Contribution to theatrical art - official congratulations. Theater Day, congratulations on Theater Day, wishes, poems

Happy Theater Day! Here, fictional passions sometimes boil stronger than in real life, and we will be very happy to return to its walls and talk about how your game touched us... Let me wish you more inspiration, joys of life and just love!

How can we live without cultural recreation, without theater? Today, on the day dedicated to him, I want to congratulate everyone who works in the theatrical field and wish them all the best! Let there be no fewer miracles in your life than in your most magical productions about goodness and love!

Today, the theater is not entertainment only for the elite, it is open to everyone, but still remains a noble institution where we go to experience beauty! Please accept my congratulations on Theater Day! I wish you interesting scripts, the best props and talented actors!

There are theaters in many countries, but ours is especially good, with a rich history that combines the originality and best traditions of its world brethren! Today, with great pleasure, I congratulate all its creative workers on Theater Day and wish them inspiration, an undying sense of beauty and the best experiences!

You are a creative person, you live and breathe art, and it seems that there is nothing better for you than spending an evening in your dreams, and then working tirelessly to make them come true! Please accept my congratulations on Theater Day! Let all your fantasies find a place!

Even if there are only masks in the theater... But how alive they are, how exciting and beautiful! Theater is a special world into which we will plunge headlong and which we will never forget! On Tetra Day, I convey my best wishes to everyone who puts their hand and imagination into the performances on its stage!

Happy Theater Day! We will be happy to drop by for a creative sparkle, to watch Shakespeare and the newfangled avant-garde, discuss your work during intermission and go for a cake at the buffet! I wish you not to stop there and, with your inspired work, add bright ornate lines to the history of the theater!

Your life is a wonderful game, where there is a place for all colors and feelings, where things happen that do not always have a place in the real world... Please accept my congratulations on Theater Day, dreamy, free-spirited and incredibly talented person! Let your muse be generous, and the best experiences warm your heart all your life!

There are even more theatrical tastes than theaters! We watch dramas and comedies, ballets and operettas... And we never remain indifferent! Happy Theater Day! This world is a real kingdom of miracles and we will definitely return to it! Perhaps to create things ourselves...

Happy Theater Day! Its history is so rich... Today I congratulate you on the holiday and wish great creative success to those who diligently continue its best traditions! Let life spoil you with pleasant surprises! Smile and dream to your heart's content!

Footlights, the breath of the hall
And a stormy burst of applause,
Happy World Theater Day to you
I want to congratulate everyone.

Let passions boil on stage
And emotions are boiling,
Bouquets from fans
Let them fly to the stage.

I wish everyone success -
From actor to cashier,
I wish that with the theater
Our life has become more beautiful.

Happy World Theater Day
I congratulate you,
Light bird skyward
Let the curtain fly.

Joy, laughter and tears -
All feelings are subject to you,
The theater stands above time
He is eternal art.

Let the halls at the performances
They burst into applause,
Normal days with the theater
Let them turn into a holiday.

Please accept congratulations on World Theater Day! I wish you brilliant premieres, memorable and bright roles, loud applause, enthusiastic applause! Let the audience be crazy about you, often call for encores and give a sea of ​​flowers!

My dear theatergoer,
Please accept congratulations,
So that success awaits you in life,
The inspiration hasn't disappeared.

So that the theater lives in the soul,
Filled you with delight
And brought emotions
There are a lot of bright and pleasant ones!

Happy International Theater Day
I want to congratulate you, friends,
I want him to be loved
You are exactly the same as me.

Let the ramp shine with lights,
There are no empty seats in the hall,
Prime Minister, I wish you a full house,
Flowers, a flurry of applause.

I wish you fame and success,
Huge audience love,
And so that on the stage of life
You played the main role.

Happy World Theater Day
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart.
Opened to the world of beauty
To the viewer with love the door.

Let your talent blossom
Inspiration visits
Everyone enjoys the performance
Gives bright moments.

Many new productions
On your holiday I wish you.
Happy holiday to you all, guys!
All the best to you all. Congratulations.

Theater stages,
Spotlight, semi-darkness,
Tight rehearsal schedule
And the actors are a mess...

