The fairy tale is a lie. The fairy tale is a lie, but in it there is a Hint, Whoever knows it has a Lesson

Psychologist Olga Romaniv

We perceive spring as the beginning of something new, bright, and inspiring. It is during this period that we especially crave change! We want to bring a fresh spirit into our lives, to become more stylish, spectacular, and desirable. One of the most simple ways achieve this - coloring! He will tell you how hair color can affect our relationships with others and even change our destiny. Olga Romaniv, psychologist and writer, founder and director of the “Classics of Relationships” dating club.

“Hair color can tell a lot about the owner. It is especially interesting to observe what happens to us women when we radically change our image or transform ourselves by adding bright touches. And some never resort to dyeing at all, remaining true to their natural hair color. Or they will try to change it - and return to it again. What does this mean? Let's figure it out!

Light colors

They are associated by others with purity, lightness, and sometimes with carelessness. However owners of blond hair are, as a rule, strong-willed individuals, who well understand their needs and goals, as well as how to realize them - and not always through their own efforts.

Changing any hair color to blonde is due to desire to add to yourself through external image tenderness, lightness, softness and femininity. And if we are talking about a radical change from a dark or even black color to the lightest possible, almost white, then this speaks of a desire to start life from scratch.

Light brown color

Perceived as neutral and associates others with calm and harmony, which inspires confidence in its owner. Such individuals are most often characterized by emotional stability, Attentive attitude to your mental comfort, the ability to make decisions carefully and without hesitation.

Desire to dye your hair light brown color speaks about the desire for stability. If we are talking about a dramatic change, for example, from black or light to light brown, then this means that a person is subconsciously trying to become less noticeable, but, at the same time, make a pleasant impression, create a harmonious image.

Brown shades

Owners of such tones are perceived as active, self-sufficient and responsible people. This association arises due to the similarity with the shades of nature - the earth, branches and tree trunk, which, in turn, suggest thoughts of solid support and fertility. Research by scientists also confirms that women with brown undertones are active, purposeful, self-confident and flexible. They can also be described as excellent performers who can multitask.

Coloring in brown shades indicates instability, lack of support in life. or fear of losing her, difficulties in relationships with significant and close people. That is why women are looking for ways to gain self-confidence and strengthen their personal boundaries.

Red and red shades

Red-haired women around associated with movement, dynamics, changeability, mystery. Red strands attract attention, make their owner stand out from the crowd and are remembered for a long time. From my own observations, I can say that red-haired beauties are characterized by mood swings, daydreaming, and willfulness, reminiscent of a game without rules. In most cases this active people, capable of creating movement in any space from any resources.

Changing your natural hair color to red indicates a desire to attract attention, about the desire and even the need to start new activity or revive something in your life - for example, refresh your relationship with your partner.

Black color

Burning brunettes force others to be wary of them, since their hair color is unconsciously perceived as a signal of danger. But at the same time, such women always arouse interest in the opposite sex. Brunettes are purposeful, sometimes prone to risky actions and passion for extreme sports. They are often stubborn and insist on their own, so it is not always possible to come to an agreement with them. They are characterized by mood swings: today they are self-confident and ready to challenge society, and tomorrow they suddenly become weak, lost and may even fall into depression.

Those who dye their hair brunette want to emphasize the strength of their character in this way, strive to become more attractive to the opposite sex. And sometimes to express a protest – to the man you love, to your parents, to society.

Natural color

Indicates self-sufficiency, self-acceptance, harmony with oneself. And that's great! But sometimes such stability indicates a reluctance, for one reason or another, to change anything in your life, to develop, to move on.

But if you suddenly have a desire to do coloring, ask yourself a question: “What am I really missing right now? Do I want to become more attractive, become more confident?” Try to understand how you feel, in what emotional state stay what is happening inside you. After all, the external is always a reflection of the internal.

! Of course, you should not judge a person - his character, condition, desires - and try to predict his actions only by the color he dyed his hair. This is just a small touch big picture personality. After all Each of us is a whole Universe, consisting of millions of shades.

