to you and is next to you, or a person whose feelings you are unsure of, but for whom you have deep sympathy?

Looking from a cliff at the surrounding landscape is not a very favorable sign. It foretells unsatisfied desires. Perhaps soon, in order to achieve your selfish goals, you will have to undeservedly discredit a worthy person, for which you will subsequently greatly repent.

To see that you see someone falling off a cliff means you have to hide your true feelings by all means. You will suffer from lack of attention from the person you like, but you will not try to correct the situation.

Dream Interpretation of D. Mendeleev

If you dream about the Rock, what is it for:

Rock - If you dreamed of high steep cliffs, it means that soon failures will begin to follow you, and scandals and conflicts will constantly break out over the division of inheritance.

Seeing yourself climbing up a cliff means that you, perhaps without knowing it or realizing it, are striving to break free forever from the vicious circle in which you are currently. If you reach the top of the cliff safely, then everything will work out for you. If you fall off a cliff, it’s not fate.

Seeing someone else climbing a rock - this dream proves once again that you do not know how to truly be friends, unselfishly and selflessly. Someone else's misfortune does not make your heart flutter. In a dream, you fell from a cliff and fell to your death - this is a signal warning that in the near future you should beware of serious injuries and accidents that can have very serious consequences, even death. Be careful and especially careful!

To see that you fell from a cliff, falling off it, but you miraculously managed to escape, although the height was serious, this means that in the next two or three weeks a misfortune will happen to you and you will not be able to avoid it. There is no need to hide behind other people’s backs, you need to be able to, or at least learn to, be responsible for your actions and their inevitable consequences, which will definitely overtake you soon. At this time, even a minor injury can be fatal. Seeing rocks in a dream, on top of which there is very snow almost until the end of summer, is a warning so that starting from today you will no longer be surprised by anything. Moreover, you should not make grandiose plans for the future, forgetting about the present today and your daily bread. Try to earn money yourself by bringing an extra penny into the house, and not sit on your parents’ necks and don’t look for someone to help you.

Dream book for girls

Why do you dream about the Rock according to the dream book:

Rock - To see a high rock in a dream means that soon you will have some troubles that will need to be overcome as an obstacle. But after this everything will be fine in all areas of your life.

Seeing someone falling down from a cliff means that you will soon quarrel with one of your friends, and none of you will want to take the first step towards reconciliation.

Dream Interpretation of O. Adaskina

Why do you dream about the Rock, what does it mean:

Rock - confidence in reality. Falling from a cliff is fear; climbing steep rocks - overcoming doubts; rocks on the seashore - fertility, as well as the desire to understand oneself or the meaning of life.

Universal dream book

What does it mean to see Rock in a dream?

Rock - Brief interpretation: strength; strength; anxiety

Popular expression: hard as a rock; "on the rocks"; between two fires.

Nothing will give you such a feeling of security as standing on a rock - unless you are on a cliff - because you know that under your feet there is solid ground. Do you need a solid foundation in life or do you want to strengthen your position?

Dreaming of the Rock? See the following interpreter.

Lewis's Dream Book

Why do you dream about the Rock in a dream:

Rock - Rocks usually represent stability and permanence, as in the expression "solid as a rock." A huge rock or boulder may represent the dreamer's fulfillment of obligations towards the people with whom he is associated, or the anticipation of changes that will provide a more solid foundation.

I had the following dream. I'm standing on a small rocky cliff. I don't know if it's a rock or maybe a hill, since everything around is covered with snow. I look around, there is a snow wall to my left, it is not very high, about three meters, and has a slight slope towards me. I can’t look up from behind it, but I know for sure that there is a turn in the highway. Although there are no, absolutely no signs of this. There is a lot of open space ahead and to my right. I look down. A river flows far below, unbound by ice. I see islands in the distance, or rather snow-covered rocks with very steep edges. I don’t look back, and for some reason I don’t want to look. Something is stopping me. I note to myself that despite the winter time, I am not cold at all. Suddenly, the thought occurs to me to shake off the snow that is covered with the wall. I hold out my hands and note to myself that they are wearing winter gloves. I conclude that I am dressed for winter. But I don't care at all. I plunge my hands into the snow and make the first scraping movement. The snow is very soft, I’m surprised it didn’t fall off such a steep surface. My hands stumble upon something solid, I dig further and discover with horror that a face is embedded in the wall under the snow. Abnormally large, about half a meter wide. With open eyes, fixed at one point, and a complete absence of a nose. That is, where it should be there is just smooth skin and that’s it. The face is very similar to the face of my friend. I'm scared. Abrupt change of plan. I'm in a darkened corridor. I can't look around. I can't tell if I'm sitting, lying or standing. You can hear the clock ticking. I know that I am at home, although there is zero similarity. There is a strange object hanging in the air near the ceiling. This is a wooden block with a small, excuse me, toilet attached to the top. The thought “What an absurdity” flashes through my mind. The object begins to approach me, at first slowly and smoothly, then sharply accelerates and hits me flat on the forehead. I manage to note that the block is painted dirty yellow. And I feel like after the blow there were splinters in my forehead. I am getting up. This is such a strange dream. gender male, age 19