Congratulations on Theater Day
Those who live by it are passionate.
We wish you inspiration
So that everything would be okay.

Let the game be great
Recognition and success awaits,
And you also have the leading role
A must for everyone!

Happy World Theater Day to you
I congratulate you now
And I wish that your enthusiasm
It didn’t go out in the right direction.

I wish you, as before,
Bring beauty from the stage
To be servants of the glorious
And the great Melpomene.

Let talent be appreciated
And they always call for an encore,
Let him beckon without stopping,
Take you to the magical world of the scenes.

The brilliant sun from the stage sky,
Parting the gray curtain of clouds,
For you, faithful servant of Melpomene,
Sends its warm spring ray to the holiday,

So that inspiration flows like a river,
And joy brought out a bird's trill,
And revs with every performance
The carousel was gaining success!

Let love not be a show,
Burns in the soul with an unquenchable fire,
And they shine for you and your family
The spotlights of happiness are brighter every day!

Happy World Theater Day,
I congratulate you,
Let all the masks come off
Let life be like a fairy tale!

Go to the theater more often
Everyone needs culture!
And there will be happiness in life
And there will be no evil!

I wish you everything for real
Emotions, new sensations,
Your great spirit,
Let's have enough fun!

Let there be less falsehood
In your actions and words,
Always swim further
Don't ever step back!

World Theater Day is an international professional holiday of all theater workers, celebrated throughout the planet annually on March 27. This international day is traditionally held under a single motto: “Theater as a means of mutual understanding and strengthening peace between peoples.”

Despite the fact that World Theater Day does not have official state status in Russia, officials at the highest echelons of power in the Russian Federation do not skimp on Congratulations on Theater Day and compliments addressed to theater workers across the country. In some regions, government officials award theater workers with certificates of honor, cash bonuses, thanks and valuable gifts.

For theater lovers Theater Day is also a real holiday, because all kinds of festive events in “temples of culture”, various theater festivals are timed to this day, and some theaters try to present premieres of new performances on the holiday.

Congratulations on World Theater Day, poetry and prose for the professional holiday for theater workers - directors, costume designers, actors.

Congratulations on Theater Day in verse, with beautiful wishes for all the best in the family and success in the service, will be excellent parting words in rhyming poetry for the professional holiday of theater workers. Congratulations on Theater Day in prose, with sincere wishes for all the best in your service, will be a wonderful speech said in your own words on the professional holiday of theater workers.

Who hasn't been amazed at least once?
Theater art?
The theater is beautiful, it’s wonderful,
Gorgeous, simply unique.
Unanimously the hall stood up,
Filled with delight
And every viewer took a risk
Beat off your palms.
Every performance is like a lesson,
And that means a lot.
We give this congratulations
Both for the theater and for theatergoers!

We sincerely congratulate you on World Theater Day! Theater enriches our lives with new colors, gives the miracle of conscious empathy, and cultivates aesthetic taste. Thanks to you, the true spiritual principle is preserved in society, the ideals of goodness and justice are nurtured, and cultural values ​​are multiplied. You carefully preserve the centuries-old traditions of the Russian stage, offering a new modern interpretation of the classics. Thank you for the unique atmosphere, for your talent, skill, individual creativity and hard work. We express our love and gratitude to you. We wish you new bright premieres, successful productions, interesting tours, discerning critics, constant interest from the audience, sold-out houses and enthusiastic applause! I wish you good health, happiness, creative creative energy, inspiration, reaching new heights in what people love and need.

Magical theater atmosphere
Captivates with extraordinary beauty,
And of all the arts, perhaps, only this
It makes us think about pleasant things.
Congratulations on International Theater Day,
We want to wish you inspiration,
We personify you only with beauty...
We are to admire. Well, let’s shine!

On this wonderful and joyful World Theater Day, we would like to wish you that the audience always inspires you with new ideas and pays for your creativity with thunderous applause! However, in addition to work, any person has a private life, which can have an impact on their career. We wish that everything is fine on your personal front. Happy holiday!

“The whole world is a stage, and the people in it are actors,”
Shakespeare said, and he was undoubtedly right;
Your curtain will not close soon:
Having not yet played my best roles,
You are moving towards recognition step by step!
I sincerely wish you now
Benefit performances, success and full houses!
Happy World Theater Day to you!

