Collective creative work on literary reading: “The Kingdom of Moroz Ivanovich.” Collective creative work “The Kingdom of Frost Ivanovich” Collective creative work “The Kingdom of Frost Ivanovich”

the presentation is in the "presentations" section

Lesson objectives:

Planned results:

Metasubject (UD):

Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution

Secondary School No. 4

with In-Depth Study of Individual Subjects named after. G.K. Zhukova

g.o. Krasnoznamensk

Lesson summary on literary reading in 2nd grade

“Collective creativity “The Kingdom of Moroz Ivanovich”

Prepared by a primary school teacher

Geletski Olga Nikolaevna

Lesson of collective creativity “The Kingdom of Moroz Ivanovich.”

Literary reading 2nd grade according to the program “Primary school of the 21st century”

Lesson objectives:

Organization of conditions for generalizing knowledge on literary reading.

Creating conditions for the formation of reading skills in various types of work: plot analysis; expressive reading; reading by heart.

Formation of special reading skills: correctly naming the work, author, genre, topic.

Development of students' creative abilities, independence.

Creating conditions for positive motivation for learning through literature.

Planned results:

Metasubject (UD):

regulatory: the ability to independently set goals, plan, control, evaluate one’s activities based on the progress and results of completing a task;

cognitive: make comparisons, classifications, build explanations according to the proposed plan; perform actions according to a given algorithm;

communicative: create individually, in groups, stories about heroes, take into account the partner’s position, organize and carry out cooperation, agree on the procedure for working in a group;

Personal: understand the meaning of the task, build an argument, give examples, evaluate the result obtained, exercise self-control

Equipment: paper, colored pencils, pens, music by S.S. Prokofiev "Blizzard", computer, multimedia projector.

During the classes.

1. Organizational moment.

Today is not an ordinary lesson, we have many guests, greet them, give each other a smile, look at me and sit quietly.

Today you are working in a group, in a team, so what kind of work will it be like? (collective). You have to not only show knowledge, but also show creativity, so what kind of work will there be? (creative).

So, a lesson in collective creativity

Let's remember the secrets of success in the classroom.

1. Work together.

2. Be attentive and polite.

3. Don't be distracted by extraneous matters.

4. Do not interfere with each other, provide assistance in a timely manner.

5. Do quality work.

6. Don't be lazy.

Do you love fairy tales? - What is a fairy tale? (children's answers)

Mastering literary concepts.

What types of fairy tales are there? - Name the types of fairy tales. - How does a fairy tale work? (Begin, episode or event (beginning of the action), test (development of the action), ending (end of the action).

Guys, today we are invited to visit one of the corners of the magical kingdom of literature. But I myself don’t know what this corner is yet. Where do you think the Literature Fairy has called us? I think she left us this snowflake with a note.

“My dear guys! Today I will take you to my domain, to the Winter Kingdom. And to get there, you need to make a little snowfall, because the Winter Kingdom cannot exist without snow. And the second thing that will help you is “winter” poems. Let's go, my friends! Fairy"

How can we arrange snowfall? Let's all take our snowflakes together and wave them to the music as if it were snowing in our class.

Slide 2 - music sounds (children wave snowflakes)

This is how much snow it turned out to be. A real blizzard.

We have fulfilled the first condition. The second condition must also be fulfilled - read the “winter” poems.

(reading poetry).

2. Collective formulation of the topic and goals of the lesson.

And now we will find out who we were visiting in the Winter Kingdom. And the crossword puzzle will help us guess!

1. Small, white

Jump-jump along the forest,

One snowball at a time.

2. After autumn came

And made snowdrifts.

3. I painted all the windows without asking.

But who is it? Here's the question!

All this does...

4. Lukerya scattered

Silver feathers,

Spun it, swept it away,

The street became white.

5. Eyes are coals,

Hands are bitches.

Cold, big. Who am i?

I dusted the paths, decorated the windows,

Gave joy to children

And I went for a sledding ride.

An ice bag hangs outside the window. It is full of drops and smells of spring. Black-winged, red-breasted, And in winter it will find shelter.

He is not afraid of colds -

Right here with the first snow

He looks like a shepherd. Every tooth is a sharp knife.

He runs with his mouth bared,

Ready to attack a sheep.

Little, white one, jumping and jumping through the forest,

One by one, one snowball at a time.

3. Statement of a problematic question.

Does anyone have any ideas why we are taking this topic? (it’s winter now, we studied the section “The snowball is fluttering and spinning...”, the New Year is approaching)

What is the purpose of our lesson, do you think? (summarize knowledge on the section: remember the works that were read in this section, heroes, authors)

And we also have to find out what the kingdom of Moroz Ivanovich is, and does it exist?

Who is Moroz Ivanovich? (Santa Claus, wizard)

Let's prove that he is a wizard. What miracles does he perform? (seals puddles and lakes with ice caps, covers the grass with snow feather beds, draws patterns on windows, lives in a well)

Do we see such phenomena in real life? What does this come from? (winter has come, frosts have come) And with the frosts came a difficult life for all living things, especially in ancient times, when both housing and clothing were not as warm as they are now. People found themselves at the mercy of frost. They compared him to a powerful man. Who remembers what this technique is called in literature? (personification)

What is the kingdom of Moroz Ivanovich? (winter) Does it exist? Why do you think frost is called Moroz Ivanovich in fairy tales? (for a more vivid image of winter phenomena, so that the speech is more beautiful and interesting)

What else do poets and writers use to make their speech more colorful? (comparisons)

Let's remember what snow, ice, trees were compared to.

(snow is like a clean white tablecloth; ice is like a mirror; trees are like silver; they look like lacy arches; snowflakes are like stars)

Do you think we should use comparisons and figurative expressions in our speech? Justify your answer.

And here Moroz Ivanovich himself decided to talk to us!

Re-enactment of a conversation with Moroz

Slide 5,6,7,8,9

And here he comes. Hello, Moroz. How are you living today?

Yes, I feel bad, bad!

What's wrong with you, Frost?

Snow all around, frost reigns outside! And you're complaining...

You’re just saying that, but who remembers me? Frost is now the column in the thermometer, not me. And it’s not I who blow the blizzards, and the snowflakes don’t fall by my will. I think I don’t exist at all...

