Spring shades. Warm coloring of appearance: warm spring and warm autumn color types.

Ekaterina Malyarova

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Ekaterina Malyarova, stylist

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Girl spring. Delicate, sparkling, sunny, light, airy, radiant, blooming, cheerful, bright - all these definitions can easily be attributed to the perception of this color type.

Girls of the spring color type seem to glow from within. Their beauty is not pretentious, not too flashy, it is very natural and fresh, like nature in spring.

This color type is uncharacteristic for Russia; its representatives, as a rule, are residents of England, Ireland, and Australia. And yet it exists, and one must be able to identify it.

In nature, spring is the time when everything around is just waking up: the first leaves on the trees begin to appear, which makes it seem that they are shrouded in a yellowish-greenish haze, the sun gives bright light, dandelions are blooming, coltsfoot, crocuses are appearing. Everything around becomes dazzlingly bright - this is how spring comes into its own.

How is such richness and richness of the spring range expressed in the appearance of representatives of the spring color type?

In the photo is Nicole Kidman, a bright representative of this color scheme. Thanks to her appearance, she seems light, bright, weightless.

From Russian actresses a shining example The spring color type is Svetlana Khodchenkova, with her delicate peach skin tone, reddish hair and blue-gray eyes.

Svetlana Khodchenkova - an example of the spring color type

The basis of the color type is not the color of the eyes and hair, but the skin. In the spring color type it has a warm peach tone. Not bluish, like summer, but with a soft golden undertone.

Sometimes spring has a blush. It is believed that the spring color type is the brightest. The skin looks very fresh, naturally radiant. If such a girl has freckles, then they have a golden brown tint without adding gray.

In the photo is Nicole Kidman again.

Nicole Kidman is an example of the spring color type

Both the blush and peachy skin tone are clearly visible in the image. It is noticeable how thin and translucent it is. This skin feature is typical for spring and summer. You should also pay attention to the shade of the hair - it is light, melting, translucent, not thick, not intense, not deep.

Thus, the combination involves yellow-orange, orange and red-orange rays. This classical variation on the theme of family harmony: 3 colors in a row on the color wheel.

Implementation in practice: No. 1 – dress, No. 2 – handbag, No. 4 and No. 5 – jewelry and shoes. You can reverse this proportion differently. No. 2 could be trousers, No. 1 could be, for example, a blouse, and No. 4 and No. 5 could be a handbag and shoes.

The impression from such sets is warm, joyful, comfortable and airy, as, in principle, from any combinations based on spring flowers.

Examples in clothing

Neutral beige + achrome

The photo shows two options for combining neutral beige with achromatic colors.

On the left we see a combination of sand or beige with white. This set is suitable for any color type, depending on the shade of white. In spring and autumn, you need to choose a warm option - creamy or vanilla color.

On the right is a combination of sand shades and black. And it is not recommended to take this option in the spring. Black color in any item of clothing is too heavy for the spring color type.


The combination of gray with beige and variations on the theme of beige: sand, cinnamon, brown, cognac and others - this is, as you know, business card Giorgio Armani. He, like no one else, knows how to manipulate the variations of these colors. His combinations of gray and beige are very elegant, but at the same time they are luxurious, they are relaxed elegant.

The photo shows a perfect example of such unobtrusive sophistication: gray trousers combined with a beige sweater, coat and bag.

In such sets, the quality of the fabric and the fit of the trousers are very important. If the pants fit well, the look can look very expensive.

In the version shown in the image, despite the presence of gray color, the set will look good on both the spring and autumn color types.

And depending on the predominance of one color or another, the energy of the image will change. Although both beige and gray are classic options, in beige there is a little more airiness and neutrality, in gray there is sophistication, severity, conciseness and elegance.


In combination with gray and white there is a very important role. It gives a relaxed and luxurious elegance to the look.

In the photograph we see just such an example of a combination. Classic checkered suit, white blouse. The only expression of originality in such a set can only be called 7/8 trousers. Although the length of the trousers and their cut can be completely different: they can be straighter or narrower, longer, etc. - V in this case it's not important.

Here the red-brown color in accessories is fundamental, which adds some zest and style to the image. If you mentally remove your shoes, belt and bag, the image will fall apart.

Since there is a big difference in the level of lightness between brown shoes and gray trousers no, it will not visually shorten your legs. Brown heeled ankle boots will look chic with full-length trousers.

