Who is “cleaning up” Channel One from “While everyone is at home”? Leave the First. Why presenters are leaving the federal TV channel Why Kizyakov left for Channel 2

In a telephone conversation with a Daily Storm correspondent, Timur Kizyakov, author and presenter of “While Everyone is Home,” said that in fact it was not “Channel One” that abandoned the program: its creators themselves made the decision to leave at the end of spring, and now the topics have “raised “due to the flight of the presenters from the “first button” and the management’s attempts to hide it.

“On May 26 or 28, Channel One received from the Dom television company, which produces While Everyone is Home, an official letter with a stamp, signature, outgoing and incoming numbers,” said Timur Kizyakov, “that we are stopping the production of programs for Channel One. The management methods used by the management of Channel One have become unacceptable to us. I don't want to go into details now. Since the channel says this, it is an attempt to save face. Because the fact that the outcome of the leaders is happening is already obvious and probably means something. Nothing has been attributed to Andrey yet - they probably hope that he will return. If they realize that he will not return, they will obviously try to dig up something. And what’s interesting is that Channel One only woke up to scrupulousness in the first half of August: the program, it turns out, has a tarnished reputation. And this happened in December. The program is 25 years old this year, and when this clearly initiated scandal arose, what did the home channel do? He just stepped aside and pretended that he didn’t know us.

On Tuesday evening, RBC, citing sources close to Channel One, reported that the program “While Everyone is Home” will no longer be aired. The reason for the severance of relations was an internal audit, which began after it became known that Timur and Elena Kizyakov took money for the production of video passports of orphans for the section “You will have a child” from several sources at once - from the TV channel, the state and from sponsors .

“As for financing, it comes from two sources,” explained Timur Kizyakov. - This is government funding: the Ministry of Education, which very strictly monitors what money is allocated for and how it is spent. And sponsors. Moreover, we fundamentally refuse the help of private individuals, but work with large, serious companies. For example, with Ernst&Young, which conducted an audit and was convinced of how good this (production of video passports - 30-minute films with seven thematic chapters about orphans - DS note) is.

Kizyakov also confirmed receiving money from the TV channel, but he does not see anything criminal in this.

— The video passport and the rubric are two different products. The section lasts five minutes. The presenter flies to a distant northern region for two days. Tickets there, tickets back, hotel. This is a separate product. The video passport is filmed separately. And when this section appeared in the program and the cost estimate increased, naturally, this was included in the purchase price of the program. The cost is comparable to the reporting that would be done from those places. There can be no question of any exorbitant financing. Why does a video passport cost 100 thousand? Governors sometimes had doubts about this figure. Sometimes they don’t really understand production. I suggested: now your assistant calls the local television studio and says that we are a mid-range company and want to order a 20-minute film about ourselves, two or three interviews. And filming - in several places. And they named two or three prices for a video passport.

The scandal with video passports arose in December 2016, after TASS journalist Tatyana Vinogradova left a post on Facebook with the following content (spelling preserved):

“Many of you, of course, know the program “While Everyone is Home,” which is constantly hosted by Timur Kizyakov. I have always considered video stories about orphans who are looking for parents through this TV show to be very useful. But I thought it was a charity project of Channel One. How surprised I was to learn that, it turns out, Kizyakov makes video passports for orphans at the expense of the Ministry of Education and Science. One video passport - 100 thousand rubles. Tender per year - 10 million rubles. And at the same time, as a representative of the Ministry of Education said at the meeting, Kizyakov is suing other charitable organizations that are trying, at their own expense, with the help of volunteers, to make such video passports for other children from orphanages, trying to place as many children as possible in families. He is suing because he registered the copyright for the “video passport.” And most of the courts win, the Ministry of Defense added.”

“This stuffing that happened in December,” said Kizyakov, “everything happened there very simply.” On December 17, we had a reception with the Minister of Education Olga Vasilyeva in order to talk about the real situation that is happening in the matter of information support for children and their placement in families. And we proposed very tough, very strict, very merciless conditions for what is truly benign video production, which is aimed at children. To cut off those who pursue other goals. And literally two days later there was this stuff on the Internet about how we were making money and what we weren’t doing from it. For these companies that see self-interest, we are a bone in their throat, because as long as we exist, there is something to compare with.

The program “While everyone is at home” is an old-timer on Channel One. Its story began back in 1992. Many residents of the country could not imagine their Sunday morning without watching this TV show. Her presenter received twice

What is the program about?

Viewers like to learn new interesting facts about the lives of their idols. The host of the “While Everyone is Home” program visited various celebrities. Over a cup of tea and refreshments, there was a conversation about the lives and careers of the program guests. Famous people talked about their family life and plans for the future. They boasted about the achievements of their children and grandchildren.