What are you doing, Frost, don’t be sad. Our children love you. They believe in magic and know a lot about fairy tales and your kingdom!

4. Work in groups - performing collective creative work.

You found yourself in the kingdom of Moroz Ivanovich, describe how you saw it, using a helper card, a dictionary of winter words, comparisons, and your imagination.

a) Compiling a story-description of the kingdom of Moroz Ivanovich, using dictionaries of winter words, words of comparison.

The card is a helper.

Our group saw the kingdom of Moroz Ivanovich like this.

One of the wonderful times of the year has come - winter.

Snow _______________________________________________________________


Children _________________________________________________________________

This is also just a magical place where _______________________________________________________________________ exist

b) Group report - presentation of their story. Assessment by children.

You see, Frost, you shouldn’t be offended. The guys haven’t forgotten you and they understand and remember the magic. And now they will draw you a winter landscape as a gift.

(drawing landscapes)

5. Summing up. Lesson reflection.

Well, there is snow, the yard is white and white!

Our lesson is over, let's sum it up now.

Finish the sentence.

I'm happy...

It was difficult for me...

I'll tell you at home...

I like it….

We were able...

I'm pleased with your work.

Guys, did we succeed in following the rules of cooperation?


Moroz Ivanovich sent you a picture of his house. Slide 11

A). He really asks you to write down a few words on the topic “Winter.” b). Compose a new fairy tale, with new heroes, different adventures.

(Homework is given individually, but the wishes of the children are taken into account)


Literary reading in 2nd grade according to the program “Primary school of the 21st century”

Subject : Lesson of collective creativity “The Kingdom of Frost Ivanovich”

Goals :

*Creating conditions for the development of reading skills: plot analysis, selective reading, silent reading, expressive reading, reading by heart, as well as: the ability to correctly name a work, author, genre, theme.

Subject content: project activities (work in groups)

Planned results:

Subject: .

Metasubject (UD):




Personal : understand the meaning of the task, build an argument, give examples, exercise self-control.

Equipment :

  1. Standards from extracurricular activities on the “World of Activities” (author’s program

L. G. Peterson): “Rules for working in a group.”

2. Project products

3. “Substitutes” in Literary Reading lessons

4. Using the interactive whiteboard

During the classes:

  1. Organization.

Guys, today we are working in groups, so what kind of work will it be? (collective, group).

You have to show not only knowledge, but also show creativity, which means

What kind of work will it be? (creative)

Let's remember the “Rules for working in a group” based on the standard cards:

1 slide:

*The group must have responsible.

*Must work every to the overall result.

*One says, others are listening.

*Speak your disagreement politely.

*If you don’t understand, ask again.

  1. Formulating the topic and objectives of the lesson:

For several days you have been working on individual assignments for a creative project. What is the theme of the project? (Kingdom of Moroz Ivanovich)

Do you have any idea why this topic Shall we take it? (Now it’s winter, we studied the section “The snowball is fluttering and spinning...”, New Year is approaching)

What is the goal our lesson, what do you think? (Summarize knowledge on the section by creating a creative project).

3. Updating knowledge.

Let's first remember what genres of works we met in this section? (1 student from each group works with “substitutes” on the board, indicating the genre and topic)

What genre of literary work interests us today? (Fairy tales. Literary tales)

Name which fairy tales by Vladimir Fedorovich Odoevsky are included in our textbook?

(“Visiting Grandfather Frost”, “Moroz Ivanovich”)

4 Work in groups.

(In advance, all the children in the class were divided into groups in which each child worked individually on his own topic:

*Story-description of the kingdom of Moroz Ivanovich”;

*Creation of the photo film “At work and reward;

*Quiz on fairy tales by V. Odoevsky;

*Crossword on the theme of fairy tales by V. Odoevsky;

*Three-dimensional crafts of a character from V. Odoevsky’s fairy tales made from salt dough).

Today in class, each group must present the design of the project and then present it in front of the class.

Registration is carried out according to the following algorithm:

Subject, class.

Brief summary of the project (general topic, specific topic, purpose of your project, progress

5 Group report -presentation of your assignments.

  1. Demonstration of the photo film “Work and Reward” (international board)
  2. Quiz on fairy tales (international board)
  3. Crossword puzzle based on fairy tales (international board)
  4. Crafts demonstration:


5. Description story “The Kingdom of Moroz Ivanovich

Assessment by children. Teacher assessment.

6 Summing up the lesson. Reflection.

Well, there is snow, the yard is white and white!

Our lesson is over, let's now sum it up. (Words with movements)

Finish the statement:

I'm pleased...

It was difficult for me...

I'll tell you at home...

I like it…

I will…

We were able...

  1. Homework

Drawing from a group creativity lesson.

Application. Homework assignments:

1. Work on the project “The Kingdom of Moroz Ivanovich” (Tasks for group 1)

Collecting material on the topic“A story-description of the Kingdom of Moroz Ivanovich” based on the fairy tales of V. F. Odoevsky:

Make a story plan.

Using comparisons and figurative expressions, write a descriptive story

Presentation of the story, costume of the storyteller (project).

Project design:

Subject, class

  1. Work on the project “The Kingdom of Moroz Ivanovich” (Tasks for group 2)

Project design:

Subject, class

Brief summary of the project (general topic, specific topic, purpose of your project, progress

Performance of work, its features, presentation in class)

  1. Work on the project “The Kingdom of Moroz Ivanovich” (Tasks for group 3)

Project design:

Subject, class

Brief summary of the project (general topic, specific topic, purpose of your project, progress

Performance of work, its features, presentation in class)

  1. Work on the project “The Kingdom of Moroz Ivanovich” (Tasks for group 4)

Complete the crossword puzzle grid.

Select keyword

Project design:

Subject, class

Brief summary of the project (general topic, specific topic, purpose of your project, progress

Performance of work, its features, presentation in class)

  1. Work on the project “The Kingdom of Moroz Ivanovich” (Tasks for group 5)

Do a craft.

Project design:

Subject, class

Brief summary of the project (general topic, specific topic, purpose of your project, progress

Performance of work, its features, presentation and defense in class)

(Project documentation preparation)



G. Class……………..

D. Brief summary of the project:

Own topic: …………………………………………………………………………………

Objective of the project:……………………………………………………………………………..



