Justin Bieber welcomes the arrival of his little sister. Justin Bieber welcomes the arrival of his little sister Justin Bieber's personal life

Justin Bieber is a world famous pop singer and musician of Canadian origin. Fame and money came to this young talent at the age of fifteen. The first disc, My World, with his songs, received platinum and gold status in five English-speaking countries.

  • Real name: Justin Drew Bieber
  • Date of birth: 03/1/1994
  • Zodiac sign: Pisces
  • Height: 170 centimeters
  • Weight: 60 kilograms
  • Shoe size: 39.5 (EUR)
  • Eye and hair color: Brown, light brown.

But is Justin Bieber's biography a Cinderella story for boys?

Canadian singer Justin Bieber was born in London, Ontario. And he grew up in the small town of Stratford. Justin Bieber's parents, mother Patricia Mallett and Jeremy Bieber, separated before the birth of the child. Petya Mallett (as her family called her) had to work very hard to somehow make ends meet. She was helped by her parents Bruce and Diana Mallett. Despite the fact that Justin’s father did not live with his family, the relationship between him and Petit remained, and he took part in raising his son. Soon Jeremy Bieber got married and his family welcomed two children, Jasmine and Jackson. Justin often saw his half-sister and brother, loved them and babysat them.


Justin Bieber grew up as an active and sociable child. In addition to his passion for music, which began at an early age, the boy successfully played basketball, football, hockey, and loved to skateboard and play chess. The young singer inherited his musical abilities from his grandmother Diana Mallett, as well as his mother, who sang well, and his father, who was fond of playing the guitar. Justin acquired his first skills in playing the instrument at the age of 2–3 years, when his mother gave his son a drum set. Then he independently mastered the piano and guitar, and a little later the young musician learned to play the trumpet. Justin calls Michael Jackson his idol during this period.

Interesting fact: performing with a guitar on the streets of his hometown, Justin invariably attracted the local audience with his virtuoso performance and charm, which allowed him to collect quite an impressive amount. With the money they earned, young Justin Bieber and his mother visited Disneyland.

Lucky case

Justin Bieber took part in a local performing competition at the age of 12. His performance earned him second place. Mom was proud of her son’s successes and happy: everything she did for him was not in vain, his talent was noticed and appreciated. She posted a recording of the song on YouTube so that family and friends could see her boy's success. Noticing the large number of views, Petty was pleasantly surprised and inspired to subsequently post her son’s performances on the Internet. And so, Justin’s fellow countryman, Scooter Braun, a famous singer and producer, accidentally came across one of the recordings. Scooter was so intrigued by young Justin's performance that he wanted to get to know him better. After long negotiations with his mother, Scooter convinced her that in order to promote Justin's career, the guy needed to fly to Atlanta, USA for an audition and subsequent work.

And then in 2008 a fateful meeting took place. The young singer signs a contract with RBMG (a joint company between Brown and Usher). From then on, Bieber and Usher, who at that time was already an established R&B singer with world fame, created many songs that became hits.

The rise of a creative career

The first single, released in collaboration with Usher, One Time and posted on the Internet, broke all existing records for the number of views at that time, and the video was recognized as viral. Justin gained fame as a “singing sensation.”

Interesting fact: in 2009, at Christmas, the singer performed for the presidential couple Barack and Michelle Obama. The audience gathered at the White House was enthusiastic about the performance. Justin was so inspired that he allowed himself to break etiquette and was the first to shake hands with the president at the end of the concert.

In 2009, the album My world was released with seven tracks. Next year - a full-length album My World 2.0.

His creative career took off sharply, and then the first world awards arrived.

Personal life of the artist

His good looks, flexibility and, of course, musicality could not leave young girls indifferent. He has millions of fans all over the world. But the singer’s heart was won by a beauty from his circle – actress and singer Selena Gomez. The romance was not boring, information appeared in the media more than once about a breakup, then about the resumption of relations, but now there is no doubt: Selena Gomez is Justin Bieber’s ex-girlfriend. On July 7, 2018, the singer became engaged to Hailey Baldwin, daughter of Stephen Baldwin. The engagement took place while on vacation in the Bahamas.

but on the other hand

Along with the advent of fame, recognition and big money, the image of a cute boy with a lyric tenor gradually begins to transform. In recent years, cases of inappropriate behavior by the “star,” including violations of the law, have become more frequent. The guy started acting like an adult.

