Features of love relationships in different countries. Love between a man and a woman in different countries

They say that love knows no boundaries, and it is not so easy to find a place on Earth where there would be a territory free from love. Well, unless it takes you on an excursion to the Vatican. We decided to find out how residents of different countries express feelings, relate to sex and build relationships.


In England, love begins with friendship. Most often, English people meet at work or through friends. And they communicate for a long time before starting a romantic relationship.

The way to the heart of an Englishman is through jokes, since in England the sense of humor is most valued.

The British are against women's initiative in relationships. Men should be invited on dates. Most often, romantic meetings take place in pubs or bars.

The British are not ready to spend money on a girl at the beginning of dating until they are sure of their sympathy for her. Traditionally, the man pays for everything on the first date. The bill is then divided in half.

The British do not make dates on Friday and Saturday. These two evenings are the time to hang out in the company. If a man suggested seeing each other on Friday, it means he has no friends and no social circle! And it's strange. Since friendship in England is given great importance.

After the date, the man accompanies the girl to her transport stop (metro, bus, taxi) and very rarely to her home. Sex on the first date does happen for some couples, but in general it is not common in England.

The British know how to court, especially if they have serious intentions. They are ready to give flowers every day, arrange romantic surprises and even sing serenades under the windows... But they are in no hurry to start a family here. Life in England is quite expensive, so starting a family, let alone having a child, is only possible if you have a stable income: kindergarten, school, and university cost tens of thousands of pounds a year.


France is associated with romance and the beauty of relationships. The Eiffel Tower, champagne and gallant French... But in this country not everything is as fabulous as we imagine.

The French do not like to arrange romantic surprises or give flowers. On a first date, people are most often invited to breakfast or lunch. An invitation to dinner is considered disrespectful to a woman. Most French people are willing to pay your bill. But only if they really like you. If not, then please pay for your coffee yourself.

In France, relationships are popular, which we call civil marriage. This is largely due to the fact that the divorce rate in France is higher than in all other European countries.

Early marriages are rare here, just like early pregnancies.

In France, the head of the family is a man. But he does not have to be the main breadwinner in the family. According to statistics, in 48% of French couples, women earn more than men.


In Germany, “arranged marriages” are especially popular. It’s worth typing “marry a German” into a search engine, and you will see significant confirmation of this. Most often, the German groom is much older and richer than the bride.

In Germany there is virtually no such thing as gigolos. The Germans do not understand how one can live off a woman. That's why they avoid career women. For them, it is unacceptable for a woman to be more successful than a man financially or socially.

At the same time, in Germany they have a positive attitude towards women's initiative. If you like a man, then you can invite him on a first date yourself. This is usually done via SMS messages. Not romantic, of course, but practical in German.

If after this meeting a man invites you to a movie or a restaurant, you can be sure of his serious intentions. In order to simply “have fun”, Germans do not invite people on a second date.


Most Swedes live in civil marriages. Why? Firstly, the rights and responsibilities of such families in Sweden are exactly the same as those of legal spouses. Secondly, an official divorce (its procedure) is quite expensive and, as a rule, drags on for a long time. And so - no problems! If you decide to break up, you can do it quickly and without any special expenses.

In a Swedish family, both husband and wife work. Most often, spouses have their own separate bank accounts. Food, telephone, electricity are paid jointly. As for everything else (clothing, cosmetics, etc.), everyone spends their own money. It is considered quite normal, for example, when in a restaurant a husband and wife receive separate bills from the waiter and each pay from their own wallet. When it comes to dating, in Sweden everyone pays for themselves.

Swedes love to have unusual dates. For example, skydiving, hot air ballooning and karting are the most popular scenarios for romantic encounters. Swedes meet through friends or on the Internet.


Italians are born actors, their life is like a play. They spend most of their time in public, showing off, and they know how to show off. Therefore, if an Italian swears his love to you, do not rush to believe him. Italians are emotional and temperamental people. They noisily quarrel, noisily make peace, and between quarrels and reconciliations they noisily rejoice in life.

Italians are a generous people, but their generosity must be treated with caution, since not a single gift is given in Italy without intent. Italian life and power are based on a system of gifts and services. If you accepted a gift, then you must repay the giver with a favor.

Italians most often invite you to a restaurant on a date, as this country has a cult of food. The second option is football. All Italians are considered fans of this sport.

