Educational and methodological materials. What is a teaching aid

A study guide is a tool you can use to remove the element of stress from your learning process. When you have a textbook, a folder full of lecture notes, and a mountain of homework and workbooks, it can be difficult to know where to start. But by learning a few formatting tips, looking for information in the right places, and using the study guide to the best of your ability, you can make studying much more effective. Interesting? Start with Step 1 to learn more about it.


Part 1

Structuring your study guide

    Let the form match the content. There are many different types of study guides, and each one has a format to suit a specific purpose and learning style. Whatever you use it for, there are study guides that are suitable not only for a given academic subject, but also for the specific learning goal for studying that subject. Structure the information into a study guide that is most convenient for you to use.

    • If you find it easier to learn visually, consider using color-coded blocks in your study guide, or use idea mapping techniques to highlight information and make it easily accessible.
    • If you have a linear mind, organize information chronologically or alphabetically so you can learn one thing in a row and then move on to the next.
    • If you need an emotional connection with the material To understand it, give your notes a narrative form; this way it will be easier to teach them. Translate the concepts from the language of mathematics into the language of a story, a story you can feel a sense of belonging to, then organize your study guide as a short story that you can spell out in detail to remember the application of the formulas.
    • If you can remember information quickly, use a format that helps you memorize effectively, such as recording vocabulary words and definitions in your voice, then listen again on your player all day or create animated flash cards and test yourself regularly.
  1. Draw cognitive maps to connect main ideas and prioritize information. When creating cognitive maps, write each important idea in a separate rectangle, which you then connect according to their chronology and importance. Then link threads of related information that are derived from the main ideas. This method of creating a study guide provides a good visual diagram of how the material being taught fits together into an overall concept.

    Use comparison charts to highlight differences in key concepts. Create teaching aids using comparison charts or tables when you need to compare and show differences in a related group of ideas. You can use tables to create clear parallels in history or biology, or to compare different writers in literature.

    • For example, the column titles of a scheme for comparing the characteristics of different plant species will most likely include kingdom, family and genus. This will help organize the information for quick comparison and review.
    • You can also benefit from a comparison chart when studying literature by writing the names of the characters in the story in different column headings, under which you write down their identifying characteristics or other information. Likewise, information from two different novels can be conveniently structured into a table like this.
  2. Use flash cards or concept cards to help you remember terminology. Flash cards are usually made from blank 13 x 18 cm index cards, and they can contain as much or as little information as you want, making them one of the most effective techniques for remembering individual words, or definitions of individual concepts. Thanks to this, they are most effective in learning foreign languages ​​and history.

    • Write 1 key concept on the front of each card, and on the back write the facts and key concepts associated with that fact. Review the cards yourself or have someone randomly ask you questions using the cards. To make sure you really remember what you need, go back and forth, starting with the front of the card and then the back. This works especially well when memorizing new foreign words.
  3. Write your own sample test for study purposes. Writing a sample test can be an exceptional way to analyze the information you will be asked about from two perspectives: if you think about what is worth including in the test, you will think like a teacher, and if you can anticipate these questions, you will be one step ahead. ahead.

    • Try to figure out whether you will be given a multiple choice test, a fill-in-the-blank test, or written answers to questions. Prepare accordingly by writing out the type of questions that will test you.
    • Many teachers will be willing to provide you with older versions of the test, if available, so that you can use them as a teaching aid. Textbooks often include sample tests, which are an excellent way to study. While taking the test more than once can be extra stressful, it can be a great way to study and can even guide you toward the types of questions that will be on the test.
  4. Learn using many tutorials at once. Create a combination study guide using the basic concepts and supporting information you selected from the study materials. You can write a draft of the manual on paper, by hand, or on a computer, using a word processor, spreadsheet, or specialized study guide program to organize your information.

  5. Study on a schedule. Do your study guides as early as possible, and set aside enough time to study from them before the test comes your way. In the weeks leading up to the test, divide up your time to study all the different subjects and allocate your space to each subject you study to make sure you have enough time for each individual piece of information. Don't leave everything to the last minute.