It is difficult to find a famous actor, athlete, singer, presenter, politician whose guest Timur Kizyakov has not visited. The program “While Everyone is Home” had several sections. The most popular for 18 years was “Crazy Hands”.

In it, Andrei Bakhmetyev made devices useful in everyday life from completely ordinary and sometimes unnecessary things.

Why did this section disappear?

What happened to the program “While everyone is at home” and where did Bakhmetyev disappear? More often there is a version according to which the culprit for the closure of “Crazy Hands” was the host of the program “While Everyone is Home.” Timur Kizyakov thus freed up time to expand the “You will have a child” column, which was hosted by his wife.

Viewers perceived this innovation negatively. Because Andrey Bakhmetyev brought a lot of humor and positive emotions to the program. Also, his inventions and devices were in demand among the residents of the country.

Now Andrey is in China and is successfully using his skills in large companies. He left television quietly and without scandal, which once again proved that he had the qualities of a real man.

What happened to the program "While everyone is at home"?

Dom LLC was involved in the filming and production of the program. Timur Kizyakov was a co-owner of this company. He had 49% of the shares and resolved many issues independently. Recently, his decisions largely did not coincide with the opinion of the management of Channel One and minor quarrels occurred on a regular basis.

Also, in the rating of “100 Russia” (from 4 years old), “While everyone is at home,” according to viewers, took a place below 50. This indicates that people’s interest has noticeably decreased and it is necessary to look for a new vision and concept of the program. Kizyakov strongly disagreed with this turn of events and considered this result to be a machination of competitors.

Why the program “While everyone is at home” was closed: version of the management of Channel One

With the emergence of the “You’re Having a Child” section, the concept of the program was somewhat changed. claims that Dom LLC received funding from the state, sponsors and directly from the channel.

Thus, the company earned huge money from running this section. According to reports, filming one video about an orphan child cost 100 thousand rubles. In total, the Dom company received about 100 million rubles for running this column, and this is only government funding.

Money from the TV channel and sponsors is added to this amount. According to experts, filming videos cannot be worth such costs. Therefore, it was decided to terminate the contract with Dom LLC and stop showing the program “While Everyone is Home.”

On August 15, there was an official announcement that the project would no longer appear on the screens of Channel One. The management considers the situation with the financing of “You’re Having a Child” scandalous and does not want to spoil its image.

Version by Timur Kizyakov

The presenter insists that the reason for the closure of the project was a slightly different reason. Why was the program “While everyone is at home” closed according to his version? With the beginning of the project “You will have a child,” Kizyakov bought a license for this type of activity. Therefore, other directors could not shoot similar videos. Even if such daredevils appeared, the Dom company sorted things out with them in court.

Kizyakov notes that during the entire existence of this section in the program, more than two and a half thousand children were adopted. He believes that for the sake of such results you can work more and more, and it doesn’t matter what monetary costs are needed for this. The presenter points out that high-quality videos with complete information about the child were shot with the money allocated. After these stories, future parents responded in a very short time.

Kizyakov also claims that sponsors’ money was used to buy a significant gift after each video and give it to the orphanage or boarding school where the little hero of the story is being raised.

Timur insists that he was the first to submit for consideration the termination of the contract with Channel One. He had long been dissatisfied with the management's attitude towards his transfer. According to the presenter, no one answered his letters with work questions about filming the program and he had to persistently seek a meeting with the managers. There were also delays in financing the project by Channel One, which have recently become regular.

Will the transmission continue?

Kizyakov believes that the audience’s love has not diminished and they are still fans of the “While Everyone is Home” program. The presenter claims that he will negotiate with other television channels in order for the program to continue to air.

He also points out that all the conspiracies and intrigues are being woven by his competitors, who want to start filming videos about orphans. Timur is not going to give up and together with his wife they will continue this business.

The presenter has plans to continue filming with celebrities in the future and has several scripts ready. He refutes all financial fraud with the filming of videos and considers this just negative activity of competitors in his direction.

TV presenter Timur Kizyakov broke off relations with Channel One of his own free will. He spoke about this in an interview with Kommersant FM. Previously, the management did not support Kizyakov and his team in a high-profile conflict - a scandal surrounding videos about orphans that were aired in the program “While Everyone is Home” since 2006. Later, Kizyakov and his wife Elena registered the “Video Passport” system and in 2014 received a tender from the state for the production of such videos. In addition, funding also came from sponsors. This caused a conflict between the channel’s management and the program team. Channel One even began an internal audit of the “While Everyone is Home” program.

