Makeup for blue-gray eyes and dark hair step by step. Makeup for blue eyes

The main decoration of a woman’s face is her eyes. Blue-eyed women are gentle and feminine, they have a soft charm. Makeup for blue eyes for such women it should attract attention, make the shape more expressive and enhance the color.

Ideal palette

So, for makeup, it is better not to choose eyeshadow colors that match your eye color. In this case, only a large colored spot can be seen on the face.

Eye color can be highlighted with contrasting (complementary) colors. The secondary (additional) color for blue is Orange color, which in turn can be obtained by mixing yellow and red colors. For this reason, eyeshadows containing any of these colors make the eyes appear brighter, more expressive and bluer.

Makeup for blue eyes emphasizes the color of the eyes if you use the following colors: golden, peach, copper, mauve, plum and neutrals (taupe and dark gray).

Blue eye color can be cold or warm shade. If the eyes have a cool tint, the woman can be classified as a summer color type. In this case, for eye makeup you need to choose cool colors (red - purple, for example). Perfectly emphasizes the dignity of a woman’s face with summer type makeup blue-pink tones. When choosing the color of eye shadow for makeup, be sure to take into account the color of your hair. For example, if a woman with blue eyes has blue-black hair, not a warm orange color will suit her, but a cool color scheme. Blue-eyed representatives of the warm spring type will be decorated with makeup in warm colors.

Everyday makeup for blue eyes

  1. Apply light gray shadows to the upper eyelid, very close to the border of the eyelashes
  2. We cover the crease of the eyelid with matte dark blue shadows in the shape of an arc, which we then carefully shade in the direction of the temple
  3. Shade pale pink eyeshadow on the upper eyelid under the eyebrows
  4. Apply the same dark blue shadow in a thin stripe to the outer corner of the lower eyelid up to the middle of the eye.
  5. Using an eyeliner or pencil, draw a black or dark gray line on the upper eyelid. We apply it at the very edge of the eyelashes, very thinly, clearly and beautifully, ending with a “tail” at the outer corner of the eye
  6. To emphasize the expressiveness of the eyes when applying makeup, apply black mascara to the eyelashes from the lash line upwards
  7. Apply pale pink lipstick to the lips using a brush.
  8. To refresh your makeup, choose pink blush with a lilac tint.

Evening makeup for blue eyes

  1. We emphasize the eyebrows with a light brown pencil or cool gray shadows
  2. For all upper eyelid Apply blue matte shadows to eyebrow level. When applying makeup, the shade of the eyeshadow color should match the color of the iris of the eye.
  3. Cover the entire outer part of the moving eyelid to the middle with shadows of blue color and carefully shade them
  4. Apply light gray shadows to the space under the eyebrow and shade lightly
  5. Apply the same blue shadows along the entire contour of the lower eyelid in the form of a thin strip.
  6. The contour of the eye is emphasized with a dark gray pencil: the upper eyelid is slightly away from the inner corner, and the lower eyelid is from the middle of the eye.
  7. Coloring
  8. Lightly emphasize the cheekbones with a light brown blush with a slight pink tint
  9. We decorate the lips with pale brown-brown lipstick. Pink colour

Evening makeup for gray-blue eyes

  1. Lightly highlight the shape of the eyebrows using a light brown pencil
  2. Completely highlight the upper eyelid using light pink shadows
  3. We shade the moving eyelid with light lilac shadows. Smoothly increasing the color intensity towards the outer corner of the eye
  4. We emphasize the lower eyelid with a violet pencil
  5. Above the outer corner of the eye, shade purple shadows in the shape of a triangle, stretched towards the temples
  6. Eyelashes painted with dark blue mascara

Business makeup for blue-gray eyes

  1. Apply flesh-colored shadows to the upper eyelids from eyelashes to eyebrows.
  2. We highlight the inner corners of the eyes and the space under the eyebrow with shadows of the color “ White sand» with mother of pearl
  3. We outline the outline of the eye with a silver pencil - blue color
  4. Tint eyelashes with dark brown mascara

Owners of sky blue eyes are incredibly lucky - their appearance reflects tenderness, femininity and lightness. Blue and blue shades of eyes amazingly combine innocence and mystery. Blue-eyed women have an amazing, subtle charm, regardless of whether their appearance is typically Slavic, or has a clear contrast with sizzling black hair and eyebrows.

