Rectangular forehead in men. Flattened upper eyelids

The first zone in the Chinese art of face reading is considered the celestial region. It reflects a person’s intelligence, his ability for logical thinking as a divine gift. How an individual uses this gift will determine his future fate.

The second zone is the human region. Here life leaves its traces, that is, interpreters can see what a person has acquired as a result of upbringing and experience, what morals he has learned.

The third zone is the earth region. It reflects intuition acquired through experience. From these zones, information can be obtained for different periods of life: the celestial region represents 30 years, the human region the period between 30 and 60 years, and the terrestrial region the last phase of life.

After 30 years, as a rule, the first wrinkles appear. They are also important signs. For example, according to Chinese interpretation, two or three horizontal wrinkles on the forehead are indicators of happiness. A single wrinkle located quite high indicates a habit of mental work. The fold below is interpreted as a sign of limited mental activity.

But even more important is the overall balance of these zones. They can be smooth and even or well defined and convex. The ideal shape of the forehead is said to be smooth, evenly convex in all three zones, and also high and wide. Such a forehead indicates an excellent state of body and spirit, and this is already a considerable capital.

Along with individual forehead shapes, below are the most characteristic hairline shapes, as this line affects the shape of the forehead. Siang Ming points out the endless options for hairlines. Let's look at the most common options.

Broad forehead

A wide forehead indicates high intelligence. A person who has it can calmly open his forehead. His sharp mind is always ready to adequately respond to a challenge.

People with broad foreheads have ideals and, as a rule, have spiritual capital. These are fighters for their own and others' rights. They know how to quickly adapt to any new situation. If they need to get to the bottom of the truth, they develop wild energy and are not afraid of failure. However, even in the heat of excitement, they do not forget about the good manners that they were taught.

A wide forehead with a low hairline is worthy of special study. In this case, we have before us a theorist who is only in exceptional cases able to use his knowledge for practical purposes. In extreme situations, this person may become confused and appear lazy, unenergetic, and even stupid. Sometimes such people completely lack any idea of ​​justice.

The family becomes a yoke for them, as it requires spiritual and financial support. Demands that seem unfair to them often make them embittered. Perhaps the reason for this lies in the imbalance of such a person, the negative impression of which is enhanced by the painful distrust inherent in this type of person.

It's even worse when a low hairline is combined with a wide but low forehead. Then insensitivity and greed are often added to the already mentioned negative signs.

However, do not think that everyone with a low hairline is destined for a sad fate. Among them there are many people who gravitate toward practical activities. Possessing innate dexterity in the craft, they can gain a strong position in life.

Narrow forehead

According to Siang Ming, this forehead shape indicates extremely unfavorable personality traits. A narrow forehead indicates limitations and pessimism. It seems that the tendency towards chaos in thoughts and emotions is inherent in this stupid person from the cradle.

He is not able to think logically, so he commits imprudent actions. Such people, of course, themselves suffer from their own character. The situation changes dramatically if the forehead tapers upward and there is a high hairline. In this case, the personality has a mind that is hidden under the ovoid shape of the skull. Such people are helped out in life by humor and charm.

In the most favorable case, such a forehead has a high hairline. It feels smooth and well sculpted. Looking at a person with such a forehead, one can, as a rule, draw a conclusion about his high intelligence, ability to carefully analyze everything and act decisively. Behind this thinker's forehead often hides an extraordinary mind. This forehead shape can be observed in scientists.

People with such a forehead tend to make decisions only after mature reflection. Their ability to ignore unimportant things allows them to almost always make the only right decision. People with high foreheads sometimes seem eccentric at times, but they are distinguished by their responsiveness and great tolerance towards their loved ones.

A low forehead indicates the joyless years of childhood and adolescence. It is important for these people to realize as early as possible that they should not rely on others for help. They tend to be conservative and blindly adhere to traditions. Therefore, it is difficult for them to accept new things. People with this type of forehead avoid talking about their feelings, so very often they communicate them in writing. Positive qualities of this type of personality include unpretentiousness and the ability to choose the best from given conditions, taking into account one’s capabilities. A sense of reality saves them from deep disappointments.

