Literary quiz game “A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows. A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it! – What prevents the world from ending us once and for all?

Recently, as always at night, I was listening to Zadornov, and came across a very interesting topic, we have already covered this 20 times in the chat “Here is the Nedetsk Garden.”
Actually, I’m copying his story here:
I apologize in advance for the length, this is the original! I only slightly diluted it with photographs of the city of Suzdal (Russia, Vladimir region) so that reading is not so boring!

A fairy tale that gives reason to think about the existence of the world!

As a child, I really loved reading Russian folk tales. I reread some of them several times. It seemed to me that they contained some kind of secret. I especially wanted to understand what kind of kingdom this was, full of wonderful miracles - the distant past and thirtieth? Where is it located? I even looked for it on the map. I asked my dad:
– Can Australia be such a kingdom?
– What about the Ivory Coast?
- And Greenland?
“No,” dad joked every time, disappointing me. “Only we can have a state with such a tricky name!”
- So, in Kamchatka! – I firmly decided for myself. – Kamchatka is clearly far away. There are also mountains, seas, oceans... Maybe even jelly banks and rivers of milk... I was sure that the Little Humpbacked Horse also lives in Kamchatka. When the radio - there were no televisions yet - reported on the successes of Soviet whalers, he was very worried that they would not harpoon him. And so the hunchback!
Less than fifty years had passed before I understood where to look for this kingdom. In the name! Thirty-nine-thirtieth!
Why is it made up of numbers? Maybe because in ancient times, when fairy tales were written, people attached a special magical meaning to each number. For example, the name of the kingdom begins with the number three!


Since ancient times, the troika has been revered by all nations as a symbol of harmony. But not everyday harmony, but spiritual harmony! For Christians, this is the main shrine - the Holy Trinity. In the Chinese Book of Changes there is a triangle peace of mind human – Space, Earth, me. In Kabbalah, which appeared long before the Bible, the number three was associated with the Creator, his creation and the spirit that binds them. The first holy books on earth, the Vedas, say that in the life of every person there are three main life goals: duties, needs and pleasures. These three floats support the health, longevity and happy balance of humanity.

It is with the advent of the third family member - a child - that a new, more spiritual quality of life begins in a young family. When parents already enjoy not only satisfying needs, but also fulfilling responsibilities.

Finally, among the majority of the ancient peoples of the earth, the world rested on three whales, three elephants, three alligators... Those who had a worse imagination imagined it on three pillars. Who has it better - on three Atlantas. Indeed, if the surface is given three reference points, she will find peace and stability. To prevent a table or chair from falling, three legs are enough.

It is the three that harmonizes any work of art. The compositions of the world's masterpieces of painting are made up of triangles invisible to the unprofessional eye. Any dramatic non-graphomaniac work has three parts: beginning, climax, denouement... In folk tales and parables there are always three main turns. It is the three pyramids in the desert under the sky that most of all attract tourists from all over the world to look at their triangular faces pointing to the sky and be ennobled by touching the divine with their souls: to feel the eastern triangle of balance: sky, earth, me!

It is not for nothing that many of those who studied under the state program in a Soviet school with C grades later turned into geniuses of literature, music and theater.

It should be immediately noted that the number three was especially revered in Rus'! For example, the Magi, who are also astrologers and healers, always walked in groups of three. Apparently, in threes they quickly figured out what to tell someone. Most likely, it was then that the well-known expression “think for three” appeared. Later, it acquired a slightly different meaning, since due to a lack of knowledge among the Russian masses, the meaning of the word “to understand” changed.

Even in difficult times Soviet years the troika managed to fulfill its task: harmonizing society. Dissatisfied with their wretched life and working for next to nothing, Soviet people split up after work in groups of three, chipped in a ruble, and an indifferent balance briefly emerged in their souls.

I sometimes think that it was the price of vodka - three rubles - that kept Soviet society in a steady state. And all the serious discontent began immediately after the price was increased to more than four rubles. That is, according to Hindu philosophy, the isosceles triangle: needs, duties and pleasures has been violated. It was no longer possible to chip in more than a ruble on pleasures, and it was not according to needs for more than three people.

So three is, first of all, harmony and balance! Resonance of the soul with the Cosmos. Whoever remembers this, his third eye opens!

In general, those who love the number three, do not change it! Otherwise, you will face the same sudden collapse and transition to a market economy of the soul.

However, let's return to the name of the kingdom. If we take into account all of the above, then it is quite possible to imagine that the number three at the beginning of the name hints to us that life in this kingdom can be intimate, calm and harmonious. But for some reason the writers added a nine to the three? Far Far Away!


Now I would ask those who are surrounded by many nines in their lives to be wary. Nine is an unusually charming number. I know one businessman who, for three thousand dollars, bought himself a mobile phone number consisting of almost nothing but nines. Interestingly, nine is most often found in phone numbers of politicians, officials and businessmen. They seem to treat it as a symbol of career and good luck in business. However, the hypocrisy of nine is that, on the one hand, it is a three, multiplied by three - harmony squared - almost perfection! On the other hand, it’s just an inverted six! Therefore, in order to study nine more deeply, you will first have to study six.


Perhaps this is the most legendary figure in our time. It is not included in the name of the kingdom, but is directly related to it. First of all, I ask you not to be alarmed by those who have a lot of sixes in their passport number and car number plate. Only in the modern Christian world is the number six considered the favorite number of demons. According to the biblical Apocrypha, the lord of darkness will be born on earth as a pretty boy, with an angelic face, but three sixes on the back of his head. With this plot, Hollywood has repeatedly frightened the gullible American population and brought it to the point that many American citizens, when a child is born, first of all look into the back of his head and rummage around in it - are there three sixes there?

However, paradoxically, in ancient times the number six was a symbol not of devilry... but of hard work! It was for six days that the Lord worked to create the world, thereby indicating that we also need to work with one day off a week if we want to achieve the same successful result as he did.

It is interesting that all the successes of the Soviet Union in heavy industry, space, science, sports and ballet were achieved precisely at a time when the country had a six-day working week, and when the best turners and mechanics were awarded the highest qualification category for their labor achievements - sixth! And the collapse of the economy labor discipline began with the transition of the country, contrary to the advice of the Creator, to two days off.

By the way, in the East the attitude towards the six is ​​still preserved as in ancient times. The Chinese are still working for six days. As a result, they have supplied their hardworking billion-strong population with so many goods that if they do not continue to switch to two weekends, then soon both Mercedes and Boeings will be produced in China. And they will burst at the seams just like Chinese linen trousers on the hips of luscious Russian women.

It is China that best illustrates secret meaning numbers six. It is not for nothing that the Chinese still revere their great philosopher Confucius, who called the main set of laws on labor, discipline and human behavior the “Six Books”. It is interesting that in many Arab countries, when they want to praise someone for hard work, they say that he works for six. We say - for two. Because it’s too much work for both of us!

In a word, the number six is ​​a number symbolizing hard workers. Which from morning to evening spin like gears. Chinese worker coolies are the most typical representatives numbers six. They work obediently, not for achievement. To put it simply modern language, the number six is ​​routine work, without a riot of imagination. The gear is guaranteed success and long life, if she is painstaking, agile and modest, like a Chinese coolie. Pierre Bezukhov was sixth on the execution list, behaved quietly, did not get into trouble, and therefore remained alive. If the number six cheats on itself and starts promoting itself, “ward number 6” awaits it!