    • If you suffer from stress, anxiety, and tend to panic before tests, it may be an especially good idea to set deadlines for studying individual chapters or topics. If you know that you need to get through the first two paragraphs this week before tackling the third and fourth paragraphs next week, then you can dedicate the entire week to that, and during that time you won't have to worry about the third and fourth paragraphs. 4 chapters
    • Allocate different periods of time to study, and focus on one subject at a time. No need to switch back and forth between five different subjects until you've mastered everything in the first one.
  • Highlighted words and definitions from a textbook are often key points and good indicators of material for a study guide.
  • Remember that each type of teaching aid has its strengths and weaknesses and there are many different learning styles. Therefore, choose the right type of teaching aid for the desired subject or for different learning styles, which may require using more than one type of teaching aid. For example, visual learners may benefit best from maps and diagrams, while listeners may benefit from cards that they can read aloud from.
  • Try to be as concise as possible. Avoid unnecessary information.

The new stage in the development of education in Russia, associated with the transition to variable and specialized education, is accompanied by a variety of educational literature both at the federal and regional levels, and within individual educational institutions. In these conditions, the question of the need to clearly define the meaning and functions of each type of educational book, in particular, a textbook and a teaching aid, is legitimate.

Let us consider sequentially the definitions of the terms “educational book”, “educational literature”, “textbook”, “textbook”, which are given in special bibliological, research and pedagogical literature.

V.S. Tsetlin gives the following definition of the concept “educational book”: “ Utextbook– a teaching aid that is provided for teaching and learning in secondary schools in the form of a book or brochure . Educational books meet the requirements of the programs, contain didactically and methodologically processed material (as a rule) of one academic subject for one academic year. To a greater extent than other means of teaching, educational books serve to develop spiritual abilities and instill the ability to learn from books. They serve as the basis for self-education and lifelong learning. Educational books are necessary for teachers and students, both in the classroom and at home."

TO educational literature include textbooks, teaching aids, lecture texts, teaching aids, problem books, reference books and other printed materials used in training sessions. Educational literature is the most important element of methodological support for the educational process.

In the letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated September 23, 2002 “On the definition of the terms “textbook” and “educational aid” it is noted that “ Textbook is the main textbook for a specific discipline. It sets out a system of basic knowledge that is mandatory for students to master. The content of the textbook must meet the requirements of the state educational standard and fully disclose the approximate program for a specific discipline.”

In the works of other researchers textbook defined as:

1. “A mass educational book that sets out the subject content of education and defines the types of activities intended by the school curriculum for mandatory learning by students, taking into account their age or other characteristics.”

2. “An educational publication containing a systematic presentation of an academic discipline or its section, part, corresponding to the state standard and curriculum and officially approved as this type of publication.”

3. “A set of reduced and systematized knowledge in the field of a certain science (educational and scientific discipline) or field of activity and the apparatus for organizing their assimilation; the most important source of educational information, the main didactic tool that ensures the activities of learning and teaching.”

4. “A book or other medium of information that contains systematic educational material necessary for organizing education for a specific training course.”

If we generalize the above definitions of the term “textbook”, we can conclude that textbook - This:

Learning Tool;

The main and leading type of educational literature.

The textbook is characterized by a systematic presentation of educational material in accordance with the curriculum. In addition, the textbook must contain at least 75% of the educational material provided by the program.

Tutorial , along with a textbook, is a type of educational literature. In the letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated September 23, 2002 “On the definition of the terms “textbook” and “educational aid”” it is noted that “ Tutorial is considered as an addition to the textbook. The textbook may not cover the entire discipline, but only part (several sections) of the sample program. Unlike a textbook, a manual can include not only proven, generally accepted knowledge and provisions, but also different opinions on a particular issue. In the case when a new discipline is introduced into the curriculum or new topics are introduced into the curriculum, the publication of a textbook is initially organized. A textbook, as a rule, is created on the basis of a proven manual.”

In order to highlight the essential features of the textbook, we will consider a number of definitions of the concept “ tutorial ».

1. “Aids are those books that help you use textbooks faster and more fruitfully.”

2. “A textbook is a type of educational book that solves individual problems that are important for the development of students’ independence and their spiritual strength. Teaching aids include reference books, bibliographies, and revision books."

3. “A textbook is an addition to a textbook if it (the textbook) does not cover all issues of the curriculum or does not reflect the latest achievements of science and practice on certain issues.”

