Popular Internet memes. Roll Safe or Negro with a finger to his temple

12/16/2017 at 15:55 12/12/2018 at 15:38

At the end of the year it is customary to sum up the results. This time we did not make a selection by category, but tried to compile the most objective rating of popular memes. Our list is partly based on the results of research and, but this data reflects only the most misunderstood and, as a result, the most searched words and expressions in search engines.

Many memes have undeservedly remained out of attention. It may seem that some of them have already been forgotten, but this is not so. The real indicator of popularity is not the frequency of requests on the Internet, but the number of hits to specific memes in online creativity. Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to calculate, but it is quite obvious that all participants in our rating continue to circulate in the media space. And some even went offline and became truly popular. Memepedia presents: The 20 biggest memes of 2017.


A gray, shapeless creature with the head of an elephant seal captivated RuNet users at the very beginning of 2017. Originally created as the personification of a person sitting in a hospital queue, waiting for everything in the world.

The secret to the success of this meme is simple: it reflects a part of life that is understandable and familiar to absolutely everyone. People who are accustomed to living in anticipation recognize themselves in Zhdun and smile, looking at the cute, slightly clumsy creature.

Zhdun became not just a meme, but also a brand: in July, CD Land acquired the rights to use it in Russia and the CIS. And in October on VKontakte and Megafon for illegal use. It is still unknown how the proceedings ended.

The cook salts the meat

A charismatic chef from Turkey has won the hearts of Internet users with his elegant manner of salting meat. A video from his Instagram went viral around the world in January, and the chef’s signature gesture became a meme.

Realizing his popularity, Nusret began posting similar videos on Instagram. And in February, Leonardo DiCaprio came to his restaurant in Dubai. And Goekce also salted the meat for him.

On the bottom

The victory in the “Hype of the Year” nomination undoubtedly belongs to. Regular 17- summer girl from Ulyanovsk, who accused a guy of rape, appeared on air federal TV channels dozens of times. Now the guy is serving a sentence in a colony, and as a cameraman on Channel One, he sells advertising on social networks, continues to go to various TV shows and is preparing to become a singer.

After a series of broadcasts on Channel One, at the suggestion of Diana, he was born new meme. - this is not only a corporate gesture and a definition of the amount of drink, but also a telling indicator of the standard of living in the country.


Love Russian people blaming all troubles and problems on others led to the transformation of the image of the “universal enemy.” If previously Barack Obama was such a person, then in 2017 he was replaced by oppositionist Alexei Navalny. A meme with a distorted photograph of Vladimir Putin and an inscription appeared in the spring in one of the VKontakte public pages and instantly spread throughout the RuNet.

Very soon the phrase took on a life of its own and became part of oral speech. The meme started the fashion for erratics. And this year the format of distorted pictures with crazy inscriptions has developed into a whole genre.

The expression “blat Navelny” means the desire to shift responsibility for one’s mistakes onto someone else who frankly has nothing to do with the problem. And writing the surname of a presidential candidate with an “e” adds a significant amount of irony to the message, expresses disdain to him or just a desire to joke.

So damn

This meme is the most shining example about the popularity of the word “blat”. A bird with hands, which is still confused with a kiwi, appeared in May 2017 on VKontakte public pages, and then spread throughout the Russian-language Internet. The pose of the dissatisfied cashier that was seen in the picture simply suggested something conversational and everyday. And it became such a phrase.

The meme became an excellent reaction to everything incomprehensible and unpleasant. In some cases, he personifies expectation, but, unlike the humble Zhdun, this expectation is rather of a very irritable and impatient person.

Glowing Brain

Rapper Gnoyny (Glory to the CPSU) defeated Oksimiron himself in the battle and began to hype under the slogan “Antihype.” It's gotten to the point where an "underground" rapper sits on the jury music show on STS and with the king of pop Philip Kirkorov.

Agutin and the red button

Another bright meme of 2017. The violent emotions on the face and the musician’s sweeping gesture during the filming of the show “The Voice” were loved by netizens.

With approximately the same feeling and despair, we ourselves accept thoughtless or very complex solutions. It’s funny that Agutin himself didn’t really understand how popular the meme with him had become: “The main thing is that I don’t harm anyone, even, as I understand it, it’s the other way around,” Leonid commented.

"Balloon lovers"

At the beginning of June, the teenager released a video in which he very aggressively criticized people who are sure that the Earth is a ball, and called them “balloon lovers.” The guy relied on the flat Earth theory, popular in narrow circles. The video caused laughter among most viewers; they could not understand whether the teenager was joking or speaking seriously. The word “balloon lovers” went among the people and became a meme.