How did such a paradox happen that in the hardworking West they began to treat the number of hard work as the favorite number of demons? Apparently, the attitude towards the number six in Europe changed during the Inquisition, when people began to destroy the subtle, spiritual sense of the world. Western industriousness has become a need of the mind, not the soul. People themselves helped the demons take possession of the six. After all, God is in the soul, and there are demons in the mind! It’s not for nothing that people say about one person: he does everything in a divine way, from the heart. About the other - devilishly smart! So in the West, the number six symbolizes not demons, but the connection to them of the universal need of the mind, which, unlike the soul, is never enough! As a result, the hardworking WEST began to be powered by a dark demonic channel, like a giant factory from a nuclear power plant, creating a deceptive world of virtual monetary well-being!

Maybe that’s why such a biblical Apocrypha appeared at the early stage of Christianity, turning the hardworking six into a kind of scarecrow!

It should be noted that the number six was felt especially sensitively from ancient times in Rus'. It was here that those who worked honestly were often called the word “six”. And when we turned into a country of criminal romance, in the zones they began to call those who serve the authoritative evil spirits the six. And even a synonym for the word “work” appeared - six.

However, let's return to nine.


Now it’s clear why the number nine is so popular with those who are closer to power. They arrogantly think that they are perfection itself, harmony squared! But in fact - just werewolves - inverted demonic sixes! And they are hypocritical, like a price tag that says 999 rubles instead of a thousand.

By the way, when the Togliatti Automobile Plant was built, all Soviet workers tried to buy the sixth model of the Zhiguli, and the bandits and racketeers tried to buy the ninth.

So, continuing to follow the sacred knowledge of the ancients, it turns out that the distant kingdom is a kingdom in which everything could be in harmony, but something alerted the writers and they are worried that this kingdom would become a hypocritical state of werewolves. They hinted at the reason for their anxiety in the continuation of the encrypted name - the thirtieth! This time they also added a ten to the three.


In those ancient times, ten was not one of the magic numbers. She was not revered as she is now. In the so-called Golden Age of history, when people did not fight, there were no parliaments, real estate, customs, pop music, paparazzi, mortgage privatization and secondary investment of vouchers, the hard worker used a six-count system. The only memory that has reached us of that happy time is the division of the hour into sixty minutes, and the minutes into sixty seconds.

Apparently the number six was enough for our distant ancestor to count his property item by item, since he owned only those items that he created with his own labor. That is, there were very few of them. Until now, Taoist elders claim that only six things are enough for a person to be happy. Of course, they don’t specify which ones? For one, this is first and foremost Toothbrush and a prayer book, for another - a credit card and an island in the Pacific Ocean.

However, at some point in history, most likely, when humanity multiplied so much that the first neighbors appeared, and with them the first feeling of envy, people began to not have enough of their own property, and they also needed someone else’s. Moreover, it was necessary - what an exact old Russian word - desperately! The first squads were formed. Supposedly for security. In fact, they are ready to kill anyone for the sake of someone else. Appetites grew, squads swelled into armies. It was the first military units that began to be divided into ten people! And soon wars became such a fashionable and popular occupation for the male part of the population that the self-sufficient hard worker-six became hopelessly outdated. It has become unfashionable, just as the former labor professions of engineer, steelmaker, and 6th grade turner are no longer fashionable among young people today. The new generation has chosen ten! Ten successfully learned to take away what was created by six. The Golden Age said goodbye to humanity, which, in modern terms, had lost its program of self-sufficiency. The expression “get into the top ten” came to mean “to be accurate in shooting” or “to be in the top ten of the prince’s squad,” that is, closer to the loot.

Here the main know-how of demons in the world history of mankind arrived - money. As someone correctly called them - the droppings of evil spirits, which are good to fertilize your life, but not turn it into a storage facility for droppings. Money finally secured the top ten ranking. Because, you see, it is very inconvenient to count a million in sixes.

This is how the quiet No. 10, who was in the Golden Age of history, quickly and aggressively took over the world, just as a well-promoted and promoted pop star takes over the naive-aggressive majority. And as long as the number ten rules them, the main pleasure of humanity will remain to fight and count money.


This is a mythical kingdom, in which, of course, everything could be sincere, harmonious and calm, but the program has gone astray! Life in this kingdom became vain. Everyone dreamed of getting into the top ten! As a result, the magical kingdom turned into a traditional state!


When I fantasized all this to myself, I thought with horror, what if these are not fantasies at all? What if the writers of fairy tales were wise men, not storytellers? And they wanted to inform us, our descendants, about something, to warn us, to protect us... When a ship was shipwrecked in the old days, the sailors sealed the message in a bottle before death and threw it into the sea. They hoped that someone would find her, read their message and find out why they died.

Maybe when spiritual world humanity cracked, began to collapse, when the program began to go astray, those who understood the reasons for this collapse decided to send us, our descendants, a message. But they sealed it not in a bottle, but in a fairy tale. In a fascinating story. They understood that the average person will retell this warning message for centuries only if it contains kings, wizards, miracles, self-assembled tablecloths, rejuvenating apples, flying carpets... But someday people will become so sick of their lost program, so they themselves They will become disgusted with themselves and will look for a way out in everything. Then they will realize that fairy tales, legends and myths are all encryption from the depths of thousands of years. And behind the banal, shabby images of the historical man in the street, they will be able to discern very useful advice. It is no coincidence that their message to us ends with the proverb known to everyone since childhood: “A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it!”


Naturally, there lived a king in this kingdom. Note, the king, not the king! The king is nothing more than power, money, wars... And the king, translated from our language ancient ancestors, means the lord of the laws of nature. The proud lion is the king of beasts, not the king! The main difference between a king and a king is that the king comes out of the palace to give something to the people, and the king comes out to take something away from them. No wonder people said: Tsar-Father. Agree, it would be absurd to call the French Louis XV a priest. By the way, everything that is associated with a certain shade of dishonesty and lawlessness is still called royal: a beauty queen, a gas station queen... The Snow Queen- also not the most altruistic creature. And the princess is a frog. But from love it blossoms with all its soul! Even his face becomes prettier and his body is transformed beyond recognition. In the evening, it seemed, the frog was a frog, and after the prince took a nap and took him into the royal bedroom, the next morning she turned into a beautiful princess. That’s why, by the way, this story is called a fairy tale. Only in a fairy tale can a woman look better in the morning than in the evening! However, in a state where the program has gone astray, few people are interested in spiritual beauty. Agree, it would sound very funny in our time - “Competition of Spiritual Beauties”. It would be impossible to find a sponsor.

Anyway, back to the plot...


The Tsar Father had three sons. The eldest two lived according to a lost program. Therefore, in the state where the program went astray, they were considered smart. Like the majority, they revered not the Motherland, but the State. Decency was replaced by law-abidingness, morality was confused with jurisprudence, speculation was called business. IN female beauty Cosmetics were valued, people were respected not for their talent, but for their rating. They blamed their underdeveloped bosses and neighbors for all their problems and hardships. /There were no Jews then/. And love was replaced by marriage! Only in a state where the program has gone very wrong, life together two loving people could be called a production word meaning insufficient quality - “defect”.