E . Rating: own -………….



E. Project manager assessment: ………………………………………

2. Work on the project “The Kingdom of Moroz Ivanovich”





B. Item:……………………………………………………………………….

IN. Study topic:………………………………………………………………………………………

G. Class……………..

D. Brief summary of the project:

Common topic:………………………………………………………………………………..

Own topic: ……………………………………………………………………..

Objective of the project:…………………………………………………………………………..

Work plan: ………………………………………………………...




Its features: …………………………………………………………………………………………


Presentation in class…………………………………………………………………………………..

E . Rating: own -………….



3. Work on the project “The Kingdom of Moroz Ivanovich”




B. Item:……………………………………………………………………….

IN. Study topic:………………………………………………………………………………………

G. Class……………..

D. Brief summary of the project:

Common topic:………………………………………………………………………………..

Work plan: ……………………………………………………………………………….





Its features: …………………………………………………………………………………………


Presentation in class…………………………………………………………………………………..

E . Rating: own -………….



4. Work on the project “The Kingdom of Moroz Ivanovich”





B. Item:……………………………………………………………………….

IN. Study topic:………………………………………………………………………………………

G. Class……………..

D. Brief summary of the project:

Common topic:………………………………………………………………………………..

Own topic: …………………………………………………………………………………………

Objective of the project:……………………………………………………………………..

Work plan: ……………………………………………………………..




Its features: …………………………………………………………………………………………


Presentation in class…………………………………………………………………………………..

E . Rating: own -………….



5. Work on the project “The Kingdom of Moroz Ivanovich”



B. Item:……………………………………………………………………….

IN. Study topic:………………………………………………………………………………………

G. Class……………..

D. Brief summary of the project:

Common topic:………………………………………………………………………………..

Own topic: …………………………………………………………………………………………

Objective of the project:……………………………………………………………………..

Work plan: ……………………………………………………………..





Its features: …………………………………………………………………………………………


Presentation in class…………………………………………………………………………………..

E . Rating: own -………….



Work on the project “The Kingdom of Moroz Ivanovich”

Collection of material on the topic “Creation of the photo film “Work and Reward” based on the fairy tales of V. F. Odoevsky”:

Highlight the main plot points of the fairy tale based on your topic

Illustrate them with your own photographs

Prepare a presentation of the work (project)

Project design:

Subject, class

Brief summary of the project (general topic, specific topic, purpose of your project, progress

Performance of work, its features, presentation in class)

  1. Work on the project “The Kingdom of Moroz Ivanovich”

Collection of material on the topic “Quiz on the fairy tales of V. F. Odoevsky”:

Pay attention to interesting details, details and plot twists of the fairy tale.

Formulate questions with three possible answers, one of which is correct.

Learn how to give a quiz with the kids.

Project design:

Subject, class

Brief summary of the project (general topic, specific topic, purpose of your project, progress

Performance of work, its features, presentation in class)

  1. Work on the project “The Kingdom of Moroz Ivanovich”

Collecting material on the topic “Create a crossword puzzle on the theme of fairy tales by V. F. Odoevsky”:

Choose riddle questions for the crossword puzzle

Complete the crossword puzzle grid.

Select keyword

Project design:

Subject, class

Brief summary of the project (general topic, specific topic, purpose of your project, progress

Performance of work, its features, presentation in class)

  1. Work on the project “The Kingdom of Moroz Ivanovich”

Collection of material on the topic “Make a three-dimensional craft from salt dough of a character from V. F. Odoevsky’s fairy tales”:

Choose your favorite character.

Prepare the required amount of material.

Do a craft.

Determine the form of protection of your work (project)

Project design:

Subject, class

Brief summary of the project (general topic, specific topic, purpose of your project, progress

Performance of work, its features, presentation and defense in class)

Municipal educational institution "Suda Basic Educational School No. 2"



Moroz Ivanovich"



Project completed

Groups of 2nd grade students

At the Literary Reading lesson

Project Manager:

Teacher 2nd grade. Kuznetsova

Ekaterina Nikolaevna

2014 – 2015 academic year G.


*Organization of conditions for generalizing knowledge on literary reading.

*Creating conditions for the development of reading skills: plot analysis, selective reading and retelling, observations of the expressive means of language.

*Development of independence, scientific, cognitive and creative abilities.

* Creating conditions for positive motivation for learning through literature.

Subject content:project activities (work in groups)

Planned results:

Subject: the ability to select the necessary information from works of art, carry out creative projects using the knowledge and skills acquired in class.

Metasubject (UD):

regulatory: the ability to independently set goals, plan, control, and evaluate one’s activities based on the progress and results of completing a task;

educational: carry out comparison, classification, build a project according to the proposed plan, perform actions according to the proposed algorithm;

communicative:create individually and in groups stories about heroes, take into account the partner’s position, organize and carry out cooperation, agree on the procedure for working in a group;

Personal : understand the meaning of the task, build an argument, give examples, exercise self-control.


Project activities of 2nd grade students are carried out during a collective creativity lesson in the basic course “Literary Reading” of the educational complex “Primary School of the 21st Century” on the topic “The snowball flutters, spins...”.

Work to prepare for the lesson is based on the following plan:

  1. Goal setting of project activities.
  2. Formation of groups.
  3. Raising possible problems.
  4. Formulation of tasks.
  5. Selection of evaluation criteria.
  6. Reflection.

All project groups received tasks that they completed at home with partial help from their parents.

Each group was faced with the task of formulating a problem and defining a creative concept that reflected their creative vision. What was needed for:

  1. Make figurines of characters from a fairy tale.
  2. Prepare a fairy tale quiz.
  3. Create a crossword puzzle.
  4. Create a photo film “Work and reward.”
  5. Prepare a selective retelling based on the text of the fairy tale.

The technological map of the project is represented by the “Work Execution Plan”.

Using it, students together with their parents prepared a project product.

Working in groups, the children completed documentation for the project, describing

Peculiarities of one’s own, different from others, work on the embodiment of creative

The idea.

The result of successful work on projects are photos and

Video materials presented in the Appendices.

The main criterion for evaluation was the opinion of how

Interesting and original execution of each project as a subject of study

A new activity for second graders.