Many people can afford such a set, depending on the color of the blouse. If the blouse is replaced with a creamy, vanilla or yellowish-white one, it will look great on someone with a spring color type appearance.

In this image we see an example of a more edgy combination: white trousers combined with a turquoise jacket and an orange bag. And yet, it is advisable for warm color types not to wear bright colors even in trousers. White color.

In this case, the set is ideal for the winter color type, although turquoise In addition to winter, the face can also be used in spring. If the dazzling white color of the trousers in this set is replaced with a vanilla or creamy shade, you will get a set for spring.

If you try to characterize the first impression that arises from such a combination, the following definitions come to mind: icy, contrasting, cold, bright. That is, adjectives that apply to the winter color type palette.

The spring palette consists of lighter, fresher, subtler, airy flowers. They are bright, but their combinations do not have such an obvious, distinct contrast.


The photo below is an example of a combination of white and red.

If the combination of black and red is a purely winter combination, then the combination of white and red, provided that the shades of white and red are correctly selected, can be afforded by many color types.

In spring, it is advisable to choose shades of red with a slight yellowness (coral, watermelon, etc.)

Using gray in clothing

In this photo, the kit includes a light grey colour. And it does not enhance the neighboring shade, but, on the contrary, slightly blurs it.

This combination is suitable for the spring color type.

Gray is a good background for color, especially if it varies in lightness. Then it retains its neutrality without acquiring an additional shade.

For spring, you should choose warm shades of gray with yellowness, that is, gray with a yellow filter.

Beige, powdery + lilac shades

Variations on the theme of beige and powdery colors combine very beautifully with lilac shades, for example, lavender or soft lilac.

This combination looks very feminine, elegant and expensive. This is a summer combination, but if you combine warmer powdery and lighter reddish-lilac shades, it will be suitable for spring.

Use of brown

There are many shades of brown. And combinations with them look completely different. For example, below is a tan shade paired with yellow pants. True, to get ideal image It’s not enough to add a warm tone to the blouse, because the girl in the photo has a warm tone. Therefore, a vanilla-colored blouse would look better on her.

This color in trousers is suitable for spring or autumn.

Using beige shades in print

Neutral shades also look great in print.

Variations on the theme of powder perfectly highlight the color, as, for example, in the photograph, where in the print against a background of powder color the apricot shade looks very impressive and refreshing.

This combination is ideal for the spring color type. The model showing off the dress has a spring vibe and she looks very harmonious in it.

Color blocking

This image shows an example of color blocking from the spring/summer collection.

The dress uses very small blocks, which contain all the colors of the rainbow. This is an excellent choice for the spring color type, especially since small patterns suit the owners of this coloring of appearance.

The photo shows an example of a summer sundress and a set of shorts and a top. IN summer sundress a combination of blue and white is presented. The shorts come with both pink and green tint, and blue, and one of the shades of white. All these colors go well together. It is impossible to imagine such a combination in a rich version: bright red, bright green and bright blue. It would look tasteless.

Usage pastel shades in a spring wardrobe is possible only if they belong to warm colors. For example, representatives of the spring color type will suit delicate peach and yellow shades, as well as the entire bleached spring range.

A new example of a pastel shade in a dress.

Warm pastel shades are more suitable for spring. But you should also take into account that bright spring tones will always look warmer than bright hues spring colors.

And in this photo we see warm pastel shades in a two-piece suit consisting of a top and cardigan.

This spring version. The cool shades included in the set are used in the skirt. And although they dominate, it doesn't play decisive role, since they are distant from the face, and the top and cardigan of a warm color are located near the face.

The photo below shows another version of pink – dusty.

In combination with a beige shade, this one is definitely the color will suit and for the spring wardrobe. Spring can take on warm pastel shades, such as peach or warm beige.

Images based on pastel shades look very expensive, sophisticated, elegant, but at the same time feminine. They never look exclusively office, they do not have the dryness of a uniform, despite the fact that the cut of such suits can be quite strict.

Using pastel shades is one way to give classic suit new reading; it gives the sets a feminine touch.

In the photo below we see a combination of a greenish tint with bleached turquoise and yellow.

Turquoise, of course, can be used for the spring color type, but you need to keep in mind that in a brighter version this shade looks warmer than in a lightened version.

Natural shades in safari style

This example shows the safari style. This is the Natural range in its purest form.