4. “Textbooks (readers, collections of problems and exercises, dictionaries, reference books, books for extracurricular reading, etc.) are a significant addition to the textbook. A distinctive feature of textbooks is that they present educational material in a more expanded manner, significantly supplementing and expanding the textbook material with the latest information and reference information.”

5. “The textbook should be considered as a source of educational information and a teaching tool that complements the textbook and contributes to the expansion, deepening and better assimilation of knowledge.”

6. “A textbook is a publication that partially or completely replaces or supplements a textbook, officially approved as a given type of publication.”

It should be noted that the last of the considered definitions introduces uncertainty into the interpretation of the concept of “textbook”, leads to confusion between the concepts of “textbook” and “textbook” due to the introduction into the definition of the attribute “partially (completely) replacing a textbook.”

Summarizing the above definitions of the term “textbook”, we can conclude that tutorial - This:

- learning tool;

Source of educational information;

- type of educational literature that complements the textbook.

For clarity, we present the results of the analysis schematically (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. General and specific features of a textbook and teaching aid

Thus, in this consideration, the textbook has a number of fundamental differences with the textbook: unlike a textbook, which is characterized by a systematic fundamental presentation of the academic discipline, the textbook is intended to obtain additional knowledge on the topics presented in the textbook with the aim of deeper independent study of the subject of a specific academic discipline . The study guide contains a larger volume of educational text and educational tasks compared to a textbook, which allows you to study and assimilate a specific educational topic in more depth.

  • Kraevsky V.V. Basics of training. Didactics and methodology: textbook. aid for students higher textbook establishments / V.V. Kraevsky, A.V. Khutorskoy. – M.: Publishing Center “Academy”, 2007. – 352 p.
  • Organizational and legal foundations of military education and technology of professionally oriented training. In two parts / Ed. B.N. Druganova. – St. Petersburg: Publishing house MVAA, 2005. – Part 2. – 278 p.
  • Pedagogy: A textbook for students of pedagogical universities and pedagogical colleges / Ed. P.I. Faggot. – M.: “Pedagogical Society of Russia”, 2004. – 608 p.
  • Smirnov V.I. Educational book in the system of didactic means // University book. – 2001. – No. 10. – P. 16–26.
  • Tsetlin V.S. The problem of the textbook in foreign didactics // Reference materials for the creators of educational books / Comp. V.G. Beilinson. – M.: “Enlightenment”, 1991. – P. 269–304.
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    If you start writing a teaching aid on any subject, first of all, carefully study the working curriculum on which it is taught. The fact is that the structure of your future manual should strictly follow the program and cover the topics that it contains. Otherwise, students will have serious difficulties working with the material.

    Having drawn up a manual plan based on the curriculum, proceed to collecting and preparing theoretical material. At this stage, remember that what matters most here is not the quantity of facts and data collected, but the quality of their presentation. Do not forget that you are preparing a publication that should help students master the discipline they are studying. This means that all material should be well structured, logical and understandable.

    When writing a manual, pay special attention to the language of presentation. Do not forget that your work is intended for very young people who are just mastering the curriculum. Use complex, long phrases and long paragraphs. Do not overuse special terms, and if you use professional terms, be sure to provide an explanation of the concepts used in footnotes or parentheses.

    To better assimilate the material, supplement the text with various diagrams, graphs, and drawings. Graphic presentation of information makes it much easier to perceive and makes the book less boring and monotonous. In addition, a schematic representation is often easier to remember.

    In each topic, in addition to theoretical information, include practical assignments, questions for self-control, topics for essays and presentations at seminar classes. Be sure to explain how these tasks should be performed, provide. This is especially important if the student is an academic or junior student.

    Supplement the teaching aid with a complete list of references used. In addition, try to provide for each topic a list of available scientific works that students can use when independently preparing for practical classes. It is preferable that this list include not only textbooks, but also original works by researchers.

    A beginning teacher, like any creative professional, should prepare a preliminary plan classes, th week or half a year in advance. This is necessary in order not to “overstay” on any subject for more hours. And a document that brings together all academic disciplines and the number of hours allocated to each of them can help the teacher with this. This document is called training plan ohm

    You will need

    • - methodological manuals,
    • - consultations with teachers of your educational institution,
    • - reference books and manuals on organizing the educational process


    Formulate the main goals of the pedagogical process in your educational institution. Justify the pattern of selection of academic disciplines. Spend a few words on each item and reveal its features. Explain that these items were selected and that they are connected to each other. What general task do they perform, how do they work to develop as a full-fledged individual. Explain in detail why your training plan devotes n number of hours to each subject, what is the reason for this? This part of the training plan and in a pedagogical explanatory note or justification. Its main goal is to form a general idea of ​​the goals pursued by the educational process in the educational and educational processes.