In 2014, Bieber was detained for violating driving rules. He refused to take tests for prohibited substances and subsequently admitted that he got behind the wheel after consuming marijuana and alcohol. Some time later, the singer was accused of beating a taxi driver.

One more episode. During a party in a New York restaurant, Bieber urinated in the kitchen of the establishment, accompanying his actions with curses addressed to Bill Clinton. The entire incident was captured on camera. After a serious conversation with Clinton, Justin had to formally apologize.

What should we expect next from this talented guy - another hit or a lewd prank? Or maybe these are two sides of the same coin?

(Justin Bieber) is a big brother again! Last Tuesday, the father of musician Jeremy Bieber gave birth to a charming baby Bay Bieber, who was given to him by his wife Chelsea. Justin spoke about the new addition to the family on his Instagram page, posting a photo of the girl and touchingly captioning it: "Meet the new Bieber, my little sister Bay Bieber".

Justin's father also posted a photo of his daughter and her happy mother on his profile. “We had a healthy baby. Born at 8.30 pm"“,” Bieber Sr. commented on the photo. For the couple, Bay became the first child, although both Jeremy and Chelsea already have children. Justin's father has an eight-year-old son, Jackson, and a ten-year-old daughter, Jasmine, and his wife has a daughter, Ellie.

Despite the fact that Justin Bieber is happy to become an older brother again, he is in no hurry to start his own family. According to insiders, the musician’s wedding with model Hailey Baldwin is not earlier than next year, and the performer himself does not know when the couple will have children, or whether they will appear at all. One day, a reporter tried to directly find out from Justin whether his fiancée was pregnant, but he beautifully

Since Justin Bieber's separation from Selena Gomez, he has been accused of having affairs with, Kendall Jenner and beauty blogger Jade Pierce, and was also suspected of having romantic feelings for Ariana Grande. So far, communication with any of these girls has not led to an affair, but it seems that Hailey Baldwin managed to get closest to Justin. It was her that the singer took with him on a family vacation, which he went on with his younger brother Jackson.

Yesterday, Hailey, Justin and his brother Jackson went on a beach holiday in the company of several other friends of Bieber. Justin and Hailey documented their journey in photographs and videos, which both generously shared with followers on Instagram. In one, the famous friends and little Jackson listen to music on a plane - Justin bobs his head to the beat, a bored Hailey sticks out her tongue, and Jackson chews gummies.

Hailey also posted a photo of Justin, probably taken on the way from the airport to the hotel - in it the singer is captured in the front seat of the car, and special attention is paid to his funny socks with toes.

Today, Justin shared with his subscribers several more charming photos in which he appears on the beach with Jackson. In each of the pictures, the singer embraces his brother in a tight hug.

“I love you more than anything in the world, Jackson,” Justin signed one of the pictures.

Justin Bieber and his brother Jackson

Hailey Baldwin, meanwhile, was at the hotel and entertained herself by taking selfies. What connects her with Justin - friendship or romantic relationship - is still unknown, but there is no doubt that they are quite close and that they are comfortable with each other.

In recent years, Justin Bieber has managed to become known as an exemplary teenager, retrain himself as a rebel and ladies' man, appear in court and then repent of his actions and take the path of reform. However, no matter what happened, Justin always remained not only a successful artist, but also a caring older brother.

The singer has a younger sister, Jasmine, and a brother, Jackson, with whom Justin has the same father and different mothers. Despite the fact that Justin's father did not take part in his upbringing, the singer does not hold a grudge against him and is always happy to spend time with his younger brother and sister. A few years ago, he even took little Jasmine on stage with him and performed the song Home For The Holidays with her.

The most interesting facts from the life and work of Justin Bieber.

Biography of Justin Bieber

2. His mother Patricia Mallett gave birth to him when she was very young, at the age of 18.

Source: Tumblr

3. She maintained a relationship with the boy’s father, but he was married to another woman and already had two children. This is a former MMA athlete.

5. Bieber has a younger sister, Jasmine, whose care gives him great joy.

Source: Tumblr

6. Most of all, the singer is afraid of closed spaces and spiders.

7. Justin has an incredible sweet tooth. His favorite candy is made in Canada - Big Foots.

8. The artist loves large bodies of water. He considers the best vacation to be on the ocean coast.

9. The artist spends most of his life on the road, but he does not like to fly on airplanes, although this can significantly reduce the time he has to travel. To get around he has a specially equipped bus.