- Please tell us about the essence of the conflict with Channel One.

I just returned from vacation, so I fully enjoyed the telephone versions of what was happening. The essence of the conflict is reflected in an official letter from our television company, which was transmitted and received by Channel One at the end of May of this year. It states, omitting the reason, that starting from June 4, we will stop producing the program for Channel One. This is the answer to the question of who broke off relations with whom. As for the reason, intelligently formulated, we can say that the methods of the management of Channel One have become unacceptable for us, and since we are not its employees, but are a company that produces content, we have the right to decide to maintain our self-esteem.

A number of media outlets, describing the story of video passports, mention that the state allocated funds for their production, and, in addition, the money came from certain philanthropists. Is it so?

The work on placing one child through a video passport cost and still costs 100 thousand rubles. That is, as it was 11 years ago, it remains so to this day. We have concluded an agreement with the Ministry of Education for the production of 100 video passports. Their creation is financed by the department. We sometimes produce 600 video passports a year, and this funding comes from various sources, including sponsors, and sometimes regions are involved when possible. Moreover, the sponsors are serious companies that value their reputation and which, before joining our common cause, analyzed and checked everything and everyone.

In response to the accusations, I want to say that this is a scandal, clearly inflated on the initiative of those companies that believe that we are their competitors, because they are doing business, and our quality is incomparable. So the stuffing was initiated.

For some reason, the Ministry of Education, which certainly knows a lot about this work and which has checked everything thoroughly, continues to work with us. I wonder why? For some reason, our reputation among officials has not changed. Now amateurs are trying to link this pseudo-scandal to our departure and present everything in such a light that it was not we ourselves who left Channel One, but that they abandoned us.

- Now many people remember that you sued some producers of similar video profiles.

They are trying to influence us with such methods in order to get rid of competitors. So, when we started this business 11 years ago, the word “video passport” was found, which had nothing to do with adoption. There were no words about the parents or the orphan. The word was simply found as a document. Not a single Internet search engine found it, because such a word did not physically exist. Over 11 years of work, it has become firmly associated with placing children in families with reliable information and video documentation. Then, in order to be responsible for our actions, we registered exactly this name - not the right to accommodate children, but precisely this name. There is nothing like that in this, as everyone understands. We were simply responsible for our work, we were responsible for it.

When we learned about ten years ago that in St. Petersburg, having thrown us out of the tender for the right to shoot video passports, the company that had previously been involved in apartment renovation won, and which began to shoot not 40-minute videos, but 40-second video concoctions, video crafts, and call it video passports, we wrote her a warning letter, suggesting that she change her name and disgrace herself under her own name. However, our proposal was cynically rejected. What was left for us? This was the only trial in our entire history. Therefore, talking about the fact that we are suing someone means lying. This is simply a lie, which we are ready to prove at any level.

- What is the future of the program, are there any plans already?

We plan to continue doing what we do, no matter what, because this is what we see as our civic duty. I also want to respond through your radio station to everyone who is trying to attribute this crime to us. Crimes always have a motive - the thirst for profit. The Video Passport project began 11 years ago. The program was then 14 years old, that is, we already had something to eat and live on, and we also had fame. And now they are trying to lump everything together in order to force us to make excuses. I believe that now people already have immunity; if they think about what is happening, then everything is obvious. Anonymous sources always come from somewhere and go somewhere. They blurt out something like that, and I have to explain and comment on it. Until some time, I will probably do this so that people understand what is happening. Also, now that there is such increased interest in the situation, there is an opportunity to really clarify what is going on.

Our website, called “Video Passport”, has all the data. To date, 3,227 children have been placed in families. That is, the average efficiency of our work is about 82%. The usual efficiency of our so-called colleagues is 30%, and they also do not do it for free. To those who like to reproach that philanthropists do not work selflessly, I would like to say - listen, when doctors perform an operation on a child, they also receive electricity for free, they are also given medical equipment for free? That is, these are just conversations designed for emotional incompetence.

Our ultimate goal is to provide all children with a video passport or video material. If there is a lot of these materials, then each film must have the utmost individuality. Because if they are formulaic, a person will get confused and drown in so many videos. Our only hope is that each such film will be made absolutely professionally and talentedly. Only then will the potential adoptive parents or adoptive parents of the child take notice. Therefore, we insist that each video be of a certain duration, but not less than 20 minutes, and that it contain a legal component, so that the person is explained what types of devices there are, so that extremely useful and understandable information is concentrated there.

