What to draw with crayons on asphalt. "I draw on the asphalt..."

Perhaps the first and one of the most important rules– don’t neglect preparatory work and remember that all future masterpieces must first be created on paper. Firstly, this will greatly facilitate the process, and secondly, it will be much easier to correct errors. Before drawing on paper, think about where the light source will be. This is very important point, since it is depending on this that you will place the shadows of the object, which make it three-dimensional.

Beginners are advised to start with simple geometric bodies. For example, draw a square and a circle on paper, and then, using school knowledge about the projection of figures in a three-dimensional coordinate system, turn them into a cube and a ball.

Drawing shadows

Having decided on the location of the light source, you can begin to draw shadows. There are a few things you need to know here. First, when shading figures, you should move from dark side to light. If, according to the idea, the light should fall from the front, then the middle of the object should be left light, and the shading should be done towards the contours. Secondly, when drawing shadows that objects cast on the surface, you should remember that they should be on the side opposite to the light. For those who know how to work with Photoshop program, you can draw a picture with it.

Preparing to transfer the sketch to asphalt

A beautiful drawing on paper is only half the battle. To transfer a painting to asphalt, you should divide it with a grid into small squares of the same size, which will allow you to reproduce the image more accurately and accurately. Then you should prepare the place where you will work: thoroughly clean it of various small debris. In this case, it is best, of course, to choose flat areas. And remember that a three-dimensional drawing has an elongated shape, so you need to correctly calculate the required space. Drawings are usually done with crayons or spray paints. In the first case, the crayons must be rubbed to secure them, so in order not to damage the skin on your fingers, it is better to prepare plastic bags for this in advance.

Drawing on the asphalt

When transferring a drawing from paper to asphalt, you should be very careful and take your time, since it will be quite difficult to correct the mistake made. Those who want to achieve heights in creating three-dimensional paintings should look at the work process of artist Julian Beaver.

Famous British artist When creating his masterpieces, Julian Beaver uses a camera on a tripod, placing it at the very point where the picture comes to life. Using it, he checks every mark made.
But there are a few basic rules that should be followed. Firstly, when making a color drawing, it is advisable to select the background so that it is as close as possible to the color of the road surface. Secondly, in the process of creation three-dimensional picture you need to move from top to bottom. Thirdly, it is advisable to avoid smooth, clearly defined contours. Fourthly, it is better to work on days when there is no sun. And finally, you must always remember the point at which a simple drawing turns into a three-dimensional one, and focus on it.

The long-awaited summer has arrived. The sun is shining, it's warm outside. It’s difficult to sit in stuffy groups kindergarten. I just want to go outside as soon as possible, there are so many interesting things there!

During the summer period there are small changes in the teaching and learning process. In kindergarten, even in summer, the teacher needs to organize the physical activity of children. To become the leading activity - play activity. Children spend more time on fresh air. This period is very fruitful for children’s cognitive and research activities, and it is also conducive to creative, collective activity.

Summer is the most favorable period for working with children to familiarize themselves with nature (living and nonliving) and the world around them.

For many, summer since childhood means drawing with crayons on the asphalt. Nothing has changed in our time. Children are drawn to drawing with crayons on the asphalt. Most of the works - paintings on asphalt - are completed collectively. Moreover, the children begin to draw each of their own drawings. Already in the process of drawing, discussing each of their drawings among themselves, the children in the most interesting way it turns out one general plot. Asphalt for them at this moment becomes a large canvas for their creativity, the imagination of which has no end. This is wonderful, children's imagination has no limits.

In the process of drawing, they not only develop their Creative skills, but also develop their speech. It is very important. By talking to each other, they develop conversational speech. By agreeing and discussing drawings among themselves, children acquire the most important communication skills.

But as mentioned above, we must not forget about the physical activity of children. In addition to drawings and classics, there are many more exciting games, which you can play outside with crayons.

Playing with crayons outside gives more space for movement, this is important for children preschool age.

