The most expensive headphones in the world: when music is more valuable than money. “A beat for disrespect” - Bahh Tee tells how a beatmaker can get big money for his work The best beat sets in the premium segment

If you don’t know, the artist and producer Bahh Tee started a cool telegram channel in which he talks interestingly about the modern music business. Here we know what advances are and why they are so easily given to artists. Now he has written a large material about the work of beatmakers in Russia, and how this work can best be monetized.

What is the difference between a beatmaker and a producer/sound producer:

A beatmaker, as follows from the etymology of the word, writes beats. Rappers call beats the instrumental blanks on which they compose songs. In other words, these are ready-made arrangements that only lack a vocal track. After writing, they sell or rent the beat and forget about it.

Producers are responsible for producing the song itself. It is more important for them to frame the work, which may not even have been written by them, in the correct sound. The sound producer works on the song together with the performers and authors, thinking through not only the sound of the beat, but the sound of the song as a whole: he tells the artist how to sing correctly, helps in editing the lyrics of the song, and can offer his own options for developing the composition.

In short: a beatmaker works on the beat, and a sound producer works on the song.

Potential sources of income for a beatmaker:

Selling beats

Turnkey production of songs in conjunction with the authors

Writing custom music

Leasing (rental) bits

Royalties for adjacent

Alternative sources of income (master classes, DJing, etc.)

How it works in the West:

When writing a beat, the beatmaker acquires copyright (he writes, at a minimum, harmony and, in some places, melody). In addition, Western beatmakers are, after all, more sound producers. When a beatmaker writes a beat, he often comes up with some kind of flow, a presentation with which the artist can record vocals, which is why Western beatmakers often work in the studio with the artist. Consequently, they automatically have related rights. The beatmaker/sound producer does not alienate the rights to the performer/label, but transfers to them a license for his share or entrusts the collection of his copyright/related share to his label/publisher.

“There” the authors understand that it is better to receive small money over a long period of time than tangible money here and now. They are working to expand the catalog of their rights, because even if each written beat earns them a modest $100 per month, then in five years they will collect $6,000, and 30 such beats will already earn $3,000 per month or $180,000 for five years.

How it works for us:

Our beatmakers are trying to sell their work here and now for money that is tangible to them. There is no talk of any royalties. The average cost of a bit on the market is 10,000 rubles. If you sell at a higher price, they will buy from someone else, because the competition is fierce, and there are not many solvent artists. At the same time, it’s funny, but solvent in our country are the artists who do not yet earn money from music, but have some other sources of money. When an artist takes off and becomes popular, he stops paying for beats. And the point here is not the greed of the artist, but the fact that his mailing addresses are overflowing with beats that beatmakers are ready to adjust “for respect” and “a mention in the VKontakte public.” Beatmakers do this for a portfolio so that they can later sell their work to young artists who carefully monitor whose beats their more successful colleagues record.

Another option is to rent/leasing bits. I think that this is generally a big problem, and a headache for releasing labels, but beginning artists willingly rent beats, because it costs several times less than buying them. Thus, a beatmaker can rent out the same beat to several artists, earning more money than he would have paid for selling it. For example, the songs Markul & Oxxxymiron "Fata Morgana" and Dramma & Lesha Svik "Rico" are recorded on the same beat. Moreover, all 4 artists have a certain fame, their hits and concert stories.

Why is it different here than in the West:

- We have beatmakers, they have sound producers

When a beatmaker sells just a beat, he does not know what kind of song the end result will be, because the future fate of the beat does not depend on him. The artist will write lyrics and come up with hooks without the participation of a beatmaker, and you can’t predict what he’ll come up with. It all depends on the artist. It is very unlikely that the track will shoot. It is much clearer to a sound producer that a song will become a hit, because he works on the process of creating a song until the end, taking part in all stages, right down to mixing and mastering. Having heard a hit, the producer begins to fight for his rights (sounds funny, but it’s true), and the artist, knowing that a hit is a very fragile substance, is afraid to change anything in the resulting song, and gives the share to the sound producer.