The safari style suits both the summer color type and the autumn and spring color types in different variations. This is a targeted investment Money, since safari is invariably relevant every spring and summer season.

Another example of a variation on the safari theme.

Bright colors for the spring color type

Bright colors are, first of all, the prerogative of winter and spring.

Below is Matisse's painting "Dance". In it we see a combination of expressive, powerful shades, the brightness of which shocks and fascinates.

Matisse is one of the masters who worked very well with color.

And this photo shows a dress in bright yellow.

In options like this, color plays a very big role in creating the look, so the style can be quite simple.

And the next photo is a clear confirmation of this. The dress on the left is suitable primarily for spring.

Dresses in orange and yellow are always very impressive, catchy, and invariably attract attention. They have an amazing property - to improve your mood. But, of course, you can’t wear such options to work.

And again the spring version of the orange shade in the dress.

The orange of the autumn color scheme will be deeper; such rich shades are not typical for it.

Surely many remember footage from the film “Sex in big city- 2", where the heroine of Sarah Jessica Parker walked along the beach in chic dress warm orange color.

Orange is the only color that has no cool undertones at all (if you're interested, here's an article). In this interpretation, this color is exclusively for those with a spring-like appearance. Autumn shades are deeper, spring shades are lighter and brighter.

Features of using bright colors in outerwear

Bright colors are a great option for outerwear. A bright coat will be an excellent alternative to outerwear in classic colors, provided that its shade matches the color of your appearance.

In this photo, for example, we see a warm shade; accordingly, this option is suitable for warm colors and primarily for spring.

These coats really freshen up your wardrobe. In addition, the opinion that bright coats get very dirty is erroneous. They are quite practical. And as an option for a second coat, a bright color that relates to the palette of your appearance is an excellent choice.

In this case, we see a set for spring using an orange-red shade.

The option presented below is equally good for both spring and autumn color appearance. But this fabric texture is primarily suitable for the autumn color type; such textures suit its representatives very well.

The advantage of bright coats is that they look very fresh in the autumn-winter season and at the same time fit perfectly into the spring-summer season.

Usually, dark coat I don't want to wear it in the spring. During the off-season, when it is still quite cold for a trench coat, but the sun is already warm enough, a bright coat turns out to be extremely appropriate.

And an accent color for spring wardrobes in the photo below.

Errors when working with color, typical for the spring color type

Most often spring women make the following mistakes:

Usage dark colors Street. This color type is the lightest, the most airy, the most weightless, the most magical, the most cheerful and bright. There are very few dark colors in the spring palette. But spring girls are inclined dark shades, sometimes not even related to their range, should be placed near the face. A dark face does not suit spring.

Enhancing your tan with white. White in the face, even if it is used in combination with a shade of its own range, for example, turquoise, is unacceptable for spring. Spring women are recommended to use variations on the theme of white with a dash of yellow: ivory, color eggshells, creamy, vanilla. Against the background of bright white, spring fades.

As for the combination of turquoise and white, so beloved by spring girls, this option is exclusively for the winter color type. In spring, you need to drive turquoise according to the rules: according to monochrome and related harmony, according to the triangle rule, according to opposite harmony, according to the rule through 2 colors to a third - and choose the options that are acceptable to you.

If you are interested in finding out, read a separate article on this topic.

Creation dramatic image through color. For this purpose, those with a spring color appearance, for example, combine black with red and purple. This combination is acceptable only for the winter color type.

Using black on the face. This general error for all color types: everyone wears black, including spring, without accessories on the face, without scarves or scarves. But the black color looks worst in the spring.

Using cool shades. Spring fades in cold shades, it becomes gray and faceless. Try, for example, to dress Nicole Kidman in a suit the color of a dusty rose, and all her freshness, all her spring charm will fade away.

This article is a continuation of the topic about the 12-season color type system. To take an online test and find out your color type, as well as read about the 12-season system, you can take a look at the introductory article - We have already looked at dark and light colors in detail. Today, using the same scheme, we will get acquainted with warm colors. It is divided into two color types - warm spring, which belongs to the bright type, and warm autumn, which belongs to the soft type.

Warm color

What you need to know about warm colors:
- only warm shades are suitable for this color scheme;
— in a warm spring these shades will be brighter, lighter, and in a warm autumn they will be softer and denser.