Flat or concave forehead

People with flat foreheads have difficulty making decisions. But these slow-moving natures nevertheless tend to get involved in independent business, which carries a high degree of risk. They don't get along well with their superiors. Their constant struggle for their rights and tendency to interfere in everything often turns them into lone fighters.

In addition, people with flat or concave foreheads have very unstable ideas about morality. These negative qualities do not allow flat-headed people to be considered particularly worthy of love.

Gifted with creative imagination, they often put their ideas into practice. In this case, they are guaranteed success.

Smooth or rounded forehead

Chinese interpreters consider a smooth or rounded forehead to be the most favorable shape. People with such a forehead are distinguished by clear thinking, intelligence and the ability to take decisive action. They have a special talent of always being in the right place at the right time. This is a fairly flexible character, able to adapt without wasting itself on unacceptable compromises. However, these people can be blinded by their own splendor, which gives them a certain arrogance.

Both in their personal life and in their work, they should not silently endure failures. They can be confident in the support of friends and family.

Thanks to their flexible character, they are open to everything new, so success is guaranteed to them. One more point - these people do not tend to rest on their laurels.

Arched hairline on forehead

An arched hairline allows us to conclude that there is a combination of excellent qualities. A characteristic feature of such a person is his focus exclusively on the economy. Thanks to his analytical skills and strong morals, he often occupies leadership positions in the field of economics. People with an arched hairline are often famous (sometimes notorious). Mostly they succeed. However, they are usually indifferent to it, or at least pretend to be, because they strive to pick up new ideas. Their calm nature allows them to show respect and goodwill towards loved ones and subordinates.

This applies to both men and women. Women with this forehead shape can also be found in leadership positions. They also show a clear tendency towards professional independence.

V-shaped hairline on forehead

Loyalty to traditions, dexterity, instinct, determined by heredity, dominate the V-shaped hairline in a person’s character. Thanks to the tradition of their upbringing, they easily fit into the hierarchical structure of society, which allows them to achieve authority in some areas of life and profession.

A person with such a character can easily squander money because he is fickle and does several things at once.

Women with this forehead shape find it most difficult to harmonize their goals and feelings. Maybe that's why they almost always conflict at work. Without a doubt, men and women have great eroticism and sensuality. The fluids of passion emanating from them make us assume certain qualities in them in this regard.

Men with a V-shaped hairline are often somewhat flirtatious, which in no way diminishes their inner masculinity.

According to Siang Ming, the first two years of marriage for this type of woman can be like a horror movie. They are brought up in a traditional way, but the role of a wife does not satisfy them when it comes down to it. If this period is overcome without serious mental loss, then the connection becomes especially strong.

M-shaped hairline on forehead

In leadership positions, people with this forehead shape are found in extremely rare cases. They realize their abilities, as a rule, in creativity. If these people make a career in art, becoming actors, sculptors or writers, then they owe their success to their sharp mind and penchant for philosophy.

Moreover, their sensual, gentle and soft nature makes them excellent lovers.

Three-arched forehead hairline shape

This hairline shape is not very common. Maybe this is for the best, since Chinese interpreters attribute unfavorable prognoses to the owners of such a forehead. People with a three-arched hairline require great effort and iron discipline towards themselves to achieve at least satisfactory success. There is also a possibility of health deterioration after 30 years of age due to the need to earn a living through hard physical labor.

Rectangular hairline shape on forehead

This type of hairline occurs predominantly in men, but is extremely rare in women.

This character is characterized by reliability and thoroughness, as well as great affection for his family.

At work, he instinctively prefers to follow instructions punctually. By nature a performer, he rarely makes a career. If this happens against expectation, then in his soul he is always waiting for encouragement. For such people it is very important to see recognition of their merits, otherwise their energy easily turns into depression. People with a rectangular hairline should heed the ancient Chinese advice: change your hairstyle and then your fate will change for the better.

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The shape and contour of the forehead can say a lot about a person. By studying the science of physiognomy, you can learn to “read” a person’s face. Let's see what the shape of the forehead says about a person.