The third son did not agree with this state of affairs in his father’s household. That's why he thought all the time. More precisely, he even meditated. In Rus', everyone who thinks a lot has always been considered a fool. Especially those who meditate. They were considered demonstrative fools! Therefore, the majority of the kingdom’s population pointed a finger at him and told the children: “If you don’t do business, but think, you will grow up to be such a fool!”

Unknown to most, our fool prince was the happiest of all! He watched the world from the window, contemplated nature, the change of seasons and thought about the eternal Russian questions: what to do, what to do and how to never work? Well, he didn’t want to create and increase the world of virtual well-being. Naturally, he thought about the stove, since good plumbing equipment had not yet been brought to us in Russia at that time. Our unconventional prince would have sat like this all his life, futilely heating his lower kundalini chakra and charging it with the useless heroic energy of the fire of the domestic stove, if suddenly his dad had not tricked him out of the blue!


Next you need to say a couple kind words about the Tsar-Father. The fact is that the Lord joked with him very funnyly even at birth. Despite royal origin, endowed him with the brightest - not at all royal aura. So, for an experiment, supposedly, to see what happens? God always had a good sense of humor when it came to man. It’s just that people in history didn’t always understand his jokes. Our king, father, didn’t understand right away either. Therefore, from the very cradle I felt a split personality in myself. On the one hand, as befits the royal image, he was royally formidable, on the other - kindest soul person. Couldn't get along with it gold Crown, inherited, with a solar aura - a gift from the Lord. Of course, the crown, with its brilliance, as a rule, eclipsed the faint glow of the aura. But sometimes the aura flared up, rebelled, and then the crown began to press on the Tsar-Father like a Spanish boot. In such cases, he took it off and immediately turned from a king into a priest. True, not for long. But even this time was enough for him to do absurdly good deeds.

By the way, the aura was precisely the main legacy that passed from him to his youngest son. The older brothers received real estate and a share of the treasury, and the younger brothers received the aura and debts of conscience. It was the debts that began to disturb the royal soul with age. It seems that he started an army, imposed taxes on the people, and the tax police collected these taxes properly... However, it was precisely with his aura, he felt, that something was not going well in his kingdom. Although, the rivers seem to be milky, and the banks are jelly... But something is wrong! Do you understand that it’s time to do something? And what? I couldn't understand. At that time there was no such precise expression - to restore the program. However, in order for our person to start acting, it is not necessary to understand why. Therefore, the Tsar Father formulated his royal directive in our own way, from the heart!


The first two sons, when they heard this, decided that their father had developed multiple atherosclerosis. Or what bad omen you saw: for example, a black cat with an empty bucket ran across the road. Whichever lawyer was contacted, everyone answered with one voice - the decree is not legitimate! The fool responded to the call immediately. That's why he's a fool, to respond when smart people remain silent. In general, I think heroic deeds are for fools! Smart people, calculating their every move, always come to the conclusion that their exploits are not profitable for them. Agree, it’s not easy to imagine our oligarchs going to great lengths. An oligarch can lie down on an embrasure, but only if it is needed for an election campaign and there is no machine gun in the embrasure. Moreover, in front of him, for safety, a guard will fall onto this embrasure.

No, for a feat you need not a brain, but intuition. For fools, unlike oligarchs, it is not suppressed by vanity. Compared to the intuition of fools, the brain of any wise man is like a museum adding machine. Only a complete fool could have intuition suggested that somewhere, no one knows where, something, no one knows what, but very important, still exists. And in search of this unknown thing, he must immediately go where his eyes look. A smart person is not capable of such a feat.

By the way, our fool chose a very smart route: far away! That is, beyond the borders of the state where the program went astray!

First I went dark forest. The fairy tale specifically says: I rode for a long time in the dark, that is, I didn’t understand at all which way to approach my father’s task. True, I didn’t lose hope. Who would have thought that Yaga would be his hope!?


Baba Yaga, it must be said right away, is an unusual and ambiguous character. Firstly, this is a woman with an unfulfilled fate and huge complex inferiority. Not only did she not show her face. True, she didn’t show her face in old age, but in her youth she was very beautiful. But despite this, she is capable. Even then they said about her: beautiful, but smart! Another joke from the Lord. I understand that it is not easy now to imagine Baba Yaga as a young man. However, it was! And I repeat: Mother Nature endowed her with a special gift: to see and know what others do not see and do not know. That is, she was a powerful psychic! True, at that time there were no such sophisticated words. Therefore, they simply said - a witch. By the way, the word “witch” appeared among the people as a praiseworthy word, from the word “to know.” From the same word came the name of the first holy books on earth - the Vedas. Moreover, good women healers who were in charge of medicine were called witches. different secrets, and for this they were treated by the people as saints. It is interesting that evil sorceresses who practiced black magic were then called fairies. But, during the Inquisition, demons - the thimblekeepers of the human spirit - very resourcefully managed to change the positions of plus and minus: they promoted the minus as a plus. And humanity shorted out! So it still lives in a short circuit of its own mind: politicians, military men, businessmen are considered the engines of history... Those who create something are led by those who sell. Elementary covens are called: forums, symposiums, sessions, meetings at top level... The sages are considered holy fools and wretched. Although the very word “poor” was missed by the demons, it remained very accurate and still means one who remained with God and did not succumb to demonism.

Unfortunately, our Baba Yaga did not want to remain “wretched”. Although, thanks to her extraordinary abilities, she could become an advanced healer and open an informal clinic of alternative, that is, non-business medicine.

But, in her youth, she had the usual misfortune for young people - she met Koshchei. Since then, her whole life has gone awry. Although my mother warned me about everything. Mom has seen more than one Koshchei in her life. But Yaga did not listen to her. Koschey was slender, tall, damn good-looking and - what a genius Russian he is - devilishly smart! He did everything he could to connect all 96 petals of her lower divine kundalini chakra to his demonic uninterruptible power supply. And he rolled on a magic carpet, and covered the clearings with a self-assembled tablecloth. Once I even brought a self-assembled sheet! This is the kind of Batman he pretended to be! He gave me a broom with bells and whistles, a latest model of a mortar... Then she gave up! After the stupa. Hence the expression - stumble! She began to serve faithfully their common crooked cause. As a result, I lost God’s gift. This often happens even with famous people. talented artists who go into politics. They immediately begin to sing less soulfully, although louder. And not only does their third divine eye stop seeing, but their two also close. Because talent is always from God. And to serve them as Koschey is blasphemy.

This is what happened with Baba Yaga. She was worried because her talent was of no use to anyone in life, she didn’t help anyone, she didn’t cure anyone... From her worries, as always in such cases, she quickly grew old: she turned from an extraordinary beauty into an ordinary woman, and even a Yaga.

Many women today should understand and sympathize with her, because Koshchei soon got new hedgehog grandmothers, younger ones. In order to get rid of our Yaga without noise, he gave her a small property. A hut. On chicken legs. Small property, but at the end of the world! So that it would be difficult for her to get to his center. Not only women, but also men understand this. And on chicken legs - because he was devilishly smart! I knew that Mother Earth charges me with goodness. Deprived Yaga of grounding! Moreover, he threatened, they say, if he does not continue to faithfully serve their common “crooked” cause, he will deprive him of the immortality that he bestowed during the period of his former charm.