The natural color of hair depends on the presence of melanin pigment in the body, on the amount of air that is in the pigment, as well as on the coloring substance produced by melanocytes contained inside the hair. Melanin is responsible for the intensity of the color, and two other pigments are responsible for the shade itself - eumelanin and pheomelanin.

Hair of any color contains both pigments. Eumelanin is black-brown in color (elongated granules), and pheomelanin (round and oval granules) is yellow-red in color. But the distribution of both in the hair itself is uneven; most of the pigments are contained in the very center, but there are almost no pigments in the cuticle.

When more eumelanin and much less pheomelanin are synthesized, we get dark hair. If there is less eumelanin, then the hair takes on a reddish tone. If there is no pheomelanin at all, and there is little eumelanin, then light (ashy, gray) shades are obtained.

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What are the natural hair colors?

The main hair colors are black, brown, red, light brown and blond. But in total there are 54 shades of hair in the “spectrum”. But we will not focus on all of them; we will only talk about the 5 main ones.

  1. Brunette- variation in hair shade from black to dark chestnut.
  2. Brown-haired- variations of shades from chestnut color to dark blond.
  3. Ginger- from copper to bright red and dark red, which is very rare in nature.
  4. Light brown- gray-brown color varies from light brown to dark brown with ash or honey tints. Most Slavs have this hair shade.
  5. Blond- light brown shades, with ashy and golden tints. Most often found in the population of northern and eastern Europe.

Hair color is finally determined around 5-6 years of age, sometimes during puberty. After 20 years, curls can gradually lose pigmentation, which is why gray hair appears. Stopping melanin production and formation large quantity Air bubbles inside the hair leads to graying. And the age at which gray hair appears is determined genetically. Additionally, the body may stop producing melanin due to stress.

How does pigmentation affect the coloring result?

  • Porous hair is more difficult to lighten and dye, since it is more difficult for the pigment to penetrate into the hair. Blonde hair dyeing it dark without a repigmentation procedure is almost impossible. That is, you, of course, will get the desired chestnut or black tone, but the pigment will be washed out very quickly and you will get a greenish tint to your hair.
  • Red is the most durable color, since red pigment is very difficult to remove from hair. Most often, when lightening, the result will simply be red, several tones lighter. Therefore, after lightening, you always need to tint your curls to achieve blonde.
  • Dark colors all have red pigment in their structure, so when lightened, you will get red. It is important to lighten in several stages with breaks of a week. It is also important to tint your hair so that unsightly yellowness does not appear. As a rule, light brown hair lightens very quickly even with a 3% oxidizing agent. But on chestnut and black curls, the bleach acts much more slowly. Although, everything is individual.
  • Never use paint lighter colors your hair. This applies to colored hair. You risk getting a noticeable difference between the main length and the roots. Along the length of the strands, they will either remain the same tone or acquire the desired shade, but the roots will be lighter and brighter. To dye your hair a lighter shade, wash off the existing dye with a professional solution, and with the help of a specialist.
  • Hair repigmentation is an important procedure for blondes - natural and bleached. Modern cosmetology widely uses the method of hair repigmentation, that is, saturation of curls with natural pigments. Repigmentation is carried out only in two cases: before dyeing bleached hair in dark tones, on bleached, damaged and porous hair before tinting it in shades of blonde.

The topic is big, I would say huge. I’ll just start it, tell you the main things.

Hair color - it would seem commonplace, fashion trend. What could be magical about this? But the choice is based on fundamental things that are worth mentioning. First of all, changing hair color affects life and brings changes not only in mood and character, but also in attitude and life in general. The right hair color can compensate for shortcomings and solve everyday problems, while the opposite may be true. Now we will talk about the hair color of representatives of the white race, without touching on Asians and Africans.

The importance of hair color from a magical point of view can be primitively realized at least this way: when we're talking about about a rite or ritual, the existing hair color of the owner is usually taken as a basis, even if it is radically different from the natural one. So, when fortune telling regular maps there is a division among ladies based on the color of their eyes and hair: diamonds - blonde with blue eyes, hearts - or blonde with brown or brown-haired with blue, clubs - brunette with brown, spades - very rarely - completely “black” - brunette with black eyes. This is all very rude, and the main idea that I want to convey is the following: hair color, even acquired through dyeing, affects a person’s fate.