- I don’t have my own face

Our beatmakers are still copying. I will even say this: they copy so professionally that anyone can be instructed to “write the same beat as in this song” and he will most likely succeed. This is problem. Let me explain: if an artist likes a beat, but the beatmaker doesn’t want to sell it, but wants a share in sales, then it’s easier for the artist to instruct any other beatmaker to write the same beat and pay him 10,000 rubles. This is business, guys, you can understand the artist. But if a beatmaker has his own style, he is cool in something as cool as only he can be, then it’s a different story.

Let's listen to the main hits of 2017-2018 and try to distinguish the beatmakers who wrote them by their sound: “Medusa” by Matranga, “Smoke” by Lyosha Svik, “Rose Wine” by Eldzhey and Feduk. With all due respect to the beatmakers who wrote the beats for these songs, it was not the instrumentals that made them hits, but the hooks of the performers. The first was beatmaker Empaldo (a great guy, by the way), who wrote the beat for “Pink Wine,” and then the hysteria with the straight kick started and the rest of the beatmakers started copying each other. And of course, the price for such copied bits is 10,000 rubles.

- Lack of a culture of paying royalties to beatmakers/sound producers

Simply put, in our country, it’s trite, no one has yet started doing this so that others will be convinced that it’s cool and want to do the same.

- Narrow focus of beatmakers

More often than not, they make beats in a certain style and get stuck into it. A sound producer must be able to make a song in any direction and must have a wide range of skills. A sound producer must “be in touch” not only with genre music, but with mainstream music in general. He must understand what makes a hit, what is currently working, must understand post-production, mixing and mastering, must be able to record live instruments. Unfortunately, our beatmakers don’t always even distinguish keys. If you study music, spend a month of time, educate yourself, learn the basics of solfeggio. Unfortunately, most of the beatmakers I met didn't know how to read music.

- Poor positioning of oneself, inability to sell oneself

I want to know who I work with, who I buy a beat from, who I invite to the studio. Right now I spent five minutes on the public and personal page of beatmaker 4EU3, but I still couldn’t find any information about which songs he had a hand in. There are tons of beats for sale and information about beats sold, but I want to know the customers - this information is not provided. How do I know who his clients are, what hits and cool songs he had a hand in? At the same time, Chase is one of the coolest beatmakers in the country and an iconic personality. The opposite example is the beatmaker Scady. By going to his public page you can immediately find out who he worked with and what songs he participated in.

More or less good sound producers make songs from 100,000 rubles, while beatmakers, on average, receive 10,000. Why do they cost more? Because they make the song turnkey. They create the arrangement, record, mix, master, edit vocals, and help with singing. As a result, a beatmaker spends on average up to one day on a beat, and a sound producer a week. That's the difference in price. At the same time, the importance of sound producers working in the direction of pop music is much higher than that of beat makers. They earn, of course, less than artists, but they also drive good foreign cars and buy apartments. I think these people are, at the moment, much closer to starting to demand royalties from artists than beatmakers, and, in their cases, it is more justified. An artist comes to their studio and records a song with them - the sound producer immediately has related rights to the phonogram, which he can sell or monetize himself.

What should I do?

The solution to the problem depends on many factors. As long as musical fast food is relevant in the country and house rap is working with a direct kick drum, little can be changed. The musical part of these songs does not carry any cultural or creative value, remaining just accompaniment. These songs change on radio stations, while the broadcasts themselves remain seemingly unchanged. But this will soon pass. And then everything will depend on the beatmakers themselves. Transformation into sound producers is what can help you. If you have chosen writing music as the main direction of your activity, then you need to constantly educate yourself, improve yourself as much as possible as an arranger, sound producer and songwriter. Artists should come to your studios and work with you, not buy beats from you. Related rights consist of performing rights (50%) and rights to a phonogram (50%). The rights to the phonogram belong to the one in whose studio the phonogram was created, or to the one who created it, or to the one who paid for it all. Accordingly, if artists create their tracks in your studios, record and mix them, then 50% of the related rights will remain with you (if you do not take money). It sounds like science fiction, but this is the future. It’s up to everyone to continue writing beats for 10,000 rubles or start building your own catalog of rights, which in a couple of years will earn you good money. Believe me, rap artists now earn no less than pop artists, and they are willing to pay, but it would be worth it. Today the reality is that a rap song is made by a performer and a hook, and a pop song is made by a sound producer (we are talking about the domestic market). That's why rap producers earn much less than pop producers.