I want to remind you of a story that happened on December 16, 2016. Elena Kizyakova and I attended a reception with the Minister of Education Olga Vasilyeva and told her about the real situation that is happening in the field of information support for children. We explained what indicators you need to look at, what really are signs of benefit for children, and what are signs of fraud and splurge. It’s very simple - if after all the efforts the efficiency of the children’s device has not increased, it means that all this is not being done for children, but for some other purpose. This is the main criterion. And we were understood.

After this, the minister called a meeting where our employees were instructed to pay special attention to this and strengthen control. What happened the next day? This is a massive hoax about the story of the “Video Passport” project. What doubts can there be here? The video passport is 11 years old, and for some reason it was leaked the day after our visit to the ministry. Moreover, it was listed as our fault that, it turns out, these competent works cost money, that we registered our name and that we, it turns out, are suing everyone, and this is a complete lie.

Interviewed by Alexey Sokolov

At the same time, Timur Kizyakov, during the preparation of the material, told RBC earlier today that he knew nothing about the termination of cooperation with Channel One. “I don’t have such information, I’m away,” during the first conversation with RBC.

Later, in a conversation with RBC, Kizyakov said that he had a “different” interpretation of the “story” that the channel made its decision “on the basis of some scandals.”

“I interpret it differently. The channel now needs to save face at all costs and find reasons so that the reason is in them,” said the TV presenter.

According to Kizyakov himself, in December 2016 he and his colleagues became victims of a “colossal hoax” that they were making money by filming videos about children in need of adoption.

He noted that at that time Channel One simply stepped aside and pretended not to know them, and only now found a way to “somehow save face.”

The fact that the companies Videopassport of the Child LLC, Videopassport-Tula LLC and the Videopassport charitable foundation, which belong to the creators of the While Everyone Is Home program, received funding in the amount of about 110 million rubles. to create videos about orphans from the Ministry of Education and Science and at the same time from regional authorities, the Vedomosti newspaper reported at the end of December 2016.

The videos, which were called video passports, were shown in the “You’re Having a Baby” section of the “While Everyone is Home” program and posted on the Channel One website. The section talked about children from orphanages in need of adoption.

According to procurement documents studied by Vedomosti, the production of one such video passport costs 100 thousand rubles. Vedomosti also found out then that the creators of “While Everyone is Home” were suing other charitable organizations that tried to use the term video passport and obtain government contracts for their production.

Channel One representative Larisa Krymova then stated that the channel did not know that the company producing the program was filming video passports with money received from the state. Krymova also added that the TV channel intends to look into whether this violates the terms of the contract.

In June 2017, Dom LLC entered into a contract with the Ministry of Education and Science for 10 million rubles. for the production of at least 100 new videos about children in need of adoption. The contract stipulates that at least 100 videos lasting 30 minutes must be posted on an Internet site “dedicated to the family arrangement of children without parental care,” with an average monthly traffic of at least 15 thousand unique users. Another “at least six” videos, each with a running time of at least six minutes, must be shown “on a federal television channel.”

Who else wanted to produce videos?

In addition to Dom LLC, the competition included Studio Morning LLC, registered in 2015, whose owner is listed as Marina Vladimirovna Romantsova. In addition, she is a co-owner of New Company Master LLC, New Company TV Plus LLC and New Company Image LLC. The New Company television group is part of the Transcontinental Media Company of Alexander Mitroshenkov. The website of the Academy of Russian Television Foundation says that Marina Vladimirovna Romantsova works at the New Company television company and participated in the creation of the “Subbotnik” program on the Russia 1 TV channel, the plot of which is reminiscent of the plot of “While everyone is at home”: the presenters come to visit to the star and talk about life over breakfast. Studio Morning LLC is engaged in the production of the program “Business Morning” about the global economy, the family budget and exchange rates on the NTV channel. In March 2017, VTB Bank entered into a contract with Studio Morning LLC for the placement of sponsorship advertising in the Business Morning program for 130 million rubles.

When asked by RBC about where 100 new videos about orphans, the production of which is provided for by this contract, will now be broadcast, Kizyakov explained that according to the contract, only a small part of the stories are aired. “According to the agreement, we do not have to show 100 passports, but we have to show a much smaller number on air and make an on-air version. According to the agreement, the Ministry of Education pays for the production of video passports, we undertake information support for video passports, which includes broadcasts, but not necessarily in the program “While everyone is at home”, the main thing is that it reaches a large audience. And we guarantee it. We will definitely show [the video clips provided for in the contract], they will go on air,” Kizyakov explained. Kizyakov could not answer the question about which channel the stories would be broadcast on. “We’ll think about it now,” he said.