From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on World Theater Day and want to wish your life to be happy! After all, in fact, theater reflects everything that happens to us in life! So let you have as many successful productions as possible in your life, and let there be no failures at all!

SMS congratulations on Theater Day

World Theater Day! Class!
Well, just creative ecstasy!
I wish you a wonderful day,
May you be in the mood!

Exciting scene
Mysterious plot...
They beckon, without a doubt,
Performance and ballet!
World Theater Day
Peace celebrates today!
Always be pleasant
Our theater. You are an idol!

Great mood in the morning -
Theater Day, grace!
I turn on my brain, pick up the phone,
I’m writing an SMS to congratulate you!

On Theater Day, a world holiday,
I want to wish you from the bottom of my heart,
To have different heroes
Equally good
So that every performance spectator
I was in a hurry to watch from the beginning.
Create, play, create,
To hear “Bravo” from the audience!

Take advantage of the proposed audio congratulations service to organize a small, but truly pleasant surprise for people dear and close to you.

Congratulations on Motorist Day to your phone you can listen to and send to the recipient on a mobile or smartphone as a musical or voice greeting. You can order and send congratulations on Motorist Day to your phone either immediately or by first specifying the date and time of delivery of the audio postcard.

Just imagine how unusual such a variant of congratulations will be and how vivid emotions it can evoke in a person. In addition, choosing a unique and cool greeting is actually really easy, so the surprise will not be burdensome for you.

Cool congratulations on Theater Day

Theater is a huge world of mysteries,
Culture is the royal crown.
And Happy World Theater Day
I hasten to congratulate you finally.

I wish you inspiration
Aspirations, joy, love,
And also eternal luck.
So that all the awards find you.

Let the legendary spirit of the theater
Protects you from adversity
Will warm your soul with excitement,
It will bring success and faith.

Actors, directors, actresses
Today we call you for an encore!
Artists, prompters, directors,
Dancers, musicians and understudies,
Workers invisible behind the scenes
And the costume designers with their priceless stitching.
To you - admiring words and glances,
We are happy to congratulate everyone on Theater Day!

Although they say that life is a theater,
And we are actors on stage too!
Theater is life, guys,
And it was created by a true genius!

You, brilliant actors
We congratulate you on Theater Day!
Let there be no friction between you,
You are the psychiatrists of our thoughts!

We wish you, geniuses of art,
Earthly, material riches,
And give in forever to feelings
Large... And just as premium!

Back on January 23, 1933, in his letter to the Moscow Art Theater cloakroom staff, the great Russian theater director and acting teacher Konstantin Sergeevich Stanislavsky wrote: “... the performance begins from the moment you enter the theater building. You are the first to greet the arriving spectators...” This quote, over time, transformed into the catchphrase: “The theater begins with a hanger,” which implies the following: in theatrical art there are no secondary roles and professions.

That's why World Theater Day is a professional holiday for all theater workers: actors, theater directors, producers, lighting technicians, sound technicians, set installers, and even ticket takers and cloakroom attendants. But not only... Theater Day is a holiday for millions of viewers.

Today is a wonderful, majestic holiday - theater day. We congratulate all the servants of the muse with all our hearts on this wonderful event. We wish you, first of all, good health, great happiness, joy and all the best. May only pleasant moments happen in your life, may fate give you a chance for success. All the best to you, prosperity and good mood. Peaceful skies above your head, unquenchable energy and all the best. May the Lord protect you from all bad things.

For a long time, the theater was considered a majestic temple of art. How many roles have been played on his stage! Today is a wonderful holiday for all theater workers. Allow me to congratulate you from the bottom of my heart and thank you for the joy we experience when coming to performances. May your life be like crystal water, may all problems be solved quickly and easily. May the holiday give you a great mood. I wish you good health, success in all your endeavors, prosperity and unclouded happiness.

Theater is an eternal art; theater brightens up our everyday lives and gives us an unforgettable experience. Today is a theater holiday, allow me to congratulate you with all my heart on this wonderful day. May you be lucky in everything, always. May the goodness and joy that you give to people be sure to return to you in return. Let the house be a full cup. May luck and love settle in him forever. We wish you a long, long life, fruitful work, and always a good mood. Be happy.