At the reflection stage, children built their statements based on the beginning of such


  • I'm pleased...
  • It was difficult for me...
  • I'll tell you at home...
  • I like it…
  • I will…
  • We were able...


  1. Program “Literary Reading” 1-4 grades. (L. A. Efrosinina, M. I. Omorokova) Educational and training complex “Primary school of the 21st century”
  2. Implementation of an interdisciplinary program

"Work with text. Working with information"

(Courses on Federal State Educational Standards of NOO. Vologda 2012)

  1. The use of ICT in the educational process of modern early. school taking into account the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard (Courses in Vologda, Sheksna, Botovo 2013.) 4.
  2. Polivanova K.N. Project activities of schoolchildren. Teacher's manual.
  3. Project tasks in elementary school. Teacher's manual. / Ed. A.B. Vorontsova

Applications – project products:

1 gr. - photos

2 gr.- photo film “Work and reward”

3 g .- quiz presentation

4 gr.- photography

5 gr.- film by V. F. Odoevsky “Moroz Ivanovich

Technological map of group 1

2. Elesicheva Tatyana

  1. Zernova Vera
  2. Zernov Nikita
  3. Petrovtseva Victoria

a brief description of

Project topic

Making crafts from salt dough

The meaning of project activities

Objective of the project

Summarize material on the topic,

complete the project

Who is the project addressed to?

To all classmates to increase motivation for learning and development of cognitive activity

Crafts for figurines made from salt dough

Required tools:

Information sources

UMK "Nach. school 21st century"

Devices and materials

Salt dough prepared according to a special recipe

Required skills and methods of work

Modeling, drying, painting

2 weeks

Project work plan:

Stage 1

2. Choose your favorite character

Stage 2

1. Prepare the required amount of material

2.Do a craft

3.Prepare the scenery for the “Kingdom...”

Stage 3

Presenting your crafts at a general lesson


Technological map 2 groups

  1. Berezkin Alexey
  2. Kuznetsov Mikhail
  3. Lobanova Polina
  4. Urazov Timur

Sections of the technological map

a brief description of

Project topic

Creation of the photo film “Work and Reward”

The meaning of project activities

Development of independence, scientific, cognitive and creative abilities.

Objective of the project

Who is the project addressed to?

To all classmates to get the overall result

Project activity product

Photo film “At work and reward”, album

Required tools:

Information sources

Textbook “Literary reading”, 2nd grade;

UMK "Nach. school 21st century", Internet sources

Devices and materials


ICT competence

Time required to complete the project

2 weeks

Project work plan:

Stage 1

Stage 2

1. Highlight the main plot points of the fairy tale based on your topic

2.Illustrate them with photographs 3.Create a photo film

Stage 3

Prepare a project presentation

Features:The guys in our group worked differently. Misha and Timur completed only a few drawings. Polina Lobanova's dad helped her make a very good photo album in the form of a baby book. But Alyosha Berezkin and his mother made a presentation very similar to the film. Only along the edges of the tape there are perforations, like a real film. The photographs are successfully interspersed with the text of the tale. And finally, the melody “Winter's Tale” from the album “Songs of Santa Claus”.

Technological map 3 groups

  1. Zemlyankin Stepan
  2. Carriers Danil
  3. Turkina Arina
  4. Kharaponov Ilya

Sections of the technological map

a brief description of

Project topic

Creation of a quiz based on the fairy tale by V. F. Odoevsky “Moroz Ivanovich”

The meaning of project activities

Creating conditions for positive motivation for learning through literature

Objective of the project

Summarize knowledge on the topic, create a project

Who is the project addressed to?

To all classmates to achieve a common result

Project activity product

Quiz based on the fairy tale by V. F. Odoevsky “Moroz Ivanovich”

Required tools:

Information sources

Textbook "Literary reading", 2nd grade.

UMK "Nach. school 21st century"

Devices and materials


Necessary skills, ways of working

Drawing up questions based on analysis and synthesis of the material being studied;

ICT competence

Time required to complete the project

2 weeks

Project work plan:

Stage 1

Stage 2

1. Pay attention to interesting details, details and plot twists 2. Formulate questions with three possible answers, one of which is correct

Stage 3

Prepare to host your own quiz in class.


Technological map 4 groups

  1. Demichev Arseny
  2. Ronzhina Daria
  3. Yuzhakov Danil

Sections of the technological map

a brief description of

Project topic

Create a crossword puzzle based on the fairy tale by V. F. Odoevsky “Moroz Ivanovich”

The meaning of project activities

Creating conditions for schoolchildren to independently master educational material and have a creative attitude towards it

Objective of the project

Summarize knowledge on the topic, create a project

Who is the project addressed to?

To all classmates for the overall result

Project activity product

Crossword puzzle based on the fairy tale by V. F. Odoevsky “The Kingdom of Moroz Ivanovich”

Required tools:

Information sources

Textbook "Literary reading", 2nd grade.

UMK "Nach. school 21st century"

Devices and materials


Necessary skills, ways of working

Drawing up riddle questions based on the analysis and synthesis of the material being studied;

ICT competence

Time required to complete the project

2 weeks

Project work plan:

Stage 1

Stage 2

1.Choose riddle questions for the crossword puzzle 2.Complete the crossword puzzle grid

3.Highlight a keyword

Stage 3

Get ready to solve your crossword puzzle

In class

Features of work:

Technological map of group 5

  1. Kuznetsova Ekaterina
  2. Ermokhina Oksana

Sections of the technological map

a brief description of

Project topic

Prepare a selective retelling of a fairy tale

V. F. Odoevsky “The Kingdom of Moroz Ivanovich”

The meaning of project activities

Creating conditions for the formation of reading skills: plot analysis, selective reading and retelling, observations of the expressive means of language.

Objective of the project

Summarize knowledge on the topic, create a project

Who is the project addressed to?

To all classmates for the final result in the general lesson

Project activity product

Selective retelling of V. F. Odoevsky’s tale “The Kingdom of Moroz Ivanovich”

Required tools:

Information sources

Textbook "Literary reading", 2nd grade.