Now we will look at warm spring and warm autumn according to the scheme we are already familiar with. Let's see photographs of people of this type of appearance. Let's analyze the palette into groups - light and dark colors, colors of medium saturation and bright colors. Then we will learn how to combine these colors with each other, and find out the best combinations for each color type. A picture will also be attached for associative connection with the color type. At the end of this article we will compare both types and see how they differ. Begin!

Warm spring color type

Other names:
true spring, true spring, true spring, warm spring

Color characteristics:
leading - warm, additional - bright

warm, clear, lively, bright, light, sunny, transparent

G. Caillebotte “Orange trees”

The appearance of people in warm spring is dominated by warm, clean and light colors. Warm hair color - honey, reddish, chestnut, etc. Warm undertone to the skin. Eye color can be any. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that it is impossible to determine the color type only by description. Be sure to check this by applying different fabrics, scarves, scarves to your face. You need to watch how your complexion changes different colors when it starts to dim and when to shine. And thus, you can find your own color scheme.

Photos of people whose color type is warm spring:

Using examples of the collage you can see combinations for warm spring on summer period. In the first example, blue and blue as shades of the same color contrast with the color of trousers and shoes. In the second example, the color of the dress is repeated in the color of the shoes. The color of the shoes and dress contrasts with the color of the bag. In the third example - light shades warm spring combined with bright shade. In the fourth example, the colors of the top and skirt contrast with the color of the shoes, and some colors from the skirt pattern are repeated in the color of the shoes.

Using the examples of this collage you can see the principles of color combinations for a warm spring for the autumn-winter period. In the first example, the color of the blouse contrasts with the color of the skirt. In the second example, the colors of the shirt and bag contrast with the colors of the coat, trousers and shoes. In the third example, the colors of the sweater, gloves, boots and bag contrast with blue shades. In the fourth example, a subtle pop of color is used against a neutral background, bright red polish contrasts with green embellishment.

Warm autumn

Other names:
real, true autumn, true autumn, warm autumn

Color characteristics:
leading - warm, additional - soft

Associations: golden, deep, velvety, dry, rich, warm, matte, soft, cozy

K. Bryullov “A girl picking grapes in the vicinity of Naples”

In the appearance of people in warm autumn, warm, soft and dense colors predominate. Reddish and chestnut shades are often found. Eye color can be any. Brown, green, blue-green, gray-green. The skin tone must be warm.

Photos of people whose color type is warm autumn:

Dark colors for the warm autumn color type
Dark colors are good for coats, suits, skirts, trousers, jackets, shoes, belts, bags. They create a feeling of stability, seriousness and restraint.

Medium saturated colors for the warm autumn color type
Neutral colors are medium-dark colors in the palette; they are calm, not annoying, and easy to combine with other colors.

Bright colors for the warm autumn color type
Bright colors are used in accessories, evening dresses, sportswear. They always attract attention with their richness of color. They are often used as color accents that can liven up an outfit.

A spring girl's skin is thin, almost transparent, and there may be a slight peach-colored blush on her cheeks and chin. The color of the skin can also be light (ivory), sometimes with a pinkish tint. As a rule, skin of the “Spring” color type is poorly affected by sun rays, which can result in a maximum of a light tan of golden brown and honey colors and freckles of golden or light brown shades.

Hair color

The shades of hair of the spring color type are always warm: wheat, honey, straw, chestnut, copper, light brown, with a golden, wheat or amber tint. In structure, the spring girl's hair is thin, fluffy and slightly curly. Also, it is equally important to know that burning brunettes have nothing to do with the “Spring” color type.

There are four color types of appearance - winter, spring, summer, autumn. Once you find out which of them you belong to, you can easily find clothes, cosmetics and even hair dye that suit you in the store. Today we will talk about the “Summer” color type.

Color of eyes, eyebrows and eyelashes

Girls belonging to the spring color type have light color eyes, or, more precisely, the lightest shades of the most different colors: light blue, light green, gray, sometimes light brown. Girls of the spring color type are characterized by light eyebrows and eyelashes.

Lip color

The natural shades of the spring girl’s lips are warm: apricot, coral, with a yellowish tint.


The “spring” color type is characterized by the presence of four colors: natural, contrasting, bright and light. In this case, color should be understood as combinations of colors that can be combined in one color type.

In natural colors all indicators (skin color, lips, eyes, hair, eyebrows and eyelashes) are in the same tone, and brightness and contrast are absent: ivory skin, golden hair and watery greenish or bluish eyes.