I think it's worth pointing out the importance of hair for a person in general. First of all, hair is strength. It was not for nothing that in the old days they said that the braid was a symbol of strength. Cut hair is a symbol of deprivation of power. So, the nuns give themselves to God and tonsure symbolizes the transfer of themselves into God's hands - from now on only God is her strength and protection. Nothing personal, so to speak. By the way, this is where the tradition of covering hair comes from, especially for women - why do we need strength in a world where the stronger sex is men? Logical?

The power of hair lies in the fact that energy flows through it less easily. What does it mean? But only that: 1) hair is a natural defense, including from energy attacks. It’s not for nothing that hair suffers first of all from the evil eye and negativity - it falls out, turns gray, and so on. We drink vitamins and make lotions - but the problem is different - they took on some of the negative energy and acted as a shield. 2) hair is a means of attack. Again, if you can defend yourself with them, then theoretically you can attack with them. I think this refers to forgotten magic. Remember Medusa the Gorgon. Snakes on the head are not only thoughts (or rather, not so much thoughts), but hair - antennas through which you can attack. Hence the electrical discharges in the hair - pure energy turns into electricity. Hair is an energy accumulator - it is collected and dissipated depending on the tasks set by the owner.

Let's return directly to hair color. Each hair color poses a specific task for a person; its solution depends on our success or vice versa.

Of course, for the average person, a natural color is better; here, variations of shades of approximately your own color are allowed. So, dark to light blonds can become blondes - from honey to ash, by and large, without bad consequences. The same rule applies to everyone else - brown-haired women and brunettes. If your natural hair is red or has a pronounced red streak, then you can easily choose the range from orange to honey. By the way, it was noted that the shades are closer to to a loved one most go.

What happens when a person changes color radically (such as from blonde to brunette)? Once again, each hair color poses its own task for a person. If a person has not fully worked out his task, then someone else’s task is added to his unfulfilled task, and accordingly there are even more problems.

Consider the following example: a fair-haired girl. If she dyes her hair blonde, nothing bad will happen from a magical point of view, everything will go on as usual. If her hair is not just blond, but with a good red-golden tint, she can take a risk and dye her hair red. Red is a dangerous color. Here you need to have a certain character, stamina and inner strength. If a girl fits into the Redhead, then this combination can help her in her career and personal life. However, if she decides to dye her hair brunette or choose another dark color- the unresolved problems of blondes will not go away, they will go “underground” and will “smoulder”, and the problems of brunettes will be superimposed on them. As a result, you can sip on problems and worries that came from nowhere.

How will the fate of those who decide to return to their native color change? The question is ambiguous. On the one hand, this is a benefit, since a person is freed from other people’s energies and tasks that are not characteristic of him/her. On the other hand, it is necessary to take into account how much time has passed since the color changed radically and how the person got used to the new one. Over time, a person could change a lot and returning to “their” color could also result in a radical change in life with all the resulting shocks.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the issue of gray hair. Grey hair- this is the result of pumping/loss of energy and vitality. It comes from: 1) old age (note, not for everyone) - withering of a person, vitality becomes less. This is especially noticeable in witches - if they are gray-haired, it means they have already lost their former strength. 2) from fright - a strong evil eye or the release of negativity provokes a one-time deprivation of a person’s strength - even death. Here hair can again play the role of a shield and actually save a life, thereby sacrificing its strength. By the way, because of this, I would not recommend cutting them short, both for women and men. 3) if gray hair occurs in young people, this is not a good sign. This indicates either a loss of strength or low overall energy. Such a person may soon fall ill with some chronic disease. In this case, the hair also protects its owner/itsu - when it turns gray, it shares energy and reflects negativity, and thus delays the disease, which otherwise would have occurred earlier.

PySy: Challenges facing people with a certain hair color.

