Characters from the fairy tale Dunno and his friends. Donut - friend of Dunno, shorty from the flower city

In one fairy-tale city there lived short people... It was very beautiful in their city. Flowers grew around every house: daisies, daisies, dandelions. There, even the streets were named after flowers: Kolokolchikov Street, Daisies Alley, Vasilkov Boulevard. And the city itself was called the Flower City.

In one house on Kolokolchikov Street lived sixteen short children...Znayka...Doctor Pilyulkin...Vintik with his assistant Shpuntik...Syrupchik...hunter Pulka. He had a small dog Bulka... There lived the artist Tube, the musician Guslya and other kids: Toropyzhka, Grumpy, Silent, Donut, Rasteryayka, two brothers - Avoska and Neboska. But the most famous among them was a baby named Dunno...

Brothers, save yourself! The piece is flying!
- What piece? - they ask him.
- A piece, brothers! A piece came off from the sun. Soon it will flop - and everyone will be done for. Do you know what the sun is like? It is larger than our entire Earth!

Guslya gave him a large copper trumpet. Dunno, how the trumpet will blow into it, how it will roar!
- This is a good tool! - Dunno was happy. - Plays loudly!

No, this is a bad portrait,” said Gunka. - Let me tear it up.
- Why destroy a work of art? - Dunno answered. Gunka wanted to take the portrait from him, and they began to fight. Znayka, Doctor Pilyulkin and the rest of the kids came running at the noise.

One day Dunno came to Tsvetik and said:
- Listen, Tsvetik, teach me to write poetry. I also want to be a poet.
- Do you have any abilities? - asked Tsvetik.
- Of course have. “I’m very capable,” answered Dunno.

Dunno got scared, wanted to stop the car and pulled some lever. But the car, instead of stopping, drove even faster. There was a gazebo on the road. Fuck-ta-ra-rah! The gazebo fell into pieces. Dunno was covered from head to toe with wood chips.

Meanwhile, the ball rose higher and higher... Steklyashkin climbed onto the roof of the house and began to look at this speck through his pipe. Next to him, on the very edge of the roof, stood the poet Tsvetik...

At this time, the basket hit the ground with force and overturned. Avoska grabbed Neboska with his hands, and Neboska grabbed Avoska, and together they fell out of the basket. Behind them, the rest of the shorties fell like peas...
The air journey is over.

Sineglazka took a towel from the wall and handed it to Dunno. Dunno rubbed the towel over his face and only after that decided to open his eyes.

And we had a baby named Znayka. Such a coward! He saw that the ball was falling, and let him cry, and then he jumped down with a parachute - and went home. The ball immediately became lighter and flew up again. Then suddenly it will fly down again, and when it hits the ground, and when it jumps up, and again when it stops... I fell out of the basket - I hit my head on the ground!..

Grumpy looked at him in surprise:
- Dunno!
...He grabbed onto Dunno’s sleeve and didn’t want to let him go.

This is an eight-wheeled steam car with pistachio cooling,” Shurupchik explained.

A few minutes later the handle was sawed through and the apple hung on the rope. Vintik told Bublik to drive the car right under the hanging apple. The little ones began to gradually let go of the rope. The apple landed straight into the back of the car. The rope was untied and the car carried the apple to the house.

Why the letter? - he muttered in confusion. - We live nearby. We can talk like that.
- Oh, how boring you are, Dunno! You don't want to do anything for me. It’s so interesting to receive a letter!
“Well, okay,” Dunno agreed. - I will write a letter.

Dunno often wrote blots in notebooks. And besides, as soon as he places a blot, he immediately licks it off with his tongue. This gave him blots with long tails. Dunno called such tailed blots comets. He had these “comets” on almost every page. But Dunno did not lose heart, because he knew that patience and work would help him get rid of the “comets”.


  • 1 String bag
  • 2 Vintik and Shpuntik
  • 3 Wizard
  • 4 Gunka
  • 5 Julio
  • 6 Znayka
  • 7 Button
  • 8 Goat
  • 9 Miga
  • 10 Front sight
  • 11 Dunno
  • 12 Pestrenky
  • 13 Pilyulkin
  • 14 Donut
  • 15 Bullet
  • 16 Chamomile
  • 17 Sineglazka
  • 18 Syrup
  • 19 Scooperfield
  • 20 Sprouts
  • 21 Others
  • Notes


Characters from Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov's books about Dunno.

The name of each character is a brief description of him (as a person or main activity).

1. String bag

String bag- brother of short Neboska. He became famous for the fact that he liked to do everything at random. His favorite word is “maybe” (and Neboska’s word is “probably”, cf. Oh and Ah).

The writer’s grandson Igor Nosov notes that Avoska and Neboska in Nikolai Nosov’s novels could have appeared by analogy with the heroes of Gogol’s Inspector Bobchinsky and Dobchinsky.

Dunno composed a poem about Avoska: “Avoska has a sweet cheesecake under his pillow.”

Together with other shorties, Avoska went on a trip in a hot air balloon. For this trip he dressed in his ski suit, as he considered it very convenient for this type of activity.

While traveling in a hot air balloon, Avoska cut a hole in the balloon basket with a penknife to pour out the sand that Neboska scattered from the ballast bag. This contributed to the rapid breakdown of the basket upon impact with the ground.

In Green City, Avoska worked as Tubik's assistant. Tube made stencils for the portraits, and Avoska painted them with the necessary paints.

2. Vintik and Shpuntik

They live with Dunno and other shorties in the Flower City. As Nosov wrote about them, they were two very inventive and restless minds. Chief mechanics, carpenters, mechanics, etc. of the Flower City. Jacks of all trades. Inseparable, as brothers should be.

Appears in all three books. Without them, the balloon and both rockets would not have been constructed.

3. Wizard

The only character from the trilogy who does not fit into the general science fiction concept of the work. Has supernatural powers. He has magical objects, one of which (a magic wand) he gives to Dunno for use.

4. Gunka

Gunka- Dunno's best friend, lives in the flower city on Daisy Street. Dunno and Gunka often quarreled, but quickly made up.

One quarrel occurred over Gunka’s portrait, the second because Gunka was friends with the kids, and Dunno didn’t like it.

In the Green City, Dunno missed Gunka and returned with his friends to the Flower City.

5. Julio

Julio- arms dealer. Initially, he took part in the creation of the Giant Plants JSC, but then he was bribed by Sprouts and escaped with Miga and Krabs.

6. Znayka

Znayka (Fig. A. Borisenko)

Znayka- a short man, the eldest among other short men living in Flower City. Znayka is very smart, as he reads a lot of books and is very inquisitive.