Another solution is to create turnkey songs in conjunction with the authors. This is when a beatmaker and an author (poet/composer) together compose a finished song, record demo vocals and invite the artist to perform this song. It is a rare artist who will refuse the opportunity to add a percussion hit to his repertoire, especially since he is invited to everything that is ready.

A person can develop his musical skills endlessly. Probably, there cannot be a peak of development, although many singers and musicians consider themselves perhaps the best performers in history. Fans idolize them, and the media intrudes into their lives in every possible way, fueling interest in these personalities. What kind of equipment do global bands currently use? What is the secret of the unusual and high-quality sound of past generations? Let's look at the most expensive and most magnificent instruments played by the legends of world music!

"Koshansky" - Stradivarius violin.

There is a very mysterious story associated with this violin. The Russian virtuoso Koshansky in the pre-revolutionary years was one of the best violinists in the world. All European critics gave the highest marks to the performing skills of this Russian violinist. Nicholas II himself applauded the musician and asked him to play for him personally. It was Nikolai who gave the famous violin to Koshansky.

Koshansky spent the years of the revolution abroad. After his death, the violin constantly disappeared somewhere, passed from one hand to another. The instrument was stolen several times and even the armored case could not save it from the last theft, so valuable was this heritage. Subsequently, the violin was stolen along with the car where it was stored, and nothing has been heard from it since then.

"Lady Blunt" - Stradivarius violin.

Antonio Stradivari's violins are considered the best and highest quality in the world. This model was created in 1721, and the price of this instrument is currently almost 10 million dollars. Stradivari's instruments still break all records for value even after his death. In 2011, the Tarisio auction house sold the instrument for a gigantic sum of $16 million. The proceeds from the sale were donated to charity. There was a stir around the sale of this instrument, and there were a lot of stories shrouded in mystery. For many years the violin belonged to Lady Anne Blunt, and subsequently many famous collectors owned it.

Eric Clapton's electric guitar.

The legendary guitarist in the 50s of the 20th century created a magnificent instrument that stood out for its unique sound quality. Three Fender Stratocaster guitars were used to create this luxurious model. It was due to Eric's development that the Fender Stratocaster became very popular with other famous musicians. Eric's guitar was sold in 2005 for $2.6 million. In addition to Eric's autograph, the guitar bears the signatures of Paul McCartney, Jimmy Page, Jimi Hendrix, Mick Jagger and other world stars.

Benny Goodman's clarinet.

There are only a few performers on the level of Benny Goodman. This is a great master of clarinet playing, with whom no modern musician can compare. The "King of Swing" dropped out of school to pursue music. Goodman died in 1986. Over the years of his career, Benny had a lot of similar instruments. The clarinet, sold at auction at the beginning of the 21st century, cost $25,000 and is considered the most expensive instrument that Ben owned.

Dizzy Gillespie's trumpet.

The jazz trumpet virtuoso is considered one of the founders of the bebop style. Dizzy lived to be 75 years old and changed a huge number of instruments. In 1995, the Gillespie pipe was sold for $55,000. This tool is special. Fate decreed that during the accident the instrument was deformed in an unusual way. Thanks to this, the trumpet acquired a special sound, which became iconic both for the musician himself and for his listeners. Another “weapon” of the musician was sold in 2005. The sale amount was about 30 thousand dollars. Gillespie's instrument will always remain iconic, even for modern society.