UMK "Nach. school 21st century"

Devices and materials

Scenery for “The Kingdom...”, video camera,


Necessary skills, ways of working

Work on the development of coherent speech and its expressiveness. Video shooting and transferring material to DVD. ICT competence

Time required to complete the project

2 weeks

Project work plan:

Stage 1

Stage 2

1.Using figurative expressions and comparisons, prepare a selective retelling 2.Draw up a general plan for a one-by-one retelling

Stage 3

Prepare a presentation of the project in class using ready-made decorations

Features of work: We read the fairy tale, memorized it according to plan, chose the main thing and distributed the words so that the meaning of the fairy tale was clear to the children. We tried to highlight “fairytale” intonations in our voices. They brought scarves for our shoulders from home, and rented kokoshniks from the House of Culture. With the help of our teacher and parents, we prepared the scenery of “The Kingdom of...” and retold the fairy tale. Subsequently, adults created a film based on this.

Work on the project “The Kingdom of Moroz Ivanovich”

(Registration of the work of group 1)

1. Bystritskaya Diana

2. Elesicheva Tatyana

3. Zernova Vera

4. Zernov Nikita

5. Petrovtseva Victoria

B. Subject: Literary reading

B. Study topic: “The snowball is fluttering and spinning”

G. Class: 2

Common topic: "The Kingdom of Moroz Ivanovich"

Own topic: make a craft from salt dough.

Objective of the project : summarize the material on the topic, complete the project.

Work plan:

  1. Re-read the fairy tale.
  2. Choose your favorite character.
  3. Prepare the required amount of material.
  4. Do a craft.

Its features: At home with our parents we read a fairy tale and imagined what our craft would be like. In class, each of us received a recipe for making a special dough. Mothers kneaded unusual dough. Everyone carefully sculpted “their” figures, dried them and painted them with gouache paints. The very first to bring the work were brother and sister Zernov. Nikita is the Sloth, and Vera is the Needlewoman. Bystritskaya Diana brought a figurine of Santa Claus. His beard turned out especially well. Everyone was worried about Tanya Elesicheva; she had to make a bed, a bench and a student. But then her mother went to the hospital, and Tanya’s grandmother helped her. Mom soon recovered. They couldn’t help Vika make the kingdom at home, so she and our teacher prepared it in class every day.

Presentation in class: demonstration and participation in the presentation of scenery.

E. Rating: own -… 5……….

Class-… 5……..

Teachers-… 5……….

Work on the project “The Kingdom of Moroz Ivanovich”

(Formation of work for group 2)

1. Polina Lobanova

2. Berezkin Alexey

3. Kuznetsov Mikhail

4. Urazov Timur

B. Subject: Literary reading

B. Study topic: “The snowball is fluttering and spinning...”

G. Class: 2

D. Brief summary of the project:

Common topic: " Kingdom of Moroz Ivanovich"

Own topic: creation of the photo film “Work and Reward”

Objective of the project : summarize knowledge on the topic, create a project.

Work plan:

  1. Re-read the fairy tale.
  2. Highlight the main plot points of the tale based on your topic.
  3. Illustrate them with photographs.
  4. Prepare a project presentation.

Its features: the guys in our group worked in different ways. Misha and Timur completed only a few drawings. Polina Lobanova's dad helped her make a very good photo album in the form of a baby book. But Alyosha Berezkin and his mother made a presentation very similar to the film. Only along the edges of the tape there are perforations, like a real film. The photographs are successfully interspersed with the text of the tale. And finally, the melody “Winter's Tale” from the album “Songs of Santa Claus”.

Presentation in class:All the guys looked at the familiar material on the screen through a multimedia console with surprise. Many have decided to master this work on their computers at home.

E. Rating: own -… 5……….


Teachers-… 5……….

Work on the project “The Kingdom of Moroz Ivanovich”

(Registration of the work of group 3)

1. Carriers Danil

2. Kharaponov Ilya

3. Zemlyankin Stepan

4. Turkina Arina

B. Subject: Literary reading

B. Study topic: “The snowball is fluttering and spinning...”

G. Class: 2

D. Brief summary of the project:

Common topic: "The Kingdom of Moroz Ivanovich"

Own topic: creation of a quiz based on the fairy tale by V. F. Odoevsky “Moroz Ivanovich”»

Objective of the project:

Work plan:

  1. Re-read the fairy tale.
  2. Pay attention to interesting details, details and plot twists of the fairy tale.
  3. Formulate questions with three possible answers, one of which is correct.
  4. Prepare to administer your quiz in class.

Its features: Styopa and Arina prepared only three questions each. Danil Perevozchikov and his parents compiled two versions of the quiz. Danil managed to come up with questions, some of them were so funny that the guys laughed for a long time, and Ilya Kharaponov (his older sister helped him) brought a quiz, which was shown on the interactive board. The correct answers moved in such a funny way that everyone really liked it.

Presentation in class... demonstration and guessing of the correct answers.

E. Rating: own -…… 5…….

Class-…… 4…..

Teachers-…… 5…….

Work on the project “The Kingdom of Moroz Ivanovich”

(Formation of work for group 4)

1. Yuzhakov Danil

2. Ronzhina Daria

3. Demichev Arseny

B. Subject: Literary reading

B. Study topic: “The snowball is fluttering and spinning...”

G. Class: 2

D. Brief summary of the project:

Common topic: "The Kingdom of Moroz Ivanovich"

Your own theme: create a crossword puzzle based on the fairy tale by V. F. Odoevsky “Moroz Ivanovich”

Objective of the project:summarize the material on the topic, create a project.

Work plan:

  1. Re-read the fairy tale.
  2. Select questions - riddles for the crossword puzzle.
  3. Complete the crossword puzzle grid.
  4. Select a keyword.
  5. Get ready to solve your crossword puzzle in class.

its features:all the guys in our group prepared interesting tasks. This kind of work was new for us. This is cool! Everyone came up with their own questions, and the answers were words in the boxes. Danil Yuzhakov, on the advice of his mother, did everything on checkered paper, and also with different felt-tip pens. It turned out neat and beautiful. Well done. Dasha glued a pocket with answers on the back side. Also unusual. It has 12 questions and a long keyword. And Arseny prepared two crossword puzzles “kingdom” and “frost”, and both were shown on the interactive board. Using a grid of created crossword puzzles, we solved them and then checked them. Very interesting!

presentation in class:demonstration, solution and testing of crossword puzzles.