In addition, he is careful with conclusions, but sometimes spontaneous. He can get involved in a fight, he can make a decision in the middle of the night and, without delay, leave early in the morning on business. Znayka wore a formal suit and glasses. Znayka has great authority among the short ones. Znayka, without warning, calls Vintik and Shpuntik to the Sunny City, and they unconditionally obey. He is recognized in the scientific circles of the Sunny City. Znayka’s opponent is Professor Zvezdochkin, who subsequently makes peace with him, and they become friends.

7. Button

Button (still from the cartoon “Dunno in the Sunny City”)

Button- friend of little girls Mushka and Romashka.

The character of the button resembles a Chamomile. Such a kind, sweet and well-mannered little girl.

I acquired a closer acquaintance with Dunno thanks to a common passion for fairy tales.

Button made a trip to Sunny City with Dunno.

8. Goat

Goat- a sleepwalker who has had his fill of life, who, despite all the problems that befall him every day, still tries to maintain the appearance of an honest little man. Dunno met him in jail, where Kozlik ended up for sniffing a bagel in a bakery, which the seller regarded as an attempt at theft. The wise Kozlik and the frivolous Dunno became good friends, which helped them survive in the difficult conditions of existence in the lunar world.

9. Miga

Miga- friend and partner of Julio. He was bailed out of prison. Practical, witty and a rare scoundrel, however, according to Julio, the most honest and kind little guy. Initially, Miga and Julio really wanted to help Dunno, but the rich people of the city had other plans.

I met Dunno in the prison, where I helped him adapt to the situation. Subsequently, Julio also outwitted him, fleeing with the money along with Krabs.

10. Front sight

Front sight- girlfriend of Chamomile and Buttons. Mushka's character is a little absurd. Curious, but overall kind and good little girl.

11. Dunno

Main character.

12. Motley

Pestrenky- aka Pachkulya, aka Pachkuale Pestrini. Accompanied Dunno and Button to Sunny City. He received his nickname from a traveling short man named Compass, who, noticing him in the crowd, did not want to humiliate him with the word “dirty” and called him Motley. I experienced many adventures during the trip, after which I decided not to contact Dunno anymore.

13. Pilyulkin

Pilyulkin- a general practitioner in the Flower City. He believes that healing should be not only therapeutic, but also instructive. In this regard, he uses only castor oil (internally) and iodine (externally). Opponent (and, concurrently, friend) is doctor Medunitsa from Green City.)

14. Donut

Donut (Fig. G. Valka)

Donut- plump, a little tight-fisted, a little greedy, but overall a kind and sympathetic little guy.

Donut loves to eat. Especially all kinds of buns and pies. He also likes to drag all sorts of things into his room ( what if it comes in handy!).

Donut made a flight to the moon together with Dunno. On the Moon (or rather, in the sublunary world), he tried to start his own business, implementing his own personal characteristics and the earthly know-how known to him, but was quickly ruined by the local lunar oligarchs.

15. Bullet

Pulka- one of 16 short guys from Kolokolchikov Street. A hunter, he has a gun that shoots corks, and a dog, Bulka. After the balloon crashed, Bulka ran back to the Flower City, and Pulka sprained his leg and was treated for a long time in the Green City hospital near Medunitsa, where he became terribly insolent. When Pulka and his friends returned to Flower City, Pulka met with Bulka.

16. Chamomile

Chamomile- friend of Mushka and Buttons. She always wears a skirt and a bow on her head. Character is sweet, soft and kind-hearted.

17. Sineglazka

Sineglazka- a baby from the Green City, where travelers from the Flower City crash landed. During his stay in Green City, Dunno lived in the house where Sineglazka lived with other kids. She is described as a fair and reasonable little girl.

18. Syrup

Sakharin Sakharinovich Siropchik- a short guy from Flower City who loves syrup and other tasty drinks. Likes to dress in plaid clothes.

19. Scooperfield

Scooperfield- a character in the last book of the trilogy about Dunno. A resident of the city of Brechenville, an incredible miser and greedy person. At the same time, he is also a little stupid. An example is the facts of his behavior in the hotel, in the forest and on the train, as well as the instructions that he gave to his loudmouths - to sell shares of giant plants at a ferthing thing, as a result of which he almost went bankrupt, because by that time the Giant Plant Society had burst, and the shares became just paper, but he knew nothing about the stock exchange news, because he was sorry for the money for newspapers. All my life I suffered from the fear of losing all my money. I got rid of this fear when I actually lost all my money.

I got into the forest for the first time with the help of Krabs (Sprouts' assistant), where he was tied up for a long time before the arrival of Miga and Julio. The latter wanted to receive a reward for their “concern,” but Scooperfield managed to escape from them by hitting one of them with a cane. After which he wandered through the forest and was bitten by ants. In the fog I came across a potato field, where I picked potato tubers, not knowing what they were. Was driven away by the watchman.

He lost all his capital as a result of unsuccessful financial fraud with shares of the Giant Plant Society. Because of the low salary, the workers of his factory rebelled and began to manage the factory themselves, which set an example for the rest of the lunatics. Subsequently, Scooperfield was re-educated and went to work at his own pasta factory. Since then, he goes to the zoo every day, as he loves animals (especially after visiting the forest with Krabs) and nature.

20. Sprouts

Sprouts- the richest and most influential lunatic. He loves the existing regime very much and reacts extremely painfully when someone tries to get rich without agreeing with him. He dislikes even more those who get rich for good causes, as is the case with the Giant Plant Society. He is a very dangerous opponent for positive characters, especially after he was able to lure the weak-willed Miga and Julio to his side, but soon he has to find himself in a situation where his money is already powerless. True, this makes him even more dangerous.

21. The rest

  • Bukovka (character) is Listik’s friend.
  • Krykun is one of the donkeys turned by Dunno into a runt. Partner of Caligula and Pegasus.
  • Grumpy is a grumpy character, always dissatisfied with everything. Lives in Flower City.
  • Guslya is a musician of the Flower City.
  • Drigl is one of the lunar policemen.
  • Zvezdochkin
  • Caligula (character) is one of the donkeys turned by Dunno into a runt. Partner of Krykun and Pegasik.
  • Klyopka (character) is an engineer in Sunny City.
  • Klops is the owner of the garden where Dunno descended by parachute.
  • Krabs is the manager of the Sprouts manufacturer.
  • Lungwort is a doctor in the Green City.
  • Migl is one of the lunar policemen.
  • Silent (character)
  • Neboska
  • Pegasik is one of the donkeys of the Sunny City, turned by Dunno into a runt. Partner of Krykun and Caligula.
  • Confused
  • Samotsvetik is a poet of the Green City.
  • Herring
  • Smekaylo is a writer from the city of Zmeevka.
  • Steklyashkin is an astronomer in the Flower City.
  • Toropyzhka
  • Tube is an artist of the Flower City.
  • Fix is ​​Klops's servant.
  • Figl (character) is one of the lunar police officers.
  • Fuchsia
  • Tsvetik is a poet of the Flower City.