10. He loves to collect shoes. Considering that he never wears the same pair twice, the collection is quite impressive. This rule does not apply only to costumes and stage shoes.

11. He is left-handed.

12. Likes to ride water vehicles, especially active ones - scooter, jet ski.

13. Among the favorite sports that the singer does himself are basketball, snowboarding, and skateboarding. At school age he loved chess, football and hockey.

14. As for clothes, he really likes overalls. He even starred in one for the Hollywood Reporter magazine. It was white with bright crimson lightning bolts.

15. Bieber is a big Drake fan. He admires him, treats him like an older brother, as his manager says.

17. Bieber once broke his leg at a Taylor Swift concert, but turned it all into a joke and bravely finished the performance with an injured leg.

18. The singer’s favorite breakfast is cereal with berries. And my least favorite dish is green beans.

19. He loves his fans very much, devotes a lot of time to them and calls them girlfriends. Loves to kiss them and give them attention.

Source: Flickr

20. At the age of 16, a religiously raised artist opposes abortion and takes an active part in charity work in favor of this belief.

21. Bibber loves to tweet events from his life and admits that he always waits with interest for the first tweet from whom it will come. I created a separate account on Instagram for my last pet.

22. There is a story connected with Twitter when one 35-year-old man registered under the name of Bieber and received tons of letters from his fans. As a result, both accounts were blocked until all the circumstances were clarified.

23. He has two favorite bear toys. Fans love to give him soft toys. One is called Mr. Bear, and the other is Willis.

24. Bieber is known as a brawler and a rebel. In some countries, he faces a prison sentence for his antics.

25. While performing in Argentina, he allowed himself to insult the country's national flag - he wiped the floor on stage with it, using the microphone stand as a mop. For this he can receive up to 2 years in prison.

26. For painting graffiti in Rio, the singer could have gone to jail for a year. Such events even infuriate fans. To which his manager claims that Justin still has a rebellious teenage spirit.

27. What can we say about the drunk driving scandal, after which US citizens filed a petition to deprive the singer of citizenship privileges and deport him to his homeland.

28. By the way, the singer lives in a house in Los Angeles.

29. Haircuts cost celebrities up to $750 per service, according to fashion tabloids.

30. He can solve a Rubik's cube in 2 minutes.

31. As many as 5 of his incarnations in wax figures are in Madame Tussauds.

32. If he had not become a media personality, he would have been an architect, the singer claims.

33. His mother is the closest and dearest person. She published a book about her son’s creative path.

34. Bieber doesn't trust anyone except his family and manager. This is caused by a number of unpleasant cases when his own acquaintances, posting videos with Bieber on the network, more than once compromised him.

35. There are 24 tattoos on the musician’s body and each has a specific meaning.

Justin Bieber's career

36. The little talent already learned to keep a drum rhythm at the age of 2.

37. Later, the artist independently mastered the technique of playing the guitar, trumpet and piano.

38. Bieber’s fame came thanks to his mother, who posted all his performances at various vocal competitions on YouToube.

39. In 2007, So So Def saw his video and found the young talent.

40. Singer Usher began producing the young talent. He did not immediately decide to take this step, but only after watching his videos several times during different periods of the boy’s development as an artist.

41. In fact, Bieber had a choice of who to entrust his promotion to. Usher and Justin Timberlake actually fought for it. But the young talent preferred a black producer.

42. The young artist’s first single was released in 2009. That same year, the singer was a guest at the White House for Christmas, where he performed the song “Some day at Christmas” for the president and his family.

43. His debut creative work was the incomplete collection “My World”, which won serious ratings in different countries. Among them are platinum and gold. As many as 7 tracks from this collection hit the hot hundred of the Billboard chart.

44. In 2010, Bieber was chosen as the presenter at the Grammy presentation. This was a responsible and serious assignment, as well as an event in his creative career.

45. A singer’s dream, one of them is. This cannot happen, but it was partially performed, because in the same 2010 he was approved for the vocal part of the We Are The World project. The event was created to raise funds for victims of the powerful earthquake in the Haitian Islands.

46. ​​2010 was a significant year for the singer, in light of his primacy on the Billboard 200 chart. Remarkably, Stevie Wonder also topped it in 1963 with his debut.

47. The second part of the My world collection immediately broke into the leading place on the charts in Canada, Ireland, the States, and Australia in March 2010.

48. In the same year, Bieber broke all records for Internet searches and became the most popular online personality in the entire history of the Internet.