Bass guitar "Flora Aurum".

This guitar is the brainchild of renowned guitar maker Jens Ritter. The musical instruments of the German master are valued all over the world and represent a premium class on the market. The original design is what his guitars are loved for. A standard Jens guitar costs between 4,000 thousand and 17 thousand dollars. “Flora Aurum”, created by the master in 2007, was bought by an unknown person for 250 thousand dollars. "Flora" was trimmed with gold, platinum and diamonds. The main material was mammoth tusk. The main cost was played not only by expensive materials, but the main thing was the master’s vision for the construction of the guitar and the quality of the handmade work.

Drums by Keith John Moon.

One of the cult drummers on the planet, Keith John Moon, aroused admiration for his playing style and the highest quality of the most complex parts that he performed. This genius' drum kit was sold for $140,000. The auction was held in 2004. The most interesting fact in this situation was that at the beginning of the auction the installation was valued at 15 thousand.


The world's largest online auction, Ebay, allows users from all over the world to sell and buy almost any product, sometimes even quite unexpected ones. At the same time, transaction amounts often reach astronomical values. We present a review of the 10 largest transactions in the history of eBay, thanks to which very original items were sold.

10. The Life of Ian Asher. Price - $309,292

In 2008, 44-year-old Ian Asher decided to refute the fact that every person's life is priceless by putting his own up for sale on eBay. Surprisingly, he managed to sell it for $309,292. A turning point came in the Australian's life - he divorced his wife and wanted to get rid of his own life. After an unknown person purchased it, Asher left to see him wearing an old T-shirt, torn jeans and a passport in his wallet. He later wrote on his website specifically for the project that he is still not sure what exactly inspired him to take this crazy step - stupidity and short-sightedness, or a midlife crisis." In any case, the sale of his own life is still one of the 10 craziest deals on eBay.

9. Shoeless Joe Jackson's baseball bat. Price - $577,610

Baseball player Shoeless Joe, whose best athletic years occurred at the beginning of the 20th century, received this unusual nickname while playing for a team from South Carolina. In one of the games, he experienced severe pain due to numerous calluses that appeared on his feet. The American athlete decided to take off his shoes and ran the entire match in just his socks. Shoeless Joe's name appeared on people's lips again in 2001 when his baseball bat, dubbed "Black Betsy," sold on eBay for $577,610. The 90cm bat, made from hickory wood and decorated with black tobacco, was put up for sale by the nephew of a famous baseball player who must have been in dire need of money.

8. Enzo Ferrari car. Price - $1,000,000.

Enzo Ferrari car

The Italian Enzo Ferrari supercar is not only one of the coolest sports cars on the market, but also one of the rarest - today there are only 399 models worldwide. This car has become the goal and dream of many car enthusiasts. Naturally, when this beauty went on sale on eBay in 2004, there was no end to those wanting to buy it. The winning bidder was a Swiss citizen. This speed monster cost him $1 million, making the supercar the most expensive car ever purchased through an online auction.

7. Baseball card featuring Honus Wagner. Price - $1,100,000.

Baseball is probably very popular among eBay users. How else can one explain the fact that a small baseball card depicting the popular Pittsburgh team player Honus Wagner at the beginning of the 20th century was sold at auction for such huge money? In order to get closer to the answer, it is worth learning about the background. At a time when baseball was especially popular, an American tobacco company began printing baseball cards with images of the most famous players and selling them along with cigarette packs. Wagner himself, who hates tobacco smoke and advocates a healthy lifestyle, strongly protested against this idea and ultimately forced the company to suspend the production of cards with his photograph. As a result, only 200 cards with Wagner have survived to this day. The baseball card first appeared on eBay in 2000 and was almost immediately purchased by sports fan Brian Siegel for $1.1 million.