Baba Yaga has been hiding since then! What a woman she was after all. I dreamed of only one thing: how to take revenge on Koschey for everything! For an unfulfilled fate, for the fact that she was never officially married, for the fact that he promised to take a young woman into immortality, but he sent him into eternity as an old woman... For giving this absolute evil the best centuries of her life! And so that Koschey wouldn’t guess about her dream, she continued to pretend that she was fulfilling all his tasks correctly: she scared everyone, frightened everyone, and promised to eat everyone she met. Although in not a single fairy tale, by the way, did she keep her promise and didn’t even really put anyone in the oven. So only bones will be scattered around the hut, and even then they are chicken bones. For the report. I was doing the notes.

She herself, in order to revive her spiritual strength and revive her third eye, switched to vegetarian food and took up yoga. That's why she was nicknamed Baba Yoga. The plant-based food made my face wrinkle even more; there were clearly not enough pleasure hormones – serotonin. We have noticed that everyone who switches to vegetarian food in old age, suddenly changes chop with mashed potatoes and compote with a bun at night to rice with celery around the clock - the face becomes like a walnut without a shell. Bones were coming out of every part of her body. It was especially pathetic to look at her legs: at least study the anatomy of the kneecaps and menisci. Exactly two stalks of celery. That's why they called it the Bone Leg. In fact, these were ordinary legs of an elderly yogini who had eaten too much parsley, generously powdered with vanilla, according to her individual hemocode!


But as soon as she saw with her restored third eye the untarnished tight and energetic aura of Ivan Tsarevich, his kundalini chakra, ready for exploits, overheated on the stove, she immediately understood - the Lord had forgiven her for all her sins - he had sent a dream fulfiller ! And most importantly, from the point of view of the demons, he is such a fool that he will not even arouse suspicion among any of them. At the same time, a real hero! At that time, the word “hero” was made up of two words: “God” and “tyrit”. Only the word “tyritat” meant “to accumulate.” It was much later that the words “save” and “steal” merged in one process. The holy word is never empty! Nowadays it is difficult to imagine anyone accumulating anything decent without stealing. So at that time, a hero was called someone who had accumulated God within himself. And not the one who pumped up his muscles in a textbook Hollywood way. Because the one who pumped up his muscles is not a hero, but a muscleman!

However, before sending Ivanushka to his feat, she began to teach him wisdom. Transform from a rebel into an enlightened one. Because she knew the main axiom of the Creator: a rebel without enlightenment is dangerous, like Down playing with high-voltage wires. In addition, Koschey quickly dealt with the rebels. She knew the secret of secrets:
What is dangerous for evil is not power, but enlightenment!

For such enlightenment, in order to clash with Koshchei and defeat him, the Tsarevich still needed, as the great Mahatma from the distant future bequeathed: “Study, study and study again!”

First of all, Baba Yaga introduced the prince to yoga. They trained on the carpet. Ivanushka turned out to be capable. He quickly learned to move his astral body to any point in space without leaving the carpet. Sometimes together with the carpet. Rumors about a mysterious “flying carpet” immediately spread among ordinary people. By the end of enlightenment, I completely got used to diving into the astral plane without any “carpet”, without even changing into sportswear, as in clothes and boots. So, to the “flying carpet” was added the dream of the lazy people of all future generations - “boots that walk.”

Yaga Guru taught her disciple many, many wisdoms. When she finally realized that the “lad” was ripe for a true feat, she told him secret-secrets, secret-secrets - how evil, that is, the accursed Koshchei, would deprive him of immortality!


“First of all,” she said, naturally, telepathically, since she knew that angels hear thoughts, demons hear words, “you need a treasure sword!”

Here we need to focus on one more magical phrase, “treasury sword.” In ancient times, as now, a sword meant a weapon. Treasure was then called the most secret knowledge, which was very difficult to get to the bottom of. But about the one who succeeded, they said that he was a storehouse of wisdom! So the treasure sword originally meant exactly the name of the popular Soviet magazine “Knowledge is Power.”

- So... First you must cut Koshchei’s body with a treasure sword, that is, with the power of your current knowledge. Don't look for it at the ends of the world. Koschey is so cunning that he hid in the very secluded place- in each of us! Hidden in the most secret corners and cells of our body. Therefore, it is precisely this that draws us into sin every time. I know from myself... - at this point Baba Yaga thought, apparently, she remembered something very pleasant from her demonic past, but immediately drove away the unforgettable memories... and continued: - Mentally cut your body with a treasure sword, free yourself from its unnecessary sinful needs . Get rid of the Koshchei shackles so that they don’t prevent you from looking deeper into yourself! There you will see a chest. This is your mental body! Your thoughts. Dark, sinful compartments... Each of us has so many of them that the soul feels cramped in this dark Koschey chest. Feel free to chop it with your treasure! A duck will fly out of the chest - your astral body! Your feelings, sensations... Give them free rein! They will help you feel the most secret laws of the universe, the Cosmos... Without a soul, you will not know them either with telescopes or synchrophasotrons.

Baba Yaga also wanted to add “Not with Wilson’s cameras,” but when she saw the prince’s eyes, she restrained herself, remembering in time another admonition of the Creator: “Don’t load, we won’t load you!” And she continued, almost switching to a telepathic whisper:

– The Universe is nature! The symbol of the Universe is an egg. It’s not for nothing that when nature comes to life, people give each other painted eggs. You will find the egg inside the duck. Break it down. The laws of the Universe exist in each of us. Only very deep. We suppressed them and drove them to the very bottom of our cells. And although there are many, many of them, they are so fragile and thin that they fit in one needle! Igolka is Koshchei’s last refuge! Be careful. The needle is the favorite defense of demons! It’s not for nothing that they say: put him on the needle. Break it! Get out of the devilry once and for all. And you will know the depth of your purest natural spring feelings, which means you will defeat Koshchei! In itself! And what more people If you teach this, the sooner we will all be able to deprive evil of immortality! – Then Baba Yaga’s eyes lit up, not like a woman, but like a woman. This often happens to women who feel that they will soon, very soon take revenge! And she wandered away from the prince with her mortar by herself into eternal senile immortality. But happy! Finally, someone listened to her, someone found it useful! If this continues, maybe someone will get married soon. Some repentant devil who decided to start a new life and also got hooked on separate meals: berries and mushrooms separately from lost berry and mushroom pickers.


Ivan Tsarevich returned home joyful and enlightened. I told the Tsar Father about everything. The king was very pleased with his son. Immediately, out of joy, he put his cool crown on the tattered aura and issued a cool decree throughout the entire kingdom: all subjects should immediately and completely repent! To do this, break the needles inside yourself, chop chests, ducks and eggs! Those who do not comply with the instructions will have their heads flogged. For obedience - certificates of honor, bonuses, time off... An unprecedented campaign unfolded in the kingdom! A special commission was created to register those who repented. The people had to take the broken needles to organized procurement points at the royal assembly committees and solemnly place them in special baskets, which the people even then called urns! And even slogans hung above them: “OUR FUTURE IS IN URNS!”

There’s just one “but”...

No one except Ivan the Fool had a treasure sword.