The dream is, as always, in the first person, i.e. I see myself not from the outside, but as in real life. I’m sitting on a rock, my legs are dangling in the air, there’s an abyss in front of me. I look at my sneakers. What surprises me is that they have blue ribbons instead of laces. I look at my jeans. I’m surprised that they don’t have pockets, although I definitely remember that I put my cigarettes in my jeans pocket (in reality, I don’t smoke). I'm not wearing a T-shirt. Absolutely naked torso. I am a boy. This doesn't surprise me. I look at my hands. On my left hand is an iron bracelet with a small plate on which is stamped the number 30025. I remember it very well. On the right is a tattoo. The whole arm is like a skeleton. Those. the bones of the arm are tattooed, in some kind of blue color. And the dream is generally all in blue tones, because it’s winter, there’s snow and ice all around. I turn my hand over to see if there is a tattoo on the other side. There isn't, but there is something else that catches my attention. The entire vein is punctured, there is almost a complete bruise. Same thing for the other one. I know that another two hours and withdrawal will begin, although it surprises me that I am a drug addict. I'm looking down from a cliff. The ground seems to be moving quickly towards me. A mountain river flows below. Flows upward. Those. it's not noticeable, but I know it should flow in the other direction. I see my reflection, despite the fact that I am very far away. Only I am reflected, a girl, with short tousled blue hair. I, the reflection, stretch my hands towards myself, the guy. I hug myself (are my arms really that long?) and try to kiss me. As a guy, I have the idea in my head that I’ve only kissed once in my life. But I-she is too persistent and we kiss. I feel what they both feel and I feel sick. We push each other away. I-she screams so hard that the rock cracks. The crack splits it into two parts. I-She hugs him by the neck and drags him down into the water. I'm choking, I'm cold. I’m underwater and see the sun breaking through the water, I’m trying to swim out, but I feel like I’m too cold. I-she is nowhere to be seen, but I know that I will drown without her help. Suddenly, someone's hand, but not hers, grabs my wrist and pulls me to the surface. I breathe in and wake up. (Female,16)



I dream of me at a party on a high cliff with my lovers and his wife and daughter are also at the party and then his wife and daughter fall from the cliff, I tried to hold them but I couldn’t, they fell to death, me and my lover remained on the cliff, I feel very sorry for them and I I woke up I’m 26 years old I’m married but I love my lover but he’s married