In contrasting colors more intense colors are present, which means the contrast between the color of skin, hair and eyes becomes noticeable: golden-red hair, porcelain skin and cornflower blue eyes.

In light colors all indicators are located at the same color level and, at the same time, stand out for their lightness: blond hair, light eyebrows and eyelashes, light eyes, beige skin.

In bright colors As a rule, only one indicator stands out in saturation and contrasts between two neutral ones: beige skin, yellowish-brown hair and, the most prominent indicator, bright, greenish-blue eyes.

Celebrities with the “Spring” color type

Nicole Kidman, Gwyneth Paltrow, Svetlana Khodchenkova, Claudia Schiffer, Hilary Duff, Taylor Swift, Kate Hudson, Reese Witherspoon, Rachel McAdams, Elena Perminova, Lindsay Lohan, Emma Stone.

Perfect Makeup

The color type of a spring girl is already expressive in itself, so all that is required is to slightly emphasize it.


A transparent fluid that applies in a thin layer: foundations in warm shades + powder in a light beige tone for daytime makeup, foundations in golden shades, as well as bronzing powder for evening makeup.


The “Spring” color type will suit shades of shadows similar to the color of the iris. Dark colors (blue, black, purple, hot pink) are contraindicated for the spring color type.

Most successful combinations eyeshadow colors:

  • light lilac with turquoise
  • caramel with white and bright green
  • salmon with warm brown and green
  • warm brown tones
  • beige with cream and sand
  • blue with gray and lavender

To emphasize the expressiveness of the eyes, a spring girl can use brown, gray or green pencil for the eyes, but under no circumstances use classic black eyeliner. By the way, it is better to shade clear lines in makeup.

Lipstick and lip gloss:

Ideal for the spring color type would be soft, golden, flesh-colored and pink tones lipsticks and lip glosses: red-orange, coral, salmon, lobster, apricot, golden beige, champagne, brown, pink.

Ideal wardrobe

Basic group: outerwear, dresses, trousers, suits, skirts.

The most basic color of a spring girl’s clothing is yellow and its various shades: ocher, brown, honey, onion, mustard, sea buckthorn.

In second place after yellow color there will be brown and its shades: caramel, terracotta brown, camel, golden brown, reed and hazelnut color.

IN base group A pink-red palette with the addition of orange in shades such as apricot, salmon, crab, light terracotta will also fit well.

Irreplaceable beige and gray colors with the presence of yellowish or greenish undertones will look great on a spring girl: granite gray, laurel, beige gray, golden beige, straw color.

It’s also a good idea for a representative of the spring color type to have items in moss green, olive, dark emerald, lilac and strawberry shades in her basic wardrobe.

Light group: knitted tops, T-shirts, underwear, shirts, sundresses.

The light group of things is characterized by soft, calm, pastel shades with a yellowish undertone: flesh-colored, creamy beige, shade of blossoming apple tree, color of bleached wool, shade of baked milk, creamy, vanilla, linden, light blue, soft terracotta.

Bright group: clothing for sports, parties and outdoor activities.

The bright group of clothes is characterized by trendy, bright, flashy colors: tomato, crimson, May green, sky blue, cornflower blue, amethyst, mallow, poppy, coral pink, sea green, sunflower, orange zest, pea, apple green, scarlet, juniper.


Ideal for a spring girl would be soft, simple fabrics of medium density or slightly fleecy: soft velvet, light silk, thin cotton, plain linen and cambric for warm seasons, as well as cashmere, fine wool, soft tweed, corduroy, suede - for cold.


In clothing, subtle, unobtrusive, sunny, mischievous patterns in a warm color aspect are acceptable, just like the spring color type itself. Subtle lines, small monochromatic prints, clear floral motifs, and distinct patterns are encouraged. The most suitable patterns for the spring color type: small/medium polka dots, mosaic, specks, herringbone, speckled check, stripe.

Shoes and accessories

Ideal material for shoes and bags: matte leather, suede, nubuck, loose or woven leather, natural fabric.

Shoes with straw wedges, wooden platforms, and also will look great on a spring girl. classic pumps and tapered boots/shoes made of soft leather or suede.


Every spring girl must have yellow gold and products made from eco-materials (wood, ivory, horn, marble, wicker leather, cotton fabric) in her jewelry box. Products with refined, elegant, rounded shapes are also ideal. The color of stones for jewelry should be accentuating, so it is better to take it from a bright group.