: “The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends”, “Dunno in the Sunny City”, “Dunno on the Moon”, works of his followers.

The main features of the universe is that it is inhabited by short people - little people the size of a small cucumber.

The growth of the short ones and the targeting of the children's audience determines the remaining features of the universe. Due to their small stature, short animals perceive ordinary plants as huge and this makes it easier for them to obtain food. On the other hand, caring for plants and harvesting require the organized labor of several dozen short people.

The heroes of the first books are more like children 7-10 years old and their world is filled with corresponding objects and categories. For them, initially there is no concept of age, parenthood and kinship, death, love, family relationships, etc. The short ones live in small groups in houses, there are those who live alone, the concept of family is also absent in the trilogy. What remains beyond the author's intention is where the heroes of all the fairy tale novels came from, and what role their division into two sexes played in this.

In everyday life, along with things familiar to the human world, there are details characteristic of a child’s imagination: equipment that runs on carbonated water, a greater amount of sweets in the diet.

In addition to the text by N. N. Nosov, illustrators Alexey Laptev and Heinrich Valk contributed to the visualization of the universe.

The short ones have an idea that other countries exist, as well as what names their inhabitants may have and what they may look like. According to the second part of the trilogy, Pachkuale Pestrenky, when registering at the Solnechnogorod hotel, signed in the book for guests as “foreigner Pachkuale Pestrini.” At the very beginning of the same book, Dunno mentions the French language, and a little later he says:

We shorties are very small and cannot take in big things with our small eyes.

Also in the second book such a measure of length as a nail is mentioned. It is equal to 1 1/4 cm, and it is said that a height of almost 9 1/2 nails = 11 7/8 cm is quite large for short people. Therefore, most of them are probably somewhere around 8 nails = 10 cm tall.

The calculation of time coincides with ordinary earthly time, but as the author explains, time goes slower for short people, so in one year of short time they can build or create as much as ordinary people would create in 5-10 years.

The self-determination of short people through small stature probably occurred in opposition to some large creatures. The proximity of short plants to ordinary plants, which they perceive as large, allows them to exist relatively comfortably in the prevailing food abundance.

Anthropology [ | ]

The social structure of the earth's short people is heterogeneous, differs between cities, but they are all united by the lack of money. In the sunny city, a communist society has been achieved, where everyone receives the set of social and material benefits they need absolutely free, and in return works for the good of society in an enterprise or institution based on their abilities. Guests of the city, despite the fact that they do not work at city enterprises, have the same amount of benefits.

In other cities described in the books, there is subsistence farming and barter.

Lunar Society is a satire of European and American capitalist society in the 1960s as seen by Soviet citizens. In addition to commodity-money relations and private property, which is the main difference from the Earth, corruption, monopolism, advertising, unfair competition, stock speculation, irrational use of manual labor, unemployment, vagrancy, lack of social policy and repressive legislation against vagrants and poor and other negative phenomena of capitalism. With the appearance of earthlings on the moon, a social revolution occurs there.

Flora and fauna [ | ]

The flora of the shorties consists of ordinary terrestrial plants, which, given the growth of the shorties, seem huge to them. This removes the problem of food supply, but complicates the task of caring for plants and harvesting.

The flora of the moon differs from the earth's in the size of plants.

The animal world is not described in such detail. On the one hand, short people have animals corresponding to their height - dogs, donkeys, horses. In the sunny city there is a zoo, where other animals are represented - a lion and a monkey. A slight misunderstanding was introduced by the illustrators of the works. The artist Laptev depicted the hunter's dog Pulka in the book "Dunno in the Sunny City" in the form of an insect - a grasshopper.

The mentioned insects, like plants, also have impressive sizes, for example, Dunno once encountered a cockchafer.

Technologies [ | ]

The technologies of the world of short people are close to the technologies of the human world as of the middle of the 20th century. They know electricity, telephone, television, cars and trains exist as means of transportation, airplanes are mentioned, although not described, successes have been achieved in automation and robotics. Most of the technologies are described in the second book. Distinctive features are the use of alternative energy sources, including gas released from sparkling water, alcohol, atomic energy, and radiomagnetic energy. Burning fuel oil is considered obsolete and unenvironmentally friendly. A special source of energy is bioplastic, which, under the influence of exciting electricity, creates kinetic energy that is many times greater than what was expended. Various cars, spiral vehicles, autohorses, motorcycles, and so on are used as means of transportation around the city. Household machines, including agricultural ones, are often robotic. Automation is also being implemented in personal transport, although not as quickly. Space technology is also developing. At the beginning of the third book, a way to easily obtain artificial weightlessness was discovered, which gave a breakthrough in rocket science.

The technologies of the Moon are not so fantastic - everything corresponds to the terrestrial level of technology of the 1960s, moreover, cheap labor allows the use of manual labor in many inappropriate cases - for example, for rotating water rides in a water amusement park. With the arrival of earthly short people on the Moon, weightlessness in industry began to be introduced everywhere.

Cities [ | ]

Flower City [ | ]

The hometown of Dunno and his 15 comrades, which stands on the Cucumber River. The city was named “Flower” due to the fact that all the streets were decorated with flower beds with a large number of flowers. The river is named so because of the huge number of cucumbers growing on its banks. There are other babies and toddlers living in this city. The Flower City appears in all three parts of the trilogy. Near it there is a forest where the short ones obtained supplies for themselves. At first, the kids had little contact with residents of neighboring cities, despite the fact that there was a car in the city that ran on sparkling water.

The kids made their first trip from the city in a hot air balloon. The entire trilogy begins and ends in the Flower City. After the next trip, something new appears there, brought by travelers from other cities. Innovations are described at the beginning of the next novel.

After traveling to the Green City, the shorties built a bridge over the Cucumber River, a reed aqueduct and fountains, installed electric lighting and a telephone on the streets of the Flower City, and also constructed a television. After traveling to the Sunny City of Dunno and many other shorties, rotating buildings appeared in the Flower City and a garment factory was built. A space town with a cosmodrome was built near the city.