An Italian family consists of a huge number of relatives who know each other well. It is almost impossible to go against the wishes of your family in Italy. Romeo and Juliet serve as an instructive example of this. Italian men revere their mother as Madonna and literally idolize her. Most Italians are “mama’s boys” and even in adulthood live by the principle “as mother said, so it will be.”


In Spain, it is not customary to court a woman, pay her bill at a restaurant and accompany her home, since Spanish women are independent and such manifestations of feelings are considered tyranny.

In Spain they do not give flowers. Therefore, if you ask a man for such a gift, most likely he will give you a flower in a pot!

If a Spaniard invites you for lunch or coffee in the afternoon, his intentions are pure. More than interested in having dinner. For a cocktail - he clearly wants to have fun and not miss out on the “dessert” in the form of sex in the back seat of a car. 90% of Spaniards under 35 live with their parents. Spending time in a hotel is not customary in this country. So the only option left is a car.

Spaniards do not strive to quickly acquire a permanent partner. Dating for months, living and vacationing together, a woman is often introduced as a friend, and a man as just a friend.

Often in Spain, people have been dating for years and yet do not know their partner’s parents. But if a Spaniard has already introduced you to his family, it means that he will soon propose marriage to you.


In China, a man goes on a first date with his best friend. So that he would praise him all evening: how smart and kind he is. Interestingly, it is often a friend who volunteers to pay the bill! Men in China are, in principle, very generous and always pay the entire bill, unnoticed by their companion.

The Chinese talk loudly and joke, so they make appointments in restaurants and cafes. After dinner, the man always accompanies the girl home.
An amazing fact: when a Chinese man comes to visit a girl, he very soon begins to bring his personal belongings into her house: a toothbrush, a towel, clothes, a computer... Without asking permission or explaining his intentions. At the same time, the relationship can only begin, and there has been no talk of intimacy yet! This does not mean that the Chinese man has made his choice and you have become the lady of his heart. Tomorrow he could disappear forever, leaving his things in your apartment. But if a Chinese is serious, then you won’t find a better family man. The divorce rate in China is extremely low.


Marrying a Japanese man is very difficult if you were not born in the Land of the Rising Sun.

For the Japanese there is no such thing as cheating. Having lovers is a natural part of life. But the Japanese almost never leave their wives and always maintain strict chain of command. That is, a wife is a life partner, and a mistress is a temporary phenomenon.

If you really want to become the wife of a Japanese man, you can’t dress here like in Russia. It is best to choose a modest business suit. Don't look up to the crazy-dressing girls from Tokyo's Harajuku district. It’s funny in Russia and other countries to walk around like this, but good guys don’t marry girls from Harajuku - it’s indecent.


Men in Australia most often meet on the Internet; almost every single Australian is registered on dating sites. Russian girls are especially popular in Australia. Our compatriots here are considered the best wives. There are a lot of happy couples among Russian-Australian unions. Russian women are valued not only for their ability to cook deliciously, but also for their ability to remain women in everything, including their clothes. Australian women take less care of their appearance and dress simply and comfortably, so Russian girls compare favorably with them.

In Australia, it is not customary to look at a woman with admiration. In this country, people don't give compliments because it could be perceived as harassment.

Marriage in Australia is viewed very pragmatically. For Australians, adequate partnership and mutual respect are more important than passion. Australians take family very seriously and rarely get divorced. Moreover, divorce in Australia is a very expensive matter: a man can lose up to 80% of his property.


In America there is a cult of family. And yet, 47% of American families have at least one spouse in a second marriage, and the divorce rate is one of the highest in the world. A paradox, which, however, can be explained by the fact that Americans value a happy family model. And, if they do not have emotional comfort in their home, they quite easily decide to divorce. In addition, most Americans argue that the main thing in a relationship is love, and if it is over, then there is no point in continuing to live together.

The legal procedure for divorce in America is quite complex, so most Americans enter into prenuptial agreements. This is a vital necessity.

There are romantics and inventors among Americans, but they are a clear minority. A typical American date includes a fairly monotonous set of entertainment: a movie/concert plus dinner/bar. The sequence of actions is not important.

In America, it is not customary to escort a girl home. She leaves by taxi or in her own car, even if the couple spent the night together.

A blind date is a popular type of dating in America.

As for sex, it can happen either on the first date (and lead nowhere) or later. For Americans, the feeling of, as they themselves meaningfully say, “chemistry” is very important. The further development of the relationship depends only on her.