We would not have included Maxim in this selection if the hype around the flat Earth theory had not continued. In September American rapper decided to prove to the whole world that our planet is actually shaped like a plate. Even the appeals of the astronauts convinced him.

The Russian TV channel REN-TV, which on September 25 on this topic, also became the mouthpiece of flat Earth supporters, and users again remembered Maxim Ozherelyev.

The floor is lava

The children's game, familiar to residents of Russia and the CIS as “Keep your feet off the ground,” was transformed into a popular flash mob in 2017. At the instigation of British bloggers, the whole world began making videos in which people were asked to climb somewhere with their feet as quickly as possible, imagining that the floor or ground was boiling lava.

The photo with the jumping guy, who spreads his legs wide in the air, became the most popular personification of this challenge and turned into a meme. And later - according to a pattern already familiar to us - a separate phrase became a meme.


The word of the year for meme lovers was the mysterious one that came to Russia with the rapper. It comes from English slang from the rapper crowd esketit, which in turn means let’s get it (“let’s get it”, “let’s stir it up”). But as a meme, “eshkere” exists in RuNet with a different meaning.

Due to the fact that thousands of schoolchildren began to repeat Face, this word very quickly lost its original meaning and turned into a meaningless chant. Therefore, today “eshkere” is rather a sign of a narrow-minded mind. It is in this context that it most often appears in various memes.

Easy-easy, riltok, sync about it

Came into widespread use thanks to rappers. This time, two people distinguished themselves: Oksimiron, who said these words during the battle with Gnoiny, and Gnoiny himself, who began to repeat them after his opponent as trolling.

Unlike “eshkere”, these speech constructions have a clear meaning. For example, “easy-easy” is a translation from the English easy-easy (“whoa-whoa, take it easy”). "Riltok" - real talk ("in kind"). And “think about it” is translated as “think about it, think about it.”


One of the most controversial memes of 2017 was girls and boys called . In September, anonymous people from Dvacha drew attention to young girls with bright short hair and languid looks who love to go to exhibitions, read smart books and drink wine from bags.

The discussion of the phenomenon went beyond the image board; many saw such “vinishkas” among their friends. It has become common on social networks to ridicule their clothing style, pseudo-intellectual hobbies and arrogant tone of communication.

Some netizens, including people who received the title “vinishko,” do not agree that this is some kind of separate subculture- after all, the attributes named by dvachers are suitable for many modern young people.

 0 December 23, 2017, 19:45

Chef Nusret Gerce

This year, like the last, did not disappoint: there were jokes and memes on social networks great amount! Users never tire of practicing their wit and sarcasm, and we are happy to do so. We invite you to remember the most popular memes of 2017.

The look of a smart person

The meme in which a man puts his finger to his temple deserves to top the list of the most best memes 2017. The frame became popular at the beginning of this year: in a couple of months, the post with it collected more than 50 thousand retweets. This screenshot of British actor Keyode Ewumi from The Hood Documentary has become both the best and worst source of absurd but logical advice.

Cough cough

Vladimir Putin has long been a source of inspiration for creating memes. And the January press conference of the Russian President gave the Internet another joke:

In a nutshell about what Putin said today that was important: “Cough, cough.”

The fact is that during the entire four hours (more precisely, 3 hours 50 minutes) of communication with journalists, Putin coughed a lot and, according to many active users, social networks, didn’t say anything important or interesting.

Face recognition

Russia and the 2018 Olympics

One of the most discussed topics last month The IOC (International Olympic Committee) began to allow Russian athletes to the Olympics in Pyeongchang only under a neutral flag. But this will not break the Russian spirit. Russians are capable of self-irony - as proven by the memes that have appeared on the Internet.

Beyoncé and the waitress

Even something that seems ordinary, like dinner at a restaurant, takes on a big scale if you... This spring, the artist spent time in a restaurant, after which a photo appeared online of her ordering food from a waiter, holding a menu in her hands. The waiter who took the order was so emotional that he made the entire Internet laugh.

Desperate Agutin

A still frame from the “Voice” program on Channel One, in which one of the mentors, Leonid Agutin, swung his hand to hit the red button and quickly went viral. Users liked the facial expression so much that they immediately came up with funny captions for the photo.

Emotions for every day

— Lil Uzi Puzi Smoothie (@olenevva)

Photos from open sources

Memes on the Internet have become an integral part of us and our lives. And what memes are the most popular? You can find out about this by studying the TOP 10 memes of 2017.