Green City [ | ]

The police in the city are mainly involved in regulating traffic, which has increased enormously in recent years. Police departments have a video surveillance system that allows them to monitor the situation at all intersections in the city in real time. There had been no crime in the city for many years before the advent of “vetrogons”. Because of this, even the police did not know how to deal with the hooligans who appeared on the streets, and having turned to the old and dusty book of punishments and imposed a punishment of several days of arrest, they were then tormented by remorse.

The city, however, is not without its shortcomings - minor incidents attract large crowds of onlookers, which interferes with street traffic. Drivers violate traffic rules, and the police conduct oral preventive conversations for this. The most common violations are failure to allow pedestrians to pass, collisions with pedestrians and driving through a prohibiting traffic light (especially for drivers of pipe planes, since they have very high speed and poor brakes).

Automated taxis in the city are designed specifically to reduce congestion and improve road safety, as well as to reduce costs - to spend less resources on repairing personal cars. But residents do not want to part with personal transport. Due to the unrestrained character of Dunno, who misused his magic wand, the city was drawn into the hooligan chaos of “windrunners” - imitators of three donkeys transformed into people by the power of magic. Only the wizard resolved the social problem that arose, returning everything as it was. Every year the city celebrates “Mitten Day” - City Day, during which residents fraternize with each other, exchanging colored mittens.

See also City of the Sun, Heliopolis, Cité Soleil, Sun City. Katigoroshkin- a city mentioned in the book where everyone rides bicycles. The traveler Tsirkul from this city gave the short Pachkula a new nickname - “Motley”, which practically replaced his name. Stone City And Zemlyanoy city are mentioned when Dunno chooses a further path at a fork.

Lunar cities [ | ]

Cities visited by Dunno and Donut during their expedition to the Moon on the NIP rocket (the name is given in honor of Dunno and Donut), and later by twelve shorties from the Flower and Sunny cities on the FIS rocket (the name is given in honor of Fuchsia and Herring ).

Objects and places [ | ]

sunny city [ | ]

  • “Malvasia” is the hotel where Dunno, Knopochka and Pestrenky stayed. The only employee who appeared was the director on duty, Liliya, who communicated with the arriving guests via video link. The rest of the hotel staff were robots and automatons.
  • The Book Theater is a theater founded by Listik and Bukovka. In it, the founders read various books to the audience.
  • Zoo - in it Dunno turned three donkeys into runts, and also teased a monkey in a cage.
  • A garment factory is a factory that produces various clothes. Famous employees: Karasik, Thread, Igolochka.
  • Sunny Park is a recreation park on the eastern outskirts of Sunny City, which includes five thematic towns: Sports, Vodyanoy, Theater, Chess and Merry.
  • “Chess Town” is a specialized sector of the Solar Park for chess lovers, designed in the form of a chessboard, and the pavilions and buildings in it are in the form of chess pieces. It contains chess machines of various difficulty levels that short people can play with. Regular visitors to the town wear checkered suits or dresses decorated with chess pieces. In addition to chess machines, the town regularly hosts tournaments, simultaneous games and thematic lectures, which, in addition to players, attract many spectators.
  • “Fun Town” is a sector of the Solar Park, an amusement town. The entrance to it is through a rotating transparent pipe, through which you must pass without ever falling. If the short guy fell, this causes a whole storm of laughter from the audience, although he himself had laughed at others before. Other attractions in the town include a ferris wheel, curved mirrors that can independently change their curvature, atomic car seats and voice-controlled roller skates.

Sublunary world [ | ]

  • Miscellaneous Goods Store - a weapons store in the city of Davilon, owned by Julio. It contains a cache where explosives are stored. Subsequently it was sold, and the building began to be occupied by a confectionery shop.
  • "Emerald" is a hotel in the city of Davilon, owned by Mr. Haps. It hosted a PR campaign for the arrival of cosmonaut Dunno on the Moon. Dunno, Kozlik, Miga and Julio also lived there, and the last two managed to get free accommodation from Khaps.
  • A cheerful booth is an entertainment establishment, the purpose of which is to throw rubber balls at a short man, who has stuck his head through a hole in the curtain and is therefore constrained in his movements, which can harm his health, and when the short man writhes in pain, it is crazy amuses the audience. But the short one, if he holds out until closing (and the “massacre” can last all day!), receives 3 ferthing from the owner. The cost of one throw with the ball at a shorty is 1 cent. Kozlik took part in this public entertainment in San Comarique, wanting to earn money.
  • "Economic" - hotel in the city of San Comarique. Staying there is carried out on the “pay as you go” principle, that is, even after renting a room, it is impossible to use any benefits in it without additional payment, the so-called “hidden fees”. Dunno and Kozlik stopped there. The latter earned 3 ferthings at the “Merry booth”, and a double room cost 50 cents. In just one evening and a night of staying there, the friends spent almost all the money, and they only had 20 cents left between them.
  • "Dead End" is a hotel in San Comarique, located in a poor area on the outskirts of the city. It is characterized by extreme disrepair and the same cheapness. It also has underground floors. There are a great many hotels of this type, and all of them belong to Mr. Dryaning. Dunno and Kozlik moved into it after they spent almost all their money at the “Economic” hotel. At first, for 10 cents, everyone lived on the minus second floor, and when this became expensive, they moved to minus the fourth for only 5 cents from the short one, but the conditions there were much worse. In addition, Kozlik was bitten on the neck by a rat there, and it almost cost him his life.
  • Space town(on the Moon) - a temporary settlement near Fantomas, founded by Znayka and friends after landing on the Moon on the FIS rocket. There was a town with the same name near the Flower City on Earth, from where the NIP rocket was sent to the Moon.
  • Fool's Island(or Island of Fools) - an island in the sea of ​​the inner lunar globe. Apparently this island is split into two parts. The first is a huge free amusement park with beaches and administrative buildings. The second is a pasture for walking sheep. All the shorties leading an asocial and impoverished lifestyle are forcibly sent to Stupid Island. Under the influence of the harmful air of the island, as well as an idle lifestyle, the short ones become sheep or rams with a huge amount of regrown wool, which is the final product and commodity that pays for the entire institution of the Island of Fools. The criteria by which short people are sentenced to be sent to this island are being on the street without some elements of clothing (boots, shirt or at least a hat) and spending the night on someone else's or municipal property, as well as poverty and vagrancy. Dunno and Kozlik end up on the Island of Fools for vagrancy and lack of boots and hats, respectively (they ended up together with other Brechenwilians who spent the night under the bridge), where Kozlik was exposed to harmful air and almost turned into a lamb. The idea of ​​Fool's Island echoes the Land of Fun from Carlo Collodi's The Adventures of Pinocchio (in the latter, the slackers turned into donkeys).