We are accustomed to the fact that in the marriage market competition is usually for men. It is for them that several potential partners are fighting, while the guys themselves can simply sort out their options. But this is the situation only in Russia, and the world suffers from the lack of women suitable for starting a family and having children.

So much so that the governments of some states are even willing to pay foreign women if they come and marry all these lonely and restless guys. Geopolitical conflicts play a special role in this demographic imbalance. Women are fleeing from places where there is war, and men are trying to leave from places where there is no work. All this ensures a situation of “sometimes empty, sometimes thick” and prevents the creation of normal families.


In Sweden, the shortage of women is explained by the housing crisis - ladies move to countries where they can afford to buy an apartment. And the oversupply of men is associated with the flow of refugees, a significant part of which are unaccompanied minors. Is it worth going there in search of quality Swedish men? It’s a big question. But it is also almost impossible to find a wife in this country.


The “One Family, One Child” demographic policy has strangely affected the ratio of men to women in China. For some reason, significantly more boys were born, and this led to the fact that now Chinese men have no one to marry. China has become a country of men, and self-centered ones at that, because they all grew up in families without brothers and sisters.


The demographic crisis in the Philippines was caused by a crisis in the labor market. In this country, there were already 102 men for 100 women, and after Filipino women began to leave to work in other countries, the stronger sex generally had a hard time. Nowadays, in order to get married, a man in this country needs to have a set of exceptional qualities.


In this country of victorious feminism, the alarm is being sounded because women are physically unable to occupy important positions and maintain gender equality. There simply aren't enough women to do this. Their places were taken by male emigrants.


It would seem that a country torn apart by military conflicts over the past decades should experience a shortage of men. But no, men come to this country to fight and profit from the war. But the women, on the contrary, are running, trying to escape. They really have nothing to do in Afghanistan. However, men have no time for women either.


Italy is an extremely conservative country in terms of immigration to another country or even moving to other cities. However, there were always slightly more men there than women. After the movement for gender equality developed, women who responded to it changed their minds about getting married and having children. Thus, the guys were left out of work, losing their careers and positions to the girls and depriving them of ample opportunities for marriage.


75% of the inhabitants of this most populous African country are men. These statistics refer to people under the age of 25, that is, they plainly say that the struggle for brides there is serious. Scientists cite gender inequality and the high percentage of sexual violence against women as the reason for this situation. 95% of women in this country have been subjected to violence at least once. It is not surprising that they flee Egypt at the first opportunity, leaving men without potential wives.


Some time ago, all women in the world were shocked by the news that the Icelandic government was ready to pay ladies from abroad to take guys from this country as husbands. The problem with the demographic balance was obvious. And although this news was ultimately not confirmed, Icelandic men still suffer due to the lack of girls.


And in this Middle Eastern country, despite having similar values ​​to other Muslim countries, the situation is the opposite. Local women have only recently been liberated and are just getting the hang of pursuing careers and education. When the girls realized that they didn’t have to get married to survive, they set out to travel and move to Europe. Meanwhile, Iranian men suddenly had no one to marry.

The ratio of women and men in the world is in balance. Statistics show that in 2017 the number of males is 50.4%, while females are 49.6%. Since the mid-20th century, the number of men began to grow rapidly, as stated by experts from the Pew Research Center research group.

Ratio of men and women in the world

According to the UN, 100 women in the world correspond to 102 men. However, in individual states the ratio of women to men has noticeable differences.

The island of Martinique tops the list of countries with high female rates, with 85 men per 100 women. The same indicator is observed in the following countries:

  • Japan;
  • Brazil;
  • France;
  • Germany;
  • Mexico;
  • Italy.

Overall, the number of countries with a high female population is 108.

The United Arab Emirates is a leader among states with a high male population: for example, for every 274 men there are only 100 women. A high percentage of the male population remains in countries such as China, India, among the population of North Africa and the Middle East: there are 55 countries in total. The difference is about 6-8%.

Experts believe that the current situation has developed not because many boys are born, but under the influence of two other factors:

  1. Most women are prevented from participating in the census due to religion and cultural values;
  2. These countries have high levels of guest workers.

Based on this, experts came to the conclusion that the ratio of women and men in these states is equal.