    Start creating a “clock grid,” as teachers call it. This part of the training plan a is the functional distribution of the main subjects and electives listed in the first part for the academic year, indicating the total number of hours allocated to a particular subject. The grid also indicates the number of hours allocated for tests and tests. It is most convenient to arrange this material in the form of a table. Make a nominal listing of all items, write them down in a column. The list should be as complete as possible if your task is to compile a consolidated educational plan for the entire educational institution.

    Dedicate the second part of the table to the distribution of subjects for the total number of academic hours. Include the following columns: total quantity for plan scheduled hours, lectures, practical (laboratory work); consultations and individual lessons; control, testing and tests; hours for independent work. In the last column, indicate the methods of final verification / -, credit.


    In the clock grid, subjects should be distributed in blocks - humanitarian subjects, natural and mathematical subjects, additional and developmental disciplines. Each such block should end with the “Total” column, in which you need to indicate the total number of hours allocated for each type of educational activity.

    Helpful advice

    Design the clock grid in accordance with the requirements of your management. At schools, colleges and universities, a standard “cap” is usually issued. It indicates the full name of the educational institution (in capital letters in the center of the document), below there is space for the confirming signatures and seals of the director or head teacher. Next, place the title “Curriculum” in the center, indicate the time period, for example, “2011-2012 academic year.” The table itself should follow.

    Educational allowance is a printed publication designed to help students study a subject. Study guides differ from ordinary scientific literature in that they not only contain theoretical material, but also include a variety of practical tasks and questions. Many teachers who teach lecture courses are often faced with the need to write textbooks for students to better assimilate the material covered.


    Regardless of the subject and course, any educational allowance must meet a number of requirements. First of all, it must correspond to the existing curriculum of the course for which it is being prepared. allowance. Therefore, before you start creating a manual, determine the main goals of the course being studied in preparation. Identify the tasks of training and education that must be solved in the teaching process. Subsequently, you should formulate this information in the “Introduction” of your manual.

    Create a clear structure for your study guide. Remember that the theoretical material presented in it must correspond to the course curriculum developed on the basis of the state educational standard. It is very important that the sequence of presentation in the textbook corresponds to the sequence of the lecture course and the topics of the program. Otherwise, students may have difficulty finding and assimilating the necessary information.

    When working on the theoretical material of each chapter, remember that the information should be presented in the most accessible way possible. It is advisable to avoid excessive use of technical terms and clauses. It is important that after reading the text, students have a clear understanding of what they read. All special or foreign terms used must be defined and explained.

    Educational allowance involves not only presenting theoretical material, but also helping students prepare for practical classes. Therefore, you must accompany each topic of your textbook with a list of questions for self-test and a list of scientific works that reflect this issue. It is also advisable to include possible topics and reports in each chapter. Moreover, each theoretical topic (chapter) at the end should contain clearly formulated conclusions from the material presented.

    Each educational allowance must be designed in compliance with all requirements accepted in scientific and typography. Ensure that all applications and diagrams included in this document are correct and complete. allowance. Pay special attention to the general list located at the end of the manual. Each publication must contain complete information about its authors, title, release date and publisher. This information will be very useful for students when working independently with the course.

    Helpful advice

    Graphs and diagrams greatly facilitate the perception and assimilation of theoretical material. Don't neglect the opportunities presented by tables, charts, and pictures. They will not only enhance your work, but will also help students better understand the information presented.

    Today it is difficult to find people who do not have a personal computer or laptop at home. But, unfortunately, not everyone can use it correctly or work with programs. If you need to train someone to do this, it's worth writing a training program for users.

    You will need

    • - Computer;
    • - Internet access;
    • - software.


    Plan your training program. Reflect the most important aspects in it. It is important to understand at this stage who it will be intended for? If for, then basic knowledge of computer use, safety precautions and some programming languages ​​will be enough for them. At the moment, they do not yet know how to create websites on the Internet. But it will be quite likely after some time. For those who want to start their own information business on the Internet, you need to put everything in its place from A to Z: HTML language, CSS, Photoshop and other programs. So, make a thorough plan.