Therefore, people even broke their sewing needles, but no one understood what the Tsar Father wanted to say with his directive. And over time, they began to retell the royal decree as some kind of amusing fairy tale. This is how it reached us.

But the princess from another kingdom fell in love with Ivan for his enlightened soul. They merried. He enlightened her throughout her honeymoon! I even gave it first wedding night hold the treasure sword. After which they began to live, live, and make good things! That is, do good deeds, and not steal bills with vouchers. Because they compared their lives not according to Carnegie, but according to Baba Yaga! And they knew that the word “rich” came from two words - you and God. That is, whoever has a lot of God is rich. And whoever does not have God will be in trouble. That one is poor. Whoever has a lot of money is not rich, he is a collector. Because money is the dung of demons. That is, evil. Indeed, even in our time, sometimes you come to the store and feel that there is not enough evil!

This is where the fairy tale ends; whoever understood the hint is well done. He must be patient. Because the fairy tale tells itself quickly, but, unfortunately, things don’t get done soon. And for those who don’t understand, that’s okay too. That makes it even easier! He can continue to sincerely, without any fools, believe that everything in life depends on the Central Election Commission, the Assembly or some other “committee”, and that unsuccessful elections, neighbors and Jews are to blame for everything!

What do fairy tales hint at? The answer is simple: fairy tales teach love, honor, wisdom, and kindness. But maybe, fairy tale images also show us a code that hides secret knowledge from direct reading?
Ten signs
Reflections in this area, no matter how sophisticated you try, will always remain subjective. And yet the spirit feels the justice, albeit very fragile, of the opinion that fairy tales are secret writing. About what? First of all, about the Cosmos and its structure. But it’s worth remembering a number of fabulous examples, and this conviction grows stronger.
IN far away kingdom, far away country... Isn't this a hint of the Promised Land, the existence of which there are many legends and even documentary evidence? Beyond the seven seas, beyond the seven mountains ... We already know about the seven chakras, the energy of which is as difficult to reveal as to overcome the seas and mountains. The heroes of fairy tales were helped to achieve difficult things by a gray wolf, a ball of thread, a horse, a good fairy, etc. This is very important point, here is a hint that independent work over the chakras is at best hopeless, at worst it will be disastrous for a person.

A stone at the crossroads of three roads... There are inscriptions on the stone indicating what awaits the wanderer on this or that path. But the choice is up to the hero. Here, it seems to me, lies the deep global cosmological meaning of human life: his right to free will from the beginning to the end of time. The stone is a symbol of the Law of non-interference in human karma.
There are many situations related to the number three. This is most likely a hint of three-dimensional structure Universe - not geometric, but sacred: Material, Subtle and Divine Worlds. And it’s no coincidence that everything first (riddles, desires, tasks) turns out to be not difficult compared to subsequent tests. That is, the first task is related to the earthly world - the material one. The subtlety of the vibrations of others complicates the second and third tasks.
The third brother, Ivan, is a fool... In the end, he turns out to be the wisest. An explanation of the phenomenon of this image can be found in the Bible in the first words of the Sermon on the Mount of Jesus Christ: “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” Another evidence that all third symbolizes the Divine World in fairy tales.
Fairies, wizards, gnomes, Kashchei the Immortal, Baba Yaga - what is this if not a reflection of the diversity of life forms in different worlds Universe?
Carpet plane. An image that speaks of the reality of levitation, i.e. flights of the human body in space.
The hat is invisible. She talks about the existence of the Law, the use of which makes it possible to fly invisible in the spirit, as well as change the vibrations of the body to a state invisible to the eye.
The tablecloth is a self-assembled tablecloth - a hint to materialize any things from space. Let us remember how Jesus Christ fed more than 5,000 people with five loaves of bread and two fishes.
Magical. There are prayers that have limitless power. But such prayers are given only to a select few. If the word becomes known to a random person, nothing good comes of it. You can earn being chosen only by good goals.
Here are just the first ten characters of the symbols. And they all carry an esoteric meaning. However, the word “esoteric” itself is translated as “hidden, secret” - that is, the direct opposite of open folk art. And it is not at all in the nature of folklore to give the truth in an encrypted form. So are these folk tales?

Papuan Vanyusha
Without a doubt, the people are brilliant; there is no reason to belittle their wisdom. It is enough to imagine the beauty and greatness of his artistic creativity - songs, aphorisms, proverbs, fairy tales and anecdotes...
But as soon as it comes to fairy tales, the picture immediately changes. As a rule, the action in them does not take place here (“far away lands”, “in some kingdom, some state”), but the events that happen to our Vanyushka, to the German Hans or some poor fellow from a Papuan village, and problems , before them, as well as the forces coming to their aid, are the same. This suggests that fairy tales were universalized during the process of their creation. And the light local flavor is already the fruit of the creativity of the retellers. It is not for nothing that in world literary studies there is a term “wandering plots”.

A thread from the Subtle World
Exactly at childhood the cornerstone is laid in the foundation of human spiritual evolution. The sacred side of age is also taken into account: children under seven years of age have not yet lost contact with the Subtle World. Fairy tales provide an opportunity to strengthen the memory of the Worlds and preserve it for later life.
If an adult re-reads fairy tales from a new angle, then breathtaking discoveries await him. All the teachings of the world turn out to be focused in simple fairy tales. But what you won’t find in any fairy tale, so this is even a hint of any specific religion. Although this in itself is already a hint of a true unification of people without any customs or prejudices.
“The fairy tale is a lie...”, but it is precisely this that gives the very first knowledge about the hierarchy of Worlds and Teachers.
“The fairy tale is a lie...”, but it is she who teaches true love to humanity.
“The fairy tale is a lie...”, but it is precisely this that gives the firm belief that everything is possible for a person: there are no obstacles that he cannot conquer; there are no spiritual heights that he has not reached; There is no evil that man cannot defeat.

Aristarkhov Ivan

Target: n trace how the Russian people, through fairy tales, taught children to relate to their elders.
study Russian folk tales;
identify the situations in which you found yourself fairy-tale heroes due to the fact that they did not follow the rules of good manners;
trace what techniques the compilers of fairy tales used to teach heroes to respect their elders;
draw the attention of classmates to this problem.




"Bushevetskaya comprehensive primary school-kindergarten"

Research project

subject: « A fairy tale is a lie, yes, there is a hint in it..."

Completed by: 3rd grade student

Aristarkhov Ivan


Guselnikova V.I.

year 2012.

1. Introduction, relevance, area of ​​research,

Subject of research……………………………………………………………3

2. Hypothesis, goal, objectives, practical research……..4

3. Practical part………………………………………………………5

4. Conclusions based on the research results…………………………6

5. General conclusion, list of references…………………………….7

6.Creative works of children (drawings for fairy tales)………………..8,9,10

Project “A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it...”

  • All the children in our class love fairy tales. Previously, our parents and teacher read them to us, but now we have learned to read and can become acquainted with folk wisdom ourselves.

The ancient traditions of our people are rooted in Russian folk tales. No wonder they say: “A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it - a lesson for good fellows.”

Every fairy tale teaches us something. You just need to take a closer look and listen to her.