A dangerous situation is observed in Eastern countries, where a low percentage of women developed it due to termination of pregnancy. Researchers and the authorities themselves suggest that such a ratio, when there are 107 men per 100 women, can cause violent actions on the part of the male population. In China, in order to avoid dangerous consequences, they take brutal measures to suppress abortions and help families in villages.

Only in 21 states the ratio of men and women is approximately equal.

Studies have shown that countries that were part of the former Soviet Union are among the countries with a predominant female population.

In these countries, there is a noticeable difference in the life expectancy of both sexes. Thus, in Belarus the average age of men reaches 65 years, and for women about 80. In this regard, Belarus is ahead of Syria, but this is explained by the long civil war.

There is a discrepancy in sex ratios among different age categories. For example, in Russia more boys than girls are born every year, and up to the age of 30 the male population predominates. But as we approach 40, the number of women increases. Every year this gap in ratio becomes larger.

Researchers believe that this difference was influenced by historical events. The census of people of those times shows that, starting from the 1900s, in Russia there were 99 men corresponding to 100 women.

Since 1917, the number of women on the territory of the Soviet states continued to increase, then this was influenced by famine and Stalin’s repressions. Thus, by 1940, there were only 92 men for every 100 women. After 1945, the difference in the ratio increased, the rate for men dropped to 82. An even lower percentage was observed in Ukraine, where the rate was 80. By the beginning of the 21st century, the level had increased, and for every 100 women in the USSR there were 90 men.

Reason for equal sex ratio in the world

Despite wars and other disasters, the ratio of men and women in the world always remains approximately the same. It is not yet possible to name the exact reasons for this phenomenon, but scientists suggest that this is influenced by the need to preserve the human race, for which it is important to maintain a balanced sex ratio.

Love between a man and a woman in different countries
When going on a date, every girl thinks in her heart that this man will definitely be my only one. And only when she fails to find the husband of her dreams, sitting alone at a table in a cafe, at a dating party or in a park, does she go to other countries. Russian girls are traveling abroad more and more often... The lion's share of tourists from Russia are tourists. And one of the main interests of Russian women in traveling to other countries is the opportunity to marry a foreigner. The Russian man has become shallow now)) Many women study English without the direct goal of learning it for the sake of purely professional knowledge. The English language is a bridge to understanding, which Russian women so often lack in their homeland.

Love has no boundaries, which is why thousands of Russian women leave the country every year in search of their overseas prince. They often come across kind, sympathetic and sweet young people, but it is necessary to take into account that the rules in each country are different and cannot be forgotten about them. Let's look at a few examples:

When many people mention this country, they associate beautiful and very romantic relationships. However, in France, not everything is as fabulous as it seems at first glance. It’s annoying, but (as is commonly believed in the most romantic country) the French most often do not give romantic surprises and do not really like to give flowers. On a first date, they usually invite their chosen one to lunch or even breakfast. What is in no way acceptable for a Russian girl is becoming the norm in France; on a date, everyone pays for their own coffee or breakfast; this must not be forgotten so as not to get into an awkward situation. Early marriages in France are rare, just like early pregnancies, but living in a civil marriage is very common.

No matter how strange it may sound, “marriages of convenience” are especially relevant here. Most often you can find couples where the German groom is much older and richer than his beloved. But in this country they treat women’s initiative in relationships well. If you like a man, you don’t need to wait for the weather by the sea, just invite him on a date. If after the first date a man suggests you go to a restaurant or a movie, you can rest assured that his intentions are serious. It is not customary for Germans to invite people on a second date for the purpose of simply “having fun.”

In China, it is customary for a man to go on a first date with his best friend, who will praise him all evening. It’s interesting, but it’s usually the friend who pays the bill. The Chinese always talk loudly and joke a lot, so meetings are most often arranged in cafes and restaurants. After dinner, it is customary for them to accompany their companion home, no matter whether she liked it or not. Remember, if such a man is serious, then a better family man will not be found anywhere, because the divorce rate here is extremely low. China is famous for its flexible migration policy for integration into other countries, inhabiting a large number of different countries: from the USA and Canada, to Europe and Russia. The Chinese government supports marriages with foreigners outside of China, and is very wary of foreigners marrying to live in China. The Chinese government greatly encourages the creation of families with Russian girls on Russian territory. Those Russian women who choose Chinese as husbands most often are happy wives.