Games that use “crayons and asphalt” do not require any special training from the teacher, equipment or additional space. They can be organized where there is asphalt - on a group plot, on the paths of a kindergarten.

The number of children participating is unlimited; the rules provide for the simultaneous participation of all children in the game. There can be no losers here.

Games and exercises are multifunctional and have many variations. This gives room for creativity for the teacher and children. The same game can be played (organized) every day, but this must be done through different types motor activity. At the same time, use different, different designs that are not similar to those that have already been used in a particular game.

By changing the game situation, we add variety to the process, develop the physical qualities and skills of children: speed of reaction, dexterity, balance, coordination of movements, endurance, spatial orientation, eye.

Drawing with crayons on the asphalt, we activate mental activity, consolidate acquired knowledge, and expand children's horizons.

These games promote enrichment moral experience preschoolers. The teacher, organizing competitive activities, teaches children polite, attentive attitude to children on command, the ability to manage their behavior in a group of peers. The need to obey rules disciplines children, develops their intelligence and independence.

Our group's favorite games were:

“Finish it, try it”

The teacher draws some detail: for example, a circle. Another participant, a child, can finish drawing anything. It is not at all necessary that it will turn out to be a flower. It can turn out to be the sun, or a clock, or anything else. Children's imagination has no limits! This sometimes happens very unusual, something that an adult would never think about or guess.

"Drawing a silhouette"

On a sunny day, you can watch the sun with your children, how it moves during the day (morning-afternoon-evening), how the shadows fall from various items. For example, shadow from the branches of a tree or bush, etc. Let the children draw the shadows of the trees. It's very entertaining. It turns out to be the most extraordinary forest – special.

We drew a lot with the children with crayons on the asphalt. There have been various observations of natural phenomena, for example, over the rainbow. The result of these observations was a large rainbow on the asphalt. There were many free topics for drawing, then the most unusual works– drawings. When parents came to pick up their children in the evening, they were amazed at their child’s creativity. Many found it hard to believe that their child could do such a thing. At these moments, surprise was visible in the eyes of the parents, and pride in the eyes of the children. It costs a lot. It is important for every child to know that he is loved, that his parents are proud of him and praise him.

Draw, create with your children, and you will learn a lot of interesting things about children's world.

We paint a rainbow

Drawings on a free theme

Many people ask me whether it is difficult to draw with crayons on asphalt. And if they don’t ask, they would still like to find out and try themselves as a Madonnari. This prompted me to write a step-by-step guide article that will help all beginners street artists. We will talk about the technique itself; unfortunately, I cannot give you the secrets of giving a picture volume. :)


  • Crayons. In stationery stores and specialized art departments you can buy school crayons, pastels and so-called sauces.
  • Plastic bags. Serve to protect fingers from abrasion.
  • Styrofoam. Designed for rubbing chalk on large areas.
  • Roulette
  • Marker
  • Reinforced Construction Adhesive Tape
  • Painting cord. Needed to draw straight lines. Sold in construction stores.
  • Brush. Needed to sweep asphalt. A regular shoe brush will do.
  • Foam sponge and water bottle. A damp sponge is great for erasing chalk and will be needed to correct mistakes; in addition, water is useful for washing your hands.
Preparing a sketch
First, you need to decide what you will paint on the asphalt. Will it be your original drawing or a copy of the painting? famous artist, for example Rafael Santi or Salvador Dali.
Sketch a sketch in Photoshop or on paper. If you decide to paint a reproduction of a painting by a famous artist, then you will need to find a high-quality photograph of the painting on the Internet. Print the image on a color printer or at your nearest photo printing salon in A4 format. Make several copies if you will be drawing not alone, but with friends.
To transfer the pattern onto the asphalt as accurately as possible, build an auxiliary mesh. To do this, draw photographs with the image on equal cells. You shouldn’t make it too small; a step of 1.5-2 cm will be enough. Number the columns and label the rows with letters, or vice versa.
To prevent your photos from becoming frayed or blown away by the wind outside, attach them to a tablet or a piece of thick cardboard.