Organizations [ | ]

  • “Spruts Manufactory” is the largest lunar factory in the city of Grabenberg, owned by Mr. Spruts and producing sugar, fabrics and other products.
  • "Scooperfield's Pasta Place" is one of the largest lunar factories in the city of Brechenville, owned by Mr. Scooperfield. It consists of 12 huge buildings, and the number of workers is 5000 short ones. Produces pasta, vermicelli and noodles.
  • “The Society of Giant Plants” is a joint-stock company founded by Miga, Julio and Dunno with Kozlik. It was supposed to sell shares, which could later be used to obtain seeds of giant plants hidden in a rocket on the surface of the Moon, but since his establishment was not agreed upon with Spruts himself, he quickly ruined him with his influence. However, the lunatics eventually received the coveted seeds without any bureaucracy.
  • “The Society of Free Twisters” is a secret organization founded by the spinners Piskarik, Somik, Sudachko and Leshchik, the purpose of which is to force the owners of the attractions to improve working conditions. It also included Donut.

Characters [ | ]

In all three books you can count more than a hundred characters. The name of most characters is a brief description of him (as a person or main activity). Some of the names sound like surnames (Pilyulkin, Svistulkin), one has a first name, patronymic and surname (Sakharin Sakharinich Siropchik).

On the Moon there are consonant names that reflect the activities of a group of characters. Among the rich people of the Moon, names often end with foreign suffixes, for example, with “s” (Spruts, Klops, Dubs) or “ing” (Gryazing, Dryaning) or are composed of foreign roots (Skuperfield). The names of police officers and other servants of the law end in “gl” (Migl, Zhrigl, Figl, etc.). Ordinary lunar inhabitants also have names with the suffix “s” (Fix, Krabs, Migs), but these are full names that ordinary lunatics rarely use.

Characters from the book “The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends”[ | ]

Sixteen Shorties from Bluebell Street in Flower City[ | ]

The main characters of the first book and the “family” of Dunno. Most appear in other books,

Front sight- a friend of Button and Gunka, who protected her and Button from Dunno. I watched the balloon take off.

Steklyashkin- astronomer from Flower City. In the first book, Dunno turned to him when he thought that a piece of the Sun had hit him on the head. In the third book, he was one of the key characters, conducted observations of the Moon, including witnessing the launch of a rocket, flew with Znayka to the Moon, where he was the first to see the surface of the inner core of the Moon using a portable telescope.

Flower- pseudonym of the poet Pudik from the Flower City. Taken because poets, according to the book, “love beautiful names.” I tried to teach Dunno poetry.

Chamomile- baby from Flower City. I watched the balloon take off.

Mikrosha- A resident of the Flower City and a friend of Topeka. Watched the balloon take off

Topic- resident of Flower City and friend of Mikroshi. Initially, I didn’t believe that the ball would fly.

Residents of the Green City[ | ]

Sineglazka- a baby from the Green City, where travelers from the Flower City crash landed. During his stay in Green City, Dunno lived in the house where Sineglazka lived with other kids. She is described as a fair and reasonable little girl.

Squirrel- Sineglazka's friend. Wears an apron with a red squirrel embroidered on it.

Check mark- Sineglazka's neighbor. Black-haired baby.

Christmas tree- Sineglazka's neighbor.

Zainka- Sineglazka's friend. Wears an apron with a green bunny embroidered on it.

Kisonka- Swallow's friend.

Martin- Kisonka's friend.

Kubyshka- Sineglazka's neighbor. Plump baby.

Daisy- Sineglazka's neighbor.

Pushinka- Sineglazka's friend.

Snowflake- colleague (co-worker) of Sineglazka.

Straw- agronomist and watermelon breeder from Green City.

Dragonfly- Sineglazka's friend.

Lungwort- doctor in Green City. Because of the prejudices that reigned in the Green City about the hooligan behavior of all kids, she kept the short travelers in the hospital for as long as possible. She had a particular conflict with Dr. Pilyulkin, who for the first time found himself in the patient’s shoes, but categorically refused to recognize his colleague’s “treatment” methods.

Gemstone- poetess from Green City.

Residents of Zmeevka [ | ]

Bagel- resident of Zmeevka, driver of a carbonated car. He helped Vintik and Shpuntik - he took them first to Zmeyovka, then to Green City, where he picked fruit together with everyone else.

Gvozdik- a resident of Zmeyovka, a bully by whom the kids from Green City judged the behavior of all the kids, who later corrected himself.

Shurupchik- a resident of Zmeevka, a mechanic and inventor, in whose house everything is on buttons.

Smekaylo- a writer from the city of Zmeyovka, who has not written a single book, but collects various devices for writing: the “Bormotograph” listening device, a folding table, etc. Vintik, Shpuntik and Bublik went to him to pick up a soldering iron that Shurupchik had long borrowed for repairs car.

Characters from the book “Dunno in the Sunny City”[ | ]

Main [ | ]

Dunno- after the first book I learned to write beautifully, loved reading, but no longer wanted to study. In one of the books I learned that if you do three good deeds in a row, the Wizard will appear and give you a magic wand. He never eradicated vanity and arrogance in himself, which is why he committed three bad deeds with the help of a magic wand, causing the wand to lose its power, and Sunny City plunged into carminative unrest.

Button- a kind and well-mannered little girl. I acquired a closer acquaintance with Dunno thanks to a common passion for fairy tales. Button made a trip to Sunny City with Dunno. She has a small nose, and for this reason she received the name Button.

Pestrenky- he's the same Pachkulya, aka Patchkulya Pestrenky. Accompanied Dunno and Button to Sunny City. He received his nickname from a traveling short man named Compass, who, noticing him in the crowd, did not want to humiliate him with the word “dirty” and called him Motley. He liked the new nickname more than his own name, so he began to use it as such. And Pachkuale Pestrini is his pseudonym, which he wrote down in the registration journal of the Solnechnogorod hotel “Malvasia”, seeing that Dunno had signed up as “Neznam Neznamovich Neznaykin”. I experienced many adventures during the trip, after which I decided not to contact Dunno anymore. He suffered from ablutophobia, or rather, he followed it in principle, i.e. He didn’t like to wash his face (and also to be surprised by everything) and got rid of it when the Wizard bewitched him in such a way that the dirt on his face would slightly irritate him for as long as he did not wash his face.

Key [ | ]

Wizard- the only character from the trilogy who does not fit into the general science fiction concept of the work. Has supernatural powers. He has magical objects, one of which (a magic wand) he gives to Dunno for use. Appears at the beginning and end of the second book.