1. Zhdun

The gray shapeless creature with the head of an elephant seal has captivated Runet users since the very beginning of 2017. The waiter, which was originally created as the personification of a person sitting in a hospital queue, became a symbol of waiting for everything in the world. Zhdun has become not just a meme, but a brand. In July, CD Land acquired the rights to use it in Russia and the CIS, and in October it sued VKontakte and Megafon for misuse of its brand. The outcome of the trial is not yet known.

2. The cook salts the meat

A charismatic chef from Turkey has won the hearts of Internet users with his elegant way of salting meat. A video from his Instagram went around the world in January, and the chef’s signature gesture became a famous meme.

3. “On the bottom”

The victory in the “hype of the year” category undoubtedly belongs to Diana Shurygina. An ordinary 17-year-old girl from Ulyanovsk, who accused a guy of rape, appeared on federal television channels more than a dozen times. Now the guy is serving his sentence in penal colony, and Shurygina married a Channel One operator. She also sells advertising on social networks and continues to attend various television shows. After a series of broadcasts on Channel One, at the suggestion of Diana, a new meme “on the bottom” was born.

4. Glowing Brain

The popularity of this meme is due to its simplicity. A collage with an image of a brain, where in each subsequent frame the brain becomes larger and begins to glow, began to be used in the West, but the trend quickly moved to the RuNet. Unlike many memes, this one did not have a peak in popularity. It popped up regularly on social media throughout the year.

5. African American with a finger to his temple

In 2017, this particular character can be called the most popular Western meme in Russia. Footage from a BBC series on how to avoid problems has become a favorite among internet jokers. The African-American smart guy gives logical but absolutely useless advice about situations where you won't be late if you stay at home.

6. “Let’s hype a little”

The Druzhko Show became a real breakthrough not only in the field of video blogging, but also in the approach to memes. The project on YouTube took off loudly in April, but could not maintain the bar until the end of the year. In the first episodes, presenter Sergei Druzhko talked about memes, parodied famous characters and even himself uttered phrases that quickly became popular among the people. This was the case with the expression “a little hype,” which became business card newly-minted video blogger. The word “hype” itself has become a part of the slang and has even become boring to many.

7. Red button and Leonid Agutin

Another bright meme of 2017. The violent emotions on the face and the musician’s sweeping gesture during the filming of the show “The Voice” were loved by network users. With approximately the same feeling and despair, people sometimes make rash or very difficult decisions. It’s funny that Agutin himself didn’t really understand how popular the meme with his participation had become.

8. Unfaithful guy

The characters of a seemingly ordinary series of stock photographs have gained worldwide fame. It all started with one photo: a guy walks with a girl down the street and looks around with enthusiasm when he sees another beauty. The photo became a striking meme on popular topic“me and my weaknesses.” This could have been the end of it, if not for thousands of other photos with the character. After the successful boost of the first image, people began to deliberately search for them in stock and turn them into memes. This is how the world's first meme series appeared, which has not ended yet.

9. Bazooka Hands

A student from Pyatigorsk, Kirill Tereshin, became famous only towards the end of the year. However, he can fully be called one of the main suppliers of memes. The guy pumped up his biceps to unimaginable sizes with the help of a homemade drug consisting mainly of fat. Many believe that Tereshin’s popularity will end on the operating table, and experiments with the drug can lead to tissue necrosis and even amputation of limbs.

10. “Easy-easy, reel talk”

Another phrase has come into widespread use thanks to rappers. This time two distinguished themselves: Gnoyny and Oksimiron. The latter uttered the phrase: “Eazy-izy, ril tok,” which means “easier, in kind.” And Gnoyny constantly repeated this phrase after his opponent as trolling.

© Igor Stavtsev/Collage/Ridus

Roll Safe or Negro with a finger to his temple

Negro with a finger to his temple (Roll Safe, You can`t fail it if you drop it, the Negro gives bad advice) - dark-skinned guy in black leather jacket and with a gold watch on his hand, he puts his finger to his temple, hinting at the thought process and the obviousness of the decision. Used to illustrate useless advice. The picture became popular after the release of the BBC series Hood Documentary, in which actor Kayode Ewumi played Reese Simpson, nicknamed Roll Safe.


Dorow is a meme with a white dog with a glass, accidentally caught in the frame. The dog looks through a glass of wine, causing its face to contort in a funny way. To show how funny the situation is, the author enlarged the image of the animal several times.


A photograph of musician Leonid Agutin emotionally pressing the red button, taken during the filming of the “Voice” program. According to users, the expressive expression on the singer’s face seems to say: “Yes, burn it all with a blue flame!”

This is how photography turned into a symbol of accepting difficult life decisions under the motto “In any unclear situation press the red button." In numerous memes, Agutin makes decisions about politics, religion, getting up early in the morning, love relationship and on many other issues.