When we entered first grade, many of my classmates did not know how to follow the rules of behavior and treat elders with respect. But when the teacher asked a question, everyone answered correctly about the rules of behavior and good manners. It turns out that everyone gave the right answers, but they did not always act correctly. If we discussed a fairy tale, everyone was interested in working. I decided to turn to fairy tales and study them.

Field of study: literature.

Subject of study: Russian folk tales.

Adults often ask us to follow the rules of behavior, treat elders with respect, and not be rude to adults or each other. They are especially upset by how we behave towards our parents, grandparents, and teachers. But these people care about us and try to give us the best.


I suggested that it’s probably not in vain that adults ask us to follow the rules of behavior, to treat elders with respect, not to be rude to adults and to each other, and Russian folk tales can teach me and my classmates how to treat elders.

Target : trace how the Russian people taught children to treat their elders through fairy tales.


  • study Russian folk tales;
  • identify situations in which fairy-tale heroes found themselves due to the fact that they did not follow the rules of good manners;
  • trace what techniques the compilers of fairy tales used to teach heroes to respect their elders;
  • draw the attention of classmates to this problem.
  • 2 . I did a case studybased on Russian folk tales. A fairy tale is a work of oral folk art narrating fictional events. Fairy talesThere are magical ones, everyday ones, about animals.Literary tales were also created based on the model of folk tales. A fairy tale is a work in which the wonderful and unusual are depicted. It used to be passed down by word of mouth. There is a fairy talebeginning, saying and ending. Folk tales are the oldest form of oral folk art of a particular region, present among all peoples; such a tale reflects beliefs, worldviews, the main features of the national character, exposes class relations, while simultaneously exposing old life, which is often reflected in individual works - everyday tales. But not every fiction becomes a fairy tale. Only what was important to people is passed on from generation to generation. Fairy tales expressed the wisdom of their people, their aspirations and dreams.
  • 3. Practical part.During my research, I worked on Russian folk tales. In the Russian folk tale "Geese and Swans", the girl did not listen to what her father and mother were punishing her, and her brother got into trouble. But the girl was not at a loss and ran to look for her brother. On the way she meets an apple tree, a stove, and a river with jelly banks. When the girl approached these characters without respect, no one wanted to help her. And when she began to treat her kindly and respectfully: stove - mother, river - mother, everyone helped the girl. The girl calls her parents father and mother. Even the evil Baba Yaga is addressed politely. In this fairy tale, the girl was helped by perseverance, hard work and polite treatment. In the fairy tale “Kolobok,” the hero ran away from his woman and grandfather, not knowing that great dangers awaited him. The whole story of Kolobok ended with him being eaten sly Fox. The kolobok's disobedience led to his death. Mashenka from the fairy tale “Masha and the Bear” also found herself in danger when she did not listen to her elders and fell behind her friends. In this fairy tale, Mashenka also very affectionately and politely calls her relatives grandparents. The girl's ingenuity and hard work helped her get out of a difficult situation. In the fairy tale “The Sea King and Vasilisa the Wise,” Ivan Tsarevich first cursed an old woman who met him along the way. And then he began to think: “Why did I curse the old woman? Let me turn it over; old people are cunning and shrewd! Maybe he’ll say something good.” After this, Ivan Tsarevich already addresses the old woman differently. “And he did not turn the old woman over: “Come back, grandmother, forgive my stupid word!” After all, I said it out of frustration.” This behavior helped the Tsarevich in his quest. In the fairy tale “Porridge from an Axe,” a soldier addresses an old woman, “Hello, God’s old lady!” Although the old woman was mischievous, the soldier was not rude to her because she was older than him and deserved respect. In the fairy tale “Morozko”, a girl who was patient and polite with Frost was rewarded with a sable fur coat, gold, silver and a box with rich gifts. Morozko asked the Red Maiden, grandfather’s daughter, five times: “Are you warm, maiden?” Are you warm, red one?
  • 4. And although the girl was very cold, she even began to ossify. Moves his tongue a little. And he answers politely and affectionately: “It’s warm, Morozushko, it’s warm, father.” “Oh, it’s warm, my dear, Morozushko!” Here we see how fairy tales rewarded meekness and respectful attitude towards any situation, even the most difficult one. In the fairy tale “The Snow Maiden and the Fox,” the Snow Maiden turns to the bear and says to him: “How can I, Father Bear, not cry?” And the fox calls the fox - Olisawa. In the fairy tale “Finist the Clear Falcon,” when the father asks his daughters: “What should you buy your daughter, how to please you?” The older daughters answer: - Buy a half shawl... And the youngest daughter addresses him differently: - Buy me, father, a feather... And the peasant himself, when talking to an old man, addresses him politely and with respect. - Hello, grandfather! The youngest daughter was the father’s favorite for her meekness and obedient character.

5.As a result of the research, I found out:

  • in most Russian folk tales there are situations from which good fellows, that is, we, the readers, can learn a lesson;
  • in Russian folk tales, disobedience to parents or adults was punished, and patience and obedience were rewarded;
  • the hero received help only when he politely asked for it and many heroes had to go through whole trials to understand this;
  • the address to parents and older people was respectful and affectionate: father, mother, grandmother, grandfather, God's old lady, little old man, to relatives - sister, brother;
  • The main thing in fairy tales was work, with the help of which the heroes got out of difficult situations.


Still, my assumption was confirmed: adults are not in vain worried about us and do not allow us to be rude, mischievous and lazy. They want to teach us wisdom. After all, those who do not learn in childhood will suffer later. And fairy tales written many, many years ago help us understand this.

In class I introduced the children to my research and continue to study Russian folk tales.

  • 6. Literature: 1. Russian folk tales: “Geese-swans”, “Kolobok”, “Masha and the Bear”, “The Sea King and Vasilisa the Wise”, “Porridge from an Axe”, “Morozko”, “Finist-Clear Falcon” Interactive resource. Dictionary Wikipedia.http://ru.wikipedia 3. Interactive resource. Russian writers and poets. Dictionary of literary terms.

“Lie” among the Slavs was the name given to incomplete, superficial Truth. For example, you can say: “Here is a whole puddle of gasoline,” or you can say that this is a puddle of dirty water covered with a film of gasoline on top. In the second statement - True, in the first, what is said is not entirely True, i.e. Lie. “Lie” and “bed”, “bed” have the same root origin. Those. something that lies on the surface, or on the surface of which one can lie, or - a superficial judgment about an object.

And yet, why is the word “lie” applied to the Tales, in the sense of superficial truth, incomplete truth? The fact is that a Fairy Tale is really a Lie, but only for the Explicit, Manifested World, in which our consciousness now resides. For other Worlds: Navi, Slavi, Prav, the same fairy-tale characters, their interaction, are true Truth. Thus, we can say that a Fairy Tale is still a True Story, but for a certain World, for a certain Reality. If a Fairy Tale evokes some Images in your imagination, it means that these Images came from somewhere before your imagination gave them to you. There is no fantasy divorced from reality. All fantasy is as real as our real life. Our subconscious, reacting to the signals of the second signaling system (per word), “pulls out” Images from the collective field - one of the billions of realities among which we live. In the imagination, there is only one thing that does not exist, around which so many fairy-tale plots revolve: “Go There, no one knows Where, Bring That, no one knows What.” Can your imagination imagine anything like this? - For the time being, no. Although, our Many-Wise Ancestors had a completely adequate answer to this question.