(I’ll make a reservation right away - this applies to the white race).
The main task of brunettes is to cultivate strength within themselves and not to be distracted by external factors. The direction of action should be inward, towards oneself. Keywords: inner strength, calmness.
For blondes, on the contrary, the focus should be on the outside world. The main task is to find contact with people, communicate successfully, which involves adapting to changes, finding compromises, etc. Key words: friendliness, altruism.
Redheads must learn to control their fire, their strength, direct it from destruction to creation, suppress internal aggression, and restrain their destructive power. Keyword: creation.

A radical change in image can affect a change in lifestyle and destiny in general. People who decide to cut off long curls, come under the influence male energy, their life position more active, character takes on features of stubbornness and the will to win.

Long hair, on the contrary, gives its owner softer features and more sexuality. Moreover, this applies to both women and men. Man with long hair becomes thoughtful, analyzes a lot before making any decision, tries in difficult situations life situations to find a compromise.

If, when deciding to change your image, it is important to maintain internal harmony, then you should not cut your lush and long locks too short. If you want to change your style, it is better to make this transition - from soft (feminine) to sharper (masculine) gradually. It makes sense to experiment with different hair lengths to see which style suits you best.

It’s interesting that changes in life can begin not only if new haircut, but also when dyeing hair in a color unusual for its owner. So, burning brunettes can become more flexible after their curls are dyed a bright “blonde”. At the same time, contrary to existing stereotypes, a person can reveal Creative skills and a genuine interest in everything new.

Owners of light brown hair can change their destiny by painting them a bright red color, which gives a feeling of steadfastness and mystery. It is noteworthy that there is even a horoscope based on hair color.

ARIES. The best thing - short haircut"like a boy." The ends of the hair should be styled with special wax so that there is a slight messy effect.

CALF. A hairstyle that reveals the neck, or a bob haircut with unequal hair length. Temporary hair coloring with foam in golden and copper shades will add additional charm and completeness.

CANCER. For straight lines thick hair, characteristic of Cancers, is an ideal “graduated square”.

A LION. It is best to cut your hair along one line and style it in a voluminous hairstyle. A regal look will be given by a hairstyle in which the hair is raised above the temples and pulled back.

VIRGO. Neat hairstyle and flexible styling. If you have hair middle length, they can be lightened with warm golden shades.

SCORPION. Thick, heavy hair will look more voluminous if you make a bob just below ear level. And styling will depend on your mood.

CAPRICORN. Their hairstyles are strict and restrained. But even a traditional haircut with bangs and straight shoulder-length hair will look fresh and original. For young people, slightly disheveled hair fixed with wax and varnish is suitable.

AQUARIUS. Excessive extravagance - characteristic this sign. Try dyeing your hair an original color. You can also use jewelry: sparkling hairpins with stones or in the form of bugs.

FISH. Hair can be cut into a medium bob and styled into a smooth, not very poofy hairstyle.

Many factors in life can influence a person's destiny, and hair color is no exception. Be careful when experimenting with your image so that changing your image does not change your destiny for the worse.

A person's appearance creates the first impression of him and says a lot about his character. This applies to your overall appearance, clothing and, of course, hairstyle. Your haircut and hair color are not only part of your image, but also reflect your nature. Each person is born with a certain color type and makes changes to it throughout his life. First of all, this concerns hair color.

Not only women, but also many men sometimes want to radically change their image and think about a new hair color. However, do not forget that any changes in appearance are fraught with consequences. Whether they will be positive or not depends only on you.

If you are still determined to dye your hair, find out how such changes will affect your destiny. The team at will help you decide on the choice of hair color that will positively affect your destiny.

Light hair shades: Most blondes are characterized by openness and carefreeness. There are significantly fewer people with such natural hair color than brunettes or brown-haired people. If a person decides to give his hair a light shade, most likely he wants to add elegance and lightness to his image.

This hair color is ruled by Mercury, which completely destroys the stereotype about the stupidity and naivety of blondes. On the contrary, under the influence of this planet their curiosity, friendliness and sociability are manifested. They always easily find contact with any people, love to learn something new and unusual, prefer not to sit still, but to relax actively, traveling around different cities and countries.