Conscience of Dunno- constantly reproaches him at night for bad deeds.

Mentioned [ | ]

droplet- resident of Flower City. Referred to as a baby who "cried every time it started to rain."

Compass- a famous traveler-cyclist from the city of Katigoroshkin, who decided to go around all the short towns “that there were in the world.” Mentioned when explaining the name Pachkuli Pestrenky.

sunny city [ | ]

Architects and engineers[ | ]

Riveting- an eccentric engineer and inventor from Sunny City. His multifunctional transformable and all-terrain vehicle surprised Dunno during a trip to Sunny City. He has a choleric temperament, is very active, always talks loudly and interrupts everyone. In the third book, Klepka traveled to the moon, where he was wounded in a clash with the police.

Watermelon- a famous architect who found a wonderful way to build very beautiful buildings and invented a whole range of new building materials. Mentioned by Kubik.

Vertibutylkin is an architect from Sunny City who created the first design for a rotating house in Sunny City “a few years ago.”

Cube- architect from Sunny City. He showed Dunno and his companions the architectural delights of the Sunny City. Later he introduced them to other Solnechnogorod residents. I flew with Znayka to the moon.

Cylinder- an engineer who is mentioned by Karasik when demonstrating a large textile boiler of the engineer Cylinder system at a clothing factory in Sunny City.

Policemen [ | ]

Karaulkin- a policeman from Sunny City, who, when Dunno was detained for dousing him with water from a hose, was sitting at the control panel at the police station. Short and plump.

Sapozhkin- a policeman who “grabbed Supchik by the collar and dragged him to the police station,” and then arrested him for 7 days, but, due to remorse, released him on the first night.

Svistulkin- a policeman from Sunny City who detained Dunno for dousing him with water from a hose and sent him to the police station. Long and thin. After Dunno’s destruction of the police station, he received a head injury (probably a concussion) and temporarily lost his memory.

Fashion designers [ | ]

Needle- employee of the art department at a clothing factory in Sunny City.

Thread- an artist at a clothing factory in Sunny City and a chess player from Chess Town.


Hairpin- artist at a clothing factory in Sunny City.

Karasik- a foreman at a clothing factory in Sunny City, as well as an actor in the theater.

Carminatives [ | ]

Caligula, Krykun, Pegasik- donkeys (Caligula - hinnie), turned by Dunno into runts. All have freckled faces and upturned noses. They wear speckled berets (of various colors), narrow jackets (also of various colors) and trousers of a greenish-yellow poisonous color. Hooligans and rowdies.

soup And Pretzel- residents of Sunny City, carminatives, who quarreled on the street.

Shtuchkin- theatrical director-windrunner from Sunny City.

Artists [ | ]

Pancake- a famous transformative artist who performed at the Solnechnogorod variety theater.

Star- singer from the pop theater in Sunny City.

Wrapper- entertainer from a variety theater in Sunny City.

Funtik- singer from the pop theater in Sunny City.

Writers and authors of articles in newspapers[ | ]

Kozyavkin- a professor from Sunny City, who published an article in the newspaper about his scientific discovery - the reason for the emergence of the social phenomenon of carminatives and the classification of carminatives.

Bukashkin- a newspaper reader from Sunny City who published a “big article in the newspaper” about the outrages of carminatives.

Tarakashkin- a reader of Sunny City who posted a response to Bukashkin’s article in “another newspaper.” It is mentioned that articles “on this topic” were also made by Gulkin, Mulkin, Promokashkin, Cherepushkin, Kondrashkin, Chushkin, Tyutelkin, Murashkin, as well as a professor Mordochkina.

Peryshkin- newspaper correspondent from Sunny City.

Eraser- a famous writer from Sunny City. Mentioned as the author of the book “Thirty-Three Cheerful Little Crows,” which was used by Dr. Kompressik in the treatment of policeman Svistulkin.

Ordinary townspeople[ | ]

Bell- is mentioned when discussing the case of Listik’s disappearance by one of the passengers on bus number nine in Sunny City as his acquaintance, who “got lost on the street one night and couldn’t find his way home.”

Bukovka- Leaf's friend. Together with him she founded a book theater.

Yorshik- a resident of Sunny City, the leader of a crowd of pedestrians who tried to take away the hose from Pegasik and Dunno, who were dousing themselves with water.

Kalachik- combine harvester operator, resident of Sunny City.

Klyushkin- friend of Jester and Korzhik.

Compressik- Doctor from the Sunny City Hospital. He treated Svistulkin.

Lily- Duty director of the Solnechnogorod hotel "Malvasia".

Leaf- a short man from Sunny City, turned by Dunno into a donkey, a typical “book swallower”, founder of the book theater and friend of Bukovka. Favorite activity is reading. I read books even on the go, walking down the street.

Makovka- the little girl who brought policeman Svistulkin to the hospital.

Joke and Korzhik- residents of Sunny City, two witty friends. Drivers at a candy factory living together. The wounded Svistulkin, who had mistaken the door, fell asleep in their apartment.

Chubchik- a gardener in Sunny City, living next door to Professor Kozyavkin. He also became a carminative, which prompted the professor to the idea that carminativeness was the result of mindless imitation of the behavior of transformed donkeys by runts.

Flyazhkin- friend of Jester and Korzhik.

Pets[ | ]

Dogs appear as pets in the books.

Bulka- the dog of the hunter Pulka, accompanying him on the hunt. Found in the first two books.

My Lord and Cesarino- Mr. Klops’s dogs, with which he poisoned Dunno as punishment for eating raspberries. When Klops tried to shoot Dunno with a gun, he accidentally killed Cesarino.

Mimi and Roland- Mrs. Lamprey's dogs; Mimi is a small chihuahua dog, Roland is a male poodle. Dunno looked after them and took them to the shelter, visiting the sick Kozlik, for which he was fired with a scandal.

There is a sweet cheesecake lying."

Together with other shorties, Avoska went on a trip in a hot air balloon. For this trip he dressed in his ski suit, as he considered it very convenient for this type of activity.

While traveling in a hot air balloon, Avoska cut a hole in the balloon basket with a penknife in order to pour out sand, which Neboska scattered from the ballast bag. This contributed to the rapid breakdown of the basket upon impact with the ground.

Vintik and Shpuntik

They live with Dunno and other shorties in the Flower City. As Nosov wrote about them, they were two very inventive and restless minds. Chief mechanics, carpenters, mechanics, etc. of the Flower City. Jacks of all trades. Inseparable, as brothers should be.