“Lesson” among the Slavs means something that stands at Rock, i.e. some fatality of Being, Fate, Mission, which any person embodied on Earth has. A lesson is something that must be learned before your evolutionary Path continues further and higher. Thus, a Fairy Tale is a Lie, but it always contains a Hint of the Lesson that each of the people will have to learn during their Life.


He asked Ras Deva: “Bake me a Kolobok.” The Virgin swept the barns of Svarog, scraped the bottom of the barrel and baked Kolobok. Kolobok rolled along the Path. It rolls and rolls, and the Swan meets him: “Kolobok-Kolobok, I’ll eat you!” And he plucked a piece from Kolobok with his beak. Kolobok rolls on. Towards him - Raven: - Kolobok-Kolobok, I will eat you! He pecked Kolobok's barrel and ate another piece. Kolobok rolled further along the Path. Then the Bear meets him: “Kolobok-Kolobok, I’ll eat you!” He grabbed Kolobok across the stomach, crushed his sides, and forcibly took Kolobok’s legs away from the Bear. Kolobok is rolling, rolling along the Svarog Path, and then the Wolf meets him: - Kolobok-Kolobok, I will eat you! He grabbed Kolobok with his teeth and barely rolled away from the Wolf. But his Path is not over yet. He rolls on: a very small piece of Kolobok remains. And then the Fox comes out to meet Kolobok: “Kolobok-Kolobok, I’ll eat you!” “Don’t eat me, Foxy,” was all Kolobok managed to say, and the Fox said “am” and ate him whole.
A fairy tale, familiar to everyone since childhood, takes on a completely different meaning and a much deeper essence when we discover the Wisdom of the Ancestors. Kolobok among the Slavs has never been a pie, a bun, or “almost a cheesecake,” as they sing in modern fairy tales and cartoons of the most varied bakery products that are passed off to us as Kolobok. People's thought is much more figurative and sacred than they try to imagine. Kolobok is a metaphor, like almost all images of heroes of Russian fairy tales. It is not for nothing that the Russian people were famous everywhere for their imaginative thinking.
The Tale of Kolobok is astronomical observation Ancestors behind the movement of the Moon across the sky: from the full moon (in the Hall of the Race) to the new moon (the Hall of the Fox). Kolobok’s “Kneading” - the full moon, in this tale, takes place in the Hall of the Virgin and Ras (approximately corresponds to modern constellations Virgo and Leo). Further, starting from the Hall of the Boar, the Month begins to decline, i.e. each of the encountered Halls (Swan, Raven, Bear, Wolf) “eats” part of the Month. By the Fox's Hall there is nothing left of Kolobok - Midgard-Earth (in modern terms - planet Earth) completely covers the Moon from the Sun.
We find confirmation of precisely this interpretation of Kolobok in Russian folk riddles(from the collection of V. Dahl): Blue scarf, red bun: rolls around on the scarf, grins at people. - This is about Heaven and Yarilo-Sun. I wonder how modern fairy-tale remakes would portray the red Kolobok? Did you mix blush into the dough?
There are a couple more riddles for the kids: A white-headed cow is looking into the gateway. (Month) He was young - he looked like a fine fellow, in his old age he became tired - he began to fade, a new one was born - he became cheerful again. (Month) The spinner, the golden bobbin, is spinning, no one can get it: neither the king, nor the queen, nor the red maiden. (Sun) Who is the richest in the world? (Earth)
It should be borne in mind that Slavic constellations do not correspond exactly to modern constellations. In the Slavic Circle there are 16 Halls (constellations), and they had different configurations than the modern 12 Signs of the Zodiac. The palace of Ras (the cat family) can roughly be correlated with
zodiac sign Leo.


Everyone probably remembers the text of the fairy tale from childhood. Let us analyze the esotericism of the fairy tale and those gross distortions of imagery and logic that were imposed on us.
Reading this, like most other supposedly “folk” (i.e. pagan: “language” - “people”) fairy tales, we pay attention to the obsessive absence of parents. That is, children are presented with single-parent families, which instills in them from childhood the idea that single-parent family- this is normal, “everyone lives like this.” Only grandparents raise children. Even in full family It has become a tradition to “hand over” a child to be raised by old people. Perhaps this tradition was established during serfdom, as a necessity. Many will tell me that times are no better now, because... democracy is the same slave-owning system. “Demos”, in Greek, is not just “the people”, but a wealthy people, the “top” of society, “kratos” - “power”. So it turns out that democracy is the power of the ruling elite, i.e. the same slavery, only having in modern political system erased manifestation. In addition, religion is also the power of the elite for the people, and is also actively involved in the education of the flock (that is, the herd), for its own and the state elite. What do we bring up in children by telling them fairy tales to someone else’s tune? Do we continue to “prepare” more and more serfs for the demos? Or the servants of God?
From an esoteric point of view, what picture appears in the modern “Turnip”? — The line of generations has been interrupted, joint good work has been disrupted, there is a total destruction of the harmony of the Family, the Family,
prosperity and joy of family relationships. What kind of people grow up in dysfunctional families?.. And this is what recent fairy tales teach us.
Specifically, according to “TURNIP”. The two most important heroes for the child, father and mother, are missing. Let's consider what Images make up the essence of the fairy tale, and what exactly was removed from the fairy tale on the symbolic plane. So, the characters: 1) The turnip - symbolizes the Roots of the Family. She's planted
Ancestor, the most ancient and wise. Without him, there would be no Turnip, and no joint, joyful work for the benefit of the Family. 2) Grandfather - symbolizes Ancient Wisdom 3) Grandmother - Tradition, Home 4) Father - protection and support of the Family - removed from the fairy tale along with figurative meaning 5) Mother - Love and Care - removed from the fairy tale 6) Granddaughter (daughter) - Offspring, continuation of the Family 7) Bug - protection of prosperity in the Family 8) Cat - good environment of the House 9) Mouse - symbolizes the well-being of the House. Mice only appear where there is an abundance, where every crumb is not counted. These figurative meanings are interconnected, like a nesting doll - one without the other no longer has meaning and completeness.
So think about it later, whether Russian fairy tales have been changed, whether known or unknown, and who they “work” for now.


It seems - well, what stupidity: they beat and beat, and then a mouse, bang - and the end of the fairy tale. What is this all for? Indeed, only tell foolish children...
This tale is about Wisdom, about the Image of Universal Wisdom contained in the Golden Egg. Not everyone and not at all times is given the opportunity to cognize this Wisdom. Not everyone can handle it. Sometimes you have to settle for the simple wisdom contained in the Simple Egg.
When you tell this or that fairy tale to your child, knowing its hidden meaning, the Ancient WISDOM contained in this fairy tale is absorbed “with mother’s milk”, on a subtle level, on a subconscious level. Such a child will understand many things and relationships without unnecessary explanations and logical confirmations, figuratively, with the right hemisphere, as modern psychologists say.