E. Rating:its -…5 ……….

class-...5 ……..

teachers-...5 ……

Work on the project “The Kingdom of Moroz Ivanovich”

(Registration of the work of group 5)

A. Authors of the project:

1. Kuznetsova Ekaterina

2. Ermokhina Oksana

B. Subject:Literary reading

IN.Training topic:“The snowball is fluttering and spinning...”

G. Class:… 2

D. Brief summary of the project:

Common topic:"The Kingdom of Moroz Ivanovich"

Own topic:“Selective retelling of V. F. Odoevsky’s fairy tale “Moroz Ivanovich”

Objective of the project:summarize the material on the topic, create a project.

Work plan:

  1. Re-read the fairy tale.
  2. Make a general plan for a one-by-one retelling.
  3. Using figurative expressions and comparisons, prepare a selective retelling.
  4. Consider presenting the project in class.

Its features:We read a fairy tale, memorize it according to plan, choose the main thing and distribute the words so that the meaning of the fairy tale is clear to the children. We try to highlight “fairytale” intonations in our voice. They brought scarves for our shoulders from home, and rented kokoshniks from the House of Culture. With the help of our teacher and parents, we prepared the scenery of “The Kingdom of...” and retold the fairy tale. Subsequently, adults created a film based on this.

Presentation in class:screening of a film based on a selective retelling of a fairy tale

V. F. Odoevsky “Moroz Ivanovich”.

E. Rating:its -…4 ……….

class-...5 ……..

teachers-...5 ………

“The Kingdom of Viruses” - Project on the topic: “Secrets of the Third Kingdom.” Rod-shaped virions have a coiled-coil nucleic acid in the center. There are different types of viruses. But with other kingdoms... Many viruses, in addition to the protein capsid, also have an outer shell. The advent of the electron microscope greatly helped in the study of viruses.

"Residence of Father Frost" - House of Father Frost. Walk-in closet. The path of fairy tales. Santa Claus travel map. 12 months. Santa Claus mail. Throne room. Father Frost's office. Slide. Meeting with guests. Tower of Father Frost. The bedroom is the bedchamber of Santa Claus. Santa Claus calendar. Bonfire "12 months" on the Trail of Fairy Tales. Santa Claus post office in Veliky Ustyug.

“Two Frosts” - How can we have fun - freezing people? No sooner said than done. The older brother, Frost - Blue Nose, chuckles and pats his mitten against his mitten. Two frosts. Let him, as soon as he dresses, find out what Frost is like - Red Nose. They whistled, clicked, and ran. One Frost says to another: - Brother Frost - Blue Nose!

“Lesson Kingdom of Mushrooms” - Poisonous mushrooms. Consolidation. -Hey, mushroom picker! The honey mushrooms stand, their heels together, on a rotten stump in a row. The kingdom Fungi, different from the kingdoms Plants and Animals. Mushrooms listed in the Red Book. Forest coral. Leg. Kingdom of Mushrooms. Let him find, without tricks, Where the mushroom has hidden in the grass! Well, let. What other poisonous mushrooms do you know?

"Animal Kingdom" - Animals. Kingdom ANIMALS. Symmetry. Unicellular. RADIAL (radial) several imaginary planes can be drawn, the body is divided into several mirror parts, the lines of intersection of the planes diverge from the center in rays, typical for animals leading a sedentary or sedentary lifestyle.

“Animal Kingdom” - King of Beasts. Squirrel. Error. People have been using animals in their lives for a long time. Wolf. Next question. Squirrels are one of the families of a motley and diverse order of rodents. The panda most often lives alone, hiding in dense thickets. Dolphins. Cheetah. Each class consists of units. A lion. Tiger.

Non-traditional literary reading lesson

"Literary and theatrical living room"

Primary school teacher Bugakova O.G.

Lesson topic: “The Kingdom of Moroz Ivanovich”

Lesson objectives:

— Organization of conditions for generalizing knowledge of literary reading

— Create conditions for enriching students’ speech through a set of expressive means of language (use of epithets, synonyms, comparisons).

— Create conditions for the formation of reading skills in various types of work:

A) plot analysis

B) selective reading

D) reading to oneself

— To develop special reading skills: correctly name the work, author, genre, topic.

— Carry out moral and ethical education of students through the concept of “beautiful”

— Develop students’ intellectual abilities and independence

— Instill a love of theater, music, and art.

— Create conditions for positive motivation for learning through literature and theater arts.


    Painting by L. Brodskaya. "Russian Winter" (1979-1980). Fragment.

    Musical works: A. Vivaldi “Winter”, P.I. Tchaikovsky “January. At the Fireplace" (from the cycle seasons)

    Artistic photographs of Russian winter.

    Posters with sayings of great people.

    Task cards.

    Puppet theater, puppets for the play “Frost and Frost” (based on Russian folk tales)

During the classes:

    Organizing time.

- greetings.

- emotional mood

    Hello children. Today we have an unusual meeting. We are in the literary and theatrical living room, guests have come to us. Let's welcome our dear guests. Smile at them, now at each other. Please turn to me and give me your smile. After all, a smile beautifies a person and gives everyone a mood of joy. This is the only mood we will need today for our work.

    This poem will help us get into a working mood:

Give it to everyone

A piece of sunshine,

Let them be filled with goodness

Their souls are completely drained.

And then you'll see

You are bright paintings,

Heavenly clouds,

Light, timid

    Updating knowledge.

    • Did you like the poem? How? What is it like? Did it help you get ready for our meeting?

      What kind of atmosphere do you think will reign in our living room? (warm, kind, wonderful)

      Guys, you will probably agree with me that theater and literature are an extraordinary, magical country. The world is beautiful. And today we will try to see this. How do you understand what is included in the concept of “Beautiful”? What helps us see this world and understand it.

(music, poetry, painting...)

    Yes, indeed, theater, music, painting, literature and poetry help us see and appreciate the world of the “Beautiful”. Who creates this world? Who is creating in it?


    Whenever it comes to beauty, we first of all turn to human creativity, to art. Why do you think people need art? Why does he create poems, paint paintings and music?

(children's answers)

    Listen to what Plato, the ancient Greek sage, said about this: “Hearing and seeing the Beautiful means becoming better”

    What does it mean to become better? How do you understand?