"While everyone is at home"

The program “While Everyone is Home” has been on the air since November 1992. As part of the program, its author and presenter Timur Kizyakov comes to visit the families of famous artists, writers, musicians and athletes. In addition, the program had several permanent sections. The “Crazy Hands” column was published in 1992-2010, but was closed due to the departure of the presenter Andrei Bakhmetyev. The section “My Beast” tells about the heroes’ pets.

Since September 2006, the section “You will have a child” was broadcast, which talked about children from orphanages who need adoptive parents. It was hosted by the wife of the main presenter of the program, Elena Kizyakova.

In December 2016, it became known that companies that belong to the creators of the program “While Everyone is Home” have received about 110 million rubles from tenders of the Ministry of Education and Science, as well as regional authorities, since 2011. to create videos about orphans. Kizyakov himself told Vedomosti that since 2006, together with his wife and the “While Everyone is Home” film crew, they have created about 3 thousand such videos.

The producer of the program is the structures of the Transcontinental Media Company of Alexander Mitroshenkov, Dom LLC, registered in Moscow in November 2015. According to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (USRLE), 49.50% of the LLC belongs to Timur Kizyakov, the same share belongs to his long-time business partner Alexander Mitroshenkov, and another 1% belongs to the head of the company Nina Podkolzina.

The program is a three-time winner of the TEFI television award. In July 2017, it was included several times in the Mediascope ranking of the 100 most popular programs among Russians over four years of age, ranking 39-56 in it.

TV presenter Timur Kizyakov, together with the “While Everyone is Home” project, left Channel One of his own free will back in May, after a scandal with the video passports of orphans for whom adoptive parents were sought as part of the program. Kizyakov himself told the media about this on Tuesday.

Earlier, information appeared in the media that the program would no longer be broadcast on Channel One. On the channel's website, its last release is dated June 4, 2017. The permanent host of the program since 1992 has been Timur Kizyakov. His wife Elena hosted the column “You will have a child.”

Let us remind you: the charitable part of Kizyakov’s program (the section “You will have a child”) was suspected of additional funding.

It turned out that such video cards with orphans cost a lot of money. This fact was voiced by the head of the department of state policy in the field of protection of children's rights of the Ministry of Education and Science, Evgeny Silyanov, at the final meeting with deputy governors for social issues, representatives of the Ministry of Education and Science.

“I have always considered video stories about orphans to be very useful,” TASS correspondent Tatyana Vinogradova wrote on her Facebook page. - But I thought it was a charity project of Channel One. How surprised I was to learn that, it turns out, Kizyakov makes video passports for orphans at the expense of the Ministry of Education and Science, website. One video passport - 100 thousand rubles. Tender per year - 10 million rubles. And at the same time, as a representative of the Ministry of Education said at the meeting, Kizyakov is suing other charitable organizations that are trying, at their own expense, with the help of volunteers, to make such video passports for other children from orphanages...

The press service of Channel One then explained that the channel was not involved in the creation of the project:

“Channel One is buying the program “While everyone is at home” from the company “Dom” (formerly “TMK” and “While everyone is at home”). Since we are not involved in the creation of the project, we do not know the details of the authors’ relationships with government organizations, including financial ones. We have always considered charitable projects to be an important matter, and, of course, the column about orphans was welcomed by the channel. The information you provide is news to us. We'll figure out".

The Kizyakovs themselves (the presenter’s wife, Elena, also worked on the column) assured the journalists that they did not embezzle other people’s money and spent all the funds for their intended purpose.

It should be noted that Kizyakov’s program really helped many orphans. Over the 11-year history of the “You're Having a Child” column, many orphans have found homes.

In particular, Kizyakov’s program helped the lead singer of the Mirage group, Margarita Sukhankina, become a mother.

In 2012, the singer adopted two children from Tyumen - 3-year-old Lera and 4-year-old Seryozha. The singer saw the kids in the program “While Everyone is Home” and immediately decided to take them from the orphanage.

The media reached Timur Kizyakov. The presenter did not refute his departure from the “first button”, but was laconic.

— Timur Borisovich, we heard that you are leaving Channel One. “While Everyone is Home” has gained so many fans over the years. Of course, they are worried about the future of the program. We wanted to know if you will be doing your program on another TV channel? - we asked Kizyakov.

“I won’t comment on this situation now,” Timur Kizyakov, the creator of “While Everyone is Home,” answered the media.

Channel One also did not comment on the situation.

The program “While Everyone is Home” has been aired since 1992. Over the years, the most famous people in the country have become Kizyakov’s heroes: Stas Mikhailov, Kristina Orbakaite, Alexander Malinin, Valentin Yudashkin, Valeria, Ivan Okhlobystin, Alina Kabaeva, Vladimir Menshov, Andrei Arshavin, Yuri Kuklachev and many others.