Today is World Theater Day. Theater is a temple of emotions. Together with the actors, we cry and laugh, evaluate our actions from the outside, and learn good things. We sincerely congratulate you on a wonderful holiday. May the muse always accompany you, may every role you play bring only pleasure. We wish you good health, cloudless happiness, a clear conscience and peaceful skies above your head. May your talent flourish for many, many years to come, may a good angel protect you from troubles and evil.

We sincerely congratulate all tetra workers on this wonderful holiday. Theater for each of us is something great, unattainable, divine. This is art that inspires us. Anyone who has visited the theater at least once receives a charge of emotions for life. Let your talent flourish every day more and more brightly, let that spark of energy flare up into a huge fire of success. We wish you good health, all the best, long and happy years of life. May God give you patience, inspiration and great luck.

The whole world today celebrates a wonderful holiday - theater day. We congratulate you with all our hearts. We wish you great creative success, may all your plans turn into reality, may peace and tranquility reign in your families. May hope, faith and love be faithful companions in your life, may your path be illuminated by the brightest star. All the best to you, long, long life. Let the viewer always respect and understand you. New victories for you, a lot of joy and luck. God bless you always.

The mystery of the theater attracts us to itself. This is a temple of the greatest art. Today we celebrate World Theater Day. Please accept my most sincere congratulations on such a wonderful day. We are grateful to you for the joy you give us with your talent. Let your life flow like a full river, let every day be a holiday for you. All the best to you, good health, great happiness and all the best. Let only reliable friends surround you, and let all bad weather run away into powerlessness.

Congratulations on Theater Day: Poems | Short

Today is the twenty-seventh of April, which means that one of the most interesting holidays has arrived. People who love art, literature and music relate to it. We are talking about World Theater Day. I want to congratulate you on your holiday, which can even be called professional, because you are directly related to the theater. Few people can boast such excellent knowledge in the field of art and theater. I would like to wish you the greatest success in your work, in this extremely interesting field of activity. Let all your productions be a huge success, and let the queues of people to watch the performances never end. And you just do your job and enjoy every moment, because the theater is a place where you can relax and unwind. Thank you for your hard work.

I want to congratulate you on your holiday. As you know, today is the twenty-seventh of March, which means that World Theater Day has arrived. In my opinion, people who are involved in the theater are people with exquisite taste, with a developed sense of beauty. Not every person can devote so much time to the theater and go to performances, but you are the one who can boast of this. I see how you enjoy visiting various productions, watching the actors play - all this gives you real pleasure. I would like to wish you to attend as many performances as possible, to visit the best theaters in the whole world. All this is quite real, you just need to want it, and I don’t even doubt that you will make every effort for this. Let today's celebration take place for you in your favorite theater. Just relax while watching your favorite production to gain strength and energy.

I would like to congratulate you on the holiday - World Theater Day. This holiday is celebrated not only by those who work in the theater or who have worked, but also by those who like to go to theaters, watch performances, and so on. You are one of this number of people. I look at you and understand that a person can really be interested in one thing to the point of becoming a fan of that area. I think that you cannot imagine your life without the theater, without the productions that you regularly go to. I would like to wish you to visit even more different productions, meet your favorite actors, get all the autographs, take pictures with them, so that you can certainly breathe a sigh of relief. Congratulations on your holiday, dear theater lover. Remember that all actors see their grateful spectators, and you can truly be called a grateful spectator.

There is probably not a single person who does not love the theater, because this is exactly the place that gives you the opportunity to relax and unwind. This is where we can have a great time in our free time, weekends and holidays. I want to congratulate you on the holiday, because you have a direct connection to it. You don't miss performances because it gives you the opportunity to have a great time. I hope that there will be many such productions in your life, especially those where your favorite actors play. I would like to wish you to visit the best theaters in the whole world. I am sure that you definitely dream about this, so I wish you the speedy fulfillment of this desire. You are one of those people who are well versed in art, and that is worth a lot. Happy holiday to you! May this day bring you much joy.