(means to be kinder, to be more attentive, more inquisitive)

    So why does a person create these masterpieces?

(In order to become oneself and make the world a better place. Having seen and appreciated the height of the world around us, try to save it)

    Yes, only a kind, pure-hearted, bright person will open the world of beauty, the world of art.

Poster: “Write down to do good. Write down to see the beautiful,”

    Tell me where does a person get inspiration from?

    Where do you get your ideas?

    Where can he see beauty?

(in nature)

    Only from nature can a person learn to be kinder, learn to see the beauty of the world around us. This is how the Russian writer L.N. Tolstoy spoke about it.

Poster: “It’s happiness to be with nature, to see it, to talk to it.”

    Can nature show its beauty to every person?

(yes to everyone)

    What is needed for that?

(be observant, be able to be surprised, be able to hear and listen)

    Yes, such people never cease to be amazed throughout their lives by the true beauty, uniqueness and incomprehensibility of nature. Here's what the Russian poet F.I. Tyutchev said about this:

Poster: “She has a soul, she has freedom,

It has love, it has language.”

    Work on the topic of the lesson.

Many Russian writers, poets, musicians, and artists loved and love Russian nature. Many dedicated their work and their creations to her. The artist - seeing the beauty, transferred everything he saw to canvas, the musician - came up with music, the poet - poetry (the music of P. I. Tchaikovsky from the cycle “The Seasons” sounds)

    What feelings did the music evoke?

    What time of year did the composer try to depict?

    What are your associations?

    What did you see?

(children share their impressions, time of year is winter)

    And the artist, seeing the picture of winter, tried to convey his feelings on canvas. (looking at a reproduction of L. Brodskaya’s painting “Russian Winter”)

    What did he want to tell us?

    What thoughts and feelings did you want to convey to us?

(the beauty of Russian nature, winter)

    The poet S. Shchipachev also tried to convey his feelings after seeing the beautiful landscapes of his native land.


Determine which picture these lines will fit? (painting is a reproduction of “Russian Winter”, photographs with winter landscapes)


The blue expanses do not see themselves

And in the eternal cold they are bright and pure.

Snowy mountains do not see themselves

The flower does not see its own beauty.

And it's sweet to know if you're walking through the woods

Are you going down the mountain path?

With your insatiable eyes

Nature admires itself.

(lines to the painting “Russian Winter”)

Reading the posters:

"Love nature"

“Hurry to see the beauty in her”

Poetry page

We found ourselves on the poetic page of our living room. Now we will talk about the beauty of the Russian winter. You have received creative tasks to find or write a poem about winter. Let's listen and try to determine what means of expression poets use to describe the beauty of winter. (children read poems by poets, illustrating with their own drawings),

Poems composed


I went outside on a winter day

How good is a snowstorm in winter?

The snowball flutters and spins

Lay down like fluff on the white snow

(Tikhonov Andrey)


I'm writing a poem

Santa Claus carries a bag

And there are toys in the bag

Balls, crackers

There are also sweet candies in the bag

I'm really looking forward to the New Year

Santa Moreau, but where are you?

(Kislinsky Sasha)

Work in groups.

    What means of expression do poets use to describe the beauty of the Russian winter? (task card No. 1)

    Listen to another creative work. What literary works does the poem echo:

Frost drew a pattern on the glass.

Silver applied white lush pine forest

I'll go to the window in the morning.

I will listen to the silence in that forest.

Do I wonder?

Or was it a dream?

I'm rushing along the ski track, I hear the ringing of pine trees

A fresh fox trail winds through the snow.

Melts in the meadow

Pink dawn.

And trembles in the darkness

White smoke of birches

Fairy tale on glass

Frost drew.

    Did you like the fairy tale on glass?

    What unusual, beautiful thing did you see on this glass, what does the author admire, what natural phenomena does he describe?

(children's answers)

    What literary works does the poem echo?

(“Footprints in the Snow”, “Trees in the Forest”, “Moroz Ivanovich”, “Childhood”)

Prose page.

    Here we are on another page in our living room. Not only poets, but also writers admired the beauty of Russian nature and admired the winter landscapes. You have read a lot of works about winter, let's remember some of them. (work with cards)


    Find out the works

    name a literary genre

    Remember content

    Choose an illustration

    What mood did it make you feel?

    Before opening our last page, I suggest you get up and walk a little through the snowdrifts. Imagine that we are in a winter forest.

Phys. just a minute.

We are not afraid of powder -

Catching snow by clapping your hands

Hands to the sides at the seams

There's enough snow for us and you!

We are walking through snowdrifts.

Through steep snowdrifts.

Raise your leg higher

Make your own way.

    Well, sit down, let's rest a little.


(a moment of relaxation to the music of A. Vivaldi “Winter”)

Night. Freezing. The stars are sparkling.

From the heights of heaven.

All covered in snow

Like in ermine

Quiet forest slumbers

Silence all around.

Polyana sleeps in the arms of sleep.

The moon floats out from behind the forest to patrol.

The stars are going out.

They're pouring from the sky

Pale rays.

Frosty snow sparkled

Silver of corruption

Branches spread wide

In a snow coat

In the middle of the clearing there is a Christmas tree

An arrow went up into the heights

To the beauty of the forest

The moonlight has fallen

And the lights of ice crystals

Played in the branches.

Diamond threads

Entwined in pine needles

Emeralds and rubies

They lit up in the snow.

(N. Khvostov)

Theater page

    We found ourselves on the last page of our literary and theatrical living room.

We love fairy tales very much

There is peace and beauty in them.

Sorceresses and fairies

They work miracles there.

Life is fun there

Good reigns there.

There we are not afraid of evil

Good will win there

The play “Frost and Morozets” based on Russian folk tales

    Summarizing. Working with cards.

    • What did the fairy tale teach you?

      Try to find a proverb for the fairy tale.


    Remember the impression at the beginning of the lesson: what was your mood?

    Did you like the fairy tale?

    What feelings did it evoke?

    What's your mood now?

    Thanks for the work. Our meeting is over.

    I hope that beauty will always be with you.

Subject: literary reading
Date: 12/10/2012
Class: 2
Author: L.A. Efrosinina
Lesson topic: Collective creative work “The Kingdom of Moroz Ivanovich”
Lesson type: project activity (group work)
Equipment: paper, paints, pencils, pens, tape recorder, music by P. I. Tchaikovsky “The Seasons”.