Shape 1. Wide forehead

A wide forehead is a sign of intelligence. these people are deep thinkers. They are noble people with high hopes. They tend to be self-confident and have strong mental abilities, which makes them strong at strategic thinking. They are persistent. They can also be hidden or discreet.

Shape 2. Narrow forehead

People with small foreheads have deep feelings. They are intuitive and creative. They listen more to their hearts than to their minds. They often prefer to spend time alone.

Shape 3. Straight forehead

These people are intelligent. They are honest and sincere. These people can also be very dedicated to their work. They are committed to their ideals and tend to resist any changes.

Shape 4. Curved forehead

People with round or curved foreheads are bright and friendly. They are usually the life of the party. They radiate happiness around them.

Shape 5. M-shaped forehead

This forehead forms, as it were, two arches in the shape of the letter M, which is a sign of vivid imagination. These people are dreamers. Many of these people are representatives of the arts.

Shape 6. Mountain Shape

This kind of forehead happens to gentle and kind people. These people are sociable and love to work in a team. They do not take on leadership roles per se, but they are not shy. They know what they want and they know how to achieve it because they are confident in themselves.

Shape 7. Forehead with pointed ends

People are stubborn, but persistent, they are not easily swayed; they are a little rebellious and do not shy away from their aspirations.

In a detailed analysis of the human face, three completely different areas can be identified, which, in turn, correlate with three different aspects of personality: top part, or the section to which the forehead corresponds, middle part, or the section to which the eyes and nose belong, Bottom part, or the section that includes the mouth and chin.

By “reading” each of these parts separately, as well as their entire complex as a whole, you can obtain a large amount of information about a specific person. Of course, the ideal would be a harmonious relationship between the three departments, in which no one part dominates the others. This would serve as an indication of the instinctive-emotional-intellectual balance of the personality, which is certainly preferable everywhere and always. However, such an ideal situation rarely occurs. Usually one of the facial sections dominates over the others. This in itself is also not a disadvantage; in fact, the development or dominance of any of these sections means that this particular psychological property is particularly emphasized in the character of the individual, and if one of the sections is only slightly highlighted in comparison with the other two, then in the daily life of a person this fact may even manifest itself as positive.

In general, the following is certain: the only thing that can have a truly negative impact on the character and life of a person is the fact that one of these parts turns out to be too small in comparison with the rest, since this is a sign that the corresponding personality aspect in this individual not naturally developed. In such cases, people interested in their own self-improvement must make some additional efforts to compensate for this lack of their personality. For example, a person with a square face, whose central part is overdeveloped while the forehead is too narrow, should pay special attention to the thinking aspect of his life, since personality flaws may manifest themselves mainly in this area.

Intellectual aspect: forehead

Broad forehead occupying approximately a third of the face is a sign of good memory, intelligence and ambition of the individual. In this case, we are talking about people with a clear life goal and great abilities for analytical thinking, as well as a desire to acquire new knowledge and skills. It is not surprising that people whose foreheads correspond to these characteristics will have the qualities of a leader, since they are not only endowed with the talent to correctly interpret the facts of the surrounding reality, but also know how to relate them both to the aspirations of others and to their own aspirations. Great analytical abilities and the gift of grasping new things, the ability to manage one’s own feelings and emotions - all this can manifest itself positively in any professional field.

Low forehead occupying a small space relative to the rest of the face, as well as hair growth very close to the eyebrows - all these are considered signs of a person who is not prone to theoretical reflections. They say about such people that they can only be convinced by facts. Sometimes we are talking about pragmatic people who prefer not to let their thoughts run wild, but to go ahead towards their goal. However, they are at the same time capable of radiating personal charm in their interactions with other people, although sometimes their overly practical nature makes them show themselves as selfish and selfish.

Emotions and feelings

The part of the face that is located between the forehead and mouth reflects a person’s emotions and feelings. If, in general, it is the zone of the body in which the expressive capabilities of a person are most clearly concentrated, then this particular facial region, correlated with emotions and feelings, has the greatest potential for transmitting any type of message. The combinations of facial gestures that can be performed with the help of eyebrows, eyes, nose, cheeks and cheekbones are characterized by endless variety and richness, and the number of shades of emotions, feelings or states of mind that can be conveyed with their help is also great. Life constantly models a person’s personality, adding new factors to hereditary factors - those that are introduced with a person’s experience, his achievements, failures, joys and sorrows, as well as with his conscious work on himself.