For a girl with a spring color type, horn or yellow metal frames are ideal. The shape of the glasses can be round or oval, the most important thing is that it is not massive.

Spring color type: makeup, hair color and wardrobe

It will be much easier to highlight your beauty, choose decent makeup and wardrobe if you know exactly what color type your appearance should be classified as. Carefully evaluate your skin tone, eye and hair color - now it will be much easier to make your image spectacular.

Spring color type: description

Of course, every woman is individual, but those who belong to the “spring” type are united by several important signs– tenderness, fragility and airiness, regardless of the height and volume of the body.

The skin of girls of the “Spring” type is light and thin, almost transparent, of a warm shade (peach, light beige). There is a slight blush on the cheeks and golden freckles are common. The spring type of women is often confused with the autumn type. The difference is that Spring's skin tans and changes to a warm, honey-brown hue, while Autumn women have difficulty tanning.

The hair of such women is often light, from flaxen to honey and caramel. Among them there are often owners dark brown hair, but their curls always have a red tint. The color of the eyebrows and eyelashes matches the shade of the hair or may be a little darker. Eye color from gray-blue to light tea, rare green color. The natural shade of the lips is warm pink, without a cold tone.

There are 4 variants of this type:

- Natural (Clear)– skin tone ranges from porcelain to dark brown, including peach and bronze; eyes – turquoise, green or golden tea color; hair color ranges from dark golden to dark brown with a reddish tint.

- Lightbright skin(from ivory to peach with a slight tan); eyes are gray, blue, green or light hazel; Hair color ranges from light to dark blond.

- Bright, contrasting (Bright)– in the appearance of such girls there should be a contrast in which the balance of warm shades is not disturbed. It could be bright hair or expressive eyes.

- Warm– eyes olive, light hazel, blue-blue and topaz-colored; the curls are deep saturated color from golden blonde to copper-red; warm-toned leather (porcelain, ivory, beige or bronze).

Features of makeup of the Spring color type

If we talk about makeup in general, then “spring” girls should forget about cool shades. The table clearly shows which colors you can trust and which it is better not to experiment with. It is important to choose pure colors, without complex impurities and undertones.

It is much more important to take into account the basic rules when applying makeup, which girls of this type cannot be violated:

1. There is no place for strict, clear lines in the makeup of the Spring girl. The lip contour is selected to match the color of the lipstick and does not outline the lips too brightly. If you want to highlight your eyes, the pencil should be used very carefully, and the lines should be smooth and soft.

2. There should be no bright contrast in makeup. All shades are necessarily harmonious and smoothly transition into one another.

3. Try to keep your makeup as transparent and light as possible.

Eye makeup of the Spring color type

Depending on your affiliation with a particular version of Spring, you can choose lighter or brighter shades without going beyond what is permitted. The optimal shades for Spring eye makeup are copper, dark green, graphite, lilac (pencils), peach, olive, coffee, cream, cream, copper-red, lilac, hazelnut, emerald (shadows).

In more detail, the shades of makeup may differ depending on the version of the Spring color type. For example, in eye makeup for a bright, contrasting Spring, more saturated tones are proposed, including gray and dark brown. Eyeliner can be darker, blush – coral and terracotta, rich lipstick.

In eye makeup for Light Spring, we can recommend creamy, creamy, peach, honey, smoky or nut shadows. Eyeliner - graphite or walnut brown. Blush - peach or light beige. Lipstick – terracotta, red-brown, apricot.

As you can see, the palette is the same, but the difference in shades is obvious.

Eye makeup for Spring color type (step by step)

1. Inner part We carefully draw the lower eyelid with a graphite pencil and gently shade the strokes so that the line is smooth, not sharp.

2. Apply peach shadows to the entire surface of the upper eyelid.

3. Using a thin brush, apply a copper-brown shade and highlight the outer corner of the upper eyelid.

4. Using a soft brush, blend the shadows to avoid sharp transitions - in makeup for the Spring color type, you need to avoid this as much as possible.

Foundation and powder for the Spring color type

It is important to pay attention to the transparency and lightness of the texture. Preferred shades: ivory, peach, some shades of bronze, light coral, sand, cream. You should avoid beige and pink foundations and powders, which have a cool undertone and will give the skin a gray tint.

You don’t have to use blush, but if necessary, give preference to a coral or apricot tone.