By giving your hair a light shade, you will strengthen the influence of Mercury. This will help you open up, express yourself, promote self-development and achieve goals. However, we should not forget about negative traits of this planet.

Many people, falling under the influence of Mercury, become not so much sociable as talkative and deceitful. The feeling of responsibility for the words spoken disappears, which can simply offend others and thereby turn even the closest people away from you.

Your thoughts may become jumbled and it will be very difficult to concentrate on a specific task. Therefore, think carefully before bleaching your hair. Perhaps excessive confidence and openness will harm you and have a detrimental effect on your future destiny.

Dark hair shades: Brunettes are characterized by perseverance, the ability to stand up for themselves and determination. However, people with dark hair are often considered to be overly tough and calculating.Having decided to repaintin a dark color, you can add mystery to your image, and thanks to the energy of this shade it will be easier for you to achieve your goals.

Dark hair color is ruled by Pluto, whose influence adds even more sensuality and mystery to these people. Under the influence of this planet, qualities such as confidence, charisma and masculinity appear.

Dark-haired people are not afraid of problems and difficulties, they are always ready to repel provocateurs, and they themselves are not inveterate brawlers. Quite the contrary: brunettes prefer a peaceful atmosphere around them, and any conflicts only drain vital energy from them.

If you dye your hair dark, Pluto will take you under its protection. You will feel an extraordinary surge of energy, courage, it will seem to you that there are no problems in the world that you cannot overcome.

However, the planet can awaken in you and negative qualities: jealousy, hot temper, desire to control everyone and everything. You will more often try to take risks, sometimes unreasonable ones, which can cause problems at work and in your personal life.

This is especially true for representatives of the fair sex. Bossy and Strong woman will simply begin to suppress the man, and most often this ends in failure family life. When giving your hair a dark shade, try to control your emotions and remember to be yourself.

How red hair color affects fate: Red color is a favorite color for many women. Red-haired people have strong character, and can be very catchy. Already from childhood they show courage and perseverance. It’s not for nothing that many people associate this hair color with fire. There is definitely a certain spark in these people.

It's no surprise that this color is ruled by the Sun. Thanks to his influence, the already bright owners of red hair radiate even more more light around you. Communication with such people brings pleasure and improves your mood. They can be called unique people both externally and internally. Their main feature is that they are less likely than other people to suffer from depression or feel lonely. Children's spontaneity is their main feature Therefore, people with red hair have a well-developed imagination, they are creative and most often connect their lives with creative professions.

If you decide to give your hair a bright red hue, you will feel an extraordinary inner surge of energy. The influence of the Sun in this case will increase your sense of responsibility, which can have a good effect on both work and love.

Don't forget about Negative influence Sun. Usually, sunny people inherent traits such as arrogance, selfishness and pride. Not every person will find it easy to come to terms with such character traits of their partner, so it is sometimes very easy for red-haired people to fall in love and receive reciprocity, but it is difficult to maintain a warm relationship forever. To prevent negative impact The sun influences your destiny, try to avoid conflicts with people around you and excessive temper.

When you decide to repaint your hair, try to choose a color responsibly, because any changes in appearance can significantly affect your destiny. If you still decide to change your look, but can’t decide on your hair color, choose it in accordance with your Zodiac Sign so that new look not only gave you a zest, but also attracted good luck.

Choosing hair color according to your Zodiac Sign will help highlight your most bright features, will reveal your individuality and contribute to favorable changes in life. By changing your image in accordance with your horoscope, you turn your hair into a talisman that brings good luck in all areas.

Aries:Ladies born under the auspices of Aries will be adorned with shades of red or chestnut. Fiery red will bring dizzying success with the opposite sex, and dark chestnut will contribute to climbing the ladder. career ladder Andwill attract financial luck. The main requirement: the color must be bright and expressive. Light shades of light brown should be avoided, especially cold tones - they will conflict with the bright personality of Aries and will cause discomfort.

Calf:Taurus women are distinguished by their hot temper and strong character. Emphasize positive traits and honey shades will help reduce negative ones. They will help preserve spiritual harmony, will strengthen will and determination, help you find love. Natural shades of warm tones, especially light walnut color, are also great. But you should avoid burning dark shades - this will add to your temper and problems in the love sphere.