Thus, about a person who has reached mature age, they say that he has the face that he deserves, or, rather, the one that he was able to “sculpt” for himself. Laughter, joy, sadness, anxiety, loneliness, anxiety, pleasure - each of these states leaves its mark on the structure of the facial muscles, giving a new shape to the face, its cheeks and cheekbones over the years, until eventually these “hardened” features begin to dominate over hereditary ones.

Eyes and eyebrows

Eyes - This is the most expressive resource of non-verbal communication available to a person. Without uttering a single word, you can express a lot with just one look - from “I love you” to “I need help.”

The size of the eyes can immediately give certain information about a person. In general, it is argued that among the owners big eyes Most often, individuals are ardent, selfless, independent rebels, while people with with small eyes They are rather prudent and prefer to carefully weigh the current circumstances before choosing any option.

Man with bulging eyes shows excessive interest in the outside world, while the person with deep-set eyes more inclined to show interest in the inner world of the interlocutor. Wide-set eyes convey the detachment and coldness of their owner, and close set suggest both a certain timidity and a tendency to fixate on details.

Eye contact is one of the most subtle forms of communication that can be established between two people. It can be seen as a more effective means of expressing and exchanging feelings than verbal contact, since making visual contact with a person is almost the same as touching him with your hand. For example, when the eyes of a man and a woman meet, ecstatic excitement may arise to such a degree that its currents seem to run throughout the body. There are eyes wide open, they read an invitation, and the look has a clear erotic connotation.

It is believed that if you look closely, you can see something in a person's eyes. This is the main reason why some people try to avoid eye contact: for one reason or another, they do not look at the interlocutor, because they fear that their eyes may lift some kind of veil and reveal their secret to another person. People who are nervous, timid or who have something to hide tend to shy away from establishing such contact and try to avoid direct gaze. However, many try to lower their eyes if the situation forces them to say something uncomfortable or unpleasant for the interlocutor.

No one focuses their eyes on another person all the time; their gaze usually moves from object to object. In general, we can say that people are divided into two categories: watching And listening.

Research conducted by specialists has shown that if someone has the gaze is often directed upward, this means that a person is engaged in visualizing a certain frame from the past, that is, as if reproducing it in his brain. This person is just one of those who watch. On the contrary, people usually looking away, reproduce something sound in memory, so they belong to the category of those who listen. A person's gaze fixed in the same direction for a significant period of time, suggests that the person is a visual thinker and may have a rich imagination. Such people tend to focus on the packaging of the gift, the appearance of the interlocutor, the clothes he is wearing, details of appearance and other details. Without a doubt, and in everything that concerns himself, the visualizer shows exactly the same meticulous attitude to detail. If, on the contrary, a person has the habit look at your interlocutor from under your brows, then he concentrates on information perceived through the ears rather than the eyes; This type of personality is distinguished by an excellent memory for conversations, sounds or songs. It is likely that he will also have a good sense of rhythm and show more interest in what the other person is saying than in how he looks.

Most people are convinced of the undeniable importance of the gaze, and, knowing this, they may try to control the expression of their eyes. Therefore, if you want to understand the true feelings or emotions of your interlocutor, you need to directly observe the pupils of his eyes when talking with him.
The pupils dilate or contract depending on the circumstances, and this happens completely involuntarily. Pupil reactions belong to the sphere of the autonomic nervous system, so a person is not able to consciously control his pupils.

In general terms it can be stated that the pupil enlarges in response to favorable stimuli and narrows in response to negative or less than pleasant information. That's why lovers' pupils dilate when they look into each other's eyes. The same thing happens to every person if he receives visual stimuli that are favorable for him, such as, for example, contemplating a beautiful sunset or the sight of appetizing food. It has been proven that when the pupils dilate, the size of the peripheral visual field increases, which surrounds the object located directly in the focus of our gaze. This fact could be explained by the fact that the eyes want to see as much as possible of what looks especially pleasant or attractive to them. There is documented evidence of how some women in past centuries used belladonna to dilate their pupils.