Lipstick for Spring color type

Lipstick coral, creamy, creamy, honey, peach, caramel, red-red, coffee. Too bright tones of red with a cold pink or lilac tint are not suitable. By the way, for lip makeup you can choose a simple, light gloss and not use pencil or lipstick at all.

If you find it difficult to choose the right color scheme for clothes and makeup, read our article.

A person's color type is genetically determined. It is determined by the color of hair, skin, eyes. Spring women are cheerful, faithful, responsible and very charming. The “femme fatale” is not about them at all.

Spring color type

The king of artists, Titian Vecellio, depicted such girls in his paintings: sensual, natural, light. These are the main advantages inherent in the spring color type. A spring woman can always be distinguished from the crowd:

  • People of this type exude the warmth of the sun. They are sincere, open, honest, easy and pleasant to communicate with. They have thin, velvety skin, as if glowing from within, with a slight blush and a slightly golden tint, clear, radiant, light eyes
  • The color range of the eyes is quite wide - from sky blue to amber shine. The color of the whites usually resembles baked milk and is in harmony with the shade of the iris.
  • The spring woman is often embarrassed and blushes easily. Nature has generously endowed representatives of the spring color type with golden freckles and moles.

This type of woman is a rare phenomenon among Slavs, and throughout the world there are no more than 5%. True, all blonde women are often considered spring. This is wrong - hair color is not as important as the characteristic shade of the eyes and skin. Only the totality of all criteria indicates belonging to the spring color type.

Subspecies of color type

Like all other color types, spring has its own subspecies:

  1. Light (light spring). A typical light spring is characterized by a predominance of light tones, lack of contrasts and saturated colors
  2. Warm spring. The leading color is warm. The appearance is dominated by purity and lightness of colors
  3. Bright (clear spring). A joyful, bright and warm palette dominates. Women belonging to this subcategory look good in outfits with contrasting combinations of shades and textures

Color palette

Color palette spring color type is designed in pastel colors

The palette of colors in spring is very interesting and unusual. The following shades look most advantageous on representatives of this color type:

  1. The entire color scheme is white, which includes warm shades such as cream, baked milk, and creme brulee. Cold snowy, pearly tones are not for spring - against their background, the skin appears very pale, glowing with a sickly yellowness
  2. All shades brown tones: ocher, beige, golden, just not very dark, because a spring girl, in principle, cannot be boring
  3. Harmonious, warm, delicious shades of peach and apricot flowers. The main thing is not to be tempted by rich orange and pink, the image will lose a lot from this
  4. Coral-red tones, but by no means classic red
  5. The natural harmony of the spring look is well emphasized by light pearl, light gray, gray-blue shades. A deep gray color, on the contrary, will only ruin everything

Spring color type photo

By comparing yourself with the women in the photo, you can determine your color type.

The very personification of spring

The naturalness of the image is typical for the spring appearance color type

The spring woman is always in harmony with the world around her

Sky blue eyes, fair skin, soft fluffy hair - everything indicates that the girl is a representative of the spring color type

The spring color type includes not only blondes

Most representatives of the spring look have wavy hair

Spring hair color type

Shades of hair color type spring

Typically, representatives of spring have thin, slightly curly hair. It is a mistake to think that only blondes belong to this color type.

In fact, although this category of hair is light, the color range is wide - from light blond to light brown, sometimes red, straw, even dark chestnut.

The main thing is that they all have a warm, golden tint, like ripe wheat or bright amber. But the spring woman never has black hair.

Color type spring hair color

Although dark hair The spring color type still has them, but they are very rare. Soft and warm chestnut or medium brown color. And against the background of hair dyed in rich dark tones, facial features become expressionless, so spring beauties should choose shades lighter than dark blond.

Spring woman with red hair

  • Warm, honey shades of red make the image of a spring girl bold, contrasting and a little like an autumn type. This type of hair is suitable for almost all representatives of the spring color type.
  • They can afford to do coloring, highlighting or dye their hair completely in a sun-like color
  • Cold red tones should be avoided by spring beauties. They change their appearance for the worse - all the skin flaws immediately catch the eye, creating the impression of unkemptness

Spring beauty with blond hair

  • Most often, a spring woman is a natural blonde. The girl looks like an angel, so bright, light, sophisticated, very feminine
  • Extravagance and sharp contrast do not suit an aristocratic beauty at all. No ashy, cloudy, grayish shades. Only clean, fresh tones harmonize with her image.
  • Light hair at the ends looks very good, smoothly turning into light brown closer to the roots, but not large highlights - it looks unnatural and disrupts the integrity of the image

Spring clothing color type

The main task of the spring woman is not to spoil the beauty that nature has so generously endowed her with. It is important to choose the right basic wardrobe so that it emphasizes the ease, purity and brightness of the image.