In the book written based on the lectures of P.P. Globa, we find interesting information about the classical heroes of Russian fairy tales: “The name “Koshchey” comes from the name of the sacred books of the ancient Slavs “koshchun”. These were wooden tied tablets with unique knowledge written on them. The guardian of this immortal inheritance was called “koschey.” His books were passed down from generation to generation, but it is unlikely that he was truly immortal, as in the fairy tale. (...) And in scary villain, a sorcerer, heartless, cruel, but powerful, ... Koschey turned relatively recently - during the introduction of Orthodoxy, when everyone positive characters the Slavic pantheon was turned into negative ones. At the same time, the word “blasphemy” arose, that is, following ancient, non-Christian customs. (...) And Baba Yaga is a popular person among us... But they could not completely denigrate her in fairy tales. Not just anywhere, but precisely to her, all the Tsarevich Ivans and Fool Ivans came to her in difficult times. And she fed and watered them, heated the bathhouse for them and put them to sleep on the stove in order to show them the right path in the morning, helped to unravel their most complex problems, gave them a magic ball, which itself leads to the desired goal. The role of the “Russian Ariadne” makes our granny surprisingly similar to one Avestan deity,... Chistu. This woman-cleaner, sweeping the road with her hair, driving away dirt and all evil spirits from it, clearing the road of fate from stones and debris, was depicted with a broom in one hand and a ball in the other. ... It is clear that with such a position she cannot be ragged and dirty. Moreover, we have our own bathhouse.” (Man is the Tree of Life. Avestan tradition. Mn.: Arctida, 1996)

This knowledge partly confirms the Slavic idea of ​​​​Kashchei and Baba Yaga. But let us draw the reader’s attention to the significant difference in the spelling of the names “Koshchey” and “Kashchey”. These two are fundamental different heroes. That negative character that is used in fairy tales, with whom all the characters, led by Baba Yaga, struggle, and whose Death is “in the egg” is KASHCHEY. The first rune in the writing of this ancient Slavic word-image is “Ka,” meaning “gathering within oneself, union, unification.” For example, the runic word-image “KARA” does not mean punishment as such, but means something that does not radiate, has ceased to shine, has turned black because it has collected all the radiance (“RA”) inside itself. Hence the word KARAKUM - “KUM” - a relative or a set of something related (grains of sand, for example), and “KARA” - those who have collected radiance: “a collection of shining particles.” This has a slightly different meaning than the previous word “punishment”.

Slavic runic images are unusually deep and capacious, ambiguous and difficult for the average reader. Only the Priests owned these images in their entirety, because... writing and reading a runic image is a serious and very responsible matter, requiring great accuracy and absolute purity of thought and heart.
Baba Yoga (Yogin-Mother) is the Eternally Beautiful, Loving, Kind-hearted Goddess-Patroness of orphans and children in general. She wandered around Midgard-Earth, either on the Fire Celestial Chariot, or on horseback through the lands where the Clans lived Great Race and the descendants of the Heavenly Family, collecting homeless orphans in towns and villages. In every Slavic-Aryan Vesi, even in every populous city or settlement, the Patron Goddess was recognized by her radiating kindness, tenderness, meekness, love and her elegant boots, decorated with gold patterns, and they showed Her where orphans lived. Simple people they called the Goddess differently, but always with tenderness. Some - Grandma Yoga Golden Leg, and some, quite simply - Yogini-Mother.

Swan geese

The Yogini delivered the orphans to her foothill monastery, which was located in the thicket of the forest, at the foot of the Irian Mountains (Altai). She did this in order to save the last representatives of the most ancient Slavic and Aryan Clans from imminent death. In the foothill Skete, where the Yogini-Mother conducted the children through the Fiery Rite of Initiation to the Ancient High Gods, there was a Temple of the God of the Family, carved inside the mountain. Near the mountain Temple of Rod, there was a special depression in the rock, which the Priests called the Cave of Ra. From it extended a stone platform, divided by a ledge into two equal recesses, called Lapata. In one recess, which was closer to the Cave of Ra, Yogini-Mother laid sleeping children in white clothes. Dry brushwood was placed in the second cavity, after which LapatA moved back into the Cave of Ra, and the Yogini set fire to the brushwood. For all those present at the Fire Rite, this meant that the orphans were dedicated to the Ancient High Gods and no one would see them again in the worldly life of the Clans. Foreigners who sometimes attended the Fire Rites very colorfully told in their lands that they witnessed with their own eyes how small children were sacrificed to the Ancient Gods, thrown alive into the Fiery Furnace, and Baba Yoga did this. The strangers did not know that when the lapata platform moved into the Cave of Ra, a special mechanism lowered the stone slab onto the ledge of the lapata and separated the recess with the children from the Fire. When the Fire lit up in the Cave of Ra, the Priests of the Family transferred the children from the lapata to the premises of the Temple of the Family. Subsequently, Priests and Priestesses were raised from orphans, and when they became adults, the boys and girls created families and continued their lineage. The foreigners knew none of this and continued to spread tales that the wild Priests of the Slavic and Aryan peoples, and especially the bloodthirsty Baba Yoga, sacrifice orphans to the Gods. These foreign tales influenced the Image of the Yogini-Mother, especially after the Christianization of Rus', when the Image of the beautiful young Goddess was replaced by the Image of an old, angry and hunchbacked old woman with matted hair who steals children. roasts them in an oven in a forest hut, and then eats them. Even the Name of Yogini-Mother was distorted and they began to scare all children with the Goddess.

Very interesting, from an esoteric point of view, is the fabulous Instruction-Lesson that accompanies more than one Russian folk tale:
Go There, we don’t know Where, Bring That, we don’t know What.

It turns out that not only fairy tales were taught such a Lesson. This instruction was received by every descendant from the Clans of the Holy Race, who ascended the Golden Path of Spiritual Development (in particular, mastering the Steps of Faith - the “science of imagery”). A person begins the Second Lesson of the First Stage of Faith by looking inside himself to see all the diversity of colors and sounds within himself, as well as to experience the Ancient Ancestral Wisdom that he received at his birth on Midgard-Earth. The key to this great storehouse of Wisdom is known to every person from the Clans of the Great Race; it is contained in the ancient instruction: Go There, not knowing Where, Know That, you do not know What.

This Slavic Lesson is echoed by more than one folk wisdom world: To seek wisdom outside oneself is the height of stupidity. (Chan saying) Look inside yourself and you will discover the whole world. (Indian wisdom)
Russian fairy tales have undergone many distortions, but, nevertheless, in many of them the Essence of the Lesson embedded in the fable has remained. It is a fable in our reality, but it is a reality in another reality, no less real than the one in which we live. For a child, the concept of reality is expanded. Children see and feel much more energy fields and flows than adults. It is necessary to respect each other's realities. What is Fable for us is Fact for the baby. That is why it is so important to initiate a child into “correct” fairy tales, with truthful, original Images, without layers of politics and history.

The most truthful, relatively free from distortion, in my opinion, are some of Bazhov’s fairy tales, the fairy tales of Pushkin’s nanny - Arina Rodionovna, recorded by the poet almost verbatim, the tales of Ershov, Aristov, Ivanov, Lomonosov, Afanasyev... The purest, in their pristine completeness of Images, to me seem to be Tales, from book 4 of the Slavic-Aryan Vedas: “The Tale of Ratibor”, “The Tale of Yasny Sokol”, data with comments and explanations on words that have fallen out of Russian everyday use, but have remained unchanged in fairy tales.
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