One of the signs that gives a person away is when, looking at something unpleasant, he brings his hand or one of his fingers to his eyes. In children this gesture is extremely visual.

Brows People with different facial shapes give a certain uniqueness to their personality. Everything matters here - the thickness of the eyebrows, their length, location, line drawing. Every detail gives the face individuality. From these details you can determine whether a person is friendly or more self-absorbed. Either way, eyebrows are an important component of body language. Eyebrows can be used to convey the most significant gestures.

Eyebrows raised up, are a very common facial gesture. This is often done consciously, with some specific intention, and sometimes involuntarily. The difference between voluntary and involuntary gestures is quite obvious. To the casual observer, the unconsciousness of a gesture is much less obvious than its intentionality. In most cases, this gesture means surprise or disapproval. The more emotion that goes into a given gesture, the more expressive the resulting facial expression is, and the more wrinkles ultimately appear on the forehead.

Some people only have the ability to lift one eyebrow. This gesture has a rather strange effect on the observer and can be used to convey emotions such as interest, surprise or disapproval.

Very often a person expressively raises his eyebrows for just a moment. This is a friendly signal that occurs spontaneously when visual contact is established with an acquaintance or with a person whom you would really like to meet. Usually this gesture is accompanied by a smile and is a kind of greeting or invitation to communicate.

Eyebrows go down. In most cases, this gesture means almost the same thing as frowning. It can also be conscious or instinctive, and the difference lies only in the degree of emphasis of the gesture. Lowered eyebrows are mainly a sign of anger or disapproval, although in some cases they express a state of deep thought. If a person is angry or disagrees with something, he usually lowers his eyebrows. This gesture is conscious and volitional; it is usually accompanied by a characteristic verbal expression, which clearly demonstrates the corresponding state of the person. However, if this is a sign of deep thoughtfulness, then in most cases the person demonstrating this gesture is not aware of this.

A high forehead in men in physiognomy has a meaning comparable in importance only to the shape of the nose and eyes (the main triangle).
The importance of the forehead is difficult to overestimate in physiognomy, as stated above. The legendary phrase meaning a developed and progressive personality is known to everyone: a high forehead. But is this how some experts interpret similar high forehead shapes? So, a high forehead and its meaning depending on the details. High forehead: standards

A high forehead is rare. In the full, anthropometric sense. The fact is that one way or another, a narrow forehead, a medium forehead, or their mixed forms are considered high. Height, physical development are almost not taken into account, and most importantly: it is not specified on what basis the forehead can be considered high.
High foreheads in men with small eyes

This is one of the cases when even professional physiognomy can make cruel and unforgivable mistakes. A very high forehead, an ordinary high forehead, but small eyes indicate that this is a mediocrely developed (if not completely retarded) person. There is no intelligence to be found here. There is strategy, there is aggression, there are commanding notes in the conversation and a clear hint of dominance. But there is definitely no special intelligence here, you can check it in practice. But what spoils this high forehead so terribly? Just small eyes? The answer will turn everything on its head if the owner of such a “ligament” on the face is below average height and thin. This is precisely the phenomenon of genius, when a real scientist can grow out of homeliness. And what does it say about stupidity and aggression with such eyes and forehead? Above average height, or average with a sporty figure. Here you can safely make a note for yourself: a person may well be unreliable, dangerous and predictable in an aggressive way. As you can see, even when stating an obvious fact in physiognomy, “if” or “if” is decisive. Always remember this.

High narrow forehead
This forehead is most often found in men with a dome-shaped skull (this is phrenology). This form suggests that a person may well be tough, calculating, and subject to emotional impulses. These include radical decisions and protests with raised arguments. In a word, an impulsive type. In other cases, we also noted secrecy and a penchant for technical sciences. Materialists, but they can create the impression of a temperamental and affectionate suitor, for which they invariably use dishonest methods: falsehood, feigned (okay, by the way) feelings, intrigue. The downside here is obvious, this is the complete lack of nobility of a real man.