1. In a dream, I am standing on a stone cliff above the sea. Behind me is a desert or steppe, the earth is burned, there are no trees, the sun is hot. Far below is water. the sea, people swim in it, and there are plenty of people around me. Looks like a resort. I want to swim in the sea, but the water is too far away and there are no paths to it. A guy appears, a good friend in the dream, he first shakes his head sympathetically, and then suddenly pushes me off a stone cliff. I fall into the water, and I see this process from the outside: how I turn over in the air, how gracefully I come into contact with the water. But here’s the strange thing: from above, the water in the sea seemed clean, with small white chips, but when I fell into it, it turned out that the water was muddy, muddy, brown, mixed with silt and clay. It’s hard to swim in it, and it itself is unpleasant, somehow warm, rotten, stale. You come across small fish surfacing to the surface, and here and there in the water you can see algae as wide as belts. The water is calm and reaches my neck. And the bottom is pleasant, hard, but not sharp. When I was swimming, I also thought, well, there were no stones under the water, otherwise I would have crashed... 2. I don’t remember how I swam out. I found myself on the embankment, among stalls with souvenirs and food, a lot of people, a hubbub, behind the market - tall blue skyscrapers. Then I realized that this was a resort. A friend accompanies me, supposedly the two of us came here together. There is something I don’t like, and I declare that I want to return to the hotel. The hotel lobby is cramped, the walls are painted with red paint, and even gilded, in an oriental style. Many people. Closely. Only then do I realize that I have ended up in Turkey. I ask for the key to my room, but the lady at the desk hesitates. When I receive the key with the number “319”, I go to the stairs, secretly hoping that the room will not be as stuffy as the hall. I’m also hungry and, turning around, ask them to bring food to my room. From somewhere in front of me a stone staircase appears. carpeted, with palm trees in pots. It feels fresh from above, but I can’t even climb the first step—I feel sick. Breathe heavily. I can neither inhale nor exhale. At first, practically no attention is paid to me, but I manage to return to the reception and almost lose consciousness near it. I urgently need air, but there is none, and I, leaning on my friend who has appeared again, go to the exit of the hotel. It is very narrow, cramped, there is also a crowd of people there, I squeeze through and find myself on the street. The street is narrow, like a gorge, bordered by the same blue skyscrapers that I saw from the embankment. The most important thing is that the air is gray, with a yellowish tint, complete ash (apparently, the plot about volcanic ash had an effect), and I see a mountain behind the skyscrapers, above it there is a dense gray-yellowish cloud, and part of the cloud quickly covers residential areas. The air is so bad, suffocating that I return to the hotel and, mentally wanting to return home as soon as possible (but planes don’t fly! Why do I need this resort, even the sea is rotten here!), I fall on the floor and lose consciousness from suffocation. True, I managed to shout to call a doctor, for some reason in English. I woke up to someone splashing water in my face. There was a doctor nearby. and again I saw myself from the outside and clearly understood that he was unable to do anything, because a poisonous cloud of ash had already covered the city: it was impossible to fly away or hide from it. 3. The third dream is a continuation of the second. I went to the hotel basement and, after wandering around there, came out at the garage cooperative where my car actually is. Mom is there, there are other people. Warm, spring. I go into the garage and with difficulty drive the car out of the damp darkness into the sun. She, like a person, has weakened, her tires are low, and she herself is lethargic. And then a strange thing happens: the car tells me in the pleasant voice of a mature woman that I should let it go “for a ride.” Like, without this the car will have a hard time (I didn’t specify what exactly). I'm letting her go. For some reason I'm tired. Mom cooked soup and put it on a stool in a clearing away from the garages. I really want some soup (in reality I rarely eat soup), I go to the stool, but it’s uncomfortable to eat there, so I take the pan and look for a more interesting place. I find myself in an old, pre-revolutionary building, in a long corridor. The door opens, I enter a room where several women, one of them a teacher by appearance, are heatedly discussing something. I feel that I need to treat them to soup, and I go straight to them with a saucepan. The women are very happy, but they don’t show it, and this offends me. I regret that I offered them soup, but I can’t take it away and they are obviously hungry. Then there was an episode that I vaguely remember, after which I again found myself in a garage cooperative, and there my car was waiting for me, shiny, with inflated tires, beautiful.


Good afternoon Yaroslav. To be honest, I really want to _get rid_ of sleep. Repeated sleep for 10 years now, every 5-6 months.
Very often, he and I find ourselves on the edge of a cliff. Gray sky, and a narrow stone bridge without handrails on another black rock. The stones are very wet and slippery. There was just a fog that cleared. Below are stones. And silence. Just don't cross the bridge. It is not necessary to go to the black rock. But my companion needs to go there, and I must accompany him. You can fly, but my companion cannot fly. He is forced to carefully walk across the bridge. And always, after 2-3 steps it breaks down. And I’m trying to hold him, I can fly, but it doesn’t work, his palms are wet and he slips out. I'm terribly scared, I don't want, I can't let him die. And I shout to him: FLY, giving him my ability to fly. And he escapes, he flies up to the sky, the grayness of which begins to disappear. Only now I myself am falling down onto the stones. And as someone turned the switch, sounds and colors instantly appear from everywhere: birds immediately become audible, somewhere the sound of a waterfall, it turns out that a rock wall is overgrown with ivy, the sky is green-blue, and the heavy smell of myrrh. And my back (spine) and head hit the rocks. A moment of unbearable pain and I die. And I wake up.
My husband has been playing the role of companion for the last 4 years. Before this, the face was unfamiliar to me in real life, although in a dream for me it is a very significant person for me and, of course, a familiar and dear person.