SpongeBob- hero of the cartoon "SpongeBob" Square Pants" Stills from the cartoon are used to indicate the full range of emotions - from surprise and delight to horror and despair.


The word “bite” appeared as an abbreviation for the word “bite”, first it spread among anime fans, and then throughout the Internet. “Kus” has become synonymous with a kiss, feelings of sympathy and tenderness. The word “bite” is accompanied by pictures of cats, because everyone loves cats.

The sculpture of Zhdun became one of the first memes of 2017 - a strange gray creature similar to an elephant was created by the Dutch artist Margriet van Breefort. This beast is called Homunculus Loxodontus, and its purpose is to sit in line at a children's hospital, brightening up the wait for young patients.

Zhdun became extremely popular on the RuNet; even in the artist’s homeland, few people know about her sculpture. But the dark, expressive eyes of the homunculus captivated the Russians so much that he became the hero of many funny “photographs” and even appeared in the form of stickers on social networks.


Chef salting food

Turkish chef Nusret Gokce has become a meme because of his special way of salting meat. He became known online as Salt Bae after posting a video of himself cooking meat and theatrically sprinkling salt on it with a wave of his hand.

At the time of publication of the text, Gokce’s Instagram has almost 10 million subscribers - there he continues to post his photographs, as well as new videos with culinary delights and his signature manner of using salt.

The hero of this meme is actor Kayodi Ewumi, who stars in several popular British TV series. The photo that has become so popular is a frame from documentary film BBC called #HoodDocumentary.

Internet users decided that Ewumi’s finger to her temple, sly squint and half-smile are the perfect personification of an irrational solution to any problem and lack of critical thinking.

As a result, since the appearance of this meme in early 2017, Kayodi Ewumi has been giving universal advice for all occasions.


Unfaithful guy

The plot of the stock photo that has become extremely popular this year is quite simple - a guy walks down the street with his girlfriend and at the same time looks back at the other.

As a rule, this meme is played out as follows: the guy becomes the personification of a user who succumbs to temptation and prefers one object or phenomenon to another.

The author of the photo is Spanish photographer Antonio Guillem, who creates and sells stock photos. Unfortunately, he never managed to get rich from the meme - the originals of the photo were scattered all over the Internet, and no one was going to pay for its use.


This is a fiasco, bro.

A Shiba Inu dog named Steve became a Runet star in September 2017. In the video, her owner invites her to walk on a log through a canal of water, warning her not to fall.

“This will be a fiasco,” states the owner before Steve actually falls off the log. “This is a fiasco, bro!” - the owner shouts to him, not yet suspecting that this phrase will become a meme.

Indeed, such a remark can be used to respond to any troubles in life. Did the girl dump you? Not enough money? Has the last bus left? This is a fiasco, bro!

I have paws

Like any year, 2017 was rich in memes with cats, but the most important of them was “I can’t, I have paws.”

Its spread began with a photograph of a cat doctor who asks to open his first aid kit because he has paws. Since then, the phrase “I have paws” has come to mean unwillingness or inability to perform any action.

However, there are also those animals that work even despite anatomical features. In any case, this meme is almost a year old, and it is still relevant and actively used on the Internet.


Illuminated brain

The meme features four pictures of a gradually enlarging brain, with the last stage demonstrating the maximum level of “dumbness.” In the Russian-speaking segment of the Internet, the “luminous” brain was also used together with various variations male and female names.


Winona Ryder's emotions

This year's SAG Awards, which honor films and television series, went viral thanks to actress Winona Ryder's emotional outburst. During the awards show “Stranger Things,” actor David Harbor read a speech that made an indelible impression on Ryder: she grimaced extremely emotionally at every phrase of the speaker.

American Internet users immediately compared her reaction to the award with the everyday reaction of US residents to the election of Donald Trump and took a huge number of screenshots for all occasions. Winona Ryder's emotions were also immortalized as stickers on Telegram.

The floor is lava

Everyone remembers the game “the floor is lava,” but a memetic picture for it appeared only in 2017. It depicts a guy jumping in the splits, who is trying with all his might to avoid contact with the floor.

As a result, a new meme was born, “gender is X,” in which X is the obstacles and problems that the user is trying to avoid.

"Gazeta.Ru" When gender is capitalism

Bazooka hands

Kirill Tereshin burst into the memes of the year at the very end. It was shown on federal television due to unnatural big size biceps - the guy pumped them up with a synthetic drug, common among athletes who are trying to give their muscles an ideal shape.

Tereshin was given the apt nickname “bazooka hands” and began to be placed in pictures ridiculing “jocks” who were overly passionate about their bodies.

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