This is a country where there is a cult of family. Despite this, in 47% of families one of the spouses is married for the second time, and the divorce rate is the highest in the world. And the most modern city, seething with passions and emotions, the largest city in the country, the envy of the civilization of the whole World - New York - is a city of lonely people. Do not forget that the divorce procedure in the United States is complex; Therefore, Americans most often enter into a prenuptial agreement. There are very few romantics among American men; you also need to be prepared for this fact. Flowers on your pillow will be waiting for you extremely rarely, but most likely on holidays. It is worth considering that in America it is not customary to walk girls home after a date.

But also regarding the United States of America, it should be noted that this country is like a patchwork quilt, woven from a large number of different cultures. Having common features, however, different states of a united America can differ significantly in many aspects of life; even for the same offenses and crimes in the United States, the laws for their suppression and punishment may differ significantly. And despite the general freedom of morals and relationships, there are also conservative states in the United States, where not only is it not customary to do many things freely, but for some “liberties” in relationships you can get a significant fine or even go to jail.

Salt Lake City, Utah is the Mormon State. Utah joined the United States as the 34th state in 1986.
In addition to the complex intricacies of the faith and culture of Mormon villages, in relations between men and women it is necessary to take into account that Mormons have practically legalized polygamy. It is, of course, significantly different from eastern polygamy; but nevertheless, this is a fact that takes place in a free America. However, existing throughout the country (as in most countries), PROSTITUTION in the American state of Nevada exists legally. Thus, in one US state, prostitutes pay fines, and in another - taxes.

It is the United States that is the most diverse country in terms of morals and “rules” of relations between men and women. This country has surprised the world more than once with the colorful colors of love relationships and marital conflicts: from destructive lawsuits between spouses and the confession of treason by the president, to rampant sexual freedom and prostitution in California and Miami. After all, America is the cradle of hippies. America is the birthplace of Speed ​​Dating.

But with all the riot of colors, sophistication of forms, with all the unusual contrasts and splendor of manifestations, there are several common points in the relations between men and women in the United States. In America there are very few pretty American women and almost no beauties (as few as in any other country in the World). The fact is that for female beauty the following are important (to simplify the formula for success): FACE + FIGURE + CHARM (sensuality and intelligence). It’s precisely with CHARM and FIGURE that American women are really bad, most often with both... Accordingly, American women (most often native white Americans) lose to other countries by 2/3 of female charm. America is a country of fat people. There are a lot of burgers and other GMO-modified products, a lot of abundance, which could not but affect the figures of American women. Most white (native) American women do not take care of their appearance in the generally accepted sense - no makeup, no jewelry; and clothes – sneakers and shapeless rags (for convenience)… . Among free American women there are many too wild women who frighten American men with their boundless freedom. There are more and more feminists in the country. Note to those who believe that a feminist is a self-sufficient woman... This is far... far from true. Simply put, this is a man in a skirt. American men (of classical orientation) treat Gays kinder and more tolerantly than they treat these sub-women. The established image of the American woman that we see thanks to the Hollywood Dream Factories is most often supported by foreigners or emigrants.

Due to the above circumstances, American men treat normal women very well. For all men, a normal woman should not behave like a man and she should also have a waist, not a belly. American men treat all women from all countries of the world very well; they treat their compatriots more restrained (if not wary). Men in America are normal. Perhaps the nature of their normality lies in the non-normality of women? In Russia the situation is the opposite! LET'S DO CONCLUSIONS UNITEDLY! By the way, about American men - they are also different, because there are Mormons, there are people from Europe, Eastern countries, Africa and Latin America, including Russia. Relations in the USA are very diverse and strongly depend on religion, on the roots of the American (America is a country of emigrants), and on the territory - state.

It is extremely problematic for foreigners to marry a Japanese man. You need to know that having a mistress for a man who loves his wife and is a respectable family man is in the order of things for any Japanese family. But they never leave their wives; a wife for them is a life partner. Please note that if you still decide to win the heart of a Japanese man, then you need to choose a nondescript business suit. Bright and colorful clothing may be appropriate in the Harajuku area of ​​Tokyo. But respectable and self-respecting men do not marry girls from Harajuku - this is not customary.

Do you often see men cry? No! Then you will need to get used to the fact that Indian men are never shy about emotions and express them with tears at every opportunity. Do not forget that the influence of culture will be felt in everything, and neglect of sanitary standards will sometimes be shocking. Due to the humid and hot climate, the risk of contracting various infectious diseases increases. Hindus burn their dead on the banks of the river and at the same time they perform ritual baths in it. But Indians are very skilled in love and this is a huge plus. It is not for nothing that India became the birthplace of the Kama Sutra.