50. The next event was the role of a teenager in the television series “CSI: Crime Scene Investigation.”

52. The film earned $30 million in its first weekend of release. In total, more than $100 million was collected from rentals.

53. In 2011, Bieber received the title of the highest paid young star under 30, earning $53 million in a year.

54. Having received the title of an artist with a lack of taste and style in the same year, he decides to change his image and radically changes his hairstyle, which causes a true shock among his audience of fans.

55. He sold the hair from his haircut at a charity auction for $12,000.

56. The singer has incredible respect and admiration for creativity.

57. In 2012, the collection Believe was released. The first week since its release demonstrated sales of 370 thousand copies.

58. In the fall of this year, a tour with this album began and lasted more than a year, until December 2013. Performances took place on several continents, the singer even visited Russia.

59. 2013 was a busy year in terms of creativity. Bieber released one track every Monday. There were 10 of them in total, which were organized into a kind of magazine. Its content is complemented by a video and 5 previously unreleased songs.

60. The next flash of fame came to the singer in 2015, when he vividly reminded himself of himself with the song “What do you mine?”, which took top positions in America, Canada, Australia, England and high ratings in other countries.

Personal life of Justin Bieber

61. In adolescence, there is information about three girls who applied for serious and long-term relationships with the singer. They were not media personalities.

62. The most striking relationship of the charming singer was noted with. According to some rumors, Justin still has feelings for her.

63. During one of his quarrels with Selena, Bieber was consoled in the arms of model Barbara Palvin.

64. Another contender for the role of the young talent’s passion was the young 17-year-old model Ella Paige Clark.

65. Cailin Russo, who starred in several of the singer’s videos, also received laurels for a fleeting affair.

66. Bieber had a fleeting, or rather one, one-night “romance” with the spectacular model Chantel Jeffries.

67. Bieber gave his next attempt at a serious relationship to the minor daughter of famous musician Lionel Richie, Sofia Richie.

68. Not long after the music played, Justin was spotted with Hailey Baldwin, for the second time. She had already appeared in the singer’s life before young Richie. And after that she returned again, but again not for long.

69. Bieber claims that he is looking for his one and only and will definitely recognize her at first sight.

70. A romantically minded young man is ready to put the whole world at the feet of the one who will tolerate his antics, long absence, will love him by phone, e-mail and watching him on the TV screen. For such a person, he will write a song, poems, and take her to the most romantic corners of the world, where he will tirelessly repeat his feelings. In the meantime...

The Bieber family has grown by one! Pop star Justin Bieber's father and stepmother welcomed their baby girl.

On Thursday, August 16, 2018, Justin Bieber's dear dad, Jeremy Bieber, announced that his wife Chelsea Rebelo had given birth to their first child, a daughter they named Bay. Sharing a photo of herself with Chelsea and their newborn in the hospital on Instagram, the elder Bieber wrote: “We welcomed a healthy baby, “Bey Bieber,” born at 8:30 am.”

An hour ago, Jeremy Bieber hinted that his wife had gone into labor by posting a black-and-white photo of himself dressed in hospital scrubs as he prepared to enter the maternity ward. In the caption, he wrote: “Dr. Bieber calling for delivery.”

Chelsea got the best look at her little one when she posted a photo of the baby on her Instagram page, simply captioning the photo with the little one's name: “Beat.” But Justin Bieber himself may have provided the best photo of his new sister when he shared an adorable close-up photo of the baby on on your own Instagram account. “Meet the new Bieber, my little sister Bay Bieber,” he chimed in.

Jeremy Bieber previously married his sweetheart Chelsea in Jamaica on February 19, 2018. His famous son attended the ceremony with his ex-girlfriend Selena Gomez. "Justin picked Selena up on a private jet and they arrived first thing in the morning in Montego Bay," a source told E! News. On that moment. “They spent the day with Justin's family at the resort catching up and getting ready for Jeremy and Chelsea to get married.”

A few days later, the singer publicly announced that his father and Chelsea were not only celebrating their love for each other, but also preparing to welcome a new member into their family. “Congratulations on your wedding and new baby!! Bieber wrote alongside a photo from Father's big day.

With Bieber currently engaged to model Hailey Baldwin, we suspect the 24-year-old and his fiancée might be on hand to welcome the new addition to their family. But as Nicki Swift previously reported, Bieber and Baldwin have slowed down their wedding planning to enjoy their engagement. However, we can't imagine it will take too long to tie the knot.