Medium low forehead
This can also be mistaken for a high forehead, but pay attention to the geometry of the face: it is round. Such an average, low forehead speaks of a tendency to vices, first of all. A huge number of males with such traits are a typical example of a bachelor, but not by conviction. Due to vices and constant imaginary perfectionism. He loves to set fantastic goals for himself and confidently fail to achieve them over and over again. This is hampered by poor development, inconsistency, misanthropy and poor communication skills. If at times such a man is attacked by a fit of goodwill, then a significant part of his self-expression is still a negative assessment of everything and everyone, with or without reason. In general, high self-esteem, a tendency to vices, a patronizing tone in communication - a typical portrait of the owner of an average low forehead on a round face, even with sufficient width.

The forehead can tell about a person’s mental abilities, about his spiritual strength. An intelligent person's forehead should form a vertical angle close to a right angle with a line drawn horizontally through the ear opening. Ancient sculptors in most cases gave their gods such foreheads, which are rarely found in people. However, this did not spoil the beauty of the sculpture at all.

Judging by the shape of the forehead about the main character traits of a person is not always convenient or possible, because the expression of the forehead often depends on various circumstances, as well as on the mental state of the subject. It is most convenient to observe a person when he is calm and not excited by anything.

What does a forehead tell about a person?

  • A narrow and flat forehead with angular outlines means a person of a coarse mind, indicating firmness and inflexibility of character. Its owner is a narrow-minded subject and devoid of talents. He will remain an eternal undergrowth, no matter what care is taken to develop his abilities. In such a person, disobedience and stubbornness are developed to the extreme. Without showing open resistance, he will always hide it in his head. Carefree, heartless, cowardly, he is not distinguished by any positive virtues. This person has no chance of achieving a high position in life unless he decides to radically change his character. If stubbornness overcomes good intentions, all his life he will be under someone wiser guidance.
  • A high and rounded forehead indicates a lively and whimsical mind, an ardent and too strong imagination, originality, and absurdity. And finally, a fiery, cool and quirky character. Such a person always acts according to calculation; he is completely unfamiliar with any feelings of the heart. The forehead betrays a person capable of exact sciences. However, he will be unhappy in his personal life.
  • Oblong and oval foreheads belong to dreamy, idealistic and enthusiastic persons with a rich, ardent and poetic imagination. Individuals who act arbitrarily and under the power of inspiration. Gifted with intuition and insight, they comprehend everything with extreme ease, so they rather guess everything than study it. Extreme flexibility of mind helps them study a huge number of subjects and at the same time almost without teachers. A person with this type of forehead is likely to become a polyglot and have a brilliant career. In any case, his extraordinary abilities will manifest themselves in the best possible way.
  • A perpendicular forehead distinguishes a calm and slow person who overcomes obstacles with the help of patience and perseverance. It is difficult for such a person to predict a brilliant career as a researcher, but he will become an excellent owner, especially if he was born and lives in a rural area. Perhaps he will make a wonderful breeder in any field of agriculture.
  • How can you determine a person’s character based on their forehead if it is not too slanted back? Such a forehead indicates an impressionable character. Its owner is a person whose thoughts appear after action. Characterized by carelessness and spontaneity. Such a trait indicates a lively, unbridled imagination, a brilliant mind. In addition, a person with such a forehead has predominant artistic tastes. This is an actor from God. He should devote his life to the stage or cinema. Then his whole life will be a magnificent carnival in which he will be the king.