Arriving in Egypt, every fair-skinned girl feels like a queen. Many are offered marriage, but before you get married and believe the hot promises, you need to take into account the difference in religions and approach to life. Egyptians are a hot-tempered, emotional and jealous people, so you will have to forget about friendship between a man and a woman forever. You will only be able to communicate with your girlfriends and children, and you won’t even know all of your spouse’s friends; visiting in pairs is not customary in this country. Before the wedding, you can swim in the pool or on the beach in any (including the most daring) swimsuit; but after getting a stamp in your passport, you will have to significantly change your wardrobe and European manners in clothing. Namely: IT WILL BE PROHIBITED to wear shorts, short skirts and open tops, as well as to swim in a swimsuit. But Egyptian men are very romantic, don’t drink, cheerful, and always put family first; they love children immensely.

Why are Russian women so attractive to foreign gentlemen?
Firstly, there are cases when the groom’s parents emigrated from Russia. In this case, Russian-speaking foreigners are looking for a congenial and understanding life partner.
Second. Most often, Russian girls are very economical. They try to set the table for their loved one and feed him delicious food. Tries to take care of the cleanliness of the house and the appearance of the future spouse
Third: Youth, beauty and the desire to have children. For a Russian girl, there is no problem giving birth to an heir; she is not even afraid that she needs to sacrifice “time to live for herself” and not waste her youth raising children.

And, perhaps, the main thing in all matters, and even more so in such a complex and delicate issue as the relationship between a man and a woman - Russian girls are flexible, they are ready to live in the outback, they are ready to accept a new foreign culture and learn the language, even accept the religion of their future spouse .

Interesting note. It would be more accurate to say that they choose not Russians, but Russian women, which include citizens of Ukraine and Belarus. Foreigners still perceive “Russians” in this case without dividing these related peoples.

Some statistics and facts:

51% of our women prefer to marry a Russian.
They say that they are afraid to repeat the stories of unsuccessful marriages, that there will be different mentalities, and the language barrier scares many.
Objectively speaking, such a percentage of those who want not to commit themselves to relationships with Russian men is a large value - after all, this is exactly half!

7% of Russian women dream of getting married to a foreigner.
It’s curious, if you believe the surveys, 25% of Russian women dreaming of a foreign husband are over 55 years old.
For comparison: only 6% of girls under 25 want to marry a foreigner:
7% - from 25 to 35 years, 8% - from 35 to 45 years and 9% - from 45 to 55 years.

7% of girls say that they would marry anyone, and he would still be a foreigner or Russian.

12% of Russian women could not decide whether they want to marry a foreigner or not.

Very often girls don’t want to go abroad, but they are forced to, because Russian men manage to become drunkards, use drugs, or worst of all, end up in prison. The result is that there simply aren’t enough suitors for all the beautiful and smart Russian women. Appreciate what you have, you will always have time to escape!

Good and optimistic men do not run around nightclubs, but they are happy to come to Speed ​​Dating. Or maybe this is a chance to find a husband among Russians?! A chance for a Russian man to make happy with his fatherly relationship the best woman in the world - a Russian woman: the bravest, the smartest, the kindest, the most patient, the most beautiful.

In the USA, the state of Nevada has legalized prostitution.
Prostitution exists throughout the country, but in Nevada it is legal.
Thus, some American prostitutes pay fines, and some pay taxes.
The most popular president of the United States, George Kennedy, regularly (one might say intensively) used the services of prostitutes. Unlike Bill Clinton, he did not need to apologize to the entire nation for his sexual preferences (Kennedy was not married); however, the President, personifying the image of a respectable American, was, to put it mildly, not without sin.
Prostitutes in the USA are not beautiful, and the prices for sex services are high... .


Speaking about relations between men and women in different countries, speaking in general about relations between men and women, one cannot help but talk about prostitution. Prostitution is the most ancient craft on the planet, and it (no matter how society and the law treat it) has always existed and will exist.

Prostitution is legalized.
The state defines Prostitution as a business.
Prostitutes and everyone involved in this business pay taxes.

In this country, moths are real, since they are legally allowed to fly out in the squeak of moths; but only at night and in places strictly designated for “flight”.