Preparing the site for drawing
The first step is to sweep the area where you will paint from sand and leaves. After this, measure the area of ​​the future drawing, observing the proportions of the sides. Mark the four corners and connect them with straight lines using painter's cord or chalk and a ruler.
Apply reinforced construction tape along the edges. Peeling it off after the drawing is finished will give you nice, clear borders.
Using a tape measure and marker, line the tape under the auxiliary grid. Then use painter's cord to draw horizontal and vertical lines at the points.
Just like in the sketch, number and label the columns and rows with letters.

Creative process
Schematically sketch out the contours of the image, relying on auxiliary markings to maintain the correct proportions.
Begin to gradually paint over the contours with colored chalk and draw in the details, moving from top to bottom of the drawing.
To fix the chalk on the asphalt, rub it with your fingers. To avoid damaging your fingertips, wrap them in plastic. For larger areas, use a piece of foam.
The crayons mix well, which allows you to get various shades. If you make a mistake somewhere, you can wipe off the chalk with a damp sponge.
After the drawing is completed, remove the adhesive tape, thereby obtaining clear, even contours, and sign your work.

Dear readers and blog visitors, today we will show you our chalk drawings on the asphalt in the school yard. At home there is absolutely no time for crafts, but the children want to draw. It’s so good that there are multi-colored crayons in the world, with which you can also explore the world in a bright and interesting way.

Try wet chalk drawing with your children. You can always find a puddle on the street and dip the chalk in the water. I assure you that for children this will be no less curious and interesting than drawing itself. But you will have original drawings chalk on the asphalt, unlike others.

Grandchildren's chalk drawings on the asphalt

First, we invited them to continue drawing with chalk on the asphalt, to think of what could be made from circles or squares. Such an activity directly on the street awakens the imagination much faster than at home. Emir immediately continued drawing his favorite voracious caterpillar, and Vitya drew her head and made a cheerful face.

Then we continued to draw the house, the fence and shaded the last one with colored chalk. This exercise delighted the grandchildren and contributed to the development fine motor skills. So you can also come up with ideas in the fresh air different exercises and enjoy doing them.

Naturally, the boys spent most of their time drawing the car. Mom only drew an outline for them,

and then together with them we remembered what geometric figures The wheels, windows, and body of the car are similar. And, at the same time, all this was embodied in our drawings.

I bring to your attention a short video of our drawings with colored chalk on the street.

Tips for parents

1. It’s more practical to buy a couple of packs of crayons so that you can actually interesting place the creative process didn't stop because we ran out of a certain color of chalk.

2. For brighter colors, it is best to purchase wax crayons. In addition, the drawings last longer, because wax crayons are difficult to erase.

3. It is necessary to have wet wipes at hand to wipe the hands of young artists.

4. To eliminate mistakes in drawing outdoors, it is more convenient for children to use a wet rag instead of an eraser. There is no need to wet it too much, otherwise dirty stains will appear. A damp cloth perfectly erases unnecessary lines on the asphalt.

5. Draw with your children in the morning, while the sun is not too hot.

6.Don't worry if your child wants to draw with crayons right after it rains. Drawing with chalk on a damp surface is a pleasure. Try it yourself!

7. Young children should be given thick and long crayons so that they cannot hurt their hands, but for older preschoolers it is more convenient and useful to draw with a small piece of chalk. This way they make more precise movements and then get beautiful drawings chalk on the asphalt, which you can be proud of and admire.

Drawing with chalk on asphalt cannot be called just a fun activity on the street. Children have completely different sensations when drawing with chalk, not the same as with pencils. And they like the creative process itself, and not what comes out as a result. So give the kids some fun.

How to draw on asphalt with kids

Little children generally love it when their mother accepts Active participation V creative process, draws flowers, berries, houses, cars. And the kids run around joyfully and guess what is happening.

You can also invite the child to finish drawing after his mother. For example, mom drew a cloud and a sun. And let the kid himself add a few rays of the sun and dripping rain in the form of strokes.