    Select programs for creating lessons. It all depends on whether your teaching aid will be in written or oral form. Maybe you will choose the most progressive option - with voice. You decide. However, you will need Word (for text) and Power Point () from Microsoft Office. To record video, use Camtasia Studio. All this can be easily found in the public domain.

    When compiling the manual, rely on existing textbooks. After all, they contain theoretical and training material for all disciplines. Your teaching aid should use the advantages of textbooks and compensate for their shortcomings.

    For ease of use, make the content of your textbook identical to the content of the textbook, so that any teacher can quickly find the section that interests him.

    Try to give more practical recommendations based on your personal experience. Today, enough literature has accumulated on how one must independently translate theory into practice. But there are not enough high-quality reference books and manuals to help solve pressing methodological problems.

    Include as many sources of information as possible that a specialist can consult to expand their knowledge on this topic. This circumstance will significantly increase the popularity of your manual and demonstrate a thorough scientific approach to solving educational problems.

    Be sure to highlight in a separate chapter teaching techniques that allow for interdisciplinary teaching (for example, a lesson plan combining history and literature, with the distribution of material for both teachers). This approach will greatly enrich both disciplines and help you develop in your students the ability to construct cause-and-effect relationships not only within your subject, but also between different subjects.

    Every subject teacher is faced with the need to develop a working program in your academic discipline. Of course, there are standard programs, but the teacher has to deal with specific students, whose level of knowledge, skills and abilities may be in some ways higher or lower than the average. The work program is drawn up on the basis of a standard one, but taking into account specific conditions.

    What are tutorials for?

    A study guide differs from a textbook in that it makes it possible to study not only the theoretical basis of the course, certain rules and norms of the subject, but also shows how to apply them in practice, being, in a way, a self-instruction manual for the discipline.

    Most often, textbooks examine not the whole subject, but some part of it. An in-depth analysis of the issue makes it possible to thoroughly study the material. Textbooks contain information that provides not only knowledge about the subject, but helps to apply this knowledge in a practical environment, clearly, structuredly and clearly explaining the essence.

    For students, textbooks play a very important role not only in learning, they are indispensable assistants in preparing and writing scientific papers, which must be filled with high-quality text material.

    How to use tutorials

    On our website we offer you the “Tutorials” section to help you, which consists of a whole storehouse of useful information. These guides will be useful:

    • For writing term papers and other student papers;
    • To study the subject independently;
    • To successfully prepare for the exam;
    • As additional material when taking the discipline course.
    • To compile a report on industrial and pre-graduate practice.

    You can download any information completely free of charge - we share what you shared with us!

    We ask you! If you have information of this kind stored in the bins of your desktop, be it lectures in digital form, or guidelines for completing an internship at an enterprise - share it, don’t skimp, upload it here!


    Toolkit- a type of educational and methodological publication that includes extensive systematized material that reveals the content, distinctive features of teaching methods for any educational course as a whole, or a significant section(s) of the course, or in the area of ​​educational work. In addition to theoretical material, it may contain lesson plans and notes, as well as didactic material in the form of illustrations, tables, diagrams, drawings, etc. It is characterized by a pronounced practical orientation, accessibility, and is intended to help the teacher in his daily work.

    Toolkit is a publication intended to help teachers for practical application in practice, in which the main emphasis is on teaching methods. Any manual is based on specific examples and recommendations.

    A methodological manual differs from methodological recommendations in that it contains, along with practical recommendations, also theoretical provisions that reveal existing points of view on the issue being presented in pedagogical science. In the methodological recommendations, the theory of the issue is given minimally.

    The authors of methodological manuals are, as a rule, experienced teachers and methodologists who are able to systematize the practical material of their own work and the work of professional colleagues, take into account and use theoretical developments of modern pedagogy in justifying the proposed methods.

    The task methodological manual is to provide practical assistance to teachers and methodologists of an educational institution in acquiring and mastering advanced knowledge of both theoretical and practical nature.

    Requirements for teaching aids

    Information content, maximum saturation (there should be no general phrases).

    Clarity and clarity of presentation (popularity).

    Clarity of structure.