Great Britain
Harassment is punishable by law. There is a strict prohibition on “grabbing” potential clients and passers-by with your hands or touching their clothes.

This country has the opportunity to legally defend its rights more than any other country, since the Netherlands has a Prostitutes' Union.

This is perhaps the most populous country that tolerates prostitution, where there are about HALF A MILLION people involved in prostitution. Brothels, erotic centers, sex cabarets, sex clubs are actively and officially operating; prostitutes work on the streets and in private apartments. And this is the norm for German society, the norm for legislation. Germany produces the most porn films; the porn and sex industry is most developed here. Exhibitions of products for sex shops are held, which are accompanied by thematic displays, shows and presentations. Germany is a wealthy country, because due to all this, the annual turnover is more than 3 billion euros, which is growing steadily. In Germany, everyone always paid taxes at all times. For a German, taxes are sacred. Prostitutes are no exception. Since 1997, prostitutes in Germany have been legally entitled to professional health insurance. In 2002, the “Law on Prostitution” was adopted to significantly improve the social status of citizens engaged in this business.

Girls working in Turkey can not only engage in prostitution if they wish, but they can also serve a sentence instead of a prison sentence (a replacement for detention in prison). Türkiye is a very unique country in terms of morals. In Turkey, sexual slavery and bondage against women is very developed, both for foreigners and for citizens of their country.

All prostitutes are required to have a health certificate and a business registration certificate.

The government allows prostitutes to publish textbooks to teach police officers to respect their (prostitutes') professional rights.

In 2002, a law was passed allowing prostitution in private homes. Street prostitutes face fines and arrests, the goal of which is to bring prostitution off the streets and into homes.

Each prostitute must have ownership of the premises where she offers her services or a lease agreement.

Prostitution is not prohibited or, more precisely, to put it mildly, it is allowed (probably a little softer than Russia). But since 1946, a ban has been imposed on brothels, pimping, and street harassment. A prostitute who talks to men on the street can face a fine of up to 1,500 euros. Pimping carries a prison sentence of up to two years (if proven).

South Africa, Canada, most of Mexico, Brazil, Australia, New Zealand, Israel,

Despite the well-known Eastern chastity, prostitution is permitted by the government of all countries in Southeast Asia (EXCEPTIONS: Philippines and China).

Interesting fact! The mecca of sex tourism is Thailand. But prostitution is officially prohibited there. Legislation in the Kingdom of Thailand since 1960 has punished with fines all persons involved in sex work, except the client himself (unless it involves sex with minors). Considering that the main source of income for this country depends on tourism, tourist clients are treated with understanding. The standard of living of the majority of the population is very low, so prices for sex services in Thailand are among the lowest in the world; which undoubtedly causes active demand.

Prostitution in Russia (brief historical background).

Russian Code of Law 1589
In relation to prostitutes, he assigned compensation for their Insult (or Dishonor) to the most minimal of all amounts, namely, “two money.” From this certificate it is clear that no matter how small the compensation was for prostitutes, it was compensation “for insulting” the professional dignity of representatives of the most ancient profession; who were legally identified as a social category of citizens; accordingly, at that time they were not defined as a criminal element of society.

Already at the beginning of the 17th century, poor and even minor nobles were engaged in sex work, renting out their wives.

Legislative persecution of prostitution in Russia begins in 1649.
then Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich orders to ensure that “there are no whores on the streets and alleys.”

1728 – 1736 Actions are being taken against underground brothels.
By decree of Anna Ioannovna, the very words meaning a woman as a prostitute were declared obscene.

Elizabeth in St. Petersburg allows a luxurious brothel to officially operate.

Catherine’s “Charter of Deanery” (1782) defines quarters in St. Petersburg for brothels where they can be located, however, pandering (pimping) is punished and prostitution in private houses and apartments is prohibited.

Paul I ordered prostitutes to wear yellow clothes. This decree of his was canceled immediately after Paul's death.

1843 Prostitution in Russia becomes tolerated; the police had to find prostitutes and put them on police register. Prostitutes' passports were taken away in exchange for a certificate called a “yellow ticket.” Thus, in the 18th century prostitution became a craft. Prostitutes are registered and undergo a medical examination (regularly - 2 times a week, this norm was in effect until 1909). At that time, two categories of prostitutes were formed: Ticket (working in a brothel) and Blank (working in rented apartments under the supervision of pimps). As we see, everything becomes legal: pimping, “work” in private apartments, and prostitution without delineating special areas (city blocks).