Today is World Theater Day - one of the most interesting and necessary holidays. Why do I call this holiday necessary? I believe that the theater is a place that should certainly be in any country and in any city, because it is considered an excellent place to spend your leisure time. And you, as I know, are a big fan of the theater, so I think that you should definitely congratulate you on this day, which is what I will do. I congratulate you and wish you to attend all kinds of productions that you dream of, to visit the most famous theaters from all over the world. Believe that all this is possible, you just need to want it, and I have no doubt that you want it with all your might. I congratulate you once again on the advent of this wonderful holiday. And you simply must spend today in the theater. This will be the best holiday.

I would like to congratulate my dear friend on World Theater Day. You have a direct connection to this day, because you are an artist who performs on the best stages in the best theaters. I look at you and understand that you really found your calling, so now you are incredibly happy. I want to always see you exactly like this. I congratulate you on your holiday and wish you to play those roles in the theater that you have been dreaming about for so long. I hope that you will receive only the most positive energy from your viewers, who will be grateful for every game. May all the world's theaters open their doors for you, my dear. You truly deserve it because you are working hard to become better every day. Spent today at your favorite theater, please the audience so that you can enjoy it yourself.

My dear friend, one of your most important holidays has arrived. It seems to me that you love this day even more than your own birthday, but that’s normal. Today is the twenty-seventh of March, which means that World Theater Day has arrived. I congratulate you, my dear, on the advent of this wonderful holiday. You are one of our best theater artists, so you deserve special congratulations and wishes on this day. I want to wish you always and in everything to achieve the best roles and gratitude from the audience. Believe me, the audience sees how the artist gives his best, and therefore they are imbued with sympathy for him. I want you to achieve your main goal related to the theater, but I won’t talk about it out loud. Just know that everyone supports you because they know how much you try, how much effort you put in.

Today is World Tetra Day, which means that I just need to congratulate my dear friend - the leading artist in one of the most famous theaters in our country. I want to wish you the best roles and productions that others only dream of, but you are making every effort to achieve this, I have no doubt that you will succeed. Let all the spectators be grateful for your work, for your efforts, let them endlessly come to your performances and performances. You are one of those artists who knows how to attract the attention of an audience, who knows how to evoke joy and sadness. Your productions are a huge success. I want it to always be like this, so that you gather the largest halls. Let nothing stop you on your way to that very theater stage that you think and dream about. Remember that anything is possible.

Happy holiday, my beloved friend. You probably don’t even understand why I congratulate you, but I believe that you have a direct connection to this holiday. Today is the twenty-seventh of March on our calendar, which means that World Theater Day has arrived. You are a theater lover with us, you go to all the productions of your favorite actors and works, so we can safely congratulate you on this day. I want to wish you as many new productions as possible, meeting actors and much more that you dream about. I am sure that very soon you will realize your old dream, namely, you will visit one of the most famous theaters in the world. You remember that everything is possible, because the universe sees how you want it, which means that you will do everything to make it come true. Now enjoy the holiday, your day and new productions.

I would like to congratulate my dear daddy, who devoted most of his life to his favorite activity - the theater. Today is our holiday - World Theater Day, if you remember, daddy. Although how can you forget if you celebrated this holiday every year for so many years in your favorite theater. I want to wish you further success in your work, which from year to year brings joy and happiness not only to you and your family, but also to a huge number of people who, over so many years of your work, have seen how interesting productions can be. I want to wish you such grateful spectators in the future, whose queue will never end. Just know that you are doing a noble cause, bringing happiness to people, so be calm. And we all support you, and today we are going to dedicate you and the theater.

I never thought that a person could be so passionate about something, but for several years in a row I have become more and more convinced of this. And my beloved friend, who several years ago became a big theater fan, helps me make sure of this. She does not miss a single performance in which her favorite actors are involved. And it’s not even worth talking about your favorite works. My dear, I want to congratulate you on your holiday. Today is the twenty-seventh of March - World Theater Day, to which you are directly related. I would like to wish you to play on stage yourself one day, because I know that you have been dreaming about this for a long time. Everything is quite real, my dear. So don't lose your desire. I always want to see you so happy and peaceful. I know that you achieve this only with the help of theater.