You can draw a fly agaric mushroom and give your child crayons to color it. Emir especially likes to paint circles; he makes them the most successful and beautiful.

Children are very attracted to the process of tracing leaves or molds with crayons. After all, the results are real masterpieces, bright and beautiful silhouettes, which can also be painted inside at will.

Create together with your children, without really thinking about how to draw pictures on the asphalt with your kids. The children themselves will give you an idea and ask you to depict one thing or another. All you have to do is keep up with their requests. The main thing is to instill in young children a love of drawing, give them crayons and not be afraid that they will get dirty.

It's much safer than gaming. Let your child create at least a little on his own. Be close to him so that he doesn't get hurt on the asphalt, and then discuss his drawing with him. Our Emir mainly drew cars, and Vitya tried to draw classics with numbers, an aquarium with fish. They have a small aquarium in their apartment, so the grandson often remembers and already misses his little fish, so he draws them.

And then they played “classes” like boys, without the stones that the girls carefully feed. The boys frolicked with all their hearts, jumping on one leg, then in turn, then on two at once. Emir was able to use both legs more at once, but surprisingly, he performed turns and jumps back better than anyone else. This is great for developing coordination and balance in children.

And the boys also liked to run along the smooth sides of the square and say: “We are running around the square, here is the side, here is the corner, etc.” The movements helped me learn the shape of the figure and remember that a square has all the same sides. We played similar games with other figures too. Emir liked to spin around like a squirrel in a circle, but Vitya was more attracted to the trapeze. He imagined the roof and how he helped dad cover it.

And this is how Vitya drew the car with chalk on school yard, where we often go for walks with our children:

After asphalt drawings, they went to the school simulators, located very nearby. I will tell you about these activities of ours another time. So stay tuned and don't miss the next article. In it I will share with you our outdoor activities and games with chalk. No one will be bored. After all, summer is still in full swing.

If you liked our chalk drawings on asphalt, then click the buttons social networks, invite your friends to join us. Leave comments describing your summer games with chalk and share your impressions of the drawings you saw.


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The history of street painting dates back to the 16th century. Free artists traveling around Europe painted huge paintings of religious themes in city squares. They wrote their works using chalk, and most often depicted the Madonna, for which they received the nickname Madonnari. Simple people of that time were most often illiterate and could not read. And here visual information was extremely relevant for them. The process of drawing these works was accompanied by political commentary, moral lessons, parables and poems. This is widespread Street art acquired in the second half of the twentieth century in America and Europe. Since 1972, festivals dedicated to painting on asphalt have been held in Italy.

A little later, this tradition was adopted by the United States. One of the most spectacular and popular destinations art are 3D images depicting various optical illusions. For this purpose, a special image distortion technique was developed. It allows the observer to see a flat pattern from a certain point - three-dimensional and three-dimensional.

Madonnari's worldwide fame became possible thanks to the Internet. Great amount beautiful photos http://www.cresen.ru/ asphalt paintings amaze visitors popular internet portals with their realism, shockingness and diversity. This art direction reached Russia in 2008. One of the first 3D artists was Philip Kozlov. The Volgograd artist has already created more than 20 works. Among others, advertising work is especially popular and in demand. Being a bright and surreal type of painting, images on asphalt attract a large number of onlookers, both during the execution of the drawing and in its finished form. Market leaders such as Hitachi, Nokia, Sony, Citroen, DHL, Coca-Cola, Nike and IKEA could not help but take advantage of this. As paints contemporary artists use pastels and chalk. These drawings do not last long. But for large, full-scale drawings, paint is often used. Since the drawing process itself can take 5 or more days.

The realism of painting on asphalt can be so believable that people jump over painted obstacles or even try to bypass a painted pool or waterfall, not suspecting that this is just a figment of their imagination. To ensure that the concept is conveyed so flawlessly, artists use special cameras with wide-angle lenses. As the famous British 3D artist Julian Beaver comments on the process of creating an image, “The drawing process involves a lot of physical activity. You have to constantly run from the camera to the “canvas”. To make my work easier, I even have a special stool.”