Twins:For Gemini girls, capable of bright outbursts of emotions and spontaneous actions, even opposite shades are perfect: they can, without hesitation, dye their hair either ash blonde or blue-black. Any bright colors will highlight their individuality. Remember that cold tones neutralize excessive heat, increase the ability to concentrate and bring clarity to thoughts, while warm tones influence the emotional sphere and enhance feelings.

Cancer:Chestnut and caramel shades will help women born under the sign of Cancer to reveal their personality traits, achieve heights in your career and achieve happiness in your personal life. At the same time, golden chestnut will help overcome self-doubt, and honey will have a beneficial effect on the volitional sphere and enhance insight. Avoid extreme unnatural colors, and if you decide to experiment, give preference to warm shades.

A lion:For lionesses who always want to be the center of attention, astrologers recommend painting themselves in golden shades of dark tones: honey, chestnut with a reddish tint. Theyguarantee increased attention from menand success on life path In addition, such colors tend to attract money. But you need to be careful with the red one: Leo is the strongest fire sign, and bright red hair color can aggravate the temper of the bearer of this Zodiac Sign.

Virgo:Cold weather will add grace to sophisticated Virgos. light shades: ash or platinum. Such tones will emphasize their natural femininity, raise self-esteem and give self-confidence. Deep ones are also good dark shades: coffee, nutty or chocolate chestnut. Dark colors will add a touch of perseverance to the character of the virgins. You should not use bright, flashy colors: your individuality risks fading due to the wrong shade.

Scales:Feminine Libras are advised to emphasize their naturalness in every possible way. Shades that are close to your natural hair color will help you become happier and more successful. It is not recommended to radically change the natural color: it is better to choose a paint that will make it deeper and more noticeable. If you want significant changes, you can do highlighting, which will have a beneficial effect on your image and will not conflict with your natural personality.

Scorpion:Scorpio women will suit any bright and rich colors, but best of all - warm shades. Golden blond, dark chestnut, honey, light red, red will emphasize their unique features, enhance charm andwill contribute to victories on the love frontand in the business sphere. Such colors will help in achieving the goal, and will also emphasize the femininity and mystery of the representatives of this sign.

Sagittarius:Girls who are patronized by Sagittarius are recommended to emphasize their originality with the help of fiery shades: red, red, honey, chestnut with a red tint. Such colors will enhance the energy of the Sign, which corresponds to the element of fire, and will bring happiness to its owner. Sagittarius women can safely try even unnatural bright colors: purple, pinkish, lilac. So if you have long wanted to experiment, feel free to buy paint.

Capricorn:Light shades will bring good luck to Capricorn ladies. You can resort to both cold and warm tones: platinum blonde, ash blonde, golden brown, light caramel. Cool colors will help attract career and financial success, while warm colors are more favorable to the romantic sphere, and therefore will help in finding love. Saturated dark colors astrologers advise avoiding: they can introduce some bitterness into the character of Capricorns, and thereby become a hindrance in love.

Aquarius:Rich chestnut, nut, chocolate or even plum color will serve as a wonderful decoration and talisman for Aquarius girls. Contrary to the generally accepted opinion that dark colors make you look old, such shades will emphasize youth and beauty, help in relationships with people and solving complicated problems. life issues. Aquarians tend to participate only in promising relationships and attract people with serious intentions. Hair dyed dark will enhance this quality.

Fish:Cold bright hues will place emphasis and point out the mystery and lightness of the representatives of the Pisces sign. Ash blond, platinum blond, silver shades will attract male attention and contribute to...achieving inner harmony and certainty in desires. Avoid fiery colors: Pisces is a water sign, and shades of red will go against its nature. Colors that evoke associations with a transparent water stream will help emphasize the naturalness and positive qualities of Pisces.

Focusing on the hairstyle horoscope, you will choose exactly the color that will not only decorate you, but also bring good luck and love.

We wish you to become more attractive and happier every day!