  • Foreheads sloping back, with sinuous outlines, indicate an original mind in which glimpses of genius are mixed with vague and incoherent thoughts. Such people have an ardent, chaotic and fiery imagination. Eccentric personalities, capable of captivating with the novelty of ideas and richness of images. The character is amazingly quirky and strange. This type of forehead most often predicts a career as a writer or philosopher. If a person begins to work on his abilities, he can achieve a lot in these areas. However, the desire for complete independence will make him an anarchist, an outsider living against the laws of society.
  • A person with a sloping forehead is distinguished by a belated and mediocre mind. Developing abilities requires a lot of time, work and outside help. The person has a great desire to learn, has a simple and pure soul, devoid of any guile, and a meek, gentle, sensitive character. The fate of a wonderful teacher of children awaits him. This subject is unlikely to become the leader of any movement or large organization.
  • A low forehead with straight lines and tilted forward indicates a callous, decisive, and extremely stubborn nature. This is a man without any imagination, insensitive, acting on calculation, full of evil will and contradicting everything. If certain qualities are present, such a subject can become the leader of a political party or, in the absence of such qualities, a criminal group. But one way or another, his evil determination will lead him to what he wants.
  • Foreheads inclined forward, rounded and convex at the top indicate great but vague abilities that give rise to the most strange and eccentric ideas and thoughts. Genius and madness collide and struggle in a similar forehead, the shape of which indicates a systematic and inventive mind, subordinating everything to mathematical formulas. This person passionately loves the most abstract and difficult problems, constantly thinks and avoids real life. This feature distinguishes artists, especially surrealists. In addition, this person can reach heights in the philosophical sciences.
  • Convex foreheads indicate very poor mental abilities, a heavy, dull and limited mind. The owner of such a forehead is careless, he lacks common sense, but he is endowed with extraordinary tenacity. To this we must also add a silent character, gloomy anger and the development of animal passions. Such a person is predisposed to crime and senseless cruelty. If he does not consciously fight his vices, he will turn into a maniac or a professional killer.
  • How can one determine a person’s character by his forehead if it is low and furrowed with deep wrinkles? Such foreheads belong to people with a hot, ardent and quick-tempered character. They are always unhappy and contradict everything. It is very difficult to agree with them on anything and live together, because they get angry for the most insignificant reasons. They are quarrelsome, petty, find fault with everything and always want to be right. Such individuals impose their will and opinions on others and cannot tolerate contradictions. Stubbornness and carelessness lead them to delusions and numerous mistakes. They have many enemies because they make people afraid of themselves. These people are very unhappy in their personal lives, especially in their relationships with children. An unyielding character can lead to an unsuccessful career.
  • A quadrangular forehead indicates good organizational and mental abilities, free from any eccentricity and acting under the influence of reason and common sense. A forehead like this indicates a mind that reasons and reflects before acting. Such a person is characterized by decisiveness and cold calculation. The individual has all the qualities of a wonderful leader in any field. He will achieve his goals, and thanks to his reliability, he will quickly rise through the ranks.
  • The forehead is very bony, convex in the middle, indicating a thoughtful character, good memory and great caution. A person with such a forehead is extremely stubborn, has logic and composure. This is an observant and calculating person who acts only after long reflection. The character is contemplative, focused and diplomatic. This person will have a career as a historian or literary critic.