However, they also have some subordination - Nosov calls Shpuntik assistant mechanic Vintik.

Appears in all three books. Without them, the balloon and both rockets would not have been constructed.


The only character from the trilogy who does not fit into the general science fiction concept of the work. Has supernatural powers. He has magical objects, one of which (a magic wand) he gives to Dunno for use.



Julio- arms dealer. His store was called "The Miscellaneous Goods Store." Initially, he took part in the creation of the Giant Plants JSC, but then he was bribed by Sprouts and escaped with Miga and Krabs.


Znayka- a short man, the eldest among other short men living in Flower City. Znayka is very smart, as he reads a lot of books and is very inquisitive, as well as strict and pedantic, sometimes to the point of being boring.

In addition, he is careful with conclusions, but sometimes spontaneous. He can get involved in a fight, he can make a decision in the middle of the night and, without delay, leave early in the morning on business. Znayka wore a formal suit and glasses. Znayka has great authority among the short ones. Znayka, without warning, calls Vintik and Shpuntik to the Sunny City, and they unconditionally obey. He is recognized in the scientific circles of the Sunny City. Znayka’s opponent is Professor Zvezdochkin, who subsequently makes peace with him, and they become friends.


Button- little Mushka's friend. Kind and well-mannered little girl.


Pulka- one of 16 short guys from Kolokolchikov Street. A hunter, he has a gun that shoots corks, and a dog, Bulka. After the balloon crashed, Bulka ran back to the Flower City, and Pulka sprained his leg and spent a long time undergoing treatment in the Green City hospital near Medunitsa, where he became terribly insolent. When Pulka and his friends returned to Flower City, Pulka met with Bulka.


Sineglazka- a baby from the Green City, where travelers from the Flower City accidentally landed. During his stay in the Green City, Dunno lived in the house where Sineglazka lived with other kids. She is described as a fair and reasonable little girl.


Sakharin Sakharinich Syrupchik- a short guy from Flower City who loves syrup and other tasty drinks. Likes to dress in plaid clothes.


Scooperfield- a character in the last book of the trilogy about Dunno. A resident of the city of Brechenville, an incredible miser and greedy person. At the same time, he is also a little stupid. An example is the facts of his behavior in the hotel, in the forest and on the train, as well as the instructions that he gave to his loudmouths - to sell shares of giant plants at a ferthing thing, as a result of which he almost went bankrupt, because by that time the Giant Plant Society had burst, and the shares became just paper, but he knew nothing about the stock exchange news, because he was sorry for the money for newspapers. All my life I suffered from the fear of losing all my money. I got rid of this fear when I actually lost all my money.

I got into the forest for the first time with the help of Mr. Krabs (Sprouts' assistant), where he was tied up for a long time before the arrival of Miga and Julio. The latter wanted to receive a reward for their “concern,” but Scooperfield managed to escape from them by hitting one of them with a cane. After which he wandered through the forest and was bitten by ants. In the fog I came across a potato field, where I picked potato tubers, not knowing what they were. Was driven away by the watchman.

He lost all his capital as a result of unsuccessful financial fraud with shares of the Giant Plant Society. Because of the low salary, the workers of his factory rebelled and began to manage the factory themselves, which set an example for the rest of the lunatics. Subsequently, Scooperfield was re-educated and went to work at his own pasta factory. Since then, he goes to the zoo every day, as he loves animals (especially after visiting the forest with Krabs) and nature.


Sprouts- the richest and most influential lunatic. He loves the existing regime very much and reacts extremely painfully when someone tries to get rich without agreeing with him. He dislikes even more those who get rich for good causes, as is the case with the Giant Plant Society. He is a very dangerous opponent for positive characters, especially after he was able to lure the weak-willed Miga and Julio to his side, but soon he has to find himself in a situation where his money is already powerless. True, this makes him even more dangerous.