In 1890 in Russia there were: 1262 brothels, 1232 secret dens, 15,365 prostitution houses; There are about 20 thousand single prostitutes. As always in Russia, statistics are a variable with a large number of unknowns... Most likely, the numbers in reality were much higher.

In the USSR, prostitution was strictly persecuted at the legislative and real levels. Soviet society (from 1920 to 1990) had an extremely negative attitude towards both prostitution and sex - as a manifestation of human essence. During the period of Lenin's terror and Stalin's repressions, women of easy virtue also suffered greatly. Against the backdrop of general impoverishment and famine of 1920–1930, the Soviet government was not reconciled to the bourgeois phenomenon. Women of easy virtue (often without any special investigations, whether they engaged in adultery for the sake of self-interest or pleasure) were shot or sent to correctional institutions (in other words, to specialized prisons), as well as to NKVD concentration camps.

A new milestone in the New Russian prostitution since the early 90s has been (among other things) male prostitution. There is no point in describing the features of current prostitution in a country that has lived 70 years without sex. It’s not polite to talk about this in Russia, but everyone knows about it. The only thing that makes sense to note: Just like 100 years ago, Prostitution in Russia is controlled by the Police. Before the revolution, police control was legal, but now it is under control.

IIImunicipal conference

junior schoolchildren of the Rybinsk municipal district

"Small Academy of Sciences"

Section "mathematics and computer science"


Mysterious number - 13

Completed by: Anna Tyshchenko,

3rd grade student, Lomovskaya Secondary School

Head Molchanova Elena Aleksandrovna,

primary school teacher at Lomovskaya Secondary School

Rybinsk municipal district

    Introduction........................................................ ....................3

    Main part................................................ ............3

1. The history of numbers..................................3-4

2. What does the number 13 symbolize...................................4

3. Attitude to the number 13 in different countries. ….…...5

4. Signs and superstitions..………………………….....5-6

5. Interesting facts………………………………………………………6-7

6. The results of my observations…………………...7-9



  1. Introduction

Since very ancient times, people have tended to attribute to one or another

numbers have magical properties - some numbers were considered lucky, others - on the contrary, unlucky. One day, I got my first C grade. I was very upset. Mom said it happened because it was the 13th. The number 13 is considered unlucky. I was very interested in this topic because I study in room number 13. This is how the idea for this project was born.

Target my job: - find out whether 13 is an unlucky number.

In order to achieve my goal, I need to solve the following tasks:

Find out as much as possible about the origin of the number - 13;

Identify the “pros” and “cons” of the number 13;

Conduct a survey of students.

To solve these problems, my mother and I searched for information on the Internet, conducted research, and interviewed classmates.

II. Main part

    1. The history of numbers.

Belief in lucky and unlucky numbers dates back to the days when counting began. People did not have common numbers for all objects, but there were different designations for each number depending on what they were counting: one count was for stones, another for fish. Only gradually did people become capable of abstracting numerical concepts from concrete things. This led to the number being attributed a magical meaning; it was represented as some kind of mysterious spirit that could bring happiness or misfortune.

The magic numbers were three, seven, thirteen, forty and others.

For a long time, mystical philosophers have tried to describe our world, its structure and laws of development using numbers. In the beginning there was God - this is the “one”. Then he began to create and created light - this is “two”. Then he separated the darkness from the light - this is “three”. But all this was still spiritual, or, in other words, the unmanifested world. And God created the earth and the firmament - these are “four”. And four is nothing more than 1 + 3, without a plus - 13. This number personifies, as it were, the fall of the spiritual world. Some authors directly connect him with the fallen angel Satan, the ruler of the underground hell. This is how the number 13 became bad. It can be assumed that the number 13 is endowed with special power because it immediately follows the number 12 - a symbol of completeness, accomplishment. After all, after great achievements, chaos often follows. Be that as it may, 13 has been notorious since ancient times. The number 13 represents the Serpent, the dragon. In Babylonia, the thirteenth month of the leap year was designated as the year of the raven, an ominous bird. By tradition, this number is still considered unlucky. Celebrities who feared the number thirteen included Napoleon III, who postponed his planned coup d'état on the 17th Brumaire when he realized that the day fell on Friday, the 13th of the Gregorian calendar.