What is meant by the phrase: the meaning is written on the forehead? A person's mental abilities, his attitude to the law, his sense of justice, and his ability to be a leader are judged by his forehead. A person with a good forehead easily comprehends science, has a developed imagination, and knows how to inspire self-respect.

How the shape of the forehead affects a person's character

Let's look at what types of forehead shapes there are and what human qualities they can tell us about, that is, let's look at the relationship between the shape of the forehead and a person's character.

  • The forehead is wide, high, with open corners, covered with straight, deep wrinkles that are not interrupted anywhere - a sign of great mental abilities and talent. Such people lead a mostly secluded life and are prone to contemplation and philosophical reflection. The longitudinal convexity in the upper part and prominent angles are a sign of a deep mind, a desire for everything sublime - this is the forehead of a genius. In addition, it also testifies to pride, good origin, self-control, refinement of taste and, in general, all those qualities thanks to which a person can be called the crown of creation.
  • A very large, round forehead, not covered with wrinkles, reveals a brave, even impudent person, and sometimes a confident liar. He always takes the side of the strong and neglects the weak. You will not find any depth of feelings and sincerity in such people.
  • A very high forehead with a long face and small chin belongs to a cruel, not kind person. Such people are prone to torture, if not people, then animals, and calmly contemplate their torment. They love strong sensations. In general, there is no way to pity such people; what evokes pity in others gives them pleasure.
  • A short and narrow forehead indicates a small mind, but great willpower, constancy in work and firmness in all circumstances of life. People with such foreheads are mostly secretive, careful in their expressions and prudent in spending money and time.
  • A flat forehead reveals stubbornness, cruelty and grumpiness; people with this kind of forehead do not tolerate objections even in cases where their injustice is quite obvious. They will object even when there is danger involved.
  • A large, beautiful forehead with barely noticeable wrinkles is characteristic of a person without his own ideas, vacuous, without personal beliefs, taste, and easily susceptible to the influence of others. This is a person dancing to someone else's tune.
  • A wide, high forehead, covered with deep wrinkles and sloping at the top, without open corners, indicates a love of solitude, daydreaming, melancholy, and sometimes a tendency towards insanity and suicide. In most cases, people with this type of forehead are obsessed with some kind of passion, secretly indulge in some kind of pleasure.
  • A forehead that is higher than wide, with open corners, and covered with longitudinal, uninterrupted wrinkles, occurs in dreamy people.
  • A very narrow, compressed, low forehead is a sign of love of work and homeliness.
  • A small forehead with prominent tubercles in its corners is a sign of great intelligence and organizational abilities, a penchant for everything mysterious and secret sciences.
  • The worst foreheads are those that have a noticeable depression across the entire width of the forehead. This is a sign of voluptuousness, perseverance, selfishness, hatred of science, art and a penchant for everything bad.
  • A strongly developed forehead does not say anything about a person’s morality and intelligence, but indicates authoritarianism, especially the upper part of the forehead.
  • The lower part of the forehead speaks of justice for oneself, and the upper part speaks of justice for others.
  • People with a more developed lower forehead (with strong brow ridges) seek justice only for themselves. They are individualists and highly focused on personal issues. This is typical for people born under the sign of Fire (Aries and Leo). They early get used to being dominant and imposing their opinions. If at the same time a person has threatening signs on his body, then he always justifies himself, even his most terrible actions, he does not obey the opinion of the majority, does not take into account any authorities (if he has a sloping forehead).
  • A strongly pronounced upper part of the forehead (convex, although the forehead itself can be of any size) is a sign of religious, authoritarian people, who are associated with the highest justice, even if false, sinister.
  • People with the upper sloping part of the forehead cannot humble their pride; for them, submitting to someone’s authority always comes first; they are often rebels and atheists.
  • In the absence of a hollow between the right and left sides of the brow ridges, vanity is highly developed in a person.

"Monkey" forehead

How to determine character by a person's forehead? This shape of the forehead, as shown in the figure, suggests that we have an energetic, cruel nature, prone to crime, replete with base instincts.

Wide, convex forehead at the corners

A forehead that is wide and convex at the corners, as shown in the figure, speaks of a rich imagination, often even a sick imagination.

Crescent forehead

The forehead indicates a narrow-minded person, prone to routine and moderation, with hidden shortcomings.

  • A forehead that extends far in width and height is a sign of great intelligence.
  • A forehead shaped like an overturned pyramid speaks of a melancholy-cunning nature, indicates a deceitful and stupid person, selfish, prone to debauchery.
  • A quadrangular forehead speaks of generosity.
  • A forehead that is too prominent speaks of an angry, narrow-minded, but practical person.
  • A forehead with convex musical bumps will reveal to us a musically gifted person with a rich inner world.
  • A narrow and low forehead, leaning back, speaks of a weak mind.
  • The forehead is steep, convex in the middle - a sign of a serious mind.
  • A straight and narrow forehead speaks of straightforwardness, kindness and narrow-mindedness.
  • A strongly developed forehead is a sign of an extensive mind and excellent powers of observation.
  • Too large a forehead is a bad sign. Such a forehead speaks of laziness and slowness of a person.
  • A forehead that is too flat indicates a soft disposition, and sometimes a narrow-mindedness.
  • The owner of a forehead that is too wide is a hot-tempered, quick-tempered person. It is very likely that arrogance is added to these qualities.
  • A forehead that is too small indicates a person’s mobility. But what is meant is physical dexterity and mobility, and not the spiritual strength of a person. A small, short forehead speaks of the dishonesty of its owner.

Now you know how to determine character from a person’s forehead.