Such repetition of dreams (not only yours) is intended to again and again provide an attempt to overcome some abnormal state or even scenario in the psyche. I don’t mean illness, it could also be some kind of difficulty that deprives an important opportunity. For example, soldiers shocked by the war have war nightmares only so that they can finally cope with the shock that has arisen for a long time. For some, a lifetime is not enough to get rid of neurosis on their own, but effective medical care brings recovery closer.
Self-sacrifice runs like a red thread through your dream, and you feel life and peace every time you give up something, including your life. Since this is done in relation to a man, and what is symbolic is that he has only recently acquired a face, it is necessary to analyze your partner scenario step by step and see how much you fall into the category of women who love too much.

Hanging on a rock. (Didn’t move, in one place) On top of me on the farm stood a woman and a man, the man taught the woman to shoot with a gun (I didn’t know them, not in a dream, not in reality). There is a fence in front of them, she puts the gun on the fence and fires a shot, all this time I am hanging on the rock below them. After the shot, she drops the gun right on me, the gun gets stuck on me and, afraid of falling down, I wake up.

The rocks are a majestic and at the same time dangerous place. To stand on the top of a cliff means to feel that life is precisely a combination of the two above qualities. And to determine which one is dominant, find out who is next to you and why you are standing on top of the rock. The feeling of danger can easily turn into fascination with the rocks - it all depends on who is keeping you company. Who are you with on the rock - your secret heartfelt affection or forbidden love?

Sleeping with rocks can result in a falling sensation that often wakes us up. In this case, the rock is currently the prototype of your SUBCONSCIOUS.

If the rocks are on the seashore, you may be asking or expecting something from the sea. Dreams of this nature contain the ARCHETYPE of fertility and creativity.

Interpretation of dreams from Loff's Dream Book

Dream Interpretation - Rock

Throughout the world, the rock is a symbol of strength, constancy and power.

Do you feel the resilience and power of the Rock of Gibraltar? A rock can also: Serve as a symbol of groundedness.

Here's a good way to ground yourself: stand or sit with your back against a tree.

Relax and feel real contact with the tree.

Know that you are a child of mother earth.

Interpretation of dreams from Miller's Dream Book

Dreaming about rocks foreshadows the onset of a dark streak, due to which you will find yourself immersed in failures, conflicts and other troubles. along steep, almost vertical cliffs - this means that you are not satisfied with your current environment; you are going to be with some person.

Dream interpretation of the word Rock

Loff's Dream Book

The rock can be called both a majestic and dangerous place. If you were on top of a cliff, this suggests that you experience your life as a combination of these two qualities. To determine who is dominant, remember who is next to you and why you ended up on top of the cliff. Perceived danger can turn into fascination with the rocks - it all depends on your company. Think about whether you stood on the rock with forbidden love or secret affection.

Seeing the Rock in a dream

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Seeing a rock is a sign of upcoming work; climb it - your wishes will come true; fall - to the loss of friends and relatives; a very high rock means that you will have grandiose plans.

I dreamed about the Rock, what does it mean?

Esoteric Dream Interpretation

Rocks dream of problems, the main reason for which is lack of self-confidence. Climbing a rock is a dream of meaningless efforts, unnecessary labor: all the same, your business will not progress. Punching through a rock, pounding on it - such a dream means: everything you do is Sisyphean work, don’t persist. Your purpose is probably something completely different.

What is a rock in a dream?

French Dream Interpretation

Climbing to the very top of a cliff - such a dream means that your social status and authority in the eyes of others will be unwavering. Bravely on the rocks - this means new serious hopes that are destined to come true.

Why do you dream about the Rock?

Modern Dream Interpretation

If you dreamed of a pointed rock, then a black one will run between you and your relatives. When trying to resolve a conflict, you will encounter misunderstandings and unwillingness for a peaceful settlement. Do not escalate the situation and do not force them to make peace. A little time will pass, passions will subside on their own.