A combination of dark green with other colors. Green color in clothes.

Traditionally considered the color of harmony, closeness to nature, tranquility and the desire for balance. It is also commonly believed that the color green symbolizes youth and youth, but in reality it depends on the shade and on the specific item of clothing in which this color is used.

People who prefer green in clothing are usually calm, cheerful and open-minded. People who dress in green are simple-minded people who know how to enjoy life and appreciate it. There is a common belief that the color green awakens in a person hidden talents, abilities and wisdom, so lovers of green clothing often have a spiritual focus.

When thinking about spring or summer, imagining a fresh lawn or forest, we see green more than all other colors - the color of life, hope.

Shades of green and their direction

Green color In clothing, psychology defines it as far from unambiguous, since it has many shades. And many people tend to prefer one shade of green over another, depending on various factors. And when the kit is folded special combination colors in clothes, green and its use in this set also has some meaning.

So, green has several basic shades:

  • green-yellow (light, grassy, ​​sunny shade, awakening positive emotions and promoting interest and openness to the world);
  • green-blue (or green-blue; a shade close to cold promotes calm, peace, and clarity of thoughts);
  • bright emerald green (a rich bright shade that indicates not only the openness of a person, but also the desire to stand out, as well as the desire for luxury).
Combination of green with others

People wear green clothes in different ways: it happens that the entire outfit is green, but more often you can see a combination of green in clothes with things of other colors.