    Availability of original ways of organizing relevant activities.

    The presence of either new methodological methods of forms of activity, or their new combination.

    Availability of confirmation of the effectiveness of the proposed approaches with examples, illustrations, or experimental testing materials.

    Structure of the manual includes:

    Introduction or explanatory note– up to 15% of the text, where the history of the issue is revealed, the state of science on this problem is analyzed, the presence or absence of similar methods and technologies that justify the need for this manual. The features of the construction of the manual, the purpose, and to whom it is addressed are described.

    Main part– up to 75% of the text; in the main part of the manual, depending on the purpose and goals, there may be various sections (chapters). Their name, quantity, and sequence are determined and logically arranged depending on the author’s intention.

    For example:

    Chapter 1 - outlines the theoretical material being studied;

    Chapter 2 - describes the main methods, technologies used or recommended for successfully resolving the issue;

    Chapter 3 - list and description of practical work with recommendations for their implementation;

    Chapter 4 - control tasks to check the mastery of the material.

    The theoretical part sets out in brief form (with reference to relevant works, if necessary) the scientific and pedagogical rationale for the content of the manual, and characterizes the author’s own methodological position in relation to the children’s education system, which has its own specific features.

    The practical part systematizes and classifies factual material, contains practical recommendations, and provides typical examples of certain forms and methods of work in an educational institution.

    The didactic part contains didactic materials (diagrams, tables, drawings, etc.) illustrating practical material.

    Conclusion– up to 10% of the text, sets out brief, clear conclusions and results that logically follow from the content of the methodological manual, in which direction it is planned to work further.

    Literature– the list of references is given in alphabetical order, indicating the author, full title, place of publication, publisher, year of publication.

    Applications include materials necessary for organizing the recommended type of activity using this manual, but not included in the main text. The applications may include various necessary regulatory documents, including those of an educational institution, the use of which will allow the teacher or methodologist to organize their work in accordance with existing requirements.

    Applications are located at the very end of the work in the order they are mentioned in the text. Each application starts on a new page and has its own name. In the upper right corner of the page write the word “Appendix” and put its number (for example, “Appendix 1”). The appendices have continuous page numbering (methodological recommendations end with page 16, the appendix starts with 17).

    Toolkit must contain all the components that are included in the publication, and in addition to the main text, the manuscript must include a cover, title page and back of the title page.

    On cover in the center is the title of the work, I.O.F. the author is placed above the title. You should remember that the initials are written first, and then the last name. At the bottom, in the center of the sheet, the name of the city or region and the year are indicated. There are no punctuation marks.

    Drawings and photographs on the cover must correspond to the content of the manuscript.

    On title page the title is written above the title I.O.F. author. At the top center is written the name of the organization on whose behalf the publication is published, with the name of the parent organization. At the bottom, in the center of the sheet, the name of the city or region and the year are indicated. There are no punctuation marks.

    Back of title page contains the surname, first name, patronymic of the author, position, place of work, qualification category or academic degree, as well as an abstract to the work. The abstract contains the following concise information:

    It is indicated what this manual is devoted to;

    The purpose of this teaching aid, i.e. what kind of help this work is intended to provide and to whom;

    possible areas of application of the proposed type of methodological products (where this manual can be used).

    Technical requirements for the design of the methodological manual

    The text part of the manuscript must be typed on a computer (A4: 210X297), format A 4. The spacing between lines is 1 or 1.5. To type text, formulas and tables, you must use the Microsoft Word editor for Windows. Font - Times New Roman, size 14. If it is necessary to highlight a word or sentence in the text, highlight it in bold or italics, but always in 14 font. Underlining is not allowed. Paragraphs begin with a red line. Red line – 1.27. Hyphenation and alignment in width are not allowed in the text. Words in headings and subheadings are not hyphenated. Underlining them is not allowed, and a period is not placed at the end of the title. The texts of structural elements - sections - should begin with a new paragraph. It is necessary to remember the importance of dividing (categorizing) the text using paragraphs - indenting a line when starting a new semantic part. Page numbers are in Arabic numerals, at the bottom of the page, centered, the title page is included in the overall numbering. Numbering begins with the main text.

    Constant fields:

    Top margin – 2 cm. Bottom margin – 2.5 cm.

    Left margin – 3 cm. Right margin – 1 cm.