6. The city of Bridgeville in California. Price – $1,770,000.

The small Californian town of Bridgeville, whose area is 33 hectares, on which there are 8 houses, a post office, a cafe and 30 residents, was previously privately owned by the Lapple family. They purchased the town back in 1973, but decided to get rid of it in 2002, putting the town up for auction on eBay. An interesting fact is that the winner, who did not spare such a large sum and planned to develop this town, put it up for sale again a few years later. Subsequently, the provincial town found new owners, but for a much smaller amount of money.

5. House with a bunker. Price - $2,100,000.

Realtors Gregory Gibbons and Bruce Francisco bought the old missile base, wanting to turn it into an underground bunker with a two-story house on the ground. Construction of the future house, located in the Adirondack Mountains in upstate New York, began shortly after the tragic events of September 11, as, according to the authors, this house would be in great demand among a large number of wealthy families. The realtors themselves valued the house at $18 million, but sold it on eBay for only $2.1 million. The house, with a stunning view of the mountains from every window, fortunately has not yet had to fulfill its original function.

4. City of Albert in Texas. Price – $2,500,000.

In 2003, some time after the sale of Bridgeville, the American town of Albert in Texas was also put up for auction on eBay. At one time, American insurance broker Bobby Cave purchased this place for only 216 thousand dollars, but due to the lack of significant profit, after just a few years he decided to get rid of it on eBay, estimating the total cost at 2.5 million dollars. Albert, with a population of 5 residents, is primarily known for its history as a stop on the once important Fredericksburg-Blanco economic route. Cave tried to preserve as much of the area's history as possible, building a tavern where a former general store had been located and doing extensive restoration work on historic sites.

3. Lunch with American entrepreneur and billionaire Warren Buffett. Price – $2,600,000.

Every year, business magnate Warren Buffett hosts a benefit dinner to raise money for a San Francisco church. The main mission of the church is to help poor and disadvantaged people. Over the years, Lunch with Buffett has consistently remained at the top of the list of the most expensive items up for grabs on eBay, but in 2010 the event sold for even more money than usual - an anonymous rich man paid $2.6 million. One can only hope that the wise economist Buffett gave the winner some important business tips that will help him or her pay for such an expensive lunch.

2. Airplane "Gulfstream II". Price - $4,900,000.

Airplane "Gulfstream II"

In 2001, Tyler Jet, America's leading supplier of business jets, put one of its aircraft up for auction. The luxury private jet can accommodate 12 passengers. The auction lot was won by an African company, which paid $4.9 million for this cutting-edge model. Thus, the Gulfstream II aircraft became the most expensive aircraft purchased through an online auction.

1. Yacht "Gigayacht". Price - $168,000,000.

Yacht "Gigayacht"

The most expensive item sold on eBay to date is a Frank Mulder-designed 163-meter yacht called Gigayacht, which sold for an absolutely incredible $168 million. The brand new yacht, bought by Russian billionaire Roman Abramovich in 2006, includes VIP apartments, a children's room, guest cabins, a gym, a cinema, a spa, elevators and even a helipad. Needless to say, this deal changed the way people thought about online trading.

Auction participants often part with fabulous sums in pursuit of a unique lot that they like. To an outside observer, such purchases may seem completely crazy, and yet such stories are repeated again and again. The scope of auction battles is well illustrated by a review of the cost or. A favorite topic for auctions is vintage cars, as our top list in the world clearly demonstrates.

Hello, you are only 18 years old! How long have you been making beats?

Hi, yes, I'm 18 years old and I've been making music for about 3 years, specifically beats - since August 2017.

Are beats your main job? Did you have to work somewhere else?

Yes, beats are my main job. I don’t and never have had to work anywhere, but there is one interesting fact: at a time when music didn’t bring me any money yet, I was ready to work as a car wash.

You have a lot of beats with a smooth kick, have you always made in this style or have you recently started in connection with the deep house wave?

To be honest, I don’t make house music because I love straight kick, it sells.

In one of your video interviews you talked about working with Feduk. Are there any other joint projects planned with him?