Goal: learning to compose an oral text of a narrative type; developing the ability to compose a fairy tale based on the proposed plot; developing group work skills.

Lesson objectives aimed at achieving personal learning outcomes: developing skills of cooperation with peers, the ability not to create conflicts and find ways out of controversial situations; development of goodwill, independence; instilling a love for Russian literature.

Lesson objectives aimed at achieving meta-subject learning outcomes: development of students’ cognitive abilities; expansion and enrichment of the reader's vocabulary; exercise mutual control in joint activities.

Lesson objectives aimed at achieving subject-specific learning outcomes: the formation of conscious, correct, expressive reading and storytelling; the ability to express one’s attitude to what is read and heard; ability to use reference sources to obtain additional information.

Lesson steps
Teacher activities
Student activities
Formed UUD

I. Organizational moment.

Do you love fairy tales? - What is a fairy tale?
Getting ready for work

Express a positive attitude towards the learning process, show attention.
Aiming for successful activities.

II. Updating knowledge.
Mastering literary concepts.
- What types of fairy tales are there? - Name the types of fairy tales. - How does a fairy tale work?

Build a plan for constructing a fairy tale:
The beginning
Episode or event (beginning of action).
Test (action development).
Ending (end of action).

Communicative: argue your position.
search and highlight the necessary information

III. Determining the topic and purpose of the lesson

During your literary reading lessons, you read a lot of fairy tales - both folk and original. Today you will try to compose your own fairy tale. You will find out what theme the fairy tale will be about by solving the crossword puzzle.
Since you will be working in groups, let's discuss the rules for working together.

Solving crossword puzzles.
(see Attachment)
We define the theme: “Frost”. This means that the fairy tale should turn out to be a winter one.
On your tables is a “winter dictionary”: words, proverbs, sayings on a winter theme. Each group chooses one proverb or saying and explains its meaning.

Discussing the rules of joint activities:
A) work together; to be attentive to each other, polite, not to be distracted by extraneous matters, not to interfere with each other, to provide assistance in a timely manner, to follow the instructions of elders; B) complete tasks in a timely manner, finish what is started, keep track of time; C) do quality work, follow the technique safety, saving material; D) each member of the group must be able to protect the common cause and his own in particular
be active in solving a cognitive problem,
argue your position.
search and highlight the necessary information,
discuss problematic issues,
analyze research results.
accept and maintain the educational goal and task,
supplement the opinions expressed on the merits of the assignment received.

IV.Introduction to the topic.

It’s white in the yard, Well, there’s snow! And we’ll sit in the classroom, Together we’ll write a fairy tale.
The board opens: winter landscapes by Russian artists, entry: “The Kingdom of Moroz Ivanovich.”
This is what our fairy tale will be called.
-What will happen next in our fairy tale?
-What can you tell me about? How to convey the beauty of a winter forest?
Each group is given a hero (deer, bear cub, bunny, wolf) on their desk. Suppose he caused the commotion. But think about what the hero came with.
Discussion of the resulting options. The most interesting one is chosen.

A) Each group offers its own beginning of a fairy tale or beginning. The best or original is selected.
B) Start of action. Episode or event.
C) Now in our fairy tale something is about to happen. I say: "Suddenly"
D) The ending of the fairy tale. Discussion. Selecting an option.

highlight essential information from the children’s story,
classify objects (combine into groups according to essential characteristics)
be able to listen in accordance with the target setting

V. Physical education minute

Active execution
be active in collective activities.

VI. A complete retelling of the resulting tale.
- Guys, is our fairy tale missing something?
- Of course, bright, beautiful drawings.
- Now each group will draw their own illustration. (Against the background of music by P.I. Tchaikovsky)
1 - beginning 2 - landscape 3 - incident 4 - ending
Showing drawings and retelling a fairy tale

Presentation of a group fairy tale.

the ability to express one's feelings, thoughts,
show an emotional reaction to the text that is adequate to the text.
analyze the content of the work.
accept and maintain the learning goal and task
establish compliance of the obtained result with the set goal.
pay attention to the opinions of your comrades.

VII. Comparison of fairy tales.
Now you will work in groups.
How do you think fairy tales differ?
What are the features of each fairy tale?
Children in groups discuss and analyze the fairy tales of their comrades.

be active in interaction,
negotiate and come to a common opinion in joint activities.
apply the rules of business cooperation.

VIII. Lesson reflection.

Guys, did we manage to follow the rules of cooperation?

Summarize the lesson.

evaluate one's own and collective activities.
Cognitive: highlight the necessary information, justify the choice.

IX. Homework.

Moroz Ivanovich sent you a picture of his house.
A). He really asks him to color it and write down a few words on the theme “Winter.” B). Write down the fairy tale you have composed on this sheet. B). Compose a new fairy tale, with new heroes, different adventures.

Homework is given individually, but the wishes of the children are taken into account.

to create motivation for creative work and work for results.


№ 1.

1. Lukerya scattered Silver feathers, Spun them, swept them away, The street became white.
2. Eyes are coals, Hands are knots. Cold, big. Who am I?
3. The men are resting, They are wearing white caps, not sewn or knitted.
4. In a round window during the day, the glass is broken - put back in the evening.
5. Snow on the fields, Ice on the rivers, Blizzard is walking - When does this happen?
№ 2.
[Download the file to see the picture]
1. I dusted the paths, decorated the windows, gave joy to the children and took them for a ride on a sled.
2. There is an ice bag hanging outside the window. It is full of drops and smells of spring.
3. Black-winged, red-breasted, And in winter he will find shelter. He is not afraid of colds - Right there with the first snow,
4. He looks like a shepherd. Every tooth is a sharp knife. He runs, grinning his mouth, ready to attack the sheep.
5. Small, white, Jump-jump through the forest, Poke-poke through the snowball.
Proverbs and sayings
The frost is not great, but it is not good to stand.
Take care of your nose in the extreme cold.
Frost grabs the lazy one by the nose, and takes off his hat in front of the agile one.
Thank you frost for bringing snow.
In winter the snow is deep - in summer the bread is high.
In winter, ice is not valued.
Winter scares summer, but it still melts.

Attached files