The blue shade of the iris is a favorite among makeup artists and stylists. Almost all colors of eye shadow and lipstick are suitable for such girls, and Everyday life It is enough for them to emphasize their advantages in order to look charming. Natural make-up includes three basic rules: moderation, emphasizing advantageous facial features and hiding flaws.

  1. Even tone

    What good makeup can there be without a thoroughly even and uniform skin tone? If you are the happy owner of a naturally porcelain face, you will not need foundation creams and mousses. It is possible to use loose mineral powder to match the skin tone.

    If there are still imperfections and defects on your face, try to carefully disguise them with a special corrector, and then apply foundation. When choosing it, choose a light texture. Then the cream will look as natural as possible and will not give your face an unaesthetic, greasy shine. Apply the foundation using a special swab. This way, you will avoid spots and streaks that can appear when applying foundation with your fingers.

  2. Getting rid of shortcomings

    Before applying makeup, make sure that there are no bags or bruises under your eyes. Ice cubes from chamomile infusion, green or black tea, as well as pieces of raw potatoes, which should be applied under the eyes for 10-15 minutes.

  3. Moderation

    The main rule regarding everyday makeup for blue eyes is the absence of too bright, flashy shades. Try not to use daytime coal-black pencils for creating arrows, choose neutral shades of lipstick and eye shadow. Give preference to cream, sand, coffee, gray, peach and vanilla base shades. Use matte shadows, since particles that are too shiny in the daytime are considered bad manners.

    If you are the owner light skin, highlight your cheekbones with a light pinkish blush. For dark-skinned girls, peach and bronze shades are suitable. It is best to use gloss or lipstick in beige and pinkish tones.

  4. Arrows

    Drawn arrows are suitable for the eyes, but you should not get too carried away so as not to pass for a famous Egyptian queen. Especially useful is a thin arrow running along the growth of eyelashes. To create arrows, both liquid eyeliner and soft pencil. But there is one “but” - try to exclude rich black color. Blue eyes with such edging often become faded, and sometimes acquire sickly look. Suitable color wet asphalt, chocolate shades, gray-blue and blue-green tones of pencils and liners.

  5. Smokey eyes

    Some girls prefer this makeup even during the daytime, according to their general style. The technique is quite acceptable if it is performed in more muted tones. The classic smokey eye involves the use of black and rich gray shadows throughout the entire eyelid. For its daytime version, it is better to choose light smoky shades, creamy coffee and gray tones medium intensity. You can complement your makeup with arrows. If you like wider arrows, try to blend the edges carefully so as not to create too obvious a contrast.

  6. Rules for applying mascara

    Any mascara looks amazing on those with blue eyes. This is an indigo shade, and a chocolate tone, and purple. For daytime makeup, it is recommended to give preference to brown, cool gray and smoky tones. It is advisable not to use too rich black mascara. After applying it, separate the eyelashes using a toothpick or needle, doing this with extreme caution. This way you will avoid the appearance of lumps between the eyelashes and the “spider legs” effect.

  7. Correct framing

    Thick eyebrows of the correct shape have been in trend for several years now. And this is not a fashion trend at all: it is the emphasis on the eyebrows that allows you to look stunning even without makeup on your eyes. And if you already apply shadow and pencil to your eyelids, you just need to make sure that your eyebrows do not remain pale even with thorough makeup.

    Special shadows shaded with a medium-width brush look most natural on the eyebrows. You should choose a hard eyebrow pencil so that they do not appear too dark and vulgar. Opt for taupe, smoky and brandy shades, depending on your natural hair and eyelash color.

  8. The finishing touch

    As the brilliant Marilyn Monroe said, “Two things should be beautiful in a girl - her eyes and her lips. A woman can fall in love with her eyes, and with her lips she can prove that she loves.” Therefore, when you achieve the perfect everyday makeup for blue eyes, don’t forget about your lips. A natural-toned contour pencil will help add volume to thin lips. Apply peach, beige, coral or soft pink lipstick. You can simply add seductiveness to your lips with transparent gloss. If you are going to a special event or are dressed especially elegantly, wearing red or other bright lipstick is acceptable.

By creating natural makeup, you create a whole image for yourself and business card. Show your imagination, improvisation and creativity! Look for what suits you, complement the image. And soon those around you will admire your natural beauty and charm.