The spring girl is all tenderness and grace. Many decorative elements, large prints, the pretentiousness of the East, the complexity of the image - all this is not for her. Clothes worn in the same style look exquisite on her. color scheme, if there is a print, then it is small and not conspicuous.

Spring is the expectation of something new, the awakening of new vitality, special energy. All the features inherent in the spring color type are conveyed through shapes, lines and color. A spring woman's wardrobe is dominated by:

  • two principles - feminine and masculine
  • triangular silhouette
  • broken lines
  • warm colors
  • fabrics are light and shiny
  • combination of 3 or more shades
  • simplicity of styles without pretentiousness and frills
  • mandatory presence of accessories

Clothes made of light cotton and linen, suede and velvet, as well as knitwear look organic on spring girls. The fabrics are mostly plain, and if there is a pattern, it is small.

The sporty-classic style, diluted with feminine details, suits the spring color type perfectly. And the romantic style, characterized by the presence of ruffles, lace, extravagance, ostentatious luxury - this is for representatives of other types.

  • A strict light brown or beige suit is quite appropriate for office wear.
  • A good option for relaxation is shirts, loose blouses combined with a straight skirt, jeans
  • Evening outfit - simple-style dresses or an expensive silk blouse with a floor-length skirt or evening-cut trousers

Colors for the spring color type

The basic shades for the spring color type are light neutral shades: apricot, baked milk, cream.

  • When choosing the top of an outfit, you should focus on the color of your hair: the lighter it is, the lighter the item will harmonize with it. That's why good choice blouses will become light yellow, caramel, peach
  • As for hats and scarves, they are also chosen according to this principle. If you want to create some bright accent, then it’s better to choose a bright scarf or hat. Absolutely avoid dark brown and black colors. As an exception, only bags and shoes can be black
  • Accessories and jewelry should emphasize the sophistication and grace of the spring look. A good solution is a string of pearls, but only with a creamy tint. Large jewelry is unlikely to be suitable, but a modest, discreet gold ring with a diamond paired with an elegant pendant, jewelry with floral patterns will harmoniously complement the outfit

Color type spring makeup

The spring woman captivates with her naturalness, so her makeup should be gentle and airy.

Foundation works well as a base. peach shade or ivory. White, cold pink, lilac tones are undesirable - they will make the face dull.

Powder is also selected in warm colors. If the skin is light - light beige, and for tanned skin - bronze.
When choosing blush, it is better to focus on delicate transparent shades:

  • salmon
  • peach
  • light coral
  • apricot

As for lip liner, there is no need for distinct contours. Therefore, instead of lipstick, it is better to use gloss of the following colors:

  • golden
  • red coral
  • light pink
  • pink beige
  • apricot
  • light coral
  • scarlet with a golden tint

The beautiful, gentle eyes of a spring woman are emphasized by shadows:

  • transparent aquamarine
  • turquoise
  • dark olive
  • bronze
  • lemon
  • lavender
  • amber
  • bronze
  • sand

Spring color type suitable colors

Summarizing all of the above about the color scheme for the spring type, we can say that this is a warm category in green undertones and low contrast.

A transparent golden palette suits many of them. They should choose colors:

  • coral
  • golden brown
  • peach
  • sea ​​wave
  • yellow-green

And besides, it is better to replace white with a shade of ivory, and black with golden brown.

Spring color type examples

Vivid examples of the spring color type are such celebrities as Nicole Kidman, Cameron Diaz, Jodie Foster, Kate Hudson, Christina Aguilera, Julia Roberts, Anna Kournikova, Valeria, Svetlana Khodchenkova.

Anna Kournikova

Nicole Kidman

Jodie Foster

Cameron Diaz

Kate Hudson

Svetlana Hodchenkova

Looking at these photos, you can see that they are all united by natural tenderness, graceful weightlessness, and fragility.

The division into color types is conditional. It happens that different experts classify a woman as different types, since there are no clear boundaries between them. Therefore, when choosing clothes and makeup, focus on your figure, skin color, eyes, hair, and age. This is the only way to create a harmonious image.