I can’t promise anything for sure, but there must be plans.

Under what conditions did Feduk and Lyosha Eldzhey take your beats? Did you buy at the standard price or was it on an advertising basis?

I don’t see any point in selling music to popular artists; I think it’s better to give the music for free and get a lot of money after advertising than to sell it and be left with ten thousand in your pocket.

How did you meet Empaldo?

Empaldo is an interesting person, he started communicating on VK. I can’t tell you anything interesting from our communication, other than collabs.

After the release of all the sensational tracks under your prod. How much has the number of calls to buy beats increased?

Since I didn’t have any income before Sailor, the money came in immediately after the release of the track.
I made music, posted it to the group, but didn’t get a penny.

Do you buy leasing or exclusives more often?

My group often has promotions, I think that 70% of purchases are exclusives.

How much does a custom beat from Yangy cost?

An individual bit costs from 6 to 15 thousand rubles, depending on the complexity. In addition to earning money, this work brings me joy; I love hearing tracks with my production on the streets, in cars and from the windows of houses.

You have 318 beats in the playlist for sale on VK. Where does such crazy productivity come from?) Where do you get inspiration?

I am inspired by absolutely everything, from the silence of the street, the silence of the night, to quarrels, I try to do more and more diversely.

Do you have ghostwriting in your products? Have you already written custom text for someone?

Yes, I wrote, but the music with my lyrics has not yet been published.

What does the “training” clause mean in products for 1,499 rubles?

I teach beginners the basics, mixing, and writing melodies.

Do you only sell beats through VK? And do you pay for advertising on VKontakte?

Yes, my music is sold only within social networks. networks. No, I don’t pay for it, it’s a waste of time.

How long does it usually take to write a beat on average?

It depends on both your mood and inspiration. I can write in 40 minutes, I can write in a day or more.

Are you registered on Beatstars or other marketplaces? Or don’t you sell beats to the west?

I don’t sell beats to the West, I didn’t go into that.

Judging by Instagram, you don’t sell beats through this social network. Or is there another account with beats on insta?

I have an account intended for selling beats, I made it and immediately abandoned it, there was no time for uploading and editing.

On YouTube, the same query for Yangy beats did not return anything. Not using this site?

No, I repeat, I only use VK.

In that interview, you said that you earn about 140 thousand rubles per month from bits. Are these all sales from VK?

Yes, now earnings reach 200+ thousand per month, there were cases when people were afraid to buy my music, there were mistakes on my part, I didn’t complete the project on time and received unfavorable comments from new clients. But just as I was wrong, so was the buyer himself.

How many beats do you sell per month? Considering all license options.

I can’t say for sure, since I’ve never counted, about 30+ bits. Each bit can be purchased in its own format.

What's the most expensive bit you've ever sold?

38 thousand rubles.

Name the top three CIS beatmakers in your opinion now


Which artist would you like to work with?

I would like to work with Scryptonite, Tifest, Basta and many other artists, I believe that a fairly large number of Gazgolder participants make a very high-quality product, their lyrics make sense, they don’t read about neon, clubs and girls.

I know you are preparing your solo rap project. When are you planning to release the release?

The exact release date is unknown yet, as I am a very versatile person in terms of music. I want to give people what I think about, how I lived and how I live now. There will be no texts about drugs and money.

Do you write your own beats for this album?

I am helped by a very good musician whom I mentioned earlier. I can’t say anything about the tracks for my beats yet. 1 is.

What do you like more: writing rap or making beats for other rap artists?

I like everything I do; of course, I want to become an artist more than a beatmaker. Yes, I make music that people buy; for my age, I am quite capable of supporting myself and my girlfriend.

Give beginning beatmakers advice or guidance on how best to promote instrumentals on VKontakte.

My advice is this, guys, never give up and go towards your goal, don’t give a fuck about everything they tell you, listen to yourself. Before I started earning money, no one believed in me except my family and friends, now these people have closed their mouths.

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