  • Alpha - astronomer from the Moon, colleague of Memega
  • Arbuzik is a famous architect who found a wonderful way to build very beautiful buildings and invented a whole range of new building materials. Mentioned by Kubik.
  • Squirrel is Sineglazka's friend.
  • Pancake is a famous transformative artist who performed at the Solnechnogorod variety theater.
  • Krykun is one of the donkeys turned by Dunno into a runt. Partner of Caligula and Pegasus.
  • Bubenchik - mentioned when discussing the case of the disappearance of Listik by one of the passengers of bus number nine in Sunny City as his acquaintance, who “got lost on the street one night and couldn’t find his way home.”
  • Bublik is a resident of Zmeevka.
  • Bukashkin is a newspaper reader, an architect from Sunny City, who published a “big article in the newspaper” about the outrages of carminatives.
  • Letter is Listik's friend.
  • Vertibutylkin is an architect from Sunny City who created the first design of a rotating house in Sunny City “several years ago.”
  • Grumpy is a grumpy character, always dissatisfied with everything. Lives in Flower City.
  • Galochka is Sineglazka's neighbor.
  • Gvozdik is a resident of Zmeevka.
  • Guslya is a musician of the Flower City.
  • Drigl is one of the lunar policemen.
  • Yolochka is Sineglazka's neighbor.
  • Yorshik is the “leader” of a crowd of pedestrians in the Sunny City who were trying to take away the hose from Pegasik and Dunno, who were dousing themselves with water.
  • Zainka is Sineglazka's friend.
  • Zvezdochka is a singer from the Variety Theater in Sunny City.
  • Zvyozdochkin is a professor-astronomer from Sunny City. Znayka’s opponent, who was subsequently ridiculed and took his side.
  • Igolochka is an employee of the art department at a clothing factory in Sunny City.
  • Kalachik is a combine harvester driver, a resident of Sunny City.
  • Caligula is one of the donkeys turned by Dunno into a runt. Partner of Krykun and Pegasik.
  • Droplet - Referred to as a baby who "cried every time it started to rain."
  • Karasik is a foreman at a clothing factory in Sunny City, as well as an actor in the theater.
  • Kitty is Swallow's friend.
  • Klyopka is an engineer in the Solar City.
  • Klops is the owner of the garden where Dunno descended by parachute.
  • Compressik is a doctor from the Sunny City Hospital.
  • Krabs is the manager of the Sprouts manufacturer.
  • Kubik is an architect from Sunny City.
  • Kubyshka is Sineglazka's neighbor.
  • Eraser is a famous writer from Sunny City, mentioned as the author of the book “Thirty-three Merry Little Crows”, used by Dr. Compressik in the treatment of policeman Svistulkin.
  • Swallow is Kisonka's friend.
  • Lilia is the duty director of the Malvasia Hotel, Sunny City.
  • Leaflet is a baby from Sunny City, turned by Dunno into a donkey. A typical "book swallower".
  • Makovka -
  • Daisy is Sineglazka's neighbor.
  • Lungwort is a doctor in the Green City.
  • Memega - astronomer from the Moon, colleague of Alpha
  • Migl is one of the lunar policemen. Conducts registration of offenses and preliminary inquiries. Has flat humor. He considers himself the first person in the department, since detainees are first brought to him. Using biometric data, he mistakenly identified the arrested Dunno as a dangerous criminal, bank robber Handsome. Corrupt. Extorted a bribe from Dunno.
  • Mikrosha
  • Policeman Karaulkin is a policeman from Sunny City, who, when Dunno was detained for dousing him with water from a hose, “sat at the control panel” at the Sunny City police station. Short and plump.
  • Policeman Sapozhkin is the policeman who “grabbed Supchik by the collar and dragged him to the police station,” and then arrested him for seven days.
  • Policeman Svistulkin is a policeman from Sunny City who detained Dunno for dousing him with water from a hose and sent him to the police station. Long and thin.
  • Policemen Kaskin and Palochkin
  • Silent - a resident of the Flower City, always silent.
  • Mushka is the friend of Button and Gunka, who protected her and Button from Dunno. I watched the balloon take off.
  • Neboska is Avoska's brother.
  • Thread is an artist at a clothing factory in Sunny City. Chess player from Chess Town.
  • Pegasik is one of the donkeys of the Sunny City, turned by Dunno into a runt. Partner of Krykun and Caligula.
  • Peryshkin is a newspaper correspondent from Sunny City.
  • Button is an artist at a clothing factory in Sunny City.
  • Confused
  • Baby Daisy from Flower City watched the balloon fly away.
  • Samotsvetik is the poetess of the Green City.
  • Herring is a resident of Sunny City, one of the rocket designers.
  • Sedenky is a poor lunatic, the first rural shareholder of Giant Plants JSC, who gave an interview to the press.
  • Smekaylo is a writer from the city of Zmeevka.
  • Snowflake is a colleague (co-worker) of Sineglazka.
  • Conscience - Dunno's Conscience. Constantly reproaches him at night for bad deeds
  • Solomka is an agronomist and watermelon breeder from Green City.
  • Steklyashkin is an astronomer in the Flower City.
  • Dragonfly is Sineglazka's friend.
  • Soupchik and Krendelek are residents of the Sunny City - carminatives who quarreled on the street.
  • Tarakashkin is a reader of Sunny City who posted a response to Bukashkin’s article in “another newspaper.” It is mentioned that Gulkin, Mulkin, Promokashkin, Cherepushkin, Kondrashkin, Chushkin, Tyutelkin, Murashkin, as well as professor Mordochkina also wrote articles “on this topic.”
  • Topic
  • Toropyzhka is a resident of the Flower City, he is in a hurry all the time and does not sit still.
  • Tube is an artist of the Flower City.
  • Fantik is an entertainer from the Variety Theater in Sunny City.
  • The figure is a chess champion from Sun City, mentioned as having constructed a large chess machine.
  • Fix is ​​Klops's servant.
  • Figl is one of the lunar policemen. Patrol. Prone to rudeness, sadism and psychopathy. He detained Dunno after an unpaid lunch in the cafeteria and took him to the police department.
  • Flyazhkin is a friend of Jester and Korzhik.
  • Fuchsia is a resident of Sunny City, one of the rocket designers.
  • Funtik is a singer from the Variety Theater in Sunny City.
  • Tsvetik is a poet of the Flower City.
  • Cylinder is an engineer who is mentioned by Karasik when demonstrating the large textile boiler of Engineer Cylinder's system at the clothing factory in Sunny City.
  • Tsirkul is a famous traveler-cyclist from the city of Katigoroshkin, who decided to go around all the short towns “that there were in the world.” Mentioned when explaining the name Pachkuli Pestrenky.
  • Chubchik is a flower waterer from Sunny City.
  • Shpilechka is an artist at a clothing factory in Sunny City.
  • Shtuchkin is a theatrical director and carminer from Sunny City.
  • Shurupchik is a resident of Zmeevka, an inventor.
  • Jester and Korzhik are residents of Sunny City, two friends.

Dunno on the Moon (cartoon)

"Dunno on the Moon"- a fairy tale novel by Nikolai Nosov from a series about the adventures of Dunno with elements of science fiction, social satire and dystopia. This is the final part of a trilogy of novels by Nosov, consisting of the works: “The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends” (1953-1954), “Dunno in the Sunny City” (1958), “Dunno on the Moon” (1964-1965).

The book is intended for children of primary school age, and it describes in simple language such economic phenomena as trading in securities, the functioning of joint-stock companies, product placement and many others.


Residents of Flower City

Main characters:

  • Dunno- the main character of the trilogy.
  • Znayka- a short scientist who discovered lunite and anti-lunite, designed a weightlessness device and supervised the preparation of the lunar expedition.
  • Donut- a short man known for his insatiable appetite, who ends up on the Moon with Dunno.
  • Mechanics cog And Shpuntik.
Minor characters:
  • Doctor Pilyulkin.
  • Astronomer Steklyashkin.
  • Artist Tube.
  • Musician Ghusla.
  • Poet Flower.

Residents of Sunny City

  • Scientist babes Fuchsia And Herring.
  • Professor Zvezdochkin- full member of the Academy of Astronomical Sciences, scientific opponent of Znayka, later his friend and colleague.
  • Engineer Riveting.
  • Architect Cube.

Inhabitants of the Moon

  • Goat- Dunno’s friend, whom he meets in prison.
  • Miga- a swindler who also met Dunno in jail and came up with the idea of ​​​​creating a joint stock company of giant plants.
  • Julio- Migi's friend, the owner of a miscellaneous goods store (that is, a weapons store), who became the chairman of the Giant Plant Society. Krabs characterizes Miga and Julio as two very cunning scammers with a worldwide reputation.
  • Sprouts- the richest inhabitant of the moon, a billionaire, chairman of a large Bradlam (that is, the main syndicate of capitalists), owner of large agricultural latifundia, numerous sugar factories and the famous Sprutsovskaya manufactory, as well as several newspapers and television channels.
  • Krabs- Chief Manager of Spruts.
  • Scooperfield- the owner of a huge pasta and vermicelli factory, known for his pathological greed.
  • Other rich people united in Bradlam.
  • Spikelet and other poor people who received seeds from Znayka.
  • Drigl, Figl, Migl and other police officers.